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Office of the Provost DATE: May 16, 2014


Department of Physics

Dr. Donald A. Whitney Interim Chairman May 16, 2014 Name Position Date

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Please write a descriptive statement which gives a profile of your area. The statement

should be factual yet designed to give a message to students, parents, and funding agencies. The

statement should also be written in a manner which will sell your department, division and/or

school in a competitive academic market.

DESCRIPTIVE STATEMENT The Department of Physics has continued to expand its accomplishments both academically and in

areas of research (locally, nationally, and internationally). In the Nuclear Physics group, Dr.

Michael Kohl has achieved international renown by serving as the Spokesperson for the

OLYMPUS experiment that has been actively underway at the Deutsches Elektronen Synchroton

& Research Centre (DESY) in Hamburg, Germany. The experiment includes Hampton

University participants Dr. Juergen Diefenbach, Post Doctoral Research Associate and Mr. Ozgur

Ates (PhD degree candidate). Dr. M. Eric Christy has also achieved international renown by

serving in a number of leadership positions including being an elected member of the executive

committee and as a convener for a physics working group on the MINERvA experiment that is

underway at Fermi National Laboratory in Batavia, Illinois. This experiment also includes

Hampton University graduate students Ms. Habarakada Anusha Pushpakumari-Liyanage (PhD

candidate), Wenting Tan (MS candidate) and Ms. Tammy Walton (PhD Physics degree

candidates). The contributions from the Nuclear Physics groups to both experiments have

enhanced the reputation of Hampton University worldwide. Laboratory space, research space,

and offices for nuclear physics have been established in the Biomedical Research Building

(Fountain Bldg).

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The department delivers world-class education, research and training in specific areas of

physics such as: optical materials; laser spectroscopy; high energy physics; nano-scale physics;

medical physics; experimental nuclear physics; and theoretical physics. Major funded centers

are: the NSF-funded Advanced Center for Laser Science and Spectroscopy (ACLASS); the Center

for Advanced Medical Instrumentation (CAMI); and the National Superconducting Cyclotron

Facility in Michigan. Laboratory space for optical physics (Dr. Donald Lyons and Dr. Jae Tae

Seo) and for elementary particle physics (Dr. Vassilios Vassilakopoulos) has been renovated in the

Graduate Physics Research Center (GPRC) and experimental equipment has started to return to

that building. Dr. Paul Guèye has established research space in Armstrong Slater, the

Biomedical Research Building and Jefferson Lab for accelerator physics and additional nuclear

research. As part of a recent effort with the Accelerator Division at Jefferson Lab, Dr. Paul

Guèye was granted one of their 100 kV DC thermionic electron guns that was used in the early

years of the laboratory’s scientific program. The gun has been assembled for use in the new

on-campus accelerator physics facility in the Armstrong Slater Building by students and some

staff from Jefferson Lab. Dr. Vassilios Vassilakopoulos has played a pivotal role in the Higgs

Boson discovery and has published numerous articles relating to it.

Undergraduate physics majors matriculate in a comprehensive and thorough course of

study which prepares them for competitive admissions to graduate schools, medical schools, as

well as other disciplines, and employment in industry, education or government. Physics majors

participate in summer research programs across the country with different universities and

research facilities. Students usually receive free travel, room and board and a stipend payment.

Opportunities are plentiful and the experience and knowledge gained is valuable. Graduate

students perform state-of-the art research under the advisement of professors while completing

course work and their dissertation or thesis. Research may lead to developing new and innovative

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technology, making medical breakthroughs applicable to cancer treatment, and further

investigation into new technologies and applications.

The Department’s colloquium series has hosted and will continue to host visiting national

and international scientists throughout the academic year, to give technical talks on their research.

This along with our engaging classroom instruction and continuous research efforts in physics will

continue to build on the department’s primary goal to educate and develop students into

world-class scientist and professionals

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Retirement Announcement: Dr. Donald A. Whitney

Dr. Whitney has held several other roles around campus including: Graduate College Dean (2001-2007), Assistant/Associate Dean for the School of Science (1990-1997, 1997-2001), Acting Chairman for the Department of Physics (1993-1994 & 1998-2001), and Coordinator for the Dual Degree Engineering Program of Hampton and ODU (1983-85). Dr. Whitney serves as a Fellow of the Virginia Academy of Science and has been inducted into the Hampton University Quarter Century Club. He has served as P.I., Co-P.I., activity coordinator, and project director on several grants and research programs. Dr. Whitney has also authored or co-authored on a list of publications. In addition to his hard work and dedication as a physicist, Dr. Whitney is a member of several societies and has been selected to serve on numerous committees throughout the University and in other national organizations. His final day with the University is May 16th, 2014.

, the current interim chair for the Department of Physics has announced his official retirement from Hampton University after 37 years of service and dedication. Dr. Whitney received his B.S. from the University of Stranton in 1969 and followed with a Ph.D. in 1977 from the University of Virginia. Shortly after completing his Ph.D., Dr. Whitney came to Hampton University and has left a tremendous imprint along the way. Dr. Whitney has played an active role in the evolution of the Hampton University’s Physics Department over the past thirty-seven years as the physics program graduated from a liberal arts focused undergraduate program (BA degree) with only three faculty members and confined to only one building (Turner Hall) to a comprehensive, research-based, educational program leading to B.S., M.S. and Ph.D. degrees. His involvement in science activities include: 1) Directing the Undergraduate Institute in Physics (a NSF funded Research Experiences for Undergraduates program), 2) participation on the Overview Committee of Comprehensive Conceptual Curriculum for Physics (C3P) program at the University of Dallas; 3) reviewing proposals for the Department of Education and textbooks for Addison Wesley-Longman and McGraw-Hill; 4) participation in the curricular revision process, which resulted in the development of the B.S., M.S. and Ph.D. programs in physics; and 5) providing leadership on numerous Hampton University committees such as Reaffirmation of Accreditation, Assessment, Program Review, Graduate Council, Committee on the Instructional Program, Long Range Planning Council, and University Catalog.

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Department of Physics Retirement Ceremony May 2, 2014

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Thank you for your service and dedication and good luck in retirement!

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Identify special community, state, national, and international activities of faculty members which provided recognition to the individual and college. Please do not use acronyms in identifying organizations.

• Dr. Michael Kohl (Associate Professor) is co-spokesperson of the proposed experiment to measure the neutron electric form factor in Hall C at Jefferson Lab (E12-11-009). His contributions to the ongoing Hall C experimental program include:

o JLab: Participation in PAC40 (June 2013) proposals for JLab at 12 GeV: PR12-13-001 Precision Measurements and Studies of a Possible Nuclear Dependence of R = σL/ σT (deferred)

o Experiment E03-109/E07-003: Spin Asymmetries on the Nucleon Experiment (SANE), Hall C, Jefferson Lab, data taken October 2008 – March 2009. Supervision of Hampton University graduate student Anusha Liyanage in her analysis of SANE data.

o Experiment E12-11-009: The Neutron Electric Form Factor at Q2 up to 7 (GeV/c)2 from the Reaction d(e,e'n)p via Recoil Polarimetry, Hall C, Jefferson Lab. Contact person.

o C12-11-008 A Proposal for the DarkLight Experiment at the Jefferson Laboratory Free Electron Laser

o SHMS Drift chamber construction: Postdoctoral associate Dr. Peter Monaghan, who is supported under Dr. Kohl’s DOE Early Career Award, continued to play a key role in design and construction effort.

• Dr. Michael Kohl (Associate Professor) is a collaborator of the DarkLight project proposed at Jefferson Lab to search for the existence of a dark massive photon.

• Dr. Michael Kohl (Associate Professor) gave an invited talk at the E12-11-009 (GEn) Colalboration Meeting, at Jefferson Lab, on October 22, 2013. The talk was titled, “The Neutron Electric Form Factor at Q2 up to 7 GeV2 from the Reaction 2H(e, n)1H via Recoil Polarimetry – Status of GEn.”

• Dr. Michael Kohl (Associate Professor) has attended the OLYMPUS collaboration meeting held at MIT, Cambridge, MA, on July 8-12, 2013.

• Dr. Michael Kohl (Associate Professor) has been main speaker at the 2013 Hampton University Graduate School (HUGS) at Jefferson Lab, May 28 – June 14, 2013, and gave a total of six lectures on “Form Factors with Electrons and Positrons”.

o Wed May 29 2:00 - 3:00 pm, Part I: Overview and introduction Wed May 29 3:15 - 4:15 pm, Part II: Proton form factor measurements Thu May 30 10:15 - 11:15 am, Part III: Neutron form factor measurements Thu May 30 2:15 - 3:30 pm, Part IV: Theoretical interpretation of nucleon form factors

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Fri May 31 9:00 - 10:00 am, Part V: Deuteron form factor measurements Fri May 31 1:00 - 2:00 pm, Part VI: The proton charge radius puzzle

• Dr. Michael Kohl, (Associate Professor) gave an invited talk titled, “Investigating the charge of the proton,” on October 25, 2013, at the 2013 Fall Meeting of the APS Division of Nuclear Physics (DNP2013), Oct. 23-26, 2013, Newport News, VA

• Dr. Michael Kohl, (Associate Professor) gave a contributed talk titled, “Status of the OLYMPUS experiment,” on October 24, 2013, at the 2013 Fall Meeting of the APS Division of Nuclear Physics (DNP2013), Oct. 23-26, 2013, Newport News, VA

• Dr. Michael Kohl, former Assistant Professor of physics was awarded tenure and promoted to Associate Professor.

• Dr. Michael Kohl, (Associate Professor) gave an invited colloquium during the Physics Colloquium and Seminar series at Hampton University on February 13, 2014. The talk was titled, “What is so puzzling about the electric charge of the proton?”

• Dr. Michael Kohl, (Associate Professor) presented a poster at the 2014 Hampton University School of Science Research Day on April 17-18, 2014. The poster was titled, “Studying Two Photon Exchange with OLYMPUS.”

• Dr. Anusha Pushpakumari, (Postdoctoral Associate) gave a presentation at the APS Fall Meeting of the Division of Nuclear Physics (DNP2013) in Newport News, October 23-26, 2013, with the title, “Proton Form Factor Ratio, GEp/GMp From Double Spin Asymmetries.”

• Dr. Anusha Pushpakumari, (Postdoctoral Associate) attended the MUSE Collaboration Meeting at George Washing University, in Washington DC, January 7-8, 2014.

• Dr. Anusha Pushpakumari, (Postdoctoral Associate) attended the NSF/DOE funding review meeting of the MUSE experiment held at NSF in Arlington, VA on March 24-25, 2014.

• Dr. Anusha Pushpakumari, (Postdoctoral Associate) has been admitted to attend the Gordon Research Conference “Photonuclear Reactions”, to be held in Holderness, New Hampshire on August 10-15, 2014.

• Dr. Anusha Pushpakumari, (Postdoctoral associate) attended the 2014 Hampton University School of Science Research Day on April 17-18, 2014. She presented the poster titled, “The MUSE Experiment at PSI”.

• Dr. Peter Monaghan, (Senior Postdoctoral Associate) gave a presentation at the APS Fall Meeting of the Division of Nuclear Physics (DNP2013) in Newport News, October 23-26, 2013, with the title “Extracting the Proton Longitudinal Structure Function Moments from World Data”, based on his recent publication P. Monaghan et al., Moments of the Longitudinal Proton Structure Function FL from Global Data in the Q2 Range 0.75–45.0 (GeV/c)2, Phys. Rev. Lett. 110, 152002 (2013)

• Dr. Peter Monaghan, (Senior Postdoctoral Associate) received the JSA Promising Young Scientist Award 2013. This prestigious award comes with an invited seminar and opportunity for a junior faculty mock-up interview day. During his ceremony to receive the award at the University of New Hampshire, in Durham, New Hampshire on

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April 29, 2014, he gave an invited seminar titled, “Searching for Heavy Photons: An Explanation for Physics Phenomena Beyond the Standard Model?”

• Dr. Peter Monaghan, (Senior Postdoctoral Associate) gave a presentation at the Experimental Nuclear Physics Group Seminar at Hampton University on March 4, 2014, with the title, “Searching for Heavy Photons Using TREK.”

• Dr. M. Eric Christy’s (Associate Professor) research group successfully completed construction of the main particle tracking detectors to be utilized for experiments carried out in experimental Hall C and the Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Facility (Jefferson Lab) over the summer. Testing of these detectors is ongoing, as is construction of a spare detector system.

• Dr. M. Eric Christy (Associate Professor) was an active member on the local organizing committee for the 2013 American Physics Society Division of Nuclear Physics annual Fall Conference held in Newport News, VA in October.

• Dr. M. Eric Christy (Associate Professor) has been an active elective member of the Jefferson Lab Hall User Group Board, and helped organize the summer 2013 Hall C Summer Workshop, which was held in August.

• Dr. M. Eric Christy (Associate Professor) and graduate students Ms. Tammy Walton (PhD candidate) and Wenting Tan (Master candidate) were co-authors on two papers describing the first physics results from the MINERvA neutrino scattering experiment carried out at Fermi National Accelerator Facility in Batavia, IL. Dr. Christy’s research group has been one of the leading groups on this international experiment having built about one third of the particle detectors for this experiment. These results were published in the June edition of Physical Review Letters, one of the premier physics journals. Both are cited in the refereed publications section below.

• Dr. M. Eric Christy, (Associate Professor) gave a talk titled “Studies on Proton and Neutron Structure via Neutrino Scattering: The MINERvA Experiment,” at Hampton University on September 26, 2013.

• Dr. M. Eric Christy, (Associate Professor) gave an invited talk titled, “Tagging for the BONuS Experiment,” at the Exploring Hadron Structure with Tagged Structure Functions Conference held at Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Facility in Newport News, VA on January 17, 2014.

• Dr. Alberto Accardi (Assistant Professor) was invited to give a talk at Brookhaven National Laboratory, in Long Island, New York on May 10, 2013. The talk was titled, “Large-x partons from JLab to the LHC.”

• Dr. Alberto Accardi (Assistant Professor) supervised two students over the summer on research. Mr. Lucas Brady who worked on nuclear modifications and global fits of parton distribution functions and Mr. Dwayne Dorsey who worked on the extraction from experimental data of the “pretzelosity” parton distribution in a proton.

• Dr. Alberto Accardi (Assistant Professor) served as PI and director of the 2013 Hampton University Graduates Studies (HUGS) summer program at Jefferson Lab from May 27 – June 14, 2013. The program consisted of a three week graduate level summer school in

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nuclear physics. Dr. José Goity (Professor) served on this program along with Dr. Accardi.

• Dr. Alberto Accardi (Assistant Professor) was invited to give lectures at the CTEQ summer school, in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania on July 7-17, 2013. The lecture was titled, “Parton Distribution Functions.”

• Dr. Alberto Accardi, (Assistant Professor) gave an invited talk titled, “Parton and Hadron Propagation in the Nuclear Medium,” at the 2013 Fall meeting of the Division of Nuclear Physics of the American Physical Society, on October 23-26, 2013, in Newport News, VA.

• Dr. Alberto Accardi, (Assistant Professor) gave an invited talk titled, “Quark PDFs in non-LHC Experiments,” at the Workshop on QCD Tools for LHC Physics, on November 14-15, 2013, at Fermilab, in Batavia, IL.

• Dr. Alberto Accardi, (Assistant Professor) will serve as the director of the HUGS 2014 Graduate Summer Program again this year. The HUGS program was recognized by the Department of Energy Secretary Muniz during his visit on campus as an outstanding example of nuclear physics workforce training for the future of the country.

• Dr. Alberto Accardi, (Assistant Professor) served as an organizing committee member for the School of Science Research Symposium at Hampton University on April 24-25, 2014.

• Dr. Alberto Accardi, serves as an academic advisor to two graduate students on their thesis. Mr. Dwayne Dorsey (Applied Math Master Candidate), has an expected graduation date for the Summer of 2014. Mr. Juan Guerrero is a graduate student in physics and has completed his first year of study under Dr. Accardi.

• Dr. Alberto Accardi, (Assistant Professor) has been selected as the Vice Chair of the Gordon Research Conference on Photonuclear Reactions which will take place on August 10-15, 2014, in Holderness, New Hampshire. For over 75 years, the GRC’s high-quality, cost-effective meetings have been recognized as the world’s premier scientific conferences, where leading investigators from around the globe discuss their latest work and future challenges in a uniquely informal and interactive format.

• Dr. Alberto Accardi, (Assistant Professor) attended the CTEQ Collaboration Meeting on November 15-16, 2013, at FermiLab, Batavia, IL.

• Dr. Alberto Accardi, (Assistant Professor) gave a talk at the Nuclear Physics Group Meeting at Hampton University on February 18, 2014. The talk was titled, “Quark PDFs from non-LHC experiments.”

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• Dr. Alberto Accardi, (Assistant Professor) one of the figures from Dr. Accardi’s article, “Impact of hadronic and nuclear corrections on global analysis of spin-dependent parton distribution,” was recently published in Physical review D and has been selected by the editors for highlight in February’s “Kaleidoscope”:

• Dr. Uwe Hömmerich (Professor) and Dr. Ei Ei Brown (Research Assistant Professor)

co-authored an article entitled “Near-Infrared and Upconversion Luminescence Properties in Transparent Er doped Yttria Ceramics under ~1.5 µm Excitation” to be published in the Journal of the American Ceramic Society.

• Dr. Uwe Hömmerich (Professor) and Dr. Ei Ei Brown (Research Assistant Professor) co-authored an article entitled “Infrared (1-10 Clayton, MIR-LWIR Infared (4-12um) Molecular Emission Signatures from Pharmaceuticals using Laser-Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy” to be published in Applied Spectroscopy.

• Dr. Uwe Hömmerich (Professor) and Dr. Ei Ei Brown (Research Assistant Professor) co-authored three presentations at the SPIE Photonics 2014 Conference in San Francisco, CA (Febr. 2-6, 2014). The articles were entitled "Spectroscopic properties of Pr-doped PbCl2 for eye-safe 1.6 µm laser applications", "Infrared Absorption and Fluorescence Properties of Ho-doped KPb2Br5", and "Spectroscopic Evaluation of Tm-doped Potassium Lead Halides for 2 µm Laser Cooling Applications”.

• Dr. Uwe Hömmerich (Professor) received a new subcontract ($40,000) from Brimrose Corporation for the development of laser induced breakdown spectroscopy for chemical sensing.

• Dr. Uwe Hömmerich (Professor) presented his research during the 2013 External Advisory Board meeting for the NSF supported Advanced Center for Laser Science and Spectroscopy. He also co-authored a manuscript submitted for publication to the Journal of Crystal Growth.

• Dr. Uwe Hömmerich (Professor) and Dr. Ei Ei Brown (Research Assistant Professor) co-authored three presentations at the Hampton University Research Symposium 2014.

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• Dr. Uwe Hömmerich (Professor) provided a hands-on rocket workshop at Spratley Gifted Center for ~70 elementary students (May 1, 2014). He was joined by Ms. J. Austin and Dr. E. Brown.

• Dr. Hömmerich (Professor) received an invitation to serve as a judge at the symposium

for senior mentorship projects at the Governor School of Science & Technology on May 21, 2014.

• Dr. Hömmerich (Professor) hosted a program meeting for a Small Business Technology Transfer (STTR) grant with Brimrose Technology Corporation on February 26th , 2014. The following visitors participated in this meeting: Dr. S. Trivedi (Brimrose Corporation), Dr. Feng Jing (Brimrose Corporation), Dr. P. Wijewarnasuriya (Army Research Laboratory), and Dr. Pete Snyder (Edgewood Chemical Biological Center, ECBC).

From left to right: Dr. P. Wijewarnasuriya (Army Research Laboratory), Dr. U. Hömmerich (HU), Dr. A Samuels (Edgewood Chemical Biological Center, ECBC), and Dr. Feng Jing (Brimrose Corporation).

• Dr. Uwe Hömmerich, (Professor) sponsored 20 8th grade students from Spratley Gifted

Center in Hampton to the optics laboratories on campus. Dr. Hömmerich, Dr. Ei Ei Brown, Mr. Eric Kumi Barimah (PhD Candidate), Ms. Ivy Krystal Jones (PhD Candidate), Miss Simone Hyater-Adams (senior, physics student) and Mr. Michael

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Johnson III (senior, physics student) exposed the students to hands-on demonstrations in basic principles of light, optics, and lasers over a time period of 2 hours.

Figure Caption: (Left) Group photo of all participants & (Right)Dr. Hömmerich performing lab demonstrations for 8th graders from Spratley Gifted Center (November 22, 2013).

• Dr. Felix Jaetae Seo, (Professor) of physics served as the Editor-in-Chief for the Journal of Photonics and Optoelectronics; Editorial Board of International Journal of Optics Science; Editorial Board of International; Journal of Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics; Editorial Board of Photonics and Optoelectronics; Editorial Board of the Open Spectroscopy Journal; Editorial Board for Optics and Photonics Journal; Editorial Advisory Board of the Open Applied Physics Journal; and Editorial Board for International Journal of Advanced Physics Research.

• Dr. Felix Jaetae Seo (Professor) edited the periodic series of Journal of Photonics and Optoelectronics as the Editor in Chief.

• Dr. Felix Jaetae Seo, (Professor) served as a Reviewer for the Louisiana Board of Regents' Research Competitiveness Subprogram.

• Dr. Felix Jaetae Seo (Professor) co-edited the Symposium R - 2013JSAP-MRS Joint Symposia, Materials Research Society, Cambridge University Press, 2013, William W. Yu (ed.), Manhong Liu (ed.), and Felix Jaetae Seo (ed.).

• Dr. Felix Jaetae Seo (Professor) served as the International Program Committee for Energy Materials Nanotechnology, Orlando, FL, U.S.A.

• Dr. Felix Jaetae Seo (Professor) served as a Reviewer for the Louisiana Board of Regents' Research Competitiveness Subprogram.

• Dr. Felix Jaetae Seo (Professor) is certified for the Responsible Conduct of Research (RCR) by the Collaborative Institutional Training Initiative.

• Dr. Felix Jaetae Seo (Professor) served as the Chair of Department Colloquium Committee.

• Dr. Felix Jaetae Seo (Professor) is serving in the Safety Committee on Hazardous Materials; Department Admission Committee; and School of Science Research Committee.

• Dr. Felix Jaetae Seo (Professor) is Member of America Physics Society, Optical Society of America, American Chemical Society, and Applied Spectroscopy Society.

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• Dr. Felix Jaetae Seo (Professor) has published, presented, and submitted twelve (12) journal papers and conference presentations as an author or co-author during the reporting period.

• Felix Jaetae Seo, (Professor) “Nonlocal Quantum Correlation between Electron Spin and Photon Complementarity,” Science (submitted).

• Dr. Felix Jaetae Seo, (Professor) presented a talk titled, “Quantum Teleportation,” at Stanford University, in Stanford, California, on November 20, 2013.

• Dr. Jaetae Seo (Professor) organized the Optics and Laser Science Workshop for Middle and High School Teachers June 17-21, 2013 in order to promote optics education in grades 6 – 12. The participating science teachers were selected from forty-nine public and private high-schools in the Hampton Roads which covers Chesapeake, Hampton, Jamestown, Newport News, Norfolk, Portsmouth, Suffolk, Virginia Beach, Williamsburg and Yorktown in the state of Virginia. Dr. Mahmoud Abdel-Fattah (Research Assistant Professor), Dr. Bagher Tabibi (Research Professor), Dr. Uwe Hömmerich (Professor), Dr. Pat McCormick (CAS Co-Director), Dr. Donald Whitney (Interim Chair), Ms. LeAnna Austin (ACLASS Secretary), and Mrs. Monique Howard (Department Secretary)all participated and supported the summer workshop.

• Dr. Jaetae Seo (Professor), along with Dr. Bagher Tabibi (Research Professor), Dr. Uwe Hömmerich (Professor), Dr. Pat McCormick (CAS Co-Director), and their research faculty, postdocs, and graduate and undergraduate students reported and presented their research activities in the second fiscal year at the External Advisory Board Meeting at Hampton University on August 30, 2013. Dr. Donald Whitney (Interim Chair) and Ms. LeAnna Austin (ACLASS Secretary) participated and supported this successful EAB meeting. The EAB committee members included Professor Kyo Song, Professor of Electrical Engineering, Norfolk State University; Professor Carl Banner, Professor of Chemistry, Norfolk State University; and Professor Tarek Abdel-Fattah, Professor of Physics, Computer Science and Engineering, Christopher Newport University.

• Dr. Donald Whitney, (Interim Chair) was unanimously elected during the 2013 Annual Virginia Academy of Science’s Fellow Meeting on May 23, 2013, at Virginia Tech, in Blacksburg, Virginia, to the Fellows Fund Committee. In consultation with the Chair of the Trust Committee, the Fellows Fund Committee makes recommendations to the Fellows at the Fellows at the annual meeting regarding donations from the Fellows Fund. Dr. Whitney will serve a two-year term.

• Dr. José Goity, (Professor) of physics, served on the following committees during the fall semester of 2013:

o Member Chair Search Committee; o Qualifier Committee; o HUGS Program Committee; o Member Board of Directors of Jefferson Lab Users Group; o Referee for Phys Rev C and D, and EPJC; o National Science Foundation panel service. o Co-organizer of the Confinement XI parallel session

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• Dr. José Goity, (Professor) gave an invited talk at the ACFI Workshop on Hadronic probes of fundamental symmetries on March 6-8, 2014 at the University of Massachusetts in Amherst, Massachusetts. His talk was titled, “Theory Overview of Rare Eta Decay.”

• Dr. Paul Guèye (Assistant Professor) developed a summer program for middle and high school students who are part of the Girls Inc. of The Greater Peninsula. The summer program funded by Girls Inc. National (through their Eureka program) exposed the students to a variety of STEM disciplines on Hampton University campus from the School of Science (physics, chemistry, biology, and marine science), School of Technology (robotics, architecture) and non-science disciplines (School of Journalism and Museum).

• Dr. Paul Guèye (Assistant Professor) attended the 2013 Nuclear Science and Security Consortium summer school at Berkeley (requirement from the NSSC grant) along with PhD candidate Ms. Jessica Freeman. During the course of the program, Dr. Guèye attended numerous meeting and collaborations with other scientist.

• Dr. Paul Guèye (Assistant Professor) supervised and mentored a senior high school student (Jordan Owens) from Hampton Roads Academy from June-August. The student built a small test stand for scintillating fibers detector to be used for the Invisible Dark Light experiment at Jefferson Lab (recently approved by the Jlab PAC). A workshop is scheduled in late September to present these results.

• Dr. Paul Guèye (Assistant Professor) supervised and helped assemble a thermionic electron gun. It was completed on November 22, 2013.

• Dr. Paul Guèye (Assistant Professor) attended the National Advisory Committee Meeting for the American Physical Society Bridge Program at the University of Maryland on September 26, 2013.

• Dr. Paul Guèye (Assistant Professor) gave a talk at the Division for Nuclear Physics Meeting of the American Physical Society at Jefferson Lab, in Newport News, VA, on October 23-26, 2013.

• Dr. Paul Guèye (Assistant Professor) was the Plenary speaker for the 2013 Girls Inc. Regional Meeting held in Hampton VA on October 10, 2013.

• Dr. Paul Guèye (Assistant Professor) participated in the Conference for Undergraduate Women in Physics at Louisiana State University on January 17-19, 2014. He is in the process of submitting an application for Hampton University to host the conference in January 2015.

• Dr. Paul Guèye (Assistant Professor) served as chair for the Physics Department Recruiting committee and was able to recruit one new undergraduate physics major (Uriah Gunn).

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• Dr. Paul Guèye (Assistant Professor) assisted the School of Engineering in giving a Physics Related talk to 2-4th grade students from Henrico County during a visit to Hampton University on April 30, 2014.

• Dr. Paul Guèye, through NSBP (President), organized two sessions at the 2014 Emerging

Researchers National Conference in STEM in Washington D.C. on February 20-22, 2014. The two sessions were on opportunities with national laboratories (with Brookhaven National Lab and Jefferson Lab) and a career workshop for undergraduate student with the Society of Physics Students. Jessica Freeman (PhD candidate), Cullen Haviland (Freshman, physics), Bilal Jones (Sophomore, physics), Adeleke Adeyemi (PhD candidate) and Amber Simmons (Sophomore, physics) also attended the conference.

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• Dr. Paul Guèye, (Assistant Professor) served as project lead on a grant provided by the Virginia Department of Health, to develop a novel, scintillating fiber based system for 3D in-vivo radiation monitoring during proton radiotherapy treatments. Dr. Guèye and PhD candidate Biniam Tesfamicael (graduated in December), completed the Geant4 simulation of the entire system and completed the dedicated data acquisition system.

• Dr. Paul Guèye (Assistant Professor), Ms. Jessica Freeman (PhD Candidate), and Mr. Adeleke Adeyemi (PhD Candidate) traveled to the Michigan State University and participated in the Experiment 12004 on March 17-19, 2014 along with Dr. Nathan Frank the spokesperson and collaborator on the NSSC/NSCL grant) and Dr. Michael Thoennessen (Co-PI on the sub-award NSSC/NSCL Berkeley grant). A few collaboration meetings were also held during their stay to discuss Ms. Freeman’s thesis expereiement. Dr. Guèye’s daughter Yannick Guèye , also a member of NSBP attended the trip to discuss K-12 outreach activities. MSU/NSCL will start developing a kit to construct a small scale experiments for pre-college students who will also be able to perform dedicated experiments at NSCL, some being remotely to expand their reach.

• Dr. Paul Guèye (Assistant Professor) held a meeting during his travel to MSU with the

Director of NSCL to discuss adjunct faculty positions between MSU/NSCL and HBCUs. The idea was very well received and the next phase includes a discussion with the Department of Energy and the National Science Foundation. This initiative is part of an aggressive effort by NSBP to provide access for faculty and students of (DoE and NSF funded) national facilities that includes all national labs and users facilities such as LIGO, NRAO, and NSCL.

• Dr. Paul Guèye, (Assistant Professor) organized the second Fall Physics Day Camp on December 5, 2013, at the Hampton Roads Convention Center. Physics students gave demonstrations to over 400 children from the Girls Inc of the Greater Peninsula organization. Participants from the Department of Physics included: Dr. José Goity (Professor), Dr. Lars Ewell (Director of Medical Physics, Assistant Professor), Dr. Eric Sheppard (Dean, School of Engineering), Dr. Uwe Hömmerich (Professor), Jessica Freeman (PhD Candidate), Ivy K. Jones (PhD Candidate), Jasmine Austin (Physics Lab Assistant), Le Anna Austin (ACLASS Secretary), Juan Guerreo (PhD Candidate), Ishara Fernando (PhD Candidate), Cullen Haviland (freshman, Physics), Jamil Taylor

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(Master of Science Candidate), Michael Johnson (senior, Physics) and Monique Howard (Department Secretary).

• Dr. Paul Guèye, (Assistant Professor) organized a trip for K-12 students to the Green Bank Telescope on February 2-3, 2014. The Robert C. Byrd Green Bank Telescope is the world's largest fully steerable radio telescope. It is part of the National Radio Astronomy Observatory site at Green Bank, West Virginia. Undergraduate student Mr. Cullen Haviland (freshman, Physics) assisted the youth during this weekend trip.

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• Dr. Paul Guèye, (Assistant Professor) serves as:

o Radiation safety officer for the physics department o Sigma Pi Sigma Advisor o President of the National Society of Black Physicist o Chair of the Liaison Committee for under-represented Minorities

• Dr. Paul Guèye, (Assistant Professor) helped organize a joint workshop on September 27-18 with the National Radio Astronomy on “Building a National Partnership for future STEM Leaders.” The workshop brought 12 HBCUs to Howard University for a discussion and opportunities with NRAO, its national facilities and consortium of universities. Dr. Guèye is pictured below with Dr. Kartik Sheth of NRAO and Dr. Marcus Alfred of Howard University.

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• Dr. Lars Ewell (Assistant Professor) joined the department in September of 2013. He serves as director of the Medical Physics program. Along with teaching two graduate medical classes in the Spring, Dr. Ewell is actively working on gaining accreditation for the program. Updates for the Medical Physics program can be found at

• Dr. Lars Ewell (Director of Medical Physics) gave a talk during the Physics

Colloquium/Seminar on January 23, 2014. The topic of discussion was “Medical Physics Update.”

• Dr. Lars Ewell (Director of Medical Physics) has applied for several grants. They are: o The Hampton University Faculty Research Grant for $5,000. This proposal

was submitted on December 2, 2013, however it was denied. Dr. Ewell met with Dr. Patrena Benton (Dean of Graduate College) on February 11, 2014, to discuss the reason(s) for lack of approval.

o The Beez Foundation for Pediatric Brain Cancer for $20,000. This proposal is currently awaiting a decision (see

o The National Cancer Institute (NCI) Mentored Patient-Oriented Research Career Development for $500,000. This proposal will be submitted on are about June 12th, 2014, and if granted, the resolution will be a Anatomical Map of Lung Tumor Motion to Aid in Margin Determination for Radiation Therapy.

• Mrs. Natalia Schkolnikov, (Assistant Professor) presented a poster at the AAPT 2014 Winter Meeting, in Orlando Florida, January 4-7, 2014. Her abstract was titled, “Movie Physics in Introductory Courses.”

• Dr. Liguang Tang, (Professor) attended a collaboration meeting with Dr. J.D. Millener at Brookhaven National Laboratory in Upton, New York, on April 2-6, 2014, on the Jefferson Lab Hypernuclear Spectroscopy.

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• Dr. Narbe Kalantarians, (Postdoctoral Research Associate) gave an invited talk at the Tensor Polarized Solid Target Workshop at the Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Facility in Newport News, VA, on March 10-12, 2014. His talk was titled, “Polarized Deuterium Physics with an Electron-Ion Collider.”

• Dr. Narbe Kalantarians, (Postdoctoral Research Associate) gave an invited talk at the

QCD Frontiers Workshop at the Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Facility in Newport News, VA, on October 21-22, 2013. His talk was titled, “Tensor Polarized Deuterium: 2 Nucleon Structure.”

• Dr. Narbe Kalantarians, (Postdoctoral Research Associate) gave an invited talk at the University of New Hampshire Physics Colloquium in New Hampshire in May of 2013. His talk was titled, “Experimental Searches for Hidden Sectors.”

• Dr. Narbe Kalantarians, (Postdoctoral Research Associate) gave an invited talk at the APS 2013 Meeting in Denver, Colorado, in April of 2013. His talk was titled, “Extraction of Neutron Structure Functions from (Semi) Inclusive Deuteron Data.”

• Dr. Narbe Kalantarians, (Postdoctoral Research Associate) gave an invited talk at the Workshop to Explore Physics Opportunities with Intense, Polarized Electron Beams up to 300 MeV, at MIT, in Cambridge, Massachusetts, in March of 2013. His talk was titled, “Darklight Radiation Backgrounds.” This talk has been accepted for publication during the AIP Proceeding Series.

• Dr. Narbe Kalantarians, (Postdoctoral Research Associate) work with J.P. Chen (et al.), The Deuteron Tensor Structure Function b1, submitted for JLab PAC-40 in Hall C (Received C1 approval, with A- science rating).

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Identify special consultants, scholars, and visitors who have served your program/area. Provide full name, position, date, and description of service.


• Dr. C. S.-C Yang from Battelle Eastern Science and Technology Center and Dr. F. Jin from Brimrose Corporation visited Hampton University several times during the Fall 2013/Spring 2014 academic year to perform Infrared Laser-Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy experiments.

• Dr. Peter Ehlers from the University of Minnesota, Morris was invited to Hampton University by Dr. Alberto Accardi to collaborate on research. The visit led to a paper submitted to Physical Review D at the beginning of May 2014, and to a continued collaboration. Dr. Ehler’s along with Dr. Alberto Accardi, L.T. Brady, and W. Melnitchouk have an abstract titled, “Nuclear effects in the proton-deuteron Drell-Yan process.”

• Dr. Gregory S. Duane, visiting scientist at the Macedonian Academy of Sciences and Arts and a Researcher at the University of Bergen in Norway, visited Hampton University on December 6, 2013. He gave a talk titled, “Diffrection Patterns in Magnetic Resonance Signals for Assessment of Cell Nucleus Size in Potentially Cancerous Biological Tissue.”

• Dr. Nathan Frank, Assistant Professor of Physics from Augustana College in Rock Island, IL gave an invited talk during the Physics Colloquium/Seminar on April 3, 2014. His talk was titled, “Studying Atomic Nuclei with Undergraduates.”

• Dr. Kennedy Reed, from the Physics Division of Lawrence Livermore National

Laboratory gave an invited talk during the Physics Colloquium/Seminar on March 27, 2014. The talk was titled, “Physics in Africa.”

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• Dr. Warren W. Buck, Professor of Physics and Chancellor Emeritus from the School of STEM and School of IAS of the University of Washington, Brothell gave an invited talk to the School of Science on March 27, 2014. His talk was in reference to growing a new campus from a variety of perspectives has its successes and challenges. Dr. Buck, presented some of his experiences in this arena as well as touched upon a NASA initiative in the pipe line in addition to a STEM Mentoring Center he is architecting.

Pictured from left to right: Dr. Donald Lyons, Dr. Felix Jaetae Seo Dr. Kennedy Reed,

Dr. Paul Guèye , Dr. Warren Buck, Dr. Trina Coleman, and Dr. Donald Whitney. • Dr. Vladimir V. Semak, Associate Professor and Senior Research Associate at The

Pennsylvania State University, visited Hampton University on April 21, 2014, to interview for the open Department Chairs position. During his visit, he gave an invited talk, met with the Department of Physics faculty, students, and interim chair.

• Dr. Hömmerich (Professor) hosted a program meeting for a Small Business Technology Transfer (STTR) grant with Brimrose Technology Corporation on February 26th , 2014. The following visitors participated in this meeting: Dr. S. Trivedi (Brimrose Corporation), Dr. Feng Jing (Brimrose Corporation), Dr. P. Wijewarnasuriya (Army Research Laboratory), and Dr. Pete Snyder (Edgewood Chemical Biological Center, ECBC).

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Identify special recognition received by students and graduates. Give name of student and description of honor or recognition.


• Mr. Robert B. Lee III (PhD candidate) defended his dissertation “Tropospheric Temperature Measurements Using a Rotational Raman Lidar,” on July 11, 2013. His dissertation was accepted and he was rewarded his PhD in August of 2013.

• Mrs. Anusha Pushpakamara (PhD candidate) accepted his dissertation “Proton Form Factor Ratio, GEp/GMp from Double Spin Asymmetry,” and was rewarded her PhD in August of 2013.

• Mr. Ozgur Ates (PhD Candidate) defended his dissertation “Gem Luminosity Monitors at OLYMPUS Experiment to Determine the Effect of Two-Photon Exchange,” on February 28, 2014. He accepted his dissertation and will be awarded his PhD at commencement on May 11, 2014.

• Mr. Biniam Tesfamicael (PhD Candidate) defended his dissertation “3D In-vivo Scintillating Fiber Based Detector for Prostate Proton Therapy.” He accepted his dissertation and was awarded his PhD in December of 2013.

• Ms. Tammy Walton (PhD Candidate) defended her dissertation “The Effects of Final State Interactions in the Muon Neutrino Charged Current Quasielastic-Like Cross Section on Hydrocarbon Target,” on March 17, 2014. She accepted her dissertation and will be awarded her PhD at commencement on May 11, 2014.

• Ms. Wenting Tan (Masters Candidate) defended her thesis “Constraining the Medium Energy Flux Using Neutrino Electron Scattering in the MINERvA Neutrino Experiment,” on February 14, 2014. She accepted her thesis and will be awarded her Master of Science degree at commencement on May 11, 2014.

• Mr. Xiliang Nie (PhD Candidate) was awarded a PhD during commencement on May 11, 2014.

• Ms. Chunhua Chen (PhD Candidate) gave a presentation on the “High Precision Spectroscopy of Hypernuclei produced by the (e,e’K+) Reaction at Jefferson Laboratory,” during the 2013 Fall DNP Meeting in Newport News, VA, on September 26, 2013.

• Mr. Nuruzzaman (PhD Candidate) gave a presentation on his analysis results for the Hall C QWeak Experiment at the 2013 Fall DNP Meeting in Newport News, VA, on September 26, 2013.

• Mr. Ozgur Ates (PhD Candidate) attended the OLYMPUS collaboration meeting held at MIT, Cambridge, MA, on July 8-12, 2013. He gave a presentation with the title “OLYMPUS GEM Luminosity Monitors”

• Mr. Ozgur Ates (PhD Candidate) gave a presentation at the Experimental Nuclear Physics Group Seminar at Hampton University on October 1, 2013, with the title “OLYMPUS GEM Luminosity Monitors.”

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• Mr. Ozgur Ates (PhD Candidate) remotely attended the OLYMPUS Collaboration Meeting at Mainz University on March 10-12, 2014 and gave a presentation with the title, “GEM Luminosity Monitors Analysis Update.”

• Mr. Ozgur Ates (PhD Candidate) gave a presentation at the OLYMPUS Collaboration Meeting at DESY on October 17-18, 2013, with the title “OLYMPUS GEM Luminosity Monitors.”

• Mr. Ozgur Ates (PhD Candidate) gave a presentation at the APS Fall Meeting of the Division of Nuclear Physics (DNP2013) in Newport News, October 23-26, 2013, with the title “Luminosity Monitoring at OLYMPUS with Forward-angle Elastic Scattering.”

• Mr. Bishoy Dongwi (PhD Candidate) passed his PhD qualifying exam on May 5, 2014. His dissertation research will be focused on the TREK/E36 experiment at J-PARC in Japan, which is expected to run until 2015.

• Mr. Bishoy Dongwi (PhD Candidate) remotely attended the TREK/E6 collaboration meeting at KEK, Tsukuba, Japan on May 8-9, 2014 and gave a presentation with the title “GEANT4 Tracking Element (C1-4) Simulation Using QT”

• Mr. Bishoy Dongwi (PhD Candidate) attended the 2014 Hampton University School of Science Research Day on April 17-18, 2014 and presented a poster with the title, “The TREK/E36 Experiment at J-PARC”.

• Mr. Bishoy Dongwi (PhD Candidate) has been admitted to the HUGS 2014 Summer School at Jefferson Lab.

• Mr. Bishoy Dongwi (PhD Candidate) gave a presentation at the APS Fall Meeting of the Division of Nuclear Physics (DNP2013) in Newport News, October 23-26, 2013, with the title “Gas Electron Multiplier Detectors for TREK at J-PARC.”

• Mr. Bishoy Dongwi (PhD Candidate) visited KEK, in Tsukuba, Japan from December 5-12, 2013 to attend the TREK/E36 collaboration meeting, enabled by Dr. Kohl’s DOE Early Career Award. He gave a presentation with the title, “GEANT4 Tracking Element Simulation.”

• Mr. Robert B. Lee III (PhD Candidate) presented an oral presentation during the External Advisory Board Meeting for the NSF CREST Center on August 30, 2013. His presentation title was, “Lidar retrievals of temperature in the troposphere.”

• Ms. Ivy Krystal Jones (PhD Candidate) presented her research entitled “Emission cross-section and gain profile analysis of Pr: PbCl2 for 1.6µm laser applications” during the 2013 External Advisory Board meeting for the NSF CREST Center on August 30, 2013. She also submitted an abstract on his research for the 2014 SPIE Photonics West Conference.

• Ms. Ivy Krystal Jones (PhD Candidate) submitted an abstract to the 2014 Photonics West Conference. The accepted abstract is entitled “Spectroscopic properties of Pr-doped PbCl2 for eye-safe 1.6 µm laser applications”. This abstract was also submitted and presented as a poster during the 2014 Hampton University School of Science Research Day on April 17-18, 2014.

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• Mr. Eric Kumi-Barimah (PhD Candidates) presented his research entitled “Infrared

atomic and molecular LIBS emissions from energetic materials” during the 2013 External Advisory Board meeting for the NSF CREST Center on August 30, 2013. He also submitted an abstract on his research for the 2014 SPIE Photonics West Conference.

• Mr. Eric Kumi Barimah (PhD Candidate) submitted an abstract to the 2014 Photonics West Conference. The accepted abstract is entitled “Spectroscopic Evaluation of Tm-doped Potassium Lead Halides for 2 µm Laser Cooling Applications”. This abstract and poster was also submitted and presented during the 2014 Hampton University School of Science Research Day on April 17-18, 2014.

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• Ms. Jessica Freeman (PhD Candidate) presented a poster on the active target research during the 2013 Nuclear Science and Security Consortium summer school program at Berkeley in August.

• Ms. Jessica Freeman (PhD Candidate) while attending the Emerging Researchers Conference in Washington D. C. a writer/editor at the American Association for the Advancement of Science was impressed by her comments and felt she was a great reflection of the Physics Dept at Hampton University. She wrote an article and used several of Ms. Freeman’s comments. The article can be found at this link:

• Mr. Anderson Hayes (PhD Candidate) presented his research entitled “Spectral Coupling of Molecule-linked Au Nanoparticles for Surface-Enhanced Raman Scattering” during the 2013 External Advisory Board meeting for the NSF CREST Center on August 30, 2013.

• Mr. Quinton Rice (PhD Candidate) attended the Nanotechnology for Defense Conference, November 4-7, 2013 in Tucson Arizon. Mr. Rice presented a poster titled, “Plasmon-coupled Exciton Photoluminescence with Purcell Enhancement.” This was a work with contributions from: Quinton Rice, Roopchan Ramdon, Maria Veronica Rigo, Rafal Fudala, Wan-Joong Kim, Ryan Rich, Bagher Tabibi, Hyoyeong Cho, Zygmunt Gryczynski, Ignacy Gryczynski, Mahmoud Abdel-Fattah, William Yu, and Felix Jaetae Seo.

• Mr. Quinton Rice (Graduate Student, Advisor: Dr. Felix Jaetae Seo) visited University of North Texas and Texas Christian University on February 7-10, and April 27-May 01 for characterizing semiconductor quantum dots. Dr. Seo’s group is collaborating with the scientists in the Center for Fluorescence Technologies and Nanomedicine, Department of Cell Biology and Immunology, Health Science Center University of North Texas; Department of Physics, University of North Texas at Denton; Department of Physics, Texas Christian University

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• Mr. Ishara Fernando (PhD Candidate) organized and held five discussions in order to

engage Physics Faculty and students in talks on physics. The talks were titled the Physics Brown Bag Lunch Discussion.

o Topic of Discussion: “Nobel Prize 2013” Paper by Professor Peter W. Higgs ( on November 26, 2013

o Topic of Discussion: “Nobel Prize 2013” Paper by Professors F. Englert and R. Brout ( on November 5, 2013

o Topic of Discussion: “A Universe without Higgs” by Dr. José Goity on January 21, 2014.

o Topic of Discussion: “A New Series of Papers related to Optics and Semiconductors ( on March 25, 2014. Discussion was led by Ms. Ivy K. Jones (PhD Candidate)

o Topic of Discussion:“Part Two: Optics and Semiconductors ( on April 29, 2014. Discussion was led by Mr. Anderson Hayes (PhD Candidate)

• Mr. Ishara Fernando (PhD Candidate) attended the American Physical Society Annual Meeting in Savannah, Georgia, on April 5-8, 2014, where he also gave a presentation titled, “Study of the spin-flavor structure of excited baryon masses from lattice QCD in 1/Nc expansion.”

• Mr. Ishara Fernando (PhD Candidate) and Mr. Juan Guerrero (PhD Candidate) attended the conference 50 Years of Quark and Color at the University of Maryland College Park on April 11-12, 2014. This meeting was attended by several Nobel Prize scientists. Among them was one of last year’s winners of the prize Professor Francoise Englert and Mr. Frank Wilczek.

Above: Guerrero, Englert, & Fernando Above: Wilczek & Guerrero

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Above: Wilczek & Fernando

• Mr. Juan Guerrero (PhD Candidate) selected Hampton University as his school of choice after winning the prestigious JSA/Jefferson Lab Distinguished Theory Fellowship. Mr. Guerrero will be working under Dr. Alberto Accardi on the Large-x grant while also receiving the fellowship stipend of $30k for academic year 2013-2014.

• Mr. Juan Guerrero (PhD Candidate) attended the 3rd Chilean School of High Energy Physics, on December 11-15, 2013, at the Universidad Tecnica Federico Santa Maria, Valparaiso, in Chile.

• Mr. Juan Guerrero (PhD Candidate) also attended the International Conference on High Energy Physics in the LHC Era, on December 16-20, 2013, at the Universidad Tecnica Federico Santa Maria, Valparaiso, in Chile

• Ms. Tammy Walton, (PhD Candidate) was offered and has accepted a highly competitive

postdoctoral research associate position at Fermi National Accelerator Facility. • Ms. Tammy Walton (PhD Candidate) traveled to Fermi National Accelerator Facility

(Fermilad) so that she could participate in the MINERvA experiment collaboration meeting on October 10-14, 2013, in Chicago, IL. She has actively working on this

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experiment for her thesis defense which will be in March of 2014. The MINERvA is a neutrino scattering experiment which uses the NuMI neutrino beamline at Fermilab and seeks to measure low energy neutrino interactions both in support of neutrino oscillation experiments and to study the strong dynamics of the nucleon and nucleus that affect these interactions. Ms. Walton (pictured in the middle with indicating arrow) works under the advisement of Dr. M. Eric Christy and along-side postdoctoral research associate Dr. Mousumi Datta (pictured on the left with indicating arrow) on the MINERvA experiment.

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• Miss Simone Hyater-Adams (senior, Physics) presented her research entitled “Spectroscopic studies of Ho3+ doped halides for applications in resonantly pumped 2µm lasers” during the 2013 External Advisory Board meeting for the NSF CREST Center on August 30, 2013.

Undergraduate Students

• Miss Simone Hyater-Adams (senior, Physics) received a 2013-2014 undergraduate research award from the Virginia Space Grant Consortium for her project entitled: “Using Holmium doped Crystals for 2 µm Laser Development” in which was presented to the Department of Physics on April 17, 2014. Ms. Hyater-Adams also presented her research at the Virginia Space Grant Consortium Student Research Conference on April 11, 2014 and at the Hampton University School of Science Research Day Symposium April 17-18, 2014. Also during this semester, Miss Hyater-Adams was inducted into the Physics Honor society Sigma Pi Sigma on March 27, 2014. Dr. Uwe Hömmerich and Dr. EiEi Brown both served as her research advisors for her capstone. She received her Bachelor in Science Degree at commencement on May 11, 2014.

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• Miss Simone Hyater-Adams (senior, Physics) presented her capstone research at the University of Colorado Boulder on Dec. 16, 2013. Her presentation was entitled “Material preparation and spectroscopic studies of Ho3+ doped potassium lead halides for 2 µm laser applications”.

• Miss Simone Hyater-Adams (senior, Physics) authored a short story titled, “An Intern’s Story: Make your Net-Work!” This story can be viewed on NASA’s website under the education link found here: .

• Mr. Eric Forman (senior, Physics) completed his requirements for graduation and was awarded his Bachelors of Science degree in December of 2013.

• Mr. Michael Johnson (senior, Physics) successfully defended his capstone thesis entitled "Visible and Infrared Laser-Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy for Chemical Sensing" on April 17, 2014. Dr. Hömmerich and Dr. Brown served as research advisors on his capstone research project.

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• Mr. Quinn Hailes (senior, Physics) presented his research entitled “Absorption and Photoluminescence Spectroscopy of CIS Quantum Dots” during the 2013 External Advisory Board meeting for the NSF CREST Center on August 30, 2013.

• Mr. Quinn Allen Hailes (senior, Physics) submitted his Senior Capstone Thesis entitled “Temperature Dependent Photoluminescence of CuInS2 with ZnS Capping,” and presented his research on April 17, 2014. His expected graduation is May 2014, and would like to continue his graduate studies in physics.

• Miss Amber Simmons (sophomore, Physics) participated in a summer research program at Brandeis University in Waltham, Massachusetts. The title of the research abstract was, “Drop on Demand: Microfluidic Drop Creation”.

• Mr. Bilal Jones (sophomore, physics) has been selected for the 2014 NSF FREEDM Systems Center awad and will participate in the REU summer program at Florida A&M University (FAMU) in Tallahassee, Florida from June 2 – August 8th 2014.

• Mr. Cullen Haviland (freshman, Physics) and Mr. Anderson Hayes (PhD Candidate) were selected as STEM majors to speak with Secretary of Energy Ernest Moniz during his visit to Hampton University on January 31, 2014. Mr. Haviland and Mr. Hayes, along with other students spoke with Secretary Moniz about the importance of science and technology as an economic driver.

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Briefly describe significant activities which brought recognition to your area and Hampton University during the academic school year.


• Dr. Uwe Hömmerich’s (Professor) research group continued experiments and modeling on infrared laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy (IR-LIBS) for sensing of chemical, biological and energetic materials. The work is of relevance for the development of a new laser based detection technique for applications in homeland security and DOD. The work was done in collaboration with Brimrose Technology Corporation, Edgewood Chemical Biological Center (ECBC), and the Army Research Laboratory.

• Dr. Uwe Hömmerich’s (Professor) research group continued efforts in the development and spectroscopy of new infrared fluorescent materials for applications in eye-safe lasers and optical refrigeration. During the 2013-2014 academic year new rare earth doped chloride and bromide materials were synthesized, purified, and grown as crystals at HU using a horizontal and vertical Bridgman technique.

• Dr. Felix Jaetae Seo (Professor) organized “Collaborative Laser and Materials Workshop,” on February 6, Thursday, 2014 in order to prepare electric materials for brain research using ultrafast lasers between Norfolk State University and Hampton University. The participants from NSU were Dr. Patricia F. Mead, Dr. Kyo D. Song, and Mr. William Harkins. The faculties and students at both institutions were presented and discussed their research activities, and discussed collaborative activities. Dr. Calvin Lowe (Dean, SoS) supported for the successful workshop.

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List new curriculum and program changes implemented during the academic year.


• In September of 2013, the department welcomed a new Director of the Medical Physics

Program, Dr. Lars Ewell. Dr. Ewell has outlined the following as it relates to clinical and research oriented medical physics:

o In regards to the clinic, among our interests are: 1) Assisting in establishing the necessary credentials for involvement in Radiation Therapy Oncology Group (RTOG, see clinical trials. 2) Providing the required curriculum necessary for accreditation of our program by the Commission on Accreditation of Medical Physics Educational Programs (see or visit to see the latest progress made on accreditation.

o In regards to research, among our interests are: 1) Investigating the ability to confirm/monitor patient dose delivery via position emission tomography (PET) from the 11C created during treatment (see, e.g. Knoff et al, Accuracy of proton beam range verification using post-treatment positron emission tomography/computed tomography as function of treatment site, Int. J. Radiation Oncology Biol. Phys. Vol. 79, No. 1 pp. 297 – 304, 2011). 2) Attempting to correlate therapy induced tumor shrinkage with tumor motion (see, e.g. Ewell et al, Lung Tumor Volume Change and Correlation to Initial Size and Motion', SU-C-110-06 Medical Physics, 38(6), p. 3375 June 2011).

• In the Spring of 2014, Dr. Paul Guèye (Assistant Professor), began an initiative under the collaboration of the National Society of Black Physicists (in which he currently serves at the presiding President), the University of Wyoming, and Drs Tim and Stephanie Slater of the Center for Astronomy & Physics Education Research (CAPER). The overall goal of the program is to increase student learning using active engagement teaching strategies. As part of this initiative, Dr. Guèye has reached out to surrounding HBCUs via email and telephone conferencing to strategize about ways to get physics majors at each institution excited about physics and to develop a love for the subject. So far during the spring semester, Dr. Guèye has organized the following initiatives:

o On February 1, 2014, a Physics Saturday meeting was held for all physics majors needing extra help with physics related homework. Dr. José Goity (Professor), was available in the Harvey Library Meeting Room from 11am – 1pm offering help to all students.

o On February 19, 2014, the Department of Physics held a Physics Lunch Challenge. The object of the challenge was to have physics major submit any random physics related question in exchange for a pizza lunch. While they enjoyed the pizza, the Physics Faculty randomly selected a question and answered it for the group. The challenge was a success and faculty and student really enjoyed it.

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o On April 5, 2014, A Teaching Excellence Workshop was held on Hampton

University. Dr. Tim Slater from CAPER Center conducted a workshop that was focused on sharing his insider secrets on how faculty can increase students’ intellectual engagement and improve their exam performance in first-year physics courses. Strategies covered included which questions posed during class best capture students’ attention, how to perform demonstrations students remember and apply, and when to redesign and refocus a syllabus that simultaneously supports student learning and reduces stress on faculty with heavy teaching loads. The workshop was open to several other HBCUs and PhD level students that had an interest in teaching physics courses. Participants were: Ms. Ivy Jones (PhD Candidate), Ms. Jessica Freeman (PhD Candidate), Mr. Anderson Hayes (PhD Candidate), Dr. Alberto Accardi (Assistant Professor), Dr. José Goity (Professor), Dr. Lars Ewell (Director of Medical Physics), Mrs. Mornetka Gueye (NSBP), Dr. Tim Slater(CAPER), Dr. Nathan Frank (Augustana College), Dr. Daryao Khatri (University of District of Columbia) and Professor Elena Kuchina (Thomas Nelson Community College).

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o A second workshop was held on May 3, 2014, at the University of District of Columbia to expand upon the first.

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List all grantsmanship/research activity conducted by faculty members during the academic year.


• Dr. Michael Kohl (PI) has received the second year ($145,000) of a three-year award

(totaling $435,000) from the National Science Foundation Nuclear Physics Division: o Exploring Fundamental Properties of Matter with Electromagnetic Probes,

National Science Foundation (NSF) Nuclear Physics funding proposal, continuing grant awarded $435,000 for three years ($145,000 for the first year), grant active since August 15, 2012

• Dr. Michael Kohl has been co-PI on the NSF grant: o Towards a Quark-gluon Description of the Nucleon, National Science Foundation

(NSF) Nuclear Physics funding proposal (co-PI), continuing grant awarded $789,000 for three years ($229,000 for the first year), grant active July 15, 2010 – June 30, 2014

• Dr. Michael Kohl (PI) continued research and education facilitated by his previous grants (totaling $1,422,381) from the Department of Energy and National Science Foundation:

o Search for Time Reversal Symmetry Violation with TREK at J-PARC, Department of Energy (DOE) Early Career Research Program, awarded $799,000 under the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA) for five years, grant active since April 15, 2010

o Major Research Instrumentation (MRI-R2) Consortium: Development of Forward-Angle Tracking Telescopes for Luminosity Monitoring at OLYMPUS, Major Research Instrumentation (MRI-R2) proposal to National Science Foundation (NSF), awarded $216,381 under the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA) for three years, grant started February 15, 2010, expired January 31, 2013

o OLYMPUS and TREK: Two Precision Experiments to Determine the Two-Photon Exchange Effect in Lepton-Proton Scattering and to Search for New Physics Beyond the Standard Model, National Science Foundation (NSF) Nuclear Physics funding proposal, awarded $405,000 under the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA) for three years, grant active since August 15, 2009, expired July 31, 2012, no-cost extension expired July 31, 2013

• Dr. Michael Kohl (PI) has submitted three new funding proposals to the National Science Foundation:

o Collaborative Research: Equipment for and Running of the PSI MUSE Experiment, Collaborative proposal to the National Science Foundation (NSF), submitted on October 31, 2013, requested $387,509 to maintain GEM detectors and to conduct the MUSE experiment at PSI

o MRI: Development of Near-Target Gas Electron Multiplier Tracking Detectors to Search for New Physics Beyond the Standard Model with the TREK Apparatus at J-PARC, Major Research Instrumentation (MRI) proposal to National Science Foundation

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(NSF), submitted on January 23, 2014, requested $272,519 to construct GEM detectors for the TREK/E36 experiment at J-PARC

o MRI Consortium: Collaborative Research: Development of the Phase-I DarkLight Experiment at Jefferson Laboratory, Collaborative proposal to the National Science Foundation (NSF) in the Major Research Instrumentation (MRI) program, submitted on January 23, 2014, requested $329,125 to construct GEM detectors for the phase-I DarkLight experiment at Jlab.

• Dr. Uwe Hömmerich served as (PI) or (Co-PI) on the following grants during the Fall Semester of 2013: 1. “Development of Laser-Induced Infrared Emission (LITE) for Chemical Sensing

Applications”, P.I. U. Hömmerich, Brimrose Corporation, STTR-Phase II subcontract; Total: $160,000, current year: $100,000.

2. “Laser-Induced Fluorescence Spectroscopy for Optical Refrigeration and Chemical Sensing”, DOD, P.I.: U. Hömmerich, Total: $615,000, current year: $140,000.

3. “CREST-Advanced Center for Laser Science & Spectroscopy”, NSF, P.I. J.T. Seo, Co-PI: U. Hömmerich, P. McCormick, Total: $5,000,000, current year: $1,000,000.

• Dr. Uwe Hömmerich will serve as PI on the following new grant: Title: Development of Laser-Induced Emission Spectroscopy for Detection of Chemical and Biological Materials; Phase III Agency: Brimrose Corporation Duration: 4/3/14 – 4/3/15 Amount: $40,000

• Dr. Uwe Hömmerich served as PI on the following grant for Simone Hyater-Adams, senior physics major: Title: “Spectroscopic studies of holmium doped crystals for 2um laser” Agency: Virginia Space Grant Consortium Duration: 5/2/13 – 4/30/14 Amount: $4000

• Dr. Liguang Tang has received continued funding from DOE with a total budget $461,000 for his leadership and continued work in data analyses on three different JLab hyper-nuclear physics experiments. His group involves two graduate students and one post-doctoral fellow.

PI: Dr. Liguang Tang Title: Selected Problems in Hyper-nuclear Physics Current year: $152,000 Time Period: June 01, 2012 – May 31, 2015

• Dr. José Goity has received a grant from the National Science Foundation (NSF) for research. The grant total budget is $210,000 for three years. His group will consist of one graduate research student. PI: Dr. José Goity Title: NSF Hadronic Nuclear Structure Current year: $70,000 Time Period: Three years

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• Dr. Felix Jaetae Seo is serving as a Program Director and Principal Investigator (PI) for the NSF-funded Advanced Center for Laser Science and Spectroscopy and a PI for the ARO-funded Optical Spectroscopy of Hybrid Metal Nanoparticles and Semiconductor Quantum Dots. The total budget received during the reporting period is $1.125 M which includes $1 M from NSF and $125K from ARO. Grant Agency: National Science Foundation (NSF) Title: Advanced Center for Laser Science and Spectroscopy Program Director and P.I.: Jaetae Seo with Co-PIs: Uwe Hömmerich , Pat McCormick, and Bagher Tabibi Amount: $5,000,000; Time Period: September 01, 2011 – August 31, 2016 Grant Agency: Army Research Office (ARO) Title: Optical Spectroscopy of Hybrid Metal Nanoparticles and Semiconductor Quantum Dots P.I.: Jaetae Seo; Amount: $575,000 Time Period: May 09, 2011 – August 08, 2014

• Dr. Alberto Accardi is now in his second year of funding from a three year grant from the Department of Energy. PI: Alberto Accardi Title: Large-x partons from Jefferson Laboratory to the LHC Agency: DoE Duration: 3 years Current Year: $48,000 Amount: $150,000

• Dr. Alberto Accardi is now in his second year of funding from a three year grant from the Department of Energy. PI: Alberto Accardi Title: The Hampton University Graduate School at Jefferson Lab summer program Agency: DoE Duration: 3 years Current Year: $46,000 Amount: $140,000

• Dr. Alberto Accardi also has applied for a Jefferson Science Associates $2,500 grant to organize a “Careers Workshop” within the HUGS 2014 Summer Program. This is now pending.

• Dr. Paul Guèye, has been granted funding that will include support for up to two undergraduate students and graduate students.

Grant Agency: Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Facility Title: An Amendment to expand the existing Memorandum of Understanding with Hampton University to accelerator physics PI: Paul Guèye

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Amount: Unspecified (depending on the number of students) Time Period: Spring 2014

• Dr. Paul Guèye, received funding for a research grant from NSA with total budget $245,958.

Grant Agency: National Nuclear Science Agency Title: Active target development to study neutron-unbound nuclei PI: Paul Guèye Amount: $245,958 Time Period: January 01, 2013 – December 31, 2015

• Dr. Paul Guèye has adapted the Unix-based data analysis code of the MONA Collaboration that is conducting experiement at the National Superconducting Cyclotron Facility of Michigan State University to MacOS X operating system.

• He also started the data analysis of experiement NSCL/11027 (d,n studies using MoNA-LISA and VANDLE) that has yet to be done by the Collaboration to get an understanding of and plan the future segmented target experiment. This work is done with graduate students Ms. Jessica Freeman and Mr. Adeleke Adeyemi.

• Dr. Paul Guèye assisted in establishing the MONA Report, for the MONA Collaboration. It reports on the activities at the National Superconducting Cyclotron Facility of Michigan State University in October 2013. (T. Bauman,

• Dr. Ei Ei Brown’s proposal to the National Science Foundation, “Development of New Halide-based Rare Earth Scintillators” has been recommended for funding. The grant amount is $199,844.

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Include name of project, description, participants, (faculty and students), funding source, expiration date:


• Dr. Liguang Tang, (Professor) gave an invited presentation on “Review of the Electronproduction of Hypernuclei at Jefferson Lab and Consideration for the Future Program in 12GeV” at the 2013 International Workshop on Strangeness Nuclear Physics (SNP2013), 12/13 to 2015/2013, in Xiamen, China.

• Dr. Liguang Tang, (Professor) was invited to participate in the Fourth International Conference on Nuclear Fragmentation from September 29, 2013 – October 6, 2013, in Kemer (Antalya), Turkey.

• Dr. Liguang Tang, (Professor) gave a lecture on “High Precision Hypernuclear Spectroscopy at Jefferson Laboratory,” at Lanzhou University in Lanzhou (Gansu), China on December 11, 2013.

• Dr. José Goity (Professor) attended and gave an invited plenary talk at the NSTAR 2013 Workshop in Peniscola, Spain, on May 30, 2013. During Dr. Goity’s travels in Spain, he visited the Department of Physics of the University of Granada, in Granada, Spain.

• Dr. José Goity (Professor) served as an advisor to an undergraduate student from Mexico, Mr. Carlos De Haro. Mr. De Hara was a part of the exchange program that Jefferson Lab has with Mexico.

• Dr. José Goity (Professor)carried out the following research this summer: o Chiral effective theory for baryons: in collaboration with Alvaro Calle Cordon

(Jefferson Lab) and Thomas DeGrand (University of Colorado, Boulder). o Holographic model for Wilson loops: in collaboration with Robert Carcassess and

Roberto Trinchero (Instituto Balseiro, bariloche, Argentina). o Global analysis of negative parity baryons in the 1/N expansion: in collaborations

with Emiliano Gonazalez de Urreta and Norberto Scoccola (TANDAR Lab, Buenos Aires, Argentina).

o Chiral effective theory in the NN system: in collaboration with Enrique Ruiz Arriola, (University of Granada, Granada, Spain).

• Dr. M. Eric Christy (Associate Professor), Dr. Mousumi Datta (postdoctoral research associate), and Ms. Tammy Walton (PhD candidate) traveled to Peru from June 24 – 28, 2013 to attend the MINERvA Analysis Week physics workshop hosted by Sección Física, Departamento de Ciencias, Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú.

• Dr. Alberto Accardi (Assistant Professor) was invited to give two talks at The XXII International Workshop on Deep Inelastic Scattering (DIS 2014) in Warsaw, Poland on April 28 – May 2, 2014. The title of his talks were, “The JAM fit of spin-dependent PDFs”and “Update on the CJ (CTEQ-Jefferson Lab) PDFs.”

• Dr. Alberto Accardi (Assistant Professor) served as an International Advisory Committee Member at the HiX 2014 in Frascati, Italy on October 15-20, 2013.

• Dr. Michael Kohl (Associate Professor) attended the International Nuclear Physics Conference INPC2013 in Florence, Italy, June 2-7, 2013. Dr. Kohl gave an oral

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presentation with the title “Probing two-photon exchange with OLYMPUS” and presented a poster with the title “Muon Elastic Scattering with MUSE at PSI”.

• Dr. Michael Kohl (Associate Professor) attended the International Workshop XLII on Gross Properties of Nuclei and Nuclear Excitations and gave and invited talk titled,“Hadrons from Quarks and Gluons”, in Hirschegg, Kleinwalsertal, Austria on January 12-18, 2014.

• Dr. Michael Kohl (Associate Professor) gave an invited talk titled, “A framework of low-energy precision experiments,” on December 30, 2013 at the Joint Nuclear Physics Seminar at Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Jerusalem, Israel.

• Dr. Michael Kohl (Associate Professor) gave an invited talk titled, “The TREK program at J-PARC,” on January 1, 2014, at the Particle Physics Seminar at Tel Aviv University, Tel Aviv, Israel.

• Dr. Michael Kohl (Associate Professor) gave an invited talk titled, “Two-Photon Exchange and the Role of OLYMPUS,” on November 27, 2013 at the PRISMA Colloquium and Seminar of the Graduate School, Johannes Gutenberg-University Mainz, in Mainz, Germany.

• Dr. Michael Kohl (Associate Professor) gave two invited talks titled, “Two-Photon Exchange,” and “The Proton Radium Experiement (PRad) at Jefferson Lab” during the 10th European Research Conference on "Electromagnetic Interactions with Nucleons and Nuclei" (EINN2013), Oct. 28 – Nov. 2, 2013, Pafos, Cyprus. The link to his talks are found here:

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• Dr. Michael Kohl (Associate professor) gave an open session talk titled, “E36: Measurement of Γ(K+→ e+ν) / Γ(K+→ μ+ν) and Search for a heavy sterile neutrino using the TREK detector system,” on September 25, 2013, at the 18th Program Advisory Committee meeting for J-PARC, Sept. 25-27, 2013, KEK, Tsukuba, Japan.

• Dr. Michael Kohl (Associate Professor) gave an invited talk titled, “Hadrons from Quarks and Gluons,” at the International Workshop XLII on Gross Properties of Nuclei and Nuclear Excitations, in Hirschegg, Kleinwalsertal, Austria, from January 12-18, 2014.

• Dr. Michael Kohl (Associate Professor) of physics gave an invited seminar titled, “Particle Physics Seminar” at Tel Aviv University, Tel Aviv, in Israel.

• Dr. Michael Kohl (Associate Professor) is the International Spokesperson of the TREK collaboration

o The TREK/E36 Collaboration meeting was held at the High-Energy Research Organization (KEK) in Tsukuba, Japan, December 7-8, 2013, attended by Dr. Michael Kohl, Dr. Peter Monaghan, and graduate student Bishoy Dongwi Dr. Michael Kohl gave two presentations with the titles, “C1 GEM

chamber” and “Report from PAC17” Dr. Peter Monaghan gave a presentation with the title “Simulation

Analysis for a Heavy Photon Search Using TREK” o Experiment E36 “Measurement of Γ(K+→e+ν)/Γ(K+→μ+ν) and Search for heavy

sterile neutrinos using the TREK detector system” was re-endorsed by the 17th J-PARC Program Advisory Committee (PAC) in September 2013. The experiment was subsequently stage-2 approved by the J-PARC/KEK directorate and will be tentatively run between January and May 2015.

o Dr. Kohl also attended the TREK/E36 Collaboration meeting held May 8-9, 2014. He gave the following presentations: “C1 GEM update and plans” “Dark Photon Search” “Analysis and Simulation Framework”

o Dr. Peter Monaghan remotely attended the TREK/E6 collaboration meeting at KEK, Tsukuba, Japan on May 8-9, 2014 and gave a presentation with the title “Calculation of a New Magnetic Field Map”

• Dr. Michael Kohl (Associate Professor) is the co-initiator of the OLYMPUS experiment. o The third beam test for the MUSE experiment took place from December 2-20,

2013 at PSI in Villigen, Switzerland, the Hampton University GEM tracking telescopes from OLYMPUS have been used for beam particle tracking.

o The “MUon Scattering Experiment” (MUSE) at PSI has been re-endorsed by the Program Advisory Committee at its 45th annual meeting at PSI, Villigen, Switzerland, January 27-28, 2013. During the conference he gave a presentation titled, “MUSE Beamline Detectors.” A collaborative funding proposal of Hampton University, Rutgers University, George Washington University and the University of South Carolina was submitted in October of 2013. The experiment

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was technically reviewed in January of 2014 and a funding review took place at NSF in Arlington, VA on March 24-25, 2014. MUISE will receive seed funding to carry out R&D before the project can be fully funded.

o Dr. Kohl and Dr. Anusha Liyange attended the MUSE Collaboration meeting that was held at George Washington University, in Washington D.C., January 7-8, 2014

• Dr. Kohl (Associate Professor) gave an invited seminar at the Institut f. Kernphysik, Johannes Gutenberg-Universitya Mainz, in Mainz, Germany on May 14, 2013. The talk was titled, “Das Geheimnisvolle Proton.”

• Dr. Felix Jaetae Seo (Professor) served as the Co-Organizer for the Nanotechnology for Solar Energy at the 2013 World Congress on Advances in Nano, Biomechanics, Robotics, and Energy Research (ANBRE13), August 25-28, 2013, Seoul, South Korea.

• Dr. Felix Jaetae Seo (Professor) served as the Co-Organizer for the Japan Society of Applied Physics (JSAP) and the Materials Research Society (MRS) Symposium R: Photocatalysis, September 16-20, 2013, Kyoto, Japan.

• Dr. Paul Guèye (Assistant Professor) gave three oral presentations (via skype) at the Geant4 International User Conference and Tutorial at the Physics-Medicine-Biology Frontier on October 7-9, 2013, in the Mercure Château Chartrons hotel, Bordeaux, in France. (

• Dr. Uwe Hömmerich (Professor) and his research group collaborated with Dr. L. Nemes from the Natural Science Research Center in Budapest, Hungary on IR LIBS studies on carbon.

• Dr. Uwe Hömmerich (Professor) and his research group collaborated with Dr. Alain Braud at the University of Caen in France on the materials development and spectroscopy of samarium doped halide crystals for photonic applications.

• Notable Presentations and Conferences o E. Brown, E. Kumi-Barimah, and U. Hömmerich, A.G. Bluiett, S.B. Trivedi;

“Material Purification, Crystal Growth, and Spectroscopy of Tm-doped KPb2Cl5 and KPb2Br5 for 2 µm Photonic Applications”, presented at the 19th American Conference on Crystal Growth and Epitaxy (ACCGE-19), Keystone, CO, July 21-26, 2013.

o Quinton Rice, Roopchan Ramdon, Maria Veronica Rigo, Rafal Fudala, Wan-Joong Kim, Ryan Rich, Bagher Tabibi, Hyoyeong Cho, Zygmunt Gryczynski, Ignacy Gryczynski, Mahmoud Abdel-Fattah, William Yu, and Jaetae Seo, “Plasmon-coupled Exciton Photoluminescence with Purcell Enhancement,” Nanotechnology for Defense Conference, November 4-7, 2013, Tucson, Arizona (accepted).

o Quinn Hailes, Quinton Rice, Anderson Hayes, Mahmoud Abdel-Fattah, Sangram Raut, Ryan Rich, Rafal Fudala, Ignacy Gryczynski, Zygmunt Gryczynski, Wan-Joong Kim, Sungsoo Jung, Ryo Hyun, Yu Zhang, Chuang Xie, Bagher Tabibi, William Yu, and Jaetae Seo, “Optical Properties of CuInS2 CuInS2/ZnS and ZnCuInS2 Semiconductor Nanocrystals,” XXII International Materials Research Congress, August 11 - 15, 2013, Cancun, Mexico.

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o Anderson Hayes, Quinton Rice, Maria Veronica Rigo, Mahmoud Abdel-Fattah, Sainath Babu, Michelle Claville, Min Namkung, Wan-Joong Kim, Sungsoo Jung, Bagher Tabibi, and Jaetae Seo, “Spectral Coupling of Molecule-linked Au Nanoparticles for Surface-Enhanced Raman Scattering,” XXII International Materials Research Congress, August 11 - 15, 2013, Cancun, Mexico.

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• P. Monaghan et al., Moments of the Longitudinal Proton Structure Function FL from Global Data in the Q2 Range 0.75–45.0  (GeV/c)2, Phys. Rev. Lett. 110, 152002 (2013)

• Ei Ei Brown, Uwe Hömmerich, Althea Bluiett, Courtney Kucera, John Ballato, and Sudhir Trivedi; Near-Infrared and Upconversion Luminescence Properties in Transparent Er doped Yttria Ceramics under ~1.5 µm Excitation, Journal of the American Ceramic Society, in press.

• E. Brown, E. Kumi-Barimah, and U. Hömmerich, A.G. Bluiett, S.B. Trivedi; “Material Purification, Crystal Growth, and Spectroscopy of Tm-doped KPb2Cl5 and KPb2Br5 for 2 µm Photonic Applications”, Journal of Crystal Growth 393, 2014, 159-162.

• Clayton S.C. Yang, EiEi Brown, Eric Kumi-Barimah, Uwe H. Hömmerich, Feng Jin, Sudhir B. Trivedi, Alan C. Samuels, A. Peter Snyder, Infrared (1-10 Clayton, MIR-LWIR Infared (4-12um) Molecular Emission Signatures from Pharmaceuticals using Laser-Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy, Applied Spectroscopy, 68, 2014, in press.

• E. Kumi Barimah, U. Hömmerich, E. Brown, S. B. Trivedi, Spectroscopic Evaluation of Tm-doped Potassium Lead Halides for 2 µm Laser Cooling Applications”, submitted to the SPIE Proceeding of Photonics West 2014.

• I. K. Jones, U. Hömmerich, E. Brown, S. B. Trivedi, Spectroscopic properties of Pr-doped PbCl2 for eye-safe 1.6 µm laser applications”, submitted to the SPIE Proceeding of Photonics West 2014.

• E. Brown, U. Hömmerich, S. Hyater-Adams, O. Oyebola, A.G. Bluiett, S. B. Trivedi, Infrared Absorption and Fluorescence Properties of Ho-doped KPb2Br5, submitted to the SPIE Proceeding of Photonics West 2014.

• Felix Jaetae Seo, Sangram Raut, Mahmoud Abdel-Fattah, Quinton Rice, Bagher Tabibi, Ryan Rich, Rafal Fudala, Ignacy Gryczynski, Zygmunt Gryczynski, Wan-Joong Kim, Sungsoo Jung, and Ruh Hyun, “Time-resolved and temperature-dependent photoluminescence of ternary and quaternary nanocrystals of CuInS2 with ZnS capping and cation exchange,” Journal of Applied Physics 114, 094310 (2013).

• Application of MAGAT polymer gel dosimetry in breast balloon – N. Govi, P. Guèye and S. Avery, 7th International Conference on 3D Radiation Dosimetry (IC3DDose), Journal of Physics: Conference Series 444 (2013) 012103

• Dr. Felix Jaetae Seo, “Nonlocal Quantum Correlation between Electron Spin and Photon Complementarity,” Science (submitted, 2013).

• Dr. Felix Jaetae Seo has published, presented, and submitted twelve (12) journal papers and conference presentations as an author or co-author during the reporting period.

• Felix Jaetae Seo, “Nonlocal Quantum Correlation between Electron Spin and Photon Complementarity,” Science (submitted).

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• Quinton Rice, Anderson Hayes, Sangram Raut, Mahmoud Abdel-Fattah, Ignacy Gryczynski, Zygmunt Gryczynski, Wenjin Zhang, Xinhua Zhong, Young-Kuk Kim, Bagher Tabibi, and Jaetae Seo, “Time-resolved Photoluminescence of Plasmon-coupled CuInS2 with ZnS,” ICANM2014, International Conference & Exhibition on Advanced & Nano Materials, August 11-13, Calgary, Alberta, Canada.

• Anderson Hayes, Quinton Rice, Mahmoud Abdel-Fattah, Min Namkung, Wan-Joong Kim, Sungsoo Jung, Bagher Tabibi, and Jaetae Seo, “Colorimetric Analysis and Spectral Coupling of SERS for Biomedical Sensing,” ICANM2014, International Conference & Exhibition on Advanced & Nano Materials, August 11-13, Calgary, Alberta, Canada.

• Quinton Rice, Sangram Raut, Ignacy Gryczynski, Zygmunt Gryczynski, Wenjin Zhang, Xinhua Zhong, Young-Kuk Kim, Bagher Tabibi, and Jaetae Seo, “Optical Properties of CuInS2 QDs with ZnS Coreshells and Alloys for Developing Hybrid LEDs,” International Conference on Superlattices, Nanostructures and Nanodevices, Savannah, Georgia, August 3-8, 2014.

• Quinton Rice, Sangram Raut, Ignacy Gryczynski, Zygmunt Gryczynski, Wenjin Zhang, Xinhua Zhong, Young-Kuk Kim, Bagher Tabibi, and Jaetae Seo, “Temporal Distributions of Energy Transitions and Photoluminescence Quenching in CuInS2 Semiconductor Nanocrystals with ZnS Capping,” The 2014 International Conference on Nanoscience +Technology (ICN+T), Denver, Colorado, July 20-25, 2014.

• Quinton Rice, Sangram Raut, Wan-Joong Kim, Ryan Rich, Rafal Fudala, Mahmoud Abdel-Fattah, Bagher Tabibi, Ignacy Gryczynski, Zygmunt Gryczynski, Sungsoo Jung, and Jaetae Seo, “Temporal Distributions of Optical Energy Transitions and Photoluminescence Quenching in CuInS2 with ZnS Capping and Alloy,” 45th Annual Meeting of the APS Division of Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics, Madison, WI, June 2-6, 2014.

• Quinton Rice, Maria Veronica Rigo, Rafal Fudala, Hyoyeong Cho, Wan-Joong Kim, Ryan Rich, Bagher Tabibi, Zygmunt Gryczynski, Ignacy Gryczynski, William Yu, and Jaetae Seo, “Plasmon and Exciton Coupling and Purcell Enhancement,” 45th Annual Meeting of the APS Division of Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics, Madison, WI, June 2-6, 2014.

• Anderson Hayes, Quinton Rice, Mahmoud Abdel-Fattah, Wan-Joong Kim, Sungsoo Jung, Bagher Tabibi, and Jaetae Seo, “Time-resolved Colorimetric Flocculation and Surface-enhanced Raman Scattering of Molecule-linked Plasmonic Nanoparticles,” The 92nd Annual Meeting of the Academy, Virginia Commonwealth University, May 14-16, 2014.

• Quinton Rice, Sangram Raut, Ignacy Gryczynski, Zygmunt Gryczynski, Bagher Tabibi, and Jaetae Seo, “Temperature- and Time-resolved Spectroscopy of CuInS2 Semiconductor Nanocrystals with ZnS Capping,” The 92nd Annual Meeting of the Academy, Virginia Commonwealth University, May 14-16, 2014.

• Anderson Hayes, Quinton Rice, Mahmoud Abdel-Fattah, Bagher Tabibi, Wan-Joong Kim, SungSoo Jung, and Jaetae Seo, “Molecule-linked Plasmonic Nanoparticles for

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Colorimetric Flocculation and Spectral Coupling of SERS,” Hampton University, School of Science Research Symposium, April 17-18, 2014.

• Quinton Rice, Sangram Raut, Ignacy Gryczynski, Zygmunt Gryczynski, Bagher Tabibi, and Jaetae Seo, “Temporal Distributions of Energy Transition and Photoluminescence Quenching in CuInS2 with ZnS Cappling and Alloying Effect,” Hampton University, School of Science Research Symposium, April 17-18, 2014.

• Sainath Babu, Felix Jaetae Seo, Rao M Uppu, Michelle Claville, Michelle, “Aggregation of Gold Nanoparitlces with Thioether-Containing Amino Acids,” Annual Meeting of Society of Toxicology, Phoenix, Az, March 23-27, 2014

• R. Carcasses Quevedo, J. L. Goity and R. C. Trinchero, “QCD condensates and holographic Wilson loops for asymptotically AdS spaces”. Phys. Rev. D89, 036004 (2014).

• E. Gonzales de Urreta, J. L. Goity and N. N. Scoccola, “Global analysis of the negative parity non-starnge baryons in the 1/Nc expansion”. Phys. Rev. D89, 034024 (2014).

• J. L. Goity and N. Brambilla et al. QCD and strongly coupled gauge theories: challenges and perspectives. Submitted for publication to the European Journal of High Energy Physics

• J.L. Goity and A.C. Cordon, T. DeGrand. The Nc dependencies of baryon masses: Analysis with Lattice QCD and Effective Theory. Submitted for publication to Phys Rev D

• A. Accardi, “Large-x connections of high-energy and nuclear physics.” Published in Modern Physics Letters A28 (2013) 35

• P.Jimenez-Delgado, A.Accardi, W.Melnitchouk, “Impact of hadronic and nuclear corrections on global analysis of spin-dependent parton distributions,” accepted in Phys. Rev. D89 (2014) 034025.

• P.J. Ehlers, A. Accardi, L.T. Brady, W. Melnitchouk. “Nuclear effects in the proton-deuteron Drell-Yan process.” Preprint: arXiv:1405.2039. Submitted to Phys.Rev.D. * Co-authored with HU Summer graduate student, Mr. L.T. Brady.

• R. Esseg, N. Kalantarians, et al., Dark Sectors and New, Light, Weakly-Coupled Particles, arxiv:1311.0029 [physics.inst-det] (2013).

• J. Balewski, N. Kalantarians, et al., DarkLight: A Search for Dark Forces at the Jefferson Laboratory Free-Electron Laser Facility, arxiv:1307.4432 [hep-ph] (2013).

• R. Alarcon, N. Kalantarians, et al., Transmission of Megawatt Relativistic Electron Beams Through Millimeter Apertures, Phys.Rev.Lett. 111 (2013) 164801

• R. Alarcon, N. Kalantarians, et al., Measured Radiation and Background Levels During Transmission of Megawatt Electron Beams Through Millimeter Apertures, arxiv:1305.7215 [acc-ph] (accepted for publication in Nucl. Inst. Meth., Section A.) (2013)

• S. Tkachenko, N. Kalantarians, et al., Phys. Rev. C, 89, 045206 (2014).

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• The following publications were a result of the Higgs Boson discovery from the ATLAS collaboration with 50 institutions around the world that Dr. V. Vassilakopoulos co-authored on in the year 2013:

Standalone vertex finding in the ATLAS muon spectrometer

ATLAS Collaboration (Georges Aad (Freiburg U.) et al.). Nov 27, 2013. 22 pp. Published in JINST 9 (2014) P02001 DOI: 10.1088/1748-0221/9/02/P02001

Search for dark matter in events with a hadronically decaying W or Z boson and missing transverse momentum in pp collisions at s =8 TeV with the ATLAS detector ATLAS Collaboration (Georges Aad (Freiburg U.) et al.). Sep 16, 2013. 6 pp. Published in Phys.Rev.Lett. 112 (2014) 041802 DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.112.041802

Measurement of the top quark pair production charge asymmetry in proton-proton collisions at s = 7 TeV using the ATLAS detector ATLAS Collaboration (Georges Aad (Freiburg U.) et al.). Nov 26, 2013. 38 pp. Published in JHEP 1402 (2014) 107 DOI: 10.1007/JHEP02(2014)107

Measurement of the mass difference between top and anti-top quarks in pp collisions at s =7 TeV using the ATLAS detector ATLAS Collaboration (Georges Aad (Freiburg U.) et al.). Oct 24, 2013. 17 pp. Published in Phys.Lett. B728 (2014) 363-379 DOI: 10.1016/j.physletb.2013.12.010

Search for new phenomena in photon+jet events collected in proton--proton collisions at s = 8 TeV with the ATLAS detector ATLAS Collaboration (Georges Aad (Freiburg U.) et al.). Sep 12, 2013. 17 pp. Published in Phys.Lett. B728 (2014) 562-578 DOI: 10.1016/j.physletb.2013.12.029

Search for a Multi-Higgs Boson Cascade in W W bb+ − events with the ATLAS detector in pp collisions at s = 8 TeV ATLAS Collaboration (Georges Aad (Freiburg U.) et al.). Dec 6, 2013. 11 pp. Published in Phys.Rev. D89 (2014) 032002 DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevD.89.032002

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Measurement of jet shapes in top-quark pair events at s = 7 TeV using the ATLAS detector ATLAS Collaboration (Georges Aad (Freiburg U.) et al.). Jul 22, 2013. 20 pp. Published in Eur.Phys.J. C73 (2013) 2676 DOI: 10.1140/epjc/s10052-013-2676-3

Measurement of the top quark charge in pp collisions at s = 7 TeV with the ATLAS detector ATLAS Collaboration (Georges Aad (Freiburg U.) et al.). Jul 17, 2013. 42 pp. Published in JHEP 1311 (2013) 031 DOI: 10.1007/JHEP11(2013)031

Search for new phenomena in final states with large jet multiplicities and missing transverse momentum at sqrt(s)=8 TeV proton-proton collisions using the ATLAS experiment ATLAS Collaboration (Georges Aad (Freiburg U.) et al.). Aug 8, 2013. 50 pp. Published in JHEP 1310 (2013) 130 DOI: 10.1007/JHEP10(2013)130

Search for long-lived stopped R-hadrons decaying out-of-time with pp collisions using the ATLAS detector ATLAS Collaboration (Georges Aad (Freiburg U.) et al.). Oct 24, 2013. 19 pp. Published in Phys.Rev. D88 (2013) 112003 DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevD.88.112003

Search for charginos nearly mass-degenerate with the lightest neutralino based on a disappearing-track signature in pp collisions at s = 8 TeV with the ATLAS detector ATLAS Collaboration (Georges Aad (Freiburg U.) et al.). Oct 14, 2013. 24 pp. Published in Phys.Rev. D88 (2013) 112006 DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevD.88.112006

Measurement of the differential cross-section of B+ meson production in pp collisions at s = 7 TeV at ATLAS ATLAS Collaboration (Georges Aad (Freiburg U.) et al.). Jun 29, 2013. 38 pp. Published in JHEP 1310 (2013) 042 DOI: 10.1007/JHEP10(2013)042

Performance of jet substructure techniques for large-R jets in proton-proton collisions at s = 7 TeV using the ATLAS detector ATLAS Collaboration (Georges Aad (Freiburg U.) et al.). Jun 20, 2013. 83 pp.

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Published in JHEP 1309 (2013) 076 DOI: 10.1007/JHEP09(2013)076

Search for excited electrons and muons in s =8 TeV proton-proton collisions with the ATLAS detector ATLAS Collaboration (Georges Aad (Freiburg U.) et al.). Aug 6, 2013. 32 pp. Published in New J.Phys. 15 (2013) 093011 DOI: 10.1088/1367-2630/15/9/093011

Search for microscopic black holes in a like-sign dimuon final state using large track multiplicity with the ATLAS detector ATLAS Collaboration (Georges Aad (Freiburg U.) et al.). Aug 19, 2013. 10 pp. Published in Phys.Rev. D88 (2013) 072001 DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevD.88.072001

Improved luminosity determination in pp collisions at sû = 7 TeV using the ATLAS detector at the LHC ATLAS Collaboration (Georges Aad (Freiburg U.) et al.). Feb 18, 2013. 27 pp. Published in Eur.Phys.J. C73 (2013) 2518 DOI: 10.1140/epjc/s10052-013-2518-3

Measurement of charged-particle event shape variables in s =7 TeV proton-proton interactions with the ATLAS detector ATLAS Collaboration (Georges Aad (Freiburg U.) et al.). Jul 2012. 11 pp. Published in Phys.Rev. D88 (2013) 032004 DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevD.88.032004

Measurement of the inclusive jet cross section in pp collisions at sqrt(s)=2.76 TeV and comparison to the inclusive jet cross section at sqrt(s)=7 TeV using the ATLAS detector ATLAS Collaboration (Georges Aad (Freiburg U.) et al.). Apr 17, 2013. 43 pp. Published in Eur.Phys.J. C73 (2013) 2509 DOI: 10.1140/epjc/s10052-013-2509-4

Triggers for displaced decays of long-lived neutral particles in the ATLAS detector ATLAS Collaboration (Georges Aad (Freiburg U.) et al.). May 10, 2013. 19 pp. Published in JINST 8 (2013) P07015 DOI: 10.1088/1748-0221/8/07/P07015

Measurement of top quark polarization in top-antitop events from proton-proton collisions at s = 7 TeV using the ATLAS detector

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ATLAS Collaboration (Georges Aad (Freiburg U.) et al.). Jul 24, 2013. 6 pp. Published in Phys.Rev.Lett. 111 (2013) 232002 DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.111.232002

Characterisation and mitigation of beam-induced backgrounds observed in the ATLAS detector during the 2011 proton-proton run ATLAS Collaboration (Georges Aad (Freiburg U.) et al.). Mar 1, 2013. 58 pp. Published in JINST 8 (2013) P07004 DOI: 10.1088/1748-0221/8/07/P07004

Measurement of the production cross section of jets in association with a Z boson in pp collisions at s = 7 TeV with the ATLAS detector ATLAS Collaboration (Georges Aad (Freiburg U.) et al.). Apr 26, 2013. 35 pp. Published in JHEP 1307 (2013) 032 DOI: 10.1007/JHEP07(2013)032

Search for non pointing photons in the diphoton and missTE final state in s =7 TeV

proton-proton collisions using the ATLAS detector ATLAS Collaboration (Georges Aad (Freiburg U.) et al.). Apr 23, 2013. 24 pp. Published in Phys.Rev. D88 (2013) 1, 012001 DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevD.88.012001

Measurement of the Azimuthal Angle Dependence of Inclusive Jet Yields in Pb+Pb Collisions at NNs = 2.76 TeV with the ATLAS detector

ATLAS Collaboration (Georges Aad (Freiburg U.) et al.). Jun 27, 2013. 19 pp. Published in Phys.Rev.Lett. 111 (2013) 152301 DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.111.152301

Measurement of the cross-section for W boson production in association with b-jets in pp collisions at s = 7 TeV with the ATLAS detector ATLAS Collaboration (Georges Aad (Freiburg U.) et al.). Feb 12, 2013. 31 pp. Published in JHEP 1306 (2013) 084 DOI: 10.1007/JHEP06(2013)084

Search for resonant diboson production in the lvjj decay channels with the ATLAS detector at 7 TeV ATLAS Collaboration (Georges Aad (Freiburg U.) et al.). May 1, 2013. 11 pp. Published in Phys.Rev. D87 (2013) 112006 DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevD.87.112006

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Search for third generation scalar leptoquarks in pp collisions at s = 7 TeV with the ATLAS detector ATLAS Collaboration (Georges Aad (Freiburg U.) et al.). Mar 3, 2013. 24 pp. Published in JHEP 1306 (2013) 033 DOI: 10.1007/JHEP06(2013)033

Measurements of Wγ and Zγ production in pp collisions at s = 7 TeV with the ATLAS detector at the LHC ATLAS Collaboration (Georges Aad (Freiburg U.) et al.). Feb 6, 2013. 28 pp. Published in Phys.Rev. D87 (2013) 112003 DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevD.87.112003

Measurement of W W+ − production in pp collisions at s =7 TeV with the ATLAS detector and limits on anomalous WWZ and WW? couplings ATLAS Collaboration (Georges Aad (Freiburg U.) et al.). Oct 2012. 16 pp. Published in Phys.Rev. D87 (2013) 112001 DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevD.87.112001

A search for tt resonances in the lepton plus jets final state with ATLAS using 4.7 fb-1 of pp collisions at s =7 TeV ATLAS Collaboration (Georges Aad (Freiburg U.) et al.). May 13, 2013. 16 pp. Published in Phys.Rev. D88 (2013) 012004 DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevD.88.012004

Multi-channel search for squarks and gluinos in s =7 TeV pp collisions with the ATLAS detector ATLAS Collaboration (Georges Aad (Freiburg U.) et al.). Dec 2012. 21 pp. Published in Eur.Phys.J. C73 (2013) 2362 DOI: 10.1140/epjc/s10052-013-2362-5

Measurement of hard double-parton interactions in ( )W lν→ + 2 jet events at s =7 TeV with the ATLAS detector ATLAS Collaboration (Georges Aad (Freiburg U.) et al.). Jan 29, 2013. 23 pp. Published in New J.Phys. 15 (2013) 033038 DOI: 10.1088/1367-2630/15/3/033038

Measurement of ZZ production in pp collisions at s =7 TeV and limits on anomalous ZZZ and ZZγ couplings with the ATLAS detector ATLAS Collaboration (Georges Aad (Freiburg U.) et al.). Nov 2012. 30 pp. Published in JHEP 1303 (2013) 128

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DOI: 10.1007/JHEP03(2013)128

Measurement with the ATLAS detector of multi-particle azimuthal correlations in p+Pb collisions at NNs =5.02 TeV

ATLAS Collaboration (Georges Aad (Freiburg U.) et al.). Mar 8, 2013. 8 pp. Published in Phys.Lett. B725 (2013) 60-78 DOI: 10.1016/j.physletb.2013.06.057

Measurement of Upsilon production in 7 TeV pp collisions at ATLAS ATLAS Collaboration (Georges Aad (Freiburg U.) et al.). Nov 2012. 31 pp. Published in Phys.Rev. D87 (2013) 5, 052004 DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevD.87.052004

Search for new phenomena in events with three charged leptons at s = 7 TeV with the ATLAS detector ATLAS Collaboration (Georges Aad (Freiburg U.) et al.). Nov 2012. 33 pp. Published in Phys.Rev. D87 (2013) 5, 052002 DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevD.87.052002

Search for supersymmetry in events with photons, bottom quarks, and missing transverse momentum in proton-proton collisions at a centre-of-mass energy of 7 TeV with the ATLAS detector ATLAS Collaboration (Georges Aad (Freiburg U.) et al.). Nov 2012. 9 pp. Published in Phys.Lett. B719 (2013) 261-279 DOI: 10.1016/j.physletb.2013.01.041

Search for WH production with a light Higgs boson decaying to prompt electron-jets in proton-proton collisions at s =7 TeV with the ATLAS detector ATLAS Collaboration (Georges Aad (Freiburg U.) et al.). Feb 18, 2013. 19 pp. Published in New J.Phys. 15 (2013) 043009 DOI: 10.1088/1367-2630/15/4/043009

Measurement of kT splitting scales in W->lv events at sqrt(s)=7 TeV with the ATLAS detector ATLAS Collaboration (Georges Aad (Freiburg U.) et al.). Feb 6, 2013. 17 pp. Published in Eur.Phys.J. C73 (2013) 2432 DOI: 10.1140/epjc/s10052-013-2432-8

Measurement of the ?b lifetime and mass in the ATLAS experiment ATLAS Collaboration (Georges Aad (Freiburg U.) et al.). Jul 2012. 19 pp. Published in Phys.Rev. D87 (2013) 3, 032002

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DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevD.87.032002

Search for long-lived, multi-charged particles in pp collisions at s =7 TeV using the ATLAS detector ATLAS Collaboration (Georges Aad (Freiburg U.) et al.). Jan 22, 2013. 8 pp. Published in Phys.Lett. B722 (2013) 305-323 DOI: 10.1016/j.physletb.2013.04.036

Search for direct chargino production in anomaly-mediated supersymmetry breaking models based on a disappearing-track signature in pp collisions at s =7 TeV with the ATLAS detector ATLAS Collaboration (Georges Aad (Freiburg U.) et al.). Oct 2012. 18 pp. Published in JHEP 1301 (2013) 131 DOI: 10.1007/JHEP01(2013)131

Search for single b*-quark production with the ATLAS detector at s =7 TeV ATLAS Collaboration (Georges Aad (Freiburg U.) et al.). Jan 2013. 11 pp. Published in Phys.Lett. B721 (2013) 171-189 DOI: 10.1016/j.physletb.2013.03.016

Search for direct third-generation squark pair production in final states with missing transverse momentum and two b-jets in s = 8 TeV pp collisions with the ATLAS detector ATLAS Collaboration (Georges Aad (Freiburg U.) et al.). Aug 12, 2013. 40 pp. Published in JHEP 1310 (2013) 189 DOI: 10.1007/JHEP10(2013)189

Dynamics of isolated-photon plus jet production in pp collisions at s =7 TeV with the ATLAS detector ATLAS Collaboration (Georges Aad (Freiburg U.) et al.). Jul 25, 2013. 33 pp. Published in Nucl.Phys. B875 (2013) 483-535 DOI: 10.1016/j.nuclphysb.2013.07.025

Evidence for the spin-0 nature of the Higgs boson using ATLAS data ATLAS Collaboration (Georges Aad (Freiburg U.) et al.). Jul 4, 2013. 25 pp. Published in Phys.Lett. B726 (2013) 120-144 DOI: 10.1016/j.physletb.2013.08.026

Measurements of Higgs boson production and couplings in diboson final states with the ATLAS detector at the LHC ATLAS Collaboration (Georges Aad (Freiburg U.) et al.). Jul 4, 2013. 32 pp.

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Published in Phys.Lett. B726 (2013) 88-119 DOI: 10.1016/j.physletb.2013.08.010

Measurement of the high-mass Drell-Yan differential cross-section in pp collisions at s =7 TeV with the ATLAS detector

ATLAS Collaboration (Georges Aad (Freiburg U.) et al.). May 17, 2013. 20 pp. Published in Phys.Lett. B725 (2013) 223-242 DOI: 10.1016/j.physletb.2013.07.049

Measurement of the distributions of event-by-event flow harmonics in lead-lead collisions at = 2.76 TeV with the ATLAS detector at the LHC ATLAS Collaboration (Georges Aad (Freiburg U.) et al.). May 13, 2013. 57 pp. Published in JHEP 1311 (2013) 183 DOI: 10.1007/JHEP11(2013)183

Search for a light charged Higgs boson in the decay channel H cs+ → in tt events using pp collisions at s = 7 TeV with the ATLAS detector ATLAS Collaboration (Georges Aad (Freiburg U.) et al.). Feb 15, 2013. 9 pp. Published in Eur.Phys.J. C73 (2013) 2465 DOI: 10.1140/epjc/s10052-013-2465-z

Search for charged Higgs bosons through the violation of lepton universality in ttevents using pp collision data at s =7 TeV with the ATLAS experiment ATLAS Collaboration (Georges Aad (Freiburg U.) et al.). Dec 2012. 20 pp. Published in JHEP 1303 (2013) 076 DOI: 10.1007/JHEP03(2013)076

Measurement of the ttbar production cross section in the tau+jets channel using the ATLAS detector ATLAS Collaboration (Georges Aad (Freiburg U.) et al.). Nov 2012. 7 pp. Published in Eur.Phys.J. C73 (2013) 2328 DOI: 10.1140/epjc/s10052-013-2328-7

Single hadron response measurement and calorimeter jet energy scale uncertainty with the ATLAS detector at the LHC ATLAS Collaboration (Georges Aad (Freiburg U.) et al.). Mar 2012. 24 pp. Published in Eur.Phys.J. C73 (2013) 2305 DOI: 10.1140/epjc/s10052-013-2305-1

A search for prompt lepton-jets in pp collisions at s =7 TeV with the ATLAS detector

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ATLAS Collaboration (Georges Aad (Freiburg U.) et al.). Dec 2012. 9 pp. Published in Phys.Lett. B719 (2013) 299-317 DOI: 10.1016/j.physletb.2013.01.034

Observation of Associated Near-side and Away-side Long-range Correlations in

NNs =5.02 TeV Proton-lead Collisions with the ATLAS Detector

ATLAS Collaboration (Georges Aad (Freiburg U.) et al.). Dec 2012. 5 pp. Published in Phys.Rev.Lett. 110 (2013) 182302 DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.110.182302

Search for a heavy narrow resonance decaying to eµ, eτ, or µτ with the ATLAS detector in s =7 TeV pp collisions at the LHC ATLAS Collaboration (Georges Aad (Freiburg U.) et al.). Dec 2012. 11 pp. Published in Phys.Lett. B723 (2013) 15-32 DOI: 10.1016/j.physletb.2013.04.035

Measurement of angular correlations in Drell-Yan lepton pairs to probe Z/gamma* boson transverse momentum at sqrt(s)=7 TeV with the ATLAS detector ATLAS Collaboration (Georges Aad (Freiburg U.) et al.). Nov 29, 2012. 10 pp. Published in Phys.Lett. B720 (2013) 32-51 DOI: 10.1016/j.physletb.2013.01.054

Search for the neutral Higgs bosons of the Minimal Supersymmetric Standard Model in pp collisions at s =7 TeV with the ATLAS detector ATLAS Collaboration (Georges Aad (Freiburg U.) et al.). Nov 2012. 53 pp. Published in JHEP 1302 (2013) 095 DOI: 10.1007/JHEP02(2013)095

Search for resonances decaying into top-quark pairs using fully hadronic decays in pp collisions with ATLAS at s =7 TeV ATLAS Collaboration (Georges Aad (Freiburg U.) et al.). Nov 2012. 35 pp. Published in JHEP 1301 (2013) 116 DOI: 10.1007/JHEP01(2013)116

Measurement of isolated-photon pair production in pp collisions at s =7 TeV with the ATLAS detector ATLAS Collaboration (Georges Aad (Freiburg U.) et al.). Nov 2012. 24 pp. Published in JHEP 1301 (2013) 086 DOI: 10.1007/JHEP01(2013)086

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Searches for heavy long-lived sleptons and R-Hadrons with the ATLAS detector in pp collisions at s =7 TeV ATLAS Collaboration (Georges Aad (Freiburg U.) et al.). Nov 2012. 33 pp. Published in Phys.Lett. B720 (2013) 277-308 DOI: 10.1016/j.physletb.2013.02.015

Search or contact interactions and large extra dimensions in dilepton events from pp collisions at s =7 TeV with the ATLAS detector ATLAS Collaboration (Georges Aad (Freiburg U.) et al.). Nov 2012. 25 pp. Published in Phys.Rev. D87 (2013) 015010 DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevD.87.015010

Search for Extra Dimensions in diphoton events using proton-proton collisions recorded at s =7 TeV with the ATLAS detector at the LHC ATLAS Collaboration (Georges Aad (Freiburg U.) et al.). Oct 2012. 9 pp. Published in New J.Phys. 15 (2013) 043007 DOI: 10.1088/1367-2630/15/4/043007

Search for long-lived, heavy particles in final states with a muon and multi-track displaced vertex in proton-proton collisions at s =7 TeV with the ATLAS detector ATLAS Collaboration (Georges Aad (Freiburg U.) et al.). Oct 2012. 9 pp. Published in Phys.Lett. B719 (2013) 280-298 DOI: 10.1016/j.physletb.2013.01.042

A search for high-mass resonances decaying to τ τ+ − in pp collisions at s =7 TeV with the ATLAS detector ATLAS Collaboration (Georges Aad (Freiburg U.) et al.). Oct 2012. 10 pp. Published in Phys.Lett. B719 (2013) 242-260 DOI: 10.1016/j.physletb.2013.01.040

Measurement of Z boson Production in Pb+Pb Collisions at NNs =2.76 TeV with

the ATLAS Detector ATLAS Collaboration (Georges Aad (Freiburg U.) et al.). Oct 2012. 5 pp. Published in Phys.Rev.Lett. 110 (2013) 022301 DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.110.022301

Jet energy resolution in proton-proton collisions at s =7 TeV recorded in 2010 with the ATLAS detector ATLAS Collaboration (Georges Aad (Freiburg U.) et al.). Oct 2012. 13 pp. Published in Eur.Phys.J. C73 (2013) 2306

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DOI: 10.1140/epjc/s10052-013-2306-0

Search for pair production of heavy top-like quarks decaying to a high-pT W boson and a b quark in the lepton plus jets final state at s =7 TeV with the ATLAS detector ATLAS Collaboration (Georges Aad (Freiburg U.) et al.). Oct 2012. 11 pp. Published in Phys.Lett. B718 (2013) 1284-1302 DOI: 10.1016/j.physletb.2012.11.071

Search for pair-produced massive coloured scalars in four-jet final states with the ATLAS detector in proton-proton collisions at s =7 TeV ATLAS Collaboration (Georges Aad (Freiburg U.) et al.). Oct 2012. 7 pp. Published in Eur.Phys.J. C73 (2013) 2263 DOI: 10.1140/epjc/s10052-012-2263-z

Search for dark matter candidates and large extra dimensions in events with a jet and missing transverse momentum with the ATLAS detector ATLAS Collaboration (Georges Aad (Freiburg U.) et al.). Oct 2012. 36 pp. Published in JHEP 1304 (2013) 075 DOI: 10.1007/JHEP04(2013)075

ATLAS search for new phenomena in dijet mass and angular distributions using pp collisions at s =7 TeV ATLAS Collaboration (Georges Aad (Freiburg U.) et al.). Oct 2012. 27 pp. Published in JHEP 1301 (2013) 029 DOI: 10.1007/JHEP01(2013)029

Measurement of the flavour composition of dijet events in pp collisions at s =7 TeV with the ATLAS detector ATLAS Collaboration (Georges Aad (Freiburg U.) et al.). Oct 2012. 31 pp. Published in Eur.Phys.J. C73 (2013) 2301 DOI: 10.1140/epjc/s10052-013-2301-5

Search for displaced muonic lepton jets from light Higgs boson decay in proton-proton collisions at s =7 TeV with the ATLAS detector ATLAS Collaboration (Georges Aad (Freiburg U.) et al.). Oct 2012. 8 pp. Published in Phys.Lett. B721 (2013) 32-50 DOI: 10.1016/j.physletb.2013.02.058

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Search for dark matter candidates and large extra dimensions in events with a photon and missing transverse momentum in pp collision data at s =7 TeV with the ATLAS detector ATLAS Collaboration (Georges Aad (Freiburg U.) et al.). Sep 2012. 6 pp. Published in Phys.Rev.Lett. 110 (2013) 011802 DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.110.011802

Search for light top squark pair production in final states with leptons and b? jets with the ATLAS detector in s =7 TeV proton-proton collisions ATLAS Collaboration (Georges Aad (Freiburg U.) et al.). Sep 2012. 57 pp. Published in Phys.Lett. B720 (2013) 13-31 DOI: 10.1016/j.physletb.2013.01.049

Search for direct production of charginos and neutralinos in events with three leptons and missing transverse momentum in s =7 TeV pp collisions with the ATLAS detector ATLAS Collaboration (Georges Aad (Freiburg U.) et al.). Aug 2012. 22 pp. Published in Phys.Lett. B718 (2013) 841-859 DOI: 10.1016/j.physletb.2012.11.039

Search for direct slepton and gaugino production in final states with two leptons and missing transverse momentum with the ATLAS detector in pp collisions at s =7 TeV ATLAS Collaboration (Georges Aad (Freiburg U.) et al.). Aug 2012. 27 pp. Published in Phys.Lett. B718 (2013) 879-901 DOI: 10.1016/j.physletb.2012.11.058

Search for new phenomena in the WW to ' 'l lν ν final state in pp collisions at s =7 TeV with the ATLAS detector ATLAS Collaboration (Georges Aad (Freiburg U.) et al.). Aug 2012. 22 pp. Published in Phys.Lett. B718 (2013) 860-878 DOI: 10.1016/j.physletb.2012.11.040

Measurement of the jet radius and transverse momentum dependence of inclusive jet suppression in lead-lead collisions at NNs = 2.76 TeV with the ATLAS detector

ATLAS Collaboration (Georges Aad (Freiburg U.) et al.). Aug 2012. 30 pp. Published in Phys.Lett. B719 (2013) 220-241 DOI: 10.1016/j.physletb.2013.01.024

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Search for squarks and gluinos with the ATLAS detector in final states with jets and missing transverse momentum using 4.7 fb-1 of s =7 TeV proton-proton collision data ATLAS Collaboration (Georges Aad (Freiburg U.) et al.). Aug 2012. 23 pp. Published in Phys.Rev. D87 (2013) 012008 DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevD.87.012008

Measurements of top quark pair relative differential cross-sections with ATLAS in pp collisions at s =7 TeV ATLAS Collaboration (Georges Aad (Freiburg U.) et al.). Jul 2012. 31 pp. Published in Eur.Phys.J. C73 (2013) 2261 DOI: 10.1140/epjc/s10052-012-2261-1

Jet energy measurement with the ATLAS detector in proton-proton collisions at s=7 TeV ATLAS Collaboration (Georges Aad (Freiburg U.) et al.). Dec 2011. 100 pp. Published in Eur.Phys.J. C73 (2013) 2304 DOI: 10.1140/epjc/s10052-013-2304-2

Measurement of event-plane correlations in NNs =2.76 TeV lead-lead collisions with

the ATLAS detector o ATLAS Collaboration (Georges Aad (Marseille, CPPM) et al.). Mar 3, 2014. 20

pp. o e-Print: arXiv:1403.0489 [hep-ex]

Search for direct production of charginos and neutralinos in events with three leptons and

missing transverse momentum in sqrt(s) = 8TeV pp collisions with the ATLAS detector o ATLAS Collaboration (Georges Aad (Marseille, CPPM) et al.). Feb 27, 2014. 29

pp. o e-Print: arXiv:1402.7029 [hep-ex]

Measurement of the production of a W boson in association with a charm quark in pp

collisions at sqrt(s)=7 TeV with the ATLAS detector o ATLAS Collaboration (Georges Aad (Marseille, CPPM) et al.). Feb 25, 2014. 52

pp. o e-Print: arXiv:1402.6263 [hep-ex]

The differential production cross section of the phi(1020) meson in sqrt(s)=7 TeV pp

collisions measured with the ATLAS detector o The ATLAS Collaboration (Georges Aad (Freiburg U.) et al.). Feb 25, 2014. 11


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o e-Print: arXiv:1402.6162 [hep-ex]

Search for Invisible Decays of a Higgs Boson Produced in Association with a Z Boson in ATLAS

o ATLAS Collaboration (Georges Aad (Freiburg U.) et al.). Feb 13, 2014. 19 pp. o e-Print: arXiv:1402.3244 [hep-ex]

Search for Higgs boson decays to a photon and a Z boson in pp collisions at √s=7 and 8

TeV with the ATLAS detector o ATLAS Collaboration (Georges Aad (Marseille, CPPM) et al.). Feb 13, 2014. 20

pp. o e-Print: arXiv:1402.3051 [hep-ex]

Standalone vertex finding in the ATLAS muon spectrometer

o ATLAS Collaboration (Georges Aad (Freiburg U.) et al.). Nov 27, 2013. 22 pp. o Published in JINST 9 (2014) P02001 o DOI: 10.1088/1748-0221/9/02/P02001 o e-Print: arXiv:1311.7070 [physics.ins-det]

Search for dark matter in events with a hadronically decaying W or Z boson and missing

transverse momentum in pp collisions at √s=8 TeV with the ATLAS detector o ATLAS Collaboration (Georges Aad (Freiburg U.) et al.). Sep 16, 2013. 6 pp. o Published in Phys.Rev.Lett. 112 (2014) 041802 o DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.112.041802 o e-Print: arXiv:1309.4017 [hep-ex]

Measurement of the electroweak production of dijets in association with a Z-boson and

distributions sensitive to vector boson fusion in proton-proton collisions at √s = 8 TeV using the ATLAS detector

o ATLAS Collaboration (Georges Aad (Marseille, CPPM) et al.). Jan 29, 2014. 42 pp.

o e-Print: arXiv:1401.7610 [hep-ex]

Measurement of the production cross section of prompt J/psi mesons in association with a W boson in pp collisions at sqrt{s}=7 TeV with the ATLAS detector

o ATLAS Collaboration (Georges Aad (Freiburg U.) et al.). Jan 13, 2014. 40 pp. o e-Print: arXiv:1401.2831 [hep-ex]

Measurement of the top quark pair production charge asymmetry in proton-proton

collisions at √s = 7 TeV using the ATLAS detector o ATLAS Collaboration (Georges Aad (Freiburg U.) et al.). Nov 26, 2013. 38 pp. o Published in JHEP 1402 (2014) 107

Page 65: HAMPTON UNIVERSITY HAMPTON, held at MIT, Cambridge, MA, on July 8-12, 2013. • Dr. Michael Kohl (Associate


o DOI: 10.1007/JHEP02(2014)107 o e-Print: arXiv:1311.6724 [hep-ex]

Measurement of the mass difference between top and anti-top quarks in pp collisions at

(√s)=7 TeV using the ATLAS detector o ATLAS Collaboration (Georges Aad (Freiburg U.) et al.). Oct 24, 2013. 17 pp. o Published in Phys.Lett. B728 (2014) 363-379 o DOI: 10.1016/j.physletb.2013.12.010 o e-Print: arXiv:1310.6527 [hep-ex]

Search for new phenomena in photon+jet events collected in proton--proton collisions at

√s = 8 TeV with the ATLAS detector o ATLAS Collaboration (Georges Aad (Freiburg U.) et al.). Sep 12, 2013. 17 pp. o Published in Phys.Lett. B728 (2014) 562-578 o DOI: 10.1016/j.physletb.2013.12.029 o e-Print: arXiv:1309.3230 [hep-ex]

Search for a Multi-Higgs Boson Cascade in W+W−bb¯ events with the ATLAS detector

in pp collisions at √s = 8 TeV o ATLAS Collaboration (Georges Aad (Freiburg U.) et al.). Dec 6, 2013. 11 pp. o Published in Phys.Rev. D89 (2014) 032002 o DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevD.89.032002 o e-Print: arXiv:1312.1956 [hep-ex]

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