Page 1: Comenius Project  Culture Change And Sport
Page 2: Comenius Project  Culture Change And Sport

1. The Striker

(the person hitting or

"striking" the ball) has a limit

on the number of tries to hit the

ball. Usually 3 or 5 bowls. If he hasn’t hit the

ball by the last allowed bowl he must run to first post (Sanctuary)

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2. The ball must be thrown by the ‘feeder’ directly to the bat of the bats person. If it is too high or too low it will be deemed a ‘no-ball’ by the umpire. A no-ball does not count towards the batsman’s total ball throws per turn.

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3. Any Hit - RUN! Any time the ball contacts the stick, even a "tip", it is a valid hit and the Striker must run. The ball may be struck anywhere! The Runners at the Sanctuaries may begin running as soon as the ball is struck -- whether it is a good hit or an Out doesn't matter, once the Runner begins to run, KEEP GOING! If a ball is hit and goes behind the batting spot, the batsman must still run but can only go to first base/post (Sanctuary).

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4. Run Clockwise! Upon hitting the ball, the Striker then must run clockwise around the Sanctuaries. The runner does not need to touch any of the Sanctuaries but must run so he/she passes outside of each Sanctuary.

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• 5. Striker is Out. The Striker is out if the hit is caught. The striker or any runner already running round the sanctuaries can be out if a fielder makes contact with the ball onto a Sanctuary before the runner reaches it.

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• 6. Runner is Out. The Runner is out if he is plugged (hit with a thrown ball) while running. He is not out if he grasps a Sanctuary before he is plugged. Note: the Striker becomes a Runner as soon as he begins running.

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• 7. Sanctuaries Work Once. Once a Runner has touched a Sanctuary, he may not let go of it and then grasp it again - it has been used up for that runner. The runner should hold or touch the sanctuary until he is allowed to run again. Once a runner lets go of a sanctuary they must run to the next one, even if it is obvious that they will then be run out….moral of this rule – don’t let go of your post/sanctuary!!!

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• 8. In until Out. A player is "In" until he has been gotten out. This also applies to the Castle – the place for players who are waiting to play - all players who are "In" must remain in the Castle (they are "Defenders"), if they step out they are "Out".

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• 9. Undefended Castle is Vulnerable. If there are no Defenders in the Castle (for instance, the last Defender just struck the ball and is now a Runner and all other players are runners in the outfield) the Attacking team (the team fielding in the outfield) may capture the Castle by plugging the Castle Stone – in other words the fielders may touch last post/base/ sanctuary before other remaining runners get to it. They may not now run and cannot get back to the castle so they are all out

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• 10. Everybody Out. The teams change sides when the entire Defending team is Out, or when the Castle has been captured.

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• 11. Two Rounders. If the last Defender hits the ball and makes it all the way back into the Castle in one run (a "Rounder") twice in a row then everyone on his team is back In again.

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• 12. No Blockades. No Attacking team member may get in the way of a Runner in an attempt to prevent him from grasping a Sanctuary or proceeding around the Sanctuaries.

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