Page 1: Government of India Ministry of Power Northern Regional ... · Ministry of Power उर े#ीय वुत सिमित Northern Regional Power Committee ... Surplus / Shortfall

18-A, Shaheed Jeet Singh Marg, Katwaria Sarai, New Delhi-110016 Phone: 011-26513265 Fax: 011-26865206 e- mail: [email protected] Website:

भारत सरकार Government of India

!व#तु मंऽालय Ministry of Power

उ"र !ेऽीय !व#तु सिमित Northern Regional Power Committee

सं#या: NRPC/OPR/106/01/2020/ !दनांक: 18.05.2020

!वषय: उ"र !ेऽीय !व#तु सिमित क" ूचालन सम(वय उप-सिमित क& 171वीं बठैक क" ख"ड-अ मे िलए गए िनण)य+ का सार |

Subject: Gist of decisions taken in the Part-A of 171st OCC meeting of NRPC.

उ"र !ेऽीय !व#तु सिमित क" ूचालन सम#वय उप-सिमित क" 171वीं बठैक !दनांक 18.05.2020 को आयो$जत क" गयी। उ" बठैक क" ख"ड-अ मे िलए गए िनण$य& का सार

अनलु%नक-I म" संल$न है।

171st meeting of the Operation Co-ordination Sub-Committee of NRPC was held on 18.05.2020. The Gist of the decisions taken in Part-A of this meeting are enclosed in Annexure-I.

संल$नक: यथोप%र

(सौिमऽ मजमूदार) अधी$ण अिभयंता (ूचालन)

सेवा म", ूचालन सम#वय उप-सिमित के सभी सदःय


Page 2: Government of India Ministry of Power Northern Regional ... · Ministry of Power उर े#ीय वुत सिमित Northern Regional Power Committee ... Surplus / Shortfall

Gist of decisions: Part-A of 171st OCC Meeting of NRPC Page 2 of 5

अनुल%क-I / Annexure-I

Gist of decisions taken in the Part-A of 171st OCC meeting dt. 18.05.2020

Agenda No. 1: Confirmation of minutes of last meeting

OCC confirmed the minutes of 170th OCC meeting.

Agenda No. 2.1: Supply Position (Provisional) for April 2020

Negative variation was noted in terms of Energy Requirement for Chandigarh, Delhi, Haryana, UTs of J&K and Ladakh, Rajasthan, UP & Uttarakhand and in terms of Peak Demand similar variation is noted for Chandigarh, Haryana, UTs of J&K and Ladakh and Punjab. The reason cited for the said variation was due to low demand on account of the extension of nationwide lockdown so as to tackle the outbreak of COVID-19.

UP & Haryana further stated that frequent weather anomalies and inaccurate weather forecasts also caused a significant deviation in the demand.

Uttarakhand representative informed that during the initial week of lockdown (during last week of March), state’s demand was very low, but the demand picked up during April and this was not anticipated in view of the initial low demand.

Agenda No. 2.2: Power Supply Position of NCR

All the states were advised to submit the details of load shedding carried out due to constraint being faced by DISCOMs in NCR so as to represent a clear power supply position.

Agenda No. 3: Maintenance Programme of Generating Units and Transmission Lines

Maintenance programme for Generating Units and Transmission elements for the month of June 2020 were discussed on 15.05.2020.

In the meeting following decisions taken on 15.05.2020 in respect of planned outages were reiterated:

(i). Insulator replacement works on transmission lines may be clubbed with tower strengthening work.

(ii). Considering significant number of approved outages not getting availed, utilities should make S/D request only after ensuring its complete readiness. OCC may not allow S/D for 3rd time, if the same has not been availed in 2 earlier consecutive months.

(iii). For the works, executed under approved Add-Cap scheme, Trans. Licensees shall quote the Commission’s Order No. in their outage request.

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Gist of decisions: Part-A of 171st OCC Meeting of NRPC Page 3 of 5

Agenda No. 4.1: Anticipated Power Supply Position in Northern Region for June 2020

The updated anticipated Power Supply Position for June 2020 is as under:

State / UT Availability / Requirement

Energy (MU)

Peak (MW) Remarks


Availability 160 360

- Requirement 210 410 Surplus / Shortfall -50 -50

% Surplus / Shortfall -23.8% -12.2%


Availability 3660 6650

- Requirement 3250 6200 Surplus / Shortfall 410 450

% Surplus / Shortfall 12.6% 7.3%


Availability 5830 10830

- Requirement 5200 9180 Surplus / Shortfall 630 1650

% Surplus / Shortfall 12.1% 18.0%


Availability 898.8 1344 Updated on 18-May-20

Requirement 720 1310 Surplus / Shortfall 178.8 34

% Surplus / Shortfall 24.8% 2.6%


Availability 1920 3280

- Requirement 1810 2380 Surplus / Shortfall 110 900

% Surplus / Shortfall 6.1% 37.8%

PUNJAB (Updated on 17.05.2020)

Availability 6610 11870 Updated on 17-May-20

Requirement 6130 11500 Surplus / Shortfall 480 370

% Surplus / Shortfall 7.8% 3.2%

RAJASTHAN (Updated during


Availability 8580 17280 Updated on 18-May-20

Requirement 6200 11390 Surplus / Shortfall 2380 5890

% Surplus / Shortfall 38.4% 51.7%


(Updated on 15.05.2020)

Availability 11550 20500 Updated on 15-May-20

Requirement 11400 21000 Surplus / Shortfall 150 -500

% Surplus / Shortfall 1.3% -2.4% UTTARAKHAND

(Updated on 13.05.2020)

Availability 1074 1660 - Requirement 1050 1670

Surplus / Shortfall 24 -10

Page 4: Government of India Ministry of Power Northern Regional ... · Ministry of Power उर े#ीय वुत सिमित Northern Regional Power Committee ... Surplus / Shortfall

Gist of decisions: Part-A of 171st OCC Meeting of NRPC Page 4 of 5

State / UT Availability / Requirement

Energy (MU)

Peak (MW) Remarks

% Surplus / Shortfall 2.3% -0.6%


Availability 40280 67800

- Requirement 35970 59700 Surplus / Shortfall 4310 8100

% Surplus / Shortfall 12.0% 13.6%

Agenda No. 6: Submission of breakup of Energy Consumption by the states

The updated status on the submission of energy consumption breakup is presented below:

State Period of submitted data

Submitted in specified format or not

Rajasthan Apr’18 – Jan’20 Yes

Punjab Apr’18 – Jan’20 Yes

Uttar Pradesh Apr’18 – Nov’19 Yes

Haryana Apr’18 – Mar’20 Yes

Himachal Pradesh Apr-18 – Sep’19 Yes

Delhi Apr-18 – Dec’19 Yes

All the states/UTs were advised to submit the data for the period ending March 2020. Further, Uttarakhand, UTs of J&K and Ladakh and Chandigarh were requested to submit the requisite data w.e.f. April 2018 as per the billed data information in the format given as under:

Category→ Consumption by Domestic


Consumption by

Commercial Loads

Consumption by

Agricultural Loads

Consumption by Industrial


Traction supply load

Miscellaneous / Others


Agenda No. 7: Providing schedule for Unit-I & II of Dadri Stg-I (agenda by NTPC)

Delhi representative stated that schedule may be provided in the last week of May 2020. It was further decided that NTPC shall submit a formal request to Delhi SLDC through NRLDC before moving ahead with the same.

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Gist of decisions: Part-A of 171st OCC Meeting of NRPC Page 5 of 5

Agenda No. 8: Testing of primary frequency response of generators as per IEGC clause 5.2(g)

NHPC representative informed that order to M/s Siemens will be placed by this month end and placing order onto M/s Solvina India is under approval of the management and will be placed accordingly.

SJVNL representative stated that for Naptha Jhakri the procedure for placing order has been initiated. However, he informed that in case of Rampur some oscillation problems were observed during the 05.04.2020 event (9 PM 9 minutes) and such frequent operation could not be done as it may cause harm to the unit.

NRLDC requested SJVNL to submit the details of problem encountered via e-mail.

Further, SJVN was advised to move forward with the procedure for placing order for testing of Rampur units.

Other ISGS stations were also advised to place order on the selected agencies.

9. Additional Agenda: Procurement plans for next five years for the machinery and high value goods (based on Letter from MoP)

It was intimated that DHI and MoP have sought information on public procurement plans of all CPSUs / autonomous bodies (Annexure-I). All CPSUs / autonomous bodies of NR were requested to submit the requisite data by 20th May 2020 in the following format:

10. DTL was requested to submit the detailed report on frequent failure of equipment and multiple element trippings at 400 kV Bawana (DTL) or Bawana (CCGT) at the earliest, as discussed in Agenda-2 of Part-B of 170th OCC meeting.


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Time Bound No.11/05/2018-Coord Government of India

Ministry of Power Shram Shakti Bhawan, Rafi Marg,

New Delhi-110001, Dated: 14th May, 2020

To, The Chairperson,Central Electricity Authority,New Delhi

Sub: Request for procurement projections for the next 5 financial years (i.e. 2020-21 to 2024-25) to enable domestic industry to suitably increase manufacturing capacity – Reg. Sir,

I am directed to refer to letter of even number dated 11.05.2020, which was circulated through email dated 11.05.2020 and to forward herewith M/o Heavy Industry’s communication dated 12.05.2020 along with a format for providing inputs on the above mentioned subject.

2. In this connection, it is requested that CEA may prepare a procurement projection report as per the aforesaid format provided by M/o Heavy Industry for the next 5 financial years (i.e. 2020-21 to 2024-25) and intimate the same to Ministry of Power by today (i.e. 14.05.2020) itself.3. This may be treated as TOP PRIORITY.

Yours faithfully, Encl: as above.

-sd- (P.B.S.Dinker)

Under Secretary to the Government of India Telefax: 23752495

Copy with the request to provide requisite inputs required for preparing the procurement projection for next 3-5 years to CEA: All JS/EA/CE(GP), MoP.Dir(RE) /Dir(IPDS) /Dir(Th)/ Dir(Trans)/ Dir(H-I)/ DS(H-II)/ DS(OM)/ DS(Th)/ DS(Coord.), MoP.

saumitra mazumdar
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