

GRE Vocab Lists

2Week 1

GRE Week 1 — 49 WordsINCHOATE (adj.) Incipient, still developing or incomplete

(adj.) Imperfectly formed, incoherent or lacking order

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OBDURATE (adj.) Unyielding to persuasion; Resistant to appeals or softening influences(adj.) Persistent in wrongdoing or impenitent; hardened against emotions

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AMALGAMATE (v) To mix, merge, or combine into a whole

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EFFRONTERY (n) Insolence, boldness, or presumption

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RAREFY (v) To make or become thin, less compact, or less dense(v) To purify, refine, or make more spiritual

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DIATRIBE (n) Bitter, abusive criticism or denunciation

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PRECIPITATE (v) To throw or fall down headlong(v) To bring about or cause to happen, especially abruptly or prematurely(v) To cause (a substance) to separate from a solution;

To condense or cause to condense and fall from the sky as snow, rain, etc.(adj.) Speeding headlong, rapidly, or dangerously;

Proceeding with undue haste and without necessary forethought(adj.) Occurring abruptly or unexpectedly(adj.) Steep or rushing steeply downward

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DISABUSE (v) To free someone from a misconception or deception

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3Week 1

AVER (v) To assert or affirm positively(v) To formally assert or prove in pleading a case or cause

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BOLSTER (v) To support, uphold, hearten, or boost

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UNDERMINE (v) To weaken by washing away the support or foundation underneath(v) To weaken, injure, or ruin by degrees or a little at the time; to sap (v) To subvert secretly or insidiously (adj.) To dig a mine or tunnel underneath

Your Sentence:

DELIBERATE (v) To think carefully or consider(adj.) 1. Carefully considered

2. Slowly, unhurriedly decided 3. Done intentionally or with awareness of the consequences

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ASSUAGE (v) To make less intense or severe; to ease(v) To satisfy, appease, or quench(v) To pacify, sooth, or quiet

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LACONIC (adj.) Concise, terse, or extremely sparing with words

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LUCID (adj.) Intelligible or readily understandable (adj.) Sane or rational (adj.) Translucent or clear; bright or luminous

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ENERVATE (v) To weaken or sap the strength, vigor, or vitality of

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MOROSE (adj.) Sullen, gloomy, or melancholy

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4Week 1

EULOGY (n) A praising speech or tribute, especially honoring someone who has died(n) High praise

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PLACATE (v) To soothe the anger of, mollify, or appease

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ANTAGONISM (n) Hostility, opposition, or active resistance

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SKEPTICAL (adj.) Showing, expressing, or given to doubt or questioning

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INTREPID (adj.) Resolutely fearless or undaunted

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MOLLIFY (v) To soothe or calm the temper or feelings(v) To soften or make less rigid; to temper or lessen the intensity of

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ANOMALOUS (adj.) Deviating from the norm or expectations; irregular (adj.) Uncertain or incongruous in nature

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MUNDANE (adj.) Ordinary, practical, commonplace; banal or uninteresting (adj.) Of or related to this world, as opposed to the heavens

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QUOTIDIAN (adj.) Everyday, commonplace or ordinary

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BURGEON (v) To produce or send out new growth; to sprout or bloom(v) To grow, expand, or develop quickly and often profusely

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5Week 1

SAP (n) 1. The circulatory fluid of a plant; an essential bodily fluid 2. Health, vitality, or energy (metaphor related to “essential body fluid”) 3. A gullible person, fool, or dupe

(v) 1. To deplete, drain, or weaken, especially of energy or vitality 2. To diminish the intensity or supply of 3. To undermine the foundations of

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OCCULT (adj.) Secret or withheld from the uninitiated(adj.) Mysterious, inscrutable, difficult or impossible to comprehend(adj.) Of, related to, or concerned with magic or the supernatural

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GAINSAY (v) To deny or prove false(v) To oppose or speak out against

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PITH (n) The core, essence, or substance of a matter(n) Mettle or vigor(n) Importance or significance

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GIST (n) The central point or essence; the heart of the matter(n) The grounds of a legal action

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HACKNEYED (adj.) Unoriginal, so commonplace as to be stale; trite, or banal

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CORROBORATE (v) To support with evidence, make more certain, or confirm


PLASTICITY (n) Capacity to be molded or made to assume or hold a shape

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EBULLIENCE (n) Liveliness or exuberance, especially in manner or expression

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6Week 1

PLETHORA (n) Excess, profusion, or overabundance

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ARTLESS (adj.) Uncultured or ignorant, lacking in knowledge(adj.) Poorly or crudely made(adj.) Without artificiality; natural, sincere

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ARTIFICE (n) A crafty, cunning trick or stratagem (n) Deception or false behavior(n) Cleverness, skill, or ingenuity

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DIN (n) A loud, clamorous noise

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PRECARIOUS (adj.) Lacking stability, dangerously uncertain, or subject to unknown circumstances

(adj.) Based on uncertain or dubious premises

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DEFAULT (n) Failure to meet an obligation, especially a financial obligation; failure to make a court appearance; failure to participate in a contest

(v) To fail to do any of the above

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TORTUOUS (adj.) Winding; containing numerous twists, turns, or bends(adj.) Crooked, tricky, or devious(adj.) Highly involved, circuitous, or complex

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TENUOUS (adj.) Not dense; thin or diluted inconsistency(adj.) Slender(adj.) Lacking substance or strength; flimsy; shaky

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7Week 1

PROFUSE (adj.) Present or available in great amount; plentiful, bountiful, or copious(adj.) Pouring forth freely or abundantly; extravagant

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PROPITIATE (v) To gain or regain the favor of; appease or conciliate

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ZENITH (n) The highest point, culmination

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DESICCATE (v) To dry out completely (v) To preserve (food) by drying

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VENERATION (n) The act of regarding or treating with profound respect, awe, or admiration

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8Week 2

GRE Week 2 — 49 WordsSANCTION 1. (POSITIVE meaning) Official or authoritative permission or authorization;

support or encouragement(v) To approve or authorize officially;

to support or tolerate by showing approval2. (NEGATIVE meaning) A penalty meant to force compliance;

a military or economic measure adopted by several nations and meant to coerce another nation violating international law (v) To penalize, especially for a violation of international law

Your Sentence:

COMPLAISANT (adj.) Agreeable, eager to please, obliging

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UBIQUITOUS (adj.) Existing or present everywhere; constantly encountered or widespread

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DISTEND (v) To extend; to swell from internal pressure

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VACILLATE (v) To hesitate or waver in forming an opinion or making a decision(v) To fluctuate or oscillate

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PERFIDY (n) 1. The quality or state of being disloyal; treachery; faithlessness 2. An act of disloyalty

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DERIVATIVE (adj.) Not original; secondary or copied (adj.) Derived

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FRACAS (n) A noisy, loud quarrel, brawl, or disturbance

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9Week 2

EXPLICIT (adj.) Fully and clearly expressed, without leaving anything to implication (adj.) Fully developed or defined(adj.) Forthright and unambiguous in expression

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PRESUMPTUOUS (adj.) Overstepping the bounds of what’s right or proper; inappropriately forward or taking liberties

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EXTRANEOUS (adj.) Irrelevant, unrelated, not pertinent(adj.) Nonessential, not vital (adj.) Coming from outside

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SLIGHT (v) 1. To treat as unimportant or make light of 2. To treat with disdain or discourteous inattention 3. To do inattentively or negligently

(n) An instance of being slighted(adj.) 1. Slim or delicate of body

2. Small in size, extent, or quantity 3. Trifling, trivial, or unimportant 4. Lacking strength or substance; flimsy

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VIGOR (n) Active strength or energy; vitality

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TRANSPARENT (adj.) Permitting the passage of light; sheer enough to see through(adj.) Frank, candid, and free of deceit or pretense(adj.) Obvious; readily seen or understood(adj.) Open with regards to methods or practices, especially in business

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PRISTINE (adj.) Belonging or related to the original, earliest condition; primitive (adj.) Remaining in a pure, unspoiled state; untouched by civilization (adj.) Clean as if new

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10Week 2

CONFOUND (v) To confuse, perplex, or stump; to throw into disorder(v) To mix up; to fail to notice differences(v) To refute, prove wrong, or put to shame

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CONSOLE (v) To comfort; to alleviate someone’s grief, suffering, or sense of loss(n) 1. a cabinet (such as for a television) designed to stand on the floor

2. the control unit of a computer, electrical system, vehicle, etc.

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DISCRETE (n) Separate or distinct; an individual thing(n) Consisting of unconnected individual parts; not continuous

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SPECIOUS (adj.) Deceptive in attractions or allure(adj.) Falsely appearing true, genuine, or plausible

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APPROBATION (n) Official approval(n) Commendation; praise; a warm expression of approval

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CONCUR (v) To agree, cooperate, or coincide

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NADIR (adj.) The lowest point(adj.) A point on the celestial sphere, opposite the zenith and below the observer

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TRACTABILITY (n) Capacity for being led, controlled, or taught; docility(n) Malleability; ease of being handled or worked with

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IMPERMEABLE (adj.) Impassable; not permeable; preventing passage through or into itself (such as by a liquid—e.g., an impermeable raincoat)

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11Week 2

DENUNCIATION (n) 1. Public condemnation or censure 2. An accusation of a crime

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LACKLUSTER (adj.) Without luster or brilliance; dull

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FOMENT (v) To foster or promote the development of; to incite or rouse

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DEFERENCE (n) Submission to or due respect for superiors or elders

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VERACITY (n) Conformity or adherence to the truth or accuracy

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DIFFUSE (adj.) Dispersed; spread out(adj.) Wordy and poorly organized

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INNOCUOUS (adj.) Harmless or without negative effect(adj.) Unlikely to offend or inspire a strong reaction; insipid or bland

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AUDACIOUS (adj.) Recklessly bold(adj.) Insolent or contemptuous of rules(adj.) Original and spirited

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EXCULPATE (v) To clear from a charge or guilt

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ABATE (v) To reduce in degree, amount, or intensity

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12Week 2

OBSTINATE (adj.) Stubbornly sticking to an attitude, opinion, purpose, or course against argument or persuasion; difficult to control, subdue, or remedy

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PRODIGIOUS (adj.) Impressive or extraordinary in bulk, amount, or degree; enormous(adj.) Marvelous; eliciting amazement

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STOLID (adj.) Unemotional or impassive

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ALLEVIATE (v) To mitigate, lessen, or make bearable

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LEVY (v) 1. To impose and collect (such as a tax) 2. To draft troops into military service 3. To declare and wage war

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EXACERBATE (v) To make more severe, violent, or bitter; to aggravate, intensify, or inflame

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COVERT (adj.) Not openly done, acknowledged, or avowed; veiled(adj.) Sheltered or covered

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APPRISE (v) To inform, tell, or give notice to

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RECALCITRANT (adj.) Stubbornly resisting or defying authority or guidance

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DERISION (n) Ridicule, mockery, or scorn

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13Week 2

TACITURN (adj.) Disinclined to speak by temperament

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BLITHE (adj.) Lighthearted, carefree, joyous, or gaily cheerful(adj.) Thoughtless, heedless, or without regard or consideration

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CONVOKE (v) To call (as a group of people) to a meeting

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IMPETUOUS (adj.) Impulsive; characterized by sudden, passionate action(adj.) Violent or forceful

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PONDEROUS (adj.) Of great weight; unwieldy due to heaviness and bulk (adj.) Labored, dull, or lifeless

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14Week 3

GRE Week 3 — 49 WordsFLAG (v) To signal with, or as with, a flag

(v) 1. To fall off in energy, vigor, interest, or activity 2. To droop or hang loose

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SOMATIC (adj.) 1. Pertaining to the body (as opposed to the mind, a body part, or the environment)

2. Relating to the wall of the body cavity

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FLUKE (n) A stroke of good luck; a chance occurrence or accident

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DOFF (v) 1. To take off or remove (as clothes); to tip or remove (one’s hat) in greeting 2. To put aside or discard

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APOCRYPHAL (adj.) Of questionable authenticity or origin; spurious

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SCURVY (n) A wasting disease caused by vitamin C deficiency(adj.) Contemptible, despicable, or mean

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APPOSITE (adj.) Appropriate, relevant, or apt

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SQUALID (adj.) Foul, dirty, or wretched, as from extreme poverty or neglect(adj.) Morally repulsive or sordid

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GARRULOUS (adj.) Wordy; overly talkative and given to long, rambling, often trivial speech

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15Week 3

GAMBOL (v) To frolic; to skip or leap about playfully

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FULMINATE (v) To send out or issue with denunciation, invective, or condemnation(v) To explode

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SALUBRIOUS (adj.) Promoting or conducive to health or well being

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ABSCISSION (n) The act of cutting off

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GAUCHE (adj.) Lacking in tact, sensitivity, or other social graces

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TRUCULENT (adj.) Ferocious, cruel, or savage (adj.) Deadly or destructive(adj.) Scathing or harsh (adj.) Belligerent or aggressive; disposed to fighting

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ASPERITY (n) Rigor or severity(n) Roughness, unevenness, or harshness, as of surface or sound(n) Roughness or harshness of manner or temper

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FINESSE (n) Skillful or adroit handling(n) Refinement or delicacy or performance, skill, or workmanship

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GERMANE (adj.) Relevant or closely related

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16Week 3

VISCID (adj.) Having a sticky, adhesive, or viscous quality or consistency

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GLIB (adj.) Fluent in speaking or writing to the point of insincerity or thoughtlessness (adj.) Done with natural ease or off hand nonchalance

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REQUITE (v) To repay or make return for; to reciprocate(v) To avenge(v) To recompense for a service, benefit, or injury

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GROUSE (v) To complain, grumble(n) A grievance; a persistent complaint(n) Any of various types of plump, chicken-like gamebirds

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APPRECIABLE (adj) Possible to see, measure, or estimate

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DILATE (v) 1. To cause to expand; to widen or enlarge 2. To speak or write at length on a subject

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SUBSIDE (v) To sink to a lower or normal level (such as a fever); to sink or settle down (as onto a couch or to the bottom of a river)

(v) To become less agitated or active

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REDUNDANT (adj.) More than necessary; superfluous (adj.) Excessively wordy or repetitive

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ANTIPATHY (n) An aversion, disliking, or distaste for(n) An object of dislike or aversion

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17Week 3

CONVOLUTED (adj.) Having a great number of coils, loops, or folds(adj.) Intricate or involved

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MITIGATE (v) To moderate (the force,intensity, or strength of) or alleviate

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SANGFROID (n) Self-possession or composure, especially under stress

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IMPLOSION (n) Forceful collapse inward

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CONDONE (v) To overlook, dismiss, or forgive (an offense)

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CATALYST (n) Something precipitating, provoking, or accelerating an action, event, or change(n) A substance that starts or speeds a chemical reaction

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INTEMPERANCE (n) Indulgence of passions or appetites(n) Excessive drinking of alcohol

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STALWART (adj.) Strong or vigorous in mind, body, or spirit

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AUGMENT (v) To enlarge; to make greater, more intense, or more numerous

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ABRIDGE (v) To cut short or condense (especially of a written work)

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18Week 3

INDIFFERENT (n) Not caring; having no interest; unbiased, impartial

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VERBOSE (adj.) Using more words than necessary; wordy

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SQUELCH (v) To crush or squash as if by trampling(v) To quell or suppress completely(v) To silence, as by a crushing remark(v) To emit a splashing, sucking sound

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EMACIATE (adj.) Wasted away, enfeebled, or made extremely thin

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EXTEMPORE (adj.) Done, said, or composed with little or no preparation; unpremeditated

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FORESTALL (v) To hinder or prevent in advance(v) To anticipate or deal with in advance(v) To buy up goods so as to drive up prices for resale

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ANALOGOUS (adj.) Similar or related so that one can draw an analogy or comparison

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QUIESCENCE (n) The state of being quiescent; tranquil restfulness or repose

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ADULTERATE (v) To make impure or corrupt by adding foreign or inferior materials or ingredients, particularly in preparation for sale

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19Week 3

NABOB (n) A person who is wealthy, prominent, or important(n) A provincial governor of India’s Mogul empire (historical)

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CARDINAL (adj.) Of prime importance; chief; main

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PUISSANCE (n) Power; might

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20Week 4

GRE Week 4 — 49 WordsRUE (n) regret, sorrow

(v) to regret; to feel remorse(n) a bitter herb used medicinally

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EQUIVOCAL (adj.) Undecided, ambivalent(adj.) Open to multiple interpretations, often with the intent to deceive or mislead;

of uncertain or dubious nature

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VERISIMILAR (adj.) Probably, likely, or appearing to be true

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HOODWINK (v) To deceive or trick, especially using a misleading or false appearance

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MISANTHROPE (n) One with hate or distrust for humankind

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TEETOTALER (n) One who abstains totally from alcohol

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APATHETIC (adj.) Showing or feeling little emotion(adj.) Without interest or concern; indifferent

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PEDANTIC (adj.) Excessively, narrowly, often ostentatiously focused on formal rules or book learning; unimaginative

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INDELIBLE (adj.) Permanent; impossible to remove, erase, or wash away(adj.) Memorable; unforgettable; making a lasting impression

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21Week 4

SCOTCH (v) To put an end to (the storm scotched our plans)

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CODA (n) Something that concludes, finishes, or rounds out, often with a summary of what has gone before (example: an unpleasant after-hours voicemail from your boss would be a coda to an awful workday)

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HOMOGENEOUS (adj.) Similar in kind; composed of similar or uniform parts

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FATUOUS (adj.) Complacently foolish or silly

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INVETERATE (adj.) Established through long practice or precedent (adj.) Habitual or ingrained

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PERMEABLE (adj.) Capable of being permeated or penetrated; porous so as to admit liquid

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PHILANTHROPIC (adj.) Of, related to, characterized by, involved with, or providing charitable or humanitarian aid or assistance

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OSTRACIZE (v) To exclude; to exile from a group by general consent

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PROPAGATE (v) To multiply or breed; to pass (traits) to offspring(v) To extend or spread to a greater area or number(v) To foster wider knowledge or spread word of; to publicize

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FIDELITY (n) The state or quality of being faithful or loyal(n) Accuracy or exactness (as in “high fidelity”)

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22Week 4

ABSTAIN (v) To refrain or hold oneself back

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INHIBIT (v) To prevent, prohibit, or forbid(v) To restrain, dampen, hold back, or check

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FACETIOUS (adj.) Joking or jocular (often inappropriately); not meaning to be serious (adj.) Intended to be humorous, rather than serious

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INGENUOUS (adj.) Lacking in cunning, guile, or worldliness; straightforward, candid, or frank

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AFFABLE (adj.) Pleasant and easy to talk to; approachable

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ADHERE (v) To stay attached; to stick to(v) To be devoted in support or allegiance(v) To remain committed to

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SLACK (adj.) Negligent, careless, or lax; slow, sluggish, or lacking energy; lacking tautness or tightness; weak; inactive, not busy

(v) 1. To become slack; to loosen or make slower 2. To shirk or evade work; to be careless or inattentive in doing

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DIVERGE (v) To turn aside from a path or course; to branch off from a single point(v) To differ in opinion, form, or character

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FREQUENT (adj.) Happening often(v) To visit

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23Week 4

FRINGE (n) A margin, periphery, or outer edge

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EGRESS (n) The act of going out or exiting(n) An exit or way out

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ASCEND (v) To move or slope upward; to rise from a lower level or station(v) To go back in time or genealogical progression(v) To become king or queen

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LAUDABLE (adj.) Praiseworthy

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RENT (adj.) Having been torn, violently lacerated, or wrested from(n) 1. A tear or opening created by rending

2. A rift or breach in relations

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VOLATILE (adj.) Widely varying, fickle, inconstant, or even prone to violence

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ASEPTIC (adj.) Free from or protecting against infection by pathogenic microorganisms(adj.) Without animation or emotion

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SKULLDUGGERY (n) Deceitful, underhanded, unscrupulous behavior

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PREDILECTION (n) A preference or partiality for something

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24Week 4

DIVESTITURE (n) The act of divesting (opposite of “investing”); the act of stripping someone of property

(n) The sale or liquidation of assets

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PROLOGUE (n) An introduction, esp. to a poem, play, or novel

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GOSSAMER (adj.) Extremely light, delicate, or sheer

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DORMANT (adj.) Lying asleep or as if asleep; inactive (esp. temporarily inactive)

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GRATE (v) To shred (such as cheese) by rubbing against anabrasive surface; to cause to make a harsh sound through grinding (as teeth); to persistently annoy

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GRATUITOUS (adj.) Done, given, or obtained without payment; unearned(adj.) Unwarranted, unjustified, or uncalled-for

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HEGEMONY (n) Dominance or influence of one group or force over others

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RIFT (n) A narrow fissure in rock(n) A break in an interpersonal relationship

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GRIEVOUS (adj.) Causing great pain, suffering, or grief(adj.) Serious, dire, severe, or extremely harmful; oppressive or burdensome

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25Week 4

EPHEMERAL (adj.) Short-lived or lasting for only a brief period(adj.) Lasting only one day

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ASPERSION (n) A false, derogatory claim meant to injure someone’s reputation(n) The act of making such a claim(n) A sprinkling with water, especially as part of a religious ceremony

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HALCYON (adj.) Calm, peaceful, or tranquil(adj.) Prosperous or wealthy

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26Week 5

GRE Week 5 — 49 WordsERUDITE (adj.) Learned, knowledgeable, or scholarly

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DIFFIDENT (adj.) Lacking self-confidence; shy or timid

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ESCHEW (v) To shun, avoid, or abstain from

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MALLEABLE (adj.) Capable of being shaped or molded, as by a hammer or pressure (adj.) Susceptible to control or outside influence(adj.) Adaptable to changing conditions

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SAVANT (n) A learned person, scholar, or sage; an idiot savant

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SEDULOUS (adj.) Diligent or persevering in effort or application(adj.) Done or achieved through perseverance

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HALLMARK (n) An outstanding or distinguishing feature; A mark indicating quality or excellence

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HAPLESS (adj.) Unfortunate or unlucky

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SINECURE (n) A paid position or office requiring little or no work

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27Week 5

HARROW (v) To disturb or torment(v) To prepare ground for planting with a harrow (a tool designed to break up and

even out plowed land)

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EXHAUSTIVE (adj.) Thorough; not leaving anything out(adj.) Tending to exhaust; exhausting

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HAVEN (n) A place of comfort or rest; a sanctuary(n) A port or harbor

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CLINCH (v) grab or hold; secure a goal (to “clinch the win”)

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STYMIE (v) To block, thwart, or stand in the way of

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ENIGMA (n) A puzzling or inscrutable person, occurrence, or situation(n) A puzzling or obscure text or speech

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WELTER (n) A confused jumble or mass(v) To become deeply involved or embroiled in something(v) To roll, writhe, or heave

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SUPPLICATE (v) To ask humbly of (someone); to beseech(v) To ask for something humbly; to pray for

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ZEALOUS (adj.) Fervent, filled with, or motivated by passionate or excessive enthusiasm

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28Week 5

HYPERBOLE (n) Extreme exaggeration, often used for effect as a figure of speech

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TORRID (adj.) Parched; burning or intensely hot(adj.) Passionate or ardent(adj.) Fast or hurried

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IDYLL (n) A poem, either a short description of an idealized rural scene or a narrative dealing with romantic or heroic themes

(n) A carefree, lighthearted experience or period; a romantic interlude

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TRAVESTY (n) A distorted, debased, grotesque, or inferior imitation or likeness(n) An exaggerated burlesque or imitation of a serious literary work, which is usually

grotesquely incongruous

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TURPITUDE (n) Depravity, baseness, or vileness(n) A corrupt act

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FERVOR (n) Intensity or warmth of emotion(n) Intense heat

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CACOPHONY (adj.) Dissonance; jarring, harsh, or discordant sound

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FLEDGE (v) To care for (as a young bird) until it is ready to fly(v) To cover with or as with feathers(v) To grow plumage needed for flight

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IMPASSIVE (adj.) Not revealing, expressing, or betraying emotion

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29Week 5

IMPECUNIOUS (adj.) Penniless; without money

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WARMONGER (n) One who advocates or attempts to incite war

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IMPEDE (v) To hinder or obstruct movement or progress

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ABHOR (v) To hate or despis; to regard with horror or repugnance

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PREVARICATE (v) To equivocate, lie, or stray from the truth

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DIVULGE (v) To reveal or make known (a secret or confidence)

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PRECURSOR (n) One that precedes and announces or suggests another’s approach(n) A forerunner or predecessor; one that precedes another

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ATTENUATE (v) To make thin, slender, or small(v) To reduce in density or consistency; to rarefy(v) To lessen the force, value, numbers, or strength of(v) To reduce the intensity, vitality, or virulence of

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OSTENTATIOUS (adj.) Given to excessive, pretentious, conspicuous display

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IMPROBITY (n) Dishonesty; lack of probity (probity = honesty)

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30Week 5

CONVERSANCE (n) Familiarity; the state of being able to speak about something (“converse”)knowledgeably

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QUANDARY (n) State of perplexity, especially regarding how to proceed

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PROPRIETY (n) The quality of being proper or appropriate(n) Plural: The customs and rules of polite society

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IMPUDENT (adj.) Insolent; boldly disrespectful

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DWINDLE (v) To shrink or diminish until little remains

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IMPUGN (v) To challenge or attack as false or questionable

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CAPRICIOUS (adj.) Whimsical; governed by or subject to caprice or impulse

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INADVERTENT (adj.) Accidental or unintentional(adj.) Inattentive; not fully focused or taking heed

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RECUMBENT (adj.) Lying down or reclining, especially in repose (adj.) Resting or idle

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IMPROMPTU (adj.) Done, said, or composed on the spur of the moment; improvised

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31Week 5

ABJURE (v) To renounce, recant, or repudiate, often solemnly or under oath

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REFULGENT (adj.) Radiant or resplendent; shining brilliantly

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32Week 6

GRE Week 6 — 49 WordsAGGREGATE (v) To gather together

(n) Formed by the collection of smaller parts

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DIDACTIC (adj.) Designed to teach or instruct(adj.) Intended for moral education(adj.) Excessively given to lecturing or moralizing

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CENSURE (v) To criticize or express disapproval, often formally

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ANARCHY (n) A state of lawlessness, without government oversight or authority

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INCIPIENT (adj.) Coming into existence or beginning to appear

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INCURSION (n) An invasion, raid, or hostile entrance of another’s territory(n) The act of entering

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ENGENDER (v) To give rise to, create, or cause(v) To beget or propagate

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AUTONOMOUS (adj.) Independent; self-governing(adj.) Existing or capable of functioning independently, without reliance on others

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EQUANIMITY (n) Calmness; mental or emotional stability under stress; balance or equilibrium

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33Week 6

INDETERMINATE (adj.) Vague or uncertain; not precisely fixed or established (adj.) Having an infinite number of solutions

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CORRUGATED (adj.) Drawn or bent into folds or furrows (as in corrugated cardboard)(adj.) Wrinkled, as in the skin or face

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UNSEEMLY (adj.) Not in accordance with standards of good behavior or taste

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INDIGENCE (n) Utter poverty, without comfort

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INDIGENOUS (adj.) Native to or naturally occurring in a region or environment(adj.) Innate or natural

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SENTIENT (adj.) Conscious; experiencing feeling or sensation

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ESOTERIC (adj.) Understood by or intended for only a select group, often of people with specialized knowledge

(adj.) Confidential

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CHICANERY (n) Deception through subterfuge or trickery

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ESTIMABLE (adj.) Worthy of esteem or admiration (adj.) Capable of being estimated

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34Week 6

ABERRANT (adj.) Deviating from the usual or proper course, especially in behavior(adj.) Deviating from the normal or expected type; atypical

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CRASS (adj.) Crude, gross, and unrefined; lacking indiscrimination(adj.) Excessively materialistic or base

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INGRATE (n) An ungrateful person

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CRAVEN (adj.) Cowardly or contemptibly fearful

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ANOMALY (n) Deviation from the norm; irregularity(n) Something irregular, peculiar, abnormal, or deviating from the norm

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AVID (adj.) Urgently, keenly desirous to the point of greed(adj.) Marked by enthusiasm or voracious interest

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COALESCE (v) To grow or unite into one mass or body; to fuse

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SUMMARILY (adv) immediately; in a prompt or direct manner; without prior notice

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INSULARITY (n) The state or quality of being insular, especially the narrow point of view resulting from life in a closed, isolated community

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EXTENUATING (adj.) Lessening or mitigating the seriousness or extent of something

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35Week 6

CRYPTIC (adj.) Having or seeming to have hidden meaning; mysterious or mystifying(adj.) Secret or occult; employing or using code or a cipher

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TIRADE (n) An angry, protracted, harshly censorious speech or rant

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DAMP (v) To deaden; to hold back or retard the energy of; to stifle, suffocate, or restrain

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TOUT (v) To solicit business, votes, etc., in a persistent or annoying way(v) To describe or advertise boastfully; promote or praise excessively

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FALLACIOUS (adj.) Built on unsound logic; containing a fallacy (fallacy = logical mistake)(adj.) Misleading or delusive

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PRAGMATIC (adj.) Practical; dealing in facts or real-world occurrences rather than theory or ideals

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DEBACLE (n) An utter disaster, collapse, or failure(n) A rout or violent downfall

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TRIBUTE (n) A gift, service, or other demonstration of gratitude, admiration, or affection(n) Evidence or something indicating a praiseworthy quality or characteristic(n) Payment given or extracted as a sign of submission or in exchange for protection

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INUNDATE (v) To cover in water, as in a flood or torrential rain(v) To overwhelm

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36Week 6

TURBULENCE (n) Violent commotion or disorder

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INVEIGLE (v) To lure, induce, or win over by using flattery(v) To obtain by flattery or coaxing

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FERMENT (v) 1. To undergo or cause fermentation (such as yogurt or other such foods) 2. To excite or agitate; to foment

(n) A state of agitation, unrest, or tumult (“the political ferment may lead to revolt”)

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ALACRITY (n) Cheerful willingness or promptness

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FETID (adj.) Offensive-smelling

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DECOROUS (adj.) Dignified, correct, or proper in manner or conduct

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JABBER (v) To talk rapidly, incoherently, or nonsensically

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JIBE (v) To be in harmony; agree

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GIBE (v) To jeer, taunt, or deride(n) A mocking or sarcastic remark

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JOCULAR (adj.) Characterized by or given to playful jesting; jolly

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37Week 6

VITUPERATIVE (adj.) Characterized by tendency to censure, condemn, or verbally abuse

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LABILE (adj.) Apt or likely to change

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BASE (adj.) Mean-spirited, contemptible, or selfish(adj.) Showing a lack of values or ethics (adj.) Of inferior value or quality

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PETTIFOGGER (n) A shifty or unethical lawyer(n) A person who bickers or quibbles over trivial matters

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CONFABULATE (v) Chat; talk casually(v) To make things up; in psychology, to fill in gaps in one’s memory with

“fabulous” stories

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FETTER (v) Shackle, put in chains, or restrict the freedom of

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VAUNT (v) Brag about

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SOPHOMORIC (adj.) Immature; showing lack of judgment(adj.) Pretentious and immature at the same time

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38Week 7

GRE Week 7 — 49 WordsAMORTIZE (v) To gradually and systematically write off (such as a debt)

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COWER (v) To shrink or cringe in fear

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DISSONANCE (n) Harsh, unpleasantly conflicting, or cacophonous sounds(n) Inconsistency or lack of agreement

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BALEFUL (adj.) Harmful in influence or intent(adj.) Foreboding; ominous

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DISTENDED (adj.) Extended, expanded, or increased in size or volume(adj.) Swollen

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PARADOX (n) A seemingly false or contradictory statement that may nonetheless be true

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PRETERNATURAL (adj.) Exceeding the natural, normal, or regular; extraordinary (adj.) Existing outside of or beyond the normal course of nature (adj.) Supernatural

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PREEN (v) (Of animals) To smooth and clean one’s fur or feathers(v) To dress with great care or primp(v) To gloat, congratulate oneself, or swell with pride

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LAMBASTE (v) To berate, criticize, or reprimand harshly(v) To beat or whip

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39Week 7

LASSITUDE (n) Weariness or fatigue(n) Listlessness or indolence

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DIVEST (v) To deprive or dispossess of property, ownership, or title; to sell off, as an investment

(v) To strip of clothing or equipment

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LEVITY (n) Lightness or unseriousness of manner, mind, or character, to the point of being inappropriate; frivolity

(n) Fickleness or inconstancy

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PRODIGAL (adj.) Wastefully, recklessly extravagant or spendthrift(adj.) Lavish, profuse, or yielding in abundance

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BANAL (adj.) Without originality or freshness

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LAGGARD (adj.) Slow, sluggish, or lagging behind

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PROFLIGATE (adj.) Utterly dissolute(adj.) Wildly extravagant or wasteful

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EXIGENT (adj.) Urgent, pressing, or demanding immediate action(adj.) Demanding a good deal or too much

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PROFUNDITY (n) Something profound; intellectual, mental, or emotional depth

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40Week 7

LIBERTINE (n) One who is dissolute, debauched, or without moral restraint(n) One who is unconventional in religious matters

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LETHARGY (n) A state of sluggishness, inactivity, laziness, or indifference(n) Unusually intense drowsiness or sleepiness

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PROLIX (adj.) Excessively long or tediously drawn-out(adj.) Excessively wordy

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FORD (n.) A shallow place in a body of water where one can cross on foot, by horse, etc.(v.) To cross over a body of water, such as a river, in this way

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LIMPID (adj.) Clear or transparent(adj.) Simple, transparent, or easily understood (as in style or speech)(adj.) Untroubled or serene

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PROSCRIBE (v) To prohibit or forbid(v) To condemn as dangerous or harmful(v) To banish; to publish the name of a convicted outlaw

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LIST (v) To lean to one side, as a ship

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PUNGENCY (n) The state or quality of being acrid in smell; biting, caustic, sharp, or incisive

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LOLL (v) To move or rest in a reclined, indolent manner; to droop or hang

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41Week 7

LOQUACIOUS (adj.) Excessively talkative or garrulous; wordy

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EMACIATION (n) Extreme thinness due to starvation, undernourishment, or illness

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QUELL (v) To suppress, subdue, or put down forcefully(v) To calm or pacify

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PIQUE (n) A feeling of offense or wounded pride; resentment

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LULL (v) To soothe or put to sleep(v) To deceive or cause to feel a false sense of safety or security

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CANON (n) That which is standard, approved, or sanctioned, especially in regards to scripture or literature

(n) A rule, principal, or law

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QUACK (n) One who fraudulently claims to have medical skills; a charlatan

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LUMBER (v) To move in a clumsy, heavy, slow way; to move with a rumbling noise

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MACERATE (v) To make soft or dissolve by soaking; to emaciate

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DESULTORY (adj.) Lacking in consistency or order; unplanned or fitful(adj.) Random or disconnected from the main subject

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42Week 7

EPICURE (n) Someone with refined, discriminating taste, especially in food or wine; a connoisseur

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REBUFF (v) To reject or criticize bluntly or abruptly; to snub(v) To check, repel, or drive off

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RECANT (v) To formally repudiate or retract a former statement or belief(v) To openly admit error

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RECONDITE (adj.) Challenging to those of average understanding or knowledge; abstruse or deep

(adj.) Concealed or hidden

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SOPORIFIC (adj.) Tending to cause sleep or dull alertness(adj.) Sleepy, lethargic, or drowsy

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BELIE (v) To contradict or show to be false(v) To misrepresent or give a false impression of

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REDOUBTABLE (adj.) Causing fear; alarming or formidable(adj.) Illustrious; worthy of respect

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MEANDER (v) To ramble or wander aimlessly and without urgency(v) To take a winding, indirect course

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MENDACIOUS (adj.) Lying or dishonest; misleading

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43Week 7

MERCURIAL (adj.) Changeable, volatile, or given to rapid shifts in mood(adj.) Having qualities associated w/Greek god Mercury, including cleverness,

eloquence, and thievishness

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METAPHYSICAL (adj) concerned with abstract thought; related to metaphysics (branch of philosophy concerned with explaining the nature of being and of the world); very subtle or abstruse

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METAMORPHOSE (v) To change or be transformed utterly in form or appearance (v) To cause or subject to metamorphosis

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NORMATIVE (adj.) Prescribing a norm or standard; expressing value judgments (how things should be) instead of just stating the facts

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SHYSTER (n) A person who uses petty or unethical practices, esp. a lawyer who does this

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MIMETIC (adj.) Imitative; copying; relating to mimicry

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CREPUSCULAR (adj.) Like twilight; dim

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SYNCRETISM (n) Reconciliation or fusion (esp. only partial) of different philosophies, religions, belief systems, etc.

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44Week 7

ECUMENICAL (adj.) Universal; worldwide in scope

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ROCOCO (n) A style of art originating in 18th century France marked by elaborate ornamentation (an abundance of scrolls, foliage,etc.)

(adj.) Extremely elaborate or complicated

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45Week 8

GRE Week 8 — 49 WordsCASTIGATION (n) Severe criticism, reproach, or punishment

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REPINE (v) To be discontent, complain, or fret(v) To yearn or long deeply for something

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METEORIC (adj.) Like a meteor in speed or sudden (often temporary) brilliance

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MINATORY (adj.) Menacing or threatening in nature or aspect

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ENDEMIC (adj.) Native to or characteristic of a certain place or people (adj.) Restricted or confined to a specific area or place

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ABROGATE (v) To abolish, annul, or put aside, usually officially

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BROACH (v) To mention, suggest, or bring up(v) To tap, pierce, or open up

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DEPOSITION (n) The act of removing from power(n) Testimony under oath(n) The process of depositing, or the state of being deposited

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ACCRETION (n) Growth by gradual addition or build up

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46Week 8

DERIDE (v) To scorn, mock, jeer, or ridicule

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REVERE (v) To regard with respect, devotion, deference, and awe

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BOISTEROUS (adj.) Rough and noisy or rowdy; clamorous

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OPPROBRIUM (n) Disgrace or infamy due to shameful, despicable behavior(n) Harsh contempt or condemnation(n) A cause for shame or disgrace

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SATE (v) To satisfy or appease (an appetite) fully(v) To indulge (an appetite) to excess; to glut

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NASCENT (adj.) Developing or coming into existence

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EQUITABLE (adj.) Fair and impartial; characterized by or showing equity (equity = fairness)(Note: do not confuse with equivocal, meaning ambivalent, undecided)

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NATTY (adj.) Smart and trim in dress or appearance (usually of a man: “nattily dressed”)

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ACCOLADE (n) An award; praise or expression of approval

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SEAMY (adj.) Sordid; unpleasant; showing the low side of life

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47Week 8

SEDULOUS (adj.) Diligent or persevering in effort or application(adj.) Done or achieved through perseverance

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EFFACE (v.) To erase; to rub or wipe out(v.) To conduct oneself inconspicuously, to make oneself “invisible” (often used in the

expression “self-effacing”)

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NEOLOGISM (n) A new word, phrase, or usage(n) A psychotic symptom involving the creation of new words

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SEMINAL (adj.) Pertaining to seed; having possibility of future development (adj.) Very original and influencing later works (as a seminal artist or artwork)

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NEXUS (n) A link or connection(n) A connected group or series(n) The core, focus, or central point of connection

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TACIT (adj.) Expressed without words; unspoken(adj.) Implied or indicated but not explicitly expressed

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SUPINE (adj.) Lying on the back or face up(adj.) Showing or characterized by lethargy, passivity, or apathetic inactivity;

mentally or morally indifferent or lax

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CAUSTIC (adj.) Capable of burning, corroding, or eating away at(adj.) Cutting, harsh, sarcastic, or severely critical

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48Week 8

NUGATORY (adj.) Of little value, worth, or importance; trifling or inconsequential(adj.) Without force or effectiveness

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DISAFFECT (v) To make unhappy or unloyal, to alienate the affection or support of

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BOMBASTIC (adj.) Overblown, pompous, inflated, or pretentious

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ESTRANGE (v) To make unfriendly or hostile; keep at a distance

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OBSTINACY (adj.) Stubbornly sticking to an attitude, opinion, purpose, or course, against argument or persuasion

(adj.) Difficult to control, subdue, or remedy

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SINEWY (adj.) Full of sinews (tendons); tough and stringy or strong (adj.) Lean and muscular; strong, forceful, or vigorous

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BOOR (n) A rude or coarse person; someone without manners or sensitivity(n) A peasant

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OCCLUDED (v) To obstruct, close up, or block off(v) To prevent the passage of

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SLEW (n) A large number or quantity (“a whole slew of problems”)

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49Week 8

CONTINENT (adj.) Exercising or marked by self-restraint, especially of the desires

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CESSATION (n) A temporary or final stopping or ceasing

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ODIUM (n) The state or quality of being odious (arousing contempt or strong displeasure)(n) Contempt, dislike, or repugnance(n) Disgrace or infamy due to reprehensible or hateful acts

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SODDEN (adj.) Weighted down with or as if with water; soaked thoroughly(adj.) Dull or expressionless, as from drink(adj.) Sluggish or torpid

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SURFEIT (n) 1. An excessive amount or oversupply 2. Overindulgence (such as in food or drink); disgust from overindulgence

(v) To feed or supply to surfeit (i.e., satiety, excess, or disgust)

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SOLVENT (adj.) Able to pay debts; not bankrupt

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BREACH (n) The act or result of rupturing or breaking; rift, fissure(n) A violation or infraction; a severance of friendly relations

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ONEROUS (adj.) Burdensome or troublesome (“onus”=burden) (adj.) Entailing legal obligations that exceed the benefits

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FERVID (adj.) Glowing or burning(adj.) Marked by great zeal, feeling, or fervor

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50Week 8

OPAQUE (adj.) Impenetrable to light; not transparent or reflecting light (adj.) Hard to understand; so obscure as to be unclear or unintelligible(adj.) Dim-witted or mentally slow

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LETHARGIC (adj.) Characterized by or causing lethargy (sluggishness, inactivity) or indifference

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CHARY (adj.) Cautious or wary(adj.) Sparing; hesitant to give, accept, or expend

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TENDENTIOUS (adj.) Partisan; marked by a strong point of view

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PUERILE (adj.) Pertaining to childhood(adj.) Childishly foolish or immature; juvenile

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BEDIZEN (v) Dress or decorate in a gaudy, ostentatious way

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INTERNECINE (adj.) Pertaining to conflict within a group(adj.) Mutually destructive

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SCREED (n) A long discourse or piece of writing(n) A diatribe; an angry speech

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51Week 8

SERE (adj.) Dry or withered

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SEMIOTICS (n) The theory or study of signs and symbols used as elements of communication; the study of languages, gestures, or even clothing used as communication

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