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HOUSEThe most Expensive

Top 10!!!

Famous and Fantastic Houses that you ever seen!!!

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Tenth Expensive

Dracula’s Castle

Dracula’s CastlePrice: $ 135Million

It’s in: Romania

Dracula’s Castle seems like a bad name but it’s actually a Romanian castle. The castle became a museum during 1980s. The owner of the castle, Arch-duke Dominic put up the castle for sale. This amazing house, though named as a castle has 57 rooms, 17 bedrooms and unique and beautiful antique furniture.

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By: Mr.JaredNinth Expensive

ONe Hyde park

One Hyde ParkPrice: $ 135Million

It’s in: London

Launched at a lavish, celebrity studded party in January 2011, One Hyde Park is reputed to be the most expensive residential property in the world - retailing in excess of £6,000 per square foot. Composed of 86 properties, one of which is rumoured to have sold for £135 million, the building boasts a private cinema, sauna, gym, swimming pool, golf simulator, wine cellar, concierge, valet and room service, never mind the highly desirable address.

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Eighth Expensive

Up down court

Up-Down courtPrice: $ 139Million

It’s in: United Kingdom

This amazing house builton 58 acre land in the Windlesham neighborhood. This huge structure offers 103 rooms with all facility you can imag-ine as a rich person. There’s a private cinemas in the north part of the house as well as bowling alley for recreation of the owner. You can find horse barn, squash and tennis courts in case you want to get some refreshing with sport. You can find a marble drive away as well that wait you every morning with a parking lot that large enough to park up to 8 limousines.

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Seventh Expensive

The Manor

The manorPrice: $ 150Million

It’s in: Los AngelesSpelling towers is still on the market, after the wife of the television producer Aaron Spelling put it up for sale two years ago - despite not selling, the huge price tag has remained static at a staggering $150 mil-lion. Set in 4.2 acres, the 123 room cha-teau-style mansion has a cinema, bowling alley, tennis courts, swimming pool, a 100 car parking lot and three rooms dedicated purely to the art of present wrapping.

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Sixth Expensive

The Pinacle

The PinaclePrice: $ 155Million

It’s in: MontanaThis ski Lodge is the largest property in the exclusive private ski and golf community “Yel-lowstone Club”. You can get a conclusions that this become the owner’s home. Yes, It’s true. It’s the home of Tim and Edra Blixseth. It’s not that big compared to other house in this list with only 10 bedrooms. What’s the facil-ity can be found here? You can find the heated flooring system that stretched throughout the house, fireplace in all bathrooms, a huge wine cellar, indoor and outdoor pool as well as gym and massage room.

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Fifth Expensive

Hearst Mansion

Hearst MansionPrice: $ 165Million

It’s in: Beverly HillsThis Luxurious home that located on Beverly Hills is formerly the prestigious home of the U.S. newspaper tycoon William Randolph Hearst. The house has 6 separate residence, three swimming pools, eight fireplace, tennis courts, night club and 29 bedrooms. Those facility is spread in 6 hectares area in the famous platinum triangle neighbor-hood in Beverly Hills. This renowned house was purchased by Leonard Ross, a lawyer and inves-tor in 1976 that wanted a change of lifestyle. If you own this house you become the close neighbor of Jeff Bezos of Amazon, Tom Cruise and Katie Holmes and David and Victoria Beckham.

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Fourth Expensive

FairField Ponds

FairField PondsPrice: $ 170Million

It’s in: Hamptons, New York

This large home is the home of Ira Rennert. It has 63 acres area and become the largest residential compound in the US. The house has 29 bedrooms, 39 bathrooms, 5 tennis courts, bowling alley, large dining room (91 feet long), and you can find $150,000 hot tub as well. This is a beachfront home is completely use for private house. People was hard to believe for the first time that this house is not used for hotel, spa or retreat place.

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Third Expensive

The Pent House

The Pent HousePrice: $ 200Million

It’s in: LondonThis apartment that located in Hyde Park will become the most expensive flat in the world at the price of £6,000 per sq/ft. This apartment is guarded with top level securi-ty system. You can find many feature of se-curity here such as panic room, bulletproof window, iris scanner, and you can find a tunnel to the nearby area of Mandarin ho-tel. You can see the communal spas, squash courts and you can find amazing wine tast-ing rooms here. Of Course this apartment will be served 24 hours by the staffs.

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Second Expensive

Villa Leopolda

Villa LeopoldaPrice: $ 506Million

It’s in: France

Ramshackle French chateaus are always ripe for development, but the Villa Leopolda pretty much blows the idea out of the water. Built on 29,000 square on the French Riviera, the villa has 11 bed-rooms and 14 bathrooms, vast formal gardens, swimming pool and private beach front, and has been valued at $506 million. This villa is having the best beachfront in the south of France. This villa was built for King Leopold from Belgia and was later bought by Edmund Safra. Now the building is the house of the wife of the late Edmund Safra, Lily Safra though it was rumored to be sold to Bill Gates, Gianni Agnelli and undisclosed Russian Ty-coon.

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The Most Expensive


Price: $ 1 Billion!!!

It’s in: India

Land is a premium in Mumbai, which means you build up rather than out, which is exactly what one of the richest men in the world has done. Mukesh Ambanin has created a 27 storey 40,000 sq ft tower of a house. Billed as 'the Taj Mahal of the 21st Century' the towering structure is home to a cinema, heli pad, swimming pool, Krishna temple, bar and library - and is rumored to be served by 600 members of staff.

For the parking alone, the building dedicates 6 stories because Mukesh Ambani has around 168 cars in his collection!


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HOUSEThe most Expensive

Top 10!!! Made by Fred

did you know where is the

most expensive house in the

world?did you know how much does it


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