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a n in te ra c tive , im m e rsive , se n so ria l sp a c e th a t re p re se n ts th e n e w

fro n tie r o f a d ve rtisin g

3M Sensitive Space

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a network of 40 interactive shop windows for UniCredit, the 5th bank

in Europe. Winner of the Cerchio d!Oro award, the most important

prize for financial communication in Italy

UniCredit Banca

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iO is a partner of RAI (the Italian public television) for interactive solutions to be used as digital scenography for the TV shows

interactive scenography

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CheBanca, retail branch of the most important Italian merchant bank, Mediobanca: a network of next generation touchless info points in the agencies. 35 today, up to 100 by 2010. Interactive shop windows are currently in progress


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iO is the official partner for digital and interactivity of Linea d!Ombra, the most important private company in Europe for the organization or art events (in the image, an installation for the Van Gogh exhibition)


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iO works for all the most important Italian banks about different typologies of interactive networked installations: Veneto Banca, Monte dei Paschi, Credit Agricole

retail bank installations

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large interactive projection networks for advertising purposes. Projects in progress in Italy, UK, Spain in malls, airports, cinemas. Projects in starting phase in Ireland, Brasil, Germany, Romania

interactive projection networks

winner of the Clear Channel Planning Award for the best use of innovation outdoor: “By using iO technologies we were able to create motion and bring the swelling underwater worlds of SpongeBob and H20 to life”

Universal McCann, UK

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Interactive shop windows for Vodafone, Italy

Vodafone shop windows

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iO designed the interactive solution for the new Italian postal office. The first office has been opened in Rome, 2008. Interactive windows, interactive projections for advertising, touchless infopoint, virtual assistant

Poste Italiane

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iO develped next generation sales centers and interactive installations for luxury real estate developers in France and Middle East

luxury real estate

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iO created the world first holographic interactive configurator: people had the possibility to design their 500, to see it as a real size 3D hologram and to buy it. 150 sold cars in 5 days

Fiat 500 world preview

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iO is the Fiat group (Fiat, Alfa Romeo, Lancia, Abarth) partner for the interactive solutions for the international motorshows of Paris, Frankfurt, Geneva and Bologna since 2005

Fiat group, the motorshows

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an interactive retail space where guest is recognized and managed

according to specific one to one policies. An immersion in the Brand


L’Oreal concept salon

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several projects from the Expo Zaragoza 2008:

• the water tower, an experiential space to celebrate water

• Interactive installations for the Morocco pavillion

• the interactive fountain (in the image): the first interactive fountain of

this kind all over the world

Zaragoza 2008

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created for the Belfast local authority

the experiential walkaway

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3MIBMUniversal McCannUniCreditMediobancaMonte dei PaschiVeneto BancaFiatAlfa RomeoLanciaCitroenNissanTelefonicaGhesa

Veneta CucinePfizerGSKBenettonRome Fiumicino airportMilan Malpensa airportMilan Linate airportVodafoneDubai PearlBanca FriuladriaAbarthAlitaliaKomatsuVeneto government

forExpo Zaragoza 2008FinmeccanicaPoste ItalianeLombardia governmentIGP DecauxPioneer investmentsLe Provencal real estateKomatsuBacardiNickelodeonRAI L’Oréal ParisLinea d’ombraMorocco government

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all the informations and the images presented in this document are property of iO - copyright iO 2009

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