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By Aminatta


Film Opening Ideas

Page 2: Film Opening Ideas

Idea 1■Institution logo appears we will hear non-diegetic sound coming from the logo.■We get a sound bridge to take us from the logo to the settings. The sound will be nice and calm guitar music, i have decided to use this because it is a convention of Rom-coms.■A fade in- showing the setting of the narrative, we will see sites of London and the Camden area to establish the setting of the plot. All of the cites being shown will be in a long-shot or an extreme long-shot. The titles here will be placed at the bottom right corner of the screen, branches of trees, on top of hills and buildings.■A sound bridge which is the sound of an alarm, then a fade to a mid shot from a high angle of a young man turning off the alarm. The title will be placed near the alarm or the walls near the young man. We can still hear the music and some diegetic sounds. The lighting here will be high key as that is the type of lighting that is usually used in rom-coms.■Then a tracking shot will be used to follow the young man out of the room to the bathroom.■A cut to the young man brushing his teeth, then a cut to him getting out of the shower and the titles will be placed on the steamy mirror.■A cut to him flexing his muscles/arms in front of the mirror on numerous occasions. This gives the audience a sense of humour in his personality. ■A cut to him dressing up- cuts to him trying out different types of clothes- the titles will placed on his t-shirt. Split screens of him wearing different outfits and the split screens close in together on to one outfit. Close ups will be used when he is buttoning a shirt etc. High key lighting will be used again.■A cut to him making himself breakfast- toast popping up from the toaster and him catching it up just in time.■Whilst he is eating his mum walks into the room and he kisses her on the cheek and asks him whether he had a good night's sleep.■Rushes out of the house in order to catch the bus to work, when he closes the door a title will appear on the door.■He runs for the bus misses it and gets wet from being sprayed by the water from a puddle. A long shot will be used for when he is running. A match on action showing us running from different angles.■He catches another bus and then meets his best friend Isabelle greets he with a kiss on the cheek and they walk together on the way to the cafe.

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Ideas 2

■Institution logo appears and fades out.■Institution logo appears we will hear non-diegetic sound coming from the logo.■We get a sound bridge to take us from the logo to the settings. The sound will be nice and calm guitar music, i have decided to use this because it is a convention of Rom-coms.■A fade in- showing the setting of the narrative, we will see cites of London and the Camden area to establish the setting of the plot. All of the cites being shown will be in a long-shot or an extreme long-shot. The titles here will be placed at the bottom right corner of the screen, branches of trees, on top of hills and buildings.■We then get a sound bridge leading us into a coffee shop and the camera puts 2 characters in deep focus ( Christopher and Isabelle). The non-diegetic music slowly fades out as the diegetic sound of voices over take it.■A mid shot is used to show the conversation that they are having, lots of high key lighting which is a convention of rom-coms. The titles will shown on the bottom right corner as that is the way that rom-coms show their titles.■Christopher tells Isabelle that his mum is annoying him by constantly telling him about a girl called Cindy that she wants him to go on a date with. They laugh and make jokes out of her personality.■They head out of the coffee shop and walk to Christopher's house- long shot is used natural lighting.■Cut to Christopher opening the door mid key lighting will be used to show the tension of the situation. Jackie has invited Cindy over tea and Christopher has no where to hide.■close up of his face when he sees Cindy in the living room with his mum. Steadicam will be used to disorientate the audience so that they know how tense the atmosphere is.■Suddenly he announces that he and Isabelle are going out so there's no point of Cindy being here.

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Idea 3

■Institution logo appears we will hear non-diegetic sound coming from the logo.■A fade in- showing the setting of the narrative, we will see cites of London and the Camden area to establish the setting of the plot. All of the cites being shown will be in a long-shot or an extreme long-shot. The titles here will be placed at the bottom right corner of the screen, branches of trees, on top of hills and buildings.■A high angle shot of people lining up to go to get into a club. Non-diegetic music is being heard from inside the club and we can also hear some diegetic sounds from the crowd.■A long shot showing a young man behind some very attractive ladies in the queue. He starts talking to the ladies and walks with them towards the door.■A mid shot is used when the bouncer stops him from entering the club, an attractive looking man brushes through him and takes the ladies attention.■Close up of him showing the bouncer his ID "aren't you a bit too old to be clubbing" laughs the bouncer as he shows his collegue and they both laugh at him (due to the fact that he looked younger than his actual age.)■They let him enter the club cut to a long shot of him trying to find the ladies that were in front of him.■Mid shot of him siting at the bar sipping on a cocktail, he looks lonely. Then suddenly a lady approaches him and starts flirting with him but he isn't very good at it. They are both very drunk now.

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