


2004 - 2005




Howard Bergman, MD

September 2005

INTRODUCTION The McGill University Division of Geriatric Medicine of the Department of Medicine is comprised of faculty from the Divisions of Geriatric Medicine of the Jewish General Hospital (JGH), the McGill University Health Centre (MUHC), and St. Mary's Hospital. Faculty from the Department of Family Medicine play a key role in the Division. There are links with the Division of Geriatric Psychiatry of the Department of Psychiatry. Faculty from Epidemiology, molecular and cell biology and Neurology with an active and significant interest in aging research and who have been involved in research with division members are integrated in the division. Investigators from other departments continue to show interest and have requested joining the Division. There is ongoing and close collaboration for clinical work, teaching and research with nursing, physiotherapy, occupational therapy and social work. There is significant collaboration with our colleagues from the Université de Montréal as well as other Quebec and Canadian Universities in areas of research and program development. International collaboration has also considerably developed. The Division Executive now includes Drs. Allen Huang (MUHC Division Director), Howard Chertkow, Ruby Friedman, Robert Bailey, Susan Gold and Christina Wolfson, reflecting our research, teaching and clinical objectives. The Executive has met regularly in the past year and various committees function in a regular and active manner. (See Appendix I for Committee Work) 1. RESEARCH AND PUBLICATIONS 1.1 Research activity Please see Appendix II for the list of research projects, Appendix III for publications, book chapters and abstracts, Appendix IV for lectures, Appendix V for honors and awards, Appendix VI for graduate students. Research in neurobiology and dementia, informatics, health services, frailty, pharmacoepidemiology, nutrition, bone, rehabilitation, long term care and education continue to represent the existing strengths of the Division with programs that cross hospital, department and university lines and in some cases integrate bench to bedside to population. Geriatric/Oncology, Geriatric Cardiology as well as end of life care are emerging interests. There is increasing collaboration with colleagues from Quebec, Canada and internationally. In the past year, members of our Division lead major research programs with funding from the Canadian Institutes on Health Research (CIHR), the FRSQ, the Canadian Foundation for Innovation (CFI) and Valorisation Recherche Québec (VRQ). These major research teams bring together investigators from Quebec, Canada and internationally. Dr. Allen Huang, with Robyn Tamblyn’s group on projet IRIS-Quebec & Cyber-Santé; Dr. Howard Chertkow and other colleagues from our McGill Division and colleagues from the Université de Montréal on Cognitive Impairment in the Elderly; Drs. Howard Bergman and François Béland, co-directors of Solidage: McGill/Université de Montréal Research Group on Integrated Services for the Elderly on The Challenge of Understanding and Meeting the Needs of the Frail Elderly in the Canadian Health Care System. Other members of our Division actively involved include: Johanne Monette, Christina Wolfson, and Wendy Chiu. Johanne Monette continues to develop a Collaborative Research Network in Long-Term Care. Dr. Howard Bergman with Christina

Wolfson and François Béland with funding from the Max Bell Foundation, the FRSQ, the Institute of Aging of the CIHR and other Canadian and European groups lead the Canadian Initiative on Frailty and Aging. Dr. José Morais, along with several other investigators from Quebec received major funding from CIHR for a 5 year Longitudinal Study on Nutrition and Healthy Aging. Drs. Wendy Chiu and Johanne Monette are key players in setting up the Geriatric/Oncology interest group with the objective of developing a research, teaching and clinical program. A geriatrician/oncologist from the Université de la Méditerranée in Marseille and an oncologist from the Institut Curie will be joining our Division in the coming year as research fellows. As well, Doreen Wan-Chow-Wah, our geriatric fellow, is planning to do a fellowship in Oncology. Because of these strengths, the Division has played an important role in the FRSQ Quebec Research Network on Aging (Réseau Québécois de recherche sur le vieillissement). Howard Bergman is named Director, José Morais is on the executive and other members are either coordinators or present in all themes. Dr. Bergman was named Chair of the Advisory Board of the Institute of Aging. Drs. José Morais and Gustavo Duque held in the past year chercheur/clinician awards. Dr. Duque won the Young Investigator Award from the Gerontological Society of America. 1.2 Research Day This year our McGill Division held its 10th Annual Research Day in collaboration with the 4th Annual Research Day of the Réseau Québécois de recherche sur le vieillissement and in collaboration with the Centre de recherche de l’institut universitaire de gériatrie de Montréal. Please see Appendix VII for the Annual Research Day Program. Suffice to say that there were 25 oral presentations and 43 poster presentations. Two $750 prizes were awarded by a jury of faculty members:

• Ayanna Roberts (Interactive case design: teaching basic hospital skills to 2nd year medical students) for best oral presentation in social/health/medical education research

• Linda Lévesque (Does the addition of functional status indicators to case-mix adjustment indices improve prediction of hospitalization, institutionalization and death among Canadian elderly) for best oral presentation in social/health/medical education research respectively.

Two $300 prizes were awarded:

• Keira Robinson (Evaluating the Feasibility and the Process of Assessing Capacity to Consent in a Population-Based Research Study) for best poster presentation in clinical/epidemiological research

• Jules Widler (Exercise and Nutrition in Older Women: Towards Healthier Lifestyles) for the best poster presentation in social/health/medical education research.

Approximately 80 people attended the Research Day and an abstract book was distributed.

1.3 Travel grant For the 9th year, the Division’s Executive distributed several travel grants to several residents and postgraduate students. 2. EDUCATION 2.1 Joint Education/Training Committee Undergraduate medical students: We are now completing the third year of the Geriatric Medicine Clerkship for all medical students (third and fourth year). Geriatric Medicine faculty is also involved in teaching two modules in I.T.P. as well as the integrated course in the first year. Dr. Gustavo Duque, with the collaboration of Dr. Susan Gold and the support of his committee including Drs. Catherine Ferrier, Paul Heilpern, and Michael Bonney Castle, lead the Clerkship Curriculum with innovative web-based methods for teaching and evaluation. Ayanna Roberts was the coordinator. This has been and continues to be a tremendous challenge for our Division, which teaches 12 medical students every month. The number of students continues to rise each year (see Appendix VIII for summary of report). We are expecting changes in the coming year resulting in all fourth year students doing the 1 month Clerkship but over a period of 7 months, resulting in significant increase in the number of students per month. The student evaluations have been very good to excellent. This is a testimony to the hard work and dedication of all the teachers in our Division. We are examining the curriculum on Aging in first and second year as well. As well, this work has generated a certain number of publications and presentations. Dr. Gustavo Duque won best poster presentation: Canadian Association of Faculties of Medicine/Canadian Medical Association annual meeting, Saskatoon. Medical residents: All medical residents as well as neurology and emergency medicine residents have a one-month rotation in Geriatric Medicine in their first year. Dr. Wendy Chiu is responsible for this program. There is ongoing dialog with the McGill Care Medicine program director. Family medicine residents: All family medicine residents, as well, do one month of Geriatric Medicine. Geriatric Medicine Specialty Training Program: Dr. Yves Bacher has recently stepped down as the Program Director. Dr. José Morais was named the new Program Director. Dr. Doreen Wan Chow Wah began her fellowship in January 2005. She was also the Chief Medical resident at the Royal Victoria Hospital. Health care for the Elderly Training Program: In the past eight years we have trained 15 fellows. Dr. Najmi Nazerali is the Director, and Dr. Sylvia Windholz is the Associate Director

of this program. We presently have 3 trainees: 2 from the McGill Family Medicine Program, Dr. Miriam Abdelnour and Dr. Nicola Toma; and 1 from the University of Toronto, Dr. Joyce Lee. Clinical/Research Fellows: Dr. Manuel Montero, a geriatrician from Argentina, is completing his second year as a McGill clinical research fellow and focusing on mobility and gait speed. He received the Maimonides Geriatric Hospital/Jewish General Hospital/McGill University fellowship. Dr. Chek Wong, a geriatrician from Singapore, is completing an 8 month research fellowship based in the Solidage Research Group and focusing on frailty. Dr. Frédérique Retornaz, from the Université de la Méditerranée from Marseille, was trained as both a geriatrician and an oncologist will be beginning a 1 year research fellowship in Geriatric/Oncology. As well, Dr. Veronique Girre, an oncologist based at the Institut Curie in Paris has applied to do a research fellowship in Geriatric/Oncology beginning in June 2006. Research projects completed under the McGill Summer Student Research Bursary included a comparison of changes in MoCA and MMSE in MCI patients followed at the Memory Clinic with complaints of cognitive decline, and correlation of orthostatic hypotension and fear of falling in patients followed at the Geriatric Clinic. Supervising staff included Drs. Johanne Monette, Susan Gold and Manuel Montero. A research project on the role of lamins during mesenchymal stem differentiation was pursued at Dr. Duque’s laboratory by Yi Xing, a dental student at McGill University. She received a CIHR Health Professional Student Research Award to develop a small project both identifying the role of lamins in a normal model of differentiation and also looking at the effect that lamin inhibition n may have in this model. 2.2 Post-Graduate Courses Dr. Gustavo Duque teaches courses in biology of aging. Dr. Christina Wolfson gives a course on epidemiology of aging in the Department of Epidemiology and Biostatistics, while Dr. Nancy Mayo gives a course in methodology to graduate physiotherapy and occupational therapy students. Division members have given lectures in courses in other faculties and universities. 2.3 Education Activities with other McGill Schools and Departments Our Division participated in teaching in the McGill School of PT and OT and the School of Dietetics and Human Nutrition. 2.4 Rounds a) McGill University Geriatric Medicine Grand Rounds In October 1994 the Division inaugurated the McGill University Geriatric Medicine Grand Rounds. We have now completed our 11th year (see the full program in Appendix IX). Seven speakers including four local speakers and three visiting professors were part of this year's

program. The visiting professors spent two days at McGill giving the Geriatric Medicine Grand Rounds, a Medical Grand Round in one of the three teaching hospitals, as well as meetings with McGill scientists, graduate students and post-doc and residents interested in a particular field. This year we began a new tradition. All the trainees, fellows, residents and medical students interacted with the Grand Round speaker around a case presentation. b) McGill University Interdisciplinary Rounds The McGill University Interdisciplinary Seminars has now completed its second year of operation in its revised format. The first seminar was held on September 19, 2003, and entitled “Promoting Partnership through Protocols: Intervention Strategies for Dementia Care. It was well-attended (about 130 participants) and received excellent feedback. The present committee is comprised of representatives from various facilities in the McGill teaching network, including hospitals, rehab centers, CLSC's, and long-term care institutions. Its second annual seminar was held on Sept. 10, 2004, and was entitled “Driven to Distraction: Ethical Dilemmas in Geriatric Care”. Featured topics and speakers included Driving Ability, presented by Mme Isabelle Gelinas, erg./PhD from McGill University, Competency presented by M. Daniel Geneau, and Lucia Fabijan from the JGH presented Complex Family Dynamics. In addition to the formal lectures, poster presentations and resource kiosks were featured, providing increased opportunity for networking. This year’s seminar to be held in September 2005 will focus on Mental Health. I want to express my appreciation to Caryn Nash for her work as committee Chair. Caryn has been replaced by Judy Bianco. Committee members include health care professionals from Acute Care, Long term care and community settings. c) Hospital Division Rounds The hospitals Division organize rounds as well. The MUHC has weekly joint rounds with local and visiting speakers and the JGH has regular Journal Club. Both Divisions hold regular presentations by residents. St. Mary’s holds rounds and journal clubs as well. The Jewish General Hospital/McGill Memory Clinic holds Research Rounds. 2.5 Continuing Medical Education In March 2004, Paul Lysy with Yves Bacher and Susan Vaitekunas organized a very successful McGill Geriatric two-day CME course with approximately 70 participants (held every two years). Paul Lysy stepped down as Committee Chair and I want to express my sincere appreciation for his dedicated and excellent work. Paul, Susan Vaitekunas and David Lussier are on the committee chaired by Dr. Gary Inglis. With the help and encouragement of Dr. Michael D. Rosengarten of McGill Continuing Medical Education, Geriatric Medicine now has a section on the Continuing Medical Education website ( where lectures in particular from the Geriatric Medicine Grand Rounds series, as well as other lectures given by members of our Division or others on geriatric topics can be viewed directly as web casting. Members of the Division actively participated in various activities of continuing medical education including the Thursday evening lecture series.

3. CLINICAL ACTIVITIES The organization of clinical activities is under the responsibility of each of the hospital Divisions of geriatric medicine at the MUHC (Montreal General and RVH sites) (Dr. Allen Huang), Jewish General Hospital (Dr. Ruby Friedman), and St. Mary’s (Dr. Robert Bailey). There has been some sharing of resources in the past and this will likely continue to grow. As well, there have been agreements on the development of tertiary care activities. Finally, recruitment is done as a joint activity of the University and each of the hospital Divisions. In the McGill hospitals (MUHC, JGH, St. Mary’s) there are a total of over 100 acute geriatric beds and the Divisions assume the responsibility for approximately 188 long-term care beds situated within the hospitals. All the Divisions run active consultation services in the Emergency Room as well as on the medical, surgical and psychiatric wards. In the last year there were approximately 3500 consultations (not counting follow-up visits) done in the emergency room and on the wards. As well, there are outpatient geriatric clinics in each of the sites, as well as a Geriatric Day Hospital at the MUHC/RVH site. There is a tertiary care Memory Clinic at the JGH and an Incontinence Clinic at the MUHC/MGH site as well as a Competency Clinic at the MUHC/MGH site. Each of the sites is actively involved in other community outreach programs with the CLSC home care services and community intermediate resources. Geriatricians and other members of the multidisciplinary team participate actively in program planning and management for services of the elderly in each of the hospitals as well as with the CLSCs, the Regional Board and the Ministry. 4. NATIONAL AND INTERNATIONAL ACTIVITIES This year, Dr. Yves Bacher was elected President of the Societé Québécois de gériatrie and Dr. Howard Bergman President of the Canadian Geriatrics Society. The work on the international scene continues to develop. Members of the Division continue to be invited as speakers, often in major plenary sessions, in many and varied international scientific meetings and forums. This has led to international collaboration in research endeavors in Europe, United States, Latin America and Israel. Members of the Division have been named to boards of international peer-reviewed journals. As indicated above, international clinical and research fellows are an important part of our program. Members of the Division are actively involved in American Geriatrics Society International Special Interest Group. 5. WEBSITE Thanks to the work of Shek Fung with the help of Allen Huang, Gustavo Duque and Carol Novoseller, our website ( is an active instrument. It is becoming an important point of communication for those interested in finding out about what our Division does or communicating our monthly Calendar of Events and for announcing various rounds, etc., as well as an instrument for the teaching of medical students and residents.

6. CONCLUSION There is no doubt that the McGill Division of Geriatric Medicine has developed considerably in the area of education as well as research and publications. With the scope or our clinical responsibilities, the depth and variety of the education activities, in particular now with the Clerkship, the importance of the research programs in terms of the amount of peer-reviewed and industry funding, as well as publications, our Division is perhaps the most complete in the country and makes important contributions to the field of Geriatric Medicine and Aging. It is a testimony to the work of the members of our faculty. There are several important challenges in the upcoming year. Teaching The coming year will be both exciting and challenging from a teaching point of view. We will continue to have our full load of clerks with slightly increased numbers. This program continues to be stimulating for our faculty but also represents a significant load. This coming year we have, as well, a significant number of fellows: 1 R4/R5 Geriatric Medicine Specialty fellow and 3 Family Medicine Care for the Elderly R3 fellows. As well, we continue to have the clinical research fellows that I mentioned above. Clinical The development of the RUIS (Réseau Universitaire intégré de services) represents an extremely important challenge for us. Up until now, our hospital divisions have worked independently but with the RUIS we will now have to rethink the configuration of our services and our relationship with our clinical partners. These partners include the 2 CSSS (Cavendish and Métro/Côte des Neiges/Park Extension), which represent a population of approximately 350,000 people, calculating approximately 18% over 65. This represents close to 65,000 older persons. We have a responsibility as a secondary tertiary care center for those 2 CSSS. As well, we have responsibilities to other CSSS on the island, particularly the West Island CSSS, which includes the Lakeshore General Hospital. We have already been solicited to work with the Lakeshore General in order to consult and advise on the development of their program for older persons. Finally, we have the responsibilities toward the outlined regions, including l’Outaouais and Abitibi; for example, the l’Outaouais region has already invited us to consult and advise them on the development of their geriatric programs. Research We will need to continue to recruit and train new investigators involved in strategic research programs in development at the FRSQ and CIHR. There are important opportunities for important linkage among our research programs; for example, Oncology, Cardiology, Frailty, Nutrition and bone, etc.

Recruitment As with other university divisions in the Department of Medicine, this is an interesting challenge. We have increasing teaching and research demands, with ever increasing clinical demands not only within our hospitals but also our responsibility within the RUIS. We need to continue to identify opportunities for recruitment within the restrictions of the medical manpower numbers that have been allocated to us. Acknowledgements Geriatric Medicine continues to receive constant support from both the Dean of Medicine, Abe Fuks and the Chair of Medicine, Dr. David Eidelman. I would like to, again, express my special appreciation to Dr. Robert Levine of the Kaufmann Foundation and Ms. Anita David of the Gustav Levinschi Foundation who continue to be a source of counsel and advice for our Division. They have constantly supported innovative clinical work and research in our hospital Division. I would like to express my appreciation to Carol Novoseller who is instrumental in the organization of the McGill Geriatric Medicine Grand Rounds, the McGill Interdisciplinary Geriatric Seminar and the McGill CME program and who assures the administration base for our Division, to Elizabeth Iacono, Enza Volpe and Renée Kaminski for secretarial and organization support in all our division activities. I would also like to thank Ayanna Roberts who has stepped down as coordinator of our teaching program to continue her post graduate studies.

Respectfully submitted,

Howard Bergman, MD

The Dr. Joseph Kaufmann Professor of Geriatric Medicine

Director Division of Geriatric Medicine, McGill University HB/ei



2004 - 2005



Division members Cross appointed members Adjunct members

COMMITTEE 2004 - 2005

BERGMAN Howard Journals Editorial Board Revue de Gériatrie (publiée en France), membre, Comité Scientifique 1996-present Geriatrics & Aging 1998-present International Journal of Integrated Care (IJIC) 2001-present Geriatrics Today 2001-present Geriatrics & Gerontology (International Editorial Board) 2005 Ad hoc Reviews Canadian Family Physician 1988-present Canadian Journal on Aging 1990-present Canadian Medical Association Journal (CMAJ) 1992-present Journal of the American Geriatrics Society 1993-present Age and Aging 1998-present Grant Reviews Committees Merit Review Panel, Canadian Health Services Research Foundation 1998-present FRSQ Comité pour l’évaluation des demandes de subventions 2000-present à la recherche évaluative, épidémiologique et opérationnelle Ad hoc reviews National Health Research and Development Programs (NHRDP), 1990-present Health and Welfare Canada Medical Research Council, Canada 1992-present Fonds de la Recherche en Santé du Québec (FRSQ) 1991-present

McGill University Department of Medicine Executive Committee, Division of Geriatric Medicine 1991-present Education Committee, Division of Geriatric Medicine 1994-present Sir Mortimer B. Davis Jewish General Hospital Department of Medicine Policy Committee 1990-present Hospital Committees Medical Advisory Committee 1987-present Professional and Learned Societies Officer Vice-Chair, Advisory Board of the Institute of Aging, CIHR 2004 Chair, Advisory Board of the Institute of Ageing, CIHR 2005 Advisor, International Federation on Ageing 2005 President, Canadian Geriatrics Society 2005 Meeting Organizer Montreal Organizing Committee, 8th International Montreal/Springfield 2004 Symposium on Advances in Alzheimer Therapy. Montreal Co-Chair, Scientific Committee, Congrès international francophone 2004 de gérontologie 2006. Montreal Organizing Committee, International Network of Integrated Care. 2004 The 6th International Conference on Integrated Care. February 2005, Dublin Comité Consultatif, Forum franco-québécois sur la santé. Mai 2005, Québec 2004

Foundations and Industry Committees Board of Directors, Gustav Levinschi Foundation 2004 Advisory Council, encircle Program, Bank of Montreal 2004 Government and Community Committees and Consultations Consultation visit and summary workshop: Challenge of Implementing 2005 the Specialized Geriatric Program in Edmonton. Glenrose Rehabilitation Hospital – sponsored by Capital Health, Vancouver, BC BROWN-JOHNSON Anita Member, LTC/ER Workgroup 2005-present Member, McGill Interdisciplinary Geriatric Seminar 2005-present Member, MUHC Task Force on Post-Hospitalization Care 2005 CPDP Representative on MUHC Adult Clinical Ethics Committee 2004-present Member, MUHC Long-Term Care Task Force 2004 Chair, MUHC Committee on Curriculum Development for AMPs 2004 Member, MUHC Alternate Level Care Taskforce 2003-2004 Member, MUHC Department of Family Medicine Executive Committee 2002-present Member, MUHC Division of Geriatrics Executive Committee 2001-present Physician Representative on MUHC Transition/Long-Term Care 2000-present Quality Management Committee Member, MUHC Interdisciplinary Workgroup on Management of 2002-present Behavioral Disturbance MGH Physician Representative on MUHC Joint Committee on 2002-present Patient Care Member, Division of Geriatrics Committee on Morbidity & Mortality – MGH 2002–present Site

MUHC – GDECC Committee on Shared Medical Manpower 2002-present Joint recruitment efforts continued over the past year to attract family physicians to MUHC Transition Care & GDECC CHERTKOW Howard Jewish General Hospital Academic Advisory Committee 2000-present Medical advisor, Québec division of the Alzheimer’s Society of Canada 1998-present Member, Executive Committee, Lady Davis Institute, S.M.B.D. 1999-present -Jewish General Hospital Coordinator, Québec Consortium for Alzheimer’s Disease and 2001-present Related Neurodegenerative Disorders. (Coordinator of CFI application from same) Member, FRSQ (Fonds de la recherche en santé du Québec) Committee 2001-present for awarding chercheur-boursier clinician salary grants. President, C5R (Consortium of Canadian Centres for 2001-present Clinical Cognitive Research) “Action Editor” Brain and Cognition 2002-present Coordinator (elected) – application to the NCE program for 2002-2004 ‘CI-NET’, the Cognitive Impairment Network of Canada. Appointed Scientific Officer, CIHR Biological and Clinical Aspects 2002-present of Aging Committee. CLARFIELD Avram Mark Research Ethics (Helsinki) Committee, Soroka Hospital, Beersheva 2004-present Steering Committee, ICRAM 2004-2005 (Int'l Committee to Revitalize Academic Medicine), BMJ, London, UK DUQUE Gustavo Education Committee, Division of Geriatric Medicine, McGill University 1999-present American Geriatrics Society Research Committee-Public Relations subcommittee Grant review committee-FRSQ for détenteurs d’un diplome professional 2005 en sante: Doctorat, Post doctorat, fellowship

KODNER Dennis L. Co-Director, Consortium of New York Geriatric Education Centers 2004 Editorial Board, International Journal of Integrated Care 2004 Editorial Board, Home Health Care Services Quarterly 2004 Committee of International Experts, Revista Multidisciplinar Gerontología 2004 International Advisory Board, Social Policy & Administration 2004 Reviewer, The Milbank Quarterly 2004 Reviewer, The Gerontologist 2004 Reviewer, Journal of Gerontology: Social Sciences 2004 Reviewer, Journal of Aging & Health 2004 Reviewer, Aging & Social Policy 2004 Steering Committee, International Network of Integrated Care (INIC) 2004 Scientific/Program Committee; Chairman, 2005 INIC International 2004 Conference on Integrated Care, Dublin, Ireland Scientific/Program Committee; Member, 2006 INIC + 2005 Conference on Integrated Care, Montreal, Canada LEBLANC Andrea University Graduate Student Committee of the Neuroscience Department, McGill 1996-present VRQ steering committee, Chaired by H. Chertkow and Y. Joanette 2001-present National Consultant H3 Pharma 2003-2004 International Editorial Advisory Board, 2003-present Current Alzheimer Research, Bentham Science Publishers Editorial Board, The American Journal of Pathology 2004-2007 Editorial Advisory Panel, Biochemical Journal 2004-present

National Institutes of Health, Division of Research Grants, Member of Molecular, Cellular and Developmental Neuroscience, Ad hoc 2002-2003; appointed member 2003-2006 Advisory Committees Student Degree Department Supervisor Year Micheal Taboski M.Sc. Anat & Cell Biology Chantal Autexier 2003-present Marc Germain Ph.D. Biochemistry Gordon Shore 2003-present Catherine Belanger Ph.D. GPNS Ted Fon 2004-present Zhao Yang Ph.D. Anat & Cell Biology Micheal Greenwood 2004-present Examiner (2001-2004) Student Degree University Supervisor Year Committee C. Petit Turcotte Ph.D. McGill J. Poirier 2004 Thesis defense internal examiner J. Bermack Ph.D. McGill G. Dubonnel 2004 Thesis Seminar, GPNS chair M. Robichaud Ph.D. McGill G. Dubonnel 2004 Thesis Seminar, GPNS chair J. Pilotte Ph.D. McGill S. Richard 2004 Thesis Defense/examiner S. Gaudreault Ph.D. McGill J. Poirier 2004 Thesis Seminar/examiner R. Ward Ph.D. McGill C. Atuexier 2004 Ph.D. Comprehensive examiner J. Myung-Cho Ph.D. McGill M. Jamali 2004 Thesis Defense examiner G. Walsh Ph.D. McGill F. Miller 2004 Thesis Seminar, GPNS chair C. Bélanger Ph.D. McGill T. Fon 2004 Candidacy examination/examiner LUSSIER David Journals – ad hoc reviews Journal of Pain and Symptom Management 2004 Journal of the American Geriatrics Society 2004-2005 Committees – external Secretary/Treasurer, Association des médecins gériatres du Québec 2004-present Member, Advisory Committee on Appropriate Use of Antibiotics, 2005 Conseil du médicament du Québec, MICHEL Jean-Pierre Scientific external advisor: Canadian Initiative on Frailty in Montreal 2004 Organization and participation in the Springfield Montreal Alzheimer 2004 Disease Symposium in Montreal Co-president: Springfield Montreal Alzheimer Disease Symposium in Montreal 2004

Member of the scientific committee: Springfield Montreal Alzheimer 2004 Disease Symposium in Montreal MORAIS José FRSQ – Member of the Executive Committee of the Provincial 2004-present Reseau for Aging Research External reviewer for CIHR Nutrition and Metabolism Committee 2004-present and for Canadian Diabetes Association Representative of the Association des Gériatres du Québec on the 2003-present Consulting Committee of the ROCQ (Recognizing Osteoporosis and its Consequences in Quebec). One period of 3 hours, twice/year. Member of the Clinical Sub-theme of diabetes of the 2003-present Canadian Longitudinal Study of Aging. Member of the Canadian Institute on Frailty and Aging, 2004 Sub-Theme of Biology Member of the Search Committee for the Director of Geriatric 2004 Medicine Division, McGill University CIHR Operating Grants Committee Member 2004-2005 SCHIPPER Hyman Journals Editorial Boards Journal of Neurochemistry 1998-present Ad-hoc reviews Glia (2) 2004 Neurobiology of Aging 2004 VAITEKUNAS Susan JGH Medical Records Committee Consultant work as expert in Long Term Care for College des Medecins Professional Inspection Committee

WINDHOLZ Sylvia McGill University Education Committee, McGill University, Division of Geriatric Medicine. 1996-present Sir Mortimer B. Davis - Jewish General Hospital Clinical Ethics Committee 1991-present Clinical Ethics Subcommittee: developing the SMBD 1998-present Jewish General Hospital Living Will Project. Critical Intervention Subcommittee 2004-2005 Committee for the Assessment of Medical Acts (CAMA) 1995-present Network Integration Committee 1999-present Management Committee, Division of Geriatric Medicine 1995-present WOLFSON Christina Committee Chair Department of Epidemiology & Biostatistics, McGill University 2005-present Ph.D. Comprehensive Examination Committee. Committee Membership Department of Epidemiology & Biostatistics, McGill University 2002-present Committee of Full Professors. Department of Epidemiology & Biostatistics, McGill University 2004-2005 Ph.D. Comprehensive Examination Committee. Department of Medicine, McGill University. Executive Committee 1994-present Division of Geriatric Medicine. Lady Davis Institute for Medical Research. Academic 2000-present Advisory Committee. Lady Davis Institute for Medical Research. Research 2005-present Management Committee.

Grant Reviews Panel Member, Health Research Committee, The Multiple Sclerosis 1998-present Society of Canada. Canadian Scientific Member of the Organizing Committee for the 2005 Society for 2005 Epidemiologic Research and Canadian Society for Epidemiology and Biostatistics joint Meeting. Chair, Organizing Committee for Spotlight Sessions. 2004-2005 Member, Selection Committee for the Scientific Director of the 2004 Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR), Institute of Aging. Ad hoc reviews Southern California Evidence-Based Practice Center. 2004 Neurological Foundation of New Zealand. 2004 Multiple Sclerosis Scientific Research Foundation of Canada. 2003-2004



2004 - 2005



Division members Cross appointed members Adjunct members

RESEARCH 2004 – 2005

2001-ongoing Novartis/Exelon "A 24-week Prospective, Randomized, Multicenter, Double-Blind, Placebo-

Controlled, Parallel Group comparison of the Efficacy, Tolerability, and Safety of 3-12 mg/day of ExelonÒ(Rivastigmine) Capsules in Patients with Probable Vascular Dementia." PI: Bacher Yves; Co-investigators: Bergman Howard, Chertkow Howard, Windholz Sylvia, Vaitekunas Susan, Gold Susan, Inglis Gary, and Schipper Hyman.

2003-ongoing Myriad/ Fluribuprofen “A Phase II Multicenter, Randomized, Double-Blind, Placebo-Controlled

Study of the Effect of Daily Treatment with MPC-7869 on Measures of Cognitive and Global Function in Subjects with Mild to Moderate Dementia of the Alzheimer’s Type.” (PROTOCOL: MPC-7869-03-003). PI: Bacher Yves;

Co-investigators: Bergman Howard, Chertkow Howard, Windholz Sylvia, Vaitekunas Susan, Gold Susan, Inglis Gary, and Schipper Hyman.

2005-2008 Développement d'un système informatisé de gestion de la pratique et de la

dotation en soins infirmiers et en milieux d'hébergement, Béland F (co-chercheur), CIHR (projet de recherche), 33 600$

2004-2008 The Canadian longitudinal study of aging: Developmental Activities - Phase 1,

Béland F (chercheur principal), IRSC (projet de recherche), 436 000$ 2004-2005 Banque de données Solidage-Prisma, Béland F (chercheur principal), RQRV-

FRSQ, 25 000$ 2004-2005 Pérennité Solidage-Prisma, Béland F (chercheur principal), RQRV-FRSQ

(projet de recherche), 35 000$ 2004-2005 FRÈLE : Fragilité : Une étude longitudinale de ses expressions, Béland F

(chercheur principal), RQRV-FRSQ (projet de recherche), 35,000$ 2004-2007 Rôle des organismes communautaires en santé et dynamique partenariale,

Béland F (co-chercheur), CRSH (projet de recherche), 42 000$ 2001-2006 The challenge of meeting and understanding the needs of frail older persons in

the Canadian health care system. PI: Béland F, Bergman H; Co-investigators: Wolfson C, Monette J, Lebel P, et al. Canadian Institutes of Health Research/Interdisciplinary Health Research Team (CIHR/IHRT) $709,783 per year.

2002-2005 Canadian Alzheimer’s Disease Quality of Life Study. PI: Naglie G; Co-investigators: Beattie B, Bergman H, Black S, Borrie M, Freedman M, Hogan D et al. Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR). $567,419.

2003-2004 The comparison of the case-mix system, the resource utilization and the

assessment process in post acute care between Japan and Canada. Takagi Takao (PI); Co-investigators: Tai Takahashi, Bergman Howard, Jiro Okochi. 12th Phizer research grant award. 5,000,000 Yen

2003-2005 Quebec Research Network in Aging. Bergman H (Director). FRSQ. (2003-

2004) $570,000; (2004-2005) $760,000; (2005-2006) $760,000 2003-2006 The Canadian Initiative on Frailty and Aging. Bergman H (PI), Wolfson C (Co-

PI), Hogan D (Co-PI), Béland F (Co-PI); Co-investigators: Macknight C, Patterson C, Hébert R, Feightner J, Fernie G, Paccaud F, Michel J-P. The Max Bell Foundation. $400,000; FRSQ Quebec Research Network in Aging:

(2002-2003) $43,207; (2003-2004) CIHR: $20,000 2004-2005 Methodological and conceptual issues in longitudinal studies on frailty and

aging: opportunities for international collaboration and harmonization. Bergman H, Wolfson C, Hogan D, Béland F; Canadian Institutes of Health Research. $25,000.

2003-ongoing Pfizer/Aricept & Lipitor “An 80-week, randomized, multi-center, parallel-group, double-blind study of

the efficacy and safety of atorvastatin 80 mg plus an acetylcholinesterase inhibitor versus an acetylcholinesterase inhibitor alone in the treatment of mild to moderate Alzheimer’s disease.” PI: Bergman Howard, Co-investigators: Chertkow Howard, Windholz Sylvia, Vaitekunas Susan, Gold Susan, Bacher Yves, Inglis Gary, and Schipper Hyman.

2003-2008 “Diagnosis, localization, and treatment of semantic memory impairment in

Alzheimer’s Disease.” Chertkow H (P.I.), Arnold D, CIHR (Canadian Institutes of Health Research) operating grant of $113,350/year.

2004-ongoing GlaxoSmithKline/Avandia “A double-blind, randomized, placebo-controlled, parallel-group study to

investigate the effects of rosiglitazone (extended release tablets) on cerebral glucose utilisation and cognition in subjects with mild to moderate Alzheimer’s Disease (AD)” (Study #: BRL-049653/461) P.I.: Chertkow Howard, Co-investigators: Bergman Howard, Bacher Yves, Inglis Gary, Vaitekunas Susan, Windholz Sylvia, Leger Gabe, and Gold Susan.

2005-ongoing Neurochem/Alzhemed “A Phase III Study of the Efficacy and Safety of AlzhemedTM in Patients with

Mild to Moderate Alzheimer’s Disease.”(Study#: CL-758007) P.I.: Chertkow Howard; Co-investigators: Bergman Howard, Bacher Yves, Vaitekunas Susan, Windholz Sylvia, Inglis Gary, Leger Gabe, and Gold Susan.

2001-2006 Multi-level evaluation in the early diagnosis of Alzheimer’s disease. Chertkow

H (PI); Co-investigators: Bergman H, Kabani NJ, Wolfson C; Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR). $113,166 per year.

2001-2004 Consortium, Cognition et Vieillissement: Consortium pour la recherche sur

l’identification précoce et le traitement des troubles de la cognition reliés aux maladies neurodégénératives lors du vieillissement – total grant of $1,656,000 to Dr. Joanette Yves & Dr. Chertkow H. (P.I.’s). This grant supports 30 investigators working in aging and cognition.

2002-2007 Collaborative health informatics research training program, Canadian Institutes

of Health Research, Co-investigator: Huang A, PI Francis Lau, $1,500,000 2001-2005 Cyber-Santé, Valorisation-recherche Québec, Co-investigator: Huang A, PI

Robyn Tamblyn, $5,000,000 2001-2006 The Integrated Health Research Network for Quebec, Canadian Foundation for Innovation, Co-investigator: Huang A, PI Robyn Tamblyn, $28,255,117 2004-ongoing Consortium of New York Geriatric Education Centers; U.S. Department of

Health & Human Services, Health Resources & Services Administration (HRSA); Co-Principal Investigator : Kodner D. Agreement # F3805-02

2004-ongoing Elder Mistreatment Program OGEC1; U.S. Department of Health & Human

Services, Public Health Service (PHS); Co-Principal Investigator: Kodner Dennis; Award # 1 D31 HP70127-05

2001-2005 Role of caspases in human neuronal cell death and in Alzheimer's disease.

Principal investigator: LeBlanc Andréa; CIHR, operating grant, $109,525 CDN per year.

2001-2005 Role of prion protein against Bax mediated apoptosis. Principal investigator:

LeBlanc Andréa; CIHR, operating grant, $69, 254 CDN per year. 2002-2007 Role of prion protein in neuronal survival. Principal investigator: LeBlanc

Andréa; NIH, operating grant, $200,000 US per year. 2002-2006 Isolation and identification of 17-ß-estradiol induced Caspase Inhibitory factor

(CIF). Principal Investigator: LeBlanc Andrea; NIH, operating grant. $118,950 US per year.

2002-2007 Multi-User Equipment and Maintenance Grant for the Electron Microscopy

Center. Co-applicant: LeBlanc Andrea; Principle Investigator: Bergeron John, Dept. Anatomy and Cell Biology CIHR ($134,206.00/year).

2004 (Jan-Dec) Proof of Principle grant. Principal Investigator. LeBlanc Andrea; CIHR,

$100000 CDN 2003-2005 Programme d’interventions visant l’optimisation de la prescription des

neuroleptiques en milieu d’hébergement. Monette J (PI), Champoux N (PI), Comité Aviseur pour la Recherche Clinique (CAREC), Institut Universitaire de Gériatrie de Montréal, 34 992$.

2004-2006 Delirium on long term care settings: occurrence, modifiable risk factors and

outcomes. McCusker J (PI), Cole M, Voyer P, Monette J, Champoux N, Institute of Aging Priority, 325 812$

2005 Programme éducatif interdisciplinaire visant l’optimisation de l’approche

thérapeutique des symptômes psychologiques et comportementaux de la démence. Monette J (PI), Groupe de recherche Solidage, 10 000$

2005 Optimisation de la prise en charge des symptômes psychologiques et

comportementaux (SPCD) de la démence en CHSLD. Monette J (PI), Champoux N (PI), Barrière F (PI). Consortium Lavalois de recherche en santé et services sociaux. (Grant proposal) Submitted, 30 000$

2005 Use of conventional and atypical neuroleptics in long-term care facilities.

Monette J (PI), Champoux N (PI), Galbaud du Fort G, Wolfson C, Chertkow H. Réseau FRSQ sur l’utilisation des médicaments. 24 339$ Fondation de l’Institut universitaire de gériatrie de Montréal. 18 068$

2005 Optimization of the quality of antibiotics prescribing in long-term care

facilities Monette J (PI), Miller MA, Boivin JF, both at JGH, Laurier C, Canadian

Institutes of Health Research (CIHR). 107 943$ 2004-2005 Évaluation d’une intervention non-pharmaceutique pour réduire l’agitation

verbale chez les personnes atteintes de démence. Landreville P (PI), Verrault R, Voyer P, Vézina J, Québec. Collaborator: Monette J; Alzheimer Society of Canada/Canadian Nurses Foundation (through the Canadian Health Services Research Foundation Nursing Care Partnership grant) Care giving Research Program. 165 153$. FRSQ, Réseau québécois de recherche sur le vieillissement, 5 000$.

2004-ongoing The effect of improved oral prostheses on the nutritional state of edentulous elderly individuals; Principal Applicants: Feine Jocelyne / Morais José A,

CIHR - $313,194/yr

2004-ongoing Nutrition as a determinant of successful aging. The Quebec Longitudinal study.

Principal Applicants: Payette Hélène / Morais José ; CIHR - $753,300/yr 2004-ongoing Mechanisms of insulin resistance of protein metabolism in human obesity;

Principal Investigator: Marliss Errol B; Co-Investigator: Morais José A, CIHR - $140,240/year

2004-2008 Prognostic value of clinical correlates of cancer cachexia: a prospective,

multicenter, population-based study. PI: Antonio Vigano Co-investigator: Morais José A; CIHR – (PEP-62458) $68,248/year

2004 Factors regulating resting energy expenditure and thermic effect of food in frail

elderly persons. PI: Morais José A; MUHC Research Institute – Helen McCall Hutchinson Award in Geriatric Medicine. $22,500

2000-2004 Interdisciplinary Health Research Team (IHRT), Canadian Institute of Health

Research, Ottawa. Projet sur la fragilité et sur l’évolution de l’âge au décès dans le cadre IHRT (collaboration avec l’Université McGill et l’Université de Montréal, responsables: Prof. F. Paccaud et Prof. B. Santos-Eggimann)

2002-2004 National Institutes of Health, Bethesda. Disease Control Priorities Project,

contrat comme co-auteur du chapitre Cardiovascular Disease dans le cadre de la 2ème édition de Disease Control Priorities in Developing Countries Prof. F. Paccaud.

2001-ongoing UNAIDS - Joint United Nations Programme on HIV/Aids. Evaluation of the

UNAIDS-EC project for implementation of 2nd generation surveillance in selected countries (responsables: Dr F. Dubois-Arber, Prof. F. Paccaud)

2004 World Health Organization acting in support of The global Fund to Fight

AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria, Geneva. Secretariat to the technical evaluation reference group (TERG) of The Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria (GFATM) (Framework contract FRWK-IUMSP Prof. F. Paccaud

2004-ongoing Lundbeck/Memantine “A Randomized, Double-Blind, Parallel Group Study Examining the Efficacy

and Safety of Memantine on Behavioural Symptoms in Patients with Moderate to Severe Dementia of the Alzheimer’s Type.”P.I.: Vaitekunas Susan, Co-investigators: Bergman Howard, Chertkow Howard, Windholz Sylvia, Gold Susan, Inglis Gary, Bacher Yves, and Hyman Schipper.

2004-ongoing Sanofi-Synthelabo/Xaliproden “A randomized, multi-center, double-blind, placebo-controlled, 18-month study

of the efficacy of Xaliproden in patients with mild-to-moderate dementia of the Alzheimer's type.”(Study # EFC2946). P.I.: Windholz Sylvia, Co-

investigators: Bergman Howard, Chertkow Howard, Vaitekunas Susan, Gold Susan, Inglis Gary, Bacher Yves, and Schipper Hyman.

2001-present The Prognosis of Major and Minor Depression in Elderly Medical Inpatients:

McCusker J, Cole M, Primeau F, Windholz S (principal investigator, SMBD Jewish General Hospital site)

2000-present The Living Will Evaluation Research Project: Dworkind M, Windholz S, Erban J 2004-2006 “Canadian Longitudinal Study on Aging: Developmental Activities Phase I”.

Co-Principal Investigators: Wolfson C, Kirkland S, Raina P. 140 Co-investigators. Canadian Institutes of Health Research. $1,744,000.

2003-2004 The use of medications in the Alzheimer's disease population - Caregiver

perspective. Wolfson C (PI). Co-investigators: Oremus M, Bergman H, Vandal A. Consortium of Canadian Centres for Clinical Cognitive Research (C5R). $7,600.

2004-2006 “Economically and statistically efficient design of prevalence and incidence

studies using capture-recapture methods, with an application to multiple sclerosis prevalence estimation in Québec”. Co-Principal Investigators: Vandal A, Wolfson C Co-investigators: Duquette P, Lapierre Y; Canadian Institutes of Health Research $182,885.

2004-2005 “The validity of telephone cognitive tests as tools for the identification of

eligible study subjects for population based research in aging”. Co-Principal Investigators: Wolfson C, Bergman H + 200 co-investigators.Valorisation -Recherche Quebec $20,000.

2001-2006 “Longitudinal study of the frailty process and of unmet needs in the community

dwelling elderly”. Principal Investigator: Wolfson C. Co-investigators: Levesque L, Bergman H, Béland F, Trahan L, Podoba J; Canadian Institutes of Health Research Interdisciplinary Health Research Team. Subproject $515,782.

2004-2007 “Evaluation multicentrique de la sensibilité au changement d’une batterie

d’instruments de mesure du statut des aînés suivis en réadaptation”. Demers L. (PI). Co-investigators: Bravo G, Desrosiers J, Robichaud LA, Ska B, Wolfson C; Canadian Institutes of Health Research. $213,487.

2003-2009 “Integrated Training Program in Basic and Clinical Aspects of

Neuroinflammation”. Antel J. (PI). Co-investigators: Owens T, Bar-Or A, Nalbantoglu J, Duquette P, Talbot P, Wolfson C, David S, Arnold D.L, Luheshi G.N; Canadian Institutes of Health Research. $1,320,000.

2000-present Wood Dauphinee S, Mayo N. Understanding Health Related Quality of Life Post Stroke: A Study of Individuals and their Caregivers. Canadian Strike Network (2000-2001, $100,000) (2001-2003, $184,000) (2003-2005, $240,000)

(2005-2006 $70,000) 2000-2004 Mayo N, Cote R, Richards C, Wood Dauphinee S, Verrier M. Dexterity and

Walking Competency Post Stroke: a Randomized Controlled Trial. Canadian Stroke Network. $288,000

2003-2005 Gisel E, Wood Dauphinee S, Lamarre C, Kaizer F. Responsiveness of the

McGill Ingestive Skills Assessment. REPAR, $14,860 2003-2004 Korner Bitensky N, Kaizer F, Wood Dauphinee S, Desrosiers J, Malouin F.

Interventions used by occupational therapists and physical therapists in the treatment of individuals with stroke: is there an association between Best Practice and Actual Practice? REPAR $14,800,

2003-2005 Teasell R, Bayley M, Korner Bitensky N, Wood Dauphinee S, Harrison M,

Mayo N, Jutai J, Lyons R, Martino R, Richards C. The Stroke Canada Optimization Rehabilitation through Evidence Project. Canadian Stroke Network. $415,000

2003-2005 Korner Bitensky N, Wood Dauphinee S, Teasell R, Malouin F, Desrosiers J,

Hanley J, Kehayia E, Kaiser F, Thomas A, Harrison M. Interventions used by rehabilitation specialists in the treatment of individuals with stroke: A cross Canada study of Best Practice vs. Actual Practice. Canadian Stroke Network, $246,500



Peer Reviewed Papers, Book Chapters, Abstracts




Division members Cross appointed members Adjunct members

PUBLICATIONS 2004 Papers Peer Reviewed

Zunzunegui Mv, Koné M, Jorhi M, Béland F, Wolfson C, Bergman H; Social Networks and self-rated health in two French-speaking Canadian community dwelling population over 65, Social Science & Medicine, 2004; 58:2069-2081. Bourque P, Puskar D, Bonneville L, & Béland F; Contextual effects on life satisfaction of older men and women, Canadian Journal on Aging, 2005, 24 :31-44. Dedobbeleer N, Béland F, Contandriopoulos AP, Adrian M; Gender and the social context of smoking behaviour, Social Science & Medicine, 2004; 58:1-12. Bergman H, Béland F, Karunananthan S, Humel S, Hogan D, Wolfson C; Développement d’un cadre de travail pour comprendre et étudier la fragilité, Gérontologie et société, 2004:109:15-29. Nasreddine Z, Collin I, Phillips N, Bergman H, Whitehead V, & Chertkow H; (2005) Sensitivity and specificity of the Montreal Cognitive Assessment (MOCA) as a cognitive screening tool for the detection of mild cognitive deficits. Journal of the American Geriatrics Society.53 (4), 1-5. Rockwood K, Howlett SE, MacKnight C, Beattie BL, Bergman H, Hebert R, Hogan DB, Wolfson C, McDowell I; for the Frailty Investigator’s Group of the Canadian Study of Health and Aging. (2004). Prevalence, attributes and outcomes of fitness and frailty in community-dwelling older adults: report from the Canadian Study of Health and Aging. Journal of Gerontology - Series A, Biological sciences and medical sciences, 59(12):1310-1317. Levinoff E.J, Li K.Z.H, Murtha S, & Chertkow H (2004). Selective attention impairments in Alzheimer disease: Evidence for dissociable components. Neuropsychology.18(3), 580-588. Whatmough C, Verret L.D, Fung D, & Chertkow H (2004). Common and contrasting areas of activation for abstract and concrete concepts: An H215O PET study. Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience. 16 (7). 1211-1226. Dwolatzky T, Whitehead V, Doniger G.M, Simon E.S, Schweiger A, Jaffe D, & Chertkow H; (2004). Validity of the Mindstreams computerized cognitive battery for Mild Cognitive Impariment. Journal of Molecular Neuroscience, 24, 39-50. Levinoff E.J, Saumier D, & Chertkow H (2005). Focused attention deficits in patients with Alzheimer’s disease and mild cognitive impairment. Brain and Cognition, 57, (2), 127-130. Berlin D, Chong G, Chertkow H, Bergman H, Phillips NA, Schipper HM. Evaluation of HFE (hemochromatosis) mutations as genetic modifiers in sporadic AD and MCI. Neurobiol Aging 25: 465-474, 2004. Dwolatzky T, Clarfield AM. Assessment of dementia in the primary care setting. Expert Rev. Neurotherapeutics 2004; 4(2):89-97.

Clarfield AM, Rosenberg E, Brodsky J, Bentur N; Healthy aging around the world: Israel too? Israel Med Assoc J 2004;6:516-520. Clarfield AM. The Strange Case of Miss E. C. Carlill versus the Carbolic Smoke Ball Company [flu]. Ann Long-term Care 2005;13 (1):46-47. Clarfield AM. of Bonner TN. Iconoclast:Abraham Flexner and a Life in Learning. Annals of Long Term Care 2004;12 [3] :31-2 (see Clarfield AM. Typical or atypical? It depends on your point of view. Annals of Long Term Care. 2004:12 (1) 22-24. Clarfield AM. Camp Doctor [II] Annals of Long Term Care. 2004 12(7):46-7. Clarfield AM. "Sorry, I told you so" [donepezil and AD 2000] Annals of Long-Term Care 2004:12(10):44-5. Jotkowitz A, Clarfield AM. The physician as comforter: the imperative to visit the sick. Eur J Int Med 2005; 16: 95-96. Wilkinson D, Lozano JM, Ahmed T, Strauss S, Clarfield AM, Sliwa-Hanhle K, Marusic A, Howe A, Ioannidis John P.A, Ward R, Mohammed I, Jesudason E, Torres TT, Purcell G, Dandona L, Awasthi S, Li Y, Underwood TJ, Wilkes M, and Sivananthan S; ICRAM (the International Campaign to Revitalize Academic Medicine) Academic medicine: agenda setting. BMJ 2004: 329: 787-9. Ioannidis John P.A, Ahmed T, Awasthi S, Clarfield AM, Dandona L, Howe AC, Jesudason EC, Li Y, Lozano JM, Marusic A, Mohammed I, Purcell Gretchen P, Sliwa-Hahnle K, Straus SE, Tan-Torres Edejer T, Underwood TJ, Ward R, Wilkes MS, Wilkinson D, and Sivanathan S. Academic medicine: the evidence base. BMJ 2004; 329:789-792. Duque G, Macoritto M, Kremer R. 1,25(OH)2D3 inhibits bone marrow adipogenesis in senescence accelerated mice (SAMP-6) by decreasing the expression of peroxisome proliferators-activated receptor gamma 2 (PPARy2). 2004. Experimental Gerontology, 39: 333-338. Duque G, El-Abdaimi K, Henderson JE, Lomri A, Kremer R. Vitamin D exerts its anti-apoptotic effect in osteoblasts through a Fas related mechanism. 2004. Bone, 35:57-64. Duque G, Macoritto M, Kremer R; Vitamin D treatment of senescence accelerated mice (SAM-P/6) induces several regulators of stromal cell plasticity. Biogerontology 5(6):421-9. Duque G, Dion N, Macoritto M, Ste. Marie LG, Kremer R. 1,25(OH)2D3 acts as a bone forming agent in the hormone independent Senescence Accelerated Mouse (SAMP6) model of

Osteoporosis. The American Journal of Physiology: Endocrinology and Metabolism 2005 Apr;288(4):E723-30. 2004 Nov 30. [Epub ahead of print]. Joseph C, Kenny A, Lorenzo, Duque G, and Kuchel G; Role of Endocrine-Immune Dysregulation in Osteoporosis, Sarcopenia, Frailty and Fracture Risk. Molecular Aspects of Medicine 2005;26 (3):181-201. Montero-Odasso M, Duque G; Vitamin D in the aging musculoskeletal system: an authentic strength preserving hormone. Molecular Aspects of Medicine 2005; 26 (3):203-19. Duque G, Taking musculoskeletal aging out of the bench: Do we finally understand frailty? Molecular Aspects of Medicine 2005; 26 (3):141-3. Mallet L, Huang A; Co-administration of gatifloxacin and multivitamin preparation containing minerals: Potential treatment failure in an elderly patient. Ann Pharmacotherapy, 2005, 39:150-152 (, DOI 10.1345/aph.1E392). Dial S, Alrasadi K, Manoukian C, Huang A, Menzies D; Risk of clostridium difficile diarrhea among hospital inpatients prescribed proton pump inhibitors: cohort and case-control studies. Can Med Assoc J 2004; 171(1): 33-38. ( Wilchesky M, Tamblyn R.M., Huang A; Validation of diagnostic codes within medical services claims. J Clin Epid 2004; 57:131-141. ( Kodner, Dennis L. (2004). Is it justifiable to treat chronic patients by nurse specialists? Evaluation of effects on quality of care. International Journal of Integrated Care, August 16th. Available at web site: Roucou X, Gains M, LeBlanc A; The Neuroprotective Functions of Prion Protein. J. Neurosci. Res. 75, 2004, 153-161. Tounekti O, Zhang Y, Goodyer Cynthia G, and LeBlanc A; 17β-estradiol-mediated protection of human neurons through degradation of active caspase-6. J. Neurochem. 2004 89(3):561-8. Zhang Y, Champagne N, Beitel L, Goodyer C, Trifiro M, and LeBlanc A; Estrogen and androgens protection of human neurons against intracellular Aβ1-42 toxicity through Hsp70. J. Neurosci. 2004 24:5315-5321. Roucou X and LeBlanc A; Cellular Prion Protein Neuroprotective Function: Implications in Prion Diseases. J. Mol. Med. 2005 83(1) p3-11. Lussier D, Huskey AG, Portenoy RK; Adjuvant analgesics in cancer pain management. The Oncologist 2004; 9(5): 571-91.

Cruciani RA, Sekine R, Homel P, Lussier D, Yap Y, Suzuki Y, Schweitzer P, Yancovitz SR, Lapin JA, Shaiova L, Sheu RG, Portenoy RK; Measurement of QTc in patients receiving chronic methadone therapy. Journal of Pain and Symptom Management 2005; 29(4): 385-91. Champoux N, Monette J, Monette M, Galbaud du Fort G, Wolfson C, Le Cruguel JP; Use of neuroleptics among institutionalized elderly in Montréal, Canada. Canadien Family Physician. Accepted for publication in Can Family Physicians Journal. 2004. Landreville P, Bédard A, Verrault R, Desrosiers J, Champoux N, Monette J, Voyer P; Non pharmacological treatment of agressive behaviors related to dementia. Submitted to Journal of International Psychogeriatrics. November 2004. Monette J, Monette M, Champoux N, Galbaud du Fort G, Wolfson C; Prévalence, efficacité et effets indésirables des neuroleptiques parmi les personnes âgées. Revue de Gériatrie 2004;Tome 29, No 2: 131-6. Chevalier S, Gougeon R, Kreisman S.H, Cassis C, and Morais JA. The hyperinsulinemic amino acid clamp increases whole-body protein synthesis in young subjects. Metabolism. 2004, 3:388-396. Mallet L, Babin S.R, and Morais J.A. Vaproic acid-induced hyperammonemia and thrombocytopenia in an elderly women. Ann Pharmacotherapy 2004; 38:1643-7. Bochud M, Bovet P, Elston RC, Paccaud F, Falconnet C, Maillard M, Shamlaye C, Burnier M. High heritability of ambulatory blood pressure in families of East African descent. Hypertension 2005;45:445-50. Bochud M, Burnier M, Paccaud F, Falconnet C, Mooser V, Both N, Bovet P. Patients’ sibling history was sensitive for hypertension and specific for diabetes. J Clin Epidemiol 2004;57:497-501. Chiolero A, Gervasoni JP, Rwebogora A, Mkamba M, Waeber B, Paccaud F, Burnier M, Bovet P. Discordant prevalence of hypertension using two different automated blood pressure measurement devices: a population-based study in Dar es Salaam (Tanzania). Blood Press Monit 2004;9:59-64. Conen D, Wietlisbach V, Bovet P, Shamlaye C, Riesen W, Paccaud F, Burnier M. Prevalence of hyperuricemia and relation of serum uric acid with cardiovascular risk factors in a developing country. BMC Public Health 2004;4:9. Costanza MC, Paccaud F. Binary classification of dyslipidemia from the waist-to-hip ratio and body mass index: a comparison of linear, logistic, and CART models. BMC Med Res Methodol 2004;4:7.

Gilbert AR, Pinget C, Bovet P, Cornuz J, Shamlaye C, Paccaud F. The cost effectiveness of pharmacological smoking cessation therapies in developing countries: a case study in the Seychelles. Tob Control 2004;13:190-5. Robine JM, Paccaud F. Nonagenarians and centenarians in Switzerland, 1860-2001: a demographic analysis. J Epidemiol Community Health 2005;59:31-37 Scherer A, Frater J, Oxenius A, Agudelo J, Price DA, Günthard HF, Barnardo M, Perrin L, Hirschel B, Phillips RE, McLean AR and The Swiss HIV Cohort Study (Fred Paccaud among them). Quantifiable cytotoxic T lymphocyte responses and HLA related risk of progression to AIDS. Proc Natl Acad Sci 2004;101:12266-70. Borten O, Liberman A, Tuchweber B, Chevalier S, Ferland G, Schipper HM. Effects of dietary restriction and metal supplementation on the accumulation of iron-laden glial inclusions in the aging rat hippocampus. Biogerontology 5: 81-88, 2004 Oremus M, Wolfson C; (2004). Female specialists were more likely to respond to a postal questionnaire about drug treatments for Alzheimer disease. Journal of Clinical Epidemiology, 57(6):620-623. Demers L, Ska B, Desrosiers J, Alix C, Wolfson C; (2004) Development of a conceptual model for the assessment of geriatric rehabilitation outcomes. Archives of Gerontology and Geriatrics, 38(3):221-237. Moore FGA, Wolfson C, Alexandrov L, Lapierre Y; (2004) Do general and Multiple Sclerosis-specific quality of life instruments differ? Canadian Journal of Neurological Sciences, 31(1):64-71. White C.L., Lauzon S, Yaffe M.J., Wood Dauphinee S. Toward a model of quality of life for family caregivers of stroke survivors. Quality of Life Research 13:625-38, 2004. Salbach N.M., Mayo N.M., Wood Dauphinee S, Hanley J.A., Richards C.L., Cote R. A task oriented intervention enhances walking distance and speed in the first year post-stroke: a randomized controlled trial. Clinical Rehabilitation 18: 509-519 2004. Neugebauer E, Korolija D, Sauerland S, Wood Dauphinee S. et al. Evaluation of quality of life after laparoscopic surgery: evidence based guidelines of the European Association for Endoscopic Surgery (E.A.E.S.) Surgical Endoscopy 18:879-897, 2004. Ahmed S, Mayo N.E., Wood-Dauphinee S, Hanley J, Cohen S.R. Response shift influenced estimates of change in health-related quality of life post-stroke. Journal of Clinical Epidemiology 57:561-70, 2004. Dauphinee D, Wood Dauphinee S. The need for evidence in medical education: The development of Best Evidence Medical Education as an opportunity to inform, guide and sustain medical education research. Academic Medicine 79:925-930, 2004

Van Peppen R.P.S., Kwakkel G, Wood Dauphinee S, Hendriks H.J.M., Van der Wees, Ph., Dekker J. The impact of physical therapy on functional outcomes after stroke: What’s the evidence? Clinical Rehabilitation 18: 833-862, 2004 Kwakkel G, Van Peppen R.P.S., Richards C.L., Wood Dauphinee S. Effects of augmented exercise therapy time after stroke. Stroke 35:2529-2536, 2004 Richards C.L., Malouin F, Bravo G, Dumas F, Wood Dauphinee S. The role of technology in task orientated training in persons with subacute stroke: A randomized controlled trial. Neurorehabilitation and Neural Repair 18:199-211 2004 White C.L., Lauzon S, Yaffe M.J., Wood Dauphinee S. Toward a model of quality of life for family caregivers of stroke survivors. Quality of Life Research 13:625-38, 2004. Salbach N.M., Mayo N.M., Wood Dauphinee S, Hanley J.A., Richards C.L., Cote R. A task oriented intervention enhances walking distance and speed in the first year post-stroke: a randomized controlled trial. Clinical Rehabilitation 18: 509-519 2004.

PUBLICATIONS 2004 Book Chapters, Reviews

Clarfield AM of Longo LD, Teigen PM (eds)."Dearest G…Yours WO" William Osler' s Letters from Egypt to Grace Revere Osler .Can Med Assoc J 2004;170:833. Clarfield AM of Mystry R. Family Matters Geriatrics and Aging 2004; 7(1):61-2. Clarfield AM of Booth CC. A Physician Reflects: Herman Boerhaave and other essays, JAMA 2004; 291:2382-3. Clarfield AM of Bown S. Tackling the Mystery of Scurvy, Medical Post. 2004;40 (9): 30-1. Clarfield AM of Steckel RH, Rose JC. The Backbone of History [paleopathology], Medical Post. 2004, July 28:30-1. Clarfield AM of Brent J and Naumov VP. Stalin's Last Crime: the Plot against the Jewish Doctors, 1948-1953. JAMA 2004; 292: 1755-6. Clarfield AM of Carrell JL.The Speckled Monster: a History of Battling Smallpox Medical Post 2004; Sept 28:26-7. Clarfield AM of Groopman J. The Anatomy of Hope. Jerusalem Post Magazine 2005; Jan 7:26 (reprinted in Medical Post 2005; Jan 25). Kodner, Dennis (2004). Beyond care management: The logic and promise of vertically integrated systems of care for the frail elderly. In: M. Knapp et al. (eds.), Long-term care: Matching resources and needs. Ashgate Publishing: Aldershot, UK. Bisig B, Paccaud F, Gutzwiller F. Krankheitsfrüherkennung/-Vorsorge. Brustkrebs-Früherkennungsmassnahmen bei Frauen nach sozio-demographischen, -kulturellen und regionalen Indikatoren. In: Bisig B, Gutzwiller F (Hrsg.). Gesundheitswesen Schweiz: Gibt es Unter- oder Überversorgung? Die Bedeutung von Sozialschicht, Wohnregion, Nationalität, Geschlecht und Versicherungsstatus. Zürich/Chur: Rüegger, 2004:11-38. Schipper HM Glial heme oxygenase-1 in CNS injury and disease. In: Hertz L (ed.): Non-neuronal Cells of the Nervous System: Function and Dysfunction, Adv Molec Cell Biol, Vol. 31, Elsevier, Amsterdam, pp. 869-882, 2004. Schipper HM Heme oxygenase-1: Transducer of pathological brain iron sequestration under oxidative stress. In: LeVine S, Connor JR, Schipper HM (eds.). Redox-active Metals in Neurological Disorders. Ann NY Acad Sci 1012: 84-93, 2004. Schipper HM Redox Neurology: Visions of an emerging sub-specialty. In: LeVine S, Connor JR, Schipper HM (eds.). Redox-active Metals in Neurological Disorders. Ann NY Acad Sci 1012: 342-355, 2004.

PUBLICATIONS: 2004 Abstracts

Dwolatzky T, Doniger G.M, Zucker D, Chertkow H, Chrystal H, Schweiger A, & Simon E.S. (2004). Mindstreams Computerized Cognitive Tests identify MCI and mild dementia even in the presence of depression. To appear in: Proceedings of the National Meeting of the American Geriatrics Society. Chertkow H (2004). High and low tech prediction of progression to Alzheimer Disease in Mild Cognitive Impairment. Neurobiology of Aging, 25, (suppl. 1), S5. Nasreddine Z, Chertkow H, Phillips N, Whitehead V, Collin S, & Cummings J.L. (2004). The Montreal Cognitive Assessment (MoCA): A Brief cognitive screening tool for detection of Mild Cognitive Impairment. Neurology, 62, No 7, (suppl. 5), A132. Blanchet S, Belleville S, Phillips N, Mellah S, Gauthier S, & Chertkow H (2004). Electrophysiological Study of Working Memory in Mild Cognitive Impairment Patients. Brain and Cognition, 54, 144-145. Whatmough C, Chertkow H, Verret L, Whitehead V & DeSousa K (2004). The hippocampal complex facilitates semantic memory retrieval: Positron emission tomography (PET) studies. Brain & Cognition, 54 (2), 145. Whatmough C, Chertkow H, Whitehead V, Lubarsky S, & Bregman S (2004). Evidence that semantic concept integrity has little effect on the activation of orthographic or phonological representations in reading. Brain & Cognition, 56 (1), 127. Bocti C, Whatmough C & Chertkow H (2004). Semantic memory declines at the same rate as episodic memory in early Alzheimer’s Disease and Mild Cognitive Impairment. Brain & Cognition, 56 (1), 116-117. Blanchet S, Belleville S, Mellah S, Gauthier S & Chertkow H; (2004) L’encodage épisodique verbal chez les personnes âgées avec troubles légers de la cognition: étude électrophysiologique. Actes du 72ème Congrès de l’Association Canadienne-Française pour l'Avancement des Sciences, p. 24. Poissant L, Tamblyn R, Huang A; Preliminary validation of an automated health problem list. AMIA 2005 meeting. Huang A, Bartlett G, Tamblyn RM. Trends and indications for prescribing benzodiazepines for the elderly. J Am Geriatr Soc 2004, 52(4), S131. Dick RS, Huang A, Tamblyn RM. The composite clinical data dictionary (C2D2) as a solution to health data interchange and computerized patient record interoperability. MedInfo 2004 meeting, San Francisco, CA, Sept 7-11, 2004. Huang A, Tamblyn RM, Dick RS, Mussman M. The research toolkit: An application for enabling advanced health research. MedInfo 2004 meeting, San Francisco, CA, Sept 7-11, 2004.

Chevalier S, Burgess S.C., Malloy C.R, Gougeon R, Marliss E.B. and Morais J.A. The higher contribution of gluconeogenesis to glucose production in obesity is related to increased whole-body protein turnover. American Diabetes Association, 64st Scientific Sessions, June 4-8, 2004, Orlando, Florida, Diabetes 53(suppl. 2), 1553-P, 2004. Marliss E.B, Chevalier S, Gougeon R, Morais J.A. and Guoyao W. Elevated plasma of methylarginines are associated with insulin resistance in obese and aged humans. American Diabetes Association, 64st Scientific Sessions, June 4-8, 2004, Orlando, Florida, Diabetes 53:(suppl. 2), 1290-P, 2004. Bovet P, Madeleine G, Servina M, Stettler N, Paccaud F. High and increasing prevalence of overweight among school children of Seychelles. Journée de recherche des Hospices Cantonaux/CHUV, Lausanne, 22.11.2004 (P). Bovet P, Shamlaye C, Burnier M, Paccaud F. Prevalence of microalbuminuria in the population of a rapidly developing country and association with blood pressure and diabetes. CHUV Research Day 2005, MCV-039, p. 142. Bovet P, Shamlaye C, Servina M, Paccaud F. The spread of obesity epidemic in a rapidly developing country, 1989-2004. CHUV Research Day 2005, MCV-040, p. 143. Chiolero A, Wietlisbach V, Paccaud F, Cornuz J. Patterns of unhealthy behaviours and obesity according to smoking status in a general population - the Swiss health survey. Congrès de la Société Suisse de Santé Publique, Zurich, 24-25.6.2004 (P). Chiolero A, Wietlisbach V, Ruffieux C, Paccaud F. Patterns of unhealthy behaviours and obesity according to smoking status in a general adult population - the Swiss Health Survey 2002. CHUV Research Day 2005, EHU-011, p. 19. Chiolero A, Bovet P, Paccaud F. Association between maternal smoking and low birth weight in Switzerland: the EDEN study. CHUV Research Day 2005, EHU-008, p. 16. Gervasoni JP, Bovet P, Rwebogora A, Mkamba M, Paccaud F. Poor utilization of health care services by hypertensive persons told to seek treatment in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania. CHUV Research Day 2005, MCV-044, p. 147. Paccaud F. Computer-based training for community assessment. 5th International Heart Health Conference « Positioning Technology to serve global heart health », Milan, 15.6.2004. Wietlisbach V, Kuulasmaa K, Paccaud F. The relation of body mass index and abdominal adiposity with dyslipidemia in middle aged adults: an epidemiological assessment in 27 general populations of the WHO MONICA Project. CHUV Research Day 2005, MCV-041, p. 144. Yerli P, Bovet P, Darioli R, Kappenberger L, Paccaud F. Carotid and femoral plaque imaging correlates better with cardiovascular risk factor profile than with IMT. CHUV Research Day 2005, MCV-037, p. 140.

Oremus M, Wolfson C, Bergman H, Vandal AC. The association between physician specialty and the prescribing of cholinesterase inhibitors for Alzheimer’s disease. Poster presentation at the 5th Annual Conference of the Canadian Association for Population Therapeutics, June 5-8, 2004. Winnipeg, Manitoba. Can J Clin Pharmacol. 2004;11:e123. Raina P, Kirkland S, Wolfson C, and CLSA Working Group (2004). Canadian Longitudinal Study on Aging (CLSA). Published in the proceedings of the 3rd CELSE (Conference of Epidemiological Longitudinal Studies in Europe) Conference, Bristol, UK, September 22-24, 2004. Marmor E, Prescott S, Wolfson C (2004). The role of radical resection in the treatment of glioblastoma multiforme: A critical review of the recent literature. Canadian Journal of Neurological Sciences, 31(3) (Suppl.2): S20-SURG-7. Wood-Dauphinee S, Mayo N, Scott S. The impact of age on life’s quality after stroke: cross-sectional and longitudinal views. Quality of Life Research 13:1536, 2004. Ahmed S, Mayo N, Wood-Dauphinee S. Towards an optimal health-related quality of life (HRQL) measurement strategy under conditions where response shift is likely to occur. Quality of Life Research 13:1521, 2004.



2004 - 2005


McGILL UNIVERSITY Division members Cross appointed members Adjunct members

INVITED LECTURES BÉLAND François Les profils de fragilité: Possibles et utiles ou improbables et inutiles, Centre de recherches sur le vieillissement, Université de Sherbrooke. Béland F, 2005. Roundtable: Developing & Managing integrated care projects, The Sixth International Conference on Integrated Care, Dublin. Béland F, 2005. SIPA: A system of integrated care for vulnerable elders in Canada: Results from an RCT, The Sixth International Conference on Integrated Care, Dublin. Béland F, 2005. Frail elderly persons: Investigating the diversity in frailty status and its consequences for health care use and costs, The Sixth International Conference on Integrated Care, Dublin. Béland F, 2005. Comments on Prof. J. Kleijnen conference Looking at innovations in integrated care-taking the systematic view», The Sixth International Conference on Integrated Care, Dublin. Béland F, 2005. SIPA: Results of a 22 month RCT on an Integrated System of Care for Frail Older Persons, Center for Health Economics and Policy Analysis, McMaster University. Béland F, 2004. Le courtage et la prise de décision en organisation des services de santé, Atelier régional sur le courtage des connaissances, Fondation canadienne de la recherche sur les services de santé, Laval. Béland F, 2004. Allongement de l’éspérance de vie et impact sur la demande de soins et de service, Soins de fin de vie: Enjeux et ambiguité, Hôpital Ste-Anne, Montréal. Béland F, 2004. Projet FRÉLE: Fragilité, une étude longitudinale de ses expressions, Réseau québécois de la recherche sur le vieillissement, 3ième Journée de recherche, Québec. Béland F, 2004. État de la question des soins intégrés aux personnes âgées, Les défis du vieillissement, Groupe de recherche sur l’autonomie des aînés, Université de Moncton, Moncton. Béland F, 2004. BERGMAN Howard International The Agony and the Ecstasy of Integrated Care for Frail Older Persons. Ministry of Health Strategy Group. London, England. (2004) Reflection on the Outcomes: International Perspective. CARMEN Pre-Symposium to IJIC Conference: Research Priorities on Integrated Care for Older People. Birmingham. (2004)

Detection and Management of Dementia in an Integrated System of Care for Older Persons. 8th International Montreal/Springfield Symposium on Advances in Alzheimer Therapy. Montreal, QC. (2004) Brief Report of the Work of the Canadian Initiative on Frailty and Aging (in Symposia). Frailty from Bedside-to-Bench. American Geriatrics Society. Las Vegas, Nevada. (2004) The Agony and the Ecstasy of Integrating Care for Frail Older Persons. Residential Care New Zealand Inc. Conference – Adding Value to Relationships. Bay of Islands, New Zealand. (2004) Promoting Healthy Aging and Preventing Frailty. Residential Care New Zealand Inc. Conference – Adding Value to Relationships. Bay of Islands, New Zealand. (2004) The Challenge of Understanding and Studying Frailty: Results of the Canadian, American and European Initiatives. 3rd Congress of the European Union Geriatric Medicine Society. Vienna, Austria. (2004) The Agony and the Ecstasy of Integrating Care for Frail Older Persons. Keynote presentation: Integration of Health and Social Services - The 2nd World Conference on Jewish Social and Medical Services for the Elderly. Jerusalem, Israel. (2004) The Challenges of Geriatric Medicine in Canada. National Geriatrics Societies - The 2nd World Conference on Jewish Social and Medical Services for the Elderly. Jerusalem, Israel. (2004) The Treatment of Alzheimer’s Disease. (Discussant) The 2nd World Conference on Jewish Social and Medical Services for the Elderly. Jerusalem, Israel. (2004) Frailty Syndrome: An Emerging Clinical Paradigm. Frailty: A New Clinical Paradigm – The 2nd World Conference on Jewish Social and Medical Services for the Elderly. Jerusalem, Israel. (2004) Frailty: An Emerging Medical Concept. Special Lecture. Department of Medicine, Ben Gurion University, Israel. (2004) Soins intégrés pour les personnes âgées fragiles. Un défi pour les soins médicaux de première ligne. Colloque Médecine Générale & Gérontologie. Lyons, France. (2005) Frailty in the Elderly. UCLA Multicampus Program in Geriatric Medicine and Gerontology Seminar Series. Los Angeles, California. (2005) Mild Cognitive Impairment (MCI) – du Concept à la réalité. Centre Mémoire de Ressources et Recherches Grenoble Arc Alpin. Grenoble, France. (2005) National

The Quest for Integration in Quebec. Ontario Hospital Association Conference on Integration: What is a Made in Ontario Solution? Toronto, Ontario. (2004) Integration – Improved Care. Ontario Ministry of Health and Long-term Care Retreat. Integration: Improved Service Delivery – Improved Care. Toronto, Ontario. (2004) Stratégies pour faire changer les systèmes de santé. 1st Conference of the Canadian Association for Health Services and Policy Research. Montreal, QC. (2004) A Working Framework for Understanding and Studying Frailty (Canadian Initiative on Frailty and Aging) Canadian Geriatrics Society Frailty Symposium, Toronto, Ontario. (2004) SIPA: The Agony and the Ecstasy of Integrated Care for Frail Older Persons. The 5th Annual Dr. Gerald Zetter Memorial Lectur. (2004) The Challenge of Understanding Healthy Aging and Frailty. Alberta Gerontology Association, Edmonton, Alberta. (2004) SIPA: Results of a 22 month Randomized Controlled Trial on an Integrated System of Care for Frail Older Persons. Medical Grand Rounds, University of Alberta Hospital. (2004) Care for Frail Older Persons: An Integral Part of Primary Care Reform. 6th Annual Forum: Primary Health Care in Canada. Toronto, Ontario. (2004) Geriatric Consultation in the Emergency Department: Experience and Challenges. Geriatric Emergency Management: Integration of Care Conference. Toronto, Ontario. (2004) Integrated Service Delivery and the Elder Care Gap. The Elder Care Imperative: Challenges and Successes. Ontario Hospital Association. Toronto, Ontario. (2005) Other Lectures The Challenge of Understanding Frailty. Centre de recherche sur le vieillissement, Institut universitaire de gériatrie de Sherbrooke. Sherbrooke, QC. (2004) Quebec Research Network on Aging (FRSQ): An Evolving Network. Michael Smith Foundation for Health Research. Vancouver, BC. (2004) Doc, I’m Losing my Memory. Alzheimer Group Annual General Meeting. Montreal, QC. (2004) Promoting Healthy Aging and Preventing Frailty. PREVENTIMED Lecture Series: Canadian Associates of Ben Gurion University. Montreal, QC. (2004) BROWN-JOHNSON Anita

“Current and Practical Issues in Behaviour Disturbance in Dementia” presented at the McGill University CME Thursday Evening Lecture Series March 3, 2005. CHERTKOW Howard “High and low tech prediction of progression to AD in Mild Cognitive Impairment” to be presented at the 8th International Montreal/Springfield Symposium on Advances in Alzheimer Therapy. Montreal, April 16, 2004. “Probing localization of language functions: converging imaging and non-imaging studies of semantic memory”. XXVIth International Symposium of Functional Neuroimaging: Methods and Clinical Applications. Montreal, May 4, 2004. “When forgetting becomes a problem”. Brain Awareness Week. Montreal Neurological Institute. March 14, 2005. DUQUE Gustavo Senile osteoporosis as a lipotoxic disease. Meeting of the Spain Geriatrics Society, Valenci, 2005. Osteoporosis in the Elderly, a Geriatric Syndrome. Division d’Endrocinologie, Centre Hospitalière de l’université de Montréal, March, 2005. Osteoporosis in the Elderly, un update. Division de Gériatrie, Centre Hospitalière de l’université de Montréal, August, 2004. The use of web CT in Medical Education. Medical Education retreat, University Laval, Quebec, May 2004. Molecular mechanisms of senile osteoporosis, Lady Davis Institute seminars, 2004. Adipocytes as weapons of bone destruction: A new treatment for senile osteoporosis. Medical Grand Rounds, Jewish General Hospital, 2004. The use of electronic portfolios, Medical Education Rounds, Faculty of Medicine, McGill University, 2004. HUANG Allen R. McGill CME Thursday Evening Lecture Series. March 10, 2005: “Gait disorders in the elderly & Technical aids” (including live Web cast). McGill Family Medicine refresher course Dec 1, 2004. Tector Memorial Lecture: “Virtually there. Electronic health records. Mirage to mainstream.”

MUHC Division of Geriatric Medicine Rounds Sept 13, 2004: “PDAs & CME”. RVH Internal Medicine residents’ rounds August 13, 2004: “Geriatrics & the Quebec Health Care system”. RVH Internal Medicine residents’ rounds April 30, 2004: “Falls in the elderly”. MUHC Clinical Informatics Rounds April 13, 2004: “MOXXI: The development of an integrated drug management system for primary care.” RVH Internal Medicine residents’ rounds April 2, 2004: “Update on Clinical Information Systems at the MUHC”. SoQibs (Société Québécoise d’informatique Biomédicale et de la Santé) Forum sur les standards d’information en santé. March 31, 2004 : « The composite clinical data dictionary ». KODNER Dennis L. Kodner, Dennis L. (2005). The future of aging and eldercare services: Speculations and implications. 3rd Annual Gerontological Social Work Conference, Council of Social Work Education, New York, April 8. Kodner, Dennis L. (2005). Elder mistreatment: A public health perspective. Elder Mistreatment Day. Consortium of New York Geriatric Education Centers, New York, April 15. LEBLANC Andrea Active Caspase-6 in human neuronal apoptosis and Alzheimer’s disease. Neuroscience Seminar, University of Alberta, March 31, 2004. LUSSIER David Personnes âgées et douleur : approche multidisciplinaire, Société québécoise de la douleur/Ordre des physiothérapeutes du Québec, Montréal, September 2004. Pain in geriatric patients: a collaborative effort, MGH Pain Centre, Montreal, November 2004. MICHEL Jean-Pierre Participation in the Canadian Initiative on Frailty in Montreal - February 2004. Chairman and speaker: Springfield Montreal Alzheimer Disease Symposium in Montreal, 2004 MONETTE Johanne Optimization of antibiotics prescribing in long term care facilities. Centre of Epidemiology and Community studies, Jewish General Hospital. Monette J, MD, MSc., 2005.

Article 21, obstacle insurmontable à la recherche en soins de longue durée: son impact sur l’implantation d’un programme éducatif interdisciplinaire. Journée de formation du Comité d’éthique de la recherche de l’Université de Montréal portant sur l’article 21 du Code civil du Québec, ses interprétations et ses conséquences. Monette J, MD, MSc., 2004. Interdisciplinary educative program to optimize the quality of management of psychological and behavioral symptoms of dementia. 5th Annual Geriatric retreat Maimonides Geriatric Hospital and Division of Geriatric Medicine. Monette J, MD, MSc., 2004. Facteurs liés à l’utilisation non-optimale des médicaments. Symposium sur l’utilisation optimale des médicaments. Ministère de la Santé et des Services sociaux, Québec. Monette J, MD, MSc., 2004. Intervention program aiming to improve the quality of antibiotic prescribing in nursing homes. Young investigators rounds. Lady Davis Institute, Jewish General Hospital, Monette J, MD, MSc., 2004. Usage des neuroleptiques en CHSLD. CHSLD-CLSC du Marigot, Laval. Champoux N, Monette J, 2004. Optimisation de la prise en charge des symptômes psychologiques et comportementaux de la démence en soins de longue durée. Sessions scientifiques, CHSLD-CLSC Marigot. Monette J, MD, MSc et Champoux N, MD, MSc., 2004. Implementation of an interdisciplinary educative program aiming to improve the management of behavioral and psychological symptoms of dementia. Annual Retreat Division of Geriatric Medicine and Maimonides Hospital Geriatric center, Montreal, 2004 MORAIS J.A. MUHC, Royal Victoria Hospital Medical Grand Rounds, JSL Brown Amphitheater: Nutrition and Protein Metabolism in the Elderly. May 26, 2004. Institut Universitaire de Gériatrie de Sherbrooke. Centre de Recherche sur le vieillissement: Le métabolisme des protéines et le vieillissement. Sherbrooke, November 24, 2004. Canadian Diabetes Association 8th Annual Meeting. Symposium on New Paradigms from Novel Integrative Approaches in the Study of Insulin Resistance and Diabetes in Humans: Alterations of Protein Metabolism with Type 2 Diabetes and States of Insulin Resistance. Palais des Congrès, Quebec City, October 28, 2004. PACCAUD Fred Organisation et participation à des Colloques scientifiques

Consommation d’alcool: problèmes et solutions (en collaboration avec l’Institut Suisse de Prévention de l’Alcoolisme et autres toxicomanies (ISPA) et le Centre de traitement en alcoologie (CTA) du CHUV) Lausanne, 10 colloques du 20.1.2004 au 6.4.2004 Current trends in public health surveillance, Lausanne, 8 colloques du 9.11.2004 au 25.1.2005 Organisation et participation à des Congrès et séminaires Etudes génétiques dans l’hypertension artérielle, Lausanne, 22.4.2004 La médecine fondée sur les preuves en pratique clinique quotidienne: quelles connaissances transférer ? et comment ?, Lausanne, 12.8.2004 Promoting physical activity as an aid for smoking cessation, Lausanne, 29.10.2004 SCHIPPER Hyman McGill Up-regulation of erythropoietin receptor expression in AD and MCI astroglia (M.I. Assaraf, A. Liberman, D. Bennett, W.H. Miller, H.M. Schipper). 9th Annual McGill Geriatric Medicine Research Day, April 16, 2004. HO-1 over-expression promotes oxidative mitochondrial damage in rat astroglia (W. Song W, H. Su S. Song, H.K. Paudel, H.M. Schipper). 9th Annual McGill Geriatric Medicine Research Day, April 16, 2004. Age-related alterations of heme oxygenase-1 expression in the anterior segment of the human eye (M.B. Mydlarski, J. Deschênes, H.M. Schipper). 27th Annual McGill Ophthalmology Clinical and Scientific Day, Montreal Children's Hospital, May 28, 2004 Provincial/National/International Possibles indicateurs sanguins de la maladie d'Alzheimer. Colloque VRQ de 72e Congrès de l’ACFAS. UQAM, Montreal, May 11, 2004. VAITEKUNAS Susan Invited Lectures - Herzl CME series - Feb. 1, 2005 "The Other Dementias". WOLFSON Christina BC Regional Seniors Workshop on Research. “Canadian Longitudinal Study on Aging”. March 30, 2005.

Department of Epidemiology & Biostatistics, McGill University. “The Canadian Longitudinal Study on Aging: A work in progress”. Montreal, March 21, 2005. Workshop at the Centre for Aging. “Canadian Longitudinal Study on Aging”. Manitoba, February 25, 2005. Institute of Health Services and Policy Research (IHSPR) Advisory Board for the Canadian Institutes of Health Research. “Canadian Longitudinal Study on Aging”. February 17, 2005. Parkwood Hospital Research Day symposium. “Canadian Longitudinal Study on Aging”. November 12, 2004. Career Women Interaction (CWI). “It is never too early (or too late) to think about successful aging”. Montreal, October 26, 2004. 3rd Conference of Epidemiological Longitudinal Studies in Europe. “Canadian Longitudinal Study on Aging Biomarker Challenges”. Bristol, UK, September 23, 2004. Centre for Clinical Epidemiology and Community Studies, Jewish General Hospital. “The Canadian Longitudinal Study on Aging: From Protocol Writing to Feasibility Studies”. Montreal, September 22, 2004. Symposium-3rd Congress of the European Union, Geriatric Medicine Society. “The Canadian Longitudinal Study on Aging: An opportunity to study healthy aging and frailty”. Vienna, Austria, September 15-18, 2004. “Canadian Longitudinal Study on Aging Biomarker Challenges”. Chicago, June 11, 2004. Ontario Gerontology Association Conference. “Canadian Longitudinal Study on Aging”. Toronto, Ontario, May 28, 2004. Corporate Affairs and Patient Health Management. “Knowledge Generation to Knowledge Transfer: Putting Research into Action”. Toronto, Ontario, May 19, 2004. Center for Clinical Epidemiology and Community Studies, Jewish General Hospital (with Dr. Howard Bergman). “The Canadian Initiative on Frailty and Aging”. Montreal, April 28, 2004. Department of Medicine, Medical Grand Rounds, Jewish General Hospital. Responding to the Challenge of Studying Successful Aging: Canadian Longitudinal Study on Aging. Protocol Development. Montreal, April 26, 2004. Alzheimer Strategy Invitational Workshop “Coming Together to Shape the Future”. “Canadian Longitudinal Study on Aging”. Toronto, Ontario, April 16, 2004. WOOD-DAUPHINEE Sharon

Invited Speaker. Health-related Quality of Life after Stroke: Does Age Matter? Stroke Rehabilitation. World Congress of Stroke. Vancouver, BC. June 2004 Workshop: Quality of life assessment: introduction and overview. International Society for Quality of Life Research, Hong Kong. October 2004 Impact of age on life’s quality after stroke: Cross-sectional and longitudinal Views. International Society for Quality of Life research. Hong Kong. October 2004 Keynote Speaker: Quality of Life after Stroke. Inter-Urban Stroke Academic Association, Toronto, Ontario. April 2005



2004 - 2005



Division members Cross appointed members Adjunct members


BROWN-JOHNSON Anita Director, Secondary Care Division, MUHC Department of Family Medicine April 2002 - present Director, MUHC Transition/Long-Term Care Services; Sept 2001 - present DUQUE Gustavo FRSQ-Chercheur Boursier Clinicien (Junior I). (2004) ACMC John Ruedy Award for Innovation in Medical Education. The Association of Canadian Medical Colleges. (2004) Appointed as Associate Member, Centre for Medical education, McGill University. (2004-2006) LEBLANC Andrea Fonds de Recherche en Santé du Québec (FRSQ) Chercheur National, 2004-2009 William Dawson Scholarship Award, December 31, 2004 - December 31, 2007 PACCAUD Fred High and increasing prevalence of overweight among school children of Seychelles Prix du meilleur poster présenté par P. Bovet, G. Madeleine, M. Servina, N. Stettler, F. Paccaud. Journée de recherche des Hospices cantonaux/CHUV, Lausanne, 22.11.2004. Patterns of unhealthy behaviors and obesity according to smoking status in a general population - the Swiss health survey. Prix Astra-Zeneca du meilleur poster présenté par A. Chiolero, V. Wietlisbach, F. Paccaud, J. Cornuz.. Congrès de la Société Suisse de Santé Publique, Zurich. 24-25.6.2004. WOLFSON Christina Finalist, YMCA Women of Distinction. In the Health Category, 2004 WOOD-DAUPHINEE Sharon Elected Fellow- Canadian Academy of Health Sciences




2004 - 2005



Division members Cross appointed members Adjunct members

TEACHING ACTIVITIES BÉLAND François Nicolas Rousseau. Titre à venir. Ph.D. Santé publique, directeur. 2004-present Louise Lafortune. Titre à venir. Ph.D. Santé publique, co-directeur. 2003-present François Truchon. Titre à venir. Ph.D. Santé publique, directeur. 2002-present Claude Galand. Titre à venir. Ph.D. Santé publique, codirection. 2000-present BERGMAN Howard McGill Courses Undergraduate Small group teaching and bedside teaching ICMB medical students. 1996-present Postgraduate Regular small group teaching at the Jewish General Hospital to Family Medicine and Medical residents as well as to Geriatric specialty fellows. 1984-present Post-Graduate Students Supervisor Co-thesis director, Mark Oremus, PhD student, McGill University. “Caregivers and Treatment of Alzheimer’s Disease”. 2002-

Co-thesis director, Louise Lafortune, PhD student, Université de Montréal. 2002-

Director, Manuel Montero, Clinical Fellow, University of Buenos Aires. “Gait in Older Persons” 2004- Lectures: McGill Teaching Hospitals The Fountain of Youth: Promoting Healthy Aging and Preventing Frailty. Mini Med School, Jewish General Hospital. 2005 La fontaine de jouvence: Promouvoir la vieillesse en santé et prévenir la fragilité. Jewish General Hospital. 2005

BROWN-JOHNSON Anita Postgraduates Transition Care Consultant to Planning Committee for McGill Thursday Evening Lecture Series (Spring 2004) Courses Taught Geriatric Clerkship – Transition Care Course (October 2002 - present) Interactive workgroup format, one afternoon per month, for 2nd year medical students. CHERTKOW Howard Postdoctoral Fellows Christine Whatmough, Ph.D., Psychology (Université de Montréal). 1998-2005 Daniel Saumier, Ph.D. Psychology (Université de Montréal). 2001-2004 Ahn Duong, Ph.D. Bio-Medical Sciences, Option - Speech Pathology (Université de Montreal). 2002-present Dr. Christian Bocti, M.D., FRCP(C)): Post-graduate Neurology Fellow. 2003-2004 Research electives for medical residents Dr. Dan Rabinovitch, 6 month research elective, Dept. of Neurology, McGill University. 2003-2004 Graduate students supervised Geneviève Arsenault, M.A. Student, Dept. of Neurosciences, McGill University. 2004-present DUQUE Gustavo Introduction to Clinical Practice-Communication with geriatric patients, 1st year med students. 2004-present Introduction to hospital practice-Introduction to the geriatric patient, 2nd year med students. 2004-present Tutor ICMA and B, 2nd year medical students, McGill University.2003-present Tutor 3rd year medical students, Division of Geriatric Medicine Clerkship, Jewish General Hospital. 2003-present

Physiology of bone. Graduate students. 2000-present Associate Director, undergraduate medical students. Division of Geriatric Medicine. 2000-present Tutor, small group sessions and bedside teaching. Division of Geriatric Medicine, Department of Medicine. 1999-present Back to basics: bone metabolism. Seminars for last year medical students. 1999-present Tutor, small group sessions, Division of Endocrinology, Department of Medicine. 1998-present Seminars on aging, aging bone. Faculty of Graduate studies and Research, Division of Experimental Medicine. 1997-present Supervision of Residents in Internal Medicine/Family Medicine. Jewish General Hospital, McGill University. 2004-present Core Internal Medicine Residents, Jewish General Hospital. – two sessions. Osteoporosis in men. January 2004 HUANG Allen Undergraduate Clinical Teaching Professional skills course, McGill University, 2005 Practice of Medicine clinical Clerkship rotation in Geriatric Medicine, McGill University, 2002-present Postgraduate Clinical Teaching Geriatric Medicine Rotation, McGill University, 1989-present Graduate Students (Supervised) CIHR Health informatics Ph.D./Postdoc Strategic Training Program, U Victoria, McGill University & pan-Canadian partnership, 2003-present KODNER Dennis L. Chronic illness and chronic illness management Long-term care policy (Both at Hunter College Schools of Health Professions) 2004-2005 Innovation in health and social care for the elderly (workshop) (in role as Honorary Professor of Health Sciences, Faculty of Public Health, Maastricht University, The Netherlands) 2004-2005

LEBLANC Andrea McGill University 501-541B Molecular Biology of Aging, Course Coordinator. 1994-1999 E. Wang, 2000-present, Chantal Autexier: (2004: 4 hrs). Back to Basics Medical School Curriculum: 2000-present Molecular Biology, Coordinators: Drs John Bergeron, Hans Zingg, David Thomas. Three sessions of 2 hours each (6-10 hrs of teaching). 531-602A Current Topics in Neurosciences: 1998-present Course co-coordinator with Phil Barker, preparation of course instructors and units for session, evaluation of instructors. 528-466B Viral pathogenesis and Host Defense: 2001-present Course coordinator Dj Briedis Lectures on Prion Diseases (2 hrs). NEUR550 Free Radical Biology: Course coordinator Hyman Schipper 2004 Lecture on Cell death (1.5 hrs). PSYT-500B Neurobiology of Mental illness: Course coordinator Patricia Boska 2004 Lecture on Alzheimer’s Disease (3hrs). Université de Montréal PBC-6061 Elements de neuropathologie cellulaire. Université de Montréal. Coordinator: Guy Doucet et Nicole LeClair. 2004 Maladie D’Alzheimer et Maladies du prion lectures (6 hrs) NRL-6091A-C Impact Clinique des Neurosciences. Coordinator: Laurent Descarries 2004 Mort neuronale et maladies neurodégénératives (3 hour lecture/preparation 12 hrs). Graduate Student Supervision: GPNS Huishan Guo, M.Sc. student, 2001-present Guy Klaiman, M.Sc. student, 2002-present Malcolm Gains, Ph.D. student, 2002-present Xavier Roucou, PDF, 2002-present Division of Experimental Medicine Michael Baril, Ph.D. student Max Stern Entrance Scholarship, McGill U. Sept. 2003-present FRSQ Scholarship 2004-2006

Undergraduate students Dimitry Ofengeim, B.Sc. student in Biochemistry, December 2003-present, Honors Project co-supervised by Gordon Shore. Worked as summer student 2004 LUSSIER David CME/McGill - Managing back and other pain symptoms in the elderly, Annual Refresher Course for Family Physicians, McGill University, Montreal, December 2004. MONETTE Johanne Supervision of Isabelle Payot-Kammermann, fellow in Geriatric Medicine, Switzerland. Project: Prévalence des hospitalisations reliées à des problèmes médicamentaux. 2003-2005 MORAIS José Graduate Students and Postdoctoral Fellows Guest Lecturer. Protein Metabolism and Nutrition - 342-552A. Faculty of Agriculture & Environmental Sciences. Macdonald Campus. Protein and Amino Acid requirements in Humans: Amino Acid Oxidation Techniques. One and an half hour. November 16 and 18, 2004. Course Coordinator: Dr. Leroy Phillip Undergraduate Lectures Unit IV: Geriatric Nutrition – 1 hour Nutrition Assessment – 2 hours Back to Basic Course: Geriatric Nutrition – 3 hours Introduction to the Patient (Unit 9A). Spirituality in Medicine – 2 hours Physical and Occupational Therapy Department Physical and Social aspects of aging – 2 hours Student Supervision Zareen Khursigara, MSc Candidate Henry Ghanem, Ph.D. Candidate Assia Hassain, 2nd Year Medical Student, summer and winter Program Member of Advisory Committee Sylvia Santosa, Ph.D. Candidate Caroline Moriello, MSc Candidate

PACCAUD Fred Cours dispensés à la Faculté de biologie et de médecine Le Prof. F. Paccaud est responsable de l’enseignement de la médecine sociale et préventive aux étudiants en médecine des 1ère, 2ème, 4ème et 6ème années Autres cours dans le cadre de l’Université de Lausanne Scenarios for the Future of Health Systems, organisés par Institute of Health Economics and Management, Université de Lausanne et par Harvard Medical International Your Future in Health Care: Matching Costs and Benefits, 2004 et 2005. Santé publique I et II dans le cadre du Master in Health Economics and Management, Faculté de biologie et de médecine et Hautes Etudes Commerciales. Semestres d’hiver et d’été. Introduction à la médecine sociale dans le cadre du Master in Health Economics and Management, Institut d'Economie et de Management de la Santé, Ecole Hautes Etudes Commerciales. Analyse comparative des systèmes de santé, Diplôme d’économie et management de la santé, semestre d’été 2004. Cours hors universités, en Suisse Principes de santé publique en situation de catastrophe. Module d’enseignement en médecine de catastrophe CEFOCA Module 4 Catastrophe majeure dans les pays industrialisés, Lausanne, 24.9.2004. Cours dispensés à l’étranger I determinanti della salute e la trasformazione degli scenari epidemiologici et L’evoluzione dei sistemi sanitari. 10° Corso di Perfezionamento in Management Sanitario: La Gestione del sistema sanitario principi, strumenti, metodi, Università degli studi di Firenze, 27.1.2004. Le trasformazioni dei sistemi sanitari e la "clinical governance". Corso di Perfezionamento, Il governo clinico. Università degli studi di Firenze, 3.5.2004. Organisation du système de santé « Utilisation des scénarios pour la planification en santé publique: théorie et pratique. Université d’été francophone en santé publique, Besançon, France, 5-9.7.2004.

SCHIPPER Hyman Research Trainees Supervised Post-doctoral Wei Song, MD., Ph.D. (co-supervisor: Dr. Hemant Paudel) Dr. Song is investigating the effects of HO-1 up-regulation on downstream signal transduction pathways in cultured astroglia. (2002-present) Haixiang Su, MD, Ph.D. Responsible for establishing antioxidant enzyme and oxidative damage assays in our institute’s Biomedical Redox Laboratory. (2002-present) Graduate Michael Assaraf (M.Sc. program, Dept. of Neurology & Neurosurgery, McGill) Michael is investigating the potentially neuroprotective role of erythropoietin in Alzheimer disease and Mild Cognitive Impairment (MCI). (2002-present) Sisi Song (M.Sc. program, Dept. of Neurology & Neurosurgery, McGill) Mr. Song is studying the effects of HO-1 up-regulation on oxidative mitochondrial injury in cultured astroglia. (2002-present) Zuanel Diaz (2002-present) (Ph.D. Program, Div. of Experimental Medicine, McGill) Co-supervisor: Dr. Wilson Miller. Zuanel is investigating redox mechanisms of arsenic toxicity. Awarded McGill University Max Stern Recruitment Fellowship (2002-2003) and CIHR Strategic Training Program Award (Experimental Therapeutics in Cancer; 2003-2004). Graduate Student Research Committees Graduate Student Advisory Committee, Dept. of Biomedical Engineering, McGill. (Candidate: Cathy Tkaczyk) 2004 Visiting Professors 05.03-06.03 Dr. Akiva Shoham, Dept. of Ophthalmology, Ben-Gurion University, Beersheva, Israel. Sabbatical in the Center for Neurotranslational Research (JGH) to review role of oxidative stress in ophthalmological disease. Clinical Teaching Residents and Fellows Neurology Ward and Consultation Service (1988-present): Clinical Neurology training of residents and fellows who rotate to our service from the Departments of Neurology and Neurosurgery, Internal Medicine and Psychiatry (JGH and McGill University).

Didactic and Bedside Neurology Teaching to Herzl Family Medicine staff and residents (1990-present). Instruction in the diagnosis and management of aging-related neurodegenerative disorders to Residents and Fellows in Neurology, Medicine (Geriatrics) and Psychiatry attending the McGill Memory Clinic at the Jewish General Hospital (1998-present). Medical Students Introduction to Clinical Sciences (JGH-Dept. of Medicine; 12 hrs/yr; 1997-present). Courses Redox Neurology I (An Overview). Free Radical Biomedicine (NEUR 550), McGill University, March 1, 2004. Redox Neurology II (A Model). Free Radical Biomedicine (NEUR 550), McGill University, March 1, 2004. VAITEKUNAS Susan Supervision of clinical clerks & residents during their geriatric rotation LMCC examiner May 2, 2004. WINDHOLZ Sylvia Associate Program Director, Health Care for the Elderly Fellowship Program (1996-2004) Acting Program Director, Health Care for the Elderly Fellowship Program (2004-present) Teaching to medical students, family medicine residents, internal medicine residents and geriatric fellows, foreign geriatric medicine residents rotating through the Division of Geriatric Medicine (1996-present) Decisions at the End of Life: Gerontological Nursing Course, SMBD Jewish general Hospital, (April 6, 2005) WOLFSON Christina McGill Graduate Courses Instructor. Principles of Inferential Statistics in Medicine. 4 credits. (52 hrs) 2004-2005 Lecturer. Neurology Academic Half-Day. Introduction to Neuroepidemiology. (6 hrs) 2004-2005

Research Trainee Supervision CURRENT Clinical Fellow Paul Giacomini. Department of Neurology and Neurosurgery. Neurologist. “Lead exposure and the development of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis: A systematic review of the evidence”. 2005-present Dr. Eric Marmor. Department of Neurology and Neurosurgery. Neurosurgeon. “The role of surgical resection of brain tumours arising from astrocytes in improving survival”. 2002-2004 Ph.D. Students Jacqueline Quail. Department of Epidemiology & Biostatistics. Thesis Supervisor. Thesis Title: “Towards an understanding of unmet needs in the community dwelling elderly”. Ph.D. candidate 2004-present Deborah Weiss. Department of Epidemiology & Biostatistics. Thesis Supervisor. Thesis Title: “Counseling for lifestyle change in seniors: Attitudes of physicians and seniors towards current practices”. Ph.D. candidate. Source of funds: SOLIDAGE. 2004-present Katia Chartland, Department of Epidemiology & Biostatistics. Thesis Co-Supervisor with Russell Steele. Thesis Title: “Smoothing Models for Facilitating the Detection of Areas of Elevated or Decreased Disease Risk with an Application to Multiple Sclerosis”. Ph.D. candidate. Source of funds: CIHR Neuroinflammation Training Grant, Multiple Sclerosis Society of Canada. 2003-present Elizabeth Turner. Department of Mathematics and Statistics. Thesis Co-Supervisor with Alain Vandal. Thesis Title (provisional): “Economically and statistically efficient designs of prevalence studies using capture-recapture methodology”. Ph.D. candidate. Source of funds: Commonwealth Scholarship. 2002-present Mark Oremus, Department of Epidemiology & Biostatistics. Thesis Supervisor. Thesis Title: “Use of medications in the Alzheimer's disease population: Physician and caregiver perspectives”. Ph.D. candidate. Source of funds: CIHR, Scottish Rite Charitable Foundation. 2000-2005 MSc Students Karen Roberts. Department of Epidemiology & Biostatistics. Thesis Supervisor. Thesis Topic: “Prevalence and correlates of nutritional status of community dwelling urban seniors (75 years and over)”. MSc candidate. 2004-present Dr. Eric Ehrensperger. Department of Epidemiology & Biostatistics. Thesis Supervisor. Thesis Title: “A Systematic Review of Risk Factors for Stroke in Patients with Asymptomatic Carotid

Artery Stenosis”.MSc candidate. 2004-present Dr. Ron Postuma. Department of Epidemiology & Biostatistics. Thesis Supervisor. Thesis Title: “Seasonal variation in Parkinson’s disease risk”. MSc candidate. Source of funds: FRSQ. 2004-present Marie-Rose Shoucri. Department of Epidemiology & Biostatistics. Thesis Topic: “Assessment of exposure to infectious agents in case-control studies of multiple-sclerosis”. MSc candidate. Source of Funds: CIHR Neuroinflammation Training Grant. 2003-present Diploma Students Dr. Emiko Wong. Department of Epidemiology & Biostatistics. Dissertation Title: “Animal exposure as a risk factor for Multiple Sclerosis”. Diploma candidate. 2003-present GRADUATED Ph.D. Students John Podoba, Department of Epidemiology & Biostatistics. Thesis Supervisor. Thesis Title: Unmet needs for community services among the elderly: Impact on health services utilization”. Ph.D. candidate. Source of funds: CIHR, SOLIDAGE. 1999-2005



2004 - 2005



Division members Cross appointed members Adjunct members

Réseau québécois de recherche sur le vieillissement Journée de recherche 2005 Page 1 de 38

Vendredi le 29 avril, 2005 Soyez le bienvenu à la 4è journée de recherche du Réseau québécois de recherche sur le vieillissement (RQRV) ainsi que la 10è Journée de recherche de la Division de gériatrie de l'Université McGill en collaboration avec la Société québécoise de gériatrie (SQG), et l'Université de Montréal. Nous avons assemblé pour vous ce cahier sur le déroulement de la journée contenant l'horaire des activités ainsi que les résumés des présentations orales et par affiche. Nous espérons que vous aurez une journée très agréable toute en étant instructive. Friday, April 29th, 2005 Welcome to the 4th Annual Research Day Conference of the Réseau québécois de recherche sur le vieillissement (RQRV) and the 10th Annual Research Day Conference of the McGill Division of Geriatric Medicine presented in conjunction with the Société québécoise de gériatrie (SQG) and the Université de Montréal. In this program you will find a general agenda for the conference as well as abstracts relating to the podium and poster presentations. We are pleased that you were able to join us on this occasion and we hope that you come away with an instructive experience.

José A. Morais, MD Gustavo Duque, MD, PhD Guylaine Ferland, PhD Remerciements : 

Howard Bergman, MD Isabelle Girard Johanne Monette, MD Ayanna Roberts 

Programme Program

Page 2 de 38 McGill Division of Geriatric Medicine 2005 Research Day Conference

Centre Mont‐Royal, Montréal, Québec, Canada 

Horaire   Schedule 

8h15 – 9h15  Conférence conjointe FRSQ‐SQG: Dr. José Morais Auditorium Le Grand Salon (1er étage / 1st floor) 

 9h30 ‐ 9h45  Ouverture et accueil 

Salons International I et II (3e étage / 3rd floor)    Dr. Howard Bergman   Directeur scientifique   Réseau Québécois de recherche sur le vieillissement     Dr. Anne Martin Matthews   Directeur scientifique   Institut du vieillissement du IRSC    Dr. Alain Beaudet   Président‐directeur général   Fonds de la recherche en santé (FRSQ)  9h45 ‐ 10h30  Conférence: La rédaction de la demande de subventions   Dr. Jacques Galipeau   Professeur agrégé en médecine et oncologie de lʹUniversité McGill    Salons International I et II  (3e étage / 3rd floor)  10h30 ‐ 11h30  Session des communications par affiche / Pause café   Foyer Mont‐Royal I et II (4e étage / 4th floor)   11h30 ‐ 12h30  Session des communications orales 1   Salons International I et II (3e étage / 3rd floor)  12h30 ‐ 14h30  Assemblée générale annuelle pour les membres du Réseau Québécois de recherche sur le 

vieillissement  Mont‐Royal I (4e étage / 4th floor) 

   Dîner   Mont‐Royal I (4e étage / 4th floor)    Visite des communications par affiche   Foyer Mont‐Royal I‐II (4e étage / 4th floor)   14h30 ‐ 17h00  Session des communications orales 2   Salons International I et II (3e étage / 3rd floor)   Pause café (15h30 – 15h45)  17h00 ‐ 18h00  Cocktails et présentations des prix (conjointe avec la Société québécoise de gériatrie) 

Décision des jurés Foyer Mont‐Royal (4e étage / 4th floor) 

Program Programme

Réseau québécois de recherche sur le vieillissement Journée de recherche 2005 Page 3 de 38

Programme détaillé des présentations   Detailed Presentation Schedule   Session des communications par affiche / Poster Session Foyer Mont‐Royal I et II (4e étage) 10h30 - 11h30 Résumés / Abstracts P6 – P49 Session des communications orales 1 Salon International I (3e étage) Résumés / Abstracts O1 – O4 11h30 – 11h45 O1–Stimulation of cutaneous mechanoreceptors from foot plantar surface boundaries improves old adults’ postural responses to continuous perturbations Nicoleta Bugnariu 11h45 – 12h00 O2–Interactive case design: teaching basic hospital skills to 2nd year medical students Ayanna Roberts 12h00 – 12h15 O3– Typologie des réseaux d’aide et personnes âgées Claude Galand 12h15 – 12h30 O4–Protein arginine methylation and its role in myelination and multiple sclerosis C.A. Chénard

    Session des communications orales 1 Salon International II (3e étage) Résumés / Abstracts O5 – O8 11h30 – 11h45 O5–Predicting MCI progression to AD via automated analysis of T1-weighted MR image intensity Simon Duchesne 11h45 – 12h00 O6–The influence of genetic polymorphism on neuroendocrine, cogntive, and personality factors in an aged population. A. J. Fiocco 12h00 – 12h15 O7–Factors regulating resting energy expenditure and thermic effect of food in elderly persons Zareen Khursigara 12h15 – 12h30 O8–Coping with a first stroke Annie Rochette

Programme Program

Page 4 de 38 McGill Division of Geriatric Medicine 2005 Research Day Conference

Session des communications orales 2 Salon International I (3e étage) Résumés / Abstracts O9 – O16 14h30 – 14h45 O9–Changes in lamin A expression correlate with the adipogenic/osteogenic differentiation of mesenchymal stem cells: are lamins the link between aging and senile osteoporosis? Daniel Rivas 14h45 – 15h00 O10–Aging affects coordination of body and eye movements in the maintenance of upright stance C. Paquette 15h00 – 15h15 O11–Étude de l’utilisation des centres de jour par les personnes âgées en perte d’autonomie Jacinthe Savard 15h15 – 15h30 O12–Human heme oxygenase-1 (HHO-1) downregulates expression of endogenous alpha-synuclein in human neuroblastoma cells: insights into Parkinson’s Disease Amar Patel Pause café 15h30 – 15h45 15h45 – 16h00 O13–Does the addition of functional status indicators to case-mix adjustment indices improve prediction of hospitalization, institutionalization and death among Canadian elderly Linda Lévesque 16h00 – 16h15 O14–Identification of quaking protein complex G. Lacroix 16h15 – 16h30 O15–Statut vitaminique K dans la maladie d’alzheimer : une étude pilote N. Presse 16h30 – 16h45 O16–Modulation of membrane lipid rafts: therapeutic targets in age-related diseases Anis Larbi

Session des communications orales Salon International II (3e étage) Résumés / Abstracts O17 – O25 14h30 – 14h45 O17–Mobility profile as a predictor of adverse events in community frail elderly Manuel Montero Odasso 14h45 – 15h00 O18–Chronic hypercalcemia as a reversible cause of cognitive impairment: improvement after a single administration of pamidronate Robert Segal 15h00 – 15h15 O19–Recognition of depression in elderly medical inpatients M. Cepoiu 15h15 – 15h30 O20–Entraîner l’attention partagée des personnes âgées : l’influence du niveau de scolarité Marie-Christine LaFerrière-Simard Pause café 15h30 – 15h45 15h45 – 16h00 O21–Dynamique des incapacités chez les personnes âgées françaises vivant à domicile : analyse de l’enquête handicap-incapacité-dépendance (HID) Louise Lafortune 16h00 – 16h15 O22–Statins in the elderly for secondary prevention of coronary disease: a meta-analysis of randomized control trials J. Afilalo 16h15 – 16h30 O23–Making the brain work more efficiently in Alzheimer disease: studies with repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation Anh Duong 16h30 – 16h45 O24–La participation sociale des personnes âgées avec incapacités physiques Mélanie Levasseur 16h45 – 17h00 O25–Prévention et delirium: l'expérience du CHUM Thien Tuong Minh Vu



2004 - 2005



Division members Cross appointed members Adjunct members

Clerkship in Geriatric Medicine

Annual Report – Executive Summary 2004-2005

McGill University

Susan Gold, MD – Gustavo Duque, MD, PhD Coordinators – Undergraduate Medical Education Ayanna Roberts Student Affairs and Administrative Coordinator – Undergraduate Medical Education McGill Division of Geriatric Medicine August 27, 2004

Executive Summary This executive summary features highlights of the Annual Report of the Clerkship for Geriatric Medicine. The full report contains important detailed information about new developments related to the Clerkship and data about student knowledge in and attitudes towards Geriatric Medicine. Please direct any inquiries to [email protected]. To download the full report, please visit

Introduction to Geriatric Medicine Dr. Wendy Chiu, MD.CM, FRCPC and Dr. Gustavo Duque, MD, PhD are developing the “Introduction to Geriatric Medicine” course to be given on September 13th and 14th, 2004 as a part of the Introduction to Hospital Practice unit preparing medical school students for the Practice of Medicine.

The course is being developed in conjunction with Ayanna Roberts, the Student Affairs and Administrative Coordinator for the Clerkship in Geriatric Medicine and the McGill Molson Medical Informatics Project, who are responsible for the development of computer enhanced learning and teaching methodologies.

The course will feature a flash presentation delivered by Dr. Chiu, a web-based practice case for students authored by Dr. Duque, and a webpage portal for students:

Attitudes Survey A new attitudes survey was implemented in the Winter 2004 semester. This new survey is a validated survey designed by Timothy J. Wilkinson, Associate Dean of Undergraduate Medical Education, University of Otago, Christchurch School of Medicine & Health Sciences1. It collects a wealth of data concerning student attitudes towards aging in general and Geriatric Medicine as a specific discipline. A discussion and presentation of results related to the Attitudes Survey can be found in Section 2.

New Webpage for the McGill Electronic Evaluation Portfolio (MEEP©) A new webpage ( was created to support student and staff questions about the McGill Electronic Evaluation Portfolio (MEEP©). The new webpage features detailed explanations of the evaluation categories, information about how to complete and evaluate the portfolio and a sample student portfolio.

Gauging Interest in Geriatric Medicine We are in the process of gathering information from students interested in a career in Geriatric Medicine so as to support their aspirations throughout their academic careers and beyond. In the Attitudes Survey and Final Survey, students now have the option of entering their email address if they are interested in a career in Geriatric Medicine. We will forward those email addresses for inclusion in the Geriatrics listserv and to the Coordinator of Teaching Programs, Dr. Susan

1 Wilkinson, Tim J, Gower, Suzanne & Sainsbury, Richard (2002) The earlier, the better: the effect of early community contact on the attitudes of medical students to older people. Medical Education 36 (6), 540-542.

Gold, for consideration. A program of mentorship is being implemented for these and future students.

Institutional Interest in McGill’s Clerkship in Geriatric Medicine We have been invited to present our clerkship to several different academic institutions.

• Quebec City –l’Université Laval (Education Retreat)

• Montreal – Division of Geriatric Medicine, l’Université de Montreal

• Montreal –Centre for Medical Education, McGill University (Medical Education Grand Rounds)

• New York – Division of Geriatric Medicine, Mount Sinai School of Medicine

We continue to receive inquiries about the McGill Electronic Evaluation Portfolio from within McGill, both from other clerkships and most notably the Faculty of Dentistry, with whom we are exploring collaborative development opportunities.

How They Came: Attitudes Survey In the Winter 2004 semester, we implemented a new Attitudes Survey2 allowing us to more comprehensively assess student attitudes and knowledge with respect to Aging and Geriatrics. The data collected from the Attitudes Survey and a copy of the Attitudes Survey can be found in Appendix A of the full report. An example of the data collected is presented below:

Legend: 1-Strongly Agree; 2-Somewhat Agree; 3-Neither Agree nor Disagree; 4-Somewhat Disagree; 5-Strongly Disagree

0 1 2 3 4 5 60







Mean = 2.95Std. Dev. = 1.005N = 80

"Age I do abhor thee, youth I do adore thee"

0 1 2 3 4 5 60










Mean = 3.15Std. Dev. = 1.192N = 80

Geriatrics was more than adequately covered in my medical school curriculum

2 Original survey design by Timothy J. Wilkinson, Associate Dean of Undergraduate Medical Education, University of Otago, Christchurch School of Medicine & Health Sciences.

How They Left: Final Survey At the end of the rotation, students complete a Final Survey designed to assess the students’ progress in their knowledge and attitudes towards Aging and Geriatrics following a month of exposure to Geriatric Medicine as well as to assess the success of each element of the rotation as perceived by the students. The complete data and charts are presented in the Full report.

Clinical Experience and Teaching The number of students who rated their tutors Very Good or Excellent increased in 2003-2004. Furthermore, a greater percentage of students felt the clinical work and activities were academically challenging. This data shows that the Geriatric Medicine clerkship continues to be an academically robust rotation.

Multidisciplinary Team Experience A focus of this rotation is a strong multidisciplinary team experience. Students continued to perceive sufficient contact with the team and a greater percentage felt they had greater contact with the community in 2003-2004.

Electronic Portfolio The MEEP© continues to be accepted and validated as a new method of evaluation. Dr. Duque was awarded the 2004 John Ruedy Award for Innovation in Medical Education by the ACMC for the design and implementation of the MEEP©. We recently assessed the reliability of the MEEP©, the results of which can be found in Section 4.

The addition of the orientation session for all students and the MEEP© website provided more support for students using the portfolio. This may account for the increasing acceptance of this new and unfamiliar evaluation method by students. This year, we see a shift in all “curves” from strongly disagree to strongly agree. We expect to see this trend continue as the general student population becomes more familiar with the portfolio in this and potentially other rotations.

WebCT Modules As in 2002-2003, students continued to express their comfort with using WebCT. We also see a slight shift on the scale towards strongly disagree when students were asked whether the modules and pre/post-tests were useful and instructional. Furthermore, the number of the students who felt the modules were academically challenging remained positively stable.

This year we received numerous strong comments in support of WebCT. Major suggestions include adding new lectures and adding forward/rewind buttons to the Flash presentations.

Attitudes towards Aging and Geriatric Medicine One of the goals of the Geriatrics rotation is to emphasize the basis of Geriatric Medicine and the differences in medical care for older patients. Cumulative in this goal is to positively educate and affect student attitudes towards aging and Geriatrics. This year we see a greater number of students declaring their openness to Geriatric Medicine as a subspecialty and who are willing to devote some of their future training to Geriatrics, including becoming a geriatrician. Student comments showed an appreciation for Geriatric Medicine as a unique subspecialty with a different and interesting approach to medicine.

Overall Impressions of the Clerkship Student comments showed an appreciation for Geriatric Medicine as a unique subspecialty with a different and interesting approach to medicine. Again, there was a distinct trend showing a shift away from strongly disagree and towards strongly agree in the ratings scale for all categories. Most notably, there was marked improvement in student understanding of the evaluation system. Overall, students rated the Geriatric Medicine clerkship a success.

Evaluation & Reliability Data and Publications We recently assessed the reliability of the MEEP© for a forthcoming publication submitted to the journal Academic Medicine titled “Learning while evaluating: a successful model of the use of electronic evaluation portfolios in clinical settings.” The text of the abstract, featuring the results, can be found in the full report.

In addition to the paper referenced above, four abstracts were submitted to different academic conferences: two to the 2004 Annual Meeting of the American Geriatrics Society, one to the CAPTIC Conference – Université Laval and one to the meeting of the Association of Canadian Medical Colleges (ACMC).

Special Thanks We would like to thank all the members of the Geriatric Medicine clerkship team for their hard work in making the 2003-2004 clerkship a success, including:

• The Division of Geriatric Medicine

• The Faculty of Medicine

• The Instructional Communications Centre

• The Office of the Deputy Provost and CIO

• The McGill Molson Medical Informatics Project

• The McCall Hutchinson Foundation

• And all the team members and tutors and community sites.



2004 - 2005



Division members Cross appointed members Adjunct members

February 15 février, 2005Mr. David LevineDr. Howard BergmanLivingston Hall / Montreal General Hospital • Hall Livingston / Hôpital Général de MontréalPresident and Executive Director, Agence de développement de réseaux locaux de services de santé et deservices sociaux de Montréal.The Dr. Joseph Kaufmann Professor and Director, Division of Geriatric Medicine, McGill University andJewish General Hospital.Président-directeur général, Agence de développement de réseaux locaux de services de santé et de servicessociaux de Montréal.Professeur titulaire, Chaire Dr Joseph Kaufmann; directeur, Division de gériatrie, Université McGill et l’Hôpitalgénéral juif.

“The Recent Health Care Reform: Impact on Care for the Elderly”


January 18 janvier, 2005Dr. Robert Bailey, MD, FRCP

Livingston Hall / Montreal General Hospital • Hall Livingston / Hôpital Général de MontréalAssistant Professor of Medicine, Department of Internal Medicine, McGill University. Director, Divisionof Geriatric Medicine, St. Mary's HospitalProfesseur adjoint de médecine, Département de médecine interne, Université McGill; directeur, Divisionde gériatrie, Hôpital St. Mary's

“Driving and Dementia: An Approach for the Practicing Physician”32

November 30 novembre, 2004Dr. Cara Tannenbaum MDCM, FRCP, MSc

Block Amphitheatre / Jewish General Hospital • Amphithéâtre block / Hôpital Général JuifAssistant Professor of Medicine, University of Montreal. Director, Division of Health Services Research,Centre de recherche de l'Institut universitaire de gériatrie de MontréalProfesseure adjointe de médecine, Université de Montréal; directrice, Division de la recherche sur lesservices de santé, Centre de recherche de l'Institut universitaire de gériatrie de Montréal

“Health Promotion for Older Women: What Are We Doing and How Can We Do Better?”

1November 9 novembre, 2004Dr. Peter McCracken, MD, FRCP(C)

Block Amphitheatre / Jewish General Hospital • Amphithéâtre block / Hôpital Général JuifProfessor of Medicine, Division of Geriatric Medicine, Department of Medicine, University of AlbertaProfesseur de médecine, Division de gériatrie, Département de médecine, Université de l'Alberta

“ Tele-Medicine and Tele-Geriatrics: Hype or Hope for the Future?”

5March 15 mars, 2005Dr. Thomas M. GillLivingston Hall / Montreal General Hospital • Hall Livingston / Hôpital Général de MontréalAssociate Professor of Medicine, Yale University School of MedicineProfesseur adjoint de médecine, École de médecine de l'Université Yale

“Disentangling the Disabling Process: Insights from the Yale PEP Study” Hutchison Lectureship / Conférence Hutchison

6April 19 avril, 2005Dr. Murray Grossman, MD, EdD

Livingston Hall / Montreal General Hospital • Hall Livingston / Hôpital Général de MontréalAssociate Professor, Department of Neurology, University of PennsylvaniaProfesseur adjoint, Département de neurologie, Université de la Pennsylvanie

“Semantic Loss and Frontotemporal Dementia”

7May 4 mai, 2005Dr. James F. Fries, M.D.

Block Amphitheatre / Jewish General Hospital • Amphithéâtre block / Hôpital Général JuifProfessor of Medicine, Stanford University, Palo Alto, CAProfesseur de médecine, Université Stanford, Palo Alto, CA

“Aging, Frailty, Disability and the Compression of Morbidity”


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-2005 McGill University

D i v i s i o n o f G e r i a t r i c M e d i c i n e • D i v i s i o n d e G é r i a t r i e






Wine and cheesefollowing the lecture

Vous êtes invité(e) à un vin etfromage après les conférences

This program has been reviewed and ac-credited for 1 MAINPRO-M1 credit by theCollege of Family Physicians of Canada inreciprocity with the Fédération des Omni-praticiens du Québec (FMOQ). This event isan accredited group learning activity as de-fined by the Maintenance of CertificationProgram of the Royal College of Physiciansand Surgeons of Canada.

Ce programme a été révisé et approuvé pourune crédit MAINPRO-M1 par le Collège desMédecins de Familles du Canada en récipro-cité avec le service de Formation Médicale dela Fédération des Médecins Omnipraticiensdu Québec (FMOQ). Cette activité est uneactivité éducative assortie de crédits selon ladéfinition du Programme de maintien ducertificat du Collège royal des médecins etchirurgiens du Canada.


Dr. Sandra Richardson,Dr. Allen Huang

and Dr. Howard Bergman

COORDINATOR:Carol Novoseller

Hall Livingston, 6ième étageHôpital Général de Montréal

1650, avenue Cedar

Amphithéâtre blockHôpital Général Juif

3755, Côte Ste-Catherine

Livingston Hall, 6th floorMontreal General Hospital

1650 Cedar Avenue

Block AmphitheaterJewish General Hospital3755 Cote St. Catherine

ON TUESDAYSLES MARDIS4:30 - 5:30 pm16h30 - 17h30


(514) 340-7501

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