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•Aztec Human Sacrifices

•Aztec temples in capital city.

•Aztec religion was polytheistic: More than one god.

Aztec Gods

•Early American Civilizations: There were 3 early American civilizations that developed.

•Civilization: An advanced culture that has a written language, cities, organized religion, and government. 1. Aztecs: Human sacrifices, conquered by the Spanish. 2. Incas: Expert builders, conquered by the Spanish. 3. Mayans: System of math, studied the stars, developed a calendar.

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•1492: Columbus sails west across the Atlantic Ocean hoping to reach India and China. After 2 months at sea, he lands on islands he believes to be off the coast of India. He names the islands the West Indies and the natives Indians. Soon, he and his men realize that they have discovered a New World and the gold that the Native Americans had. Columbus will go back to Spain and show the King and Queen the gold that he found. They will send conquistadors to the New World to conquer the people in order to get the gold.

•Cortes landing in Mexico with 600 men.

Horses Cannons

Metal Armor

•1519-1521: Cortes conquers the Aztec Empire with 600 men and gains control of Central America.

•1530-1535: Pizarro conquers the Inca Empire with 180 men.

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•Cortes conquering Aztecs

•Why were the Spanish and other Europeans able to conquer the Native Americans so easily?

1. More advanced technology.

-Muskets, cannons, metal armor, horses.

2. European diseases such as smallpox killed millions of Native Americans. .

Metal armor



•Metal weapons such as muskets, swords, and spears

•Aztec Warriors: Leather armor, wooden shield, wooden spears and clubs.

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Muskets Metal armor and swords No armor and wooden clubs and spears

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•Why were the Spanish and other Europeans able to conquer the Native Americans so easily?

1. More advanced technology.

-Muskets, cannons, metal armor, horses.

2. European diseases such as smallpox killed millions of Native Americans.

•This drawing shows Aztecs dying from smallpox.

•They are ascending to heaven to one of their gods.

•Millions of Native Americans died between 1500-1620 mainly due to European diseases.

25 million

1 million


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•Aztec Social Structure

•Aztec Capital

•Aztec slaves used for physical labor and sacrifices.


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Early American Civilizations:

1. Where were the Maya and Aztec empires located? (a) Canada (b) Central America (c) southeastern United States (d) southwestern Europe

2. What was the major cause of death among Native American Indians after contact with Spanish explorers?(a) relocation (b) disease (c) slavery (d) starvation

Base your answer to question 3 on the diagram and on your knowledge of social studies.

3. According to this diagram, which feature was a characteristic of both the Maya and Aztec civilizations?

(a) creation of floating gardens(b) use of the number zero(c) improvement of fishing methods(d) creation of a writing system

4. Columbus incorrectly described or labeled the peoples he encountered in the New World as:(a) Native Americans (b) Asians (c) Indians (d) Iroquois

5. One way the Incas adapted to their geography was to:(a) hunt buffalo to use for food and shelter (c) use terraces and irrigation to farm mountain sides(b) build “long houses” that could hold several families (d) create “floating gardens” for planting crops in lakes

6. One way that the Maya, Aztec, and Inca were similar is that they all:(a) migrated to America from Asia (c) settled in the desert of Southwestern United States(b) developed civilizations before Columbus arrived (d) disappeared and left no artifacts behind to study

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