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Engaging Results Communications April Editorial Calendar

1(T) — Twitter: Why are mobile dollars most valuable? Looking fwd to learning the importance of ROI in #MobileMarketing from the panel @MobileMSummit

2 (W) — Twitter: To encourage engagement, include a call-to-action in your mobile message and deliver dynamic content consumers want #MobileMarketing

3 (R) — Write a blog post about the mobile battle between content & context vs. audience targeting with mobile advertising expanding beyond the traditional ad networks. How do you differentiate your premium content and how can audience targeting strengthen your exposure?

4 (F) — Twitter: Interesting read! 5 ways marketers can use #Instagram

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7 (M) — Create an infographic on the top five industries to go mobile in the upcoming mobile marketing movement. Examples include: professional services, restaurant & food, health & wellness, automobile & transportation, travel & tourism, financial services, online shopping services, etc. 8 (T) — Twitter: The mobile ad market is exploding because of #Facebook and #Google

9 (W) — Twitter: Check out the top 10 #MobileMarketing tips for #SmallBusiness

10 (R) — Write a 2-3 page whitepaper titled, “How Healthcare CIOs can go Mobile.” Take a look at this article as a reference for your whitepaper article. 11 (F) —Twitter: How to leverage digital trends for your healthcare brand #MobileMarketing

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14 (M) —Write a blog post on BlackBerry BBM Channels rolling out advertising. How will this change the game for mobile marketing? Will advertising drive people away from using BBM Channels or will it coincide well with audiences?

15 (T) — Twitter: "9 out of 10 mobile searches lead to action. More than half lead to sales." Check out more #MobileMarketing facts

16 (W) — Twitter: Essentials for mobile sites: 1) Fast loading 2) Mobile-Friendly Features (lg. buttons, easy search) 3) Quick access to biz info

17 (R) — Create a 30 sec. YouTube video giving 5 reasons why video is the ideal mobile marketing tool. Reference these articles to put together your top 5 reasons. may be an interesting tie in for the video -

18 (F) — Twitter: 6 services to help you with #MobileMarketing

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21 (M) — What is the art of successful mobile marketing? Write a blog post that touches base on what makes a successful mobile marketing campaign.

22 (T) — Twitter: Optimize your website & blog to be responsive to all mobile screen sizes.Ignoring leads to missed opportunities #MarketingTrends

23 (W) — Twitter: How can you leverage mobile app push notifications for #MobileMarketing?

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24 (R) —How does the power of personalized mobile marketing affect customer relationships for travel & hospitality companies? Create an infographic describing the positives and negatives of personalization for mobile marketers.

25 (F) — Twitter: Excited to engage with @bgtheory & @meetsamir on April 29 aboutperfecting #mobile PPC! #HeroConf

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28 (M) — What is mobile analytics? How can you use that data to improve your mobile marketing campaigns to generate more visibility and engagement with your consumers? Write a blog post that demonstrates mobile analytics and its benefits of enhancing your campaigns.

29 (T) — Twitter: 10 ways to make your content more shareable #SMSsummit

30 (W) — Twitter: New Google Calculator tracks value of mobile marketingefforts!

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Engaging Results Communications May Editorial Calendar

1 (R) – Write a blog post about Starbuck’s ‘tweet-a-coffee’ campaign. What did Starbucks do and how did they successfully leverage social media to increase revenue and create customer engagement?

2 (F) – Twitter: Users “snack” on info via mobile devices by taking small “bites” when they log on. Changes how communicators develop campaigns #mobilemarketing

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5 (M) – Write a blog post about iBeacon and how it has enabled mobile marketing. Check out this article about iBeacon Technology to reference for your blog post.

6 (T) – Twitter: Excited to follow how mobile’s power is a standalone platform and its potential to improve the effectiveness of all channels #MMAF2014

7 (W) – Twitter: Connecting offline behavior to mobile advertising engages the right consumers & influences them on their next purchase decision #MMAF2014

8 (R) – Write a white paper about how to manage mobile marketing campaigns. Mobile marketing opens doors for flexible engagement, allowing communicators more freedom and room for creativity. Strategy must remain foundation of every campaign. -Which tools and platforms available are best to engage with audiences via mobile? -What’s the best way to convey your message? -How will it complement other tactical elements? -What action are you trying to encourage?

9 (F) – Twitter: According to Assisted Living Today, avg attention span has fallen to 5 min, down from 12 min a decade ago, a 58% decrease #FunFactFriday

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12 (M) – Create a 1-min video discussing how to keep up with mobile: a game-changing strategy. People depend on mobile technology in order to access breaking news, connect with one another and share information. Key points: incorporating mobile-based platforms in every marketing strategy is essential, the advancement of mobile technology changes audiences’ consumer behaviors and expectations. How does one keep up with an evolving mobile technology?

13 (T) – Twitter: How has the adoption of mobile allowed a tightening of the bond between the consumer and a major brand? #MWA2014

14 (W) – Twitter: Interesting read, 7 #mobilemarketing stats that will blow your mind:

15 (R) – What is the art of successful mobile marketing? Create a 3-5 slide presentation that touches base on what makes a successful mobile marketing campaign.

16 (F) – Twitter: "Search is the most common starting point for mobile research"

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19 (M) – How does the power of personalized mobile marketing affect customer relationships for travel & hospitality companies, both positively and negatively? Create a whitepaper titled, “Mobile Marketing for the Travel & Hospitality Industries”

20 (T) – Twitter: Keeping up with ravenous mobile consuming audiences, broadcasters need to adapt their digital strategies @openmobilemedia #mobilemarketing

21 (W) – Twitter: Twitter merges #mobilemarketing with #MoPub allowing marketers to simultaneously place campaigns on mobile apps

22 (R) – What are mobile analytics? How can you use that data to improve your mobile marketing campaigns to generate more visibility and engagement with your consumers? Create a 30-sec video that explains mobile analytics and its benefits of enhancing your campaigns.

23 (F) – Twitter: The average American spends almost 2 hours per day on a mobile device. That adds up to 57,293 hours over a lifetime #FunFactFriday

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26 (M) – Create a Slideshare presentation about making your content more shareable with mobile. Elaborate on each of the following 6 for your presentation. You may add additional tips that will help make content more shareable.

1. Think about email – most popular activity on mobile web, make sure email-friendly and mobile-friendly with your branded content

2. Make it sticky – good headlines3. Make it easy to do a job or task4. Tap into customer passions5. Keep it in context6. Make it safe

27 (T) – Twitter: New beacon-based mobile marketing platform launches #mobilemarketing

28 (W) – Twitter: 5 Mobile Marketing Tools to Reach Customers on the Go via @mashable

29 (R) – Create a 30 sec. YouTube video giving 5 reasons why video is the ideal mobile marketing tool. Reference these articles to put together your top 5 reasons. may be an interesting tie-in for the video -

30 (F) – Twitter: 70% of mobile searches lead to an action w/in an hour, while 70% of desktop searches lead to an action w/in a month #FunFactFriday #mobile

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