  • 8/13/2019 Creative Conscious Evolution_femalewarrior-Net



    Creative Conscious Evolution

    For don Juan, sorcery was the act of embodying

    some specialized theoretical and practical premises

    about t he nat ure and role of percept ion in molding

    the universe around us. ~ Carlos Castaneda, The

    Art of Dreaming

    Evolution be gins with inner silence. W hen w e t ake

    the t ime t o sit in stillness and connect with t he

    earth we begin to connect to the intricate

    energetic web of t he universe of w hich we are all a

    part; of which we eme rged! To evolve, one must

    have command over t he t otality o f oneself. T his

    means that you encounter powerby removing

    yourself from the concerns of t he group mind

    and replace t hem w ith decisions of powe r and strategies that bring you to awareness. It involves practicing

    silence to overcome the domestic condition of having membership in a social group and removing yourself

    as a hostage in another persons inventoryw ith an obligation to uphold an image be fore ot hers. You are an

    autonomous, individual who h as come t o realize that your next step is to liberate and e volve your

    consciousness. If you choose not to, you may remain stuck w ithin a loop of repeating patterns over and

    over again.

    Those o f you who place a higher value on your own pe rceptions than on the interpretations of othe rs

    have access to more informational awareness that is interconne cted with t he t rue alignment of intent than

    the mostly faulty de scriptions of reality t hat have be en provided to you.

    The only thing that prevents humans from evolving into states o f consistent , heightened awareness and

    transcendence of human limitations is themselves. It is so easy to co nsistently fall back into the st ories and

    patterns that one has been taught to pe rceive! The force behind collective coercion is so strong and yet,

    a warrior comes to recognize when they need to put everything on hold to connect once again with the

    deep universal awareness that they can collect and assemble from silent knowledge. If you are resonating

    with this you can now look deep ly into t he abyss in order to det ermine how to be st become free from the

    paradigmatic structures t hat have successfully kept you bound to modalities that no longer serve you and

    ultimately prevent you from living your life in complete freedom; uncomplicated, joyful and beautiful


    You r commitme nt to evo lve must be to yourself, not to anot her. Once t he decision has been made , you

    become excited with the possibility of recreating yourself and can fully immerse yourself in a state of

    constant c reation and co -creation. T he only sustainable creations are the ones w ithin which the creators

    themselves are th at very act of c reation. Creation with con scious intent! It is at this juncture t hat one

    decides whet her to find solace in the security of he r routines or to jump into the abyss; the very act o f

    committing to connect with t he creative conscious awareness from which you eme rged in the first place.

    As you release your limiting be liefs, you begin t o st reng then you r energe tic configurat ion. As you

    strengthen your energetic configuration, you begin to evolve. You become open with the opportunity to

    align with th e pulse of the e arth in balance w ith universal life force e nergies for your evolution. It is your

    destiny to e volve and in tho se moment s of evolution you w ill come t o know the Nagual itself.

    We are perceivers. The w orld th at w e pe rceive, t hough, is an illusion. It was created by a description that

    was told to us since the moment we were born.~ Don Juan, Tales of Powe r

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    Missing Chapte rs from

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    by Carlos Castaneda

    * Link to books in English and Spanish *

    The Teachings of Don Juan

    A Separate Re ality

    Journey to Ixtlan

    Tales of Powe r

    The Second Ring of Powe r

    The Eagle's Gift

    The Fire from

    The Power of Silence

    The Art of Dreaming

    The Act ive Side of Infinity

    The Wheel of Time

    by Taisha Abelar

    A Sorcere r's Crossing

    by Florinda Donner

    Being in Dreaming

    The Witches Dream

    by Armando TorresEncounters with the Nagual

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    Albert o Insua




    This entry was posted on December 12, 2013. It was filed under Warriors of Freedomand was tagged with consciousness, creation, creative, destiny, energetic,

    evolution, freedom, illusion, nagual, perception, silence.

    17 Responses

    I really appreciate your wisdom! AHO!

    December 12, 2013 at 12:46 pm


    Thanks for the compliment bu t its not my wisdom, its the knowing

    that has emerged t o reveal itself from silent knowledge!

    December 12, 2013 at 1:31 pm


    So be autiful to imagine t he state of creation and co -creation you describe.

    December 12, 2013 at 1:34 pm


    Dont imagine, BE THE A CT O F CREATION!!!

    Keep d ancing!

    December 12, 2013 at 1:59 pm


    Journey Without Goal

    Personal Power = Evolution

    Volunt ee rs in the Sorcere r's World?

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  • 8/13/2019 Creative Conscious Evolution_femalewarrior-Net



    Hannah Lily

    syndax vuzz





    You won t be lieve the fort une cookie message I rece ived!

    December 12, 2013 at 2:00 pm


    that is awesome!! frickn love the way communication changes as

    awareness grows!

    December 12, 2013 at 6:24 pm


    Reblogged this on syndax vuzz.

    December 12, 2013 at 5:33 pm



    December 12, 2013 at 7:31 pm


    I am too scared to make the co mmitment to leave the safety/solace of

    routine.. and I cant for the life of me figure out why. the commitment I have

    made to t ruth has taken me sooo far.. and here I am now, stuck but then, I

    am still recapitulating and meditating more often with the intent ion of

    connec ting with one ness (or rather.. w ith acknowledging that the truth is all

    thats really true).. so maybe I just nee d to.. be patient w ith the process??

    trust in myself and source of all.. know that im choosing to still be stuck here,

    but t rust that I wont keep choosing that. . recapitulate.. keep practising??

    December 12, 2013 at 6:31 pm


    The bigge st prison people live in is the fear o f w hat ot her people th ink.

    ~ David Icke

    Hannahfree ~ Let go litt le by litt le. Be pat ient not with t he process but

    with yourself

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  • 8/13/2019 Creative Conscious Evolution_femalewarrior-Net


    Hannah Lily


    Hannah Lily


    Consider that you are not choosing to be stuck he re. Maybe you are

    choosing to not move forwardyet. T he only thing you can do is Keep


    December 12, 2013 at 7:29 pm


    hmmmness choosing to not move forward (yet ) certainly

    puts a different spin on it!

    patience I am less so, rather than more so, as I practise

    remembering that reality is different than that which I perceive

    im finding myself fee ling mo re and mo re violent, and I so rarely

    used to be.

    before that gets out of hand, i know its time to choose my

    actions and not be ruled by my reactions.. yet I seem t o be

    fighting that.. my impulses to .. indulge?? in the anger and pain

    seem to be harder and harder to resist.. do you have any insight

    what that might be about!!??

    I do hear the very applicable practicality of your words already

    though.. little by little, patience.. and recall that I am able to see

    whe re im at from a different perspective.. that I can see c ould

    actually change the who le energy of nowne ss!

    thank you.. for being applicable to now .. whe ther I act on it or


    December 14, 2013 at 1 2:14 am

    My intent may Be @ your service HannahFree.

    Intent (?) is always bigger than us but everything begins and end s in


    December 14, 2013 at 5:45 am


    is this a website? thank you for your reply!

    December 20, 2013 at 9 :45 pm

    Hannah, you said: the anger and pain seem t o be harder and harder to resist..

    do you have any insight what t hat might be about!!??

    This is the predator; anger and pain are its favorite food. People misunderstand

    the predator and think of it as a bad moment, or an evil spirit, or trauma

    that o ccurred and that o nce recapitulated is gone forever. This is not so. The

    predator is an unde rcurrent of ene rgy that flows prevalently or subtly through

    everyone. Don Juan said oft en t hat for a w arrior, every moment is a battle. T his

    is true and at t imes the force of t he batt le diminishes. But t he predator is

    always the re. Its disgusting and it has a lot of powe r. Our go al as warriors is to

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    Hannah Lily

    Hannah Lily

    restore our personal power to t he point that we are impenet rable and

    impeccable with our energy, then it can no longer touch us, even t hough w e

    are constantly observing and witnessing it almost everywhe re we look.

    Someone recently suggested that I write more about becoming free from the

    predator. Perhaps that time is now.

    Keep d ancing!

    December 14, 2013 at 9:58 am


    Lets have a litt le one on the predator.

    All the paths are t he same. .

    December 14, 2013 at 11:15 am


    im not sure what its about. no big trauma, just lots of small things,

    discont ent.. disappointment at myself for no t being impeccable. for being

    judgeme ntal and fo rceful in an o verpow ering t o o thers w ay. for be ing

    reactive to emot ions, not choosing my responses from a more.. know ing

    space. ive been on a recovery journey from to tally losing th e plot, its

    been about 10 years. the last couple of years especially I have felt like

    the illusions of t his existence have bee n beco ming clearer, ive been

    experiencing strong syncronistic .. experiences, in the most bizarre ways..

    like whatever it is, that voice for truth t hat speaks with us can use th e

    world like its plasticine to communicate with us. the complete malleability

    of time and space for the messages to be delivered in the w ay they have

    has just blown me away.. and I am just one tiny aspect that is being

    taught.. how amazing when you step back and look at the fact that im

    only one small cog.. that communication of t ruth, being led through

    illusions, is happening all the time.. the mind-blowing power (and i must

    say, love) of truth (what ever that may be!!) and the non-reality of t his

    place I guess is the bo tto m line of what ive bee n learning.. and yet .. im

    still so stuck in the.. reacting to all this world, people, in the same old

    ways.. and like I said, more and more of the violent, destructive, and

    yes, disgusting is a good word.. unkind pow er drainer.. almost like.. a

    vampire on othe r people, very controlling w ays.

    I would love to read more about becoming free from this.. like I said in

    response to your last reply.. practical tools to help feel needed.. cos I am

    getting harder and harder on myself, cos it feels like the knowledge

    should be eno ugh.. t hat remembering that this isnt o ur reality, and

    stopping to ground myself in that, and to recapitulate the energy given

    to the old ways of seeing, should be e nough.. t heres the self pity! it

    should be enoug h, dammit!

    December 20, 2013 at 9:34 pm


    well laugh.. where I was speaking of what feels to me like t he big

    need fo r practical tools.. it reads as my wanting to feel needed.

    and I have to say.. that ties in w ith messages that have been

    bombarding me around neediness.. needing things, myself

    situations, people to be a certain way for me t o be ok.. as well as

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    simply wanting to b e nee ded by othe rs. this is making me very

    uncomfortable, embarrassed.. but I have a feeling its a big key to

    freedom. im also embarrassed at my self importance.. but there it


    December 20, 2013 at 9 :44 pm

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