
Fete 20162

3Fete 2016

Fete 20164

Dear Parents, Friends, Guests, Children and members of the extended Peponi Family

We hear a lot about Green Issues and how the world is changing, not always for the best, before our very eyes. However, it

can seem a daunting prospect and one could be forgiven for thinking that not turning off that light, or leaving the tap on when we brush our teeth, or filling the kettle even though we only a cup of boiling water, or – well any of a huge number of little things – that none of these are in themselves going to make whole heap of difference so it’s OK. Not to worry. Well, let me put you straight here. It’s for the very reason that small gestures in themselves are insignificant that there is all the more reason to act. If everyone felt that it was OK to leave the lights on, we’d soon be in a right pickle. And if we all left our taps running?

Have a great fete, but please make a resolution to do things differently from today. Turn off and unplug those appliances that you leave on stand-by. Save some rainwater. Don’t wash the car – a grubby car is a fine car. Go and plant a tree. Or give someone some trees to plant. You know it makes sense.

Robert Blake

From the Headmaster

5Fete 2016

A warm and friendly welcome to all you parents to the 2016 Peponi House Fete. Thank you so much for joining us as this year we get

together to create awareness about global warming through our theme ‘Live Green, Love Green, Think Green’....... As quite rightly put by our Fete team, we as parents are equally responsible for teaching our kids the importance of our Planet’s ecosystem and how we can maintain and prevent it from being destroyed with the little things we do other words reducing our carbon footprint! What’s a carbon footprint, you might ask? You leave footprints when you walk in the sand, the mud and when you’ve got wet feet. You also leave something called a carbon footprint. You can’t see your carbon footprint, but it impacts the earth and leaves a mark just like the ones in the sand and the mud.

When you use fossil fuels, like heating oil to keep your house warm or gasoline for your family’s car, they create carbon dioxide, also called CO2. Carbon dioxide is called a greenhouse gas. The electricity you use in your home creates the biggest part of your carbon footprint. Although electricity doesn’t emit greenhouse gases when you use it, the power plants that make the electricity do. Power plants, that use coal to make electricity, create the most CO2. Coal is another type of fossil fuel.

Many scientists believe that greenhouse gases are making the earth too warm also known as global warming! Your carbon footprint is the total amount of CO2 you create. A big carbon footprint is bad for the planet as it causes climate changes. Climate change is causing the Arctic sea ice to melt, which in turn threatens polar bears who need the ice to hunt for their prey. Droughts caused by changes in rain patterns reduce desert grasses and flowering plants that other animals depend on, like the critically endangered Sonoran pronghorn. And shorter winters increase the amount of time pests have to grow and multiply, like the pine bark beetle that is devastating forests all over North America. Many types of habitat are expected to shift, shrink, or even blink out entirely in the face of warmer temperatures, changes in the growing season, and an increase in long droughts interrupted with intense rainfall. Elsewhere warmer ocean waters can kill coral reefs, which countless marine species depend on for food and shelter. Changes in ocean currents are shifting the location of prime feeding grounds farther from islands where certain seabirds have nested for centuries. And some of the CO2 we emit naturally dissolves in the ocean, where it forms an acid strong enough to dissolve the shells of some marine organisms! Imagine that!

So how can you make your carbon footprint smaller? Here are a few options to get you started.......I

Amina Benard-Rodrigues

From the PTA Chair…..

Fete 20166

How you travel - chugging around all day in big cars lets off lots off carbon dioxide - cycling, walking or taking the bus is less harmful.

What you do at home - why not put on a jumper when you’re cold instead of turning up the heat, make sure you switch off stand-by buttons when your not in your room or home, or use some energy-saving light bulbs?

Unplug your phone when you’re not using it that is. According to the US Department of Energy, appliances consume a significant amount of electricity even when they are switched off. Ever notice how your phone charger can get hot with no phone on it?

Wash with cold water.....This is especially true if you are washing or rinsing clothes. About 90% of the energy used in the process goes towards heating the water. So unless you are trying to kill all the germs on your clothes with boiling H2O, this could save you some cash and win you some green points!

Using rechargeable batteries can shave almost 1,000 pounds off of your carbon footprint by the time the batteries die for good.

Avoid black trash bags, because of the black pigmentation these trash bags cannot be recycled. A better option is to use white trash bags and the best option is of course…none.

Lastly and most importantly, PLANT MORE TREES to create more oxygen to keep the bad air away from the atmosphere, or we could just stop cutting down the rainforest. We are living and we need the space but we aren’t the only species on this earth. Saving the rainforest is not only good for us and the atmosphere but also good for the many different species that it homes.

Every little and simple gesture or change we make in our daily lives will contribute in saving our beautiful planet in a big way. Our joint efforts to Reduce, Reuse and Recycle will not only help us live healthy and in a safer environment but will also be a legacy to our future generations that will enjoy our planet and its natural beauty. Remember: One Planet, One Chance, let’s fight to make a difference. Let’s All Care........

Lastly someone has to rally the troops and give you a whisper of hope that what you believe is true and is indeed tied to your very soul. That’s what our Fete team is this year for us all. The force behind this much needed change.....A huge thank you to Hiral, Nasreen, Indy and Binal for their enormous efforts and hard work. Also to the teachers, parents and staff for their valuable input in bringing everything together to create an extra special fun-filled day for the children and those who attend. We could not have done it without all your tremendous efforts and enthusiasm and it has been a pleasure working with you all this year. Thank you and I hope you all have a great time!

Enjoy the Green day!


Amina Benard-RodriguesPTA Chair

7Fete 2016

Fete Lead TeamEnjoy the Fete 2016

(lead team photo)

Hiral Kantaria, Nasreen Jaffer, Indi Gill

Yes, we have chosen to ”GO GREEN” this year. As we are already suffering the effects of Global warming in terms of constantly fluctuating weather, we truly feel that it’s our responsibility as parents, to create awareness in our children and to teach them the right values. So that they grow up to be responsible adults and value our eco-system and help the future generations to save our planet.

Small steps we can take like:

Unplug the electronic items when they are not in use,

Donate old toys and books instead of throwing them away,

Recycle your garbage,

Plant a tree.

Therefore we request all the parents and teachers to encourage and help our children in taking these little but meaningful steps and make our planet a better place

Fete 20168

Anjali Patel, Bansri Thakerar, Claudia Rughani, Derek Steel, Nadia Omer, Liz Geller, Bindi Beju Shah, Binal Malde, Sonia Sumaria, Sabrina Dsouza, Salimah Hirji, Jo Hechle,

Linda Kok, Reema Shah,

Teacher reps, Deborah Fowler, Jack Schnell, Katie DonaldsonYaseena Khalfan, Harriet Davies, Lisa Bewers

Fete Team:Have fun at The Fete 2016


9Fete 2016

PTA Charity Liason

Core Charity Update

Peponi has sponsored a Kamili nurse for the past few years. The nurse scholarship training scheme has been a great success and Kamili, in collaboration with the Ministry of Health, now have 19 mental health nurses working in Government hospitals with a further 7 in training. Kamili sees both the training scheme and the collaboration with the Government as the way forward for the provision of mental health services all over Kenya, especially in the hard to reach parts of the country. As an example of a breakthrough collaboration, Kamili now has a committee working with the Mathare Hospital community team.

With Peponi’s continued support and the money raised, we have been able in the past year to:

see 1,123 new patients in all the clinics

complete 9,816 consultations for 5,060 patients and their carers

help 17 new patients and/or carers with micro finance loans

complete 2,016 consultations in counselling in Nairobi clinic alone (normally a patient will undergo 4 consultations sessions)

run 2 groups in 2015 in Nairobi clinics

Thank you to all the Peponi family from all the Kamili family for your continued support.

A message from the the Kamili Family

Malini Morzaria

Fete 201610

First of all our, please let me share our Christmas miracle of last year…

On 24th December 2015, the police called the Nest team to rescue Baby Njeri. Her mother had thrown her into

the pit latrine right after giving birth. How desperate she must have been! It is a miracle that the little girl survived with only minor injuries. Luckily, a neighbour passed by and heard her cry. He called for help and together they managed to save the life this little baby.

For countless women in Kenya, poverty and single-parenthood is a way of life, and they can often turn to crime to meet their family’s basic needs. The Nest is a Limuru-based rescue centre that provides care and education for children whose mothers are imprisoned. The Nest works with courts and the Kenyan Children’s Services to locate the best form of protective care for the children. If no willing family member is found then the Nest accepts the children and cares for them, attempting to overcome the accumulated effects of poverty, neglect and/or abuse, plus sadness of being separated from their mother.

Once a mother is released from prison, the Nest brings her and her children to a Halfway House. There she is helped to develop better parenting and life management skills and the family can re-integrate. The Nest helps the family settle back into their home, ensures school fees are paid, and assists in

the setting up of a small and simple business that will provide a legal income

With the ongoing support of the Peponi House School fundraising initiatives like the fete, the Nest has, over the years, been able to reintegrate over 800 children and has taken in over 600 more.

For this year, the rains in the past months have damaged walls and infrastructure of the children’s home, the Nest plans to rebuild the playground and fence of the home as well as continue caring for the children.

Thank you so much for giving your time and resources to us, to our children and mothers!

From the Nest Children’s Home team

Message from the Nest Children’s Home:

11Fete 2016

We have had a busy year with the charity visits and new selections. Over the next pages, you will be reading about the year charities and their unique ongoing relationship with the children of Peponi House school. You will also hear from

the two core charities that the school community supports longer term, Kamili and the Nest Children’s orphanage.

We have raised xx ksh this year form the table top sale and xx

Additionally this year, the parents voted on their choice of the third core charity where Peponi House funds will make a difference in people’s lives. The RAE Clinic will be the third core charity and the PTA’s first rural charity to be supported on a longer term basis. Peponi House School has a touching personal history with the RAE Clinic which has treated a couple of our pupils for severe burns. Burn injuries are among the most devastating and common in Kenya and on this continent; almost half the cases of burns are among children under the age of five. Based in the Baringo region of Northwest Kenya, the RAE Clinic provides accessible, reliable and subsidised health care to impoverished residents. The Clinic specialises in and has developed a simple and effective treatment for severe burns, wounds and snake bites. The Clinic also provides family planning, HIV / AIDS consultation and hospital referrals for surgical interventions serving 3-5,000 people per year.

A message from the RAE Clinic team:

I just want to reiterate my thanks to the parents for their generosity. The funds from Peponi House School will make a significant difference to the services and treatments the RAE Clinic offers to the poor people (especially women and children) of the Baringo lowlands.

Enjoy the Fete and thank you for your continued generosity.

RAE clinic

Rehabilitation of Arid Environments Contact: Elizabeth Meyerhoff

RAE Clinic Tel: (+254) 722 650079 Email: [email protected]

For US Tax-deductible Donations Contact: Niki Calloway Tel: (+1) 231-3471171, Email: [email protected]

Shibuku Lekideny ~ 2 Years old ~Burn Case ~ Total of 15 treatments at RAE Clinic ~

Shibuku was brought to the RAE Clinic by his grandmother on the morning of 4/1/12. Shibuku had been badly burnt the day before by hot water when a cooking pot was knocked over. He was suffering from burns to his torso, back, right hand, upper legs, buttocks and penis - approximately 40% of his body surface. His grandmother brought him every other day to the RAE Clinic, where his wounds were carefully cleaned, treated and wrapped, keeping them well protected from the persistent dust and grime of the Baringo drylands. Shibuku healed after 15 treatments over a period of 34 days. He was discharged on 8/2/12, but his pigmentation did not return until a couple of months later. Today Shibuku is an active and healthy five year old boy, with few signs of the severe burns he once suffered.

Fete 201614

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15Fete 2016

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Fete 201616

The Home currently has 17 girls aged between 5-16 years and tries to provide a supportive

environment to these girls to make a lasting difference in their lives. The girls attend school and church locally and are also involved in the planting of crops and maintaining the small farm whining the facility. Their integration with the local community is part of the Home’s efforts for the girls to grow and develop as part of a larger community. A lot of effort is being made by the facility to become self sustaining by using the land within the plot to plant maize, beans, cassava and fruit trees. They are currently dependent on weather patterns for their crops and are

looking at installing a borehole in order to become less dependent on rain. The Home, also has no electricity and all the residents rely on one solar powered light during the dark. Hence the next two major projects are to help the facility with an electricity connection and installing a borehole.

Alpa Shah & Binal Malde, Year 2 Charity Coordinators

Year 2 Charity:Happy Nairobi Kids Orphange

Happy Nairobi Kids Children Home (founded in 2007) is a fully registered charitable Non-Governmental Organization in Makuyu town. Francis Kamau is the founder and Director. This set up is very close to his heart as he himself was blessed with the good deeds of well wishers helping to provide him with an education and a decent upbringing. His aims are to provide a loving environment ensuring the emotional, physical and developmental well being of orphaned,

abandoned and disadvantaged children in Kenya.

Year 3 Charity:Kangemi Resource Centre

Year 3 Charity Kangemi Resource Centre (KRC) was opened in 2007 and offers the community and schools of Kangemi, a low income settlement on the western side of Nairobi, the use of an easily accessible lending library (over 5000 books), computer room and IT services (including affordable internet). It was set up primarily to provide a central resource for the informal schools in that part of Nairobi, and currently, over 70 schools use the resource centre, equating to over 10,000 children. KRC's main objective is to promote literacy, reading and learning, provide students and teachers access to ICT services, to improve child nutrition and to develop teachers' skills. KRC runs a Daycare Centre, provides access to three classrooms and operates a breakfast/feeding programme which ensures that children are provided with a nutritious daily breakfast, lunch and snacks to help them perform better at school. KRC also focusses on the teachers in the informal schools, and operates a teacher training programme, focussed on using the current curriculum, teaching methods and managing children. The centre provides computer training for the community and operates a health and safety programme including first aid, HIV/AIDS awareness, sanitation etc. Kangemi Resource Centre is Year 3’s chosen charity and the intention is to build a relationship between KRC, the children from the informal schools who use the centre and the current Year 3 Peponi children. Your support in this collaboration is invaluable and makes such a difference to your child’s understanding of the lives of other children less fortunate than themselves. Last year, the Year 3's went to visit the Resource Centre which is located at the centre of the Kangemi informal settlement. The hope is that each Year 3 child will 'buddy' with a child from KRC, so that they will spend some time getting to know one another, and then join in some of the activities at the Centre along with their “Buddy,” such as singing and dancing, making crafts etc. Previous Year 3's undertook a sponsored walk in Karura Forest, in order to raise funds for the KRC football team to purchase football boots. Supporting KRC in a wonderful opportunity to get involved in a truly community driven activity which has important and wide ranging benefits for the children of Kangemi and surrounding areas.

Bindi Shah, Bhavisha Shah and Jaspreet Kaur17

Fete 201618

19Fete 2016

What’s on Today

Fete 201620

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Rosie BarrowGardening Enthusiast.

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Mother of three.Kyuna, Loresho and Lower Kabete

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21Fete 2016

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Fete 2016

City Park is green and beautiful, alive with the colour and sounds of monkeys, birds, people, and children. The park is one of the oldest in the city, having been established in the 1930’s.It is located off Limuru Rd between Parklands and Muthaiga, less than

10 minutes from the Central Business District of Nairobi. It is a hotspot for nature in the heart of Kenya’s capital. City Park consists of a mixture of indigenous forest and formal gardens. with paths through the forest and gardens. These radiate from a large central grass area with a bandstand. there are several sites of national and historical importance within the park.

But it is also in need of renewal–the river needs cleaning, the gardens need reviving, the trails need repair, the children’s playground should be restored, and much more. It needs your support Friends of City Park have helped save this park of more than 140 acres in the heart of Nairobi. They work with the National Museums and have identified more than 1000 species of plants and animals at City Park—trees, shrubs, butterflies, amphibians, birds and more. The park is managed by the County of Nairobi. They sought added protection, and it was gazetted as a National Monument with the National Museums of Kenya. Evidence of this is the Murumbi Peace Memorial which is a sculpure garden.

The Year 4s have supported this charity for a year now and this is the second year. They went on a nature walk in November and visited all the monumental sites including the butterfly farm. It was a lovely morning of peace and tranquillity.

Year 4 Charity:Friends of the City Park


23Fete 2016

‘Give us your crutches and we will provide mobility’. This is the moto for a small clinic hidden away, just off Wayaki way - The Jaipur Foot Trust. The year 5 children were luckily enough to visit the clinic on the 18th January this year, and what a memorable visit it was. The children enjoyed a very warm welcome, and were shown around the workshop, where every hand made prosthetic limb is made to measure for each individual client. They were shown how a cast is made, and then from the cast how a fully functioning prosthetic limb evolves. Lots of questions were asked ranging from the age of the youngest client to the mechanics of how the limb bends. The children were fortunate enough to meet Alex, who had been the youngest client who started visiting the clinic aged 3 years old, he is now 9 years old, and is a regular visitor to the Jaipur Foot Trust. Alex showed the year 5 children how he could run and jump with his new prosthetic limb.

Year 5 Charity:Jaipur Foot Trust

Katie Hamiltonyear 5 charity rep.

The Jaipur Foot Trust was founded by the Rotary Club of Nairobi South 26 years ago. The main objective of the project is to help every amputee walk again. Amputees receive artificial limbs completely free of charge. Every amputee young or old, man or woman is eligible - those with one or both legs, with amputations below the knee or above the knee. No one is turned away. The Jaipur Foot Trust, does not have any cooperate funding and so is constantly looking for new avenues of income. We were informed that in November last year, due to insufficient funds, many people were not able to receive a much needed prosthetic limb. The cost of one prosthetic limb is 10 000 Ksh, approximately 125 USD. The policy of never charging a client is admirable, as many of their patients are from rural villages and would be unable to afford this life changing procedure.

If you require more information please contact [email protected].

Fete 201624

Mother Theresa Fantoni ECDE Centre is one of our new Year Group charities and is the Year 6 Charity for 2015-2016. It is

tucked in the little-known village of Katani, on the outskirts of Nairobi, just 40 minutes away from the airport. The Centre is run by the DSFS Sisters whose pioneering team arrived in the country in 2005, only armed with the desire to help the needy, and settled in the village in 2008. Their efforts culminated in the establishment of the nursery school in 2009, where there are now 234 children studying in classes from Baby Class to Standard One, of which 68 children are studying completely free of charge. The school is offering a good holistic foundation in Pre-school education.

The densely populated Katani village lies thirty kilometres from Nairobi City and another nine kilometres from the main road cutting it off from essential services like schools. It is for this reason the people of this region requested the DFSF Sisters to open a school to help their children to get a basic education. The parents and guardians of these children are mostly single mothers, those supporting orphans and casual laborers all eking out a living from either odd jobs or subsistence level farming.

The centre has given hope for children who would otherwise remain out of school, creating the desire to learn further after seeing the difference education makes in their lives. Here, children between the ages of three to six years are exposed to overall development skills which include letter formation, character development, discipline

Lighting a candle for young minds

Children in a classroom

Hiral Kantaria and Leena SodhaCharity Reps Year 6

Year 6 Charity:Mother Theresa Fantoni School

25Fete 2016

and neatness. Other areas are music, outdoor games, some basic healthcare and faith instructions to raise a well-rounded personality. Students are taught early to strive for excellence in every field. The school is currently in the process of building a swimming pool which will teach children the basics of swimming, an essential skill for everybody.

The school is in partnership with donors who are seeking to give access to education amongst the poorest. Last year Peponi House Preparatory School supported the school by sponsoring fifteen tables and benches which enabled a further thirty more children to join the school. This year, with the help of the Fete and other such fund raising activities, we are hoping to make an equally big impact for the children of Katani.

Mother Theresa Fantoni ECDE is an environment that nurtures and strengthens children’s capacities, thereby encouraging their potential for future careers, giving them the key to a better tomorrow and we are proud to stand by them and offer our support.

A Teacher fromPeponi House Preparatory School Impacting Knowledge to Children

Peponi House Preparatory School Visit at Mother Theresa Fantoni

Peponi House Preparatory School Feeds the Children at Mother Theresa Fantoni

Fete 201626

Year 7 Charity:St. Peter’s School

St. Peters is a day school, located off Loresho ridge, which offers life skill lessons, physiotherapy and activities for chioldren with mental and physical disability from disadvantaged backgrounds.

Last term the year 7 form tutors and staff from St Peters talked to the Year 7’s about the concept of living with a disability, and encouraged the children to develope empathy and understanding for people living with a mental and physical conditions.

On thursday 20th November the Peponi students visited St Peters. The visit included a tour of the simple facilities and a physiotherapy demonstration and discussion. Peponi pupils also had the opportunity to interact with the children attending St Peters through singing songs and giving gifts. They made Christmas decorations to decorate the

Christmas tree and dining hall.

The PTA gave St Peters a new blender and a pressor cooker for Christmas and each Peponi pupil gave a small gift such as a book or toy designed to encourage hand eye cordination. The visit finished with singing Christmas carols.

27Fete 2016

Year 8 Charity:The Nairobi Remand Centre

The Children’s Remand Centre, not only caters for teenagers on remand, but mainly looks after runaways and children who have fled abusive families or situations. The Centre tries hard to re house each child, either with a safer family member or

somewhere else and they provide counseling for each child. The children range in age from 8 -18 and usually spend no longer than 3 months at the Centre.

The Centre has benefitted greatly from the relationship with our Year 8’s and our involvement with them since Year 6. Our main aim was to secure the Centre and improve the living conditions considerably. We have been able to install security lighting and window grills, purchase a water filter and dispenser, refurbish the cow shed, and repair the plumbing for the centre. 2015 finished on a high as we presented the Centre with a new set of aluminium swings, slides and a climbing frame. These will bring lots of smiles!

We have more fundraising ideas as a year group, which will help the centre even more, and assist them to purchase much needed supplies.

By Emma Wilcox

Fete 201628

29Fete 2016

We would like to say a very big thank you to all those who have contributed in so many ways to the Peponi House Fete 2016!

Firstly a very big thank you to our wonderful sponsors and advertisers! Elgon Kenya ltd Dunhill Consuling ltd Global Hardware Kenya Orthodontics Muthaiga Travel Pam GoldingLittle Miss Sweet treats

Thank you to all those individuals and companies who have generously donated prizes or helped in other ways! Jetlak Foods Ltd Highlands Mineral Water Company The Coca-Cola Company Excel Quencher Ltd Kenpoly Ltd Brookside Dairy Ltd AAA Growers Flamingo Penta Flowers Kenpoly (Avni Chandaria) Little Miss Sweet Treats Fabio for his pasta Skate Studio Ltd Kempinski Liz Geller Titanium Fitness Ltd Reform Gym World Brand Ltd Zen Garden Nargis Restaurant Wild Earth Spa Twiga Tours Kavita Shah Bansri Thakrar Indi Sandhu Hetal Shah Prasita Khimasia Bikram Yoga One Stop Margherita Lulli Deepa Doshi Toyworld Lazeena Lalji Gulam Mrs Blake Carol Mariga Roshni Patel

A huge thank you goes out to all members of the PTA, the parents and the teachers who have worked enthusiastically and tirelessly to help organise and run the Fete 2016. We also give a very special thank you to Naomi and her team, and the Peponi Support staff for all their hard work.

Thank you

Thank You!

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