Page 1: Exploring Yoga Dharma and Vedic Knowledge€¦ · Sanatana (eternal or universal) Dharma •Is the great tradition behind such multifarious teachings as: •Yoga •Ayurveda •Jyotish
Page 2: Exploring Yoga Dharma and Vedic Knowledge€¦ · Sanatana (eternal or universal) Dharma •Is the great tradition behind such multifarious teachings as: •Yoga •Ayurveda •Jyotish

Exploring Yoga Dharma and Vedic Knowledge

Page 3: Exploring Yoga Dharma and Vedic Knowledge€¦ · Sanatana (eternal or universal) Dharma •Is the great tradition behind such multifarious teachings as: •Yoga •Ayurveda •Jyotish

Yoga Dharma and Vedic KnowledgeModule 1 :: Lesson 2

Yoga Veda Institute Yoga Dharma and Vedic Knowledge :: Module 1 :: Lesson 2

Page 4: Exploring Yoga Dharma and Vedic Knowledge€¦ · Sanatana (eternal or universal) Dharma •Is the great tradition behind such multifarious teachings as: •Yoga •Ayurveda •Jyotish

The Three Concepts ::

• Yoga

• Vedanta

• And Dharma

• Yoga and Vedanta being two of the six Hindu schools of philosophy.

• Dharma being the path that can assist us to reach the ultimate goal of Yoga, self realization.

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Page 5: Exploring Yoga Dharma and Vedic Knowledge€¦ · Sanatana (eternal or universal) Dharma •Is the great tradition behind such multifarious teachings as: •Yoga •Ayurveda •Jyotish

Sanatana (eternal or universal) Dharma

• Is the great tradition behind such multifarious teachings as:• Yoga• Ayurveda• Jyotish ( Vedic Astrology)• Samkhya • Vedanta• And much of Tantra

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Page 6: Exploring Yoga Dharma and Vedic Knowledge€¦ · Sanatana (eternal or universal) Dharma •Is the great tradition behind such multifarious teachings as: •Yoga •Ayurveda •Jyotish


• Dharma is propose that is harmonious, virtuous and that supports all beings.

• The word dharma comes from the root word

• dhar :: stability and sturdiness.

• That which is established or firm, and refers to the laws of nature that uphold the universe.

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Page 7: Exploring Yoga Dharma and Vedic Knowledge€¦ · Sanatana (eternal or universal) Dharma •Is the great tradition behind such multifarious teachings as: •Yoga •Ayurveda •Jyotish


• The knowledge (Vedas).

• The practice (Yoga).

• The goal or Dharma.

• That will naturally take us to the ultimate or pure consciousness.

• To allow for the seeker to have the direct experience of his or her true nature.

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Page 8: Exploring Yoga Dharma and Vedic Knowledge€¦ · Sanatana (eternal or universal) Dharma •Is the great tradition behind such multifarious teachings as: •Yoga •Ayurveda •Jyotish

Indian Philosophy

• Actions that are performed according to ones nature.

• They are called Swabhava in Sanskrit, and which brings harmony.

• Swa- :: self.

• -bhava :: feeling.

• These are the actions that will support and uphold you, actions that support the right use of everything.

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Page 9: Exploring Yoga Dharma and Vedic Knowledge€¦ · Sanatana (eternal or universal) Dharma •Is the great tradition behind such multifarious teachings as: •Yoga •Ayurveda •Jyotish

Vedanta 39 ::

• Hearing with a perceptive mind.

• Deep thinking and meditating.

• Consistently until full realization dawns, which is a state of:

• Samadhi or transcendent awareness.

• Deep inner listening with an open mind and heart.

• Personal approach to life and the intention from which we preform actions.

Yoga Veda Institute Yoga Dharma and Vedic Knowledge :: Module 1 :: Lesson 2

Page 10: Exploring Yoga Dharma and Vedic Knowledge€¦ · Sanatana (eternal or universal) Dharma •Is the great tradition behind such multifarious teachings as: •Yoga •Ayurveda •Jyotish

Sanatana Dharma means ::

Eternal Path•

Never Beginning or Ending Way•

Perennial Philosophy•

Universal Tradition•

All• - Pervading Truth

Natural Flow•

Yoga Veda Institute Yoga Dharma and Vedic Knowledge :: Module 1 :: Lesson 2

Page 11: Exploring Yoga Dharma and Vedic Knowledge€¦ · Sanatana (eternal or universal) Dharma •Is the great tradition behind such multifarious teachings as: •Yoga •Ayurveda •Jyotish

Sanatana is ::

Eternal •


Never Beginning nor Ending•



• Ever-present

• Unceasing

• Natural

• Enduring

Yoga Veda Institute Yoga Dharma and Vedic Knowledge :: Module 1 :: Lesson 2

Page 12: Exploring Yoga Dharma and Vedic Knowledge€¦ · Sanatana (eternal or universal) Dharma •Is the great tradition behind such multifarious teachings as: •Yoga •Ayurveda •Jyotish

Dharma is ::

• Harmony

• The Way

• Righteousness

• Compassion

• Natural Law

• Essential Nature

• Morality

• Truth


• Tradition







Yoga Veda Institute Yoga Dharma and Vedic Knowledge :: Module 1 :: Lesson 2

Page 13: Exploring Yoga Dharma and Vedic Knowledge€¦ · Sanatana (eternal or universal) Dharma •Is the great tradition behind such multifarious teachings as: •Yoga •Ayurveda •Jyotish

Dharma is ::

Purest • Insight

Divine • Conformity

Cosmic Norm•


• Inherent Nature

• Intrinsic Nature

• Law of Being

• Duty

Yoga Veda Institute Yoga Dharma and Vedic Knowledge :: Module 1 :: Lesson 2

Page 14: Exploring Yoga Dharma and Vedic Knowledge€¦ · Sanatana (eternal or universal) Dharma •Is the great tradition behind such multifarious teachings as: •Yoga •Ayurveda •Jyotish

Sanatana Dharma is ::

• Experience based rather than belief based.

• Beyond any historical date of founding.

• The process of growth, which comes from the seed.

• Applicable to all people of all places and times.

• God-centered rather than prophet-centered.

• Devoid of sectarianism or denominationalism.

• Without any ideological divisions.

• Inherent in, and inclusive of all.

Yoga Veda Institute Yoga Dharma and Vedic Knowledge :: Module 1 :: Lesson 2

Page 15: Exploring Yoga Dharma and Vedic Knowledge€¦ · Sanatana (eternal or universal) Dharma •Is the great tradition behind such multifarious teachings as: •Yoga •Ayurveda •Jyotish

Sanatana Dharma is ::

• In the world, while above the world.

• Whether Dharma or some other name, it is not better than, or alternative to.

• Both immanent and transcendent.

• The whole and the parts.

• Loving of all and excluding of none.

• The universal flow of Dharma.

• Regardless of what name you call it, has eternally existed.

Yoga Veda Institute Yoga Dharma and Vedic Knowledge :: Module 1 :: Lesson 2

Page 16: Exploring Yoga Dharma and Vedic Knowledge€¦ · Sanatana (eternal or universal) Dharma •Is the great tradition behind such multifarious teachings as: •Yoga •Ayurveda •Jyotish

Sanatana Dharma is ::

• It has been before any of the great teachers were born, but is inclusive of all.

• Dharma is that out of which our earth and humanity itself emerged.

• Dharma not only is, but always was, and always will be.

• To live in alignment with, and to know the true nature of that Sanatana Dharma is one of the ways of describing the higher goal of life.

Yoga Veda Institute Yoga Dharma and Vedic Knowledge :: Module 1 :: Lesson 2

Page 17: Exploring Yoga Dharma and Vedic Knowledge€¦ · Sanatana (eternal or universal) Dharma •Is the great tradition behind such multifarious teachings as: •Yoga •Ayurveda •Jyotish

Finding your Life Purpose ::

When life purpose is connected to your dharma, it brings you •joy and fulfillment.

When disconnected from dharma, your purpose may feel •confused and your efforts may feel thwarted.

Yoga Veda Institute Yoga Dharma and Vedic Knowledge :: Module 1 :: Lesson 2

Page 18: Exploring Yoga Dharma and Vedic Knowledge€¦ · Sanatana (eternal or universal) Dharma •Is the great tradition behind such multifarious teachings as: •Yoga •Ayurveda •Jyotish

• Some people are born with an innate spirituality.

• Most people however need to engage in systematic self-development.

Yoga Veda Institute Yoga Dharma and Vedic Knowledge :: Module 1 :: Lesson 2

Page 19: Exploring Yoga Dharma and Vedic Knowledge€¦ · Sanatana (eternal or universal) Dharma •Is the great tradition behind such multifarious teachings as: •Yoga •Ayurveda •Jyotish

Multi-dimension approach to Dharma

• Purpose based purely on emotion may not be in harmony with reality.

• Purpose will NOT be found by pure meditation and chanting of mantras.

• Sometimes we have to search outside the areas we are familiar with to gain a perspective.

Yoga Veda Institute Yoga Dharma and Vedic Knowledge :: Module 1 :: Lesson 2

Page 20: Exploring Yoga Dharma and Vedic Knowledge€¦ · Sanatana (eternal or universal) Dharma •Is the great tradition behind such multifarious teachings as: •Yoga •Ayurveda •Jyotish

Unconscious Mind

Much joy and release from anxieties comes from discovering •your greater Self, an the unknown parts of you.

• Spark your deeper intuition and your connection to your highest self.

• Step outside of the boundaries of your comfort zone.

• Into the subconscious areas of your being.

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Page 21: Exploring Yoga Dharma and Vedic Knowledge€¦ · Sanatana (eternal or universal) Dharma •Is the great tradition behind such multifarious teachings as: •Yoga •Ayurveda •Jyotish

Exploring yourself!

Yoga Nidra •

• Finding joy.

• Release from anxieties.

facilitate • the exploration of your subconscious mind.

Self • reflection

Self analysis •

meditation • to expand your awareness, to contain, hold and integrate all of these elements.

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Page 22: Exploring Yoga Dharma and Vedic Knowledge€¦ · Sanatana (eternal or universal) Dharma •Is the great tradition behind such multifarious teachings as: •Yoga •Ayurveda •Jyotish

Experience Dharma


Great Contemplations.•

Understand self inquiry.•

• Is a practice that even though is considered advance in some traditions, is it quite simple in practice.

The • benefits yet, will come as your consciousness expands, and that s something that will naturally happen.

Yoga Veda Institute Yoga Dharma and Vedic Knowledge :: Module 1 :: Lesson 2

Page 23: Exploring Yoga Dharma and Vedic Knowledge€¦ · Sanatana (eternal or universal) Dharma •Is the great tradition behind such multifarious teachings as: •Yoga •Ayurveda •Jyotish

Self Inquiry

• Take time throughout the day to ask yourself:

• Who am I?

• Repeat to yourself:

• I have sensations, but I'm not those sensations!

• I have feeling, but I am not those feeling!

• I have emotions, but I am not those emotions!

• I have thoughts, but I am not those thoughts!

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The more you practice this, the more you will connect with the •purpose; and the easier it will be to get to that state of wholeness.

• Expect nothing and you will receive lots!

To • begin to explore our unique life's purpose and our divine gifts.

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