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Verb Problems

Verb tense:

1. Try to write as often as possible in the simple past tense.

2. Read your writing aloud after you finish, and listen as well as look for errors.

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Passive voice:

The use of the passive

voice in expository

prose slows down the

sentence structure and

causes the reader to

tire easily.

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Academic prose uses passive voice

1. When the agent is unknown or unimportant:

 Example: My bike was stolen.

2. To describe technical processes and to report research procedures and reports:

Example: Choline and Vitamin B complex were administered to the rabbits; the effects of the elements on the animals were then observed.


3. When the agent is a victim: People often use passive voice to describe disaster.

Example: She was hit by a car.

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Punctuation problems


Commas and coordinate


Subordinating wordsColons

Quotation marks

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Sentence structures

Parallel structure

Sentence combining


Confusing words



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Rules for semicolons:1. A semicolon can be used only if two independent

clauses exist. An independent clause is a complete sentence: a subject-predicate group that can function independently.

Example: I like painting

I am quite ignorant about the history of art.

2. A semicolon may be used to join two independent clauses that are related.


Example: I like painting; I am quite ignorant about the history of art.

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Rules for semicolons:

3. In some cases, using a conjunctive adverb will make the sentence more coherent. Conjunctive adverbs can be considered long words:

These long words are not grammatically necessary, but they often make the sentence

sound better. These long words usually come after, not before, the

semicolon. A comma usually follows these long words. Example: I like painting; however, I am quite ignorant about the

history of art. 4. A semicolon may not be used to join and independent clause

to a dependent clause.Example: Because it is fun, I like painting. Dep. Clause Ind. Clause

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Commas and coordinate conjunctions

RULES1. Coordinate conjunctions are the short words:

And for yet

But or so

2. Two complex sentences that are related in content may be joined by a comma plus short word.


Example: He was lazy, so he failed the class.

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3. With one complete sentence and one incomplete sentence, you will use only a short word.

Example: He was lazy and enjoyed sleeping until noon.

4. When joining two complete sentences with a comma, you may not use a long word (a conjunctive adverb).


He was lazy, however he passed the class. ( incorrect)

He was lazy; however he passed the class. (correct)

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Subordinating words

Some words can change a complete sentence (an independent clause) into incomplete sentence (a dependent clause). These subordinating words include:


Although when after until

Because while if unless

Which before since



We missed our flight to Missouri. Complete sentence.

When we missed our flight to Missouri… Fragment.


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Subordinating words

When you use a subordinating word, you must add a complete sentence to the information. This complete sentence may be added either before the dependent clause (incomplete sentence) or after it:


We were furious when we missed our flight to Missouri. Because he watched too much television, his wife divorced him.

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Rules:1. Use a colon to introduce and emphasize a series (three

or more words or phrases) at the end of a sentence.


I like three nutritious sandwiches: peanut butter and jelly, turkey and cranberry sauce, and egg salad.


2. Use a colon to emphasize a point. 


He has a broken disability: a broken arm.


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3. Don’t use a colon unless what follows the colon directly modifies what comes before it.


I am impressed by one virtue: comparison. (Correct)

I am impressed by one virtue: others, however, are worth mentioning. (Incorrect)

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Quotation marks

1. It’s used to indicate direct speech. The first word is capitalized and usually the final punctuation comes before the final quotation marks. 

Example: He said, “Love is like flower.”

A comma is used after the introductory phrase

2. Tiles of articles and chapters in books.

Example: Stephen Frazier, in his article “The Masculine Mystique”

Note: Titles of books and periodicals are usually underlined; in print they are italicized.

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Quotation marks3. Use ellipsis points to indicate that some of the words

have been omitted. If you are only using part of a quotation


Example: In the article “What It Will Be Like If Women Win,” Gloria Steinem looks toward the feminist Utopia, and agrees that “… men might well feel freer and live longer”

Note: The period comes before the quotation mark.

4. Quotation marks can indicate a special word or a special phrase.


Example: “Disinterested” and “uninterested” can mean quite different things.


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Quotation marks

5. A different quotation that is interrupted in the middle.


Example: “Women,” Riophe states, “have recently arrived at a new pride of ownership” (p.77).


6. A quotation within a quotation is surrounded by single quotation marks.


Example: Camille asked, “Have you read Chapter 8, ‘Library Research’?”

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Parallel structure

Parallelism is the repetition of grammatical structures can

be simple ( a repetition of single nouns ), or a complex (a

repetition of complete sentences structures). Whenever a

sentence contains two or more similar elements, these

elements must be kept parallel.

Balance is always inherent in parallelism. This result is

rhythm within a paragraph that strengthens the coherence

and emphasizes the ideas.


She was a woman who understood children, who

enjoyed housework , and who worshipped her husband.

During spring break the student went to Oregon, to

California, and to Utah.

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Sentence combining

The unity and coherence of a paragraph depends primarily on organization and the use of rational thought. This can be strengthened in a paragraph by varying sentence structure:

Short sentences are used for emphasis. Longer sentences are used for smoothness. Parallel structures are used for rhythm.

Sentence combining is not simply an exercise. It’s a skill to be learned and integrated with your writing style.

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Diction will be effective only when the words you choose are appropriate for the audience and purpose. The use of a good dictionary and a thesaurus (a dictionary of synonyms) is essential for expanding your vocabulary and learning to use that new vocabulary correctly.

1. Choice and use of words in speech or writing.

2. A way of speaking, usually judged in terms of prevailing standards of pronunciation and elocution.

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Precision in diction

The brevity, precision and accuracy are the most important

marks of a good writer. To make your writing more precise,

you must the follow these rules:

1. Try not to use there is or there are too frequently. These phrases are often useless in the sentence.

2. Try not to use the word thing. It's a vague referent that often confuses the reader.

3. Try not to begin a sentence with the same phrase with which you ended the previous sentence.

4. Try not to use unnecessary words.

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Confusing words

There are three sets of words that second language writers often confuse. The rules are not complete. There

are some examples:

Another: Adjective or pronoun used with a single referent (an another); never used with “the”.

Example: One reason Matthew passed the exam was

that he studied very hard; another was that

he had plenty of time to write his essay.


Other: An adjective or pronoun used with either single or plural referents; often used with “the”.

Example: Rafia could not only taste the cinnamon in the

cake, but Maha said the other spices were all

spice and cloves.

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A preposition links nouns, pronouns and phrases to other words in a sentence. The word or phrase that the preposition introduces is called the object of the preposition.

A preposition usually indicates the temporal, spatial or logical relationship of its object to the rest of the sentence

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Identifying your own errors may not be easy. Usually you will be able to see errors in the writing of others more easily than in your own writing.

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