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Medicine student 3rd semester

“Scientists tie new protein to Alzheimer's disease; may aid

diagnosis, research on treatments and researchers discover protein regulating

diabetic’s blood sugar.”

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TDP-43 in Alzheimer disease.

FGF1 in type 2 Diabetes.

Proteins like a key in diagnosis and treatment :

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“Scientists tie new protein to Alzheimer's disease; may aid diagnosis, research on treatments”

BY Marilynn Marchione, The star phoenix.

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“Scientists tie new protein to Alzheimer's disease; may aid diagnosis, research on treatments”

TDP-43 has more connection with the

symptoms of Alzheimer's disease

than amyloid plaques and tau protein.

Although amyloid plaques and tau protein are in the brain is not 100% sure that the person suffers the symptoms of this

disease, even if they have the disease.



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“Scientists tie new protein to Alzheimer's disease; may aid diagnosis, research on treatments”

However, the first time images were obtained by brain scans of tau tangles and amyloid plaques in living people.

Although we know the proteins that are Involved in Alzheimer's, has been very difficult to make a diagnosis through them Because it could only be observed in the brain after death.

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The abnormal form of TDP-43 that is found as deposits in certain areas of the cortex of Alzheimer's patients also relates to Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) and frontotemporal dementia.

“Scientists tie new protein to Alzheimer's disease; may aid diagnosis, research on treatments”

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It is im

portant th


investigations be

opened to get the

chance to see TDP-43

in living patients.

Student observation


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“Researchers Discover Protein Regulating Diabetics' Blood Sugar”Jessica Berman, voa news

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“Researchers Discover Protein Regulating Diabetics' Blood Sugar”

The potential of FGF1 protein was discovered in mice with type 2 diabetes

induced by the investigators.

Investigators injecting this growth factor.

Levels of blood glucose were positioned in very stable values for more

than two days.

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“Researchers Discover Protein Regulating Diabetics' Blood Sugar”

“FGF1 appears to resensitize the body to

insulin, which transports glucose into the cells,

normalizing blood sugar levels.”

This is a big difference with existing treatments that its action is produce more insulin, these types of treatments have many adverse effects.

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Ron Evans, says:

“So, as a result, the combination of FGF1 and the body’s insulin rebalances the equation and allows glucose to be

controlled as if it was normal. ”

“Researchers Discover Protein Regulating Diabetics' Blood Sugar”

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Student observation

To ensure good progress and great expectations for patients suffering from different diseases is essential to continue research into molecules that can be linked to the disease.

Investigate the application of molecules that apparently not have any important function in some diseases because it could be the answer to questions that take decades trying to answer.

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Medical utility

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Medical utility

Diagnosis of Alzheimer's through the future development of new brain scanning techniques to find the defective TDP-43.

If you come to an early diagnosis, it can be done timely treatment, more effective without many complications.

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Medical utility

FGF1 in glycemic control, as sensitizing the cell to insulin in type 2 diabetes.

Thanks to the development of a new treatment can prevent or reduce many of the symptoms experienced by diabetic patients.

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Medical utility

The power of knowing the proteins that are affected in certain diseases. for use as markers and to research on how to reverse the damage.

The power of knowing functions of proteins to use them in treat for health problems.

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· Barchione, M. (2014). Scientists tie new protein to alzheimer's disease; may aid diagnosis, research on treatments. retrieve august 17,2014 from

• Berman, J. (2014). Researchers discover protein regulating diabetics' blood sugar, retrieve august 17,2014 from 


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