
Why not CLIL?

Why not CLIL? Task 2: Cooperative learningAna R. Gonzlez. Class organizationStudents will be organized in 5 different groups. Each group will be working in one sense: hearing, taste, sight, smell and touch. Specific cooperative learning technique usedThis activity incorporates different cooperative learning techniques, but the most important is the Jigsaw technic. Task explanationThe activity in groups consists on creating a poster about their sense. For that, first day will work with their team, looking for images on internet, basically, but they will also have the possibility to look for them in magazines. They will also be using online dictionaries to resolve their difficulties with the language. The result should be something like that:They will need to use the structures we have worked on through the unit such as: I can seeThese might be the words they will need to look for in the online dictionary.

After each group have completed their own poster, we will create new groups with an expert of each sense (using Jigsaw technique). They will need to share the important information with their classmates about their expert sense. In order to help them to communicate themselves, the teacher will provide a chart where will be the questions they need to ask each other and the oral answers they will need to say (choosing from different options) and the chart to be completed by the children (see the material in the following page).

After exchanging the information, every kid will return with their inicial work-team. The last thing they need to do it is to present their posters to their classmates and hang them around the class. Each group will assess the others team posters and their own completing a rubric like the following ones: - Self-assessment poster

- Co-evaluation poster

Finally, the teacher will show them her inphographic and visualized also the videos included in the following link:

Class organization This activity will be done, first, individually but in the second part of the activity they will work in pairs. Specific cooperative learning technique usedThe first part its individually but later, they work with a partner. They will need to share their works and make his partner guess which animal they have chosen. Finally, they will need to coach each other and reflect if there is anything in their works they could have done in a better way. Task explanation The first part of the activity consists on completing a little poster like the one it is included below. They will write all of expressions and pasting the images in the right place. Later, children will need to choose an animal from a list and draw or write words according to the following items. All these indication will be shown in a PDI by the teacher.

EXAMPLE OF ANIMAL LIST: dog, cat, pig, horse, rabbit, mouse, dolphin, bird, crocodile.After doing it children will choose a partner to share their works and make the oral description to each other. They will have the following chart to help them:

An example of a little conversation pairs will have would be something like this:

Finally, they will be asked to reflect about their work. In pairs they will need to reflect if there is another better way to say something. For example: Another way to express smell very bad is to say stinky. The pig it is not only scratchy, sometimes it can feel soft too. They need to do it in pairs because the pair will be encouraging his/her partner to think more carefully about his/her own work. They both can participate and they both need to reflect about their works.


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