

How to Use Blogging for an Allergist’s PracticeNathan Hare MD, FAAAAI2016 AAAAI Meeting: Session 1009Friday, March 4, 2016

+Conflicts of Interest



Identify what a free blog is

Discover tools for more effective blogging

Set up a free blog

+What is a Blog?

a Web site on which someone writes about personal opinions, activities, and experience

a Web site that contains online personal reflections, comments, and often hyperlinks provided by the writer; also : the contents of such a site

+What is a Vlog?

a Blog that contains video material

+Blogging Platform

“The software or service that turn a regular site into a functioning blog.”

Key factors include: Pages / Posts Categories / Tags Image / Post Management Search Engine Optimized

+Search Engine Optimization (SEO) “The methods used to boost the ranking or

frequency of a website in results returned by a search engine, in an effort to maximize user traffic to the site.”

“It is the process of getting traffic from the “free,” “organic,” “editorial” or “natural” search results on search engines.”

+Domain Name

The website address for your blog

For example:


“a service that allows organizations and individuals to post a website or web page on to the Internet.”

If provided by your Blogging Platform: hosted

If provided by another company (you choose): self-hosted

+Checklist for choosing a blogging platform

Do I want free or paid? Do I want hosted or self-hosted? Do I want my own domain name? Do I want simple (fire up the site and write) or

do I want more complex (more options for customization, coding, etc.)?

+Blogging Platforms

Wordpress (Free, $) Ghost ($) Squarespace ($) Medium (Free) Posthaven ($) Blogger (Free)

Svbtle ($) AnchorCMS (Free) Silvrback ($) Tumblr (Free) LinkedIn (Free) ($) Scriptogram (Free)

+Free Blogging Platforms: Pros

No initial start-up cost

Easy to set up and maintain with no prior website knowledge

+Free Blogging Platforms: Cons

No custom domain

Appearance may not be as professional

Fewer themes available

Fewer custom options, like plug-ins

+Free Blogging Platforms: Cons

Limited advertising options

Limited memory, bandwidth, video time

Your blog can be shut down if it is perceived to violate the terms of service

+Blogging: Food for Thought

Why do I want to blog?

What is my niche?

What will I call my blog?

How am I going to find my topics?

What do I want to include? Words Images Videos Links Slide decks

+Medical Blogging: Why do it?

6 Reasons Why Doctors Blog, according to Dr. John M., a cardiologist and electrophysiologist (as summarized by Dr. Ves Dimov):

The Practice of Medicine inspires To educate To better mankind To give a look behind the curtain To archive useful information To display our humanness

+Medical Blogging: Why do it?

It can be fun!

+ AMA: Professionalism in the Use of Social Media Refrain from posting identifiable patient information

online. Use privacy settings to safeguard personal information. Maintain appropriate boundaries of the patient-

physician relationship in accordance with professional ethical guidelines

Separate personal and professional content online Remember what is done online, as in real life, can have


+General Blogging Tips

Title Readers read the first 3 and last 3 words 80% of readers read the title, 20% read the


Start with Story Telling Increases % of readers Increases time readers stay on the page The anatomy of a perfect blog post

+General Blogging Tips

Use fewer characters per line

Include an image

Boost the font size of your opening paragraph The anatomy of a perfect blog post

+General Blogging Tips

Use Subheadings to make your post scannable People scan rather than read

Posts of 1500 words or more tend to receive more shares The anatomy of a perfect blog post

+General Blogging Tips

Make your post as quotable and shareable as possible

For example: “Tweet this” and follow with an important soundbite. The anatomy of a perfect blog post

+Medical Blogging Tips

Write it yourself

Make sure every post has a different title and description

Focus on a topic that will be relevant more than a week from now

+Medical Blogging Tips

Separate your blog for patients and referring physicians

Categorize everything so patients can find it

+Medical Blogging Tips

Pick topics that patients want to hear about

Use your blog as an educational tool for patients

Keep your blog posts for local doctors and patients

+Medical Blogging Tips

Incorporate Search Engine Optimization into your blog Use key phrases your patients are using

Put your contact information on each page so patients can find you

+Example Allergist Blogs Dr. Paul Ehrlich

Dr. David Stukus

Dr. Sakina Bajowala

Dr. John Weiner

+Contact Information

Nathan Hare MD, FAAAAITwitter: @AllergyTalkFacebook:

Thank You!

+Starting a Blog

+Starting a Blog:Choose a Theme

+Starting a Blog:Find a Domain

+Choosing a Domain Name gives you the option at this point for:Free WordPress.Com addressCustom Domain

They will search for you to see if the name you want is currently available

+Choosing a Domain Name

They return both the free address with your chosen name, in addition to customizable, paid options

They also offer the option to pay to have any domain you currently own mapped to your new blog

+Choosing a Domain Name

For this exercise, I would recommend a Free address

Enter allergy(first initial)(middle initial)(last name) My name is Nathaniel David Hare, so my address I

would enter would be allergyndhare It then searches to see what options are available

+Starting a Blog:Find a Domain

+Starting a Blog:Pick a Plan

+Starting a Blog:Pick a Plan

+Your First Post on Your New Blog

Text: Start typing

Pictures: Can copy and paste right into your post Make sure you have permission to use the

pictures you include Are the images copyrighted?

+Your First Post on Your New Blog


If using a YouTube Video, click on the Share button underneath the video on the YouTube page

Copy the link to the video, and paste it into your post where you want it.

+Your First Post on Your New Blog


Set up a account (free) Upload any presentations you want to share Copy the WordPress Shortcode from Paste it into your post wherever you want

+First Blog Post Exercise

Title: Christmas Tree Allergies Text:

We know or suspect the following about Christmas trees and mold:

Some people (estimated at 7%  by a 1970 study in the Canadian Medical Association Journal: have allergic-type symptoms that can be related to bringing a Christmas tree into a home.

Christmas trees can have mold on them. Some molds are known to cause allergic symptoms in humans. Trees can have pollen, insects, chemicals that have been

sprayed on them,  loose needles,  or other debris.

+First Blog Post Exercise

Image of Pollen Grain:


"Source: American Academy of Allergy, Asthma & Immunology/"

YouTube Video about Christmas Tree Allergies

+First Blog Post Exercise

PowerPoint Slide Set of Allergic Rhinitis

WordPress Shortcode from [slideshare


+First Blog Post Exercise

Copy and paste the supplied text, image with source attribution, YouTube video, and WordPress Shortcode into your blog post.

Give it a title.

Customize as desired

Click Publish when ready.

+Important Tips

My Sites: Configure: Sharing Allows you to set up the Blog to share your

posts with your Social Media accounts

My Sites: Personalize: Themes: Customize: Widgets: Sidebar: Add a Widget Add your Facebook and Twitter feeds to your


+Contact Information

Nathan Hare MD, FAAAAITwitter: @AllergyTalkFacebook:

Thank You!

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