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INTRODUCTION Hello, my name is Emmaline Bothe. I am 18 and currently a senior at Fraser high school. I have three brothers and one sister. I am the youngest in the family. I have a cat named Kiara, and two dogs. I have the best friends in the world and dont know what I would do without them. I am involved in abunch of clubs within my school as well as a member of the varsity swim team. I work with my church every fourth Sunday in the Sunday school rooms. Im a very busy person.

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FRIENDS, FAMILY, AND LEADERSHIP Family means the world to me. I have a huge family and am very family orientated.

My friends are everything to me. My best friends have been there through everything and always will.

Leadership is so important to me. I have always been a leader.

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ME AS A LEADER Things that have prepared me to be a leader would have to be all the clubs Im involved in such as,

Go Green, we collect the plastic from classrooms and recycle it. Fraser 4A's, we go around and help the community. SYNC, we help the incoming freshman. And much more.

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LEADERSHIP I have not signed my self up for any of the clubs im in. I get chosen to join. I join these clubs because it makes me feel better knowing that im helping someone. I live to help people. I also love to help out the community as in the greens!

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LEADERSHIP leadership within my family is huge. I have four nephews and one neice. so I have to always be carefull and make the right chocies. I hope that I can show them to do what they want and they thrive for a challenge. One of my nephews is a sophmore and one will be a freshman next year. I love talking to them about the sports they do or want to do, also we talk about colleges alot. I love to help them do things that will look good for college because I want the best for them.

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LEADERSHIP I have always been a leader within my friends. When I joined the swim team a week later my best friend joined. I love to get them involed in the groups im involved in. I love to see them standing on top with me.

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LEADERSHIP POSITION I will be attending Macomb Community College for my basic classes. Then I will be transferring to Western Michigan University.

I want to be a elementary school teacher, as well as a special ed teacher.

Western has a special ed program, and within that program you graduate with two degrees. since I also want to be a elementary teacher I will graduate with three drgrees.

I would also love to go to a country like Africa and teach with missionaries.

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TO FURTHER PREPARE To prepare my self for college and the real world I am getting a job. I have decided to get a job at a hospitial as a patient sitter. With this job I can pick the days and hours I work so I can go to school too. Also when I go to Western I will be able to get a job at the local hospital.

For school I will work 110% on everything. college means everything to me because this is going towards what I want to be.

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STRENGTHS Im very patient Im a good listener Im hard working

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BENIFITS I can benifit from those characteristic because I will need to be very patient with the carrer I want.

It is always good to be a good listener. I need to be a hard worker to be successful.

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WEAKNESS I always stress about everything. I am emotinal. I am indecisive.

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OVERCOME To overcome these weaknesses I need to learn that everything will be okay and not stress.

I dont know what to do about being emotional. I need to make desions and go with my gut.

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LASTING IMPRESSION I am driven to become the best teacher and leader that I can possibly be. I also cant wait to go and help teach in other countries. I hope that my neices and nephews look up to me and believe that they can do anything they set their mind to. I will be the first one in my to go away to college and become someone important.

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