
Dominant Image:Picture of singer of my chemical romance identifies the subject of the article. The represents the rock genre of Kerrang Magazines.

Kerrang Magazine Double Page Spread


Caption: The Caption anchors the meaning Of the image for the reader, only small text as its not too important.

Article Title:The Article title is intriguingTo the reader and has a visual impact, this has a slight pun, a simple but attractive font and also with the contrast between red and white. The text is large and stands out on the page from the rest of the text. The diagonal effect of this text will also attract the reader and is effective in injecting dynamism and energy into the layout

Strap-Line:The strap-line is under The article title and adds further information to draw in the reader. It is a lot smaller than the article title showing it isn't as important. The words ‘my chemical romance’ are a different colour from the rest of the strap-line which would make my chemical romance fans be more attracted to this. Also just like in the article title, the diagonal effect will have the same effect as it does in the article title.

The Article:in the article it talks about the band bringing out a new album which will make the reader want to read more into the article to get more information.

Metal Hammer Double Page Spread Deconstruction

Dominant image:The Dominant image shows the subject of the article and will attract the reader to see what the article is about and what it says. With a picture of 2 members of the Murderdolls, this definitely represents the genre of the magazine, also with this picture it will attract the fans of the Murderdolls.

Caption:The Caption is located under the image. This anchors the pictures meaning for the reader.

Pull Quote:This Highlights a specific part of the article which Is appealing to the target audience. Usually will be a quote of what someone has said from an interview.

Article Title:The article title is intriguing to the reader as it is about the Murderdolls which is representative to the target audience, the font is simple but attractive and the contrast between red and white gives it a visual impact on the reader. The text is large as it has to stand out the most on the page to attract the reader.

Rock Sound Magazine Double Page Spread Deconstruction

Dominant Image:Conveys the subject of the article and represents the genre of the magazine.

Caption:The Caption anchors the meaning of the image for the reader.

Pull Quote:Used to highlight phrases which will be appealing to the target audience.

Article Title:Used to draw in the readerand make them want to read more.

Strap-line:Located under the article title, used to give more info about the article title and used to make the reader want to read the article more.

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