Page 1: Feminism, Matriliny and Gender Heirarchy in Anthropology: An Extended Africanist Centered Bibliography

Feminism, Matriliny, Matriarchy and Gender Hierarchy in Anthropology:

An Extended Africanist Centered Bibliography

Jonathan Zilberg

Center for African Studies

University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

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Page 14: Feminism, Matriliny and Gender Heirarchy in Anthropology: An Extended Africanist Centered Bibliography

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Whitten, Norman and Sibby Whitten. “The Structure of Kinship and Marriage among the Canelos Quichua of East-Central Equador.” in K. Kensinger (ed.), Marriage Practices in Lowland South America. Urbana: University of Illinois Press, 1984, pp. 194-220.

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Wright, Marcia. Strategies of Slaves and Women: Life Stories from East Central Africa. London: James Currey, 1993.

Yanagisako, Sylvia Junko and Jane Fishburn Collier. “Towards a Unified Analysis,” in J. F. Collier and S. J. Yanagisako Gender and Kinship: Essays Towards a Unified Analysis (Stanford: Stanford University Press, 1987), pp. 14-52.

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