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179th Knowledge Seekers Workshop July 6, 2017

Draft v2

Comments by transcriber Cornelius van Dorp

One week into the count down for the signing of the World Peace Treaty at

Mt Carmel, Mr. Keshe has been online about 6 hours every day with the

blueprints for World Peace… a small dip into that on the day of the usual

medical workshop showed a glimpse of a Core Team of 12 or 14 members

around the world, interlocked with the structure of the Earth Council of 6

continents, and the Universal Council of about 33 (of 144) world languages

– a beautiful vision manifesting on the world wide web with several

thousand lucky people tuning in, and the vast mass of 7 billion completely


This workshop marks the first anniversary of the death of Fabio and critical

injuries to Naomi, who recently emerged from her coma rewarding the

efforts of Giovanni her father to wake her up with the plasma technology

and repair her damaged brain and body… As a kind of a present for Fabio

and Naomi their friends Stanley and Ella presents the new sharp and

beautiful Keshe foundation website.

Mr. Keshe is evidently having a hard time suppressing his anger in this

workshop and spends some time berating and belittling his dedicated

knowledge seekers, prompting Libby later in the workshop to ask him why

he is doing this? The reason why is actually very clear when we find out

about the betrayal by one of the Ghana politicians who has evidently labeled

the Kf as a cult and denied the government certification of the Kf products at

the same time as massive roll out of technology is occurring across Africa,

and around the world. Apparently, the minister in question – who gave

testimonials to the technology during his speech at the Ghana science

conference of Oct 2016 – has taken a back-pocket payout and even

questioned the background and training of Mr. Keshe as a nuclear engineer

at St Mary’s College London. The following day in the Blueprints for Peace

process MK went into this interesting detail – which we saw thanks to

Sandor – many thanks for your updates to KfNZ… transcriptions running all

the way back to the beginning of the Knowledge Seeker workshops can also

be found here

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Content Index

Opening is the memorial for Fabio and the progress of Naomi for her


Naomi’s father Giovanni says a few words

Stanley and Ella present the new website

It has come to light in the past few weeks that the KF has become a ‘cult’.

A betrayal in Ghana

Directors of Ghana Atomic have received savings of up to 80% in their

power bills

Those who block us are imprisoned within their own brain while the Kf is

growing beyond imagination

I am not Moses to show magic or Jesus to raise the dead.

Italy pays Ghana 20,000 for one Unit

Now you start seeing the development of the technology and massive

exports from Africa into Europe

KF is solid in its work. But the KF has one big problem – it has a huge

ethos, which is equality of man and peace through technology

We thank all the Chinese supporters and laboratories and all of you who

have one way or another created a small factory

The next foundation will be South American.

Evidence of duplicity and deceit

Trevor is concerned things are not moving fast enough.

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We are not a cult

Starvation on a European island

Charles will tell how he has lived on water for the last 6 months

Trevor asks if Mr. Keshe is human and if not where is he from?

Libby asks why MK is berating and belittling the knowledge seekers

Carolina: Mr. Keshe, this is Carolina.

I think it would be nice if you finish with a video of Fabio; he brought a lot

of joy to us.

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Opening is the memorial for Fabio and the progress of Naomi for her


10:42 Rick Welcome everybody to the 179th KSW – today July 6th is the 1

year anniversary of the passing of Fabio Alfonso, and we will play a video

made by Flint Mulhausen as a dedication to the passing of Fabio…

19:25 Rick describes how Fabio passed in a car accident on July 6, 2016.

Also, Naomi was in the accident and was in a coma for most of the last year.

Flint has also put together a video about the recovery process of Naomi…

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Naomi’s father Giovanni says a few words

32.06 Mr. Keshe (K): I think it would be appropriate to hear from Naomi’s

father, Giovanni to say some words.

32:26 Giovanni: Hi Mr. Keshe, good morning to everybody. First of all, I

want thank you and your family who have supported us through this period.

What you have seen is only part and the improvements with Naomi who has

improved better than you see. The problem is not a problem of the brain but

the ability to articulate. The therapist in the hospital didn’t work on

articulation because they thought Naomi would die. Her difficulties are that

she cannot move for this reason. Now I think we can solve the problems

with a therapist and very soon she can walk again. So, I want to say to you

that all the work that you taught me to do with the GaNS and the soul have

worked very, very good and the improvement is so fast, every time the

therapist comes with the program and Naomi has progressed so much they

can’t use the program they were going to use. She is improving and I hope

soon we can listen to her voice.

Giovanni: It is difficult to describe but I see the eyes have changed. She

appears like a new person, a new soul. The look of the eyes is very deep.

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One work I did with the GaNS was when I dreamed with her, I put my hand

in her hand and feel the life and my neuro-system was transmitting to her

neuro-system. I transferred all the information in my brain to her brain. After

a few minutes, her hand and my hand disappeared and we became like one. I

tried to put the connection of my soul with her soul and my brain with her

brain. This was good and improved her recovery. I took a (soul) path like the

(soul) path that was damaged and it was weaker so if I push the path, she

will improve because we are connected now. I think that this was very

interesting because I have seen it is really something that has happened this

way. I want to thank you from the depths of my heart for me, for Naomi, for

my family because every day we think of Fabio too. Today we go to pray for


Giovanni: Now I am really concentrating on Naomi when I saw the program

with Naomi start to work. The next step for Naomi is to have her completely

recover. I give her the CO2, ZnO and CH3 and I notice her humor has

changed. It is like a child and she wants to play continuously and with much

love always kissing and always joking. It is very strange, wonderful and

amazing to see her this way. This is a blessing for what has happened. She is

a wonderful being now and completely different than before. It’s a pleasure

to sit with her, play with her and help her to improve. I do what I can and I

prepare for the next step. I know the lessons that you give Mr. Keshe such as

the cancer that can have two reasons—one could be the seed and the other

can be a trauma.

Giovanni: Naomi received a big trauma and I don’t know in the future if I

can develop this kind of program so I try to be ready for now. So, I start and

prepare. I want to be ready. I want to tell you and everybody thank you very

much for the praying that you have done for Naomi, Fabio and my family. I

hope to give you very soon some good news from her. Thank you again.

41:34 K: thank you very much, Giovanni. As many of us know, Naomi has

survived a horrendous accident. When we look at the MRI of the brain, the

bones and the hip, the hip was fractured and separated. She was sent to the

hospital to die, but Giovanni would not give up. He did everything possible

he could do using all sorts of things that he made himself with GaNSes,

helmets and patches. We see the change and she will be with us in totality

very soon. Unfortunately, we lost Fabio. In so many ways we celebrate both

lives and Naomi will be back with us very soon the way we set it up and the

way that it is working. It shows the new way in the world of medicine and

the new way in processing for the human body. We do not need to go

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through what we go through. We kept that way. I thank Giovanni for

devoting his life to his daughter. If it wasn’t him, I don’t think any other

father would be able to pull this beautiful girl from where she was and where

she is and we see her coming out.

K: I saw her a few weeks ago before I left for Ghana. Very soon in the next

6 to 12 months we will see her back to maximum normality. As Giovanni

says she has become very cheeky. Maybe she is enjoying this second chance

to live. And she has started from the beginning. She knows everybody and

she knows how to play. Usually when you remember playing and music you

get a full recovery. We will see what comes up; they have saved her with the

new technology. I would like those who claim life cannot be recovered to

see that it can with the new technology. There is every chance to bring

people out of coma, and we see this clearly. The hip and bone damage

fractures we cannot see anymore. We will most probably the next time she is

with us she will tell us and joke with us.

44:40 K: we bless Fabio’s soul: I was the last person who spoke to him and I

was the last person who saw his coffin being sealed. The life of the

foundation has changed because of his passing. We left the premises because

none of us could work in those premises that had so much joy and laughter.

There were many kisses and cuddles; this is how both of them were in the

office. You walked in and they were both sitting together—two secretaries

watching the door at the same time. We couldn’t separate them and there

was nothing but joy and laughter between the two of them. They brought a

lot of joy to us and in so many ways we remember Fabio for what he

brought us and we celebrate the life of Naomi in the time to come. It is no

good going back to how and what happened; we all know how this accident

was set up and the hand of those who were in it. This will be opened up for

those who know.

K: We celebrate the beautiful life of those two together and they brought so

much joy to all of us. The technology is complete and as Giovanni has said

Naomi was sent to a section of the hospital that only one other body came

out of that section alive. The rest were sent to die. And she was sent there to

complete her cycle but with the love and devotion of her father and he

literally produced all sorts of GaNSes of everything possible and put it

around her at night. He has brought her back. We will celebrate the life and

most probably she will tell us how happy she was when she sees these

pictures of playing and joyfulness.

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46:55 K: as we are aware we started the teaching of the soul in the past few

weeks. In a very simple way Giovanni explained it in a complete cycle. A

father giving from his soul to his child to recover and he tells you where he

is weaker because that is where she is taking. He can give and in so many

ways that regenerates life. It will take a long, long time for man to

understand the gift of this technology unless you are touched by it. There are

many people who want to see miracles and free energy and they promote all

sorts of things against the work of science the way it is. But, these videos

and these pictures speak on their own. We let the doctors in the time to come

who met her when she arrived in the hospital and then who she is and what

she becomes in the coming time to speak.

K: This is a miracle of knowledge and science. Giovanni and I looked at the

MRIs many times and we looked at everything possible to see where the

damage is and what he can do. As a father, he did everything possible using

the technology to its maximum. In time, he will teach how to do for other

families who are in the same situation. We needed between 3 and 5 months

for a total stability of the brain and the body before we could bring the body

out of coma. This is how you proceed. The repairs were done during the

time she was in the coma.

K: according to doctors and present medicine she should never have come

out of coma and she should never have survived. We teach—hopefully

Giovanni will teach other families who are in the same position and how the

mothers and fathers can do, what to do to get their children out of coma. I

will not do this; Giovanni has done it. He has a certificate as a medical man

and he can teach. What is interesting is how many ways we can use this

technology with a different kind of brain or head damage.

49:40 K: If you bring the X-ray up and look at the hip you will see

something very strange. The doctors would not operate because the fracture

was so deep and so separated. It was impossible and that would have been

the cause of death. Most people with these kinds of fractures die because

you look at the hip and it is centimeters apart. You can see the broken arm

and leg and these are repairable, but usually with hip fractures and

separation it is two parts of the body totally separated. Without any

operation to achieve what has been achieved is a miracle of science. (50.30)

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K: we have to wait and see. Go to the X-ray of the hip and you can see the

fracture and then no fracture. It has taken a very long time to bring that in.

You can see it in one of these pictures. (50.50) the separation is huge and

there was no operation whatsoever. It was so close to the spinal cord that the

doctors refused to operate because they thought she would not survive. We

cannot even see the fractures anymore. This is the beauty of it. (51.13) in

time the world of science will use this technology to do these kinds of

medical processes.

K: they are accusing the foundation of being a health system. You can see

the fracture there on the left right on the hip next to the spinal cord. And then

if you come to the other side you will see at the bottom total broken bones.

Now we look at the next X-ray and there is no fracture, no sign of it. The

body has totally recovered. This is why they would not do the operation and

this is why she was sent to die because these kinds of hip fractures without

operations are not repairable. And they lead to death from poisoning of the

bone. In the final X-ray, you can see that everything is absolutely perfect. I

wonder which doctor can say this is a miracle or that this technology has not

done its job. If I had been given a chance to have access to Fabio, he would

have lasted a few more days than instant death and I would have brought

him back.

K: I have the knowledge and I have the pleasure of enjoying and sharing my

knowledge with the people who are to use it. This is right of every mother

and every father to have their child even under these horrendous conditions.

We are unique at KF because we understand the essence of creation. You

take these X-rays to a doctor and show the girl standing up and walking

without any operation and without any damage. 53.37

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55:30 K: All the components and pieces you see is what Giovanni has made

from his experience of being around the foundation and this has led to what

we see as the life back for a father to enjoy. We have been challenged

whether we could bring somebody back from a coma and you see it can be

done. This is not only for comas but absolute non-reversal conditions. We

ask those parents who have to learn like this or the mothers or fathers that

are in coma, we offer you the same chance. You do it at home and you don’t

need any medication. This is not medicine; it is simply using the structure of

the environment of the body of the man. The body does the repair and finds

its position.

K: those who don’t understand will accuse and dismiss. Those who

understand know there is no ‘miracle’ and that this is more understanding of

the structure of the man. Many people want to see a power unit to show

energy and they don’t accept that a life can be saved. Those people don’t

want to be around the foundation and in a way, they don’t want to be living

the life of a man because to them nothing has value. I celebrate the life of

Naomi in so many ways because in the long run in a very simple way the

technology has proven its worth and it has saved a life. A father can hold the

hand of a daughter, and she can stand up. And very soon you will understand

that she will be amongst us. To the present science this was an absolute

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impossibility. To the KF supporters and the people who use it, it is absolute


K: A year ago today I was the last one who said goodbye to these two as

they passed me in the car park. And one year later I can see her back. I have

watched many videos and pictures that Giovanni sends me on a regular basis

to see the progress and what we could do next. But we have shown that not a

single doctor has done a single thing to save this life as to them with their

knowledge this life was finished. Now we have to see how we can bring this

out and teach the others to do it. Maybe in the coming weeks once we see

the completion of the process with Naomi we set the program for Naomi

shown and to be with us and for Giovanni to show other parents or children

how to bring a life back from a coma and how to be able to be given a

second chance.

K: as you have seen the hospital has no understanding and this was all done

by the knowledge and the work of the man. We teach this. We will teach this

very simply so that others can follow. You follow the process and now you

can literally bring back life. Those of you, who are very fast putting videos

out to discredit us, please put this out for our credibility. Thank you very

much Giovanni and his wife who have been there solidly. We watched the

family go through a lot of pain and now we see the joy and playfulness

coming back to the home. You see more or less what we saw every day.

K: we will start a program of what we call … Look at the joyfulness of

this…this is what Naomi likes to play and Fabio was a perfect match for

play. We are getting her back. We will set up a program for coma and we

will teach as Giovanni has certification of the medical practice; he will teach

his knowledge step by step of how to get his daughter to stand up as we see.

That is the broken hip as you saw and the two parts of the body were totally

separate. That kind of broken bone with no operation would not allow such a

position and such a gain. I have been through such a recovery myself from

falling off a horse 8 to 10 years ago and they all said it was impossible. Now

they see it. (1.02.13)

K: To put the pressure on the head, to stand up, to be able to stand up with

no operation usually the patient falls and they have to put ropes and strings

tied around him and everything else. You see in the video when Naomi

stands—none of this is needed. That is the miracle of the new technology.

Those who have to show something to their families that a miracle is

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possible they can see this video. It is possible and it is due to the technology.

Giovanni said that Naomi and one other person for the 6 months she was in

that hospital left the hospital alive. They all left in body bags and that is

where they were sent when there was no hope for life. I thank you for your

soul, Fabio and I thank you for your soul, Naomi. I’m sure you will bring a

lot of joy to all of us again.

K: as we said we had a part that we promised and in time we carried it out.

The KF webmaster team and the directors of KF who run the foundation

now have been working for 6 to 12 months to change the look of the KF on

the website. I leave that pleasure for Stanley and Ella who worked so hard

for the change. They wanted to show that change today to celebrate the life

of Fabio. I leave it with Stanley and Ella to explain what happened with the

new look of the KF and thank you both of you and the webmaster team

behind. It is not complete but it has started and as of today this is the new

look for the KF.

Stanley and Ella present the new website

01:04:41 Stanley and Ella: hello everybody; more than a year ago we had a

plan and Fabio was included. He was eager to help us in this endeavor to

make adjustments and in the tragic event that happened we postponed it until

later. We slowly return to what would have been then. This is the new

webpage for KF technology. We hope this page will always be on the


Keshe Foundation The Place Where Science Meets the Soul of the Man.


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We are constantly adding the new knowledge and making adjustments. This

is the share the knowledge with the whole world. That was the wish of Fabio

and this is our wish. Some of the pages are getting new content, and we are

working in the background. We will have this so people can navigate

through the information and actually help them to progress as fast as


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Stanley: what you see here on the home page, there will always be some hot

topics presented and you can stoop at any of them. Each page has a lot of

information if you scroll down. You can see what the goal of the foundation

is. You can see where the video recordings are and you can watch the

teachings from Mr. Keshe. On this page (Education) you see the Blueprint

for Humanity and the count down for achieving our goal. We are working on

the workshops, and that should start soon. You can find information on the

workshops and you can find out who Mr. Keshe and more about the

foundation. You can click on the pictures and you get the timeline of events,

such as on Mr. Keshe working to bring this knowledge to us. When you

scroll to the end there is more information and it shows the foundation in all

the countries with links to the WebPages of all those Keshe Foundations

with the pictures of the country flags.

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Stanley: there is the peace roadmap that was put together by Mr. Keshe

some time ago. We have the Peace roadmap page.

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Come to this page daily and you will see the changes. We have another page

on GaNS and Nano-Materials. You can see the summary information, and

you can learn more in each part. We will be adding information through the

learning process. On the educational side, there is information on the Kfssi

education for people to join to add to their knowledge. There is a student

application form in this section. There is another section on Mr. Keshe’s


Ella: for the education part – people can go to links to the part of education

they want to join and certain language segment. For the public teachings, it

is easy to join. For the private teachings, you have to be one of our students

to join. Go to the private teaching section and you have the option of what

you want to join. Everything is on one page.

Stanley: this is where you can go to the Zoom application and join the


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Ella: for the manufacturing, we have ongoing work on those pages. The

stores will be changed as well. Every picture will direct you to the web store.

You have links everywhere so you can go to another section. This will grow

as our manufacture grows as well.

Stanley: You will see the payment application on the mobile phones. You

can expand the menu. You also have the social networking applications such

as Facebook. We will present more information in the next weeks and

months as we publish more information. We really miss you Fabio and we

hope you are happy to see the webpages we talked about come into place.

Thank you, Mr. Keshe.

01:20:23 K: thank you Stanley for everything. You have done a fantastic

job. Thank you, Ella, for all your effort you put in on this. We spent a lot of

time and effort to change this over the last 2 ½ years. Now we have it; we

can develop it and it’s flexible. It is interesting to see where we can take this

to the next level.

01:21:33 K: As we have seen the joy of life in the past few minutes and how

are lives are changed by one father and one daughter, as I have said many

times, when I look at these pictures and see how a father can hold the hand

of a daughter again and teach her to walk and talk I think the pain I have

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been through has been worth it. No other technology has been used, and

Naomi’s life was saved by understanding the body of the man. This is not

medicine; this is the change of environment. It does not matter how long the

brain stays in damaged condition; we can always recover it. We can let the

body repair itself as long as the soul of the man is within the body of the

man the physicality can be fixed now that we understand this technology.

K: It has come to light in the past few weeks that the KF has become a

‘cult’. We haven’t become a cult; you (accusers) have made us a cult

because this way you can sideline it. But in fact, everything has been

sidelined. We have been told we have become a cult because we show the

state of the soul in the position of the body of the man and with it we

understand the creation of it. We have been accused of becoming the cult

because people are becoming aware of their own conduct and the way they

can be used by themselves in ways they can improve and elevate their own


K: by making us to look like a cult they try to carry on with the abuse of the

past. But, strangely enough as a ‘cult’ we have no regulations, rituals or

temples. What a strange cult; it is a cult of the soul of the man. This morning

when I was coming to start the teachings I went back to something very

interesting. The first man who said the earth was not the center of the

universe of creation was killed. Now the first man who says the center of

creation is the center of the man is _____ too. (1.24.50) it is a very strange

situation. Man has not changed in thousands of years and we have not grown

in any shape or form and we listen to a bunch of lies. And we believe them

and now we give them the internet to shout more.

01:25:20 K: we have asked the securities to look around and see what is

happening to the KF worldwide. There are 4 or 5 people that have taken 7

billion to ransom literally harassing, cajoling, threatening, lying, cheating

and everything else possible. One question to ask is do we allow 5 thieves

and bandits to try to change the world. Has the brain of the man become so

feeble? Whatever is written on the internet is by 2 people. If humanity can

be cajoled by 4 or 5 people that humanity does not exist in the way it sees.

Only for those who understand that we can elevate, need to understand.

K: we have seen that they have threatened, lied and done everything possible

– 4 people to take what gives life back away from mankind. Many people

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have tested and tried many aspects of the foundation’s work and as they

don’t need it, they don’t understand the use at the time when they use it. Or

they test it. When it comes to it, it will show its power. The GaNSes are

sitting there; the plates of copper and zinc are there. When they were put

together the way we advised, we have seen we got a life back.

01:27:09 K: we are getting many lives back. The interesting thing is most of

you measure the work of the foundation by one thing—the power unit.

Those of you who made it and used it the correct way have seen reduction.

Those of you, who didn’t understand the way it worked, which is a few of

you, blamed on the others the lack of work and understanding of yourself.

We have seen a lot of pressure on the foundation. We have no pressure.

Every pressure on us by others has brought more fruit, more work and more


A betrayal in Ghana

01:27:54 K: As many of you are aware, we moved to Ghana and we were

invited to work with the Atomic Commission. We were set up to work in a

small space in the Atomic Commission. We made a good job of it and we

employed nearly 20 highly educated people. Then these (4 or 5) people

started cajoling, lying and cheating. There were almost 400 phone calls to

one director in one day. We were told by the press, and we were aware of it.

Then it came to the point that all of the input into the work of the

corporation was by KF. We were the only one doing all the work and

developing everything. As the director of Atomic said, they just gave us a

small space. We grew out of the space and we are moving out of the space.

01:28:53 K: But, on the other hand, it became clear that the people we are

dealing with are not in control of the Atomic. We were given the land to

build on and we found out that the people who signed the papers have no

right to sign any papers. Now we have been given another piece of land

where we will build the space ship center on that piece of land. The directors

of the Atomic had no right to sign any land to anyone and in that way, they

could cover the whole process.

01:29:30 K: We have been told we have no scientific credibility… but all

our products have been certified by the standard boards for everything we

have submitted. Not a single item has been refused or needed to be adjusted.

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The foundation has certification and now we move in another situation in

Africa with 6000 (feet?) of manufacturing space. This time we don’t need

to…as of this week a decision has been made. No organization ever allows

or tells where they go and what they do and we go the same way. We

increase our workforce to 400 to 600 in the next months in Africa, and at the

same time we build the space technology center in Africa. KF has become a

global structure, and we carry on the same. We are proud in what we do.

01:30:39 K: all this cajoling has brought us more work and joys and in so

many ways we have become better off by moving out of Atomic. We thank

the staff and directors of Atomic, and we have received many

communications since yesterday about why we should have not left, we are

the only ones who brought life into Atomic. We thank the directors of

Atomic and the people that are there. In time the Foundation has become a

multi-national organization and we have to move on. As I said they had no

space to give us. A very small space was given to us with no financial

support in any shape or form.

01:31:34 K: We are happy with what we have achieved and all our products

have received certification by the Ghanaian government and by the

authorities that they have put in position. This is good for us because in so

many ways we came to understand the people who told us they had

everything had nothing to offer us any further and we thank them all for

what they gave us. Those who are rejoicing they have to go and read and

listen to the videotape of VJB at the opening. They had all the facilities and

they tested everything of the foundation and they were allowed to join.

01:32:25 K: The only problem that came which is a shame that Africans

have to be led and treated as 2nd class citizens. Africans have to be paid so

low they are always hand-to-mouth. This is what we broke and many people

in the Ghana Atomic and organizations with Ghana Atomic did not like this.

We are paying wages to our staff that are equal to engineers with a first

degree in Europe. Where normal staff are paid no more than 500 to 1000 CV

which is roughly when you divide it is about 200 euros a month.

01:33:17 K: this is shameful. We went to the limit and we pay our staff 4000

CV and there was a lot of resentment—how can an organization pay 4 times

the national income to students who did not have a job and could not find a

job. This is the main problem where the foundation was sitting inside

Atomic. People with 10 years’ experience in Ghana engineers with PhDs

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earn somewhere around 2000 to 2500 a month, if that. This is roughly 500

euros. We pay basic wages to our graduates and after 3 months training they

get 4000 to 5000 CV a month. This is around 1000 euro a month or 12,000

euros a year. This is normal for a first degree. As they learn more and take

charge and we move them into different premises, they earn around 20,000 a

year. This is the way it should be.

01:34:30 K: We are bringing dignity back to Africa. One of the main reasons

and there was huge opposition to us in Atomic, our staff was earning equal

to the directors and management at the highest level and more or less equal

to the general of Ghana Atomic. Young boys with a masters’ degree earning

5000 euro is unheard of in Africa. My belief is that if I don’t pay these guys

the right wage they will take to the boats. Some of them will get drowned on

the way, some will walk all sorts of ways through Africa to go to Europe to

clean toilets and to get paid maybe 100 to 200 pounds a week if they are


K: I gave dignity back to Africa. If this is the way they like it, it will get

worse when we employ 400 to 600 people, only graduates. We train them

and we pay them the same wages. We are proud to be in Africa and our new

partners are proud to be with us because they are of the same ethos. We

don’t just talk; we act, we behave and we live by the ethos of the foundation.

Now you can understand why there was so much opposition to us by those

who pushed from outside. It is because we give equality without regard to

the color of the skin. I am proud and I thank the director of Atomic

Commission and all those who supported us to reach a point now that we

have certification we can move anywhere in Africa. Ghana certification is

equal to European C certification or American certification.

01:36:50 K: This was in a way a blessing for us. We spread our work across

Africa, and we are investing more. We have announced a massive

investment to our staff, and we will carry on developing across Africa. We

pay European wages and we respect our workers according to the ethos of

the KF. When you want to get rid of somebody, you have to make all sorts

of accusations. If you read the communication, it said we had no

certification from the standards board. It was proven that KF received

certification from the standards board over 4 weeks ago.

01:37:40 K: They know the truth so it was very shocking how we have been

told we don’t have certification issued by Ghanaian authorities after 5

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months of testing all our materials and everything else. So, we see a clear

path but we are very happy because this was the reason we were given the

land. Where we were was too small. So now we have found a place out of

the region and we train more educated people to develop more in Africa. It is

shame to do what has been done to Africa. Brain drain, insult, demeaning,

and then when they are finished send them back home. We nourish and

teach the young. They eat with me at the same table, and they walk with me

in the same offices in the same places. I work with them and I make systems

with them when I am there and I teach them on a daily basis.

01:39:04 K: I take them to the most expensive hotels in Accra and I teach

them how to be correct so when they come across others from across the

world they don’t stand out as not knowing. I work and teach my ethos and I

don’t allow any of those who work with me in Africa when a conference is

given not to sit at the table with us. I teach them the efficacy of the European

and world standards.

01:39:52 K: This is the true way to work and in a way, we moved out of

Atomic and we have taken all our shares back as they did nothing but give

us about 400 square meters of property to use as he said in his writing and

we thank him for that. Because of this we had 7 months to train 12 of the

most gorgeous souls I know. Their hearts are white and their dedication to

the foundation is unquestionable. All are masters and soon they will run the

whole African operation of the KF. They have been told to be ready to go to

a different part of Africa to train and teach. Strangely enough we did exactly

what the European companies and governments do. They will be paid

double wages for being away. This means the 20+ year-old boy with 6

months away will earn exactly as the masters’ and PhD students or a degreed

worker in Europe.

01:42:02 K: This is how we have to be as the Foundation and this is how I

have always said anyone who works with Keshe Foundation has to be at

comfort. And we do it in Ghana. This is why there was so much opposition

inside Atomic to us because we respected the knowledge and the man. Now

you know. So those who say the science cannot be proven, the Standards

Board says the science has been proven. We thank the management of

Atomic Commission and we will not go behind anyone to discredit, but we

explain when it is released. The foundation has certification by the

government and anyone can say anything they like to justify their way.

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01:42:10 K: it is good, one by one how the abuse that has been set up is

coming to us. I have no problem. We wanted to be out of the Ghana Atomic

area because they had no space. The building is so badly damaged it cannot

be repaired. That is why we were going to build the center. Now… (Keshe

drops off).

01:42:55 Rick: Is it time for our minute of silence? We get a chance pretty

much every hour! Here’s a comment from Valentin in the chat while we are

waiting for Mr. Keshe. I deeply cherish that you provide more than a fair

pay to your employees and also congratulations for the awesome new

webpage. And I think I can say the same thing from Guy as well…

Guy: Absolutely! I think it has pure lines and is very artistic … a beautiful


Rick: Yeah, I like the new clean, bright and sharp, the key words that Ella

said. The interface looks very clean, bright and sharp and that’s a delight to

see in the new website. Here’s another comment from the live stream chat:

Respect to all the people is the key. Mr. Keshe was mentioning respect as

one of or the key thing with his interactions with the people in Ghana who

are employees at the factory. Another comment: the webpage looks great;

much thanks. …Any other comments from the panelists? We do have a quiet

panel here tonight. We could have our moment of silence now while we are

waiting for Mr. Keshe… that would be a good idea, it’ll probably make him

come back anyway, so I’ll quit talking now and we’ll start now. 01:46:32

01:47:29 K: Sorry about this – we’re back, can you hear me?

Rick: Yes, we were just having our minute of silence…

K: It seems every 45 minutes or so the system drops for recharge.

Directors of Ghana Atomic have received savings of up to 80% in their

power bills

01:47:52 K: In any case, what I was explaining is very simple… The

directors of Atomic have been using the plasma units receiving huge

reductions of up to 80% in their bills. And somebody asked how do we

know? We are all masters of plasma technology. I would like every house of

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the management of Atomic all the wiring to be tested for nano-coating. This

is very simple. If the system has not been used the wire should still be (non-

nano-coated) copper. We know how the system works. It nano-coats the

wires across the house especially after a year. It is a very good test.

01:48:36 K: So, we carry on and develop our technology. We move

extensively across Africa with our new partners, and KF Global organization

has taken a new shape. We have become very professional as you see from

our website. We have brought one of the best organizations within the KF

and we don’t need to prove anything because we have support from other

organizations that they will take the technology across. As of 1st of July, the

technology has moved into the hands of the international management team.

We are just figures as shareholders in this organization.

01:49:28 K: in respect to our teaching we carry on the same pattern and the

same way. We push for world peace because it is the responsibility of us to

create peace. Those of you who think we are doing the ‘wrong’ thing, it

means you have the wrong ethos to us. We gave energy, power units, patents

and technology in exchange for peace. Now we have taught and educated

everyone that they can go to the next step. If you are happy to be in the stage

of what you have, limited transportation and limited speeds of travel taking

you some 24 hours to travel from one point to another, where now the new

technology can get you there in 24 minutes we have to develop the

technology further. We see how the father has developed the technology to

save his daughter.

01:50:39 K: Many of you are using the technology for the health application.

I have seen a video from the people in the Red Indian camps using the

Magrav system to generate power and run their systems. If the man from an

Indian tribe of what we call the United States can create this energy in his

tent, so it means those scientists in the West have not received the

intelligence of that man yet. It is very simple. The video is on the internet

and he has made 3 rotating Magrav systems and he is feeding his recorder

and everything else he needs in his tent. So those who blame us that we have

to give to you to go to the next level, what can I give you? You have not

understood. A man in a teepee has understood and uses it. Can you send the

video to be seen?

01:51:51 K: This means those with PhDs and government organizations are

so far behind in understanding what is so simple. I am sure somebody has

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that video; please post it…it’s on Facebook or YouTube. Now they tell me

we have to give them something so they can ‘carry on’. A farmer has

understood. The professor has not understood and he shows how stupid he

has been. So, who do we blame, the teacher or the arrogance of the man?

Many people are using this technology. We have seen those in Austria and

Germany reporting massive savings in the systems, which they put in last

year. Now they are receiving their electricity bills and there is 35 to 60%

reduction in the bills. Where are the Germans who jumped up and down?

01:53:03 K: where are those who made these at home and they don’t talk?

All of you use the GaNS for your pain and you don’t come and talk because

of why? I remember one person saying everything from the KF has to be

free. Otherwise there is something wrong with the foundation. Give us the

new plasma power units or there is something wrong with you. We have the

power generator. It has been in front of you for 3 years so it means I am the

man in the little tent and I can do what I like because I understand the

technology. I am waiting for those who are looking for the handout to find

the hand to give it out to them. The technology is so simple; its simplicity

has brought ignorance…in a way, not ignorance, but I pretend to tell and

ignore it because it has been in front of me for thousands of years and it

shows how stupid I have been.

01:54:18 K: As I said a lot of families are in trouble with the KF because

they are looking for miracles and the miracle doesn’t come if you don’t use

it. The beauty of this technology is what they use at the time of need. The

ethos of the KF says not to take what you don’t need and take as much

as you need at the time you need. We have seen the knowledge of the man;

he has been around the KF for years and he never had to make anything. He

tested many and when the time came he used it to save his daughter. The

man in the tent does the same and so do others in other countries.

Those who block us are imprisoned within their own brain while the Kf is

growing beyond imagination

01:55:16 K: So those who come to us and say there is something wrong with

us and we have to be put in prison, they are in the prison of their own brain

and we live that life. If you understood and you are open enough to

understand more and it doesn’t go because now as I said before, you think

the internet is against us? Wait until the churches and the priests find out

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they have no job; people will be called and hunted out for being KF

supporters, because now we have found the soul, the operation of it, and we

can work with it to create what we want and no one can be fooled.

01:56:04 K: The job is over; you know when in Europe they close a factory,

what do the workers do? They go out and shout, cajole, and damage

everything. One thing they forget is that we don’t use any more donkeys; we

went to cars. They are still making cars for donkeys. They are fighting for

what is not of this time anymore. The same shall be where and as we

advance. This is nothing you have seen with the 4 what I call ‘comedians’ of

the internet. The best thing they did for us is they returned the 25% of the Kf

shares with the Atomic so that we could bring multinational organizations

with millions of backing. That is what we did. We exchanged shares; thank

you very much. If we had stayed in Atomic, we would have had to do a lot

of work just for the others to have a free bread. You do not know that you

have benefited us beyond imagination.

01:57:19 K: Now while we have to wait for a minister to approve land for

me I have a businessman who has given land in another position in Africa

for us to do. You’ll find one thing from now on… We don’t release any

more information about our progress or our manufacturing. We were

straightforward and we shared knowledge so that the others could join so we

could expand to help the others. When we get 4 terrorists on the internet,

then 7 billion have to pay for it. You lot can go to Facebook and see on

keshevictims and see why your email and Facebook names are on as

‘victims’. If you see it and don’t make a complaint to Facebook, it means

you deserve to be a victim of yourself. This is what they have done. They

write about those who work around the Foundation and then they put them

as a ‘victim’. This is how Mr. Laureyssens has worked for years—deception,

theft of knowledge and then killing scientists.

01:58:31 K: We are growing beyond imagination and this time we do it in a

very different way. Those who listen, especially in China, about the rumors

coming out about these things, they are using your innocence of not knowing

how European thieves work and you glorify it. We are happy we are out of

Atomic. They had to show it this way because we would have sued Atomic

for signing and giving land they had not right to give. They jumped before

we jumped. We invested in it but luckily enough a European organization

with 167 hectares of land in Africa has handed over the deed to the

Foundation. They understood and we have all the documents. We can start

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our work in a much bigger space on much more land and do a much better


01:59:44 K: Going back to the teaching: many of you who have been around

the foundation have worked with us in trying to make nano-material,

GaNSes, different GaNSes, different ways of applying the GaNSes and

different ways of using the GaNSes. You were always expecting to get

something for what you have done. But you have to understand that this is

the game of plasma, the work of the universe and working with the truth and

the reality of the fields of the universe and not with hammer, nails, screws

and old-fashioned engines. Man had the time to progress; if you look for

thousands and millions of years we had a piece of fire, if you could make it,

we boiled the water or we melted the metal and that was the limitation of our

knowledge. In the past 1500 years due to different inspiration and revelation

by the new prophets of God, by releasing a new soul into humanity, a new

fresh breath of life, man came to have deeper understanding and more about

the world of creation.

02:01:30 K: We learned how to use the flow of magnetic fields that we

called electric current. We came to learn about the structure of the materials

and we called them atomic and nuclear. We came to understand how the

energy transferred from one point to another. If man thinks and thought that

nuclear technology was the end of all, in fact nuclear technology was the

beginning of the new cycle. The new nuclear technology that has become

fashionably known as plasma looks at the motion and conversion of the

inner structure of the atomic or the molecular entities. Places like

CERN—what do they do? They take one proton and they speed it up and

they try to collide it. Stand still—is it just because it is CERN, it is called a

proton, and it’s magic? Or has the magic gone out of it? You call it GaNS

and you mix it, you use its energy, and it didn’t take billions to do it.

02:03:10 K: The reason our work has become so criticized with so many

critics around the foundation is because a woman in the kitchen, a farmer in

Australia, a veterinarian in America all have learned how to harvest the

energy of the plasma. This is the beauty of it. This is why those who pretend

to understand try to discredit. I always said and if you have listened to me

many times you have heard it: When we sat with the other partners of the KF

and there was no existence of Mr. Laureyssens at that time, we sat with

directors of Angel Investment, which then turned out to be the masters of Mr.

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Laureyssens. They told me, “Mr. Keshe, you are writing and teaching a

technology in a very simple language. Such a technology should be so

complicated that it has to be in the words of science”. I answered him, “Sir,

I write and teach in a language so that a white man across the table cannot

abuse a village man in the back of Africa”.

02:04:48 K: And now you see how we have taken knowledge to Africa and

the African man is doing this, building it and using it in factories and the

white man still has a problem with it. That is all it is. Many supporters

around the KF are getting pressurized by their families. You see you went to

learn the science, you went to learn and you have done nothing. The only

question that is asked in all the tests you have done, “was there a point for

which you needed to use it? Or if you need to use, do you know how to use it

so it will do what it is supposed to do?" If you want to use the health

technology of this knowledge… so you become sick every day and get

cancer and then get a system to check you out, and so then you are forever

happy that the technology works.

02:05:51 K: every day you can get a hammer, hit yourself on the head and

then use the GaNSes and say, ‘oh, it works’. The knowledge is given to be

used at the point of need. Those who blame and make ridicule are those who

have not come to the need for using it because it is not time. When it comes,

the only solution will be the technology. Those of you who are looking for

power generators … It has been in front of you for 4 years! I am not

teaching it; why should I? If I do that then you become the next abuser and

say there is something wrong with it. It doesn’t take me to the moon or to

Mars; there is something wrong with it! Now you have free energy and you

are a bunch of people who want to have so you can go and see who you can

abuse next.

02:06:50 K: The abuse of the knowledge of the foundation will never end.

You are a bunch of unruly children. You have gotten used to abusing and it

is the fault of somebody else when they don’t let you abuse it. Any of you

who have been sitting in front of me for the past 3 to 4 years, you are blind.

The generator is sitting in front of you. Not only a generator sitting in front

of you for your use; it is a 30 to 40 kW generator! How come I can’t do that?

Maybe I am a nuclear physicist educated in the knowledge of plasma and

maybe it is time for all of you to accept that you know nothing and because

you know nothing you have to blame the others. You have 2 choices. Listen

and learn because I have said many times how it is done, or pack it up and

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leave the work of the foundation. Then when you get a cancer you can say

there is a technology you need then you can go into the kitchen and make

your plates and try to get rid of your cancer.

02:08:10 K: This technology has to be. What did we used to do? We used to

go and play golf, we used to go and do something to spend time. Now every

man has to explore every possibility of every use of it so that when it comes

to others or himself, he knows what to do; that is how simple it is. I hear

many families talking that ‘you are wasting time, you are doing this, and you

are joining a cult’. I would love to know what the name of this cult is that I

have built. I have no churches, no temples and I pray to nothing. I don’t tell

you to pay anything and I give it to you freely and I don’t give you

instructions to have twenty wives, to pray and bang your head against the

wall 20 times a day, or put GaNS on your head and say halleluiah fifteen

times a day.

I am not Moses to show magic or Jesus to raise the dead.

02:09:03 K: Go and make your cults with the scientific universal teaching

group, and don’t do it in my time, my place and my teaching time. I am not

Moses to show magic or Jesus to raise the dead. I have already raised 7

billion ‘dead’ to life, more than Moses or Jesus did in one go. You are all

ignorant and dead to the science of the universe and I have woken you up. I

passed you the message of the universe, and your souls have been touched. It

is your problem that you want to transfer it into physicality. It is very simple;

when you don’t understand blame the others. I have touched every single

soul on this planet with the knowledge I’ve dispersed. In time, they will use

it and understand it. Those of you who are not happy because it has not

brought you the Rolls Royces that you thought… it will never do. Because

everybody knows what to make and will do this when they need it.

02:10:22 K: We were talking with Armen and a couple with a 2 to 3-year-

old child. In 4 weeks, they have seen changes in the work and in the life of

their child. I have changed the life of their child for good, and they don’t

need to have a handicapped child. They don’t need to have a mentally

retarded child. They have a beautiful child, and they won’t even remember

this. They are doing it themselves, and so are families in Africa, and Bari

and so many of you. So now you want to be a nuclear physicist? You need a

degree from a university. If you want to be a plasma physicist in the plasma

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of the work unfortunately, we have no degrees. We just teach you and you

can write your own degrees on your own pieces of paper and graduate from

the School of the Universe. There are no universities in the world or

anywhere across this universe.

02:11:31 K: it is a man-made illusion of a level of knowledge that everyone

has the same level to understand the totality of their own creation. If you

have a cult or you have become a cult, please give it any name except Keshe

because my work will never be a cult. It is the name of science. It is the

understanding of the creation of yourself. With it I have chosen to use it in a

very good way-- my knowledge for peace. But you don’t understand it. I can

teach you how to use the essence of your creation to create peace for

yourself and with that it will come for the others. So, if you want to give me

the name of a cult, you choose it and that is your name for you. We call it

science of the universe.

02:12:32 K: We don’t preach or teach; we inspire. It is for you do this. I

have seen many people making so many GaNSes, reactors and cores and

God knows what. And they say they have nothing to show for it. What do

you want to do with it? What is the purpose of doing it? Is it a magic show

or is it a ‘clown’ show? You go out and you want to do something with it, go

out in the street and find somebody who is sick, somebody who has a broken

hip like our dearest girl or somebody who cannot walk and is in pain. Let

them know you have a technology for them that you will give them water

and they will walk. Then you will find a purpose. You don’t do that, do you?

Do any of you do that? No.

02:13:27 K: if any of you have done that you get accused of everything

because the others are going to abuse you and say you are using medicine

and everything else. We are following that path but we are teaching the path

of the universal teaching, which is free and unconditional. So those of you

who are happy that such a thing was published by Ghana Atomic

Commission, and it went everywhere, and he said we don’t have any

certificate… we have 6 certificates because every product has been certified.

Does anyone else come up with certificates? Why should we? We are

getting more certificates and instruments from other countries. And if you

don’t know it, the Italian government is issuing certificates for the waters to

be decontaminated.

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Italy pays Ghana 20,000 for one Unit

02:14:21 K: By the way if you are in Italy we don’t tell you where because

they just paid 20,000 euros for one unit, and unfortunately it is being shipped

to them from the place that says we have no qualification and no rights---

Ghana Atomic Energy Commission Keshe Foundation. Africa has started

exporting the latest technology into Europe. I have turned the tables and the

foundation has been paid for it and the Italians are proud to receive it. This is

what the beauty of this technology is; the Italians have a problem with

massive contaminations and antibiotics in their animals. I am based in

Ghana even though I have a KF in Italy and Manufacturing in Italy. The

knowledge could be developed in Ghana, and now the goods are shipped to


02:15:26 K: since when have Africans shipped (leading) edge of science and

technology back to Europe? From now on if you want we shall give you the

bank account payments; all the funds have gone to KF Ghana

Manufacturing. This is the beauty of it; the Europeans need it and the

Africans have the technology of the leading edge of science. It has taken 4

months to build and it is on its way. And the beauty of it is the Italian

authorities have allowed us to become part of the group that can sort these

things out. Our director has been appointed to be on the board of these

systems for use by the Italian government use for the Italian nation.

02:16:32 K: it weighs less than 200 kilos and it can stop every animal from

getting sick. It was made in Ghana and delivered from Ghana; the recipient

is the Italian nation. Both the Italians and the Ghanaians are proud. When

my staff was putting it together, I could see the joy in their eyes. We are

helping the Europeans; we are equal. This is the beauty of it but the

interesting part of it is when you see it, you see how simple work can change

even the life of an animal in this society. You can see it. Twenty of these

bottles…this is the simple African system for the help of the Italians and the

Europeans, made in Ghana for our European brothers, our equal scientific

sharing partners. This is after it was disassembled to be packed, to be sent to

Europe. There is a framework with a blue pack. Twenty of these blue packs

go through a system and as the water goes through it, it delivers exactly what

the Europeans are looking for. It saves them about $50,000 a year plus more

contaminations that come after it and cost more to clean up. This is the

beauty of the new knowledge paid for by the Europeans. We are waiting to

export over 15,000 of these in the coming days.

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02:19:56 K: Now you start seeing the development of the technology and

massive exports from Africa into Europe on the cutting edge of technology.

Those of you who were puzzled over what the new African system is that

Ghana Atomic could not stand for as it puts them out of a job as the

Standard Board officer said. The directors understood this very fully; in fact,

this is more powerful than any other energy unit that has ever been put out.

It is very interesting and let me show you the picture. In the next couple of

weeks once our new partners decide the promotion and packaging for it, this

is the new plasma unit saving up to 80% that is certified, tested and

confirmed by Ghanaian (standards board). You are all trying to get your

hands on it.

02:21:08 K: you think this is your right to have this. This time our Ghanaian

partners will share it. It is certified to be sold right across Africa. 80% saving

– for Africa only… we cannot produce enough to feed the European market.

I am not going to show the certification because of a bunch of idiots in the


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2.22.08 K: You plug this in and use it. And, I can show you something else

thanks to our team and thanks to a lot of hard work. This is how it is

promoted in Africa; let me find you the brochure. The technology is solid.

Ella, can you show the brochure please? This promotion brochure will be

updated by our new management team for Africa. This unit with another unit

like this becomes a 40-kW solid-state generator. It has been with pictures as

many Africans cannot read. … Just show the brochure pictures please…

02:25:00 K: You can buy this anywhere in Ghana today. As you see right on

top of the box under the blue circle on the left-hand side is a standards

certification and it has a number on it. Now you see how much of a lie was

told by the director.

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02:25:38 K: There is nothing wrong with the technology. There it is and it is

called Plasma Energy Unit. It is designed for you by KF Ghana. The steps

are 1, 2, 3 step plug-and-play system to bring savings into your home. We

value it at 2500 Ghana CV which is about 2500. The first runs of 10000 to

20000 we are putting out at 1000 CV. That is about 200 euros. You see it

gives you everything; the telephone number and the brochure on how to use

it on the back. All the directors of Ghana Atomic have been using it for a

long time, and we carry our certificate with it.

02:26:37 K: Now the truth hurts for those who run with it and they doubt it.

These units we are showing will be sold in Europe for 1000 euros. We do

exactly what they do. In America, they sell a product for $1000 and in

Europe for 1000 euros. We keep the figure and change the abbreviation in

the front. We will not export out of Ghana, and we need enough to produce

to see the demand of the nation to reduce the power demand. It says Imagine

paying 40% less on your electric bill; now it is possible! We don’t claim the

whole 80% of savings but let people have the joy of finding that out. The

telephone number at the bottom comes directly to our foundation. The KF

team will receive the calls. The simplicity of the technology is good enough

for Africa. The rest in Belgium and the rest are just shouting their heads off.

They are promoting deception, lying and cheating as they do in their nature.

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02:28:26 K: KF is solid in its work. But the KF has one big problem – it has

a huge ethos, which is equality of man and peace through technology.

If you were waiting for mango and pineapple boxes out of Ghana, now

boxes of energy and the use for farming will come out. One thing was said

by the Chinese; the development of the technology will make the Europeans

Third World nations compared to Africa. The game has started. We taught

enough in Europe for 3 years and we got nothing but ridiculing and cajoling

and listening to a bunch of thieves. You believed them so now it’s time for

you to wait. We will not release this technology so simply. And the 40-kW

solid-state version will be offered to African nations in a different


02:29:40 K: This is a wake-up call for humanity. 1000 Ghana CV and every

product today is sold. At the moment, we cannot produce enough and we

have to move to be able to produce more. In the next couple of weeks, you

will see the water from the same factory. All will carry the standards

certification and the number. It is a criminal offense to sell something

without it. Mr. Laureyssens is used to this. Stealing is their habit.

02:30:46 K: You have to understand something very simple. The energy

from this box in essence, if you understand it, is the energy within the soul

of the man. There is no difference. The way it is structured replicates the

structure and operation of the human body. I had the dilemma to launch this,

or to launch the coils, two years ago when we did the Magrav system. But I

thought we had to go that way to enlighten and bring a new way of thinking.

This unit used correctly and then adjusted slightly will become a massive

power supply—a massive power supply. It is the essence of the energy of

the sun. There are those who say, show me magic and confirm and do this

and that, that it is real. This box is real, Ghanaians are saving energy with it

and the Belgians are hitting their heads on it. They get the empty box, and

the Africans get to use the box.

02:32:21 K: Mr. Laureyssens you got checkmated again. If you publish

more, we release more. You and your team made many calls to Africa but

you did us a lot of favor. When you read that letter from Ghana Atomic

Board, it says there are no certification and no standards board. We have

been shown to be correct. Even the Africans are thinking to import no more

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medical waters from Europe because they have purer water. Thank you very


02:33:14 K: you have to remember and to understand to use your

intelligence and don’t be taken by one person (Mr. Laureyssens). Our friends

in China, these units will be available in China very soon. In a matter of

weeks and maybe sooner we will launch these across China. All of you who

manufacture, produce and work around the Keshe foundation, we will talk to

you very soon. A number of technologies will be released only to the

Chinese community. We will get every system passed by the Chinese

authorities that can be used.

02:34:09 K: A lot of you have put a lot of work around the China Keshe

Foundation over the past time. Now it is time for you to see the fruit of your

work. We release these units and if KF China comes to agreement with the

Chinese government we will release the power units immediately as a matter

of today. The technology does not need to be developed as it is already fully

developed. I think the Europeans and the Americans have wasted enough

time trying to think they are superior. The superiority will come out of China

and Africa. We will support all the Keshe Foundations in China in the

coming weeks through the organizations which are working with us to bring

you all together so that each one of you is able to find, deliver what you have

developed and join everything together.

02:35:21 K: We thank all the Chinese supporters and laboratories and all of

you who have one way or another created a small factory selling a small part

and trying to bring the KF products to sell.

We give you a bigger platform, and we will announce this very soon. KF

China will become one of the biggest KF, and they will receive support

through the Ghana organization. Ghana stays as the capital of the KF

worldwide operation. Our Chinese friends… do not be fooled by the

writings of the Europeans. They have fooled you and they got Hong Kong

out of your hands for 99 years. You celebrated its freedom last year for 20

years. Do not fall for all that comes.

02:36:35 K: There is huge support and work being done in China. We will

support it in a different way in the coming time, and our people from Ghana

will support Chinese manufacturers in different ways. We share knowledge

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and technology and the 40 kW power units will be launched in China in the

coming time. We have shown you the Plasma Power Unit and we will send

the Plasma Power Generator upgrades not for one house but for a number of

houses we will plug in to be produced there in China.

02:37:37 K: We brought the Magrav in Europe and you did nothing but

ridicule it, steal it and everything else. We gave the plasma technology to

Africa and now we see we don’t even have time to manufacture what we can

make. We give the power generation to China and we will see how it will

change. The price of oil will plummet… the Chinese can afford it. As I said

we have to be equal in our work. We worked for 2 years in Europe and we

saw nothing but harassment and attempts to kill us; and one of my dearest

boys (Fabio) was murdered by Mr. ____. (2.38.29) Now we start balancing

the books.

02:38:38 K: The next foundation will be South American.

We will support South America in a different way. Armen has been working

very hard to get things in hand. He has become the head of KF

manufacturing worldwide. He knows it; he’s done it and he’s been to Peru

with his wife to set it up. Now they go into manufacturing and units will be

tested in the next few days and should be in the post today for Europe and

Asia. Then they will be manufactured in mass production in China and Asia.

I am bringing a balance to my work, and now you will understand.

02:39:42 K: The Europeans will pay 1000 euro for the same box. The

generators that we have put out and people have paid for will be delivered

from China, but we make sure no one will be able to open them or touch

them, so that no cheaters can cheat.

02:40:12 K: Today we released and explained a lot of things because it had

to be done. It was to celebrate the joy Fabio brought to my life. A year

before when he was a young boy who translated my first book into Italian.

He could not even say what it was but he translated it. And now I give this

as a gift to him. We produce the Keshe Plasma Power Generators in China

that are the 40-kW solid state. This is a gift to the Chinese. (lost audio)

Evidence of duplicity and deceit

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02:41:14 K: Go to the KF YouTube and find the speech of Mr. BJB in the

opening of the conference of last October. He said I have tried the pen on

myself and it works. We have tested it and it’s correct. The only difference

that made it ‘not correct’ is that we did not pay a bribe. And secondly, we

were given land (by Ghana Atomic) that they had no possession of. And

thirdly, you guess… read the letter and it says we could not supply

certification. Certification is issued and I will give you the date of it, to

prove that some people have gone a long way behind to cover a lot of

problems. The certification of the plasma unit…. (break in audio)

02:43:33 K: Hello we are back; we should ask our friend to send us some

updating and better reception systems so we can share the knowledge better

in Africa. This is a problem… if you remember the first time we had

Benjamin on we had a communication problem and it hasn’t changed much.

Maybe we should send plasma units to some communication companies to

get better internet facilities. Any questions?

02:44:46 Rick: Trevor is concerned things are not moving fast enough.

02:44:56 K: you were on the back of a donkey for thousands of years and

now 4 years is not fast enough for you? It took you 200 years to develop an

engine and put it in a car and call it a Ferrari, and 3 years is not fast enough

for you? Listen… If I go any faster, you will fall off and not even know the

knowledge was there. I am trying to slow it down. People tell me now they

cannot understand. They can’t understand that you use toilet opener (drain

cleaner) and you heat it up and it goes black. You use the salt and you

separate it and it becomes new energy. People have a lot of problems with

understanding what the GaNS is. For a million years, 10,000 years from

creating fires in caves you can create fire with love in your heart and with

water and that isn’t fast enough in 3 years?

Rick: his concern…

02:46:16 K: speak to the Chinese. I am sure Chinese need more than the

others at the moment. If you want a Magrav plasma unit there is a waiting

list – Ghanaian citizens, then Togo citizens, then Kenyan citizens. Africa

will be furnished first. I haven’t seen anyone writing saying, ‘thank you Mr.

Keshe for the savings on my electricity’. I am putting something down. I get

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one and give ten free to the others. You didn’t come and pay KF; we gave it

to you free. How fast do you want me to go? What else do you want me to

do? When I go too fast, I become a criminal and even atomic nuclear people

don’t understand. How slow do you want me to do it? You tell me. We are

doing a program every day like we are doing today for peace. There is one

word a day; we do caustic today; tomorrow is water. Is that slow enough?

02:47:38 Rick: half the people will curse you go for going too slow; and the

other half will curse you for going too fast.

02:47:54 Rick: Trevor goes on to say my issue is not with Mr. Keshe and the

technology. I would not be here if I did have an issue. My frustration is with

mankind and I do not think the message is getting through to mankind.

02:48:12 K: the message is getting through very well for those who need it.

People use this technology according to their intelligence, and they are

becoming very correct. When they need it, they use it. This is how it should

be. When they need to develop a system to save their child’s life or when

they need a system to create electricity in a tent, they do it. The stockpiling

is finished. It is so simple that you can do it. You don’t’ need to keep tons of

GaNS. My father has been in a wheelchair for the past 6 months with an

oxygen bottle that he takes everywhere. They damaged his lung with high

pressure oxygen, because of the lack of understanding…

02:49:15 K: An active 87-year-old man has become wheelchair ridden. It

has taken me less than seven days to get him walking; it is the love of a son

for his father. Now he is hardly touching the oxygen bottle. He has started

walking again. It was no use for me to send it before because he wasn’t

ready to accept it. Now the doctors told him there was no other solution and

he was going to die so he tried this way and it helped him. Before he didn’t

walk and he didn’t sleep more than a meter away from the breathing system.

It was just the water (that changed things for him). This is the beauty of this

and this is what we see. We need it and we use it. But the person who uses it

has to be there to accept it.

02:50:28 Rick: In that sense Wolfgang asks: one of the biggest problems to

understand is the plasma technology is the conditioning by the schools. Is

there a fast way to remove this conditioning?

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02:50:47 K: No, it is the openness to accept new technology. Conditioning is

the way that teachers control things. Nobody stops your child if he says sit

down and learn this and you say make a toy out of the GaNS with the liquid

water of it. Just make something; if you are in the woods and something

happens and you cut yourself, you can heal yourself or help yourself. What

do I need Papa? Find yourself a piece of metal if you have a piece of wire in

your computer or whatever you are carrying with you. Make a fire and put it

in there. If you cannot find salt, you know exactly where salt comes from and

put it in there and you have found yourself a solution and a cure. We used to

teach each other which herb was for what. Now we teach which plasma is

for what. That is so simple.

02:51:43 K: I have a very depressed man in front of me and I want to see a

smile on his face. This is not to be; we need it and we use it. Very soon will

we carry a survival kit instead of the plasters, etc. (will now be) with 2

pieces of wire, salt, and caustic? You can get water anywhere and make the

caustic. Maybe we have to make these first aid kits. Then everyone has one

and plasma technology has a use. It would be a first-aid kit and you add

water. We will see what we do in Africa.

02:52:28 K: It is very nice that the reporter has written and that means that

they are really watching what we are doing. They said that they are doing

this and that. So, they are listening. Africans, be proud in what you are

doing. And I am proud that we are treating them equally like graduates from

Europe. They don’t tell the rest (the reporters). The simplicity is what causes

the problem. Do you know why? Nobody thought it was so simple. For a

million years, man has been running around having this thing in his pocket

and not knowing that it is there.

02:53:18 K: I have used your own short-sightedness and I have dangled this

power generator under your nose. If I release it here in Africa, I’ll be dead

because the heads of a lot of African nuclear and energy systems are getting

a lot of bribes. They are opening bank accounts in Dubai and other emirates

for the power stations, which shall never be sold. They will never be built

here— but this system that you plug in directly and save your nation 80%

and your pocket. The simplicity of it is beautiful. Whenever you see a nation

sign a contract for a power station look at it and it says $100 million. 15% is

the minimum bribe. So, it means the nation and the citizens have to pay for

30 years $15 million a year for the bribes their signatories have taken.

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02:54:36 K: In fact, if you look at it, the whole profit of the system is in the

bribe which is paid in the commissions for the leaders to sign for their nation

to benefit. The $15 million with interest ends up about $50 million in total

bribes. If the nation can pay it at the end of the year what it comes to they

couldn’t pay. We are generous; we let you off. We gave you $50 million

reactor system. You have already paid $250 million up front. That’s good

enough; now we let you go. We are generous; we write off your debts. The

technology is simple; when you need it, use it. The whole thing we have

done from the beginning is teaching you what you need.

02:55:36 K: It is very much as though I have put you through a cookery

class…I have taught you how to ‘bake a cake’, I have shown you ‘how to

make soup’ and I have shown you ‘how to make bread’. Do you want to eat

soup and bread every day or when you feel like it and when you need it?

That is all I have done. You know the recipes and you know when it needs to

be done when you need it. That is all it is. We call ourselves KF

manufacturers. And the worst thing about our agreements with our

partners… I can read it to you… it says… My share of the KF goes to the

community and the society and not for me. You can do what you like with

your profits. It is part of my agreement with the new partners. The beauty of

it is I don’t have to be involved in the manufacturing anymore; because in

the next few weeks and months they do it.

02:57:02 K: there will be a massive amount of products hitting the markets

around the world. We will operate in 83 nations, and the team decides from

now on. As I said I start the process of teaching peace and the foundation

sees that the shares are used for peaceful application. You will see a massive

number of products in the next 12 months. You will see a lot of effort in the

peace movement. We try to put all our effort to teach and promote peace.

We are not a cult

02:57:39 K: we are not a cult because I have not managed yet to know how

many wives I would like to have to make a religion out of it. 4 legal and 40

part time… You can be a priest but be adulterous with another man’s wife

and call yourself Catholic. Or you can be a rabbi and do whatever you like

and nobody knows. When I decide how I am going to cheat myself to my

soul, I will come and tell you and then we will make a cult and a religion out

of it. I haven’t decided on a temple yet…actually I have but you lot don’t

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know. I call it the temple of the soul of the man… I moved in every single

body of yours because it brings pleasure and peace and it brings prosperity

for humanity in space. My temple is in your soul; now try to find it.

02:58:50 K: every time you ‘worship’ me you worship your own souls.

Every time you bless me you bless your own souls. Now let’s start a new

cult… I love myself because by loving myself I love the others more. So,

this can be the new cult; I don’t know how many wives we’re going to have.

We’ll have to decide on that one. You know we will have to put a restriction

on women because in every religion they have not been told how many

husbands they can have, we have to sort that out as well! When I saw that

one I make a cult. I teach science and I teach the truth of the science about

the universe. My cult is peace and my work is peaceful.

02:59:50 K: if I tell you something then they can hear so I’d better keep

‘quiet’. I have one of the most beautiful souls sitting right across from me;

You all know him… Armen is here with us. Any other questions or shall we

call it a day? We talked too long.

Starvation on a European island

03:00:50 Rick: I’ve never seen people so quiet. Here’s a question from

Valerie in the chat… I live on an island where there is a lot of starvation

and I’d like to help in one way or another.

03:01:26 K: Which island? I hope it isn’t off Europe because (they say) there

are no hungry people there. Tenerife (an island off Africa), a Spanish island.

There are 4 islands. I didn’t think any European nation has hunger. In

Tenerife how could there be so much hunger? They have a Common Market.

There should be no one hungry in Europe. There should be no poverty or

hunger in Europe—it’s a rich place. They have robbed the nations of the

whole world by selling arms to them. How come they have hungry people?

This is a Spanish state. There is Grand Canary and others. This is

impossible. We know there is hunger and poverty in European nations and

we know some 20 to 30% of children in Europe go to sleep hungry every


Rick: is the 4th one Forte Ventura or Tenerife?

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03:03:33 K: Yeah that’s the 4th Island… The Windy Island. Tenerife is

popular with Europeans. Why is there so much poverty in Europe? Everyone

is well fed and there is no hunger. And nobody is a pedophile. Maybe Mr.

Laureyssens could write an article for us about Tenerife that there is no

hunger there and this is just all lies by the KF? It’s a European community.

Rick: so, they are wondering… if I want to give them (these people that are

starving in the land of plenty) plasmatic food would it be liquid plasma of

hemoglobin, CH3 liquid plasma, plus deuterium/tritium?

03:04:45 K: My god, what are you trying to do? Give to them from your

soul and you will find them walking. You want to do it physically, you can

do it a different way.

Charles will tell how he has lived on water for the last 6 months

03:05:02 K: Is Charles from China available who teaches how to drink water

instead of eating food? Charles hasn’t eaten since December. Lisa or Ruth if

you are in the background, is Charles around? He taught this a couple of

weeks ago in one of the private teachings. Stanley… Do we have the private

teaching where the Chinese teach how to feed yourself? Vince? Anybody

home? Charles was with us in Ghana 4 to 5 weeks ago and I know Jim

MacDonald asked him to teach about feeding yourself with water.

03:06:21 Stanley: it was a Monday afternoon session.

03:06:24 K: Can I ask to open that teaching and let it go this afternoon? Just

open that part of the teaching. This is done by the Chinese KF people. A

number of Chinese in China are using this to feed themselves, and they are

not eating. You can set a mother source, and people don’t need to go hungry.

Initially I understand from Charles, you lose some weight but if you are

hungry you have already lost the weight. You get the nourishment. Are any

of the Chinese colleagues in the background? Charles does most of the

simultaneous translating of the Chinese. Do you see any of the Chinese guys

in the background?

03:07:44 K: Charles usually translates live and he may have missed last

week. We will give you this in the afternoon session. This is part of the

peace and plasma and we will release this section of the teaching. I like the

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way the Chinese work and they do very well with this. There was one who

was fake but Charles is very direct and this was taught the 4th or the 6th of

December last year. He teaches how he does it and he’s a fluent English

speaker. It should be easy to understand. Can we isolate that part of the


Stanley: it is the June 19th afternoon session.

K: understand that you are not going for a free ride. People take all the

energy they need from it. We will release this. Who asked the question?

Dear Valerie, don’t come in for a free ride. Come in and see the Chinese

way of teaching it. They have done it for nearly 6 or 7 months. They are not

eating they just take the energy from the water and I have been with the guy

and I have seen him here in Ghana for about 4 or 5 days with us.

03:10:32 Ruthy: Hello Mr. Keshe I am in the airport I was delayed for more

than 7 hours and the internet is not so good. But someone said you want to

talk about China?

03:11:01 K: we are looking for Charles to participate tomorrow live, or we

replay his teaching tomorrow for the people in Europe who are supposed to

be very well looked after but they are going hungry.

Ruthy: you mean Charles? He is just offline right now. I heard somebody is

calling him.

03:11:49 K: It will be nice if he can come tomorrow and teach what he has

done. Don’t release anything in the background. Ask him to teach the

Europeans how to feed themselves as they are very hungry. Please tomorrow

CET 2 o’clock.

03:12:55 Rick: someone posted yesterday about ‘my tower’ which is about

copying fields into water for supporting people who don’t have enough food

or nutrition. Do you want to see the list? There are pictures as well with

pictures of bottles and fruit and so on. Do you want to wait till tomorrow for


03:13:43 K: yes, why not let them do it? It is part of the KF teaching. It is

part of the peace program; food and hunger bring anger and war. So, we

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teach how to feed yourself with water if you are in the jungle without food.

Thank you very much. …Any other questions?

03:14:06 John: I am testing a simple system that Dr. Rodrigo talked about a

couple of weeks ago. In a short time, I will be able to give you results.

K: what is the system supposed to do? Peace or war or hunger?

John: It is patches to get rid of hunger.

K: Thank you very much indeed. Let’s see what we do with the Chinese

tomorrow. And then we will use the knowledge of Dr. Rodrigo in another

time. That was part of the private teaching am I correct?

John: yes, a couple of weeks ago.

03:15:40 Rick: Trevor asks if Mr. Keshe is human and if not where is he


And who is the ‘we’ he refers to? If world peace has been tried three times

and this is the last time...

03:15:58 K: We did not try the world peace… we gave world leaders twice a

chance to do it and they didn’t do it. If they don’t do it this time we do it

ourselves, and world leaders can join if they like. These people twist the

words. We set out for world leaders to do it and at this time we do it

ourselves. World leaders can join if they like. Something very interesting has

come up. Mr. Laureyssens is talking very bad about me. I would like to

promote this; it’s good to see what your ‘friends’ tell about you. Listen to

this and put this up on the main screen. Mr. Laureyssens is praising the

work, and it’s on the chat. Then we have to see it’s exactly the same…this

link is for Mr. Laureyssens praising the work. It is on YouTube and it is


Libby asks why MK is berating and belittling the knowledge seekers

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03:18:30 Rick: Libby has a question in the Q and A. Why do you berate the

Knowledge Seekers who dedicate all their time to supporting the

foundation? I don’t understand why you do this, Mr. Keshe.

K: Pardon?

Rick: Why do you belittle the people who stand with you? Some people

want only the best for you and the foundation.

03:19:19 Libby: I love you Mr. Keshe and I love the foundation. I came in

late and I may have come in late but when I came in the tone in my ears, and

maybe it was only my ears, was so belittling of people in Europe and in the

rest of the world who are not in Ghana or China.

03:19:44 K: No, no, no, no! Let me stop you please. We said Europe. We

got threatened, shot at and everything possible. We are not demeaning in any

shape or form. You have to understand what is coming out of Europe against

the Keshe foundation. Why does no one in Europe go and stand against Mr.

Laureyssens and the rest of them? Why do you allow it to happen? Which

one of you stood for the foundation to support and shut this thing down?

None of you; you are all audiences. There are a lot of supporters out there,

thank you very much. But how much can one take? I love you and I serve

the same everywhere. You know the European law; your names have been

put there (the Laureyssens sites to discredit KF). Why do no Europeans

stand up to stop this thing?

03:20:45 K: We went to Africa because in Europe there was nothing but

problems. They brought the problems to Africa but we are making flowers

out of it. How much time did we spend in Europe? My family was poisoned

and shot at at high speed and taken to court. And Laureyssens goes to court

and says his hand has been damaged by KF and he wants one euro. Which

one of you went to court to talk when Laureyssens could talk? Which

Europeans went to court with a health unit to say they walked away healthy?

Who went to say I am here? There is something wrong. Do not touch my

nerves; they are very sore.

03:21:40 Libby: I would say, sir, all of us stood with you in spirit.

K: I understand Libby, but you have to understand something very straight

forward. The KF European supporters are solid. The KF Africa is as solid as

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Europe. The Chinese are 100%. But maybe by talking we get people

standing up. Maybe you are the first one to say why you are doing it. Maybe

we have to wait for some people to start moving. How can such a strong

European KF support group stand silent with Laureyssens on YouTube and

they don’t shut this thing down? There are 4 of Laureyssens group making

200 telephone calls to the press every day in Ghana. How many KF made

one remark to Youtube? Zero. Absolutely Zero.

03:22:50K: They are insulting you as you are KF. They are writing there is

no certification in Ghana in the last 48 hours. They say there is no

certification from the standards board (which KF does have) just when our

product is getting sold. Maybe it is time for 7 billion to wake up. Maybe my

pain and suffering wakes you up to do something about these 4 terrorists.

There are one German, one Australian and Dirk in Belgium and Sylvestre in

South Korea taking the whole internet to ransom. They are all Europeans;

what have you done about it? Nothing. Why am I so bitter? Because you put

yourselves in that position. I spent 15 years being shot at and everything else

in Belgium and Italy. Only if I have something free, you came. If I gave

knowledge free, they came. Please shut these 4 people down. There are 4

million supporters in Europe, and nobody has done anything. How many of

you write to shut it down? Collectively you put all these things together like

the chat groups. Why don’t you shut down 4 people? Where is the support

from the chat groups?

03:23:47 Libby: I would say those 4 people are behind a very huge system

that has been controlling the world for a very long time. You have asked us

to internalize and go inside to change ourselves so we can be as we are made

in the image of the creator as you have taught us, and that we are shining our

light and the changes are happening. It is invisible like the plasma and we

just have to keep doing the inner work and keep coming and learning what

you are teaching us.

03:25:32 K: Can I stop you? I teach you something else. Let me ask you

something. You have to stand for your rights. I stand for my rights as in

Ghana. KF supporters make these chat groups. Make a group to shut these

things down from Facebook and the others. Thousands of you – bombard

Facebook and shut them down and the server. Go to the police; your names

are on this. So, you ask me to do what I say? Shut them down; I give you

one week. Get together and organize and get lawyers. It costs you nothing;

my name has been abused. We have Eric Claussen has been made a victim

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and he has done so much work around the foundation. Why doesn’t he put

his name in? Go and read what the accusations are on ‘factsaboutkeshe’.

Why are you taking this?

03:26:43 K: you raise a beautiful point. Why am I angry? Because I am on

my own. You all come to support because you get knowledge and you get

inspired. How many of you stood next to me? Six people went to court and

they have written and say they are not going for the last time. There are 4

plus million supporters in Europe; we watch all the internet. Where is your

organization? You go and get lawyers; these are your names. Shut them

down. I have to do it; I have to get angry with it as well because I am on my

own. You are supporting and praising nothing.

03:27:32 Carolina: Mr. Keshe, this is Carolina.

K: No, please stop, Caroline, You and I have paid enough for the stupidity of

these nations.

Carolina: Maybe they never learned to stand up for themselves. Maybe it is

time for us to show the path that you can stand up.

K: I do stand.

Carolina: We do but we have to show them they can do as well, and there is

no shame.

03:28:00 K: just leave it; they don’t listen. They have been here 4 years.

Your names are on these (Laureyssens YouTubes). Stop it. You got

poisoned, you got shot at and our child got nearly killed with the back of the

car being shot at and rolled over. They don’t care—to them this is just a

story. We are just giving free knowledge for them. Let’s see if you Keshe

Foundation supporters can put together a team and shut it down. I don’t do

it; you have to do it. I give you the knowledge, and now it is pay back time.

Spend time to protect yourself, not me. It’s a beautiful day today, and we

remember Fabio’s gorgeous life. It has been good but let us go on and make

it better. Thank you for today.

Libby: I love you Mr. Keshe thank you.

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K: I love humanity; I hope they love themselves enough to protect


Libby: we do.

I think it would be nice if you finish with a video of Fabio; he brought a lot

of joy to us.

03:29:03 K: thank you Rick. I think it would be nice if you finish with a

video of Fabio; he brought a lot of joy to us. There will be no afternoon

session today. We start tomorrow and we carry on with the Peace.

Remember one thing: you are not a cult. When we find a church, it will be

the church of the soul of man. Thank you very much, goodbye.

Rick: thank you very much Mr. Keshe and that will be the end of the 179th

Knowledge Seekers Workshop, Thursday, July 6, 2017. We’ll end with the

Fabio video…

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