
impartially ToldM& IVvM.Viiv«u, m w /CeWrT• MHUffEntered

flt, AUGUST 1 1 , ISM)







A lthough Believing Scribbled Message To Be A Fraud, Police Took Every Precaution Before Abandoning Search In Vicinity of Jauncey A venue For Supposed

Joseph Stppoia, Po^Mtine .Pnsprtetoc of Stuyvesant A venue Barber Shop A i w t r f Shortly A fte r Shouting H»»

Barber and Wife lo Hackensack JailHandwriting Experts Being Consulted«trii«ily, touch

Mnr twice on hi* the fkrthfr rift, ■tirtihwi uvl

thrust tw® Anger* m tK» man't iwftutfc mmC dwHw out Mm tomfwi

“Tan begin Nr»t,“ one of th# life t«M i* MM. I t the ftret guard bent down, m w M l hi* hand* tightly a-fahi«l tha wafl’i aid.v mui ihuvdLpnenw WOOw • V* W * V1 W*U*U “ eUw*His i m i were rigll aad h. prtaatH heavily The WM tN M d tu thud- 4»r a Wt.

Th# n r t w iH detected tiM WftiK | i lU N< sraund thf group. The

i f t i f t j f w t f i r t * |<i b M4NmA 8*i*»-4*y,

Thf nimmitttr mhi! <m| Hm f»lWMvimv HtttiM' ('ait will Iduawi thatdub house promptly st * 00 fallow -

- 81 Mery’. ftftiH t , Church at RutWf>ml wa.. Uw scene al a **r>

Sfjv -Mi.fW tweteMf IBM. .unlay m»nitm when Mm* KUh

Lyen*. daughter of Mr and Mi* Oavtd Lyon* of U l IWmMim A w m m , h*can»* th* MA» r f ' Fwn* Mihm, mn ef Mr a*d Mn, frat* Mata**, Sf , I f UvftigMMl A«*UW »« * nuptial mass at * o'clock. ■ Re* l'hari*< Francit Hat low , pM w at Um church perfanmMl lha m u w Th* bndr m given ta a u r r f s by her fhther.

Mite Oh m Savino al

Court Lyndhurst, No. *15, Catholic Daughters of America, held a m or ting Monday night at the Pariah Hall Mrs. R o s e Burde, trrami regent * u ih charge.

Final arrangements wera made far the annual card party to be held am Friday evening, October 19 t t the Parish Hall. The committee In charge consist* of Miss Mary B. Rodgers, Mr*. Rose Burde, Mrs. H. Maher, Mlaa Margaret Broderick, Mist Ethel Ren­nie, Mrs. Martha Kelly, Mrs. Rose Stinson, Miss Lillian Wolf, Mrs. Alice Smith, Mrs. Marv hr hoe, Mrs. j Caroline Landells, Mrs. Lucetta Har­ris, Mrs. Martha Brockman, Mra. Katherine O’Malley and Mrs. M. Moore.

A drawing for a Parisian boudoir doll donated by Mr*. M. Moore will Uke place in the evening. Gamas will be progressive. J

Immediately following th* regular meeting of t h e court representatives

I oi the BergWvCountv Courts, Catholic Daughter* held a mooting to farther ,

; plan* for the annual Bergen County picnic day to be held ta l l « i River, Sunday, Reptemher t , at t ha Villa

1 Claire, Saddle River, It. J. Member* o f this committee a r e working tealona- ly for t h e success o f th ia affair and n o d o u b t i t » i l l b e largely attended •a was t h e o n e o f last year Each c o u r t will b e r e s p o n s ib le for the'trane- portation o f i t* members a n d friends.

Ooasett, James Neilatn. Fled Melt- ' mhi, Joseph Donovan, Thamaa Den-1

uvan and America K. Veotte

Local Mea Must Pay Their W.rn

Marital VtvuMps MatllMt le hath-.«•> itsmal V*ea tn *—--- | ,r Jk■r nwn, »wo mvp IHW lifPV* .. hisa^mew MaMi,<iuaaia 4a* fc—twt RV1T S*oewt fjS gse eel WW

f» rr Judge J. WaltaM U M k tnthe Second INstrict t ’rtmtaal Oeart

Brirffc W9 Hudic 60,000 Autos Daily

fMM af hi* slku|h hi. tmeh h. Ih* ■ haet Tlta iwMwMWaa >aHed f tp M i <*»—d 4«wly atennd and Hi«»ta m * th< |M Wit la UK han.i. UtmmtMtff da sad, dift>»U Mebi, • « . »,.•>« <• bfaah ths gw«, . k^ h . •M.neHt »t-arta a«hed fat Ike «wa m. mm

IUI irw an a, “l*M mad) (a f i « iu *m t» he .«m| ” ! > • b a n him " h » inMi.^mi t » « e > d the tkmp "and I k «*.«»■»*

TW auin was n d a d l a H a ir , w t

tinned Every «o often one of the crowd would say, “He's breathing.* Then would he straining of nark>The largest volume of tfaMr la

bt carried mi a single day i n IMS ova# the Hudson River bridge be­tween Manhattan Island and Full Lee wtll be 10JM vehicles, according ta aa aatlaiat# submitted yesterday by the Fart of New Yatfc Authority to Bergen County Board ef Chosen Freeholders. The yearly volume at estimated by th* pert authority fel­lows:

In IttC, 11,*00.900 vehicle.; InI ML I t *0*^00 , In ISM, ia INS, 14,700,#00; In IMS, It.M0. 000; in tMI, In IMS. l l jm /m - , In ins, 1»,SOO SO; la 1M0, tlJMMOO. la IMS, t t j m j m and in ISM. S4JM0JM0

Tka — * -* * --- tamnal « L1AL ik.9 Mnan wte wH ^ SslaeWt «v ta at *IW


BY LYS0L DOSEPolice from all ever the state

wired descriptions ef persons missing tn their communities and atked to b e-a e tiM at once if bodies were| found. Handwriting experts of the Jeraey City police force took the note and are trying to trace down its writer. If the writer ia found and it is discovered the note it the reolH of a practical joke juatice will be prompt and heavy, it it prom- ised.

Kvery effort waa taken to make tbe note mem genuine. It was writ­ten in a jerky, poor style aa though to make it teem it had been written m th dateMohUe under the infl- ence of great fear.

I’etica, however, scored the gen­uine** of the note an several courts. For initance if the writer was really to te murdered the killer would ne­ver been cartleaa enough to have alfowftd the ntte to be written. Nel ther would the writer have forgotten to xign hia or her name.

A day after ita discovery the search for. a "body" was ended and thr rate wst elated unless the joker n found.

I Despondent, it is said, because ef busineat affairs, John Fromm. 45

j year- old, who until a week ign was commander of the American Legion in Bergen County, ended his life tat* Thursday afternoon by drinking lyaot in his real estate office in the post- “offlce building, CJoster.

Before swallowing the fatal potion, Fromm wrote several letters, on# af which waa addresaed to “The Author­ities” and in which he axkad that hit body be sent to the Crantton under­taking establishment, Dumont. Th* police decline to give out th* con­tent* of the other letters.

Police Search for Men Who Started Messino Fire; Hold Owners In Bail

Miniature Golf Courses Must Now Operate Under Town Regulations

An ordinance, rmbadynw atvacul Grtnmta According I# tha ritiato provisions owner* of toy golf coura- youthful jriaymrt wers. tamptil te at here will have to live up to erns go tnte the dear# hall after using paaand. on ftrst reading by tile In- Ih* Murat,cal Hoard of Commisaioners at their Th# Faatalr Valley Bewtragemeeting in the Town Halt Mwuday C nmliti ■ pelnted out that New night. Drastic action ta the nwt- ark iMIlilltlii recently had pii«*d t e r rf regulating maintaance and ah aMhMWO tatklng ptrntnn eaughi control ef the couraaa wat taken by tamping teweraga tat# th* Faatillr the Conuniauoneca Rrver WaM* le a hanvy An*, aad

Mayor Horace R. Bngel snanunr aahed that the mmm eetiae he'Mhaa ed he had granted a permit far t by the local beat*, link at KivoraM* Avenue ta tht Ciaaaliil t r Weed* dsciawid tnch Garden Sute Nursery. An apptl- artitn wa* uanareaaary tMa* a etaat cation t# place a courte at S4g Foe- watch wna h*pl an th» rive# by an-a«t i Marilt# inlimit !#■*! kn A nd h ma tk I n-tt -• M kiaa „ | 1 n I ai Skal —- — anWW* »»*«>'»r! twwiwni wy UMM I V*na Wt »aBW OWI l*P IWDAngelo of that addrtM, was r» fuse mm 4nM>s4 «nt* th* rieer. Itjerted since the aactiea I* retnSea waa agreed that a ctaae wetrb s

1 ut 1 tifi fi Inn St attUl aBatat f pa naithat will mean a l a d *SM er waa — u n n t y The aMltar wa*ninety days ia t h e county jtai for ptaaed an Uh* table

AH I ppili’RUlW* t%9 gMf, Tht gaad. Tioa Cewp ltmmi thad ombpmn* m»»t Imi bm WftUif. It wpim> ■ jAmA (Mawrttpul*Ui IV ■ pplnatuwu Mwat f§]] Tlwt iMHt Mga&MP



Athletic Clubs Rally v To Support J. Breslin



Third Anniversary Celebrated by Lynd.

Rod and Gun ClubA c tio n o f t h e U nion A th le tic A s ­s o c ia tio n o f L y n d h u r s t" to su p p o r t J a m e t A, H re slin f o r S l a t e A ssem ­bly o h the D e m o cra tic t ic k e t ia e x ­p e c te d to b<* fo llow ed b y o th e r a th le ­tic c lu b s th ro u g h o u t H erg w i C ounty .

T h e U nion A. A . s a id i t would s u p p o r t B re s lin th o u g h i t is n o t pol­i t ic a l becau se he i* a c t iv e in spon­s o r in g s p o r ts , he is a n a th le te h im ­s e l f and a I 'p o rtn m an o f th e highest d e g re e .

Other s p o r t c lubs are expected to take s im ila r action , lirestin has

active in local s p o r ts as well;m ty a th le tic s a n u m b e r o f

local m an is th e only local te f o r office in November’s

(»* ...a l E lec tio n . llt> ran high, onth e Dem ic ra tic t ic k e t in th e prim­a r ie s and I r . ag a in e x p e c te d to lead t h e b r a r k r t . H is s h jg le p o p u la r ity i s e x p o rte d to d raw h im R epublican a s w ell a s D em o cra tic vo tes.

I n l .y n d h u r s t he i s p re s id e n t of t h e Y oung M en’s L e a g u e an d tb e C h a m b e r o f C o m m e rc e .. In th e Y. M . L . w h ich he has h ead e d since its o rg a n iz a t io n tw o y e a r s a g o he playw o u tf ie ld , o n th e b a se b a ll te a m and f o r w a r d o n th e b a sk e tb a ll te am . He c o a c h e s th e l a t te r o u tfit.

H e s ta r r e d on K e a rn y H igh school t e a m s , C a th o lic University b a sk e tb a ll a n d b a sk e tb a ll a g g re g a t io n s an d con­t in u e d to p la y in s em i-p ro ranlo*. n

On the evening a t Saturday, Aug. 16th, “Irvin* Place,” will witnesi another gala occasion. The celebra­tion of the third anniyersary of the Lyndhurat Hod and Gun Club

The Celebration will be in the form of a package party and dance; with food and refresh ment* «wtehed between. The married folks will Unger about the club room*, while the younger set will take te the lawn under “garden lanterns” to chat and dance. L__

The sportsmen promised not to talk of fi*h and game that night so that the women will enjoy every minute of their stay.

W hile members tack up d eco ra tio n s I and smash their Angers, they hope th e w om en are b u s y w ith th e i r su r­p rise p ack ag es.

Body Moulded Along tin e* O f Abell Committee Get* O. K. From Observer*— Believe Permanent Body

W ould M ake For Economy A nd D o Away s W ith “Too M any Committees”

Proponents Claim Many Advantages A R E A L V A C A T IO N !

A reasonable expenditure for rest and recreation *is a good investment. - .

A re you always able to take just the kin<| oi vacatftm you like to take?

If a‘ REAL V A C A T IO N seems out of reach, try this:— Divide the estimated expense by 50, and every week deposit l-50th of your Vacation fund in a Holiday Saving? Account.

The elimination o f a few daily extravagances wiD doubtless enable you to spare that much each week without any trouble. ;

Then next year, you and your family can enjoy a REAL VACATION

St. Matthews' Ladies Plan Card Parties

The L ad ies’ A id o f the S t . M at­thew 's L u th eran C hurch m e t y e s te r­day a f te rn o o n a t th e church hall on

i V alley Brook A v en u e to m a k e plana 1 fo r th e ir tw o c a rd p a rtie s to be held

in S ep tem b er. T h e re will be one in th e .even ing of S e p te m b e r 12 a n d one in th e afte rnoon on S ep te m b e r 18.

In c h a rg e o f t h e a f te rn o o n card p a rty a re : M rs. O eu rg e H im se l, Mrs. A lm a N ew m an a n d ' M rs. A. D. K ayan." The even ing c a rd p a r ty w ill be fun by M r s . J 'r a n k C u rtis , M rs. J o s ­eph C arp en ts r , M rs . Louise D em ares t Mrs. J o h n J . O ’N e il and M rs . F ra n kPreye.

Ba n k in o S e r v ic eTw enty- four Ho u rM rs. J o h n 'O ’N eil o f M ilbu rn A ve­

n u e , e n te r ta in e d a t h e r hom e on M o nday n ig h t a t b r i d g e A fte r th e g a m e s "the ho* ten o' se rv ed re f re s h ­m e n ts an d a social h o u r followed, .

G u e sts p re s en t w e re : M rs. Ed. HoMrt!,' M rs; G eorge M uller, M rs. T h L an d s lip , M rs. Jo h n H ogan,M r* ro ld G utne il, M rs. A be Ben-e<vi*t d M rs. H a r ry K rock m an , allo f L y n d h u rs t. ■«

Avenue left with relatives from Ho­boken far<a>tkree month visit with relatives,in'Italy. She will return ia > October.

,Mr. and .Mfs. Frank Clarke of Fftrast Atffiije' and Mrs. John Niel­son of Dejafeld Avenue are spend­ing . several ‘ weeks i at Bronxville,

N O T E Sfurnish the data requested w ith in tan days, tt is stated th a t th e re a n »o complete statistics of th< Horticultural Industry of the U n i­ted States at this time, and th e canvass Is to satisfy the continual demand for facts and figures w hich tba Department of Agriculture is receiving ta ever increasing numbers. Two copies of the appropriate sched- ale ha* been sent to each grower to be filled o«t, with the a s s u ra n c e - th a t none af tha information on th e in ­dividual reporta will be me* m - * basis of taxation, but will lie u sed MlX for statistical p u rp o se s and th e figures published only in the aggro gate.

An Advisory Trade C o m irf tte e h a s bean organised by Dr. C o rb e tt, toassist tba Census Bureau, w hich in - eludes L. D. Seymour, o f N ew York associate editor of the, F lo r lata Exchange; W. A. S p e r lin g o fNew York, representing th e F lo w er Bulb Growers; David B u rp ee , ofPa., tha Flower and V eg e ta b le S eed :Division, and Mr., Flemmer.

Edwin Perrson of Elisabeth, P r e s ­ident af tha Naw Jersey F lo r is t" As­sociation, expects a speedy com pie- tion of the canvass in this S ta te , it was announced by Edward M. C u n ­ningham, also of Elisabeth and sec ­retary of the Association. T he n a m ­es of people engaged in tb e h o r t i culture Industries In th is S ta te w ill be available for distribution a t t h e second New Jersey Flower show th a t will tw held at the N e w a rk A rm o ry the s r t i i f of November S to !>.

M U s C a th e r in e S a n d e rs of Seventh Street h a s re tu rn e d to h e r home fro m a vaca tio n a t C u lv e m ere .

M rs. F m l S ch aeh t o f RUtherford A v en u e is sp en d in g a v aca tio n with h e r son a t O cean G a te .

M r. an d M rs. Louis Favier andd a u g h te rs , M arian and Kdna of Sec­ond A v en u e , have returned from ath re e we ek s s tay a t C a p e M ay.

D r. H en ry M o sh er o f Valley B rook A venue has re tu rn e d from a s tay w ith M rs. M o sh e r a t th e i r cot­ta g e a t M an h a tta n B each.

M r. a n d M)rs. K d w ard Hackett and fa m ily o f V a lh y liro o k Avenue left y e s te rd a y to v aca tiu n in the Poco- no M ou n ta in s. »

M iss R u th S h a d e ll, daughter of M r. a n d M rs. F red e ric k Shadell at S tu y v e s a n t A venue T u s returned fro m (.'am p H u dson ia .

M r. .an d M rs. J a m e s Perry ~of-K irs t S tr e e t have re tu rn e d to th e ir hom e fro m a v a c a tio n a t H ig h P t.

M r. and M rs. William LetmartS w enson o f Second A yepue, have re tu rn e d to th e ir h o m e from a mo­to r t r ip th ro u g h P e n n s y lv a n ia .

M rs. R obert C ro irtlev o f Second A venue, h a s re tu rn e d Jrom • vaca­t io n in N ew Y ork State.

Herbert Gilmore of Livingston Avenue, has returned to his home from a stay at Culver Lake.

Mr. and Mrs. William Calame, Sr., and Mr. and Mrs. William Calame, J r . , of Watson Avenue, have return­ed to t b e i i bom*1 from a motor trlj tn Haiti m ore, Atlantic City, and O cean City. /

Convenient Termso n M o d e r n C o m f o r t s

Quiet—efficient—all-white; M odesty-?hralth—pridel All requirements are equally served, even to the limitations of a mcalest budget, by this DevofO syphon-jct type

" « $ \ a t i d a r < rWA T£R CLOSET

This, or any other ' iottdatM" Plumbing hetrure, for laundry, kitchen or bathroom, singly or in any group desired (including installation), can lie purchased ■’)Ost conveniently by paying hut

tall sum down ana tlte balance thly within any period up lo yean.

Albert Mitchel & SonPLUMBING AM* HKATING

CONTIt AXIOMS 242 LAKK AVK. . LYNDHURST Kepsir Work Given Prompt Attention

PK A C T IC A I. b usiness course i p re p a re you f o r a w e ll-p a id o f­fice position . O u r p la n e lim i­n a te s u n n eceaaary s u b je c ts , re ­d u c in g le n g th of ex p en se of course. F R E E P L A C E M E N T S E R V IC E . C om * in a n d ta lk o v e r you r p la n s w ith u s o r s e n d foT d e sc rip tiv e lite ra tu re .

C O U R S E S Shorthand , Typewriting, Business English, t orreapon- dence, Mtenotm, Filing, Spelling, Rapid Calculation, Penmanship, Bookkeeping and Accounting, Ofltre Prac­t ic e , Speed Dictation.

Class and individual instruction.

Mr an d M n,. A . Fitwerald of ^K injfslam l A venue n ave M en e n te r - ,• ■ 1 -ta m in g a t th e ir hom e Mr*. Ffti- ABB’S HARD W ARB STOREg e ra ld s b ro th e r Carlton Petty and _ „ _M r .and M rs. J . L . Ryder of Balt- 5 0 0 iValfcy Brook o re and M iss Ethel Parker of » >-«, ,W estm in is te r , Maryland. N f i F a ! l l S w M S4I4

Mrs. Matthew Mangio of Third t e s aJ W - ' »4 »♦♦♦»>«♦»

Mrs. John Bogan, o f F e rn A v en u e entertained at her h o m e on S a tu r ­day night at bridge. A fte r the games the hostess served r e f r e s h ­ment*. Guest* present w ere : M rs,John O’Neil, Mr*. T h o m as d e lls , and Mrs. Harold G u th c il, a l l o f Lyndhurst.

Dr. and Mra. Hugh B u rb an k , of Stuyvesant Avenue, hav e re tu rn e d to their borne fro m a v a ca tio n in

IW n^Stm q& tlknO irtioa!ENROLL NOWDay School K»e. School


Rutherford Secretarial School


A. F. F R O S T , I*resident

George H. HoldenRoofing and Sheet Metal

ContractorS O U T H B&RGEN’S LA R G EST SH O P

323 Second A venue L yndhun t, N. J.Phone R U therfo rd 2-22B

*Ue<L1 4 0 .

P. 2 cc x r t ru n ,

c -tv lj/ o n . r * .lT u yTlie KeginaFloor, .Machine

|H l t» a |tlii»iii( fmisR a n a floor. Even shabby old floor* renpond quickly to Regina trr atiiM'ni*. Stains disappear, the wood takrs «n a naooth finish, and the was. evenly distributed, gives the itnarpofish. . —

IM9.M rash -HM.45 on terms $3 d e s s IS a month

Yon ran -snd and sroar and scrub floors'with the Regina attachment, for tlirx u|>erstions, which are sold atadditional cost.

For Better ServicePhone RUtherford 2-7143

IT IS ALSO T R U E T H A Tth e first step towards economic independence ig home ownership. H ere you wifi find awide listing of homes located in a moat ton* venient location. There’* a m you can buyNO W !

Scotty’s TaxiNight and Day Service


149 Stuyvesant AvenueLY N D H U R ST, N . J.

f o r e s t^ D A I Q Y«< Ifrr Km

ti* |«dualn«l U iM ii 300 /id g e Road Lymdhurst, N . J.Phone RUtherford 2-1077—2-1076


MO ARMNOTON. N j L .S P M O M f K l A t t H r ,by st io aPUBLIC

Secretarial School Starts at Rutherford

m _ .. > 1J 1 mlflf a a® a ® piWV vO jj gin gg adKMrt i 4(MM$NM& ky

Mr. A. r. Front, who b i t t t t tond of Ihe ^ wlittmfik Schnui of hsalu*** I in HackeAMck, Mr. F m t ia widely known ** oil* rf ta* '«i««tom ta Bergen County. IU* long experience in the HUekensnek High School aa head of the lane in— i fi dal department and outstanding *ut-CCMwill withSchool which willsupervision.

h im a q a a l ly K u th e rfo rd Stcrvtaritl

Mr. Front ha* planned te give «hepeople of Rutherford 'and vicinity the best type rf conyaeKial whuot— to be on the pat with MMh school*

Merchants * Bankers, Packard, Pratts and other well-known k l l i l n i institutions; therefor*, ha has saewwd the services of Mias Smith who haa resigned from, the CdhkOn Secretar­ial School in New York CHy to take eharge rf tha Shorthand and Typing Departments. Mis* Smith has

. taught in Millers Secretarial School, I'ratt Business Institute’add lata rf the Conklin Secretarial School

For the Bookkeepihg, Accounting Department and the «Mca detaita Mr. Frost has appointed Mr. A. Joaeph Masta who haa had charge rf that Department ta til* Hackensack School and who has a thorough knew- ledge of the office management. Mr. Mazza is. a Rider College graduate and holds the B. C. & degree. Hi* long practical business and teaching experience coupled with hia ambition and conscientiousness makes Mr. Frost feel confident that tke a&aol will have a very coaQwtent man hi charge.

This school is the same ideas airf.'(deals, aa 'the Hackensack School; that tha highest (holswhip and bu*ir>**» diciency

can only be detained 'by Uie modem methods rf special itatlon.

No matter whst vocation or calling any boy or girl of today is going to follow they should hare a mm in an institution rf this character in order to he. able to cope with the demands of fxmeet day business ef­ficiency .

Hundreds rf bof* and girls aura their own way thmugh college and university every year by making use of their Shorthand, typewriting and bookkeeping. Other* (it tato the bu-.iness world and beame success­ful. • ’ / 1 ,t ' * ;

Thit school is to mulatalu an em­ployment bureau. Km ploy era in this and surrounding aactiaM «uy call upon the school for any aMce help

**ey might need. In this way the ■' *m assured rf a position

of the requiied

. I1!*. ***** ^*eu spared te*?*.b wbo enroll the best

* ' r f taatrue-'

.. W^e is taken in thr service tout they will tender the yuun> men *** .* '? *" 01 *W» eommnnlty. They

deader* who are civic minded and who are for the wanmunMjr and with the community at all time*.


Scouts at the South Bergen Scout

Uf* Saving program Practically every hoy who ha* come

to camp this season, and who could uuti tww when he came, can swim*r ThH is * •wordof which the camp is Justly proud. _TWn* the nest ateo In Life Saving Program, is the swimmer's button, •er which * boy must learn to float, motion less, tread water, demonstrate • flute er racing dive, swim 100 yards, using two strokes, swim 50 feet on the buck, surface dive, and demonstrate artificial respiration. Those at the eump who have passed this test, are:

end Eugene Serrao, Eugene Shapiro. Patsy liiener, Andrew West,

. *t«l and Richard Zimmerman Rutherford; Edward Spevak and

William Loach man of Carlstadt; Man-


Doauuck J. LrnOi C hanel* Truck


Association Organize Sales Increase 20j.

a*e Leach and James Robertson of North Arlington; Curtis Langbein of Bust Rutherfordj and John Boschen,

win ofrllngton; Curtis Lani_ J S 3 » ' ■ * ■

rf Lyndhurst.Those who passed the Junior Red

Cross Ufe Saving test, for complet­ing the following work: Disrobe and swim 100 yards; release the double grip on two wrists; release the front strangle hold, left and right; release the buck strangle hold, left and right; surface dive four time *, bringing ur. tlie bottom each time; correct approach and head carry, cross chest carry, hair carry and ,-wimmer'x carry, and tbe proper demonstration of. artificial respiration; are: Eugene Shapiro and

. Mannie Leach, of North Arling- , and Edward Spevak of Carlstadt.

Lloyd Andrew West, Jr., of KutherI * * : ..............................Those hoys, in wearing the Red Crdss Life Saving emblem, are qualified to a*v* the life of one of their own age and site, and to assist in the rescue rf a person much larger than them­selves.

life Saving instruction la a regular ature ef tne South Bergen Scout

Camp, th* management feeling that whan It makes a life saver of a boy, It ha* done * great ileal in saving the live* rf not only that boy trained, but possibly of others, whom the boy might have an opportunity to save.

its ctah rooms at MfT Valley Bn**

A hT toe address of *mk**m to to* 78 members present the standard bearer gave a resume rf to* thingsiKmt S*p.vt»awWt ah vkk* -• — — s™Rv WttFiuJjW * auuui I Me Wuorganising for the cowmen good of the community ami its p**pir. and Btrmaxl tlte fad satktti ia iNMHjNi but will promote th* tout interests of it* members m their every en­deavor, that the social' and chari­table necessities of the toWKshlp wtti be entered into by the organisation wtth full support of a united mem­bership:

The following were elected as of­ficers:

Joseph Neglii, pruidant-James Breslin, vice pmsldaut.Anthony DeCerbo, recording sec.Frank lopinto, financial sec.Oeorge A. Pierro, treasarer.

. «4n>w Hon nano K |t - at ■ A m a •*“’The membership committee is m *

posed of Prank Lo pints, Abe Hew owits, George Pierro.

By-Laws committee. Attorneys J. A. Breslin, Nicholas Carella aad D. J. Live Hi.

The meeting* will be held every Wednesday night, and the club- raoms will open daily where the mentors can avail themselves toe ease, comfort snd splendid appoint­ments selected and plactd for their benefit in the rooms af the club.

The club will soon be in full swing, and as soon ss alterationa and decorations -are completed the club house will be a credit to the community and its menfeership.

Tbe membership of the organisa­tion is not limited n* to race, creed or number of reaMents but is open to all citisen* who believe in organ­isation for thr common good of them ■wive# and Abe town.

Arrangements are now under way to institute a Ladies Auxiliary to the Association to give farther sup­port to the endeavors of the ’organ­isation.

Aa tff Imi mt m buw HwVai

during tto fimt half af thia y e a r over to* m u m period rf IM» w as an- nranral td iv by SUmv Ctrtatl. manager of the cwnnwietal car di­vision of the Chevrolet Motor Co.

far tto eompanble per- «*• ITJM - uuMa. a* ugutaat to July 1 rf NU year.

Thia jwuduetom tarmua* Mr, Car-b u attributed la the mmrnd for M itO'11 ■1 * are iKRvdelivery tnrto ta federal, st* msaielp*! and pMdii utility reuatr tion projects now under way, nnd to the growing use of tto Mg.truck in rural aectkm*. Pamweu. especially, am On ding to* light i •very an tiea— Ital and naaasaary addiUon to farm equipnuMtt, to snid, and tto wide variety af tody type* available enables the aa*r ta ttouee tto « u d tody for tto wetk te to

Im , Mr. and Mrs. Ttomm Wooby, Walter Andrews. Mr. ami Mr*, juwfh McWattera.- Mr. and Mrs. August Purreili, William Oif tan, Mr. and Mrs. William Dale, Wnl tor (Mtofsm. August and Gertsude PurmM, M to George and Marie luau, WWata and Helen Dale *11 rf

Msgerty rwAved

Mr. Renmdh Nelson r f Tsnltne al High

While comiuereial car pmducttau is necesaarity * minor part rf tto total output rf tto t'tovroiet Me-|n> I'nnmnM Uf **in rli * — - *—M -» *•or i '‘n^panyi ■ ”• ' arpatt pMnRtii H t ttot it Is accounting for a constant­ly increasing peoductian rf year's output. (Tto company first began building commercial ears ta iyI4L he* ititnL iad jiIam Umieww ntweesnf uu we*eeup mMMPM1 ,its ,0000 unts had b*e» hellt, te the middle ef this year, ar In the rat better Um* ane M mm inrialcar to each six

Mi and Mrs. William L. Teemsma of the Bogle Apartments, have re* turned from a tour of the upper part of New York State, including the Thousand Islands, after having spent some time at the New York National Guard Camp at Great Bend, N. Y.

Mr. Teesmma is connected with the 27th Division Air Service, N. Y. N. G. and usually spends hia vacation there with that Division. Thi* yenr Mrs. Teenaama accompanied him.


Mr. and Mt*.. Goerg* I senPage Avenue entertained at

Saturday night at bridge.Dancing followed the delightful mpyot wa» served hy thedelighihiitm

Guests present w*ie: Mr and Mm. Thom** Hagerty ef Newark, Gill Lovemdge rf Hartford, (ton., Mr. end Mr*. Thoma* Ison, Mr. *nd Mrs.

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M* *to> to TaMem.

d f i T N A ’ I Z Bj w i » m f i i l d u n m to g p ia s il

I MMM HaMMMVwMt aaatr

Telephone Ruttorrl.vJ I 214J C Pfhhng. Pi«p


H igh Grade Furalttire Upholstering, Repairing sad P rin ith in g


50 U N IO N A V E. R U T H E R F O R D , N , J.

W A N T E D CufM M f » r f M < • n n Wort, Ri imitot. (Ursges, P o r c E Eivtoeutui, Wf jihcmnpa, ARritaH,


f**y M.uuhy r»|U»to

MOM* RRarti.MMi CO. tit Harding A**. M udhuert

Ptone Ruth I Ml M

too r u x ; r r o a d l YNDtlURST. N. j*

Phone RUtherfordM O ’’* 2-1077

BEAUTIFUL SHIRTSThese iiave retailed as high as $4.00

now reduced for final clearance in three

groups at $1.00 $1.35 ' 2 for $2.50

$1.55 ' 2 for $3.00



Sennet Straws, now $1. Value to $2.50

Flexo Straws, up to $5. now $2.

All Milano Straws, now $1.

Leghorn Hats, now $2

Toyo Panamas, now $2..■sappffjj ..iu

Genuine Panama Hats, now $3.



$3* to $7 J# Valaes to $12*

W hite, Cream, Striped and Fancy

Flannel and Serge Trousers

Naw SS. aad K Valaes U SIS.

FINAL CLEARANCEoi Summer Merchandise and Merchandise of a Character

— Suitable for All- Year-Round Wear ^REDUGHONS RANGE FROM 15% TO 50%

Sale Starts Saturday M orning, Aug. 9 , at 9 o ’clock and continue* until A ug. 10, at 10 p.m.CO M E EA R LY A N D SA V E





Topcoats * Overcoats


S117S te tSSJSReductions ranging from



$5. £ Values to $12.

Werner-nude in OtM Own

Fins Imported and DumestM: Fshnca,

Shrtlanda. Twerda, WorMeds. f *i—iMiua,

Chevint*, and FUnneU, hi OedU,

Hrrnng Br«e, Plain O4or»

and Stnpea


SPECIAL C R O U P4~<—. /V - - i- - > *


A T $16.50

Values to $40.00 Th» group ciimpnaea Specul <Sum(4r (mi mem*, Display and Uncalled for (iarrnmt*



Extra Kaickm or Extra Trou«rr* Now $32,50

Fabrics Include C hew * Wnrrfinrh Hn—gpun* and t . sftaMRiffK



AB Reduced T o

$3 50

PUmi White Tan aid Owclu

FINE SILK TIESMost of them are Hand Tul«»rrd and Silk

Linctl , • Vahies to $1 50

• 69c .n n t lor HDD


Fortner Vshir U) 12 10 NOW i t If

H i m h r 13 .00


Values to $5 00 Offered in T w o Group*

SMS - 2 far J2.S0 SI.7S . 3 h r *5 00

FaslkMm Kiut and Croydon Krut Tir*


Tic and Handkerchief Seta 69c

Tw o I>4isr Value*

WERNER CAPSValuta lo $ 9 0 )

j Now $1.00W e m e r M a i f m i Ruthrrt««d

1 AOi: i OUR

~ >•■»•. >'*.'•• *?&-V ■ »-'■ > -•otit.ju t - „ ! , ; •

”^ ! ! l? 5 S 5 ^ ? 1l r ~ T T a S ^ i ■ —

IMOa a s fsw w a ss !

*' T How Electric Company’s Load Dispatcher

Handles System During a Thunder SlortnLIBRARY


■f •'

. Sing: Mu» May Garton h»s uken charge of months) .the shelves have *een the, addition of aoi Not all of them new. Some of them are reprint* o(


are reference boob the library need*. Some of them are gijw. T*hing Miss Carton's word for it, all of them art good. ‘ ' \r *'

- _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ♦Many children's boob have been pliced on, ihc*sjfclve* A Jot of

Ernest Thompson Seton. Which is very good. Mr. Seton's wlf in the Woods” and 'Two Little Savages” arc boys books boys must read. And Mali Twain's "Hutkteberry Finn” and “Tom Sawyer" rtill fept as unrelenting pby. Miss Garton, though, wonders if Kipling's “Just-So- Stories" are hilly enjoyed by children unless .they are read to them. And books like “Alice in Wonderland" she believe* are far above the children.

*■ J LOAD DISPATCH I. H'S CUNT KOI BOA HI) \(A huge blackboard, 24 feet long am i I f f * * high. ikmi.% lo a tio n ol trr.t m.riiaii l in n m nnecting ftig gi

nine tw itching u a tio m and eighlyjhrr r nabtlationt in Public S r n u r tr. r. o v n well a* that* which connect gystem w ith neighboring companies. The bo<ird I* dnttcil r illi r d , prca:. rin'.ct. v h ite and amber light* I. ty ttem i$ functioning. R ed en d amber thou service norm ahy; preen and v h ltr ir.dicatr trouble on the le tter violet, trouble on the higher voltage lines).

Much has been done to make the children's department a studyroom for them and many, from reports, are taking advantage of the wove.

■'I - V1’ ------ ’ — 'History books are numerous in the library, one of them being a

one votuinSt copy of Beard's “Rise of American Civilisation". It contains nearly #06 pages and is normally a two volume book.

< -i --------—■— •«Three books Miss Garton likes to show are “Liberty" by Everett

Dean Martin, “What's Right With America” by Sisley Huddleston and “The Waur of independence” by Claude H. Van Tytte". They’re all of a type, the modern history book-—clear, with facts coldly and impartially dealt with. .


ftoyes alone interests us, and we are willing to bet inher quotations Miss Brenner gives much space to "It is Lilac Time in London” (if he wrote it) and “The Highwayman” than to "The Victory Dance''. The latter is our idea of poetry, yet anthologies and quoters skip over aad past it. (Ah, woe.) .. v

“Chief Contemporary Dramatists” is the third of a series and is edited by* Thomas H. Dickinson. It is a $5 book put out by Hougton Mifflin Co The book contains eighteen modern plays by the best of th? modern authors.

Listed on the cgver the titles are: “R_ U. R”, “Lifcom”, “He Who Gets Slapped", “A Lily Among Tfcorni’Y‘’The Silver Cord”, "Such 3s Life”, "Electra’, “The Dover Road”, “The Theatre of the Soul", “The Emperor Jones”, “From Mom Until Midnight", "In Abraham's Bosom** “Juno and the Paycock', “The Dubbuk” "The Love of the Three Kings”, ‘Time is a Dream", “The Steamship Tenacity”, “Naked" of the Hills” and >“Malvaloca”.


“The Personality of a House", by Emily Post, the well known ctiqueteer, “The Home Owners' Manual”, by Dorothy and Julian Oiney, and “Individuality and Clothes”, are three books that the correct persons probably would enjoy reading. And the latter should be read if only to see what that Chesterfield advertisement is all about.

“African Drums", by Fred Puleston, 'The Lighthearted Journey”, by Anne Bosworth Greene and “A Wayfarer on the Rhine”, by MalcOm Letts are three books the traveller would enjoy.

Ke e p i n g tab» on th e m ovem en t* o t a l l e le c tr i c a l s to rm s w ith in a h u n d re d m ile s o r ao o f N ew

J e r s e y la o n e o f th e Im p o r ta n t jo b s o f th e P u b lic S e rv ic e load d is p a tc h e r , fo r th e a p p ro a c h o f a th u n d e r storm onlst be c a re fu lly w a tc h e d by th e o p e ra t io n m en o f s a y g r e a t e le c tr i c POWST coa t p s n y . . ' . . • ' » . . J

As e v e ry o n e k n o t ’s a n o n g o u iln c e le c tr i c a to rm b r in g s a y M a n U f a n e i n c a u s in g h u n d re d s o f p e r s o n » to r fead i fo r th e s w i tc h o f t h e i r eterlCU: l ig h ts n lm iillnanm ia ly . T ills r e s u l ts In an alm ost perpeR dkrulaV In c re a se In U n­load on th e e l e r t f tc g e n e ra to r s a t th e po w er s ta t io n a s h u n d re d * o f t b d u sands o f l ig h ts fla sh on . -

Tills su d d e n la c r s a s e tn load , m u s t bt; a n t ic ip a te d by th a to a d dispatcher and e x p la in s h ia k e e n In te r e s t la t h f

w eather B.v m ean s of i l r e p t te le ­ph o n e wires th e Public S rrv fce lAad d isp a tch e r Ih in c o n ta c t w i I Ii the. load dispatcher:, of .tlre . PJlllailol'jItia Klee tr ie Com pa hi', N e« Jerray P ow er aw l L ight anti o ilier com pan lm with which P u b lic Service Is Inti r a i i n f f t c d . T heae men keep him Inform ed a s to th e direction am i in teun lty of till elr-c tr ic n I atoriTH e i th e r In o r approach ing th e tr respective te rr i to r ie s . It la th e " load d ispatcher'^ jo b (ft >;<•<. th a t mi'flt- e le n t power is a v a ilab le a t any point w h e ra needed, and th a t th i s pow er sh a ll be m ade av a ilab le w ithout s tra in o n any . p a r t of th e d is trib u tio n «> itvm - B u t th e problem o f m eetinn th e tmd d e n -dem and fo r pow er du rian a t him d e rs to r tu Is o n ly p a r t o f the load din p s tc h e r 's w o rr ie s . W ith hundred* o f m iles of open tran sm iss io n lines ex­te n d in g In all d ir e c t io n s heavy e l e c t r i c

■ barges may be a b s o rb e d bjr a a y i t r i e system d u r in g a a r e r * ; '1-* ^ s to r m s causing c a re fu lly d< te c t l v e devices g u a r d i s * t f c V f t t momentarily cot c « r t a te a e r r l c e . T h e , load' d l> P * H b * 'r > a ia d e


immediately aware M 1| lights flashing on Me must keep o* tjie J<& ntfVtUi either reatcrred ta ServSee 4r arranged a knpply ot onother soiifc* s ',• ‘ "

Such a mndttlAn «f tits tlced by watching y<>u» <eli during % aetera •“ * "bnma." as tba I muoccurs tbe lights will *1*__lbs doctrlc chargt aiay ltav* sorbed at. some fart pany'S system with Klee la tot»ecomi«ct*<f; miles away. .

' jt

{b j iba

M ill

Says the cover of Liberty: “The delusion has long.persisted in Amer­ican democracy that people may enjoy the liberties of the civilised man without hiving Srst attained the civilised man's attitude toward life." Here is a atory of liberty that shows the road to freedom for the in­dividual of today.

A question on die book cover damingly says: “How can we free ursclyes from the tyranny of democracy?” Quotations are picked out

liberally. ’ “The idea that a people are free merely because they live under laaM they m«y presume to have made, is fiction.

’ Aftodkr’selection ti: “Once the lover of liberty was obliged to rtsift (ftetyrtat and set up, in defense of freedom, the rule of the people. Today-die gkowing enemy of liberty is precisely this rule of the people. “And, Oetqocratic societies can save themselves from the tyranny of ipediqcrity/Ofdy by limiting the, number of things that may be organised- that it by, kaving as much of lide as possible to individual initiative, fat ttei ’oTm&Jern civilisation is in the opposite direction."

* 4-*THc buokrhaw been choscn by the Book of the Month Club. Everett

Dean Martin is anociatcd with the Peoples Institute at Cooper Union and has writtfen '"The Behavior of the Crowds" and “The Meaning of a Liberal E3j*£ oh.” > ■

Mr: JHwdlestnn's book has a most modernistic book cover, a nude

The most popular travel book in the library, by the way, is one on Scotland.

There's no need to worry about the younger generation. According to the library authorities, boys just wade through books on chemistry and physics. And several boys are reading up on all the financial books they can lay .their hands on.

And women continue to devour everything in the line of mystery.

nMrs. William Mamlell add daughter

Adalciie and son. Williamt of Pltrk Place have returned to their h'onva f te r a visit with Mrs. MaAdell'e p a re n ts at Anbury Park.

Miss Joaephine Seit of Konrth St., has returned to her home after a'twow eek stay , a t Aabury Park. *

C o u rt LyndhurA Catholic Daughter- v f A m erica , will. bolil -their .arniaal r a n i party at the Parish Hfcll on.Ri<l|t< I toad on Friday evening, October I#. M iss Mary K, Kodgera is chairman of the committee in charge.

W illiam Cirafmeyer, of Park Place h a s b een entertaining at hia home his parents Mr. ami Mrs.- WilliamGrafmeyer and Harold Urafmeyer of

XleveTana, OKR; ; 1——

Mr, and Mr*, ('barlea IJaieltoii of Ridge Itoad, are entertainina at their home their niece Miss Marie Keenen of Conn.

Mr. an d Mra. William Connolly of Kingsland Avenue, have mturned frm n a ’ stay of several. weeks with fr ien d s in the Poconj Mts.

Mr. an.I Mrs. Roy SandwordSi venth Street have returned their home after a weeks' stayilutler.

Mr. and M ta. Herbert KoaeJI Ifred

-w andd a u g h te rs , Nora and Winifred and Miaa, t r m i am i Herbert of Weart A venue and M iss Violet Royeraft of W< a r t Avenue are >pending a month a l th e ir c i t t a g e at Hudd l.ake.

Miss Mary Pcxzoia, of Valley Hrook Avenue has returned to her home after a two weeka’ »tay with frientls in Albany.

of KwartswoodLyndhurst.

William Hughes, o f P a rk P lace returned to hia Ocean Grove.

hasa home from a stay at

Mr. and Mrs. weorge liimsel and family of Post Avenue have returned from Ocean Grove.

Mrs. Charles Greven, of Stuyvesant Avenue, ia enjoying a stay at New Haven, Conn.

Mrs. Thomas Teetael of Kingaland Avenue, has returned from a vaca­tion spent in Massachusetts with her

t o t i n g f t o of

H v . T T v J * c . :Mrs. p. ,J .. Creedea . o l~ lH post

Avenue and ehiWren’«Mra. Ross of 212 Cortli leaving for a vacation at Saratoga Lake George summer.

Mr. and »**t 1 of Second A von or, their new home, inf **'-» .

School T.Kahy. of' Sixth week end at Ai

M rs. K m ily Henderson ofWeart Avenue is Ml at her home.


Mr. ami Mrs. Hermann PelUUta nf Valley Brook Avenue have retamed I r.m a visit with friends in LonkInland.

Mi. and Mrs. Lennart Nwenson of lontine avrntie are spending a week motoring through Philadelphia, Ocean City and 'South Jeraey.

Mi...i Mathilda 8loat of Living<t»n avenue has returned from a viait w ith fr iend* in Brooklyn.

Rev. and Mr*. P. W. Iluckholti of Page Avenue are on a motor tourof the Wbite MU.

Mr*. William J. I /o u g h ran and daughter Marie) have returned froma t r ip through Jlaiia.

Ml*.. Dolly Hill, af Park Pla**, is i«ndmg her vacation at Aabury

Park, with her sinter Mr*. Thomas D unn ami daughter.

Rev. Albert Menkens of Harrison, ■will preach at St. Matthew’s Evan­gelical Lutheran Church Lyndhurst, at 10.80 Sunday morning. 'Subject of sermon: “Christian Stewardship."

Miss Dorothy Owens of Jay Ave­nue spent three days aV Swartswood Lake.

_ Miss Marge Cohill of Third Ave­nue is on her vacation.

Mr. Prank Koehler, Mr, Duncan Cameron and Mr. Harvey llarteman are planning a tour of the Southern states.

Miss Anne K o eh le r of Page Ave­nue is spending her vacation at Lake Hopatcong

Mr. and Mr*. Koehler of Page Aveiftie are spending their vacation in the Catskill Mountains.

Miss Kay Owenx of Jay‘ Avenue has returned to her home after spending a week* vacation In Swart* wood Lake a* the gucat of Mr. and Mra. P. Diets nt their auramer home.

Cards have been receive.I from Mr.and Mrs. K. Wialieck of Stuyvei- ant Avenue from Kurope where they are enjoying A three months vacation

Miss Kwljn Herde of Ijtke Ave. apent her vacation at Aabury. Park

Mis* Kay Owrnts of Jay Avenur visited Mr. and M rs. K. Thompson

ratieMr. and , Mrs. “ “ 3

Weart Avenae,, *i home over the w«*l New York Cityv , .

Mrs. Prank Muller o f" nue, entertained at "her Monday night the mei “What Not Qdh.'* O playing bridge after test served refreshments iai . hour followed.

Guests present W Tamke, Mrs. Hsrrv (ieorge Sbeary, Mr*. F Mrs. Hugo Hieger, Mn. (inode and Miss Hefa* township and Mts. Wll of Belleville. A ,

Mr. and Ml’s.Weart Avenue have ing at Uielr home Mun.-y of Mayville.

'eek end, g«i*et> of

Mr. and Mrs. Robert yivtsrs .of Ridge Road, ^have^Returned tp their

William O. Vivers, r . AV+axa; u nto k

home from

Mr. and Mrs. and family of on an automobile trip

Mr*. William Scbuite and dasgfcl er. Mildred of Rutherford AvrnM, left Monday to apead a Vacatiyo at Kean«burg. *

Frederick Shadeli Avenue is apenthng a vi Hoy Scout Camp at '

John Royeraft of Weart Avenue, ami John 8. Lataha, of U v tu M k Avenae, have returned fnftt Atbury.

Mr. and Mrs. William of Lake Avenue, ahr , 1 . cation at finger Lake, N.

v . , , r . r-of 'M n i #

0 2 & * 1 -

woman atarioff into the light. The author of the book also wrote Eurtip tti Ztgragi1' and ' Paris Salons, Cafes, Studios '.

* Tlw <pv« note, warmly recommend* Mr. Hyddleston, and hi* ideas, saying: “Is America the1 most European'of nations. Is Russia becoming Amcritaimed? Doe*, the American think only of material thrngs? ‘Are American,'m**V and women equal? A famous European journalist turns hi* keen mind, on Our country to discover "What is good in the United State* and' whkt is America's contribution to the sum of the world's uviluktioh."

There are several of that variety in this list of uew fiction books; They are: Amng Tho*e Present, by A- S. Roche; Break of Day, by B. King; Day the World Ended, S. Rohmer; Margaret Yorke, by K. Norri*; Very Good, Jeeves, P. G. Wotiehouse; Sanders of the. River, by B. Wallace ; One of us is a murderer, by A. LeMay! High Fences, hyG. S. Richmond; Fjrc of Youth, by H. W. Morrow; Mr. Pirn, by A. A- Milne; Behind the monocle; by J. S.- Fletcher; Dr. Sci'ocold, by G. Ashton; Rutledge Trails the Ace of Spades' by W. M. Raine; April Fofltl, Q- MacKensie; Years of Grace, M. A. Barnes; Autocracy of Mr. Parham, byH. G. Wells; Murder Backstairs, by A. Austin; House of Strange Vic­tims, by B. Atkey.

Also: Happy Landings, by F. H. Lea; Not Without Laughter, by L- Hughes; Young and Secret, by A. G, Rosman; Chances by A. H. Gibbs; Avenging Ray, by A, J. Small; Ticker Tape Murder, by M. M. Proppter; and Blue Rajah Murder, by H. McGrath.

Non Sction books are: Personality of a House, by E. Post; Individ­uality and Clothes, by M. Story; Feeding the Family, by M. Rose; The Story of King George V. or R. C. Dent; Liberty, by E. D. Martin; What's right with America, by S. Huddleston; Home-owners' Manual, by D. Oiney; American Travel Charts, by F. L. Collins; Story of the Red Man, F. W. Seymour; King's Henchman, E. S. Millay; Lighthearted Journey, hy

,ry Dramatists; 3rd Series by T. H. Dick- ‘ "ler; Ten Modem Poets, by R. Brenner.

ln the bigot that contauis sixteen illustration*. Mr: Huddleston shows as a country which no longer should be studied in terms of old world chiliittion fbCit as extraordinarily vivid and vital and with a new and valuable contribution to make to the world.:' ; J ' \ . ---------------

Van Tyn«‘* book won the l’ulitxcr prise as the best history book written jit iffy Prfcsfor Seligman, well known economist, called the hgok, "u»< feist p#ce of historical writing we have had in this country for many a day. The publisher* hired men say, “Based largely upon newly accessible ducumcnts. including paper* of Sir Henry Clinton, Lord Ocrmauie Vid General Greene, it throws fresh light of the fir*t importance upon thr Rrjiilutipn ”

It! thi library I* Claude G. Bowers' ‘The Tragic Era ", one of the more finely written history books. A warm, colorful, interesting style is ustd by BoWerl, an editorial writer for the Ne4» York- World, in bringing out tht p4aod of reconstruction after the Civil War. The book wa* a Literary Guild choice, but has lost that stigma by now and re*u

'in thg library, a tne .volume that should be read by hiatory lovers.

Bowers should be next to the hearts of local Democrat He made the key note speech in the 1928 convention in Texas. And if you heard hir talk, via the radio, you know what you can expect in the book.

“Ten Modtriy Poets” by Rica Brenner is a welcome contribution to the pot try ahelvcs since for some time they have been cold and vacant Miss Brenner’s b«k "I* in ho sen*e an anthology,'’ It I* "written especially 4or young people.”

The poets taken up are Walter De LaMwe, Robert 1W. A E ‘yatd Kiphng, Amy Lowell, John Maaefietd, Edna St Vin

Noyes, Edward Arbngton Robinson and Carl Sand

A. B. Green; Chief Content] inson; Paris Guns, by H


MrA venue ha* rrta l‘hilh|i«burg

Horace R, llngle, ef tituyveaaat mad from a trip ‘

Mr and Mr*. James A. Grady *Mr and Mr». W. R. Deeker7l,ynd-bun>t are vacationing at Q w w M l, I Texan, where they are enjoying tlbathing girl review.


PLANTeiii Ntcrtllae and Remake yeaar old M ATTKK8SKS and FlL-

4 DWS e«|ual to new. New uaae uf aaleetod ataienals U raar

' • aMlgaUaa af reaeea


U ( .U W RD- R V T H U F u M U i'hcmr Ut uaerford t-IV ft

Summer Prices 0dCOAL


De La f t We SCTIUltOO COftlC A S H D IS C O U N T 50c PER T O N

iRiverside Coal &lSUPPLY c a

G R A N T A V E N U E A N D D . L «L W . ft. ILLYNDHURST. N. J.

Pbonc RUtherford 2*1071

Future FoodiVifg know there 11 be a day when Kaiev wifi be %-aftx, *0 they put one away when they have a chance.

Regularly aav mifhty handy

aaved money always come* when « » needed for •





V T U rV ttA K T A V M 1 LYNDHURST, N . J.


ADVERTINGBusiness is getting better, slowly, but surely. It is the best time to do your direct printed advertising or newspaper advertising.

Do not wait until business is in full swing before you attract attention to your product or service.

The Commercial Leader Co.


356 Valley Brook Ave. Lyndhurst

Phone Rutherford 2201


i Losing PHdber At Mi A> Load Outfit* MixC A L L IN G T H E M

IN SPORTSV i -=By Guy Sovino = r .........

Sunday’s fracas between the Young Men's League and Columbus Club can be summed up in very few words:. Thusly; The Young Men's League won, the Columbus Qub has grounds for a protest and both sides showed a lot of good and poor baseball.

Just .to show what sort uf baseball ww being played Sunday, take the one, that led to the dispute in the eighth. Let Sheridan, leaped high into the 'air to make what appeared to be an impossible catch. After that tnagnificant effort he came to the ground with Kcay far off second, just a short few steps from Les and Seaman off third, just a bit away from the short stop. Instead of pegging the ball to either of the pbiccs he ,.hose the farthest, first base. ....

Harry Halm-and William Kcay showed how outfielders lose games. Jaqucs sent a .whistler into left field. It came low and Halm ran in at it. The hall dropped just before him. Halm failed to stop and field the hall on the bounce, trapping it with his gloved hand instead. It was a good looking play, but had he missed the ball, it would have gone Odder the cars and Jaques would be going yet.

In another inning Kcay came rushing in on the same sort of a hit into right field by Schibler. Kcay missed, however, and the catcher wentaround for two. . l




In two successive innings the Y. M.'L. gave dear, tharpiy - defined pictures of how bases should not be run. Jaynes threw away his double in the first session by attempting to iwrdhsdy steal third while Roessler was day-dreaming off first in tk* next ' session after being walked. Miieski wm in a hole hath M B j since- they were the first men up, but they kindly helped him out. .*

Giiigareftt was unpointed- epe-iatty for thegame. linet iftariyqaAo resigned Ins duties after last weeks Harrison Hudson game! I*atcr»Q allowed himself to be swayed just a little too much bythc husky brtrel- legged catcher, and put him up fourth. Gingarella failed to get a hit and there was time after time when a hit would have pulled the dub through to runs.

There was no need lor Gingarella Sunday. Wuund was on' thi beach, a. hard hitter in the pinch and as good a back stopper as there is around here. ' 1


Plw oci K U d m M 2 4 4 ' I

MEAT DEPARTMENTPrime Rib RoutBlade Rib Rout



I.A R G E tA N T p U M J p B *


CRACKELSpkg. Ilk Ntithuiis Better

Oh re*. Steve Katuski is now managing the f «U*h A m h im si* the resignation ui' Pop MOe.Vr. and Mr Kafakt h feqitg hi H t lock gets plenty uf pobtHuy

Coonah rr of the Rutherford Red Sot was h*m kxa y d *other evening as a coming tuaehaH player

And how about Hrrganhan, Tin. Sheridan, M! Wake i M .Chartey Shield* snd M Gallagher td tie (anliiuli. (>imI(||i. ( I a I IVIumbp sod LsRuaao of the Ormlet. (Hock, Rumu Durtath and St A id the Cub J w m f And then an other*


The ft Bow* who fit into their amfarms a* though U*k»* had i w tr them only look nte In s ungle came the other day, the YarJk «M l>etroat, tha loosely both, ahaasfrhng, awkward kHttai. „ame into M m Mr Ruth who lank* Hke a Nl (faer Keg to ah* amall kegs haw* hev ottnehod: Lou Grhng who ha* srma snd legj that *ji«*» u. hr attack o. M w«h wale and Akiiadn of iJrtftnt. •< kacwrly p.m. j § mlmfmt aa thrre «. ihd aS the h«ang there *4* to speak af Caehndgrr at Uetfiat, JmI aame kitting Mu. and m ta nadM vtty •Kth . g

hibitinn Sanday; « put on a good, strong, inaawtfd uMMtiaa t>n (hr other hand the Caknnbua Ch* daaerva* aaaathae shot. incr 1 h r question mM remain*. Even if i ran i l hod M* keen ■Bowed lo wnre and was sent bach to thud base, waadd ChartaiC hn*i have reached ihe unaettied Oiariri LesterT ,

sucker anij hash. i i > " 9

- Mniwhife the TSrdihah and the Columbus Qvh Orwira have notyrt whw to grtp», m & (he Cardinal* have been looping along omj*c strung

Ak H m m | ~ r , G RA RE JU ICE . . r W ■* D A ISY I O A P n ARES, - I *> p - i * . . 17c

LUX SOAP 4cakcs2Sc*1 heen (ranted their game with the Pohsh Aaaer

made request after tr fir* and the Mwh-A*r r Melroae A A which is not much hesster than


txM T M U M y1» w t f ncToK

>f I 1A7H FUfWVAS '


* w t» * pWAC*,

it* ju y rfACHWjPUMPMJtj

ltirw«>iwyr,v;;T***« 'V * mujvti-yt* /a U T « £

601*61& HMftfctfj—

1 PlHHER ^|M L V E « SAW >JS0CH P<6> sfW oU IT O B S »>#VttJH6 R E /

GRATCPUL THAWKSi»6 we SHOULD RENDER- P o r A B i r d T h a t I # T S N D t R .' P llttTO Offd


fcvtPyW ’OV

Law Offices of CONKLIN, SMITH A TOW*

** Lawyers Building 17 AMES AVENUE

Rutherford. N. J.Pham Rutherford 2-8S4 U K


Watch for Mr. Happy Party

Phone Rutherford 2-675

Chas. LobmayerLyndhurst Mar kit


When In Need O f


* ' , SIGN PAftjTING

Mr*. Percy D. Waldron of Chaae Avenue haa returned to her home from a visit with friend* in StatenInland. v .

Clarence Steele and daughter Lota ■ tt Travern Plata have returned from an right weeka trip hi South WANTED


—for Rutherford, Lyndhunt and North Arlington To vll nationally known automatic stokers to churches. Mores, homes and apartment houses for long established corporation Must have proven record. Salary and hunua. State experience, age. nationality and phone Write Coaamercial Leader, Box no. 200.

UMi (S ll MlMfWCtttIM pw»i»t ot pkmcm af Mtlnali Umi down tm mmi a u T w th + r WHh « l| *M alf

M |hU. llWrtkM prtv lto ia* Mr ■rM *|*t>urf*nar*s»a (fcirml* *>r la •»»r»iw n M rr ta a lM . 1 to nay aM ^Mjjy In IM Irat la |M aaM w rn » lj ia i«W. w la MI H, art* lawful later**


Published awry today byTHE COMMERCIAL LEADER 0 0 ,

116 Vsllcy Brook Avenue | . (

Tslcpbeae Rutherford >101

Lyndhunt, N. J.

FRED S. BERNER .............................. y EDITOREPNE3T J. DABINBTT ...SECRETARY and TREASURE*’MRS. EDITH H, FRANK, Associate Editor

WIX.'. 1 AM E. KAEMM ......ADVERTISING MANACERYearly subicription *1.00 ia advance. Single Copy Five Cents.Advertising Rates Oft Application*Classified Advertising, 5 lia«s 1 M t, 10*. J lines. 1 tinea, 7fc. 1 lines, J times.

11.00. 5 lines the minimum order. Yearly rates on request. AB ada payable in advance. All copy must be in Leader 0*ce before 4 P. M. rhUrsdsy. No estrs charge is made lor replica received through this ofics ,Copy for new advertisements and changes should be received at the ottce ol publication not later than 10 o'clock Thursday morning.

Address all mail and make checks payable ta The Commercial Leader Co. Inc

Independent and Ftirless-^NoAlng to sell but space for legitimate adverting


1 ^ h a I w y o d c a l l I t ?

Statistics in Washington enable us to learn something about the newest craie—so-called miniature golf. 25,000 courses have sprung up through the country and more are building. Some unkind critics have asked—where willit end? «< t f t W

Like H enry's flivver, this thing called miniature golt has stirred up moTe discussion and been responsible foi more jokes than any other known recreation in these United Slates, For one thing, it is not golf. I|t is as distant from the great institution for which it is named as a hors< is from an automobile.

It seems that the only requisites are a Jot, a few putters, a couple of hollow tree logs, two or three disl pans, and presto, you have a golf links. T h a t is, if yoi chocae to name it so.

Now, as to the legal interpretation that Miniatun Golf is not golf, let us quote briefly the decision of Justici W the squabble at White Rains, N. Y.

Application had been made to the court to compe the Commissioner of Public Safety to issue a permit foi the erection of one of these Tom Thumb courses. Tht learned Justice decided the case on the extent, of area ant the time of play. In brief, Justice Witschief said that a golf course was from 3,000 to 6,300 yards in extent ant was used only in the dayiight.He pointed out that tht M iniature Golf course is much shorter and is used fai into the night. Thps, you have a decision that Miniature golf is not golf. - VkJP'WD

Now, of course, we agree with you that it doesn't matter much what the game is called. It is sufficient tt know that it h;ts been able to keep husbands out of thost night clubs. We think that even if the game were knowr as tabloid croquet or even stilb pinochle that it would continue to enjoy its popularity.

W e are open toreason hc wever, If Miniature golf it not golf, then—what is it?

-----------------— o — .— -

THE W O M A N W IN SH enry L. Mencken is about to fall from his hereto­

fore impregnable throne of batchelorhood. Mr Mencken by-the-way, is one of the rare geniuses w ho has been able to make America stop, look and listen. He has been caus ttc in his criticism of the fair sex and we recall in hit "Defense of Womanhood", that this august gentleman tells the world about man being brainless when he sue- cumbs to the wiles of women

Mr. Mencken goes further. He distinctly remark? i America, fc

Tourist Camps Are Buzzing

Mr*. Charles Peterson af Ridge Koail la vacationing at Belmar,

Henry Freymuller*Sf Summit ate* iue has returned from a Ashing -rip at Hh*ep*head Bay.

Mr. and Mrs. Ueorgegheary and hijdren of Fourth Street have re­

turned to their home from Fnrert/iew Point, N. V. on their motor »at the “Flanuese”.

Mn. Thomas Catherine and MIm Josephine

Park Place have returned to their lome from a stay of a week at As*

jury Park.

George Cassidey of Rutherford Avenue is visiting with relatives n I,(ing Island.

Ml** Catherine MeOaiferty of Ridge toad is spendin#'a vacation at Ryei leach.

Mrs. H. R. Chankallan and daugh- ♦r Rose of Post Avenue are vaca- .ioning at Lake Hopatcong.

Philip McAloon of Ridge Road Is •pending a vacation with friends at Par Rnckaway. t

Mn. John J. Breslin, Sr., of Stuy- /esant Avenue has retam«d to har home after a stay of several month* it her summer home at Sea Olrt.

Mr. and Mra. Philip MeAloen of Itldge Road have been entertaining i t their home for two weeka Mrs. McAloon'* slater and family Mr. and Mrs, Joseph l.amond of Scranton, Pa.

L*riod of time, while others are lucky enough to u u .n u ^ 'la ‘uk"fthat some men are fortunate enough to stay single for a certain pe

forever. The psychology of the thing is discussed M poignantly and Mr. Mencken smears his inimitable satire T,mtin**Aven^entm^ '»*! all over p<K)r Mr. Man.

A n yea building ap year

health fortiicationa? Tbe

way to fartify your health

ia with pure fesda The

tiad ef auata we sell wiB

help fortify year system.

Phone RUtherford 2-3325


escape forever.* . . . .• —w m w' » “ i u ■ sail Usa a - i l . ._ *}n®ay of. _ _ -* t their

home on Tuesday night the members

The news of Henry’s fall from batchelorhood comes t’L^hiit^Mnsd with a shock to thoae of us who had followed in hu. S- “ r*-footstep. We find ourselves sorely in need of counsel as i*«rt u.strad.'J!*yir‘ aad Mrs "h,^ to what to do. If our leader shall violate the covenants of i^Taad Mr oijr sacred state of singleness, then, we seek in vain for »u V i ymih«r*». enlightenment. _J Lawrsac* Madlaoa af Ridge laai

Mr. Mencken, is, perhaps, unfortunate. We sympa *r,bl“ta *** M M thuc with him—we might even sympathize with the in WM*'

-we’re afraidtended bride, only, we’U be honest with you- of falling from grace ourselves.


In 1932, we celebrate the two hundredth ,anmversary of the Father of our Country. Congress has appointed a special commission to devise ways and mem< of observing this epochtal event in a manner that is befitting the occas­io n . M any States in the Union have appointed separate commissions to work with Congrr-* and i)h-h!>v mak« sure that W.tshington’s two hundredth birthday shall be an event that will long be remembered

Wc look tn vain among the tat of States thu« fir who have taken steps to make special arrangements for a proper celebration. New Jersey is not there Why? |

It seems almost sacnligtous that our State l^gisl.iture has overlooked this momentous occasion. Can we forget Washington’s encampment at Mocnstown? Have we for* gotten the battles of Princeton and Trenton? Can weovertook Washingum’s stay m Hackensack and his camp l Md Tappan? Cerumly not. Then, why the prolong-, cd deby m making a n a m w a n a for a proper and 6m ng

275 Castle Terrace Lyndhurst, N . J.

Police Officer Oharloa Oailiag, Praak Monaco of Valley Break A venae aad Arthur Schneheaatefo, Jt. sf stay *osant Avenue have retarwed traw a IIshing trip ea tho Shrewsbury.

Mr. aad Mrs. Owea C. Whitman aad daughter May aad sea Owea. fr, af Saauner Aveaaa have retamed to thMr heme from Hanford. Coaa, •h e n they visited with their daugh­ter Miaa Calfceriae who k assistwitdietician of Um CWMtaa’a *' nrIty Center then.

aad Mrs. fw «r Loyh of Past rrtwaed to Ihsir

at Lake H



IN SU R A N C EBest Prompt Adjustm ents


Phone RUtherford 2-0804

Have your alteration work attended to at this time. 1 hr best time a l the year to have repair work done sod secure the cheapest gam ble price*.

W. H. HARVEY . Builder

M Kinds af flans and 6 s * * w aSpecial attention given to remoddtr^ and

enlarging your present homePhone RUtherford 2*4175

14 RIV ERSID E A V E . L Y N D H U R ST . N . J.

iT au :< p

P A G t « V P tt h e c o m m e r c i a l l e a d e r , f r i d a v . a u g u s t h , w o

PERSONALSextraordinary features o f the


Seen and Heard

TW iw m bfn oi th* La* Amiga* Bridge Club enjoyed an outing t« Green l\««l on Wednesday. Thturn present w*t«: Mra. AW HenowiU. Mn.Louis Favier, Mr*. William Lw> della, Mrv Harry Brockman, Mra Jabn O'Neil, Mrs. John Bonn, Mrs. Harold Gutheil, Mr*. Jame. William*, and Mr*. C iprle* Gram, all of the

Thr R. K. 0 . Kitz Theatre offer* to thr theatregoers of Lyadharat aad vicinity many j extraordinary feature pictures for thr coming weak, start- in* Sunday With a doable feature program h.'a»led by Lloyd Hogbe* and Mary Astar to “The Rim*wajr liride,” an exciting and baffling ftnry of a jewelry robbery, a (mat jijijht, a couple of innocent eloper*. The whole story unfolds like a ty­pical big newspaper yarn with all the incidental side-light* and human interest angle*, and there ia plenty of action and suspense at all time*. The second feature o t tha Sunday program at the R. K. O. Rita Thea-, tre feature* Ken Maynard in a thrilling drama "Song of Caballero.”

M onday and Tuesday, Loretta Y oung an d Grant Wither* ia “The Second Floor Mystery” a new kind of m y s te ry thriller that will keep

g u e s s in g right up to th* final ■erne, a fascinating and romantic

th r i l le r t h o t will make you chuckle, (nui'h a n d ga |t with suspense.

F o r th o s e craving excitement, the d a sh o f s tro n g men4 and women In love, laughs and the thrill of melo­d ra m a tic action, “The Bad One" at the R. K. 0. Ritz Wednesday and T h u rsd a y w ill more than satisfy the Iiriiver-al h u n g e r for entertainment. “ The B ad O ne” present Dolores Del Rio f o r th e first time ih an all talk­ing p ic tu re , with Edmund Lowe, and j Had o n ly so far as she is clever and c u n n in g in making harmleas babies o u t o f rough sailors who fre­quent h e r bar.

“ W om en Everywhere” U the title of th e F r id a y and Saturday attrac­tion, a t th e R, K. 0 . Rit*. J. Har­old M u rra y and F ifi Dor say are the p o p u la r s ta r s . In the picture Mur­ray p o rtc a js s the. commander of a, m n ru n n in g vessel who accepts * cargo o f a rm s and ammunition de­stined f o r Morocco. He. is captured by th»» F rench - M an y delightful and ww m u sica l numbers are introduced fo r th e f i r s t tim e in “ W om en Every­w here."

K.u-h p ro g ra m at the R. K. "0 Kitz i n c l u d e the latest screen nov­elties, new ree ls , comedies and also v audev ille a c ts . The R. K. 0 . Riti v .ll p ro v e a revelation to those who .hive n o t v is ited the Rit* since the Radio-KMth-Orphenm have taken it into th e i r Organization.

.« UtUM - tt*

and .laughter, Den. and sun*. War- 1

.Vhneider uf Second AMMk have returned from • May at OnWawd

Martin H in tm ef Slith Aw m *, Ha* returned te Ms IMM fwm •

; stay at Hatmar. 7 T^y ? f t hHarry Negtia, ef fifth Aw w ,

i* upend ing a vacation at Vfnlv*f«

Mr. and Mrs. James EntwUtle of t t Delafield Avenae. are spenttng a vacation in the Catakill Mt<

Mr. and MraT Frank Hoof e f 11! Travers H a r r , are e n te r ta in in g at th e ir s u m m e r hom e at Indian Lake, Mrs. H o u r* M ite r , Mr*. W illie« Veronttw of Havana, Cuba.

Mr. and Mr*. John Hogan of Pern Avenue, are spending several day* at Port Jervis.

Mr. and Mr*. David Cobb of Port Avenue have been entertaining at their home, Mr. and Mra. Waite. L ee and sen, of Richmond HiU.

Mr. and Mr*. Harry Schaeffer of Ridge Road have returned to theii home from a stay In th e Cauklll*.

£ £ ? ,Pro* tee Jhaseph - l^awiaekt, Mae, Mtiea Wt Matitr lay „ toef that will mciteie. Olka, Albany and OjM-

er. Laara, and sen, Neman! Jauncey Avenue ale ■■saBng si a) day* vacationing with mead Indian Lake.

.streetShade Commission '.. ;■'! ’

Pe*s a Permit* !) 1 ” X ! I i i ’■------------ oe Trunk S e e n Iton.isin terest on Assessment Note* a Hearts

C ash Balance on Hand Ju ly 11, 'ISM ,

J tie* O eee lia lie** e f C K a e Av* i m ha* b e en e n te r ta in in g a t he .

'W ap* h e r c o u s in ' MW* D » re th y S rh iwflwf t»f WvvlMllitbflllaMr. aad Mr- Harry Ear) and

Harry and .laughters, Dorothea Edith of Livingston Avenue returned from Indian I’,.mt.

Elliott Domansky of Wlllew Ave. nue and Fred Westphal of Wat non Avenue have return.-.! to their home from Speculator, K. Y.

MS** Blanche Cutwater of Liv'ng- *ton Avenue I* sp* ndin the month of August at Shark R iver H1IK

Mrs. A tom l*utman of Weart Avenue, entertained at her home oil Tuesday. Mrs William Frasier and daughter, Jeanette of Teaneck.

Women's Miaaianary Sao*ty «f the Keed M. mortal. Chan* win be hsM at the VounUkah Park, Hu lief, an Thursday, August II. Mrs. Henry C Martin, la president.

Mr. and Mrs. Maurice M»«ely ofPost Avenue, entertained at their heme over tne week end Mr. Mos­ley1* parents ef Philadelphia.

Ml** Luklle Veilonava, ef Van

Assessments Hecelvable ................. ........f t u a u i y A MimjuiiWi ......................,

Interest nn Assessm ent*....................t . . . . . . .

DlHBt'RMCiMPTr*Uas Connection Assessments Capital Account U ian . . . . . Improvement Komis ............

Ciish Balance on H sad Ju ly l l . H I t

1US4 **

A. REENSTRA & Co.14-1® VRi*HANI> AVKBalance nn Hand Ju ly I. IMS

Account is,an ............. ...

c t i r r o N . f t j.

T*l. Sherwood 2 mro ller Departm ent ft Klrt* Alarm Kqtii Sanitary 8*wer tn Proan**** t ’naaa^aaedtWpWMiMHtWll 1 III -fm w w v-rrtrSX-■ ••OontractH Pay«bt* . . . . . . . . ............. ......

on Hand Ju ly 11. I»S«

wA aC aj* RmUrc# on Hand Ju ly 1. liSt .»t\Nnj»un»**rn M ftirwJ Suk* ............. ..< unnumfr.H Ifijiwltantouii 8atoa roli8Um»ra Tapa. I*rk>r to l*»»Vftnent . . r<inauiit«*ra M**t«r HaiMtra . . . . . . . . . . . .Xotea Payable ......................... ...............( tiimtlereti Salft* ..........

Kin#» . . . . . . . .int**r«‘i»t on Hank BalaAc* . . . . . . . . . . .Miaoelianrou* Income . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . i

T HE A T a C

Satuntoy, Aug Ih

HIGH TREASONwith A n AM Star Cart

Friday anil Kauirdiy Twa I alkie.

“Song ul I h r Fldmr"with Itcrnkr CtaAre and

Alexander f ieay Vh-tor M. laglrn, B tkradrl, Fifi l>ursav and M l» Mnran in

“ H ot For Pari*"Sun,lay ( >ulv In n r«|lir«

I lovd I tuflbrs ai!4Margat.r Uving.i«n in“Acuuitted”

( harlr* Farrrlf $C Jmir« (iiytMWin

“Hijih Soi-icty Blue*”Monday and TiVsdsy ’’ IAW n JANli’V in

“ Thr Unholy Thr«CH

Sunday V Munday, Aug I" I#

FLAME OF REVOLT COLORS PICTURE C A U G H T S H O R T ’ % n t h Jtena-M . «4 .anslv

*<•« • a t t»M- « t a l m WraiatK amh *< m •>»#.1>1HH1' KSKja KMTH

W ater lhireh**«l ................................Salaries ................................... .Stationery a 1'Mntin* ............. ..Repairs to Mains ............... ..(S.ner*l Kapeea. ............................Interest on Bondv<l IVtrt ............... '. ..Tcntln# Meter* ................................Csrti Balseee on Haml July II, HIU

“ .Song o f the Flame," a First Na­tional p ic tu re o f the Hammeratrin and ,H artw ell operatta, was produced in fu ll Vitiiphone sound and Techni- c o b r thrnughout. It paints in sound and co lor a spectacle of the Rus­sian. r,-volutin*! more massive and iinpn - -ive than anything heretofore ihow n on the screen.

T h e re are armored motorcycle* n g over shelled bridges; autos

era h in g in to t r a i n s ; escapes from ca ties, da-ihes on foot, horseback, auto and ;d a n e In short, “Song of ,+h I'lamr*' la a ltuntnesn’s para- di*e!

Alan Crosland directed the picture,' ml h ead in g th e all star eaat are A lex an d er G ray , Bemice Claire, and N' ah B eery , A lice Gentle, Bert U'oieh am i Inez Courtney. Some of the m usic o f th e operatta and much new m usic e sp ec ia lly written for the production w ill be heard. All of the p rin c ip a ls s in g , and there are many g ro u p s o f sp ec ia l choruses tinging in R u ss ian a n d English, in ensemble numbers.

T h e p ic tu re i* not a “film operat ta" fo r s in g in g is introduced only nt log ica l sp o t* . Against the epic b a ck g ro u n d panorama of a national revoR , a simple, appealing love ■tory and a th r i l l in g human drama

is developed.

N ear Rainbow'* End”Tue* V W r d .A u i IVJO

“T h e Ship From “Shanghai"

, » ul. land* W tdhe i i Conrad Nagrl a Kay JelMncm

Thur» V Pn . A»*| JI *1JSaNy t > Nrdl a MaMy tVI»*»

fhee-. Math 1 t a x l « a t m itu iM . • * m t a n m n“Courage,” tha all talking produc-

tkm playing on Friday and Satttr- <ie«i day, with ■ Belle B*nnett aad -Mar* Jt" ion Nixon. Mi*» Bennett, who an- «**< acts the mother In tW* ewry «f * S f 1 modern family; ia eoapaBad not only f j f to battle against financial difflcul- i£L ties, but against a scheming rela­tive who attempt* to alienate her Vh children. Comely Mary CoMrook'* t* merry war fer her seven rhllihen make spendidly genial *M*rtak>-' * '1

IMIIVPWAV.M** payment*

with I ila ter K fTlintt Nugentbrain



2(8-271 Forest Ave. Lyndhurst, N. J.l>HONE HI ITHF.RU H»f> :< « 7 i R

!tt*l* i t mHi’ufUrat

KatHmaM*, deliA ’ dateea. ai laaaova *»*ts.t I “ISLE OF ESCAPE*


MONTI* III UF. enjUJI l^FY C O M PSO N• . .M u ir nkwm a o u mo R c a a ta act*

upun and wttl eipo*. for aale t l vendw a t Ik* Hh.rUT. (dtkee Ih tt ■f Haekeesaefc, onw k u n r a u a y , MKI-TKMUKH I*.

.1 oe* o'clock In the rtte rn o a e , < jtan.lar.1 tlnu- (two oe lerk darllgl

• tl i h e w rta in let*, tract* .a I of land end p r .m U r. lw r .ln .r i . ,


Now p lay in g , Victor McLagl«» ir “On th e Level" with Fifi Horsey.

H u m an interest ia the keynote **P 'rd Intentions," the movietone al' laiking feature which will play or Monday and Tuesday. Edmund H. I>“* “, in the principal role, doe* a marvelous job of impersonating th*

ghUy Jekyll-ami Hytleish character "f the g a n g leader who tries to re­form a a d with the aasiatance af a g< »t>ia*)y noteworthy eaat he •ar­ced* in making the story not only plausible but thoroughly entertain ,in«- ’ '

Also “Hot Curve*," with Benny Rubin, A lia r Day and Rex Le*oe “ U " t Curve*" Is a baseball *tary. *lth the climax taking plac* on the diamond daring the final game -f th e World Serie*. It start* in the Southern training camp ef thr 1 "Mgar* and feiiews the uncertain "•-"elopmem r f iwnkls*. Jim Inden »*a B enny Goldberg. Than tt fal- I »w. their adventure*, which *lt» tm- mie, romaatic and thrilling

A mrlft stepping lad, a getd dig- rmg la**, a proud papa-and the

• rwb^tadag tide rf the law that

“Srrond Floor M ystery”Alherte t aeghe aad Af i eeh m “hKTTItU. (MlM**

M ovii t * - iM-aaaa ac t P A raa m tvtvw

A ST U Y V E SA N T A V E N U E HO M E!Near Valley Brook; ax room*, bath, two *unp*rtor«. nfen 4 rr plate. rk*llmt konditnm. Finest rrndrnOal kxMmn Usrage Large (dm

FOR $7M i EAST TOMSCan. wntr or pbonr (ar fal parocvdar.

WILSON ft CO.1)6 StuyveMM Avenue RU theeford 2*25*4

n r i i M ^ l M T a n d TM I K M M V , A l t . t t a t l

f)oiorra f>rl Rio and Fdmtind I o w e


H » . W a r s w r mb W I I l » ( 0 M M K V


O n o'clock M *to* TU M I. all th aw certa in lot*, trac t* or p a rw U ^ o J ^ ^ n d ^ n d pnnriaen hcrvin-

SSdr |ShM la thein tn« co lour ,m B t m and m a te nf Near. Jaraar. aliewn anf deaigpauwi a a lot*? ? r t Y ^ 1 5 S s »- v s r sproperty ot John J. O'Connell C o T l n . . Township o f Teaneck, B arren County. N'. j " filed in the Bergen County C le rk * elllee M ay M . 1111, aa Map No. S104,

Together w ith all and aimruinr tlx: right*, libertte*. privilege*, hereditam ent* and apportenancea thereuntu U-ionitinB o r In anyWtae appertaining. to be aold to pay and aatiafy in tbe firat place unto the aaid com plainant, the auni of *S.2SS- • ] . with law ful intereat thereon.


J » « .S ? 3 3 W i.

THE COMMERCIAL LEADER Tourist Camps Are Buzzing

r 3 e | « * g ®jB iii" r t j C WERE. 1*7 panSSrte?STm sSgr**

OM All RlfeHT HMMB t f l AftW"P

lufc® Ws&m

• m i * * #* * * * * *AWt*E«?


(Tt UlrtPG acpuPie


W T * y iUNttV (W*)*l5tf%S»SsMA.flHAT A*E



k f O T B M D t R .


iSOCH 9& W S C V iT O tS , UwvlUH ER e/lt> m T O C K to ]

JfcOMIfce M O Brnom hir-ikCMKKEwS Li

Law Offices of CONKLIN, SMITH * TOW*

Lawyert Bnildl** V 17 AMES AVBNUB

Rutherford. N. J.Phone Rutherford 2-6S4 2-696


Watch for Mr. Happy Party

Phone Rutherford 2-075

Chat. LobraayerLyndhurst Market

n Stuyveaant Ave.

Lyndhurtt, N. J.


When In





35* Second Ave. Lyndhurtt, N. J.Phone Ruth. 2-2741

Clarence Steele end daughter Lola ut Traver* Place have returned from an eight week* trip tot South America. WANTED


-‘-fur Rutherford, Lyndhurtt and North Arlington. To sell nationally known automatic woken to churches, stem, homes and apartment house* for long cttabhshed corporation Must have proven record. Salary and Wunu*. State experience, age, nationality and phone. Write Conaiercul Leader, Box no. 200.

I l a o f i i M e m * th e e a e * . I I V H f t t 8 H A K I - K * ,

Lawrence Madlaoa at Ridge Road ia on a t>u»ine*» trip to Harlington, iMawar*. JACKSON - KUHN CO

R E A L T O R S — IN S U R A N C E

ipanies Prompt Adjustment*„ PERSONAL SERVICE

VBSANT AVH. LYNDHURST, N. J.Phone RUtherford 20804

WltJ.IAM K K1 .UR M r.Hr Vlrtiar. of tk* afcov* <*{•* a>yW *0

Me d ire rtad a i* M l v a n t . I U n W«*W ■psai an4 wUI rapaae lie a t r a g j >.«.(». at the i«»H?a a«ea In tha C*»

wKtiMKaixr. MMMf »?. m m ,at aale o . i..k w ihe anwieew. awualarrf t l a a l ia a fw e * l * i w

n l M » Mtowa M ltu T T K » lT

«m II** «*l#f It

Pubiiahed im n ***T hr THE COMMERCIAL LBAD1R CO,

1)6 Viilry Brook Avenue .Talepheaa Rutherford >101

PRP.D S. BBRNBR ...................... .EDITOREPNE3T I DABINiTT ...SECRETARY and TREASURE?M R S . EDITH H. FRANK, Associate Editor

WILtlAM E. KAEMP! A0V1RTOINC MANAGERYearly wWription 11.00 to advance. Single Copy Pi«e Cenu.

a S w " A i S c > r i i: s « ’ J f f v s a t r ^ M K T B f i A n f t s•“ « t * t * — - a . — a

- “S E . ’S a . M £ £ 3 5 s c s u a a -

ladeprndrnt and F.arle^NeAln* io mA but « * c lor Ieghi«.U vertiaint


Statistics in Washington enable u® to learn something about the newest craze—ao'called miniature golf. 25,UUU courses have sprung up through the country and more are building. Some unkind critics have asked - whereit end 7 , s V

Like Henry's flivver, this thing called miniature golthas stirred up more discussion and been responsible foi more jokes than any other known recreation in these U nited States. For one-thing, it is not golf. It is as distant from the greajtjnstitution* for which it is named as a hornis from an automobile.

I t scema that the only requisites are a Jot, a te* putters, a am ple of hollow tree logs, two or three disl pans, and presto, you have & golf links. T h a t is, if yoichoose to name it so. ■' . .. .

Now, as to the legal interpretation that M iniatun Golf is not golf, let us Quote briefly the decision of Justict W itschief in the squabble at White Plains, N . Y.

Application had been made to the court to compe the Commissioner of Public Safety to issue a permit foi the erection of tine of these Tom Thumb courses. Tht learned Justice decided the case on the extent of area ant the time of play. In brief, Justice Witschief said that c golf course was from 3,000 to 6,300 yards in extent anc was used only in the daylight.He pointed out that tht Miniature Coif course is much shorter and is used far into the night. Thus, you have a decision that Miniaturepolf is not golf. "

Now, of course, we agree with you that it doesn i mutter much what the game is called. It is sufficient tt know that it has been able to keep husbands out of thost night clubs. We think that even if the game were knowr as tabloid croquet or even stub pinochle that it would continue to enjoy its popularity.

W e are open to reason however. If M iniature golf if not golf, then—what is it? ~ ,

-----------— _o— ---------—T H E W O M A N W IN S

Henry L. Mencken is about to fall from his hereto­fore impregnable throne of bachelorhood, Mr: Mencken by-the way, is one of the rare geniuses w ho has been able to make America stop, look and listen. H e has been caus tic in his criticism of the fair sex and we recall in hu "Defense of Womanhood'’, that this august gentleman tells the world about man being brainless when he suc­cumbs to the wiles of women.

Mr. Mencken goes further. He distinctly remarks tha t some men are fortunate enough to stay single for a m atwmcertain period of time, while others are lucky enough to j u vacationing at Lake Hopatcvng.

escape forever. T he psychology of the thing is discussed ....... ...............poignantly and Mr. Mencken smears his inimitable satire! t JuneTven’iT.nt«r»«h»«d at "tbJr 'irtflV _

ll _____\ i_ w ,. _ home tm Tueaday night the member* huwhwttha ia*t *>all over poor Mr. M an. >t their rani dub. After the guaaaw '.e.uTT^',2y iha‘ nortkeajt.rh lhta »<

The news of Henry s fall from bachelorhood comes the ho.t^ Mr*ed refreahmem*. ,<«•with a shock to thoae of us who had followed in his & 3 l % 5 & mJ a 3 **

................. * ‘ ‘ ' " bert Strader, Mr. aad Mn. Ralph *“Ucuque, Mr. and Mra. Faank Coerl .»*.

Are yeo building up yew

health fortiScatlont? The

way to ferllfy your health

la with pure food*. Tbe

Mad of meat* we tell will

help fortify year system.

Phone RUtherford 2-3325


footsteps. We find ourselves sorely in need of counsel asr b.« strader. Mr. a«i to* imip* pnvtN>e» k< i ) t t 1 L II «l,« •'•coqua, Mr. and Mra. Faank Coerl- aiwi aptMirtanan.» Owmmito what to do. If our leader shall violate the coveaints ot ^ n> k,Mcred state of singleness, then, we seek in vain for »» °< i r>*dha«t.our

enlightenment.M r Mencken, is, perhaps, unfortunate. W e aympa

thize w ith him—we might even sympathize w ith the in tended bride, only, we'll be honest with you—we're afraid of falling from grace ourselves. _

' ............... ■ —O -------W H Y N O T NEW JERSEY?

In 1^32, we celebrate the two hundredth anniversary of the Father of our Country Congress has appointed a special commission to devise ways and means of observing this epochial event in a manner that is befitting the occas­io n M any States in the Union have appointed separate commission* to work with Congress and thereby make sure that Washington's two hundredth birthday shall be an event that will lung be remembered

W e look in vain amorg the list of States thus far who have taken step* to make special arrangements for a proper celebration. New jersey is not there. W hy?

It seems almost sacnligious tha t our State Legislature has mrrlooked this momentous occasion. Can we forjet W ashington’s encampment at M orristown? Have we for gotten the battles of Princeton and Trenton? Can we overkxtk W ashington's stay m Hackensack and his camp in Old Tappan? Certainly not. T hen , why the pn*long- ed delay in making arrangements for a proper and fitting cekfarataun?

275 Castle Terrace Lyndhurst, N . J.

<h0wm%a "»S y ' W - u a r i : ' ^ ' ^ ^ ■ - t ,HB jS p ti** MpM* * * * n r a ^ ;M f r O S tSnViplaa IM M

H ave your alteration work attended to a t th u time. T he beat time of tbe year to have repair work done snd secure the cheapest possible prices.

W. H. HARVEY ,—:— Builder

w m Be Glad l» tmwUk A l Idadb «f P * and EedMaaSpecial tftenaon given to remodeling and

enlarging your pteacnt homeP W RUtherford 2-4175

16 RIV ERSID E A V E . L Y N D H U R ST . N . ).




RKPom o r m * d h u k to * o r hkvkxi>k am p pinamctb HWWN.i , v u 7 n . tu *

a n u u a n a ccou n t

The R. K. 0 . Ritx Theatre offer* toIh e tlwatregoers u f Lyndhurst Mid v ic in ity many extraordinary fatture pictures for tlte coming week, start­in g Sunday with a double feature program headed by Uoyd Hughes and Mary Astor in "The Runaway B ride,’* an exciting and baffling s to ry o f . a j*welry robbery, a gang t ig h t, a couple of innocent eloper*. T he whole story unfolds like a ty­pical b ig newspaper yam with all th e incidental side-light* and human intermit angle*, and there ia plenty of action and suspense at all time*. Thi- second feature of the Sunday p ro g ra m at the R. K. O. Riti Thea­t r e feature* Ken Maynard in a th r i llin g drama “Song of Cabelloro.”

M onday and Tuesday, Loretta Y oung a n d . Grant Withers in “The' Stero id F lo o r Mystery” a new kind of m y;* ery thriller that will keep you g u e ss in g right up to th* final scene, a fascinating and romantic th r i l le r th a t will make you chuckle, l.-iuirh and gaqp with suspense.

F o r th o se c ra v in g excitement, the cl a? I) of s t r o n g men ami women in love, la u g h s a n d the thrill of me|o- dramotic a c tio n , “ T h e liad One" at the It. K. O. R itx Wednesday and T h u rsd a y w ill m o re than satisfy the un iver .il h u n g e r f o r entertainment. ‘‘T he Had O ne” present Dolores Del Kio fo r th e f i r s t t im e in an all talk­ing p ic tu re , with Edmund I,owe, and is Bad on ly so f a r as she is clever srnl cu n n in g in making harmless babies o u t o f ro u g h sa ilo rs who fre­quent h e r b a r .

-W om en Everywhere” u the title of th e Friday and Saturday attrac­tion, .U th e R. K. 0 . Rltx. J. Har­old M urray a n d ‘ F if i Donwy are‘the pi pular s ta r s . In the picture Mur­ray p o r tr a y s the commander of a rum ru n n in g - v e s s e l who accepts « cargo of a rm s and ammunition de­stined fo r Morocco. He i* captured by th e French. Many delightful and tw>w m usical numbers are introduced fo r th e f ir s t t im e in “Women Every­w here.”

Kk'Ii program at the R. K. 0 R itz include* the latest screen nov­e l t ie s new reels, comedies and also vaudeville acts. The R. K, O. Rit* •«ill p rove a revelation to those who fcave n o t visited the Rit* since the R ad io -K eith -O rp h eu m have taken it in to th e ir organization.

Cr«ate* jaasph Pawl***, Mat, Wtlw Ml Sat aria» » taw that will inrtaMr I’tka, Albany M il i ' «

M*s* Omita Rea* uf Cha.w An nu* haa been entertaining at be.Lulu- rximii I»I Mil** tdh—*.itterMt .*

in terest on Aaaeasment .Vote, a Itoarta

Cssti Balance on Hand July *1. ‘IMS .

Waaaa charlotte Sm m u I Klln.i at Mllto* Aeamas have return Ml fiw» a viah wAb M«im< >nBrooklyn

AWMasnwltts HecelvaM tt...........Sanitary S u m Au h h u m Ui . , .

S M S B .Intereat on A***Mnwn\*

Capital Account Uoaa .........Improvement Bonds ......................... . . .On*h ItnUnre on Hand July 11.'ill* .


C U F P Q N . N. J,

T ri. S h rrwoed 2 IT 1 »

Account U na

Police Department » F ire Alarm Kqu Sanitary Sewer In 1‘nw res* tlnassesse^ Improvement* in l ‘rorre»a ----t’on trac ts P»j-»We ............................ ..........

Cash Balance on Hand Ju ly 11. I l l *THEATRE Rutherford

Fritl,ly and SltunU y ' Two T A iea

“Song ol tbe Flame"with 1 lettuce Qahr and

A lru m lrt (Way Vi*«»w M. lag lrn , 1*1 llrrtwlrl,Fifi l>or»»V aixi l*tdly M.wai. in

“ H ot For Pari*”

Cash Balance on Hand July I, III*Consumers Metered 8 a lea .......... .<'onaunu-r* MlacellatitHUia Sales ... t'onsumers Tspa. Prior to Psvetueot Consumers Meter Repairs . . . .Notes I'ay able .............. ............. .t lino-tered Bales ................... ............. ..

Mater" Psids ' H! I * ! “ 11! Y. ‘, !!"".!iiKlttes ................ ......................interest on Hank ■ Balance .......Mlacellaneoua Income

Saturday, Aug 16

H IG H T R E A SO Nwith An A# Mur C m

W h m k i m 0 * im aVMM MtsM l . 4 t M em i n k * » e a ds-n .i.i.,,!.,.* i« that .la *.hy we , j -n « large «>< (WOW* •>< pirate m i v iaw. lUdt t ....In -

I w i

Suaday V Miaulay. Aug 17 IH


*!«*Boh Steele b

Near Rginbow’. End"

W nt*r P u rrhsw d . . . . a . . . . . . . . . . . .Snlariea ....................................................... ..S tationery A PtinHnR ........... ..tUvHiri* to Main* . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .»:ftn*r*ft F:«twniw ........IntA-reftt on 1>*U .............T trtln n Mft**r» . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Haiaare on Hand July $%} !•!«

A M*4ed» ird jn i4 l 0 m * . tMk brtftNf iW»n h* »o*»r «w«u itw r tl i tS m M iWhite IV*K <Wih*.4*4 pU«»*. aiitl atnl p x l t

l>tif amen mala Ju>>»a Aapluh ShmgW H*arf

< .UHtmr Set rn NatUwue t l i m t f l P U M M U L - a ,

tawrep imivi w av!.R< aflMtilde t tmr (wytwfnN

“ Song o f th e F la m e ," a First Na- tinnnJ p ic tu re o f ‘th e Hammerateinunit .H arb ach o p e ra t ta , was produced in full V itap h o n c sound and Techni- col ir th ro u g h o u t. It paint* in sound and color a spectacle of the Rua- ?ian revolu tion , more massive and impr. -ive th a n anything heretofore rhn'wn (in th e n rr titll

T here a re armored motorcycles passing ov e r sh e lled bridges; autos era hing in to t r i i n s ; escapes from castles , d a sh e s on foot, horseback, •into aml n lan e . In short, “Song of t he F lam e" ia a s tu n tm a n 's para­dise! •

Alan O o s l a n d directed (he picture,■ nd h ead in g the all star eaat are A lexander Oray, Bernice Claire, and \ c a h l ie e ry , Alice Gentle, Bert Roach and Inex Courtney. Some ®f tho m usic of the operatta and much new m usic especially written for the production w ill be heard. All of the prin c ip a ls s in g , and there are many group; o f special choruses Kinging in R ussian a n d English, in ensemble num bers.

The p ic tu re is not a “film operat Ui" fo r s in g in g is introduced only a t logical s p o ts . Against the epic background p a n o ra m a of a national revo lt, a simple, appealing love -lo ry and a thrilling human drama is developed.

S u m U y l 'n l y

Ttte. & W r , l . Aug I5> 20

“T h r Ship From "Shanghai"

- Willi I W . W iJheim C.Hirad Nagel t i Kay J t i b n m

diruMrf li^ inA cuuittrd"arrcll 9L Jane! <>aynnr

JOHN r. W< Wmter Charle.Fi a«4 V .May Mraah

J W * K«b i I* * IM» JTH VftlM . IH I'll M I M H lt in

r- UWCMirnoM -

H«I No. IT1Il.ymUiurat. N. J. Auj 11, SISfl.

“Courage,” the all Ulklng produc­tion playing on Friday and Satur­day, with Ball* Bennett and -Mar­ion Nixon. Mias Bennett, who on* acts the mother In thi* atory of a modern family, is r jw attld net only to battle against financial difficul ti»a, but against a athemlng rela­tive who attampts to aBaaale her children. Coiaely Mary Colb rook's marry war far har seven children

< Monday ,<Hil Tuesday I .ON CHAKliV m

“T h r Unholy T h r r r "wiili L ik Let \ I IImHI N ugrnt SISTERS'

ftt«to FREDERICK RESSEGUIEInstruction in


268-278 Forest Ave. Lyndhurst, N. J.P H O N E R U T H E R PI « l > MM71-R

NKW JKHMK1.. . . hhhoillankera Comawrt ! ooepo ration pi Tent Oa, a r MeyerlHff. 4ef« ih*. in beM. A. U. 111).



mMjiB- At th** Hh.-rt#r nlftcr in’ WKUn'KM f i t ,°5k'l TKM HKH 'l »t oae o’clock In tbe aftenwMi, tin* (lw« a'elork <l.yll lot time*. .N that .-.rum let. wreel at land aU preafiwa be more papictriarty d irriW l. .u< na «»<l Wim In tlw Toonaliip o in. ( M f I.f Ber»»« ami mate

J.-raey,Hrainnlna la Oh auuUwwat «s

iwrHa itewrlbed tract and south wir of conveyed lo party nan ky Jails R. Berry aad la ll ine ot public raad. leaStae fr ita to Oefela*.<, .o i n s inlai tn ■out I, M Siaren t M M W i ilne at aaM naas at part* at i i l i . l l fasti tlteaf* aofni t*

•eat .ion . f«n.l. fanweety at , aan. I t t l i a l ; UtMiee aortk II -aat .till .Iona "aid landa 111

tlaeaee north 1* mioo•till a loos aaid laMa, 1*1,11 feet

peew laaa he»H w rt.i isertka^. altuat*. I»J«( HonaaaN at omkMI * itsw «t n .» j.( erfiil a* >M. S.*. M l M Me. lit*.

Rivoli-Rutherford S t S i t A t , A ('<>. IT

Bid DOUBLE FEATURE BillKrn M aynardNow p la y in g , Victor Mcl.aglen in

“ On the Uvel" with Fifi Doraey.H um an interest ia the keynote al

“<■ >cd Intentions” the movietone al' talking feature which will play or Monday and Tuesday. Edmund H I-owe, in the principal role, does a marvelous jo b of impersonating the 1 ghlly Jekyll-and Hydeish character

of the g a n g leader who trie* to r»- f"rm and with the awuataiwa af a ir. nuinely noteworthy cast he sue «ed* in making the story not ealy M’nusihle but thoroughly entertain­ing,

Also -Hot Curves,” with Benny Rubin, Alij* Day *nd Rex Lease “ H ot Curvaa” Is a baseball story, w ith -the climax taking piae* aa th e diamond during the final game "f <he World Series. It sU rt. in *!>•• S. hi the rw training ramip af thr 1 ougar* and follows the uncertain •wv' -pmewt of rookies, Jim llolaa W*d Iti-nny Coldberf Then it fal I .w» their adventures, which ar* t e "lie , romantic and thrilling.

A swift stepping lad, a gold dig-

U^lTD MANYHugh™ SC Aaior

“Runaway Bride*

V ictor M*1 ««(rn in -O N 11 tf n %t I

•M l t i l l INW VAt"Srrotid Flow M yatary”M l-. . . ' aot be aai At « aa* teJTrtjmM B « .S •

HMWfOMK.MRN a<t path* tl

A STUYVESANT AVENUE HOME!Near Valley Brout; six rooms, hath, two aunpartori. open treplarr. rx s e l l rn t ccm dM m a. Finest r t s n l r i i t t s l b r a t i u n G a ra g e L a rg e

FOR S7IW. EAST TERMSCall, write or phone for foH paetieulari

WILSON & CO.1 ) 6 S tu y v ea a n t A v e n u e R U th e r f o r d 2 -2 VM

NEXT WTFKttn .sr .-H A t aad TVt'KisllAT. AtKi, M * II

I>nlorr» IM Rio asad Fdmund Lowr

“THE BAD ONE”ibMi ahd IM aflaagb ta -H r tJ r tf tr *


Fdsnuskd U»e m IMI MIONV

G. DEPKEN 8c SONIdarad one o f them ta the shadow o f priaaa has nuM d a Ana famUy'a " -o awl. proved t h a t , rh lM na* bo #•»* tb tr ir o v a am»»s—snt. m ay• a a , “Wiw rwhpnay* And when 1 ‘ rrJ firarmm taak te “wttd t » i-ny.* hu own father had ihe m m - *g* to t«f« him ever |e the patka and let him take Ws mtSrum- Yaa tm

H . It f s n e t ms “W i l l ) <

8 u a « h t

HOUSE TOR SALT. tt .acrilte* priae. I ' .000 below co st W in a la o M a t « mmm brnue w ith .11 Bi.+ .w » im . p ro v e m e n u , inc lud ing i m p M et M l l M . lm ( e f ow ner, I f ( t k •¥* ., Ljmdhunt.

*4jf'^ S S S rt,w'-% \sfr !KWAV* *oar cafpealet uU raMnet

w o rk d eae by mm who h aa la a A e d k n r , k m I t by U y»*r» ml a ,

M e t h o d i s e


ir, hu t w a te r a a de fe rre d . | U aM M fk , I jn d h u r s t . i w l y S t. , N Utley. Phone

l - t - M




to idling speed while tbe rareaatia- ue* to glide forward, in g t u . i a i fully controlled. ret smoothly aftd cBently

j aa if there were ae gear*.- “T h u s are eliminated tile revenioml! strain? thrown on tranrmissioa, dutch,

..... I t i r e s and o th e r i iB p o i tm t unit!* o f t lOn August K the Studebaker Cor-; ordinary car when the foot 2* lifted

puRition celebrated the -ecom! suddenly from tbe accelerator anerveraaryof the record-breakingfeat “Provision of conventional m m * - of a strictly stock President Eight meni j„ ,j] gjeed* » . w . the fall which .ped *i,000 miles in 2M * j breaking power of tke engine avail-

J ‘" n «'J‘iv‘- minute*, according to | , Me The shift tolark Motor Co., .Studebaker dealer conVOTlt.jOMj engagement ia remark

*:u. , , _ aWy simple. Even this chang* into“Although two years have elapsed; ^ . tannic. „ „ince the -tting of that historrc mark,!

it -'ill stand. unchallenged and un-; “ t ’ate“- !■* dutch is employed beaten. Tht-re ». rf- four President* on*Jr *• rt*T* **“ “*** ®P- \parUripatrnx ... ihe SO,000-mile run, “In addition to tho marvelous in- t* , r-.a.l r r> arid two ,edans. Each novation of free wheeling, the new comj.ltH th - ditance in less than series I’resident Eights have longer iJO.iMi niinut. . ■dap.'-ed time. And ,-heelbases, greater power and smooth* each c a r was trictlv stock m every ness, quieter engiie operation and d e ta il, checked and -certified as such! bigger, roomier and smarter bodies, t'.i 'V Am, rican Automobile Associ-« *Wbeelbk*ei are 186 inches f*r the

which iifsryi.ed every mile and lgrge PreKideill> ^ m , * * * f „its companion mode). Power haa been increased to 122 horsepower. The

international records "and . 9-bearing crankshaft, sUticaHy records for and dynamically , balanced, and a l

rtnd endurance than all other improved. Lanrhcster vibration damp-iii.ikf.tjift cars combined. j er equipped with a centrifugal fair.

m inute o f th e ra n . T he le a d in g P res l- ,!, !)•v a v e rag e o f 68 37 m ile s p e r h o u r j 1 v . ,f. fo r S tu d e b a k e r th e 1 g re a te s t*

iirtd. ieid r. A m erican Htock e a r


I MAM ARE WED(C oatkH M d fro m P a g e I )

bumpers, white new roof ffrve a distinctive

ta the ear. Harmonious la eoajanction with the

■ae of ekronium plate on ail <*tertor M ght work set a new vogue for mmulmeaa.

“The aame fail complement of ap-’ point meats aad refinement- is suppi.-Btoku h» £ .1>r**i^ec‘ * honeymoa* trip through tka N«Wgfrite by tke a*gtion af foUUng England .suteg „ d C n a h .

" W’? e i F o r «*» b rid e w ore aS 10 " ,jW ered d re ss o f b row n, w ithi ^ a d h ^ o u lck h T * hTOWn j *e k e t’ “ d **"* bare*

^ ^ m*Urh- Sl^ »n«k«kin slip-are offered. »»«■»-

KBH’WTK THE IXSTAULATIOK, m a in t k n a a c e a n d o pk h a t io n okM IN IA Tt’KK o u u r COt'KSKJi IN THK TU W SSH iP OK W N O H K O T IX THE COL'.VTV O f BKW iRN,

Tlw at 1’onu.jkmUmen a t TW Itowasfcip <rf L r m a w m »„ the C o m ty t t Htrf** do ordaxo a s foUows:

I. No person o r persons. I r m o r eor- aorstloii. sh sli tosfsll. mmintsm o r oper-, a l* » m inis ta re *»u eo w se w llhtn the ro rp era te lim its o f Uk Township o t t.yiHl- h u r it in U k C o o i/ , of Bcraen. w ith o a ta n t

S r t j f •a*Ht»Uo«» to theBoard o f t a m W o t t n (or permission

m *int*in and operate said

fa c to ry .”

S ra>ar«e. which said spplicatiun be fljed with the T o»nriilp (*f«rk

<m i h X i d fo rth t h f p S :s s s i . £ s * u ? , .^ rf t 0" cuur* :- «•»»

«<Mltior>»l infommttipn Z the f r t r t Z J^w ^tairtM iers m a r require. S*id spptiea- tion Shall be acted upon b> she Board of Comn,i*»iM>er* and a license shall, in the discretion of the Board o f Commls- tionerr, be g ran ted „ r denied.

S. A fee o f Kift} dollars■halt MWKnpany each application, the same h e m the Br«t annual fee herein- '!}** gfyvMw*. for, and in Uw event th a t said application is denied the fee herein required 'shall be re tu rned to the applicant forthw ith. T liereafte r a ruin. • mum Ik-enae fee of Pifty (»*«.#») ilol-

|a r s .hall be payable annually to Oi~, . , - — - - . . . . Township C lerk fo r tbe uae of the Town-

a iw ay* a lo n e a n d a lw a y s e a r n e d nue . «hip. provided, however, th a t an iieenaeilaw koaka. She spoke with a a lig h t i T h e bride ia a graduate of 8fc Joa- S f S S S i i f S 2 X ^ 1 2 " .

aeeoit, talking with a very lo n g V . e p h 'a Academy a t Fitchburg, Maas., ptiemtion f„r a licenae t« »*<-<" nianc*She had some queer] ideas an 1 Newark jStxU Normal School | S S %

I like danger an,i i* a t present a teacher ih thi* further th«i the fun annual fee 9f fiftytISS.SO) dollar? aha 11 be paid without

to m odel. f J ^ ^ K r r S ' I * “ b rid e '* ” °*hfcr »* “l™** f *®50 to $2000, at the a flowered georgette t e with blackhat and a corsage of orchid awett

| pea*. The bridegrr>onvt mother worea navy blue georgette drew withhat and slipper- to match and ac o rs a g e o f p ink s w e e t p eas . •«•

Following the wedding trip Mr.j an d M rs. slaras.- will b e a t hom e

a fu - r September 1 on Second A ve-a n d a lw a y s carri*~l nue


"T he a n n iv e rs a ry o f th is re m a rk - jb ie fe a t becom es all th e m ore im - j,f. ,ve in view « f th e re c e n t in tro - iluc tjon o f th e new se rie s P res id e n t E ig h ts w ith free w heeling u n d e r posi­tive g e a r co n tro l. P roved - cham pion - rh ip iie r/o rrnance is now sup p lem en ted by th is ■•i)>»-hal co n trib u tio n to m o to r- inft, m a n u fa c tu re d u n d er S tu d e b a k e r pa ten ts .

emor result in a new degree of val* vety smoothness. Carburetor natal has been eliminated through tka DM of a carburetor silencer developad by Studebaker.

“The new welf-rightmg gteerin; gear and reduction of the ration result in a new degree of -teering e*M aad responsiveness. A kick shackle located

••I'm h< c lin g add* a n e n tire ly new t on th e l e f t f r w i t s p r in g b aa ish e* a l t an d del/R iitfu l d riv in g se n s a tio n and tendency to s h im m y a iv d j f lk r p re v e n t Jkmny. o th e r a d v an tag e s n o t

• in ...lile. cg p v en tio n a l c a r . U s ilram:»‘,u: a riv a titag e lies iri th e ab ility t.j f f ldf l . g e af a -between-' secind and

' h igh hpe*s4n a t 40, 60 m iles p e r h ou r w ith o u t to u c h in g the i in4<-h.

“ Havingrj o f 12'.; to JO p e r cen t in ga.o lia* an d 20V in oil a r e a lso re a l­iz 'd by free w heeling. In heavy t r a f ­fic th is sav in g in c reases. T he rea so n f-sr th ife-lies. J n th e fa c t th a t free

w heeling p r vents c a r m o m en tu m from fo rcing th e eng ine to k eep pace w ith c a r speed w hen ilece ie ra tin g . The ITi'imnTt t h - —fmrt is l i f te d off th e

th ro t tle , th e eng ine im m e d ia te ly d ro p s

n ana le n a en e y to « m m m y a n a n iu r p r a v e a u to be i th e tra n s m is s ie U o f ro a d s lio c k i M tk a

i!!!!?1 »T:. ’ ’ib iiitv “ is> ng K priag 8aspemri<jnby H o u d a iiie d a u b f e t t t k j ashock . a b so rb e r* . aAd.. 'shacfclea, p io n e e redp ro v id e t h « m mover tb e ro u g h e s tp roved I>uo S r WS a fe ty g l a « Is 'shields , k rth ro u g h o u t in

“ L o n g e r w hiro o m ie r b o d i« < JWd e sig n i s m «k)ifcd lam p* , t r i m . f a h d i r


fa m m m m

r i - i

maertion af 4*r in advaaee. Kale* Tor rlaa*i0ed aa<

We canitnt fciiaranlee theculumns unless aame is paid f o r . .....__ ...w i l l ing are as follows: one inaertio* tM , Iwo rtaa««(Haa iaa<»0« a

thr.c consecutive insertions 1 1 .##. LimU fire Uaaa, average ^lk .<nor li t to a line.

UAHIATUU C O V E R S -M ad e to order. Prici range fr.mi |2 to $3, Write or photi •, VV. «, B e rn e r , 87 Van Hip. r Avenue, I tu th e r fo rd . I’honeIJuth. te s o .

A l'A R T M K H T S TO I .E T —3 an d 4ntotn a p a r tm e n ts . A IU im prove-

^ . jbciiU . Phone U uth. 102fi.s w at.

J< It.i'.iN< I W o ltK Now ia th e b e s ttim e Iff h ave jo b b in g w o rk o t all kind done . Price* lo w er th a n p a s t

-— 1#—your,;,— Wm.— IL H a rv e y . -1 8ISiverside Ave,, l .y n d h u rs t . I’hone

— ■■!!■■■ aiwumF O R R E tf T — i

room s a n d son p a r lo r on n n f t n f w in tw o fam ily b a u aa . A lio b a n tB’M m F*Phone KUtherfori

T O lS T - f - A p a r tm a r f o n P a g * A ^ « r * R e n t *16 an d f i t par m o n th , heat. A p p ly 8 am C lick , f R o ad , L y n d n u rs t. P h b n i '1716-M . . / . , /

mKOlt K E N T :■ r .wtn- and >an

a ll Im p ro v em en t.; h e a t , tfla aivd b a th ream , new ly BJK1 N e w ,Y o rk A ve. Im; H a r r in g to n Ave, LiveU i.

U u th e rfo rd 2 -4175 .

FO R SA liB - I tu th e r fo rd , new house.Will t a l i ” L y n d h u rs t house a s p a r t prtym*~»t. W o n d erfu l lo ca tio n ; t i l ; r>\-i, ;{ t a r g e bed ruom s, large liv ing an d d in ing ro o m s; la rg e open a t t ic ; to ile t and tu b in b a se m e n t; a u to m a tic w a te r h e a te r . A p p ly —W m . 11. I la rv e y , 111 R iv e r s id e A v e .,E y n d h u r I, Phone, R u th , 2-4175.

|O K KEN-*) S to re a t 307 R idge R oad, i )i l to re an d lo ca tio n in tow nsh ip .

2&a7b. A |>|dy S am U lick , 307 R idge li c e t, I.y m lh u rs t.

t M t- I 1 K V N K U A M I S IM O N IZ R U | 1 M iT ' - -I IM .I IK - I WA T K W O O , W I U . C A L L *Ag T . . * * V 1*** &u‘*1 ^I u i : a m i l i m ' R N < AH KAMK * ;'» n e r p lease re tu rn to I.ynd il* ft(tMO. PHONIC RIJTH. 2-1591-J. Co. * .Ml •- I have em p lo y m en t, a n y th in g (iA R A <JK ♦’OR KENT,—S u itab le fa r

MRS. KVANS -e*pei^We^ _ piano. Graduate ot the New Y»(k College of Moaic. 442 Pont Avenue, Lyndhurtt.

......KOtt RENT—4'room.s, aun pirlor,

improvements, heat, Ule kittftet a bath roam, nearly decorated, at I H ey York Avenue. Inquire liv e t r t HarriagWn Av*.

accep ted . IM) V alle

M rs. P a u lin e I*»bbins, llrook A venue.

l i . lC S E FO R K A LE— A t a sac rif lt(i ro o m , and b a th . Lift 8 7 '4 by I .VO fe e t,, $AMM. M r*. H a r r ie t t

. • iJ-.t, b in s , tM V alley H rook A v a ­i n . . -

, 0 1 t S A L E S’.HSi h in io g Hoorn Set, *27t>; $.‘i.iO L iv ing Room S e t, $150; *4‘i'i R ed R oom S e t, $ i l ' t ; Book< 'a -i-, 2 in-iine ta b le , odd chair* , ice bo* , tu i ' and ru n n er* . On tim e toresponsib le , p a r ly . 32 O rien t W ay, itutherford. I

FOR I’E N T 1 o r '> a ll o u ts ide room s, new ly d e c o ra te d ; h e a t and h o t I w a te r o p tio n a l, .-vorch, g a ra g e , n ear! :• I c .l and s ta t io n . R en t reaso n ab le . 101-Ih (a f le id A v#.. cor. L ake, ("ail S a t u n la y a f te rn o o n o r e v e n in g * . a f t e r t l

Wfc HI V all makes of car*. Beno- w it r , ISuth. 2 4271*. Ruth. *-304!i.

L -W ® -S tu y ra e a a L it lS fc ________H*R K E N T —Ii rooms and sun parlor.

AH im provem en t* . Rent fSS. Inquire 2m f r v s t a l S t . . North Ariiagtao,N J

work .hop, alae Wad* Phone RiUkv 2-4SI7 Cart Hilleateyer, J7# Uracn Ave, . >

WANTED—Woman to da haaseaofk and cooking. No children. 107 Bv llaee. K. ftutkarfard. I W Ruth. 2 02S0-J

KT)H RENT-Furni.hed M a , wt«h af without board Convenient to 0. L A W. or Rrte R. K Apply 711 Rutherford Ave., Lvndhurst or TeL Rutherford I-60M J .

■ ■ - - - .. k-io*stiIXMtT -.Sunday. Aug 10. at Rldff

Road and Post Ave, while leaviag 3* Ban; Ladie.s Hulova Wrist Wgtek, initial* "M. f t - oa raae. Priaed a* gilt llaaaa return. Kewafd III Fo*t Av*.

FOR RCNT—Eargie famished roam, suitable far two, kM Ckaae A venae.Phone Rath. 1-SS91-M

I'ttKxSMAkKK waBtT woriL by tbi day. m Cka« Ave, i 'h o a e Hath.S-4301-M.

liked to tell tham.e men." be would say. “My iov

er ia a Communist. So am I. “ 8 h e ealfl »be never read fiction, b u t ad- miied goad talkers and liked a ll awta of philosophy. She lived i t u*en it wa* raining, she s a id . She liked a rain that fell ilant-wise un­der a strong wind. She liked to w alk into i t (She said).

"But most of all,” she said, “I J i* . to wake very early in the m o rn in g ; when it atill is night. I f it is w in- tef, I sit up in bed, p u t on s w e a te r , and write and write. Oh, su ch f a n ­tastic things.” Shortly b e fo re th? CoflNHtunist d e m o n g tration* in New jruifc laat winter she left s c h o o l

R o o se v e lt School. ■<l» doHar- ahall be paid withoutT-U, I . . . . rr««rd to thi* tim e wbfin »atd applkv-T h e brrfegrof.m m a g ra d u a te o f t,on »* nwwJe.

th e Lyndhurst School* and Kearny ^ o 'r J T ^ - 'i T iL * 1 “‘I m i n i a t u r e »oMU ! » l o u a , • . . * ' ' / cour*n« shall be» t>ubj*ct to an y rulers orH ig h S chool a n d ** a t p re s e n t con- reaul»thm « hereafte r by then e c ted w ith th e C u r t i s Puhliffh in* t CommtankmeriLC o m p a n y . ^ *

waTsh t h e r « te * J f t , i 2 l T brild* * ™ m 5 S ! ? or «n>w as th e f i t te d l e a th e r t ra v e lin g b ag , meni* thereto.

^ l ° nor WM1 w a tch . T h e b rid e g ro o m p re - cui*!. and re«oist>ona sen te d th e . b r id e w i th a pair o t cry- ~ * " *s ta l s w h ich she w o re a t th e w edd­in g a n d th e u s h e r s a n d beat m an w ith p ig s t n w a lle t* .

! peal or modify the provlaiona at the Amin* O rdinance o r the Building O rti-

any am endnwnta o r supple-

N ich o la s L a te llo , o f 616 , M ilton ! A v e n u e , Fe ll* E I i* a b e th U g a n , o f f

V 1 A j,pnuc. A lm y ra N ixon ,. R oad , a n d M arion T a i t

of l a 2 F e rn A v e n u e , a re ta k in g -u m m e r co u rse s a t N ew Y ork U n iv ­e rs ity .

e n d u ra n ce riders are s t i l l go- I aa a re a u l t of an ex p er ie n ce due night last week our re-

ha*4 in c re a se d for th e m on M iss Sosaett- T h o m a s , of Chester- d-fold. W r were a t th e caiftp l(’n > Indiana, i* spending the week

Brace Gamper pedaled aro u n d . J ie,r *i*ter, Mrs. Carl Albrecht j j k A * fellow who wear* g l a s s - 1of 545 U ke Avenue. '

e*, .Jean* a b i t toward plumpue*. and would r a th e r fiy a k ite a n d do

nance o r the provisions of the re*ulstiona (hat m ay h en -

a fte r be adopted by tlie (W m of Cont- misaionera ahall be subject to a fine not r«<-ecdins Two Hundred i i m . H I dol­la rs o r lo iriipriaonnient in the County Jail tor a -p e rio d not exceeding ninety I M l d ay* In the event a t impoaitloa of a fine npii in .lefault of payment thereof. il.Jendan t may be imprisoned tn the County Ja il for a period not tw eed in* ninety 15111 days.

*. This ordinance shall U ke effect imnwdlately.Keo- No. 1717— Auir. 11-21.

mi mmywtwr tppon ilB IB f. IO Or fOHl wKm and m U o y l a ♦*>* ferk bIbm w rfa tbe

ciwppi> itnat, ttoe mhb at $S‘3SS 3S*“ lawca! i m n r i t ttuirtna -------

rther Ordered, AiB m S Ti*•*. with tbe ia tlM «»eH C u m at Action in the mil at Complaint. In tbe add cause, partieo- iartr a t torth aad im rf ln l. that u to- Alt th a t certa in tra c t e r panw t <*f iaari

s ituate, lyinc and beiwa ia tbe TwwnaMp a ft T e ia e r t . ta th e C nuaty o f IN rc e a a n d ,W M . —- -- -

1U.M. atttb law r..!, in terest th , reon I t wa* fu r th e r OrAered. Adjudaed

Decreed th a t certa in wmrtc*c*d p i*e*. w jth the appurtenances, dcacl.! • 9 * T b l r d C am e o f AcMna ! * « ■ o f CkaoaM a*. in U m s a id cause. parOcn- larly set fo rth aad described, (b a t fa, to

lytnir a a d being in the Townahip k* . in tbe County u f Bergen and

ef Mew Jersey

therein i t fee*of an id

thence <t> l l s l f aaid southweati.*# a .4 — aa. a M I if I tf~u»l. - mot im w ir iir H nW Y ira nwum •** m inutes f t w eaoda B ast S* f e e t . t i l Booth j s d eg ree , t i minute* I t sec­onds Weat s t rig h t angles to U ndbergti Boulevard I N f e e t .- thence ( J ) N orth Maearees t ---- - ■ ,—altel with

t h e County «T New Jersey :

Bwita nln* in the southw esterly tine of

a a E ih grag S y l f f gintersection of aaid aouthwea-erty line at I tndb«reh B o a te n n i w ith to e aoutiaeaat- erty line a t H ow ard .Street; runn ing tbea». ( l ) a lQ P g a n td southw eaterly line of Lindbergh Boulevard South i t d e e m s t m inutes 1» seconds Kart i t fe e t; thence (1> South I t decrees 5S m inutes t : sec­onds Want a t rtg b t angles to U ndber«h Boulevard I t a f e e t . thence i t I N orth i t

minutes I t

t t second* W eat par Lindbergh Boulevard and * (*> N orth }« t

parallel w ith the lee feet to toe afare-

aaid southw eaterly Uae a t L todtorgb Boulevkrd and th e point o r piaoe o f be-


tTHss rTogether w ith a ll aad a ingu tar th*

l«ht» I Ibe r t iea. privilege*, hered itam ent'an d aimurte aaa e r* theteunto belonging or

nywise appertain ing , to be soid to e a r and aa tia fy in th* e rs t phtce un t- to e aaid com plainant, t h e *

degrees t m inutes t l secxmda W est parallel with Lindbergh Boulevard i* f e e t ; Iheaee <-4> N orth 1* degrees 5S nanu taa I* aer- onda B ast parallel with the aae*M t M n t herein I t* , feet to the a fo resaid South­westerly line of ian.ibergb Boulevard and the point o r place Of beginning.

Being known aad deaigwated aa 1st. num bers i a a d ( ia Biock S7«-l on map entitled "M ap 1 of p roperty of «ee- see Holding Townahip of Teaneck. New Jersey."- dated. J a a e , 1*S7.

Together with all an d - im u la r ther ig h t s , l ib e r t i e s , p r iv i le g e s , h e re d i ta m e n t. , a n d a s p u r* e n a p .s -* t h e r e u n to b e lo n g in g o r in a n y w is e a p p e r t a in in g , t o b e s o ld to p a y a n d s a t i s f y i n th e ' B ra t p l a c e u n to th e a a id c o m p la in a n t , t h e s u m o f a i . s t i . t l , w i th l a w fu l t a t e n s a t u».-rwim.

HARRY C. U A lll’Klt.Slier*.

H e r B i 'e R c d < ’o m I s t r .Ot I t . - A u g . , t i - U - i a - 2 7 — K ees * * » t » "

I .& 3 A I, N O T IC E

T O W S H H IT ’ OK L V N U H C R 8T

H ULK C O l 'l t s i : U K O l’LA TIO N O H W N .tW H !

ORUI.V A.VCK .VO. I 7 | * '

I* hereby siVen th a t a t a regu-1JIIIII1-

like that than en d u re in a n y , content. But Bruce began', an d h e w on’t atop until th e o th e rs ugre" ■Id eall a halt

Tke bay* just rid e a n d rid e a P»0nd tjie streets th a t c irc le the hltfh school They g o *o s lo w ly , if.•d*Pi* )|M<te easy. B ut w e decided tp accompany Bruce and a f t e r tw o turn*, we must write a* one «whu is etperienfad In such things I t is' not to ee*y a look*.

Perhaps we think i t is a li t t le hardar than It really i* b eca tise Mr.Um); Mr*. Peter Stinson g a v e B ruce a slab of pie. quite a* round a s h.i haul, and did not offer us an y .

Bruce did not c o n iid e r i t ncces- to fy t o do any -o ffe rin g e ith e r . W t | TO | , v , ,m if.\A N<:i-; n o . * 7« a dont like to say we w ere v e ry t i r e .I ia>VK h c k c k h H I i t o . after doing for ten m in u te s w hat hree, under-slaed y o u n g s te rs do fo r !<wr hour* at a *tretch. T h e f a c t we were hot offered pie d iic o m fite d u ;,

N ntif ._ _l i r »H*ctinjf o f tJ>a* itfiiird of 'Commi»> »i!<nt'r» o f Th*- T<iwn«hip »#f tayrtdhurst lift,I f/n <Tw* J itli d u r « f, Aurus t. I f f ft. an <*F*hnan«#* entitt«*a ap follow *: -An • *i‘1ir»inr.- to IfopR*** unil r^KulHte Ut«- inxtHllatton. n>Hinl-fmn«* «n>i opem tlon of mmoitUM- «olf toumew In the Town- mU.v of I.5 fi'lhur In tJu> County nt lie*rKf*n ’. hum intnxluMF«j4l and duly pus- s. <f •*!» first rM dlnit «n»l thereupon- the m id Ucmrd of <?<>frttiitMilon«rB fixed Mon* day. \UKU«t 35th. 1930. a t claht o'clock In the »vn-nln« nt th** -Town Hull, on

U Avenue in «m*id Towntihii> ii.*» tin tlnw und when und ,wher*Ih* «ktl<l ..i llnHnc* would be fu rther eon- #nh • « d fo r flnal

M> ord«T of. th*- lloHfd of ConimtiH r Tl»«* T»wn«hip *.f l.yndhurst.

IH m IS ICK J. UVHIAA.Township Clerk.


JN CHANCBRY OK NKW j KHMKY fietw^en H sr ry K. ii. Urtiok» und KhMrty

I hlort -Title f*nd M»rta«ittt- t'.imrunty Company, h corporation o f the XUie of K**w J«*irtM V. complninnflU, und Hul- n«*p Itf-Mlty (’«>.. a corporution o f New JehNfy. und a tlv an . fnc.. * corponrtMrtl ot. Sew Jerwey, defend«nt*. F t tu. K* turnabl* Oetoher 27, A. t>, IM0.

Hi MON p. NORTH H I’I*. kMV. I ’.v viftu. o f thn above s ta ted w rit to

nm d irected and deliveretl. I have levied up<in and will espoiie for sal* a t puWh vendue a t U»e Mherilf* t*i«ce In the City o f fiacfcen«Mck. on

W. 'edne>««la>. September 16, i t mw o'clock In th e n ftem«x»o , K iid re

I §30,stan d ard Time (tw o o dr* k Dayilciit Having T im e), ull th e f«dl»wina t r tc t or puree! iff land and oremlae* hereinafter particularly deetrribe«l, »itiuit«*, Ivina «nd o+ing tn the Townahip of Tea neck, (n the Countv c»f lleraen and Htate of New Je rae y :

l i m n i n g a t the «»rner form ed Jby til** Intersection ' of tiw southweaterly line of /,indb*-r*f+i B oufetard with the southeaMt- erly line of Howarti 8t l « i t ; runniaa thence ( 1 1 al<»n« wild southw«*sttrly line o f U ndberah Itotdevard Kouth »l ite- ire e s 4 mlnuteM 41 Maonds tlaa t i l fee t; thence (Zi .South J« deareea 38 minut*-* 1.2 *econ«l* W est a t riah t anirles to l*ln«l- bernh Boulevard 1W0 fe e t; thence ( f ) N orth $• dearees' 4 oiinutcM 41 Mecontl* W est parallel with Lindbergh Boulevard 50 feet to the aforesaid Mouttteasterly liae of Howard S tree t; them * f l» ah»na North 410 degrees .'»5 minute* 12


nd Tard


T el RUtherford 2*2140 LYNDHURST, N . J.

■ auwawan **innmi

KaM 100 fe«*t to thc jKrint o r place of t beginning. [

lieinK known and i<-4«ianat<aJ « i ItUt* j Num bers 1 and 2 In Ilhwrg S7#-tX on juap entitled “Map. No. 1 <»f Property of O««- I See Mokflna Corpom tion, TOUfiuUo o t Teaneirk. New Jeraey.** dat«<l June, 1I3T. i

Together with all and Miagulwr tbo 4


•' -■ ' - -...

227 Stuyvesant A venue .

(C o r. Oriental Place)' Lyndhurst, N . J.


9:J0 A.M. to 4:S0 P.M. Daily — 9:J0 A.M to Noon Saturdays Evening*. SccomJ Saturdays and Following l:miays of each Month

S r from 7 P.M to 9 P.M.

JOHN F. WOODS, Secretary

!CB i« hereby g iven t h a t M rs. ] ra H. Mailing. er, nee Dubuy, havin»

., ay bad and board, 1 wiil nui uv | reeponsible for any bills she m ay contract. r. H. MKI.IJNdKK.

B -l-S tlit.;, a ., -,. -■ . .ISt. Thom as’ Episcopal

ChurcliI’araat A Mtyveaant Avea,

Rev. Waaklin (J. Fabrr Hector Rectory, III Livingston Ave.

Phone Rutherford 2-14o:t;>

St. M atthew s' Lutheran Church

R|v. George K. Muller, Pastor tM Traver* Place, lyndhurst

Phone Rutherford 2134> ----------

Sunday aarvices at Kt. Matthews During August at KUO A. M

Sunday, August loth—Rev. Menkens,

Sunday, August 17th—R ev. M ent tens.

.Sunday, August H4th —Rev. Mmkans.

Rev. Abort Menkens, 414 lisvi. Avenue, Harrison. N. J., will la- tn charge during August.

Those T«t|triring his serviie will Harrison fi-4!»3H

wise public keeps him jumping

Reed Memorial U nited Presbyterian Church

PAINTING—Iti and outaide work andItatM-rhaiiging. Firm eta** material and wurk Kea, un ab le price*. C. Jung, <U« 4th $L Kuth 2-S7H8-R.

8tayv*eant Avenue, near Valley Hrook. lav . James H. Uttell, |>, I)., .

, Patter RaMsr lervieea, fM ia tekoal, 9:45 A. M.Meralng wor*hip, II A. M.

^ Ye«at Poeple’s Christian Union, 7

Evening warship, I P.M.4-yf^ r* > y >ytf ^T w ln .

“ 'w .C h u rcK

a ga«**.fwd. M t.

iSK FOR SALK Ontrally lo t«J naar Tows 1 1*11, all improved reel, no auea.ments jm* room «ua, enctednd porch, large ntet;r~a ae t t a t t l 1 wakaa saai weaiwieaafcw-iwatta-ir <•«•«. » ill *acri«ce for IO M POR SALK -fVt* Baby Carri *1 vjawi#nt tffm« grrai >i«wd. Nuhoi (H d "nl**fir f-T-V-tVr

i 'o.'»l«ny, Lyadhursl I'hone RuUl M IR ae e a a*cwod A

t o * .

T H I Janssen M an has had bis own endurance tests this summer meeting heavy overnight increases in bis milk sales, because more

grow n-ups are now putting their trust in m ilk for relief thru severe heat waves. * ,

And if you think these increases have been mere spots on his sales horizons, listen to this and think again:

T hey’ve ranged consistently on c itra hot days, from 50 to 60 per ccnt higher than normal days’ sales:

Many housewives having doubled tbe family milk o rder and the Business W orld 's lunch order having been mostly: "M ilk for metoday. I t’s too hot for coffee.” i—V-» __

T W i »o food like milk f th t hdy t*mf*rmtmr* mwmml air» hot uratber amd ibt u arld ii meu prrtty grnmrmUy w in t* tkt fm tt Try H ymtr- mif tbit month, u ith J a n u m 't...T it Btti M M t bPm M *T» Produce

— .. \ 1 ....................— — t i — , .. .

Janssen’s GradeP an a l Ibt a m m - c a m c t f y r a p n W

Up to the m inute home a m i summer rtsmr* delivery

Five_ 11H O wh o 4 e f l V 4 2 2 0 : R t ’* « * » » * « ! » « • • M e i i o i . ( B r o o x ) > M y . A s b u n P a r t

for al‘ whtr •««»•». «««*«*•». commry a md shore worn, caU <mr w . o«c*. HObokm i-2110

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