Page 1: I t o -… · to Juliii Uroo, 18, of Portland, Oro., has 3n- boen nwnrded a *13,000 modol homo ws, |ns first

■i:' k : „ i ! : „ ^ i i M i ^ G-i

f i * *liiflB E sir^cfiiiitfly

^ s ito o iiEy . C v e r h e a l e t l F u r n a c e B e l i e v e d

■ C a u s e o f B o is e B la z e W h ic t i

1 D id B ig D a m a g e ; L i t t l e I s

S a v e d in B u i ld in g .

> BOISE, Dec. SO.—ris e , b«U0T»d ^ to h a ^ s ta r te d from a n ovarh rated

fom aco, g n tt«d tho M oilno boUdlng a l T ea tti a a d U a la c tr«ete easly

Hr m irQ iiig r-*ti nitiy datasgMwwinnTiHng' (q ttpprOXliaattiy $160|-

.. 000. Tlio o la m \ra« tnzaod in I . ' about 1 o ’clock thl« m oraine a n d |

. ' ^ o n r«acliln« tho sc«no th e H ra ^ departm ent woa nnablo to locate

th a b a ie o f the fire and offlc la la ^ .w e re e f th e opinion th a t i t w as

1 3 morely a smoke scare. T o r six V honiB tb e m en com bated th e flaaiee-

\ ; / • before ' i t was prononnced o u t a t abont 7 o 'clock th is a o m in g .

' . ' Tho flom cs flDomfid to bo contorod a t ' ' firn t iu tho renr of the optienl Boop

* f Dr. R. R. Towle, on tho i la in ntrcot ktdo.of tho buildiDg, and tho f ir s t indi-

. eatioii o f tho size of tbo firo woa sbow a - • wh(Mi tho flnmes bu rst througb tho-Ttar*

' titio n botwoon Dr. Towlo*s offieo and ^ tho Dnko-Rito bokory.

^ . Building G utted. ^

Tho en tiro interior, which w a^ mado , o f wooden partitions, w as to ta lly do- ; stroyed in flic ting damages to tho build* biR eatim atod a t *<30,000, a c c o r^ n g to Kobert Noble, owner of tho building.

• Insurance covorcd thi) lass to tbo bolld-- • InK. ho ntatcd-

' Nino atoroH in tho building, s itu a ted . pn Ihgi g ronnd floor on botb T onth and

* M nin streetB, woro burnod out. Tho ^faoaviuit loss to tho stores v a s sntforod

I '^ y tho Doiso Saddlery aod F ind ings ^om paay .-on th o -T « a tlte - it« f* ’ fro n t,, owned by 0 . P . Halloway and Oeorgo E. Cooley, w hcu the ir ontiro stoek w as do-

' stroyed w ith n losa of $30,000, whloh v n s covered by insurance.

Thirty-three mwi, thq porsonnol of• thi- Boiso firo dopartmont, woro com-

Iwittinp tho flro u n til 7 o ’clock th is morning. T h o 'th ird alarm w as sont In ;it T:IO’ o ’clock In tho m orning which broit(;ht ou t tho entiro foreo and rcr Hi’rvca. Tlio second alarm , bud beoa

- fl«>nt in n t 1:25 o ’clock.

. S U IT T O B R IN G O U T ■


I J E A R L Y R O A D ^ B U IL D E R

* '• / SACRAWENTO, C al, Dec. 30 M>>—A suit whleh It Is elaimod w ill b rin g to light a n(]w story bearing on tho oarly h istory of tho lato M nrk Hopkina, ono of tho founders of tho CentrbI Pa-

^ c l f l t ra ilroad , ftnd lils b ro ther, Moses H opkins, is soon to be filed In c ither

' tho fedoral oonrt or the Saeramonto * county superior eourt. It was declared

hero today by Georgo A .-W ork, an at- to rney of th is elty , who s ta ted th a t he

' nnd his law partner, Thomas Ashby,, )ini] boen rotolned on behalf o t bolrs la

Tiiuidolph connty. N orth Carolina.

M essenger Slain in -

A ttem pted Hold Up

* o f F a s t P assen g er. B and it G ets A w ay a s T ra in En-

te rs Ohioago S n b o rb ; Am otmt of L oot Is N ot T e t l>etor- minod.

■ , cm C A G O , Dec. 30 (40—Russell ^ : Pickoy, 23, o f Elroy, Wis., an express • meiaengor guarding shipm ents o f money

nnd jew elry on tho Vlklnff, fa s t passen- g . gor tra in on tho Chicago and North-

w estern railroad, was sho t a n d killed * ton igh t in on nttom pted holdup as the

t ra in Joft H ighland, P a rk , HI., a to / burb o f Chicago.

Tho robber, who Is beliovod to have •_ been aided by a t least two confeder

' ntes, leaped from tbo passeogor tra in ai < I t pulled in to W innetka, aao ther suburb ^ subdued a tax i d river w ith .h is p iito / und fflrced the m aa to drive him t<

I E vanston whero ho le f t tho tax i ant climbed in to another autom obile, appar catly w aitin g for him, and d isap p ti^ n g

A m erican Express company n fricitil ton igh t w ere cheekiag th e contenta c tho express car and tw o hours ,a f te th e holdup they had not yot eompIote< tho ir iBvestlgatibh. and rciuaed to s t a t

“ ■ . w hether th e robber wbo carried a blael y f eatchel w hea he flod, h ad obU laed an;

I valuables. ' . .


NEW T O B E , D«C. .30 . M V -IL Snowdon M an h a ll, U ^ te d S ta tea a t ­torney i:\.the « c rly days o f th e woHd

“ war. told metobers o f the N atlonol , Civio Federation; today th a t Samuel

O om por8 'refused,“ oinUoa8 w ithout ■ n um ber" te a id tiw caose o f. Ger-

, m any by B t'opp l^ t t o flow o f muni, tlona to th e alOee b y s trikes in fae-

| l toTlcs and am oag I taaap o rt workcta. “ He reeelTed varying, offora

h eoaehod In varioiU d U ^ s o s o f fin- anoial assistance’ to him solf,” said Mx. M arsball, ‘' I f be woud align

S himself w ith th e so'-eallod ‘causo of p ^ c e . ’ . n ie s e e ffo rts culm inated In 1 a v isit from a person who to ld him. th a t a w o i^ 'f ro m him would .not only qtop th e production o f m uni­tions of w a r, b u t wonld stop ' the ■ shipping o f them and th a t If he gavo the word ho eould namo hla own ''f lc o ."


“ T w e n t y - E i g h t P r o m i n e n t R e -

“ p u b l i c a n s A sk I d a h o ’s S e n a -

™. t o r t o U s e In f lu e n c e .Id ■ '

SE W KOEK, De=. 30 A .kinij . him to urgo nction upon tho senate ;

3e committee on foreign rela tions In aup- ; ;o- port o f tho pormnnent court o f »ntor- d- nationnl justice , 28 prom inent ropuhli- to cana havo w ritton n jo in t lo tte r mado• public behro todny, to Senator wm. ? ' Horah of Idaho , chnirmnn of tho eotn-

mittco.Tho lo tter sa>*B m ill fa ilu re o f tho

sflirato lo net in this m atte r would re- piidiato P residen t .Coolidge nnd op-

ho pojo the w ill o f the ropublican piirty.

^ . Prtjm lnent BlgaWa. |a t, Xljpoo Vi*iio signed th e lo t tc r wo k brorgo W. 'Vfickorsham, form er nttor- le- ncy general in tho cab inet o f Proaidont eh T a ft; Oovornor Perclval P . BaxtiT o f ,

Maine; Congressman Frodorick W. o f Ualllnger o f MnssaeliusoUs; ox-Qov- m. nor Honry -J . Allen o f K ansas, «-x- his Govornor Ilo rhort 8- Hndloy o f Mis In gourl, now chaiieellor o f Wnshington

id , university, St. Louis; A- rcr Lowoll, p rc s ld .^ t of Hacviird unlv«-r son "Ity? Kt. Rev. Willinm Lnwrenco, bish-

(C oatlaued on P age 6, OoL 4)

f IFiTHICKER >— 'y—Ingthoins,

C S c ."" •her ^nto •T '

Ii ' iH U i


nnto r- ---------------------------------------


'®»7 w l ^sen- rth .

illed ’if


idcr- ’


and . » W

* Cili f te r ' * •

. o ‘lU te a 'daekany ------------- ----------------------------------

.. TW ra fA LLR niA T O ' *WHpl»Bro « .T


P a s s e s 1 3 7 B i l l s a n d R e s o l u ­

t i o n s ; H o u s e A p p r o v e s T r e a s ­

u r y P o s t o f f i c e A p p r o p r i a t i o n ;

* O b s e r v e H o l id a y .

WASBIMOTOK, D k . 3 0 .-B p » d . ing up Its legialativo m achinery th e senate today passed 237 b ills and resolutions befo te q a l t t i ^ (o r Its Now T e a r’s receas e f tw o days. Tho

3 I house passedtlhe treasury-postoffice * I appropriation b ill, b u t d id n o t ad- |

Joum over tm tll F riday , Bepresen- I 1 ta tlv e X<ongworth o f Ohio, th e re- 1 publican leader, ob tain ing nnanl-

moua^ w n se a t th a t th e rocess be for 0^ one day.Only a com paratively fow of tho

' measures pnsscd by tho sennto wero o f i m ajor importance, most o f thom pro­viding for ^ho aettluniont o f p r iv n to . elnlms and grnntlng n u tho rity fo r tho

2 - construction of bridges across navlgnblo « stream s Jn vorJoua-^tates.

I ' L ack Quonim.' Lack of n quorum kep t tho houso a t a standstill fo r nearly hnlf nn hour a f te r a rot) call liad .dovclopod th a t more mombers woire absent than w ere

Ig on tho job to consider tho trensury- tc poatofflco appropriation bill. S e r^ a n ta c P* n t arma, by Invnding tho officcs of somo s

abaentooa, howovor, f ina lly rounded up 1 enough repreaentatlvoa to mnko a c

^ <\uotum. * 1Miacellnneous bills p e rta in ing to tho 1

postal servieo will be consldorcd to- 1 hu morrow. '


'•'■•i T O A N S W E R C H A R G E S; ____ I

^0 HONOLULU, l^oc. 30 MfO—Edw ard J .Butlor, vlco proaidont o f a Now Je rsey

’" t brewing company, has decided to re tn rn vto Now York im m ediately to appoar to onawor to charges of b ribery nnd eon- ; ip irn ^ to v io late tho prohibition lnws,J

’’*■ ho announcc4*-this afternoon . B utler (sailed on tho steam er S ierra thia oven-

"" .ing. Ho hnd prcivloualy atatod th a t he %vould eontinuo on his t r ip nround tho

*7 -world on tho steam er Belgonlnnd unless _ fthorw iso advisod by h is Now York


;k f u r p o r t e n d s a l o n g h a r d

' I ' W , *

' G o n ro TO B S A TO U O S SBASON m


^ J o y y i ig h t ,

®XiufcSlj® j y i [-Viv#p B i i l lU T i»B M i3 v a» n a o r a i M

s t u d y R E V E A t S l a c k I f

O F L A N G U A G E A n O N S I .

I N S E C T S , A S S E R T IO N

WASHINGTON, Doe. 30 C ^ I n - sccta m n^ havo langoago o f tho lr I

^ own In tonoa tbo hum an ea r cannot _ perceivc, but gpnorally speaking, the*^J oro^Hclngs and lam entlngs o f ln s« ^a .

meun nothing botwoon thom, accord- lug to. a pnpor rend today by Dr. Fnuik B. L u l l o f tho Amorican Mu- aoum of N a tu ra l H iatory, boforc tho American Aaaociation for tho Ad.-* vanccmont o f Bcloncc.

“ I havc si>eut mnny houra lu tho hot sun w atching lndy graiwhoppora

• In tho case,’* D r. Lute said; “ and I n.-iy th a t i f hum an lovers recoivo an little reapousc to the ir scjeundcs os llo tho grunalioppers most o f them would either givo up music or re- muin bachelorit.'’


o-to j ---------

S h o r t C i r c u i t e d E l e c t r i c L i g h t

W ir e C a u s e s F a t a l I n j u r i e s

t o J a ? k M o o n ........a tre --------y . BOISE, Doc. 30.—E lectric ity killed J ts on« man nnd sovoMly burned anothor no n t 0:30 o 'c lock th is m orning a t the flp Union P ac ific round houso, w hen an a electrio ligh t w iro ahort circuited. Ja c k

Moou wo# in s tan tly ' k illed nnd Tod ho Koofer, a fellow workman w as severely to- burhwl try in g to rescue him. Moon,

whoao homa b in 8 t. A nthony, l.s su r­vived by n widow and throe children, tf

K eefer wna resting easily ton ight and w ill recover, a ttendan ts a t the hospital

^whero ho w as taken , said.

J - .POET^ANJJ W l j r e ' . . toy 910,000 H O U E PRrZBira NEW YORK, Doc. 80 t4»>--MJss to Juliii Uroo, 18, o f Portland, Oro., has

3n- boen nwnrded a *13,000 modol homo ws, |n s firs t prir.o in <i liomo ligh ting ea- le r n.-iy contest in which one million school en- rhildren in tho Unitoil S ln tes nnd he Oanuila eompetcd, tho L ighting Edn-

tho oational cnmmittoe announced tonight7 OSS Ton o ther hoys nnd girla rocolved 3rk scholiirshlps ranging In valuo from

«:i00 to *1,200.



WZ^x !

{ht, 1924, b y th e New T e tk Trlfanne, Inc.

1" H | i H i i i i | | |H ;



____ . , stPOST W HEBLEB, fo r y ears counsel­

lor o f th e A aertcan lega tion in Lqadou, la being m entioned In dip- lomatle d rd e s aa th e a e z t A m ailcaa “

_ ambassador to tiiO Ooort o f a t ^ James. I t is reported t l u t Am- ti

, baasador F rsh k B. E e llegg la an* n xious to re tire .

Advances Made in I

JS S c ien ces ^Related ”

A t Jo in t M eeting £----------. t

t i I n t o r e s t S o r r o o n d s Z o o l < ^ or P r o f e s s o r ’s O r i t io i s m o f w . s he J . B r y a n 's S t a n d - b n E v o l n - in t i o n ; V ie w s D o g m a t i c . ^ck ----- ^ • . A «ed W ABniNOTON, Dee. 30 W>)—'Ad-

vanre* in jwyehology, medicino,\ io lo g y ' chemiatry and physics woro disclosed j in h u n d re ^ jo f papera read todoy bo- fore tho fifteen sections of tho Amor-

. , ican iiasoeiation for the Advanccmont “ of ScU'ftcc, tlic "OtK nnnual o f vshieh is

now in full swing. A flu rry of Intor- i-at wns rnuaeii hy a report th a t Wll

2 u liom J . Brynn w ould 'arrivo In tinitf'to* Uss ^^*ton to n rritir ism o f hln view s on has hi«7fa llod to appear.

The largest audience of nny soction- 111 mci'liiig thua fa r held, nttonded th a t ndilri'jtsed by Dr- Edw nrd I* Rlco,

md xiinlogy n t Ohio W esleyanunlvcralty, n M ethodist inatitu tlon .

.^ -C h o o s in g D iinv iii'and Brynu as hla [•ed '• t’-'l“‘*' characterized

tho views of Mr. Brynn on evolution na dogmntin nnd diingcrous to religion, nnd urgod more unprejudiced coopora-

^ tlon in seli-ntifle and religious atudy

B ib le’s Accuracy- . Mr. B ryan ’s nrgumenta, ho sold,

wcro dedui-cd “ from tlio nssumption o f the liternry nrciirncy a t the Biblo in goneral and the fira t two chap­te rs in particuiliir. “ This aasumptiuo wus not bihlienl. nor wus I t accepted by leading liiblo scliolnrs o f today. D arw in’s work, on the contrary, was represented nn having bocn baser upon n hypothoaia, “ followod by tho com- ]ili-tc verlfirn tion und leading to a de-

<groo of probability am ounting to prac­tical ce rta in ty .”

Chimpanzees not only « appear to th ink , but do th ink . Dr. R obert M. Yi-rkea, o f tl'o Physlologlcul in stitu te of Ynlo univeraity, -leclared in a pajwr rond before tho psychological scction. Ilo baaed hia conclusions oa studies nmdo of two young chimpanzees, whlrli ho said know how to s tudy a problom presented to them ia a w iy oasentlally like th a t of m aa and, QuIto unliko th a t o f nny othor aulmaL

Apes Olose to M an.

‘ Tho g rea t npoa arc , Intellectually closer to mnn thun we have h itherto Im agined,” Dr. Yeckcs s ta ted . " T h o ovidonee for thc ir solution o f problems ‘ Ideationally ’ ia now ab undan t and j convincing.”

$150fi00 Received As Advance Amount

on Falls ReservoirH i l l s d a l e I r r i g a t i o n B i s t r i o t

S e n d s H o n e y t o O o m m is - s i o n e r M e a d f o r W a t e r .

WASHINQTON, Dec. 80 ( « — Reclamation Commissioner E lw oo i Mead today received a chcck fo r *150,009 from the HUladale I r r ig a ­tion d ls trie t o f Idaho, represen ting the advao<*e p a y n ^ a t ou eonattac- tion coats fo r the proposed Am eri­can Falla rcaorvoir. The HUladale un it o f the p ro jeet w ill rocelvo 20,000 additional aero fee t o f w ate r a f te r com pletloa of tho p ro ject.

The American Falla d is tr ie t was th o - f l r s t to ad ranee the gororn- msufe 'm onoy fo r construction. A few m onths ago It sen t th e secro- ta rx a .check for *1.080,8!<I, and tbo in terest, which w ill be cred ited to th e w ater osers, already am ounts to

le. *22,BOO.

S H HF u t u r e o f N a v y

F r o m . W h i t e " '

P o s s ib l e i n 1 9 2 5 . _ \ '

WASIUNOTON^ D w ; 3 p * 6 W ^ e - j ^ ' . turo o f tho Amorican. n a v y ., t» k .o i» 3B: . ' now aspect today w ith U nialtW eiiliU W proaaSon o f opUiion V . f r ^ \ t t e :’iy •: W Uto House and the;lib |ise ' ;m ltteo aa to . w hat i^ o n ld -b s 'th e 'v

, stop in th a t d irw U oa. '. '>}■ 'J u s to a . tb e house.“ to. begin an, InquiiJ-: In to the.neoflfc o f . ' r* 2 the navy, U w as reyealed t h a t P r a l ^ t t. OooUdse stlU 1» bopfitaV th a t a n o ^ ^ i i '

a- te rsa tlo a a l a n sa l i ^ t a t l o n ' eo ii^ itrnM .- n* 'majr>bo hold during 1M5: ^

■ ^ ‘■Bopes fo r O pportonity . ■ a A lthough t ] lo .» r ^ ip n t U n o t e a t t? d r

convinced th a t'W ffl! A aonfcreneo w fll bo. sosslblft ho a o v ^ i i m ' i a hopefu l th a t an opportnne t lm o 'W jU :w ise 'fo r such i Tontnra, \ ■ ^ ^

The naval eem m ittee in a g r e e l^ r to v a motionr for, an In reirtlgstio ii, to o k th a .

g position th a t Seeretwiy . ^ I b a r ib o n ld ___bo givon an 'im m ed la ie o p p o f t f f l^ - 'U - - ." prosent to eoagreta n e h reeootinM dl* tlona as he nUght deem e x p e d ie n t ' ' '

7 The action w a a 'ta k e n a fte i] a a torm y 7, sosaion and it waa oalyafi^uF m aeh de- Cl. ba te th a t a deelalon .w aa tM ehed t o ' .

have Mr. W ilbur appear b ^ o ro ^ -th e committee J i^ n a ry 8 fo r th ia pnrpoa*..

,d- , B o U n ’i B w c t t o n .During, the dlscussioa Chairm an Bat*

lor o f thQ eommUtee a a a o u a c ^ & e " ^ had beon inform od an o ftic la lly of. th e - a.ttltude o f th e W M te H ouse regard-

' ing anotber n aT arn im ita tiona confer- ’ ^ once. I t waa a t tho snggeatioa o f M r.

Bntlor, however, th a t th o .jap U o a , aa approved, waa made, - . ^ e ehairm an

• 1.1 sa id ,h o o ffered ' th«-:motlen>beMUM.b«-. had beea charged w ith a t le is p l la g 'to override tho w ill o f th e com m ittee.Mr. Coolidgo w ill exert hla Influeneo to

Jcd bring about another arm a llm ltaU on conforonco w henover th e tim e ia con-

ran propltloua, b u t a t p reeea t ho launnblo to detorm iao ju a t w hen anch a conforence could bo called w ith fa i r proapcots of suocoaa.

on. F N A N C E C O M M IT T E E



ilJ, rAKI8, Deo. 30 O i u mio« C0mmlt(*30 b f thfl Mn&U toflay o«M pt«dblo an amendm ent to th e g o re m m a ^ t'a eon*»P- vention w tlh the B aak o f IVytnee re-

garding tho reeen t M organ lo an whji»-. tc J by Henry Berejjger, th»-Teporter o f tb e “V commission, p roposed.' to tlgb t*B vthe

terma o f tho ban k agreem ent M U to prevent tho governm ent from n i in ^ an y of tho loaa fo r budget axpeaaea.

do- 'oe- BAHB31B BUOOUXM

LOS ANOELES, Dee. 30 OPh-Col. to laaac Coleman Poters, form er, p r e i l ' ^

M. den t o f tho M crchanta Exehange- o f V u te Memphis and founder o f th e Yoong

M on’s Businoea league o f th a t e lty ,Ion- died hero today* nged 75. lies -

P r o h ib i t io n F lee t

S u r r o u n d s R um

iBy loTi^ P re v e n t S a l ^jrto -rbei F o r ty O oast O n ard C h aser* u iid

Five D es tro y e rs t o S te m f lo w > ' of N ew Y ear’s L iq u o r; W a r i t ^

ing ton O rders.

NEW YOBK, Deo, 80 0P>—Bnm ro if j . 'Was patrolled ton igh t b y a flo tU la o f

40 coast guard rum chasera a a d f iv e " 111* destroveri, under o rd e n from Waablflg*' * to dam tho flow o f N ew Y e a rV U- . , . quor. Tbe fleet eonsiati d f . IS .

schooners arid steamerv, h a v i ^ doubled U *- in number slnco ' th a c a p tu re • . C h ^ -

maa eve of the B ritish sehoOBOr P n- ta ra . . , -

^ I t wos estim ated b y enforeom eat . J o ffic ia ls-today tb a t th a ram .ah ip a a re

loaded with up to, 800,000 caaea. o f 11- ^ quor valued a t bootleg prU es, lia 'liig h »■ as *-W,000. Tho governm oal: ig aside from tho flvo d estroyo rv te a a ia ^ v i LC- io f tUreo .coast guard cu ttors drm ed ri- w ith ono-iwundcrs and m aohine ■guaa ,'y Jo and .'17’ afrtcd boats arm ed w ith ' n U '.'

. rhino guns, rifles and side an as. .^ Ono of the rum ehaaera waa a ta - i *

Uoned closo to eneh liquor carrie r and-- r the rest patrolled the w ate ta o f the

as bay to cheek tbo a c t lv i ty 'o f •m all car- - n- riera. T oday’s action against the A Kum runnora'.was eharactcrfsed by tho .Q. coast guard officials as tho m ost wide L nnd Nwoeplng aod im pron lve g e itu re

y « t mado by the govornm ent a r a e i e a * ^ I against tho llqao r flee t, and I t wa4 to believed the usual ho liday n u n f te jf . .

- IwoUld be effftctuaUy

Page 2: I t o -… · to Juliii Uroo, 18, of Portland, Oro., has 3n- boen nwnrded a *13,000 modol homo ws, |ns first

f S n i D f lFI ' ■ , ' '

! ; FOfiSEiGEl. C h e c k s F r o m U n i t e d S t a t e

G o v e m m f n t G o t o A ll P a r t

; o f W o r ld a s R e s u l t o f A m e r

j c a ' s W a r s .

r ■ WASHINOTON, Do*. 30 0P>—Goi' erMtnout ]>cniiion r.hoelcii trave l to th

- • fa r eorncra of tho earth , iircking ou th e moro than 500,000 pccsonn wh

' ' kavo sorved tbo eountry in the warth a t proceeded tho world wur. In t irroTj Amcricnn itu tc , te rrito ry , nn

, potfooalon and C8 foreign eountries nn, dominionii they w en t durinf* tho Ini

fijca! year, boaring an afTRrcgnto vala ; . o f »229,004,777.■ Fonsion chccka influed during tho lat

yonr w ere fewer by 14,217 than durin lho preroodinf yciir, Roing to 525,53

I •oldiero, widowR lUid dopcndQiita. acompared to 539,7fi8 in 1023. Who llio ponnlon burean eloaed ita booh Juno 30 i t found an nnproeedcnted bn anco of moro th an *23,000,000 o f Jt

I appropriation. Thia won turned baeI to tho trchaury. Tho atoady ahortonin

• »f the roll ia ruflucted in tho buronu bndgct oatimnto fo r tbo uow yen which auta npproxim ately 92.'>,000,00 <fom tbo to ta l appropriated laat year.

OUo I.OAda.Ohio retaina Ita lend na th e plneo e

renidcneo of tho (jrcateat num bor o ' penaionera, witli <8,7[>2. Pftnnaylvnnl

i l aeeond ATith 44,003, and Now Y or th in l w ith 41,000; Only 202 pi'nalonci rcaido in Nevndn. Thnro nro 5(1 i Alnakn, 017 in tho VhilippincN, nnd bu one in tiic V irgin Ialanda.

Cnnjulii, ATitli 1,477 American per iionern w ithin hor bordcra, IciuIh ii fo rr iin countries. England . la noi

___w ilh 2fi0, nnd Irelnnd tliiriV w ith 24-Clcrmnny ia tho roaidcnco of ,220, nn

1 , f ■ AiiMtrnlin 57. Among tho countrif'ring but ouo urc A lgeria, Hu gnrin. Koren, Kgypt. L ithuuiiin, Mot :.«o. .7«J?< iUlvlIr; aeychcllca TaSainla. nn

V. , tbo Society Ialanda. There nro tw o i Hyrlri, four in L iberia, nix in New Zci liiiicI, inul Hovcii in Soiitli A frica.

Thc totnl 'num ber nf pcjmioncr rcnol;cil it« peak in H'n2 , when 0!'!l,4i nnnica wcro on tbo rull, lUid air}co tlm Tear tlio figure lina dcrlincil ftondilj

'w ith th c oxcoption of lOOr., when th toUil roHc to w ithin l.'lOO of tho top.

Tho government, nince tho yenr 170C hua paid out JO,83fl.3ni,.108.30 in pet aiona.


. ;.n.I fuMiilv nnd Mra. M ina n . i i lm i i iiHi Arliic nuihniiii were Chriilm.-i.i dinnc

•;;uc.'lH nt tlu- fJiiv Polcr» homo.' - Xli«a Libi Skinner uud Miaa I’.-gC

Prdwu .if Twin ru lla wcro guoata iit th \V. K, SkinniT home i>n I'liriifm na d:\y

M iks .liiViu KnnVe* arrived home f T liuradav for a t«'ii dnya vucution.

Hiiforll K. KuhuH nf Oooding is j.i)cuil iiij; Iuh vacation ut thc .I<ihn Faniio

■;iud A. K' l\nnhol !m:iic>.Mir-ios .lulia Kni.kcl. L iirillc Kitcl

cll ami Je s ta Jniikcl were ahoppcra ii Txrin F;illa oa Hafur'iay.

WiHx Kloroea Skinner hpent tho weel end ut UdgorMia, vixitiiig hor ^rioni kli>.M Orucc Deal.

M i-i Liioillr K itehell wua n 'gw e* a t the KlU'ill l»:unb liiiino on Tliurada

. und Krictuv.Mr. and’ Mr*. .1. K- I’ohlman gavo_ I

Hurpri^c parly for tlieir daughter. Mix I'ranrca. ou ’Fridnv night.

\ • Mr. and Mra. 'A lb e rt nolm fiulat \ Mpent (.’hriflmna in Twin Fnlla w ith rel

') UtiTC«.Tlic Tlorinun W nlcott fam,ily wa

' in l!ie Mngir Cily Buturday night..Mrn. Frunk Ilurria of Jerom e wna ai

nil ni«ht gucKl u t the C' U l*unkc iu>ii;e ’I'linriday.

i l r . aud .Mri.. A. F- ivi’nkcl enter ' Uiin<-<1 for .‘ uiidiiy dinner thc follow­

ing: Mr. und Mrn, L. N. Dean nnd aoi Hilly. Mr. :iud Mra. Heryl Kunkol, .Mr and Mr«. Dale Kunkel, Mr. nml .Mra

' I.. Kunkel und fuinilv and itisi ’ I.ucillh Kilrlicll.

Churrh »ervioe wan well attciiclcil ii A m aterdum 'on Hnmluv.

--V - Mrs. John H. (';il.|wcll and b^l.y nr.■ lionie a fte r having h"Cii a t tho Srhwinj,

/ linnie in H<dliiiter for «ev,ral weck.i '• , »L..rc tliey l.ave hern ill.

. J . H. Meier nnd fnniiiy a le ('hriiit iiiaa dinner witli the A. i l I/iranii fum

' ily f l IIolli!-tor.i l r - uud Mr«. Ia V, Itcan nnd moi

• Hilly weri' guehiH a t the I’aul Rcci : home during Ihe Yuletide.r -, t'hcNti-r Hcnntoek and K. II. Lone;

■' ench have radio* inslailed in tlici

"w r!^ and Mra. I t K W eaver wen I'briatm aa day giicnta u t the J . 11 Sdiw ing home iu ISollislcr.

L. Ik 'gulo of Hock Crcek w.ia a buai ! uo«a ealler in th is v irin ity on M onda\

F a m o u t Je to ith W o m a nDeborub, tbe w ife of Lapodetli. wa

out* of tbo Mrllcflt Jode<^• o f Jsrac . .i>u(l urged tbe l«n icllt«s to r t t

-ugnlnirt tbe Caoaonltes. who bad op |irL-s<(CTl Ibem for (cncro tlozu . B a n k louder of tbi« Israelites. rcfUBCd to r Inlo bftltic unless accom panlcd by Dcb

I om h. W ith a sm all forcc she' trlf .. um phfd o te r tbe Conannlten. •Tbi i . - Song of D eborah" ts considered ■ m oi t ' lerpIi<co of U rt>rcw '|U erature.

' D iffe re n t P o in U o f V ie wsonnd dlscreUon,'' u y i so oli

phUaMplior.'*'lt Ofit *0 muck la<llcate< by m>ver mnklng o mistake, as b: tstA-cr iL" A modern Un

if - ^ v r iu e a t ronslstn IP ocrer admlttta^ i It^Kxrliniifie.

^ TW]

-Got- ■_____I tho


Innt value .

Bring J5,530 r ■'

“ >’• --S&wr.- S E N - G B O iasC 'V N O B r p i T Z .

AS F R ITZ KBBI8U BB, world-fomoc 1 In Vlann*, bo roceivod a letter, slgi

York ‘ o^tlcUls wltk starvlnff fmamee, t«JI Bbootlng uolMs $700 woro fortbcom B U PE E T O TO H ES, nOToUst iind i

■ V .» committed suicide in Indo-Oklna a I tcrson Dial, a m otion p ic tu re a c tr

ZK ATTAOSQTO th e Underwood b rwj* I corporation, TTnitod S ta tes Senate

H all ••would make T eapot Domo look I n o x t 'a LONDON PA PE K docbirca tko 2 « . n id low , stolon from B a th Houae, nnd 7ho paper mnkcn tko .nm aztog d0i

itriofl tbioTCS v b o actod fo r a Ohicago n Dul. locUon, b u t tJia t bo died boforo th

M o n - __________________ __________________, and -------------------------------------------------------


I Mirtli, inuxio nnd ilirilla arc nffcri j in th)' vuiidcvillc bill conaiating |f i \ e first-rate urt-. lo be jiroaented t <luy at. the ()r;i!iciiin.

('Iiappolle-Stinnette nml, «'tor* Irio roinpdacd tn two fa.scinnting , nnd pretty \vi«incii, g ifted with beautif inner volcca, and a tnlontod voung niun n

d cr tho eaptlon of thc ‘‘ (i.-Idcn Vciicc t^the presen t Hi'vcral r

fined aiuging Holi'etiona in n nn'!*t d ,, f’,, Icclalile tuiiuuer, togothor '-vitU 'liui

Ing numliern illuHtrutiiig tho poetry ' leud* motion, tlic aame being lively und a niior tiatioally done.

i The Flying llow nrda who atvlc thoi •■‘V*- aolvciTlit. “ Acrinl T h r illa " ^ l l y li'

up lo - ll ic ir liilliiig us both i>f tho iveelc n rlia ti incorpornto acnautio;iond, *•''■''1’' giiloro. Thia tnlcutcd coi

liiniition haa been identified w ith tl fwoat boat attniotioua buving jii»t ooniplet* ■aday [fiv e conHocufive youra o f ull tho ro

I roaontntivo vaudeville cirouita In tl euat.. The Alt Trio, onsi.M ing of two boj

ulata '*■"<1'''’" ple.iaing ruriclI i-ei. o f soiiga and iualrum entnl numbe

burlcaijuing in coatiimo, nnd aomo wol wa^ known oporulic uuiulxtrs. All mcmbo

I. o flho talented trio havo won aigni a an hoiiora for vdi-nl and n inkcl tninnienlH.

Hnll M]icrry tellii ch aracter atori' liow- dialecta and n

his nia.terlal i<i Hpccially w ritten f llilll. He lia» n niro nppearnnoo nod

.Mra- g'i"d voier und bringa forth mar itis* Ill-arty huijjlm from th e undiencc.

F<itlctte and W icka, iin extrcm iy brecry yi.img mnn and n goo> IcMiliiiig, vivarioiii yoiiiig lady, preaei

■vi'n'' "K piaodc of tl•ck? H igbwiiy,’ ’ wbich w ill ciitcrtuin big

ly. They urc cxponcnta of ligh t cot iri!ft- edv.fum- ----------

AT THE IDAHO.itccd long-liorn ca ttle ilrivo ;

thc hiatory i»f tho world took plnce r nncy cently when tbo Inat g rea t herd—ov' Ibcit .JOOO ill tiuinbcr—atartod frow Tex:

tow ards tho railroad in Abilene, Knnau '*11 joniney wua m ade , in connccti(

w itb the film ing of tb e blatorical Kmc buai- "o” Hough novel “ N orth of 30,” t iday Irvin WalInt production for Faraniour

coming to thu Iduho t h t ^ e r toduy fi four daya.

READ TH E TW IX PA LLS NEW rise ,i ■:-------- r ;

3 FOR ALL AGEStrl- Many think cod-livcr oil

•Tbe Is mainly useful for chlldrcn. mos- T he fact Is

S c o tt’s Emulsion® to those o f any ig c is a

strcngth-makcr thac is w onh i its w eigh t in f?old. Take

‘ ^ Scotfs Emulsion.

WIN FALLS DAILY NEVChief Figures in \

^ S , TWIN FALLS, IDA3 It the News of the Day


VC & s , .m rp E fe T HtroH BS] so o s TloUnist, w u about to begin a concei s l ^ e d by men wlio BoJd tbey w ere dlackarge te lling bim thoro would be a n " a c d a e n ta l '

coming. K o orreste w ere mado. id m otion p icture wrltCT, wboso f i r s t w ll a a yoar ago, is soon to bo m arried to Pa ' tct reaa o f Los Angeles.'1 bill to lease M uscle ShoaU to a privat ia to r Oeorge W . K e n is declared tbo leat ik like a p in bead.'.'to fam o u s.$500,000'g e m colloction o f I o d BO. bor Lomlon residence, bas bban ro tum e declaration th a t tb e Jewels wero stolen b

0 milUonalro, wboeo h e a r t acbed fo r tb e co1 tbo thieves c o u ld .to m tbom over to him.

P r o b a b ly F ir t t L ig h th o u te^ b p i e wnrd " rbn ros" menns light

1 bou?o. nnd (lie I’liuros of Kgypl wns i j t \ p lcnntic beacon which wns enlnbllsbei / Dt Alcxnndrlu. nirypt. to light tb e nmr

Iners to ftufety. It was built by Ptole rny In 2S2 B. C.. und It wns stnlci tbut It wnH -IOO foot htgli nnd tb IlL'bt wns viaiblo for f.o'tnllca nf sc*

■fered - f? of ■d to-

ly, a ' ingly iitiful 11 un* ciiccd I rc- 1 do- 'lunr- rv ofd a r. • _______



I thc .letod

rep- I the!

boyairic ty ' _nbers - ; R :well. 1nboniignol f v,1 nt-

loriea'I nil!I fo r g*,

Arcmo- tlr:.ti lir thehlBl.-

f .

f]^o in ;e re- -over I rexna | inaua.•ction-:mer.

lOunt, y for


^ —iU0.



STiNESOPPOIilF i r s t C o n g r e s s o f I t a l i a n F a c

c i s t G iv e s P r e m i e r a n 'O v a

t i o n o n H is A p p e a r a n c e . .

ItOIiU;, Doc. 30 M>>—Altbougb i t i atlll too early to aeeuratoly ^ t lm a t

' tbo ultlm&te conaci^uonccs of lbo noi famoua ''R oaal mem orandum ,’ ' , oa th ing already seems apparen t. -It h t aerved furthor to cIos<> tho ranks c tho fnelat leaders, i f ono m ay jadg by tbo tremendoua- ovation aceordo Muaaolini by tho fasciat ed itors an pnbliabora who gathered hoire from a pnrta o f tho country fo r tho ir f ir s t coi gresa.

Thc Itoaai docnmont was n o t moi tioncd openly In tho mooting b u t i t w i ovidont thnt It furnlsbod tb^. basic mi tlve for tmo oxtraord lnary domonstri tion of , solidarity, ^^n o tb o r e ffe c t c Iho Roasi accusations'£as boon to mak the oppoaition all tho moro dciorm inc to forco tho iasuo w itb Hbo preaont goi ornment. Thua tho Jrrcparablo cleavag

. between tho opposing forces is bocon iug vrider and tho chance o f broakln lbo deaaJnck seems ovon moro remote.

R E A L E ^ M t F t R A N S F E R

fn ra lsb ed by th e Tw in P a lls TiUe a t A bstract Oompany.

Saturday,'D ecem ber 27.F. II. Iligbeo to A. C. Shoots | I ; b

I t o l " l-l, block 40, Twin FaJIa.0 . A. Vining to Ed Binololt *10,OOC

w ife lot 3, HK NW C-IO-IC.T a t- Qyjj cL-iim deed, E. S. Roqua to C. T

^vn ta Hoiiahaw et al, »1; NE, pnrt N> leaw «'•'

Monday, December 20. u n i ^ I'- if- Gooding tn It. C. Brown, J l tn b y NK .VK 20 !i-I (.B col- Peed, S tate of Idaho to J . W. Smne:

*1080: NW 59-11.20.= ■ = ' IVvmI. Stivto «{ Idnbo lo A. Wnllt)

«S00: i*\: NW, N1-: RW 21.11-20.

i.on. MOIl; NW NIC 28-11.20.I’",* “ It.... I. Htute to K. V, Berg, 8 W 8 'ninf «02.08.

.Miuwcll to A. D 'H rion, e?78( 11 1 ^ S i: NW 28-10-17.I j r , U. Gwinn to P. A ntille, >1200; b

-12; block 1, Artealan*City. -

N e igMany a housewife loi

habit—then hangs the ke her neighbors so Well th trust.

Ju s t through familiar goods you have never tes Advertising has done ths th a t since others believe lieving.

All products widely ad faith. You buy from ne; from their dealers.

Why not read the adv€ come familiar with mon

Every advertisei careful buyini


S " L O S E S Y O U liG B R I D E IN


C mo-, . t , a . DBAK W H B EL£& o f W ichita, E a a

eas, took kls b ride to th e K orthw w . Angle country ■«f M innesota to fUi

m ake ^ homestead. Less th an a moat] nlncd la te r he took her body back to h» ; goT- home fo r bnrlaL Sbe h ad beei ivage stabbed to death. A t f i ts t i t w& oeoja. thoogh t death w as acddeat*!, bu akiniT investigation by th e an thorlttes o . ^ W an o ad and B andette , MinnesoU

«nd b y a n aged trapper, led to thi_____ issuance o f a w arran t fo r T «i;E R S Beamer, a b ^ p p e r .whose pdvanca

she Is said to bave repulsed, e and ,




' j LONDON, Dcc. 30 Wi—Mi'ilical o f 0 , ficora of Gront B rita in -a ro bccominf ; N H somowhat uneasy a t tho ateady incrcas*

in tho number of cnaea o f alecping alck nosa recorded.

I O fficial statistics show tha t fron ,, J l : Jan u a ry I to November 15 of ihia yea;

;moro cases of tho disoaso woro report mack. Englnnd nnd W ales than in tin

•’ fivo years of 1010-1023, tho figures foi nlltin being 4,3.^0 nnd for thia yea:

1 In thc pant eight w ^ k s th'To hnvc iiidor- boon 377 notificjitiomi of the disease

•In the corresponding oight wookn o { 8 W last year tho number ■was only 08, Ac

[cording to tho m iniatry of hculih tlii 7780- increnao haa not yet bee:

|dofin ltely •determ ined, und nlthongl sovoral rcmodioa havo boon triod w itl some moaanro o f au-jcoas, there in yo

^no specific euro for the diaeaso itaelf.

^hborslocks the front door out key in plain sight. She kn th a t her one-time fear is

iarity, your one-time fear ;este4 has turned to trust, ;hat for you- It convinces ive, you also are safe in

advertised are worthy of j neighborly folk when you

Ivertisements every day to ore advert^ed goods?

sement is a lesson 'in ing—read them all

m ilN G , D E C ^B E R _^

' i r s WB la z e A b o a r d J a p a n e s e L i n e r

I 1 5 0 0 M i le s f r o m L o s A n g e - -

I l e s t a k e s L i v e s o f T w o .

LOS ANOELES, Dc«. JO W>—'Two ' |Cbildrcdi wcro k illed and two steerage pauengors w ore badly b n ra e i io tb* ^ firo ' which broke ont eariy ted ay " aboard tho Jap an cw liner, Olnyo M ani, 1500 miles sonth o f bero o ff tbo w«st fsoust o f Mexico, according to radio ad*

B p vlcce rccoived ton igh t by th e Federal ^ Telegraph company.

^ Tho message w as recoivod from tka A Oinyo M aru itse lf which was iator* pro tod 'boro as m oaning th a t w ith the

^ 5 voss(^l’s radio again in oporation pre* ^ greas was being n a d e a g ^ s i the.

flames.-Tbe dispatoh sU to d th a t w itk U e ex-4

^ ^ S e ebUdrea, a ll passes*'gors and mombors of tke er«w kad been

> h e r >'<»cuod by tho Amerioan steam er J a lta been Luckenbncb, whieh was s to a d is f eWsew »s bv.b u t ■ -V

M E E K E R C E L E B R A T E S B IR T H> th e --- ------ 5T « iy SEATTLE, Dee. SO.—B sra M eeker ances of Seattle , who drove aa; ox te a n f r e a ^

Indinnnpolla to Olympia, W u h ., im IS Q S I___= rclebrat<yl h b ninoty-fourik b ir th A a ^ fl

bero yostorday. More than 60 Wask* 3 ington and Oregon ploneors wero M*. '

S Mjookor’e guests a t a thea te r w h v e ' ■JAM filma woro shown of bis tr ip in Oetober

o f th is year from Vancouvor, W ash., t o : W nahlngton, D. O., w itk L louteaont

* of- Oakley G. Kolly.ming' ___ _reaso BBAD TH E T W IN TALLB NXWB. ■ a l c k - ---------- -

from ■year

i thoB for I O A r f S

hnvo I lonso.‘n o f *

I the been

longh . w ith owir

, ^ c t UKAL m S i i i B m S / S S l B l t l ^ K B


JUt of knows is now

aar of 3t, to'o. es you in be-

f your )u buy


. ^


Page 3: I t o -… · to Juliii Uroo, 18, of Portland, Oro., has 3n- boen nwnrded a *13,000 modol homo ws, |ns first

■ iv- T HHe SOIWN vo

AS HOST FOR. XrtACN.'e B 'W S u \ s - n w : e \ s AT m s o w n ^ n V A VJWADfRS #VVL CNW . SN\-LOOM ?lO O M m - W V

T \V l t H^^^\^\Gl ik. V V a o R ^ ^FCi^ EU \ ^ 6 \ i ^ S T S ~ • •

I ; lON-rWORW^ P

' ' ■


- [immmO b l i g a t i o n s o f R e p u b l i c T o t a l

M o r e T h a n 8 0 0 M il l io n , M i­

n o r i t y IW e m b e i^ D e c l a r e ;

W o u ld T a k e A w a y P o w e r ________

MEXICO CITY. Doc. 30 OT—Mox- ico 'a finnnda l obligntiona to tn l #808,- 070,015 in American monoy. i t ia nUitod

. in a roport jo s t innd& public b y tlio m inority members o f tho clmmbcr ot doputicfl budf^ot romnuHAioii.

Appealing fo r carefu l consideration o f appropriations for 102 .'> tho m inor­i ty commissioners, who bolonf* to the u n ited rndical bloc, asso rt th n t tho timo hns come for th o romovnl of tho tnx levying powor from tho hnnds o f tho <hlof ezoeutivo. F o r hn lf a contury-,

' thoy iloelnro, tho people of Mexico, th rough th e ir representatives, hnvo

. bcon dc[>rlved by rovolution nnd civil s t r i fe o( tho r ig lit_ to lovy taxes and

• spond thcTr'rovbnuca. 'In outlinini; thu histjory of Moxienn

public finnnces iluring thei laat 100 yoara, the m ino rity com m iltccm on’s stu d y points ont tlm t hudgot dofieits havc boon tho cnncer which hns sapped th e governm ent’s financial strength and conntaatly nddod to its Indebted* n « s .

U o n 'a Sliar#.Tho war dop.irtm ent is credited w ith

linving taken a lio n ’s shnro o f tho gov- j « rn m en t's roccipta. From lt>18 to 1022, j tho pcrcontuRO of tho budget to ta l de- , vo ted to military* necessities.fluctuated ] 'I>etwe6n 00 n rd 70. Socond only in ] im portance wns tho p n rt devoted to tho «erricc8 on tho public dobt, w hich was ( a llo tted (SO,500,000 in 1023 nnd 1024, •A lth o u g h tho Do la H uerta revolution __o f Dcc. fl, 1023, forced the susponslon — o f payments. The item in tho 1924 bodgot for public dobt scrvicc, howovcj, wns 31,000,000, o r 2!5 por cont o f tho to t«L ^

Tho budget now In thc m aking, tho hoi _ roport continues, m ust nccopt a defic it jj,

o f $3,800,000 from la s t.y e a r , which In- . . cpcrtses by presidentia l dccroo in vari- ' ooa itcmg b rings up to -n ea rly (4,500,- J 000. This, nddod to the principal and rel accrued Intorest ropresentod undor tho ( Lam ont agreem ent covering tho oxter- , na l debt a n d o ther obligations guaran­teed by tho* governm ent am ounting to No $760,f>00,000; th e in lernnl bonking debt; tho dobt assumed in tak ing over the Tchuantopco railw ay ; unpaid salaries , o f fodoral eraployoes, and .approved ' claims for rovolnUonary damngca al- ready totalUng (47,000,000, makes a • g ran d total of (808,070,015. th<

I t Is thU am ount tho m inority roport . * a sk s congress nnd tho exectitlvo to con- yj,

s ido r in fram ing lho 1925 badgot.--------------------wo

^ D eaf Feel Sound. onD eaf ppoplir cnn lie l«;rrJl)ly Btnrtlcd ap

by Bounds. O u in s to luck of hcarlnE, ha th e Ronso of f t'c lln i:-beanncs highly dcvoloi'Oil. and nomo klnilB of noises tbey ■•hrnr" w ith ih o lr whole pcrsooB. * , T lio chest. In particu lar, ac ts as a soundlng-bnnril for tho rcccption and cxnggcm tion of explosive sounds for Its owner’s annoyance. A alammlng door, unexpected flrlng, . o r tr s ln of w histle, can ho more • la r tlln * to th anyone w ith tho use of h i t car* than po to BonsltlTo deaf people w ho m ay to chonco to be w here tho TlbraUon of n c h souadJ can reach them w ithout “ J to tem ip tlon . tj,

► ' - ■ ----------------- pnE n s l i th S u p 9 T » tltio n ' d«

T here a re m any Kngllsh enperitl- |h tions connected w ith bablea. th e most . Interesting of w h ld i b ^ g w hat l» known as "the chrislenlng bit.” O n pj tho way to th e chrislsn lng tho nnr»e m ust take w ith her a smoU b ag of bU- n cults, whlcb abe m ust offer to the f l n t rl person she m eets. If he ro fu # « . th e vl child win be unlucky, b u t If ho ac- ei ccp lf, then good fo rtune will o a llo upon tho babo.

--------- ---------------- ES haw U L o n g P opular !'

■ • Tho raanu fac tu re of the famousPalfllcy shaw ls bcgon early In the N lne tw n th cen tury # t Paisley, Scot land. *


H E G 1 / /rv o v T o FntACsTvucr T - v

NNTJ»BUt- • ------

H E X C E P T ' Z ' :

V 1 / f e ; .. .IS E E N MIM / W y -K ? ^

In Puff’s Newi

jfc o o u > n ;c ‘f g , t^a ts ii i f ik A a e iiO a F rzv T .

W H ISPUBS FBOM PA & IS bring m m o n on®, according to reporta, Involving tho ( bride of a yoar, tb e fonnor M ary U l milUdna. Tho coontees, I t Is reported, ceedlngs. Following th e divorco—if i t M rs. Oraco Coffin, now living in Paris, before be numrled M illicent B ogen , th e

F K A l ^ A. VAN D EK LIP, notod flnoncie O ity bank. Is c ritica lly Ul a t his home York, physicians have announced. E a I

HANSENHANSEN’—Huford K uhns arrived

hore from Oooding tho la s t o f tho wook ro to apond h is O iristroas vaeatioa wilJj po friends. th

M rs. Kopp and children aro viniting **’' relntives n t Durloy thla wook. .j,.

Claude Zobell of Iligby, Idaho, hna <pi) boon a gueat a t tho homo o f Mrs. Ada Nolson tho pnst wcok. ho

A girl wns born to Mr. aad Mrs. Al- bert K ast on Tuciduy, Decombcr 22.

Mr. nnd Mra. Cliarles Calvert spent Christmas day in Twin Falls.

Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Jones visited a t ^j| the Charles Wineniau homo Sunday. he

Tho concort given by tho choir on ™< Wednesday ovoning proved to bo of exceptional znorit. Tho solo parts woro of woll given as wns tho chorus work. Tho b( orchestra num bon worci very much fn appreciated. A good m any th a t would co have a ttended woro kopt aw ay on ac­eount o f tho oxtromo eold, b u t tboso >; who attondod p ro n o u n c e tbo en tire ^ program oxcoptlonaliy good. •

Tho In tornational Ifa rveste r company througb its ngrieu ltural extension dc- , partm ent, w ill put on a threo d ay s’ f a rm e n ' short coune n t Hausoa Febru- ^ ary 10, 11 and 12 undor tho direction tt of the ir Mr, Holden, wbo hns charge of il tbo com pany's extension w ork. I t is n possible fo r tho com pany to givo ouo q town in Twin Falla county th e courso g th is coming year and H onton, because of its very successful community pro- grnm, wns selected a s tho most prac­tica l place. Co-operating w ith tho com- ^

Sin y will bo tho agricu ltural oxtcuslon opartm ent o f tho stn to un iversity and tho Union Pacifio systom. Experts from thoso organizations w ill bavo prominent

placos on tb e program.Tho annual Hnnson Corn show w ill bo 1-

' p u t on in connection w ith th is tbreo day b ' short eourso and overy fa rm er In tho• Hanson te rrito ry nnd inclnding tho tor- ' : r ito ry ad jaccn t to Ilu siel Lano, is in-t vltod to aolcct ton c n n o f com for ■• com petition. The lis t o f p rlic s w ill bo f I announced la ter. i

Under tho direction of M iss Hepworth of Holso, "ta to exocutlvo, ond Miss E sther K ahlo o f R upert, d ls trle t ox- criitlvo ,thcro is boing conducted a t Hanson th is w in tor gpeclal classes in *

• sewing, nu trition and In terior decora- I• tlon. , (

Dr. H al Heilor, Bpeeialist in nu trition i sn d food chem lftry w ill deUvor a loc* i

N FALLS D A ili.fe jT ^S,^ W I N FALLS, IDAHO.


w o oV ._______ OH / --------------------

IVS Spotlight | y

......... '^ ,olh

- • r*r-'.• ^ pro

7iT^^ T ’ A • V A O T JE S i’V l l? POio n o f another divorco sensation, th is tie Ootmt Balm von H oogstraten and hsi ] M illicen t E o g en , h e ir to th e R ogers hto

Kl, soon wlU go to P a r is to B tart pro- i t tak es place—th e count m ay m arry vi

iria, to whom he w as repo rted engaged i„, Lhe whlsiwrarB declare fa r th e r . al„acier and ex-president o f tb a ITational ime in Scarborough-on-tho-Httdson. New Ie la so ffe ring from typhoid fever.

■ boturo ia tho near futuro on calcium and bone building.

D . J . K oenig a tten d ed a boat grow ers’ ronforcnce a t roca te llo recently and f^. reports th a t tbo fa rm e n wijl aak 50 of per ceu t o f lho m nrket prico of syrup th is yoar w hen they meot to discuss con- trac ts w ith compnny officials.

Mr.' and M rs. E v e re tt Wobb spen t mi T hursda n t tho homo o M rs. A bner no T hom e o f T w in F alls. no

Tho Kev. Tom DIodgett la expected - homo tho f ir s t o f tho week from Los Angoles w here he has gono from P o rt­land. th

M ax, tho littlo son of M r. and Mrs. bi Raymond D urk. hns recovered suffi- ai ciep tly from hia operation fo r appondl- cl c ltls to bo ablo to como home from the te hospital whero bo has been fo r tho p ast gj month.

L.idonna, tho fivo year old daughter o f >Cr. and M rs. George W obb, baa ^ been under tho d oc to r’s caro recently . fo r nn a tta c k o f rhoum atism a n d othoi complications. *'

School w ill begin M onday, Jan u a ry * 5 and thcro w l l bo flvo m onths more " w ithout vacation.

S o m ebody F orgo t H is CaeJt wftB a -s le e p y so rt o f day. lh e oi

. c lass wos about half th c usual alze ciand th e “prof." w as calling th e roll a:

' in a balf-obscnt mannor. To cacb tl I nam e some one had nnsw ered "H ere” *'i' ontll tho nnmo of Sm ith was culled, tl ' S llcnce reigned for n m om ent otily to J<' bl* broken by th e 'In s tru c to r ’ll voice: a ; "My w ord I H asn 't M r. Sm ith any . frleoud heroT’—College Humbug.I

» O rien ta l R a g t "C rlentnl riiB'* Is n genernl te ™ ap* •

piled to rugs mndo In th c O rien t— ^ ’ Chinese. Dokburn. Cnucnslnn, T urkish. ‘ P ersian and Indino. Most o f these ®

. m gs have a velvet pile, b n t K ellrai ° . a re woven flat, nearly a liko on both r Blde«, w hile Cashm ere* have a f la t n r* e faco w ith a w eave pecu lia r to them* "

selves. 4,'h --------------------------' A ll in t/ie F am ily

E lder S iste r—•’U eleiil A ren 't yoo * n asham bd of y o u n e lf? L e ttin g a p e r ’ I. feet s tran g er k iss you." Younger Sis- •

tc^—"A perfcct R tranger? But. good-, ‘ n ness! I thought you knew him.**— ‘ :• Boston T ranscrip t.


E c k — T H R O W O U

A lO O t^U C jH T .- 1 ^ .vJO»AE tAV<oWT,

' \ S . iCT.

'A T Yl A , \ ------- ----------------- y S H o o v ;


O t i i e r s J o in W i t t i P u b l i s h e r s in

A t t e m p t t o P r e v e n t S e c o n d -

C l a s s M a il I n c r e a s e .

WASHINOTOX, Dec. 30 W>»—Pro- from buHlnuss. publinbiug and

.other nntional o rganizations agninat tho proposed incrfusca In postal rn tra wi>ro nwilo before tho jo in t coiigressionul Hub-conimittoo today as it practically eonrliidod hearings on lho ailniiniNtrii- tion bill providing fo r Increasod ra tes lo meet tlie eont o f proposed puntal xal- liry iidviinccmcnls.

Cimirman Moses announced tonight tlio ho.'iriiigii Ivouid bo finished tomor­row iiioniiiig nnd th n t tho sennti’ sub- vom'tnitleo would bc asltcd immedlnlt'ly tc. eonnider tho bill w ith a view to gi'tting i t buforo tho full pontofficu coiiimittcu nnd reported to tho sennte by Mondny. A t th a t timo tho senato in scheduled to tuko up P resident Cool- id g o ’s veto of tho postal pny bill.

Whilo represen tatives of various or- gnniratlons wf>ro declaring boforo thc Aub com m iltco today th n t thc propo!<ed Increases th rea tened tho futuro of their business, J . L. Sutor, rcprcacnting the Nntionnl Onc Coiit L e tte r Lenguo, urged tbo comtnilteo to consider a reduction in first.. cl:«is mnil rates.


LONDON*, Doe. 30 M»)—On tho ' htoiiinship Tckoa bound from England ' foA^^ICcw Ze.ilnnd w ilh a shipm ent of

w ild nnimnls fo r tbo now r.oo a t Auck-• land, thero is a largo pohir honr who,

alnco tho day of bis cap tiv ity in tho[ A rctic, has never, oxcept a l meal tinien, (/f

Atopped knocking regularly and rythm- ically a t ono spot on tho innido of hin box in an e ffo rt to break through to ,

, freedom.' From th f moment the bear wns ini- >'* , prlHOiied in his box moro thnn two ov

m onths ngo to tho day of his dcpnrluro Sl ‘ fo r New Zealand, he knockcd w ith ono in ’ o f his paws ngn inst tho woodon panel,’ Ho h it agiiinst tho samo spot about 180 ' tim es nn hour day nnd night. Tho box

Was roinforcod a t tho point of tho anl- ; m a l’s persisten t a c tiv ity but ho paid r Do ntton tion to tho carpenter a n d did ly

not tr y any o thor p a r t o f thc box. rcI . -------------------------- It, Insects In W inter. c,

S p ld c n uHunlly apend Hie w in tvr In cl th e egg BtaU. th c m other inclosing tho

. bnll o f egga In n lioiuitirui silken bng,• and hiding It whorevpr cnn KCt t• chnnce. 5lnny insects siiend tho win-> te r In the Inrva i.r worm sfati*. Still [ o thers Hiieiiil lho w intor In the chrysnlla

s tu te . Thfwe clirysalldeH mny be neon attoclied to (he tw igs of hushes, or [’

" under thc bnrk of trovs. o r Imbedded [ in decaycil wood, whllo tlie change ®

goes on which tn in sfo n u s Ihe crawling worm Into tho lionullful ulnged crea ®

0 J

W h a t P m o p le T a lk A b o u t “In o rder to llnd out w hat tbo fav-

• o rlte topics o f convenlon are, some- s one has Ilstancd to .’500 b its o f cha tte r1 and clasBlfled them . "Business" waa3 th e popular topic w ith men. witlt P ' "sp o rls’’ nex t and “other men" ranked " L th ird , b u t w ith th c womon tlio aub- ' 9 Ject o f "m en” ranked fa r ahead of ^ : any th ing else w ith "dresB" second and * r "o th er w omen" third.

- • rEng!and*» Fam oa$ A b b e y

All the Engliah kings except Edward . V wer© crowned In W ratm lnsler flbbey.. Edw nrd V Inherited tho crown when » i_ tw elro y t a n old. and h is brolh- I Q er wero ronflned tn th e Tow er of Lnn- ' a don by the ir uncle, tho duke of Olou- I t, ccster, a»fl wore m urdered there. Tbc I

u n d o Uien Bclzed tho Hirono and ruled^ a s lUcbgrd III._____________

*’ S arcasm fo r PilU"Pills, ptlls. EnglSQd Is b u ilt oa a

fo tu d a tlo n of pills." s a id ' Tabn ^ W lrem le R atnna . New Zealand faltl^^ healer. In England recently. "Too J. have BO tnany d ru g Btores sn d pills

ond drugs nnd ffwd tlia t you i r * sick raoflt o f thc tim e."

. . - - ■ ■ ' I



(PmI I \ ^ 0 1 ^ “

N L. OH ^« .C O M ^ .C


' K A R O L Y I’S V A S T E S T A T E

C O N F IS C A T E D | !

■\ -Ja • W p»'' ' V

n E ri(- 'WJ - put

i M k r>'°

nur< ontopro


doiV prc


J j s n i i O T tn c H f f l E t > K a R g g d ! |

. TIIS, SU PREM E COURT o f H ungary haa ordcroA tho v a s t esta te s o f Count M ichael Karolyl, form erly preaideat „ of tho H ungarian ropubUc, confis- ”

“ catod by tho s ta te on tw o charges 1 of high treason d n ring tbo world f w ar. By th is sontoneo K aro ly i loses , his personal fortuno o f 10 ,000.000 '**' [ gold crowns nnd h is v a s t entailed

ostatos o f sovoral thousand acres o f •">" farm land, castlen and homes. H is An wife, Countess K atherine, is now in " li Am crica. 1 '

-------------- - ^ All

’ Y O U T H C O N F E S S E S T O . j " "

I C A F E R O B B E R Y ; A L IB I I " ;

! - ^ R N I S H E D B Y S H E R I F F

? COUNCIL BLUFFS, Iow a, Doc. 80 . C/4>)—R ay M. Siiodderly, thc “ Scar Fin- ■ gor ICid,” na ho cnilod him self, con- J feaaod lo robbing num ber l-’iftcen cnfo

horo lant Soptembor 13. nnd “ got 25 Ja . yonrs in the p en ,” b u t ho “ wns not ■ cc 5 oven in Council B luffs on th n t n i g h t ’’ ! *f 0 Sheriff P ercy I*;iin«on dcclnred to d a y , '0 in asserting th a t snoddcrly 'n motivo inj; confcBsion “ was to get a th r il l .” Tho * ^ youth is 10 yenrs old and his mothor p •. lives In W ichitn, Kans.ns.,j “ A t tho timo of tho robbory Snoddcr- d ly wns o ither w orking on tho boa t Jo ­

romo in Chicago, o r Avas n t W hiting, Ind., wbcro a polico sergean t had t a k - ' en nn in te re st in h im ,” Laiason do­

ll cinrod.8 — - -

O rigin o f P o tta l S ys tem In oldon tim es, beforo th c dayn o lII postage stamtiH. It wna tho custom for J the recipient of it le tte r to pay the ^ poaiiigo. It IB nnld thn l th e origin of

prepaid postage wnn duo to nn ordent J lover. H e sen t epl.ntlcH to th e lady of ' ^ his choico. who pnii]i|itly acnt them

back, refusing to pay for them . Tho1 postm an fiUKgested tn n u tho rities lha t

It would save truiible If th e sender paid poatugo. and lho Idea was adopted.

‘‘S o m e th in g J u s t as G o o ^r A women In New Mexico received , tho following le tte r from a Phlladel- I, phia flrm : "D ear M adam : We a n jj BOrry to’ s ta te th a t we cannot fomlBh ,, Pepys D iary about which you In- .( Qulred. but we have Llne-s-Day books ^ from (2.M to W oach. I f yon woulfl

like ono of them, we will ba glad to a ttend to your o rder a s sooB a r It reaches here."

(] i^oya/ M isan thropef. F rederick H of P n irs la . fam iliarlyn known ob ‘‘F r lti." tho founder ofV P russlnn m ilitarism , d irected In hls1. will tbn t ho should bo "burled n sa rJ. hl-s dogs.*' In tho Sans-SoucI gardens,IC In contem pt fo r hla o«-n species.■d -


• pUTS-SORES .^ Q ean se tb o roogh ly— ib en ,

without rubbing, a p ^ r - -i V j C j l iOtmtrtUOhmJumUmiVmiSS ~

' .

i H . 'i O O - v i tv v ^ \ ; v -s e r o . ^ : • - ' / ' ‘g

5 -v |i \ 2 O O • ^t t - ^ A O tI ""M^ V O V \-K A N tA - / , • • •

^ ;0 T A -; 0 ^ . ■ .!. •


S e ■'I R I S H F R E E S T A T E ’S

1 B I L L T O R E G U L A T E


n u m ,IN . Dcc 30 C4»>_Tho F ree S tn tc governm en t's bill to reg u la to the snle of d rink lias passed tho senato.Ami.iig o ther th ings It re s tric ts tbo hourn 6 f salo to 13 a dny and pnta clubs o f all classes on tho samo fo o tin g as ordinnry drink saloona aa fa r as the sorviiig o f liquor Is concerned.. An In te resting provlslott o f tho new law Is tbo stnndnrdixatlon o f tho also of porter bo ttles. Tlioso bottles form erly, nverngod 12 to tho gallon, b u t m any publicans, w hile charg ing Uioi sam e priro pi^r bo ttle , have recen tly bcea pu tting a gallou in to 10 b o ttles . Thla is tho governm ent/s f l n t o ttom pt a t prom oting tomperanco. I t s no x t movo, il is nnnnunced, w ill be to dim inish the number o f d rin k ehopa. T hore nro ' IS,* oon of them In tho F ree B tnto, o r one to every 250 cUltons'. In E ng land the proportion is one to overy 41S, and In Scotland onn fo r OOfi. I t Is hoped to roduco the Froo S tn e 's 15,000 b y a t least ono-hnlf, and a commission Is be­ing set up to dotorm ino how I t can bo dono und how eomponsation is to bo , provided.


I’A RIS, Dcc. 30 M>>—Tho A ga Klian. na IniUnn princo, w llh aomo 1,100,000 francs, Imnda tho lis t o f w inning own­ors for tho sQ.ison of fln t racing junt ■■(included, lho m ost sucr.ossful sincc

'J the arm istice.^ For tho f l n t timo in tho h is to ry of . French rneing slnco 1000 ft F rcnch jock* g ey hod tbo honor o f lead ing tho f ie ld '2 in tho num bor o f w inning mounts, g ITvrtrl Semblnt, attor tt aoek nad aeek J duol w ith Q uy Qarnor o f K en tucky 1 tliroughout tho Inst two m onths o f the r sennon, fina lly pulled nwny from his I Ameriean rival- nnd fin iahed w ith 80 1 w inners to G n rn c r’s 82. »

i The rivn lry bolw een th e English a n d ': Ainericnn schools o f tra in ing ' ho n es; ended in fnvor of tho formor. i Tho A ga K han is - th o bend o f tho iMohnmmodnn church of In d ia and the spiritual chlof o f 20,000,000 Indians.

• ,H e never bets a cont on tho chancos of his horaos and is sa tisfied w itb w inning

j 'th o stakes.

Long S tro ll in S leep0 H atlcss. bnrnfooted, w earing pa- 5 Jamns w ith n brnnil red s trip e and t i carrj-Ing undor h ls^orm a parcel re- 'I BeniMIng n linnjo, a**man of Brighton.■/' Encland, w ns dlscoverod to bave n wnlked In b is sleep to s v illage flra Q aillo.1 illHtnnt.___________________ 'JOI [

m“ I' M ' l ' ' ' I 'A i i B

: Niglitsliirt ! Satisfactibn

Yon will find it in these J roomy, fnll-cnt and extra- t lo n g Brighton - Oarlflbad'^ nightshirts.

*• In a good quality onting;woll made and double

3 . 1 Btitobed;pricoB rangolrom

$ ■ 1 . 2 5 $ 0 . 4 5 I — t o



' 1924.

Page 4: I t o -… · to Juliii Uroo, 18, of Portland, Oro., has 3n- boen nwnrded a *13,000 modol homo ws, |ns first

J I Tddso s Sp : lifiEDlE* - MliESTiSHLS! F o o t b a l l G a m e W i t h S t a n f o r c

;i a t P a s a d e n a S t i r s C o u n t r y tc

! i H ig h P i t c h o f E n t h u s i a s m .

CHICAGO, Dcc, 30 0 « —WltU Icti ,[ tlian two daj^a rcm aio iag boforo thc' , Notro Domti-Stanford Intorsoctiooa]

football ^omo a t P o u d c n n , CaUforoioj Now Y car'a dny, tbo m idw cit ia pulling fo r K nuto liockno'a famoua ‘ ‘four horsem on," to ride rougb aliod ovor tlio CalSforalana, thus onabHng tbo Notro Datno olovcn to finiah 1Q24 w itb a roc-

‘’t urd of 'victoHoa from cckaat to eoaat.Among midwest XollowcirB a t leaat,

' : tho gam e overabndows intoroat in thcC allforuia-Pcnoaylvania eonteat to 1>< played a t Boriccl«y on tbo aamo day, booaiiao o f tfa^ intoracctional reputation u f Notro Dame, tbe moat w idely ad v o r tiacd elovon tbo ro u n try baa ovei

I known,w Telegraph of/icea in amall midweal

tow ns and e i t i^ nanally eloaed on h o li daya, w ill rem ain opon to reooivo re

\\ turns. Peraona w itb a radio, o r tboa<who know aomobody w ith A sot, will bavo tbo ir oars g ltv d to tho hoadpiecei a ta rting n t 4;15 p. m. e^uitral atandard time, to rccoive u p lay b y play* report whieh witl bo radioeaat b y 'th e Cbieogc Tribuno atation over apoeial w ires from tho gridiron.

Q1BB0K8 M A T FZOHT FIB FO .; 8T. PATJL, Dee. 3& M>>—Tommy Qib1 ■ hona, 8 t. Paul lipb t heavyw eight boxer

(mnonnced tonight th n t hc Imd rocoivcd im o ffe r to figh t Louia A ngel Firpo, Sciutb Amcrlenn heavyw eight, before thc Nationnl S(k>rling club u t London.

K O 'S OASDBOAAD S C M PSE T .; HAMMOND, Ind ., Dcc. 30.—Jaeli

Dumpncy wan knockcd out today —■ a ]>nalvbo.ird Juelt Dcmpney. A full sisscd inodtil o f thu w orld ’s beavywolght rhninpion in f ich ting • uttUudo in nn

I »'imt Cliicago drug storo window, ao irri-tulcd CharU's Lognn na ho laaaod it

! ho le t fly with n buymiikor tliraiigli thojiliitc glass. Lognn, blcctling from n (-ut w rist nnd fur«,s wua s till nwinging whon nrri'aletl.

T h e HeaoieBt Jew elOf nil till’ rirt'cloiis -iH'ii*'/. il-e inliy

Is Uh* .\fl*T 11/ ('i)nie.H tb tgum<'i.' luim/ ;iml <llnitinn<l. Ituliloa a rc Bi.'iim* nnd whi-n i*f jiIkoou’s blood colitr ntlll lUiwlcNt aro wortb luorc Ibun (liniiKiiMlK.

Good i n W ell D oingI An orToi'i ain«k‘ lo r tlic hii|>|iltu->.'t of

iiiliiTS f if fa jis almve oiirsi’I'»-s,•-.^frs, I.. M. Clilld, f i t

A Jo y fu l W ed d in gAlulmnin Kxcluinm— T h e uabers em-

broccd a Ktoup of In tim ate frU-nds of tbe bridfBTotim.—liostun T ranscrip t.

ORPHEUM THEATMonday and Tuesda;

; Twice DaUy, a t 2MaU OrtlerB Now—Soata r r ld a y .60c, Including ta r . N igh ts; Orcbes

eluding tax . A l W ONDEETUL SYM PHONY 0

A D O L P H Z U K .O R w t l

/ w i w i o u i f r V / x*■ ■ / PROCUCTIOM X' UvMOiis myias-M ty/ . xI ■ ' catpomiOH ) /

t ~ ^ a Q is;.. , y

!: ■ ii g | p

I m mJ f c B B B 5 B f f l l B E S O T = = =


r . . V-5E6TBUCT10W F R O M ! t < 5 t F T O l H t . ' ; M A t ) S I

^ W E A L T H A N D P t E ^

’■ 'j ■'■TWI

porting News5 S T A N F O R D F O O T B A L L l i


N O T R E D A M E N E W Y E A R !

• | k LOS ANOEL'EB, Dcc. 30 0 « —Stan i l ford u tiivcralty 'a foo tball toom ia m ark

Ing time, tak ing th inga eaay, u n til tbi aftornoon o f N?(w Y ea r 'a d»y, wbon i: w ill defend tho w eatern honora again*

o r d tbo boat g rid iron aggregation th a t thi eaat baa produced tbia season, tbe N otn

u \Q Dnma-BMad. N o tre Dame w ill nrrivi In PaaaW nn tomorrow.

S tan fo rd 'a three coachca were in Lo: Angeloa swapping rominiseoneea w itl old frienda n t a meetin g of coachei o:

lea Pneifio c ^ t aection.


^ NEW YORK, Dcc. 30 t4»)—Condemn four "■ ’ ‘ onetbleal p rac tice ." the uso o:

atill or motion picturea in eoachlng o: tcouting o f an in terco lleg iate footbal

jpg. team, tbo N ational Collegiate Athlotii nsaoclnllon today odoptod a rcaolutloi

a a t , ^"^Mdding tho use o f aneh modorn ad tho to gridiron acioneo in tbe 23(

colU<gc8 undor its ju risdiction nnd a dav u m o timo adopted a reaolution or tlon ‘I'^rlng u swooping inveatigation o f sum vor* biiaebnll noflvUioa 'of intcrcollcgintioveJ ________________

west ' Hi^Ji P rices fo r A n im aUboll* The b u ^ a u o t an im at industry aairi

re* tlm t che lilghffli price ever paid fo r iboao tiorxi! wns^fl’ll.'i.OOO. T h is was a tberw ill oughbrcd liorat! purcbuBcd b ; Augusecea Beliiiont from ao EngllabmaD. Th'lo rd hlicIiCNt price jm id fu r u bull was $100,po rt 000. Thcro uro aeverul inBlnncci»ngn w here dnlry ciiwa bdvc been purchaaciirom fo r otiiountH over $25,000.

C opyifig N a tu re' Cover a billiard tab le In a brtgb'

Qib* red . cloth In s icn d '( if (lie cuatoinar: ixcr, to n groen und every bllllonl bni Lvcd would be dcMorlcd In balf,^un hour rpo, B illiard tnblo-i froia llic bcKlunlni fore w ere covered with nrvcn for Ihe 8an)( don. renson ibnl im lure eovors her oper

Blrt'ii'hfs usually wliti jjrccn. bccaust It Is soothlnK t" Ib f eye.

rack --------------------------_ a ' ' FamlllaB In ciden t i«cd "I underHtnnd tb e pintform on whlcli Ight n ciinilldntc wn» spcuklnK brohe down

nn tmder blm." "Nothlni; niinsnnl," com l „ i . mentcil Henntor SorKhiim.. “ I hav( 1 i t ' ’<’0 ' ochlom kovwn n candidate wbc tho did not fnll off h is plntfonrt a t o * , „ tlmo or fliiotbor."

E g yp t P r o f e c f # B u yertXA prf>to<t tocnl buyers of Koodn

-flgnlnst inlsreproKcntQtlon in tho loiigtli of cotton Ki'ods n ^‘'vornnK-nt roKulu- tlon In Kg.vpf nijiilreH ibat all koojIh be fiilili'd In’ li'nH«hn of one met«T or yur,l.

oodlore -

U nkind ReRecXionA man's Intelligence iiniHf be far

above th c nverut:e to enubic him lo get his laugh In ut tbe proper time when a wbninn in telllnR a funnj story.—ChlctiKn Newa.

L a rg e ft M u a e u mTh.c IlrlrlHli niiiseuiii, In London

Khleb tnchidcH tb e Hritlith Museun* of Nntunil llidtnry. Is undoubtedly tb«

larcest Institution of th is kind.

JAN. 5-6It 2;1S and 8:16 Sbarp.&y. M&tlnoas: O rchestra Sl.lO; balcony diestra »1.GG; balcony *1.10 and 50c. in-


M E S S E L l A S I C r

^ l U t ^

T E Ni m s

J e a n te M acpheraoN •

E S O F T H E P H A R A O H S ,H E R E D S E A , A N D T H E

yi S I N A I O F 'T H E O a O E N

S T R U 6 G L E F O R . L O I /E ,

E A 8 U R E T O D A V : ^

m F A ixs o a il y .n e :w


iJVOGElBiES : nN D R S uiRS —

C o u r t D e n o u n c e s I l l in o is E x e ? -tan*• rk . u t i v e f o r . A o t i v i t i e s W h ilethe

n it H e W a s S t a t e T r e a s u r e r .Jnattho ----------

SPlilX O FIE L D , III., Doe. 30 Governor Len Sm all waa h^Jd account- able for “ the en tire in te re a t" en' truKted to him na a ta te treaaurer, in a decision made today b y ' C irctiit .3adg<

■ Frank W. Burton o£ C a r ro l l to n .T b c dccialon was accom panied isy a denun elation of th e a ta to offic ia l, who aal before him. Counsci f o r 't h e goveriioi ton ight hnd announced no p lan of pro

•mn- cadore. ......................0 of Preparing tho form al .decree foi j o r presentation in court tomorrow. morO: ;ball ing. A ttorney Oenecal Clareiwe iBoord lotle ionight said tbo nm oiint of Oovernoi tion Sinnll'a alleged in d e b te d n ^ s to th<ad- s ta te was "co n siderab ly more th an odi 230 million dollara. ’ ’ Tomorrow tho caai

1 a t will be formally refe rred back to tbt I or* m nster in chancery fo r a defin ite de lam* ciiion of tho am ount of lndobte<lness. [into — —---- —

W ay 01 a Woman. Fem ininity hns Us own wuy of post­

ing a simple, CTeryday le tte r, acconl- lag to one keen ohacn-er. Kor (natance, o a t o f 80 women wbo •> ere w atched at

" a alreet le tte r b o i in th c reablenilol aection of a large eUy. 21 w ithdrew the IpttiT before quUc le tting go of It. lo acan bolh aldea of th e envelope, to be certa in lhe le tte r wna securely aenled. properly addressed, atum ped, und to m ake aure nobody could look through tb s envelope to read th e conienia.

S o a rc c f l o f R u b b e r SapIgh t The vnricties of ircca, ahrubs.ia ry pinnts nnil vines wblch dischnrge rubhall ber sap nre niinihe^ed la tbe hun'our. dred.H. One of th e Hmnllest nnd moslling common l.i iho p as tu re milkweed, nnilnmo the ;:rentcHi Ih th e lleveu Iinizlll»n-ipen ais which sonii-tltnCH nttu lna a helghiluse of 11:0 feel.—A utomobile Dlgeat.

Bicycle’s A d v a n ta g eWhen a mun w nlks a m ile he takes

ilch on nn avomge 2.20.1 Hteps, but when own he rides a bicycle w llh un uveniiceKcnr ■om* he cow r* a mile w ith un eciulvnlvni oJ mvo only <l:.*7 ti«-pa. - -who -

B ra ve M anA brave mnn Is n doctor who a t­

tends u caao of nerves nnd prescrlbea lOds " Job.—New H aven Register.Igth I'uiu* — ' “ ' "iO<lH


i c» at.™ 12:01 A. M.


> L 0 1 S V \

O V ER a tr; th rills— the ca ttlc drive > q uering riv< an d stampede panion pictu Covered Wagi

------- TIME-------M atlnM ......’iE v tn lo * .............. -...,7:00; 1O oatlauooa Sbow S a tu

> • ■ Fcom 1 to 12


r . W ASHJNaTON, Doe. 30 (/P)-A I bill t6 regulate-the aalo o f government

U W land on weatom? irrig a tio n projoctu w ai introducod today b y Bonator Kon- (Iriek, Wyoming. Tho ia x m wonld

. . . bo aold a t n o t leaa th an tbo appraiaod ‘'*5* value. Tho purchaoera woold bo ro' . . . quired to pay in 6 oqual aoiai-annQa] n i l e inatallmonta and to livo on tho proport;

oighV montha in tbo year. ‘Ib e app 'i I - ean ta would be xeqaired to bovo at

leiiat ono yoar»a oxperionco on a farm and po(8(;e8 f a m equipm ent valued nt t l ,5 0 0 . . _The a e c re to ^ ^of tb e Intorioj

irint* be autborU ed to advance $3,00{to farm era fo r improvempnta and p u r

1- ^ e b ^ ^ o f liyestoek. Laborera alir odire 't o provided pincea to Hvo with T he outlay.


'rnor ' C H IC A G O M L L IO N A IR Epro- ............................ ........ - •

...........NEW YORK, Doc. 30 0P>—T hat anilhas bccui f ile d aga inst Qyrna H. Me

'9 r» : Cornwck o f Chicngo, a()n o f tho invon to r o f tho harvester, b y E dw in W. J a

>rnor of New York, w as dbeloaod toda} tlio ^hrouhg th o f i l i n g o f a n application ii

th e Btato supromo conrt to tranafer tbi s n l t to th e federal court. W hile thi

th e application d id not diaeloao th e n a tu r ’ iic* of the suit, a s ta tem en t iaaned la te r **• M r. McCormick'a a tto rneya indlcatet

i t WAS fo r a lieuation of M rs. Jacob 'a af f ce tio n s .

I t was reported th a t Ja c o b s ' su it de ninm M 9300,000, b n t th ia report coub

'“ ce. not he verified, d a t .“IW . w u to r D ies In Ohio.■ CINCINNATI O., Dec. 3 0 0 « — Luw• ronco Mendenbnll, w idely known writ

»lc(L po**"* stories, died iiJ ^ his bomc hore toilay o f pncumontn

. . contracted ii week ugo. H e was <!! * years old.

M a ke t E n d S eem F a r O ffThere Is no mnn ao decrepit, whilst

he has llc th u se lah before him, wh( , docs nol ihliilc hc baa tw en ty yeara ol niost tiody.—Uoatalgae.nml = s = ^ ^ =

racb Mnk^ M alted G rain e x t ronn;maleeaTbe Fbod*Drinkror All Am Dig ea tib le -tio C o o k las . A U ghtLuach

a t . alwaya a t lumd. Alao m Taiblet form.jbea A tk far'"JJb rZ ftuc '^ /'a taaP o im ta lna .- .r. *65“ A toU Im ltatkiaa - Sobstitnlea

iT iT L ^NOW P


e g rea t Texas e waa on. Con-riv e rs, Ind ians ^>edes. The com- ^icture to “The '^agon”

- J , ------- MUSIO-------10;-8 :5 0 , Spoclal Soore

D D N K L E Y -S % D O O -D A D S


liaed ,________________ I---------------------------> ro- S O D A T -O N Banal ‘ r M a tto r t . aaw rty Yttx' pp'l

a t n V B H IO H €farm BIG - TRAOTd nc . . D aodng , 0 ( ^orior _ NoviJ,000 ACTS Ton Mlsa a 'pur* Ml«8 Tla l i o _______________ '


<Tb« M lfty D a o d s

IRE f o l l e t t e a n d w io e bBlack-Faca oomediana

su it —

ivon- THE FL7IN0 EOWABI• Diroct t n m tho Orph»o d a y ______ ■

i“th e THE ALTOONA TEIO-I th e Two Oirla and a Boy—1itu reT b y _____


“ “UGHT Adapted from tho Famoua S tage So

'j''!'" • You’ll laugh uproariously, get more surprises thau you

s m now— an amazing tw ist— I thralling I It heg*ns*with a. greatest punch ever plunged oue and have the picture-ti:




® A Charles Cl11 Orpboom O rdieatra. Uaual Vaudevl

Evening, AdultaV O c and i dt, THE BIOGEST SHOW OF Tan.|«cf ---------------------- ----------------------------der

Have You Heai



------ EiTEA-------Oomody — Kews

Song Prologue by JOE-K


H I! D A T OMLT i. u d E ven lne 5rM tr'j Bp«cial

H O ATJBM AT-A 0 TI0 K 8 B IGconedy MbiI|0 ' and

. j r T Qa T re a t If T on - A v I O

i This Ona

ry TEIO—The Fashion Plates ac ln g K « ttu o f 1024.

3 BOB PEEEYr ro m W aahington, D. O.

U&DS— A Novelty Featnre rphenm and S « lU i Olrcttlta

[0— Harmoziioiis Melodiesy—Two Baa]i>0 aad « VioUn ^


rs OUT”« Saccesa. I t’s a BI« P icturo lo 7 Be«»*

lly, you’ll tliriU intensely, yon’U you ever g o t before 1 Absolutely I— bewildering-—intriguing— en- . a. smasli an d ends with the ' ^ ged npon th o screen! See this B-time bf yonr life!



Chase ComedyidevlUe P rices; U atlneo 10c and 40c;

Jld OOc; Oblldren 20c 2So F TH E SEASON—SEE IT 8XTEE

Zeard thc la te s t?

0 is in HOT WATER!

D J o e - K B a y s —

Wallowing around in a

I pool o f self-pity is n e ith e r

sw imm ing n o r good sp o rts ­m anship. Eh, W h a tj


-------PEIOES-------Ohildrro ................................^.25eAdulU ...................................._BOc

S atn n lay A. M. a t • 10:00 lOo and 30c .


Page 5: I t o -… · to Juliii Uroo, 18, of Portland, Oro., has 3n- boen nwnrded a *13,000 modol homo ws, |ns first

r t SA m e r i c a n R e p r e s e n t a t i v e s t o

* ' ’ M e e t W i t h R e p a r a t i o n s C o m ­

m i s s i o n t o D e c id e o n O p e r a ­

t i v e C l a u s e d o f P i a n .

P A M S , D tc. 30 (S V T k o contor- CQCO of allied Hnanco miniatcra horo noxt week w ith Jnm es A. Lopin, Jr., Amoriean roprcnentativo w ith tho rop' nratlon roinmiimion, who will roprcuciit tho U nited S ta te i, Ib oxpeeted by closc obficrvers to be n fnf more Im-

. portnn t ev<uit thnn tho original ngen da indjcntod.

Tho conference, i t in understo.<.l. will bo cnllcd upon not only tu rt"-

^ ■ ♦ taM Ish a bnBifl for sharing tho pro- 1' cdn o f tbo tcpataU on p't^n,b u t w ill bo nakod to roviso tho Dcr

• contagea u f diatribution of ropnrution' ninong tlio nllic* n» fixed n t Spa. A' agreem ent between the i ’ronph gov-?rn m tn t nod tho le-ider/i o f tho «ocin1i«;

• *v;n^ of P rem ier H errlott')! mnjorit> in th c chnmber, nn revealed in chnm' ber debnto nnd (liflcuHiiions in tho Icb- biei, requircH the French delegnto tc thia eonfercneo to rniso thcfio ques

ftions:Depends on British.

— W hctncr w ar doblB will nlso bo ili" niiwed n t the m eeting depends, i t if wild, upon the p1nn» of Winstor

. Chnrcblll, the BriliHh chnneellor ol tho exchc<|iii‘r, who Ih credited la't< wntb till' intontitin of bringing thij

. mueh tnlkod of m ntter up in «om<^ ^ fgrm . Both repnr.'itiond nnd war debt*

nro now rognrded in F'reneh politico circles ns hnving readied n point where thoy cnn n o t longer remain without solution.

Preneh buHincKs men jmrticulnrl) nro ntixinuH to gel thc dclit i|ueRtiiir out of tjio way since, they dcclnrcd it is now tho only element thnt pre vonts tho finnl ati> of tlio in

♦ te rn n t io n a l f in a n c in l B itim tion. Tin yield o f tho Dawcn p la n s t i l l is rc g a rd e d n s d o u b tfu l but i t hns the nd v.’intnge, tlie biiHtiieas iiini leiy, o f fix

* ing defin ite ly wlint F rnn re cnn coun npon. They ndd p u t “ when wo knov 5«»l w bnt our ciet\itoi» uto gmng ti insist uji'in wc c:ni arrim ce accord ing ly .’ '


^rA 80N CITY, IOWA, Dec. 30 m - M ajor J . n . McGheo died la s t nigh a f te r n w eek 's illness o f Bmallpox. Th< strn in o f enrry lng on tbo duties of h i offico in tbo period before tlio dlsons' w.'^s recognized is believed by physi ■■inns to hnve beon rcnponsiblo for hi denth.

Smallpox Iiero hna been of a ligb , vnrioty b u t doctors th is morning wcr

experiencing n tremendous rush for vac cinations.


WASHINGTON. Dec. M.—A bil g ran ting n pension 'o f >5000 nnnunll; to Xfrs. E d ith Rolling Wilson, wido^ nf tho Into wnr president, wns passe today by tho acnnte. I t now goes t the home.


^ ^ T h e B a iF o r every dollar <

M rency or coin theredied by check.

Do you. like mill: firm s,’ appreciate tl ence of a checking .

TH E TW IN FA I COM PANY placea your command— it and u.'isures safety.

■ TWIN. B A N K &U nder ^

State and FedenilRaccv*

- ig lK !Sopcrvisioo

’ r V - a iII

'' . TwnIIN. F iL L S :D M LY ,N W

lj THE DAY IN'WASHINCrTON. The Bcnat^ a d J o n r a e ^ ^ tU F r l ^

. •' noon.• I Tho honsc doeidod t i lim it lU holiday I ad jonrnnicat to ono day—ThartdayjI I The hoQBo naval coum ittotf deeided

npoa -oa inT«stigatioa is to th e needsI r o f thti nnvy.

L Tho house passed tho treasury post-I I offieo supply b ill ean y in g the peaec• •-• timo record of 1703,000,000.

I P resident Coolidgo w u said to be hopoful ih a t an o tho r. international

» . navnl diaaraam ^jit conference wonld b« held w ithin another year.

»m-* depnrtm cntjd lroo ted the"•I* American cmbasBy a t Z«ondon to make

rcpresontntions to tbo British govorn- f a - m ejit against tbo potato embargo.

I P resident Coolidgo waa declnred to soo no oecasion fo r nction by tho A m er

; ionn government in tho French Trar debt situation on the bnsis o f presont ad-


illlBDEBITM!l simscmipro- ] ------ -

C o o l id g e N o t t o T a k e O f f ic ia

' a ’ I N o t ic e o f O p in io n T h a t F r a n c i

M a y R e p u d i a t e P a y m e n t ..rityuim*

W ARIIINOTON, Doo. 30 yP)—Do volopmentn in the Amerlenn-Froncl

' dobt funding s itun tion wcro confinet todny to W hito House nunrtors w her

' it was nnnounced thn t r re s id e n t Cool ili"^ idgo had not, ns a resu lt o f tho gen

t is ernl -d isc iw a id n j^u rren t in Paris nn« ston W nshington o f possiLlo repudiation o

o f tho debt by Em nce, rcnched nny def liero in ito cimplusions of his oim nor hne th is ho ree-oivcd nny report flint such dia

>oin® euBsions hnd renched a stngo when ebta they ju stif ied .o ffic in i consideration tical A t the annul time, howovor ,it wai hero mndo clenr th a t the president wn hout itceping fully advised regnrding nl

phnscs of debt funding nnd th a t i larly wns not improbiiT>T?n)Ut tlm t he would itiiiti ,.vcnt disciiFsionK of repudiation dc ircd, velojicd to tho point where officia pro- recognitidn becanif neressjiry, seo fi

to influence tbe a ttitu d e of tho Wash Tho ington government regarding tli rc* floating of lonns fo r foreign govern

m ents bv privn te finnncinl ngeneicB ii fi*- lho irn itcd Stntea.

wto Stiilomonln from Purls offic ia ls a«v

:ord- from Fronch embnssy quarters her th a t M. Clemeneel, French minlstor o

‘ finnnre, hnd not ignored the deb t thn A n Covnrninent owes the U nited State A U when hc fniled to inciudo tho dob

to tn l on tho balnnco sheet ho prepare ^ — anil thaf France recognized its obligt liRht tions to pny were nolcd by Wnshinp Tho ton officinls but provoked no con

I hia ment.loaso . An the situation rested ton igh t I hysi- was explained th a t tho Froneh nutho: r hia ities hnve aot Biiggcsted thn t they ovc

conHidercil such n movo ns ropudintio ligh t o f obligntious fo tho U nited S tale wcro No French autlio rity w ith ,the exce] vac- tinn of Ambnasi>dor Jusscrand, wh

, wns said fo hnve ncted entirely on h' 'ow n in itia tive in fak ing up tho quc I tinn w ith ecre ta ry Mollon, has con m iinirnted fo any represontntivo (

bill tliis government nny ^ r d whntovi unlly in regard to tho debt siluntlon.Idow , ------------------------- -

(issed V « n c x u « f a Z o n e D io h io r u* * Venezuela Is na tu ra lly divided lnt

Ibrec ronet*. ngriculturnl. pastoral nniW d I

i n k C h e c ki r th a t is piiid^out in cur-ere o re nine dollars hnn- ^

lilHons o f individuals and ; th e safe ty and eonveni* ig account?

^ALLS b a n k & TRUST ea th is m odern facility ut •it saves tim e and money ■'ty . _


WS, TWIN f a l l s . IDAH

iiy “MagiwlUi Lady

day- ^

ded -teds


)nalI b e

ner-leb t

c ia l .

n n P D E SPIT E M AKY denialo, Bntli Oha ro rb e e o f England, her leading mo: to New Y ork m arrtoge license recer o rd i M so rt

.D o. P O L IC E W I L L S P L I T

.noh r e w a r d a s r e s u l t

r r e O F K IL L IN G R O B B E R:ooi- ------------jjen- M OniLK. Aln., Dec. 30 (;iP)—Re and wards tota ling |7,500, offered for flu

' o f cnpturu of W illiam E. W right, robber, whn wns sliot and kille.l in .Mobil, early this niorning in a 'b a il ie will:

'"*• .Mobile polire n t tho liOuisville nncl Nnshville rnilrond, will be pnld lo thi

t'on^ j,n rtiripa ting in the enpture. Thisum of SfljriOO for the cjtpture of flic

" ‘‘" m a n , dend or nlve, wns offered ir '‘'I(connection with fhe robbery of tlu

" M arino T rust nnd Bnnklng eompjinj a t New Orleans Christmns eve am the k illing of ii j>olice officer and t rew ard o f <il,lK>0 wns offered fo r th.

, slayer of- Tliornns G riffen ia De' Moines, lown, liMit November. The dcn< nmn was th is nfternoon identified . bi

rern- offic ia ls o f the New Orleans bank ai '* *" tho ono who robbod th a t iaatitnti*]

o f ♦1.1,000, killed tho po lico -tffflrt and escaped, and in a note bnok tnk

and '''* the body, tho man confesaca fi here ">"rder o f O riffin .T of --------------------------th n t A rsen a l U nearthed

tatos Twenty-two rusting nud roltlns dobt raOKle-londlng muakcln nni| severnl ared copper aabcrs were unenrthnl In t iliga>- Rundstonc cnvo oo n smnll Island Icc Iling- mllOH from the m ainland by Enicrsot com- Wrny. n bluo fox farm er. Tho weop-

ons ore believed to have bcon IilUdet it i t by n landing im rly of Russians wb( thor- uctod na h ljnckera ngainat scalers li ever tbc eurly dayn of Alaska’s Asiatic bis

ntion fory. ales. “xcep- A b o u t S ix F eet U nderwho ^ n-il(] ride In an au to ended lo !

1 h is tiowcr-bed. snys n nows dispatch fron ques- Hftwardcii. More frequently they cm com- under flowcr-bods.—Clieroltee (Iow a

o f Cblef.tev er ------------------------- -

P ro tec ting M e n 'a Righta T b t habcns coriMis uet wns passe

»* Id 1070. nnd provided ibnt ii prlaonc Into o r w ltncas m ust be prcsenied. In pei nnd soa before tbe Judge or tribunal.

n H FI A SAVINGS A I . * * way to bu I I prosperity . I t sai I 1 ^?avinps from you:

Q I This institu tion ices of a savings absolute safety prom pt, friendly,

I alwaya is at your (

The Twin Fall

Capital and I

i j fX ^ id e o f Actor

ObattoTton, stage s ta r , has auu rl«d Balpl m an In “ Tlie M agnolia L ady .” accoxdlaf

■ecerds.' H« Is 24 y e a n h e r Junior, tb e rec


O N S E N A T O R B O R A h » p p -

tC enliaued on Page 0. Col. S)

-K c- op o f .M aas.-ichnnettetv'Episcopnl ehurc li th e .Mrs. . \n d r e w (Cnrnegie, N ew Y o rk ; Gil

uber, B e ttn ia n o f C in c in n n ti. fornieiI ctiM unntidcr o f fhe A m e ric an le g io n o;

w ith fo rm e r v ire-m nji’o r ; Leonn n d H av e n , foriiifi

c h ie f - o f s t n f f , l l& -n u a i r c r a f t pr>» d u c tio n d u r in g tli? ^ w orld W'ar; Mr*

j]i^. I K v e n - tt C o lb y , dcli-gali* n t la rg e ti 1 i n l * ' " ' r e p iib lic n n i-onvca lio ii from Nev

i.I tT se y ; fc. E v c r i l t M m-ey o f N ew Y ork I je lia irn ia n n a tio n n l b u d g e t com m issiun

j , „ j n o t in g .M nyor Jo h n L odge o f Dc nd n " ' ‘H iain . la y Bc.hieffi-lin o f Nev, Y o rk , jiri-i-idi'n t . S e rb ia n r l i i ld r i- a ‘

D es " '^ ''^ a ri' a»>.oei!ill<>n o f A n ie ric u ; Ailfl d e n d " f B u i fa in , ex^presi.lcu,j o f New, Y o rk H tnte b a r a sso c ia tio n

tte o rg e A . I’ly m p to n . N'ew Y o rk , rx atiea- p re s id e n t o f th e b o n rd o f t r n i t c r s o ■fl?or A m h e rs t c«>llfger O sen r H trnoa o f 'N e i

V o rk . fo rm e r nml>n'<Rudor to Tfiirkey j'j to H e n ry Cim ldnrd L ea ch , e d ito r , Nei

V o rk ; IIukh H u tle r , C liiriigo, fo ra ic c o iiase l iii ie rN tn te .'om nierec ron im it Kion; Th(itii:iM C. l>ny, Jndian!i|H ilt«

, I s a a c r i l n i a n , <jf N ew H a v e n ; D iuiii l r .,1 ''■ ‘' ' “ ■■•J' • n 'i lro n d p re s id e n t; iC<lwar

I W . P e c k e r , b n n k e r , .M inneapolis; HiiidI ® n.-l M a th e r . C le v e la n d ; E d w in G- Mei ' _ y ° r i l l , b a n k e r . N ew V o rk ; M rs. l l i n r 'COP- ' ’“ '■k: I'Mwin S. W<-1im(«mUden B o a to n , e n g in e e r,

w bo^ A M iscalculation.. b it- y*’” “ • J '" '"’ I’rotbcr-ln-lnw’

funornl tu tb c r day, ns you 'lowed yo would?” Inquired nn ncqunlntnnco frot dnwn on F idd le Cn'ok. “ Nope I” n plied Gap J(dinHon of RumpuH RIdgc

, * "I nlinctl lo. nil rlgb t enough, b u t m “ m lkcrln tlons got Korlcr upKCt. Oab

' d idn’t die."— KnnwiB City Star, ow a) _________ ________

F i r i l to "Strilim" Oil The n rs t oil well In the Unite

. S tates wnn struck In 1850. B. L. Drak wns Ihe m an wbo opened the way 1

- " thp vnst Industry hy discovering d ' 1 posits o t e rode oil In Pennsylvania.

n ° rj Account ift th e ideal build fo r perm anen t sa feg u ard s th e reg u lar

,rour income, ion o ffe rs you the sefv- ngs d ep a rtm en t where y is a s su re d — w here ly, courteous a tten tion ur disposal. j

INTERESTCompoundedSemi-Annually---------------------------------------------- □

alls National Bank Pd Surpliis $167m [J


IsOCIETY m « *B ^ ta d

U B S. S . B . WZX2AAMS .' ' Phone 88a

I Mrs. F . W, Dnmke, Mrs. II. C. w ettcrt jand Mrs. I . II. M asters wore hostcsiicB a t a t delightful bridge tea Tuesday nfternoon a t the home of Mrs. M a a tm on Sccood avenue north. Tbe rooms woro moat a ttm cflvo .w ithT cd roses and carnation*. Mrs. ErncBt W hite won the favor for high acoro in tho bridge gamca, Mrs. Morlin Dntley BCCond, nnd Mrs. H nrry Eaton tho general priee. Ten whs served from n beautifully appoint- j cd tnblc hnving fo r a ocnturpleeo a sll- ' vor b a sk u t 'o f red carnatlona standing on u m irror platenu. Tall r ^ candles added to tho chnnn of tho table. The ailver nervicra wero preaidcd over by

- Mra. Clairo W. DnvU nnd Mrs.- P. W. Mcltoberts. Assisting in w’rving woris Mrs, Lnwrenco Hodgin, Mrs. H. E. Vogel, Mrs. L. Fricdm nn and tho Misses OllVe and Urnce Sm ith. MHibIo was fu r­nished ilurlug tho serving by Fried* m an’s orchestra nnd fiO guesta wero iu attendance.

Miss Flo Cook entcrtnincd ut lunch­eon M onday 'u t her homo on Mnple ave­nue. The guests wero se<itcd n t three small tnbles derorated w ith red and w hite carnations, w ith rod and white nut cupa nnd place cards. Following

L^pli luncheon bridge wns enjoyed, Miss Ay- ■rflng leen llootli w inning tho favor for high

n c score nnd Miss M ary Nowman consola­tion. Those presen t woro tho lllissea

------ Ayleen Dooth, Mnry Newman,, ClaraKxill, Orphn M nrkel, M argaret MoAteo, Polly Tliomns, Lenh Timm, A fn Craven, M nttie ileM nster, M nrgtferttc Thometz nnd Audrie Brnnin.

1- Miss Mildred Bcrtsch en tertainedirclii w ith a deligh tfu l dnnclng p a rty on

Gil- Mondny evening a t her country home, rnier Tlie rooms wivo iittrac tive ly decorated a of in Chrlatmns colors. A t n lato hour ^con dninty refreshmentN wero served. ThoBC rint-r present beside tho hosteia woro Mlssen pr>»- i^Mcno nnd G ertrude Senl, May Prnnklln,

Mr*. N eva Clnar, Imogcue Craven, Elma e tl. .Tenn Dueker, Ilc len and Me- New Dowoll, Mnry Louise Bnllcy, Niiomi An-

k'ork. derstm jind Velma Grim; Messrs. Claude siiin: Boriinrd, K enneth Henderson, Bort f De Ibiiley, H nrry Putr.ier, Waynei Parish, N ew lan ll Bevereome, Oscnr McCormick r.-ii’s Floyd T itus, llo b e rt Owens, A rthui Ailfl- Leth, Theodoro Wilaon, Vornon Grin iili’Ut uud W alter B ertsch.tiou: ______. '‘X- The Emery club, composed of fhi i-rt o( yonng ladica o f flici EplscopiCl ehurch ‘ New entertniiied Tucndny evonlng '-w lth /

.lancing pnrty n t the homo of Mr. an. N'’"' Mrs. D. D. Alvord. Punch wna Bervei

iraier ^throughout the* evening anil refresh iimis- iiK.jitR nt the close «f fhe evening. Th< (’" lis; riioiiis were decorated ia the Christmni •iiiiiel pi.iorK nad -10 invltntionH were issuedIwar.l ______^mii- JtrH. R. G. lo se t eatertaiiied n t card*

_ _ _ _ _ _ - —= s= .c = = rB a = = = ^

Inw’H W \ - 11 you W ^ ’*^1 \fro tn A

'tldgc. k ^ ^It m y 'VOabe

Inlted ^

E CufrI JJour cca - i n c m ^

B u y i n g c h e a p c o a l i s

t h e b e s t c o a l w h i c h

, y o u r m o n e y a n d c o s

e c o n o m y .

—cuts coal costs value of the co: practically no wai Peerless bums lo intense heat It warm and comfoi ^interZday;.

Order your. W

y T. J. Doug,2 0 2 F o u r U

P h o

i)RNlNi5, D ^E M B ^^

S -M onday afteraoffp e o m p U m rn rtl^ K M ia mL u i^ ih 'Vfolle who

from T aap ieo . M exico. tff S S g K t i f f i r o heUday* w ilh her pareata .E. M. Wblfe. , i 'h e 'h o u sewore bu tterfljr Q r e U d a ^ a l id - - rO M 9 ^ C ^

^ tho coiieliision o f th e^ g a in c i' counn lunchoon

;c tt sche'ino. j p r t e o i l K ^liicB high score w as ^ n iby

Benoit and M iss/W olfe w as'p ree^itiM ^ - j :lors

eluded form er s^ioolm ats* o f- th tf ,.b « ^ ^ Vnnd ^

born o f K im berly; M w. B race 'J M n. Emery B enoit, M n . A lbert B eabl^-^\‘-

Mra. Howard Laraon, M rs. F f e e i ^ a ’ i ' . Tea '‘"d M bs E dnaB oaacham p.

; Thi> Odd Followa and R ebekabf wlQ • I? ' serve o cafc tc ria d innor in L O. .

hnll Tliursdny evening, Jan u a ry 1 , 'bet? "' V !{,’” ginning n l B o ’clock. This w ill bo fol*; •

' lowed by n dnnco. In v ita tio n s areiex* . y tended to Odd Fellows, Robekahs and

f« r«ds.'oris

Jnck Corcoran w’as host a t a'deUght* *"®'' ful dlanor p a r ty M onday <«vowti>g eoa* ■»

pllm enting Edw ard W alters , a n d ‘.J6« Doiss, who aro homo from college fo r

'** the holidays. A pottod p lan t form ed' tbo centorplciee fo r tho toble a n d red candies, nut eups and place earda ett ** banced the C b rlitm is idea. FollowinK, r dinner, the p a r ty a tte n d e d the dance a t -t E lks hall. - .

and . Vh ite ; The wedding o f Misa E dna H . S li-

ter, daughter o f -Mr. and Mrs.- P . M Ay- Slater, nnd Sherm an Ohnrch o f T w in ■

Falls, took plnco Tuesday even ing ttt >ola- the prcscnco o f re la tiv es and immedl* lasea n te frienda a t tho horoo o f th e b r id e /a « llarn pnronts in South P a rk addition . Th®'*> ^tee, roremony w as perform ed by D r.-B . L . , ven, W hite of tho M ethodist church. Tho,.^ n e tz young eouplo wUI m ake th e ir hon>« on

a farm sonth of Tw in FoUa-

incd Dead sto rage fo r eara a t fo n r d o I la n « ' on per month a t th e Idaho A n to u o U lt t

ome. * Snpply Co.—adv . - ‘ ,

1 T or M uiray , th e "iam1>«r, P h o n a 618. - a d v .

hOBC ■Isseii L. — ■--.^ aaasae^ -■ --- ^kiln,

S: OUR 1925 “SYSTEM”

S;: CALENDERSnick,rthu r a re now readyGrim fo r d istrib u tio n .

P lease call fo rthe

urch, ^

; Twin Falls Title & Abstract Co.

itmns K in d o f In m ran ce antf

your winter bitfort1 i s N O T e c o n o m y . B u y i n g

i c h g i v e s t h e m o s t h e a t f o r

c o s t s l e s s b y t 6 e m o n t h I S

its becausc you get full coal in heat—there is waste,’i long and steadily with . ? It will keep your home ifortable bn the colde^

'. W in te r Supjirly NoWj

iiglas Coal Co.r t h A v e . S o u t hh o n e 2 1 1 l j

n, 1924. *

Page 6: I t o -… · to Juliii Uroo, 18, of Portland, Oro., has 3n- boen nwnrded a *13,000 modol homo ws, |ns first

W i y g A q s DftlLY MEWS; ,'.l ^ « d - w r y . g w rn la g MCWpt Motxtoy.

: *?“■■,•y ^ i.a s iu ^ '^ "■• "*°-

iuB »O R «P T «O N R A TB6r B i i i i i E iWB^lBRJl 0 7 ABSOCJATED pnEB8 Tnn Anroclnted T i-su >■ escluslrtly

ffi( ltlr4 to lho UM (o r reoubneatlon of ncivB dlapftitihea er«4 lltttf to ll. o r n o t

2£>'th'* 'icxS*<'»5» *ubIlSi**d EereJti 'a i I[ r l*h t» oT m m ttH ea tlo n of a i« -

M tc h « a hero in a re &lao reaerved.! 0 » m«>nn« A w octn ied PrcM .

I ■^Th'c Nown t i « m em bor or th e A udit1 Burpnii of C Ircu ia tlon . (rom w hom full

B tfortnntlnn ma to clroubkllon m ay b e ob* Ulnr-d upon ni'O llcallon. DetAltod Infor* m ation autipllod locnlly upon roQUeat.

Ko r.-»t»oii«lhlIlly ta OJiaumwl for th e •a re . o f unnnllctlcd mixniiacrlpta, pno to - Kmp)». o r oTJier contrU nitna m txtter. A r- ticli'n Nill)mttto(l fo r p n l’tlCKtton will be eaod or no t a t th o dlRcrotlnn of in« ed i­to r. luid nn m nnuaorlpiji will hp r>'tiirni'd unlrnn ncrom im nled h r nccfm uiry p')»'A«f,

RAf'TJCItN nR PnU afC N T A TlV R S Ocorito n. DavM Co.. Inc.. Nnw Vnrk:

A. n . K rn to r. Chlcniro: F re d L H all Com fiinv. Inn,. Hjin l'n*nPl«Po. |

■ ■ - — ---- ----------- = !in T N T E E S W HO C H E A T j

I t ImH been .'in iin fo r tiiim lc ' w h ilo r t o fu r, f« r lUo Rwuo um l«r U tw lo S n iti’s i)riit.'rti< tn. A<lcl'‘d fn flic s -

i VOrity o f till- W.-.'.tblT tblTC l.IlVf bPOU;• _ th o ’.U'i.r«'.i;ilir.jiH o f liiiiitorii. M on I ' w ith n-oiiM not ko

no fn r :<:• to ]n>;irli in tlio n;iti<itTal pr»rk«, li.-ivii I iirlied juHl outHido tlinni

' to iu ly t« }.u-k o f f a u y u a o c r ,} cllt or b n i r HtriiyinK norosu th e lino .( ‘ I t iH 'rc'iMirti'fl t lm t ufl e n rly nil tlio' end Ilf N ovom hcr tlic ro w oro tw o h u n ­

d red f l f l y Y ollow fllono jm rk o i k alniiK liU 'red in tli is w ny . T ho ilc c r ^n d oik in Ql;tc-ier N ;itio iiu l P n rk hiivi. l«(fcr«-(l likow iao , w k c a d r lv c u U\ loop «now lo fo ra « o o « t« ldo o f tlio lr tOBi-rv;i(i<in. M :iny d i-cr w oro k illud iro iith l fii'K on, A foiifnnn, wi'crn'n n m ill' o f tlic |» irk , ;iiid w oundod deo r ln » lin i'l iv i- ly m'l-kinK tlio p u rk ;i(;fiiii w c r r himt dow n <iii t l i c ir w ny.

Tlio HUtno tU in t' lum iicoii do tic , l« som o c x tc ii l , ill tl .o v ic in i ty of ovory n a lio ic il p a rk in th o o in m try , aud m jiiiy (ttiiti' parltM u n d (;am o rofiiKi-'s.

i ThiH is n u t .iiily o rno l :>nd trn n -h rr -ouh to aninialH ( lin t liuv>> on-coiir;iK ''d to trii*)t m a n , h n t frnni tlio a la t i d fo iu t o f H liortsm anM ujj I t i« _Uu> rnnki-Nl k in d o f <-liu:itinK. I t i-i Ronio- th in t r w h irli in o v ita b ly niiirlH th e .■hi'fttiTS tlH'iiiHolvos ,n n d a ll th o ir k in d . ,lio,•l.uvo i t inHpircH a tlKlitouiiiK o f lh o K!*'!'-- law n u n .l invitoH harHl.or pu iiis o n t fcir in f n ir t io i i . ,


C hrisln .aK hn* ......... K roivinj; H.nfon n .l mvm' in rovvn t y o n rs . AU Vho m oro lio rrii-yiiij;. tli .T o fo re , w ns th e trnK oily :il H:il>h S w itc h , n o n r U n h u rt, O klali.H aa. M oro th ;in t h i r t y j.orson.i w t're bnriu-,1 to d i'iitl . iu a «.-l.oi.lliuu.^.',

‘ • in a (’hriKliNiM I’.vi' .-I'lo l.ratinn , a ad niiiiiy o lhor-. h u .ily iii jn red .

liw v itu W o tinK ciU i'« .-an \h- i-nilurcV T h o d re a d fu l th in R u b o u t nuch ii holo- cauKt :i3 th a t a t H nbb Svvitrh is Hint I t IH uiinor.-HHary nm l inexcnH fthh'. T ho tr u th naiBt bo to ld , harMh u s i t Hr>uudn, in o rd o r t.. i i ro v e n t th o d u p lic n tio a o f Borh “ a o c id e n tji .’ '

I t w a;, th o sam o o ld iito ry o f n C h ria t:in n « tn<(’, i t a e l f In flam m nb lo , h u n j; w ith o o tto n n n d o th o r Infliim - niftblu ir tu ff, n n d liR h to d b y ^vax c a n ­dle!.. T lioro co u ld h n r d ly bo a tiy n o r o offectivL ' w ny o f p r e p a r in g a f iro j f tho .h 'v il hiuiHolf Wi'ro d o in g i t . T ho im persunator of S a n ta CiauB a ta r to d th e f i n ' in tlio tru o b y k n o c k in g o v o r a oandk', un ina u y .-m other haa done on many a n o th o r C h rls tm n a E vo. A nd a a >K n till tho- ciuio, in tho tuaaU B o f p u b lic place.% th o ro w a s on ly ono tin y e x i t fo r n c ro w d p a c k in g thoTOOBl.

T h e m o ral a hou ld bo d r iv o n hom o la o v c rv nchool d tn tr ic t n n d in e v e ry fw i iily in th o la n d . W h y w a t can- d lc a in a C h r is tm aa tro e , a n y n h o ro , w h en tb o rem o to n t h a m lo t hnB n t len m u lco tric h a tto r ic 's n n d b u lb s n n d p o c k c t n n sh l. 'u n p s l W h y lo l a o row d ia to a n y pluco o f n sso m b ly w ith o u t p ro v is io n f o r th u ir g e t t in g ou t in a l iu r r y f A n lm a la in s t in e t iv c ly av o id au ch tr a p s , b u t ia tu l l ig o n t h u m a n bo- ingM n ro nlow to le a ro .

H ere A r « Lion$A t tb e c o m e r o f o ld m n p a o f th e

w o rld , o f th o F i f t e e n th c e n tu ry , m ny b t no to d a la rg e , b lu n k xiuice. w ith o u t f o m i o n d w ith o u t r iiiinc. ^ lio re o n thcsi* t h r c o w o rd s n r e In H c r lia 'd : " H ic »unl looiicB ." T llll a o m b rc c o m c r cxIbIb A lso In m a n . T h c pnsslonH prow l a ro u n d n n d m u lt e r , K om Pw hcro w ith in tu ; n o d i t m a y b e « a ld a ls o o f uno d a r k f p o t l a n u r B ouio : ' ‘l l f r e a ro Uonfl."— V ic to r H ugo .

L is ten to T h i tT h e A d llo r o f ( h r K ttlls K cc o r4 f l a n :

**A c c r ta in e d i to r , i in k n o w a to fam e , • t a t c s Chat a m a n w h o cQ upexci « d o l­l a r nevop n quoczea h ts w ife . In look* l o g o r o f o u r s u b ic r lp U o n booira w e » r o le d 10 b e lie v e th a t «o m c o w fo lly g o o d w oiD cn a r c a o t g e l l in g th o a t- tf to t lo o th e y d c M rv e .”— M o b ile H esU * t e r . ________________ ___

CookM P re fe r ^ C a t ■*AccordiDg to e .ro c c a t « s t l o i t t» , b a lf

o f t h e cooklD|( lo th e U a i te d S t a tM la dooc w ith gaa.

I N F A L L S P A I I i Y N E W S

>lsS THEfaRUMIno. - ■ ’ ■ _______________ | -


' I t.a e o n u to aa im partia l obBorvor ■7 - th n t th'o aplondid w ork dono by tho S.00 Salvation A rm y ia the dlrpotion of f*»| jiiaklng. m any homcB b righ ter in Twin :iS ra lla .th ro u g h tho ir ChrlBtnioa baakot

g*" entorprlao ahould no t bo poMod by ’•ly w ithout commondntion from the* com- nSi m unity n t Inrgo.AM Through those b itte r cold days pro- lia- ceding tho boUilays tb«:( Blood bnivoly

by their wJrv covorcd kettloA 4ind culU'd tho n tten tion o f tli^ pnaaorby to the ncod th a t wna no npparont to thom.

ob- l l wat* an unaoUiab acrvlco and ahow- c.l tia tho a tu ff o f which thia orgnniju- tlon i.i luuclo. Othor orgnnizatioiia helped and m a n / poor fai.iilloa wcro nhled un.l w rr.' helped to enjoy tho

dt- (.’hristinii't clay b .'tto r by th e .ro n trib u - lions of kin.llv diH|jn«ed or|:nni7.iilloiis. I wonder, however, if society or tho onmfiinnity i f n ’t largely to blamo for

'•K; till' largo num ber nf caaM o f need tlm t '‘ "i»voro eallod -to our a tto n tio n f N inety _ l p o r ccnt o f the caseH wero 'luc to uu-

!oiii|iloymont and tbn t is u hOcIuI prob- I toin. Kvory mun whn wuntx to work

tcr t„ support hia fnmlly abould not bo I'lo .U'tiioa tho chiiMO to do iw. I k t t e i tUat •I,., men should work tbnn th u t they Hhould

ho objocia of cliurity a t tlii.H season of tho y.yir. Twin Fnlls nIioiiI.I uwnke

Uj. tu its oW igation and soc to i t th u l the opportun ity for ovory niaii who is wor-

' tby should hnve employment lo sup- " '* port IliH fnmily.

Too mniiy employes of lnbor d o -no t luko into cotiai.leration Iheir mornl rc- Hpoiislbilltv to thoso who uro ontitlcil -to work. ■ ■

I k The w rite r kiiow^ of one c«mo wbero cer the employer rofusod fo take tbo namea ,vo ot men who reully needed work but

.lepoiided upon the clitinco of h iring Qlr hi'lp from among those who hnppenod lud when work atjtrtod. As n

roault n Jivriihcr o t driften* o r /lontcr* •or fnmilScR nnd

homea wore sen t liome. .Thin i s n 't n Htjunro deal to tho men wbo livo here. .M/my worthy men wero thus throw n out o f employment nnd bnrdship wns tho

'O' re.fult. Our cham ber of commerce thn t ud HO good in securing playgronnds for

.m r litllo c ity and In ndvortising the .'r- Twin Vails t r a r t a ll over thn U nited ,.j). .Slates, m ight 'well d irect it» conmiun- ,1.„ ity Hpirit to the solving of the employ-

n.ont problem no tbu t tbero w ill u o t bo lhe snffering and wnnt in sr. many bom.-.s a yenr from now th a t tboro ia aT

. tho |ir.';.ont time. Kemember, an ounce of « wotUv n nf cwro.(lr. ill other words, tbo furnishing of lioiH'.Ht wnrk to our ritir.ens w'bo need i t will .lu aw a y V ith n lot of chnrity work overy w in ter. ..F ,ro ry self-rcRpcetlng man wotiM rn lher work thnn bnvo somo .'.rgunirAtion feed bis familv. L e t 's see to i t thnt every man h a a 'a ehnnce to

^>'0 mnk.' an honest living.‘ ItAY K, PORTKR.Twin I''alls, Dooi' L-7. ■

' Radio ProgramsAilvnno.' offerlnca a t prlacipaJ atatloa

[,al within ra.m.) of rccolvlns acta In Twin o.ii.niry, iirrunitnd briefly (oe

the buay roKlpra. TWIN FALLJ3 TIMEi d s , _________________________________


■ ^ H p. m .- l ) in n e r concert by D orolhj Hnwley.■ 1) m.— W olobnns (.'nlifornians o r

an- chc«tra.any p. ni.—Ain.'rican thw itor orchesfiro tro .The KOW. POETLAND.rled P- n>.—ChUdTcn’B alory.,vor 1* p. m.—Colburn concort orchcatrn. one * * P- m.—Oeorgo O lsen 's .Metropolitfti . , orchestrn.

W DAT. K A N SA S CITY.® .'1 ' p. m.—Sehool of tlio air, piani

niimbur; ch ildren 'a a toryj llnntoi tl»o iCoutaon Trianon oiiacmble.

7 j>. in.—Speeial N’ow Y en r’a ove pro B la gram.?ery 11 p. in.—M idnight innss. cna- K T I. LOS A N O E L E ioro, '5:30 p. m.— Tnlk by Dr. Rnlpb Powe

a t ' ‘' “"ic- and P- '»•—L ite ra ry program by th

, League of Amoricjvn I’cnvroroen.KOO, OAKLAND.

• r, p. m.—C oncert o rchestra of Hotc “ S t. Francis.

l l 4>. m . - 8 Now Y e a r’s ev bo- danco music jirogram. lionry UjL

s tcud 'a orrhestra.K H J. LOS ANOELES.

7 p. m.— A rt I lickm un’a orehostra. 7::iO i>, m.—C hildron’s atory.

fbe 0 p..m ,—I’rogrnm courteay I'acifi fnny M utual L ifo Insurance company.•out 10:30 p. m,—Special Now Y enr’a ov •CH'* program.«»nl 11 p, m.—K arl B u rtn e tt’a orchcatri iBtB K PO . SA N rEANCIBCO;

•0 ';' «:30 p. i tL -n u d y Seigor’s orchcatri fi-no p. in.—C hihlron’a atory.H I». m.— Rudy Solgcx'# orcbeatra.0 p . Y .n r ' . liy Ei

geno \V. Roland and mualc program.11 p. m.— K. Max B rad fie ld ’e verw

(ile band, ly , . KflD, ST. LOUIB.

.'5:45 p. m.— A bergh ’s concort ci dol- "e"'-blo.^ 1, . ' 10:30 p.-in .— M idnight frolic, we W LS, OHIOAGO.

□,ly .iTaO to 7 J). m— rip o organ roclta: a t- lu llaby playeira in Woodshed thentoi

gia. W LS th ea te r “ TUo E te rn a l ."K T W , OHIOAOO.

0 p. m.—Jo a k a D cB arry 's o rchcitra.8 p. m.—Muaical program by Chicag

nrllBt* to bo Bunouneed., ( j 8 :43 p. m.—^klldnlgbt rovuo.

VJ ■


crotl,o (Conllnued.)bu. ---------

T he volcc of Jenks p!sc!'J!y r j? :r tc i1 ‘ lbo nunonacL'ineni of dinner, ao d Do-

vM <Jniii[itii'II offered bis nrm to bla Bl.iter. Honshnw hCHllnted. Wns be oxpei'ioil forniiilly | o ' escort MIbs

O r wouhl she resent such on nuMuinptlon on hla port? Sho vvuji IlH 1H-.MKI UK 111.' riitvU. tbiit g irl—cverj-

bo Hno of her and every ginnco of hor Iml i'yr» iir.n 'e.l tlm t. Also, sho wna reully uld ninar.Ingly l.ivHy. re e lin g very unsure o f o f hlms. ir. la* mitironched her and for-

ike nmily orTerod IiIh arm . on wlilch nho the rv'tiiiMolv tni.l n iicrfecl linnd. T ogether ;or- they wnlked the IcnKih of th e long up. roiiin nml. cr««-<ing th e hull, en tered

th e dining room on Ita opposite side, not L ik.' the living room. It wns ln rge rc. nnd b.intiilfiil. T hore wn.s R|)acloua-

iiuKK in .ill th .' rooniR .>f thc old house, nmi It bounty .>f furnlKlilnK for which th e som»‘w>:nt confused a rch itecture of

[ Ihe »?it.'rl(>r hn.i nol prepared one.r.>iir tilgh-liiicked nnd carved Florcn-

I tine olinlrs walled fo r Iholr occupanta '''*1 nt th e round table, whose ta il ornngc

cnndi.'-''. aided by tho llrellgbt, g a re “ Ihe big r.Kiiii Hh hoIh llluinlniitlon.

ll.-n.Mhaw b.'t'un t.. fe*'l very ntucji aa If he wore In 11 .Irenm. In tho ulood la

' ** whlcli Ilf IukI a|i]irnii<'hed Cam pbell 'f®- tlmt iirtorn.Min h.* wmild have ogroed out {0 ciciin .>iil furnaoes and work tlio iireiim.l ili.-'uroiiM ils,^ Afl ll w as, hc hnt St.Ml.I .'o iniiiiti.'rl i« .;M y insU he wna fo r olTiTcd, li.iw.-vor n ie ^ i l . Vot here be tho WUH. nn intlmnto jmri .»f u eh an n lag ted grou]). m-iil.'il nt lho rlKht .>f old Mrs. un- I'n r.lC '. nn.l wUli tho b.-aiity o f Verity oy- C ainpbell .ipii'H lte him "n wtfleh to ^ 0 f.H'il IiIh oyos. Ill* ni l:nuw!o.lged th e

in r beauty. Iml li-l liln eyes .Iril'l pant It. aX Ihore. bui It ha.l nn nios.Huge

fo r him.Once, lociUlnK iicros!* tUe tiilUe, hc

p f Hiiddcniy ii“ 'l Verity’s eye.s und for nn J lUHiiint h.-lil ih.'m . T liere waa n mo-

]. luentnry dan.rinj; IIkIiI In them —like a . llleU«!r of kuuhUIiu' <m tbe su rface of

a (iiifk pi>i>I, .Mmt. ttio n .m e rs of hier ni.)ulli .lulv.Ti'd In n hn lf Hmlle, w blch imjwe.l oven n.** li < ame. M erdftilly he WHH siv.troil owriiv.vrlng live co m m w l Verliy m nde u» I i .t g randfiither a little

"■ la te r nndor cover of tho continued bab­ble of Mrn. I’nrdee.

" i ibJnk yonr btmilninn la goiag to__ cbe<'r us uj),” nlio muriiuired.

"Cliw‘r i h : T lm t younj; moDumcDt C to gl.x 'iii:" Th.'- olil mnn ahook hla

. bcuil. " I 'm ulraiil lic'a goiag to gel ~ horril>ly on .m r n.’rvoH.”

l i e i'Xiiorleneod unew the seOSatloa (hat tlil.s M. .|iilslili>n ot hla hnd alrendj t.)i> fri .Jlh luiy supplied, th.tugh tbeli

’ iiiJdocliillmi v.i's H.l b rie f—un cmotlot o f mil);;!.’.! m im lrati.m and reseiilineDt unitHU;i! un.l iin!*i'lillng. To bunlali It

ijj,y ho ttim i'.l |.» Verily."Ih .Miidnme lIvooHlcf having ono o

jij.. ber sick hi'u.laclioH?”•'VoH, jmor iloar."llenHlmw |>rlck.;d up his enra. Tlicn

wns »llll aii'iiher inetnber of tlio fam lly, then , o r a cueat. W hoever sb. waa. MIsh Cam pbell Uke^ lier.v Thi oiodulntlonH of the g irl's volco oa thi Uiroo wordH nhc Imd apokea m ade th a QUltc d e a r .

W licn dlRft«T wj\» OTCT, OamptseU 1©« th e wny bnck 10 tho living room, witl som e lingering h in t o f resen tm ent b th e stiff lines of hla shoulders, an. a linoai cu rtly commanded V erity ti

Pfo- slag.Henahnw heard th e commnnd wltJ

h is nenrwit m enial approach to r« lle l. B nt. nt least, l l would ellm laat

3wer tijQ necesalty of n general conversa tlon. H e dropped la to a d m ir la 1

tho co m er a e a r the piano, nad, Uiough h w aa aw nre of th e unwisdom o f h) course. le t him self alok Into th a blac!

lotcl abyss th a t nlw ays aw aited h is o r gu ard ed moments,

eve A fte r all. hnd ho done righ t to eom Uftl- •here? H ad n 't he. Insteod. added tb

capstone to ihe low ering s tru c tu re 0 Wa m isery? F or he hod offered bla:

ra. s*lf. ofid now It wus too la te to rctroai H e wns bought, and com m itted to Go Blonf knew w hnt en terprise—for h o t S tan ley nnd f’nmpbell had hin ted tba

h is now life. If ho ea tc red uppa li m ight bold more than th e routing I>oi

albllltlea.He pulleil him self up In a sudde

ascen t to tho preni'nt. Som ething wn * ihnppenlnp lo-h im —sonielldng a s wor

tderful a* thn t hour of sleep hnd beet *• A stream of mualc bail heen flowla ’ paat h im : nnd now. ns he begnn t ”• lU ten. It seemed to l if t him nnd ben ersa- on K , q nnother world, n worl

of love nnd pasHlon nnd beauty. Th girl wns alnirlni:—nnd (be Rlrl's stn]

oa- Jng w us .unllk .' any he had henrd b. fore. W hnt sbe wns "Inging w as., RuM tna folkKonc. whow* accompun m ent wns like sw iftly flowing w nler.

:lta l; W hen »b.' had flnlshod. D avid Cam| l to r ; bell w ns n slo i'p ; hut tb c p laintive toIc

o f Mm. I'nrdeo broke th e moms^atar stilln e ss:

ra. “I do wish Verity th n t you’d lear cftgo “o®o eheerful songs suoh na ofhe

g irts sing gny nnd brlg lil yoo knoi from (be m usical comedies there muj bc chee ifu l m usic In tb e world thoug

: 3 R d £

"^^zaM nJordana p W C M T B Y T K tC tN T W f 'C a ^

w e never hen y -—”R enshnw roHc nbnip tly and w ent to

th e plnno.. . "Thnnk ,vo.; very much.'' he snld.

“And—goodnlBht."F o r nn Instan t her deep eyes met

•j** hlfl. tb e lr expression ns rem ote ns his **®. own.

“Cood-nlgbt. Mr. Ilennhnw." she snld"'>■ I d i.ll.illy.

Jlenshftw cr.mspd bnck . to th e Uttle old lady by the Hre.

" rm allpplni: - ff lo my ronm," he explained. " If Mr. Campbell Bhould w nnt m e—“

f®'’’ “ n o won’t he’ll sleep fill ten nnrt tben Jnm os will come In nnd tnke him to he.l bow he eun sleep so muoh a t

‘" “ K h is nge I .lon't know I m yself don't avernKo Uve h.*urs a night Inst night I lay awaU.' from twelvo to five t lm fs

o uT ^ '" " ’P ''" '' '’

,“ "®’ In flome wny Ronsbnw slem m ed tho verbal tU\e tn«ae Wh oaenpe. Af

, he nppr.iiiehed th e door of h is t'oom. 11 rm ''l“‘” ‘' ' ' *"■" cnme out—

.TenkK and a womnn. T he w om an waf ““ “ InuTinnilftte In ri w liite gown, w h llt 'n v« ‘’"I’- "P’’" ” - ’’‘' t' : not Iho trim limisemnid of one’f

I tlreams, S h - wns pn«( m iddle nge nnd , i Inolln.-d to M nm new. nnrt tb e expn'ft'

L n b*'r plain faee was. m th e r dour,"TbLs U Annie. «lr. th e chamber-

mnld. ■-\V..'vo t.oen nlrinir your room ’ . nnd piilllntt. In frenb

J.'nkH spoke so fpilekly thn t Ren- , u " Shaw, who In lilfl absirnctlon would :,_® have pn^fo.l the pa ir alm ost without »,_T n o lld n c H i'in. looked a t them will •ritv utlen(4.*n-f It then occurred U, him lhal th .' en te rp rise of ehnnulf'i

liie linen In bln room hnrdly ealled f'U . , , tbe i'froVt.< of IWO florvnnts. but he dl. ,,, ■' not ilw.-ll on the ibouEht. Also. Anni.

I wnn ci.nirll.iitinu h e r modcflt share Ir , ho 1r nn ' nlwnyM find ex tn i t.Mvelsm o. I on llio t<helf of th is closet, sir.” nhf , e „ U n h l primly. “I.l.-ave th e ex tra siiP' e o f 1 P 'i ' f '” 'j ,e r I no place In lb.- bntbroom hul th e on.

h lch ‘' ,,e I “A n d -a n d excuse me. sir, bm QWt 1 fben-’.-. ano lber Ihlncr."I t f l o ' n w ln .b ab . j Annie, w ilh lUtinir hum ility In thi

I proH.’nre nf I i . t stiperlor. move.l i g to ' llltlo I., on.' sldo.

j "Mljrlit 1 sp.Mlj frankly, sir?" Jenki aen t ' "■»« '‘biMiRl Inimi'l-'.

hla ! eiiiirse." Uonshnw w aited witljjel i bl« *loiHolu'd n ir. T hc m an. w cl Uli

! UpH..tioa ' •'Thcn>'H-there'K some thlnKi^nrlv'. . . 1 ben r .nbl no ises during th e nlBlit. It': ' ‘'■“ ‘ l best to pny no a tlen ilon to them." n,.nl‘ i I t ' n^bnw frownod. "Dd.l" h. “ “ ‘■1 repealed. "W hnt kind of nolflesr’

, “ThafH all 1 can aay. sir. And I’n 1C o f ' ♦•xcwlliie my .luty, sir. In saying tlm

, mueh. n u t If.', well m eant."I Itunsluiw 'no.l.led. his liulf-forme.l In

niere '■.'laxlni; um ler a memory ofnm . bl bln IntervI.'w will

I Cami.boll to which he Im.l aitnclie. '»'• - " “ I bnporinneo ut the tlm.'.

1 thi*' T hank y.iu." hth a t • '" *"•

‘ , .loor lie d an ced baok. lloth .Tonk I, ' un.l Annie w .'r.' s land lnc w here he Iin w it tt J l : lo tb e act. they s ta rted down Ihe c ;

rl.ior an.l p arted a t lls end. .Tenks d. to " ' ''"dlnK Ihe stnlrcnse, tbe womun ilii

; appearing nround a d istan t com e 1 Tho flu tter o f h e r sk irt flS aho wet I s tirred R enshaw 's memory. Rnrel

^ j rwico Dororo toflny h« had seca U ! final whlak of lha t skirt.I Uo entered his room, Btlll allghti

° . * i frowning. E verything wus In ordc r reuaauclagly oa lu ra l. ftrblack y«‘-w h f l t th e deuco waa thcro aboi

I Jen k s ' roanncr th a t got on one’a Iron Ination and m ado ono oxoggurate U

■! Im portance of th« almpleat triflcsl 1 rh« i undressed slowly, b u t instead 1

! «oIng to bed he slipped on h is d rcssli h im i off tho light

I s a t dowfl l a Uie cbnlr beforo tb e ftr I cl® M ng h is handa beblnd bhoth loaaed back and grim aced 1th a t i sim ple tru th w as thi

la 11 i q u ite dare to go -to be' TK> ‘ lbo su rface ntm osphcro of cor

^ I fo r t und norm ality Uiat lay . over U idden som ething had been la jec ter w as ' Intangible. Of courso hwon- ' >'” “ 8lnntIon was plnylng trlcka wH been ^

■ ; thought of a m ystery a t which boi to i Campbell hod hinted, ai

b en r i course, bud to do w ith tlworid Just received from Jenks.

Som ething did hnppen—a very snic s tna- disturbing,d be* m erely the sudden nppearaaco .rns a facing hlia of a sm all blim nnt. ''» b t. It did not dunce.

did not even move. I t m erely fnci nnd regarded him. m Uicr llko n wntc tu i w o . ;■

a ta r s glanced across th o ' room, b\ w ithout mnch Interest. O f course. I

le am (here wna some wholly nio fh e r e ip lunn tlon of lho circle. Iknow fo rge t tt- ’ H« would give Vjjjyn* nervea tim e to qu iet down before I

jough Bleep. H e would resolute

fort, oceeilomaiy ' itieeeeeftllrhn iM past.- did not calm bio «oir.v,B« tomU hlmaeU wialtlnx tor'«bis»th!af.' D«ep wlthla blm waa a ccmTletlbD. .wtaldi' grew with tiie aoomeBU tbat ioixie> thlag waa abont to bappOL . - .

After' an b ra r of two l o t this be went to bed. Bbntiltaxwoody tbe bio* circle ranUbed. Bnt d e e p waa alow

k ia comlag. perhnpa becaose of that* h o u r ' of aleep before d inner.' T tte I household mnst be i l e ^ b t r . be r e ­

flected. fo r i t WAS now # e l l paa t tnid*tf a lght. Yet ho begim to h e a r aoands* ta the corridor, odd 'sounda, n o t e«U :r

explnTiiod—probably, yes nad’oubtedly^ those sounds to which Jen k s bad to-

. ferred.I H e Rtlttencd t ia d awoce aoftly to him*

ad f. The cxpcctatloa th n t som ething w ould happen, b o m of Jenlcs* w arn ­ing. was (llilHR h im wltb a alck foro-

t to boding, w ns nctuaU^r.brtngln* out per* splrailon npon h is fnco. .Yea, bts fncc wns damp, iind through hla big body ran a sudden trem or. Ho ground bla

jPPt tee tb in Rs'UtllRRusn b u t Ma brttla. s till ' his niert nnd willing M rrnnt, hastened to ho later his dy iag sclf*ro>

sn l.lI t was n o t becnuse bc w aa afraid

ItUe anything that might happen to him th a t ho swoatod nnd trem bled. T bat.

' hp u t leaat. h c could tn ith fo lly . claim. T h c w orst tbnt could boppen to blm had occurred tw o years ago. I t w as

nnrt possible cnll to action which m ade him blm shake ; llie suggestion th ttt w bat I, n t Kolng nn. w hntever It w as, miglitlon't dem and Initlntlvc on hla p a r t "Ight H o Iny sllll and listened. T he m fs nolBcs In th e corridor woro Increasing, nn ts nnd If they w ere w hat Jenks bad

m eant hc bnd chosen th e righ t word tbe They were “odd" noises.

T h n l au i'llty In tbcni was whot bad Jt flrst a tlrncted h is n ttention. They

„ t _ w ere not footHtepB. They were, Quite pliiinly by tliis tim e, such sounds ns tnlRht hnve boen mndo by th c drng-

w ns Bini? of ^ heavy body nlong the floor. ,np’B nnd Ihey w crc.nccom panled by wlmt nnd sounded JJk<? l/ie hrentWng ot n lnrge.

cxbauRte<l unhanL Yet an exbtiuated lour, nnlmal would linrdly bc dragging Itself ,),or- nlong thc co rrido rs of Tuw ao K er at •oom tw enty minutes p a s t Iwclvo o'clock nt

nlgUl.r»pn- "T here 's boiiic queer th ings going on

In tho old housp, sir. I f you boar odd hout nolHOfl during th o night. It Is best to w ith 10 them.”J T linl wns Indonalte la Itself, butijlnp dcllnlte enough a s fur ns he. Rcnshnw. , f„f. w as conoemcil. In differeiit words. , ,ji,i b u l ns plainly. Campbell badnni,. snld lhe sante th ing . I t was not Ren- ^ (o Hhnw's buHlni' .H t.i Investigate odd

noises nt Taivno Kor. On the con- wels It seeinoil p\nln Uint ho wns ex-nhe pected to Isnnro them. Every thlag

Slip- would be exiilalned to him In dne tim e, and In the Interval If Compholl

, wished h is asBlstnnce h e woald nakfor It. Itenshaw ’s preaeat cuo wai

j,,„ discretion—w'rtlch crrthlnly did nol menn Umt be wna expected to get oul

and “" ‘1 »f'> cbii.sing around In d ra ftj,j„ . corridors a t midnight.

.,1 „ l i la rcJloctlons having rcached tht gm tlfylng conclusion to wblch ho had dlrocted them , ho threw back tbo bod clotbliijc and set h is feet on th e floor

w ltb thy-se things being ao. tho fact re innlaod th a t ho m u a t see whaC was ii th u t corridor.

iincH "I’™ og to tho door and throw. i t oiKin. Rut, Qolck a s he was, Ux

jf j , th ing outaido, w h k h h a d aeemed tt move so cum broualy nnd with euch ef

bo quicker. His glance swopi• tho lengUi of U je corridor, b o t thli

tlnio there was n o t «7«a th e flQltoi' I o f a dlsappearlnsr garm ent to row an tlm t houso w aa ntteriy atlll.

H e shrugged h i s ahonlders, closet: d Itl- the door, im d got bock Inlo bed. Bo ^ .i!) ““ tum od the koy lr

Uio lock of tho d oor. The whole thini 'che.l n jjght bo a trick o f hiB Infcm ul aerre i

—though h e knew be tte r. B at, o• b*‘ least, ho would h av e a atout lo t* bo <1 liis tw eea hbnself a a d Uist corridor.lonks

I i l * Chapt., m• s X We-Wee and Loonl.n ills- I*''” "’’" " ' awoke, the Octobenm or '***»'"“« It* com forting lighwonl windows. H e tu rned o re

Inrelj blinked drow«lly. H is flrst aonaaa th e i'hyslcfll well-being, nei

and agreenhle. H is next wos lciKhtly ''“ d s le p t-h a d ae tua llorder f'OU™' His th ird , tho com

and m em ory, was a Blow-grow•hoMt deep-rooteil, nnd sardonic amascfro n i' « P < ’''"<'-

th e on ns< h e hnd been tiio nighIl'ai before! In tho lig h t th a t w aa coyl

. of tbo p a tte rn o f the orlenti rng upon th e polished floor, his doubt

i^ h ta furebodlnits about Taw no Keft flro •cu rried ou t of sjR iit like f rtfh tenerri hla chickens. H e nlm ost doubted tha t h® bad bnd thetii. T h e re w as a o quesUo

^ " w hatever, he lold blroielf, th a t he hn> I t not all. o f the o<, ^ cu rrences thn l h n d disturbed hlfi

. h i dnigKlng th in g on the floor, fc ta n m p lo -

in hlfl “ P' b linked again, nnw ith widely. Hla b ig room w*

th e ’'■oR'^crfully cheerful, and p a r t o f ll. brightness, ho n o w discovered, wr

1 an d colnrtng tha t atlll linger*h tho mnplo trees whoi. b m nrhes almost toacfaed bin window

I, Ho got out of b e d . tn raed on a col" balb , and mndu hl.«i momlng toilet wli

a a Increasing aenae of a«iaJea«n<["b lu S 1° .O'" < T l o f l l v t e , . ________________

e. I t (Contlnned l a N ext I bsub.)fnce<l --------------- ----------

*-ntch- . , „ _A lw a y t K e e p Serene

1. b u t C ourtcly .Icraanda th a t yoti, whe•RC. he you nro a gneii. ahtU ahow nelth«y nal- Annoyance nor dliappolntm ent- e

Ho m n tte r w hat happens. Before yon catc Ills become a pasiab lo goeet—let alone>re be perfect oae— you mtlst leam . asilutely were, not to notice e toa if hot aoup

poored down yonr bock.


> iu W - w M t f

S t J T O M h i ^ S N E W S H O E SI b e _ . .^ Tommy w as .ntrt very old. N or w a t

“ 0* be BO .very, vory young. T h a t Is to , 1,1 ^ ■ -I Bay, b e w as net. •

manner o f means.^ T L y / \ He w e n t ,o n t , t a

\ \ play w ith oU iert : Mm* f t V \ nnd w ith a n 'o ld e r 'Jtng ^ .-brother ond sls-“fo- I tcr. too.,

- f r M L J iifll ' o f th e rcnsoas/ f f l i t t t J Tommy did not

'Ody M W r feel so very old.bla /• I Y A Ho wos th e young* •

■ala. I J \ \ est In tho family.i‘"*’ d g / H is Bister and his

( j R r b r o t h e r -wore o l d o r thnn be

1. was, a nd of coorse3 He W as A sham ed ««> wM l)I» daddy X ' - ,o t T h .m . “ "ll «» ” '»»

mother,C hristm as tlm o w aa coming soon nnd

w ns all thu boya and girls w ore ta lking lade about it.i’b a t . “ W hat o re you going to oak S an ta Iglit fo r?" they would nsk Tommy. Tommy

d idn 't know.T h e n is m other bnd been sick during tb c |lng, fall and h ie fa th e r bad been out o f bad work fo r severa l weeks and Tommy vord had heard It h in ted tha t Snntu Clous l8cs. had helped with tho medicine, had “ I’crlmpB," th o ugh t Tommy to him*

C’bey self. "Snn(n hus spent all ho cnn af- lultc ford on o u r fnmlly, fo r he bns to divide ” n» up C hristm as betw een nil tb e fnmi* IrnK- lies."loor. And when be nsked hla • older vha t b ro ther and hte older a ls te r If tbia

woro true , thoy sa id that ho wos r ig h t a ted They nsked S an ta to glvo tliera a

UtUe o f th e ir Chrlstm os la nmdlelnea. r »< Not bocause they w anted medicines, k n t bu t becauso m edicines hud to be

bought and money hadn 't been coming g on la—hnrdly nl nil. odd F or one (hlng Tommy w nntcd n bag

'I to o f cnndy. l ie a lso w nntcd ono of • San ta 's o ranges. They wcro so much

but be tte r th u n th e ones a t Uio atore. Imw. n e ile r thiln any o ther brangea could >rds. possibly be.bad Tommy also thought he would like

n UtUe tin bonl—ju s t a tiny one to o'bJ float la th c bath tub ,

con* D ut m ore th a a nnythlng else Tommy » ex- w anted n pn ir o f new shoes, b lag perhaps th i It tni y Bcein a strange dne presen t for Tom m y to huve wanted,

pbell U e j,„,i h is good shoes nnd his old shoos. Only h is good shoes w ere not 80 very good nny longer nnd his old

not shoes w ere so old th n t e w us asham ed I out o f them. Ira fty Maybo It seem s to some nn though

a Ilttle boy w ouldn 't hc ap t to bo I th e ushumed o f an old p u lro f shoes. Mny-

had be you Uilnk u boy woulda’t th ink of bod- his appennince nnd whether he wore

floor, old clothes or nlco ones.:t re? Muybe boys do n 't like to dress and as in fiiKS and ull I t ia t so rl o f thing, b u t

Tommy d idn 't llko tho feeling th a t be hrew hadn’t any b e tte r nhoes to wenr., Uie I lls Sundny shoes wero beginning to id to abow R lllllc w e a r and lils everyday h ef* ones w ere bo dreudful. w ept H e fe lt everyone looked a t them, tbia Ho f r i t ho looked poor and bo fe lt os

DUer though l a . eom e w ay people pitied w ard blm, and though he was only a IftUe

boy hc ho ted t h a t losed And ho fe lt they thought somehow

Be- It w as b is m otber’a fau lt fo r getting jy In sick and h is fu th c r 's for being out of thing work for a while, errea H e know it w as n o t U ls m other t, a l d idn 't enjoy being alck o r tnking hor- k bo- rid medicine. And his fn th e r d idn 't

enjoy n o t hav ing work.Ho looked very miserable sitting

around th c houac or going ont and thea com ing bnck ngnin und saying to ,Tom m y's m o ther:

to b e r “No luck th is (Ime. I f s a hnrd Ume light » ' '"O

I oTpf Yes. th e re w ere a num ber of rea* lonsa- "0“ ’ why Tom m y wanted shoos.

new Then bo could w ear his Sundny onea i ia- fo r ovcry day and his new ones fo r tually Stmday. And If. on the muddy spring eom- bo should f—

p o w - 'h o ver>- old m S ^muse- *t wouldn’t

m atte r then , fo r nigh t he could say. “I coyly JM t though t I ’d ^ lental th is old p a irloubU *0 I could have ^

K *r «onie fun." T hey i l | | M .tened wouM know ho J \ f t g y lat he bad a b e tte r p a ir eaUon It would bo e hnd “ ll r ig h t \e oc- Ic w as Chrial-

hlfn. roas m om lag u ad C V ^ iW /air, fo r T o m m y awoke

wlUi a s tn r t. He and beard h is fa lb e r ' "*

, w m • h o n t l n i , oa i W .r . O in .of Us Christm as greet- ■"d. w^g inga to everyone Orsngea. igered aad ell th e fam ily were wide awake whose and Joyful.idown. "M other feels b e tte r tb an aho has I cold fo r w eeks." Totiimy heard his fa thor t w ith te lling h is older bro ther and sister, icence “and la s t nigh t Mr. Brown told mo he

had a Job fo r m e l”" Ob. bow bappy Tommy felt, b u t

even g rea te r th a a all tho fam ily re­joicing. It scem od to him n t th a l mo* ment. w as tho fac t tha t S an to Clatis

w bea had called (he nigh t befocc, even elUier though ho had hod to do so much i t - n o already. And theru were coody bagr in caa and oranges and m ltteoe and a beau one a , tlful, shiny, aplettdld pair o t &vw shoes as tt‘ V ltb a piece of p ap e r sticking out o f

oup Is one, upon which wna w ritten."Tom m y's new shoes, from Saata.*

Page 7: I t o -… · to Juliii Uroo, 18, of Portland, Oro., has 3n- boen nwnrded a *13,000 modol homo ws, |ns first

iBtoWBKETSlS■ . • • .■ mate*

■ I M A B K E T S A T A G L A N C E T ? ”.• lowing

, N E W TO B K . D «c 3 0 .-lS tQ ek .~ r !"«J ^ p d ; General E lectrie a t n e w .Jl ®-lifgh, . Ukewij

; Bond#—XrrogulM; f o r e l ^ isaaes th an «• tia mi

_ P o te ig a cxfthaage*—P irm ; stotU nga t new U gh ftfld r«#e ti •ligh tly . w ® ?-1

• ' Cotton—Low er; b c n c f ie l j roifia fiffufe, ardi>j.'

Suffa^-Q ^llet and fcaturelcw . |conU i Coffoo—W eak; Ehiropeao b&yinR. i,

_ ,, CHIOAQO, -Doe. a o . - W h e a t - !®‘ W eak; lack export demand.

Corn—Low er; inereasing stocks. **^Pro Catt)9—Vaev«a}}r lower. tion o'Uogs—S teady to lower; heavy tnlk o:

ropelptB. •' '__________________________ A P c:

T W IN F A L L S M A R K E T S---------------------------------------------------------------

The»a-prlee* are ob tained daily a t 4 o 'e loek In th e a ftem o o a and are in tended to cover only th e av - Dcc. e r a ^ o f prfcee. W here e e rta ia Afny dealer* fo r •b o rt perioda o ffe r a o J t Ju lv tbao tbe qaoted priees s o * ffo r t i f n»t. mado to laelode each pnotationa.

• -Q uotationa a re offered m erely aa aguide to prodncera and ahoold s o t be accepted as reflecting extremea of e ither high or low prieea.

a n ^ M L M A EK ETS. „. P a id to ’ Prodacer* ”

The Twin FalU market* yeaterday i„w g were a . foU ow .. »

Llveatock 3 A»liiH opi — ............................... JC.50 to «8.50 HyoC ow *---- ------------------------^2 .0 0 . to 13.00 RnrH e ife ra ------------------- ----------------- <3.50 q.i,„S tee r. -----------------------13.00 to W.60 n , . ,Veol c a lv c t ------:------------ #5 .00 t a «.Q0 I , ' ,L » b . --------------------------------------- „ .„ o

Fowl*.H eavy b o n * ---------------------J_______ 33cLtglit h e n a __________ ______ .....____ ocLeghorn* — ---- ---------------- ------------ do Rtiiti-jDro era (L c g h r rn ) ----------------- -------l i e yBrollera (c o lo re d )______________ __ 12e • ,Turkey* .......... ........ ................................22cD ucka---- -------------------------------------- 10ca o e » e -------------- ------- --------- -----200 ‘‘f ’”'

DnlTT. JO uttcrfnL creamery ...... .................... 40cn iittw fiit, sta tion ............................... 39cCountry b u t t e r ___ . ______ _____85 o 'Kkk# (fliippers) ................................... -trie "'•‘‘'"II'-gK* (local atore) .............................. 50c enrn

W aeat antf Mill P a e d . . J'W heat, buahel ............................... »1.7L

B rnn, c w t , ......... ................. .................$1,80 I,Brnn, .-SOO-lb. lol* __ ___________ f l .7 5 'Slock food ..................... .................. «2.05Stock fooil, 500.1b. lot* .................. 12.00 "_ mntid

Potatoea, Iturala .............................. .. 85c i ’oP*’®* .............. ...................................... m>«u'

■ Baoaa. nix ^K BcanB, in d i r t ...................................... »4.50 to 2.iV B ean a , rculeancd, aackcd .................$4,85 LoK Sugar, Wholeaala.I C an . ................................... .............. ,8 .63 ■I B ir l .............. ........ ............. ............... r » 8 , ( 3 =•’ =;

— I I— wciaEB TA IL PE IO B i.

y a m a b la a .PoUtoe*, Ib. ______________________ Ota ,Haad JottDW — JOo to 20«

' Cabbage, l b . ____:__________ .. 04e'laolifJow-er. lb__________________1 2 H a «»t 1Celery, b o n c b __________ _________ lOa Urnn

, { P n n tQ ^apetm lt, e « b --------------- 10a to 15s

^Camona, d o w n ___________________ 4 ^Orange*, d o a e n ______-- --- S5a to 60a

..... ......................1«rC rapes, pouod ____________________lOe

j>aliy. KnrlCreamery b a t t a r ________________ 4flaB ohl ch«»#o_____________________ 20c "I'ipWiaeonain c h o c* ____________ ____ 25c four

______ bull.P O E T U U n ) OEADT. conc

PORTLAND, Dcc. 30 C4>)—.IVhcttt—Hnrd w hite, B. H. B aart., Docembcr *1.82, Ja n u a ry *1.87, F eb ruary * I.87 | ' so ft whito, Deeember *1.72, Jan u a ry • 1.73 , Februnry *1.74; wcstorn w hite,

; Dccomber *1.70, January *1.72, Febru- ^ a ry *1.72; hard w inter, Doccmbcr *1.71, ^ k Jan u a ry *1.72, February *1.72; northern ^ • p r lh g , December *1.72, Jan u a ry *1.72,' Pebrtlary *1.72; wm tvrn ted , Docembcr •,*1-07, January *1.08, February , *1.08;

BBB har w hite, December *1.05, Janu-• a ry *1.05.

Corn—No. 3 E. Y. ahipment, Decem- *♦ ker *50, Jan u a ry *50, February *50.

W H E A T V A L U K G E T " J

J O L T F R O M S E L L I N G 7 .2 ^_____ _ *4.1

OniCAQO, Dec. 30 0P>r-8«>Hng out con o f w heat today in largo am ounts aaid nor to eome from lome of tho-lcading bold* bee or* gave a sh arp Jolt to w heat valuoa con

> and to otbcr grnii^ and pravlsions as *3 ^ w ell. I t wna aaserted the European do- pot

m and fo r U nited BUitcs w hea t b ad mo dwindled whereas vessel cha rte rs for- to- w h^at from tb e louthern hemisphere 0.5 wero b e ing mado on a b ig sealo. Clos- *5. iing qnotationa on w heat wera w eak, poi S S-8 to 4 l-2e ne t Jower; M ay *J.74 1-2 , 1 to 1.74 5-8, nnd Ju ly *1.59 3-8 to be< 1.30 1-2, w ith corn 7-8 Co 1 7-Sc o ff , oat* am a t 1 5-8 to 1 7-8c dccllne and provisiona 20( afcowing aetbaeka vary ing from S7 to go €2 eonta, lig, U^ieh o f th e persisten t sibling which p« developed in the wbeat m nrket waa due *8

f t t o atanding ordera to unload a t certa in nu ■ d o t ln l ta lim its in order to atop loaaea. fe f l n y i a g throughont tho day prpved to ba po P fc f only an ffie lea t volumo to b ring about ch | S n e f , tranaietrl-nrilles, th a eloao eoming ro V w hen the 'm arket wa* w ith lo a qna rta r ta ■ o f a eent o f th e day '* loweat level, w ith

« rta ea rrea t o f inereaaed prM rara b f ' |B ajSentiaa w heat a t beloV r'tha price . • ■ !da In th is c aun tty . E aU tfed 'o irti* ’ J Etea o f thc A uatrollaa crap *!*<» were'' Whand. • — ttC?lna cleaT w eathor in A ig en lin a fol- Wring ta ia* ,w h ich b a d : . b ^ in ta r f e ^ -AC; w ith tho w heat harveat added to g kI force of bearlah aentim 'ent and *o ^ cwiio did tho fa c t ''th 'a t 'r y e quota-ns wore tum bling even mor^> rap id ly Hin wheat. On the other band, domea- ^

m illing demand wna *aid to bavo larged and prim ary rccelpta ahow i^ne. falling off. For a t le a s e tim e ,ing, howcvor, bulliah nowa en t li t t le n?ite, wotwithalnndlng th a t alnco Bat- IIlay &fay w heat waa iIowb.about oino ' (|\It* a bushel. UInereaslDg stock* of corn b ad a bear- i<i*I effcct on corn and oata, b n t to m ird c —) la^t tbo corn m a rk c tv j^ ffo d ra th o r dy;ibborn rosistaneo to s^ffltg .baaed on HgUticat wcnkncs*. cliolcoProvision* woro depressed by th e ac- poundn o f grain and of hog values a n d by aii wpk of nn accumulation o f lard herO>. ' ycnrli:

> CHI OliAIX ■.Wheat— Opon. Uigh. Low; Clo*c. io s q . c. . . . . . . 175 17G 170% 170%V- ........ 178U 170 174% . 174%ly ........ 152 152% 150% 150%Com Jc- - ...... 128 12(1% 12.-5% 125%»y ........ 12094 130 128% . 128%ly ........ 1 2 0 ^ 130% 120 120%O a ta - nclivc'C............. CO «0 56% '58%ny ........ 04% 04 H 02% 02%lly :...... 03 C3 01 % 0 1 %

rccoipOASH OEAINB. “ >>1/

CHICAGO, Dec. .'!(M >I^W lioat—No. » red *1.82; No. 3 red *1.82 to 1.88. Corn—No. 3 mixed *1.24; No. 2 yol- to 10, It *1.31. . K'OO'lOats—5Jo. 2 w hito 61 it> 62 l-4c; No. I'Utch A»hito 58 1-4 to .’iUc. , ><■»Byo—No. 2 *1.4(1 1-2 to 1.48. "tciol;R nrlfy~ » 8 }o 57c.T imothy nei-.l—*0 t o -7.15.CloviT (IC0.1—if25,2.'3 t« 33.Lnrd—JIO.O.';. nihH—*10.52.

— - 0.MPOTATO M A EK ETS. „(j,

inA H O FALLS., -Ovc. 29.— (U nited [,,,'115 iiti'i Dfiiiartitii'nl of A gricultnro Mnr- -t Xt'H-B Servii-cs)—I’rnetlcnlly no haul- tf'H hiTi' ncvoiuil llf wcnthcr; niodorali' irc iu<iury; dtimsiucl good; m arki't ri_(iD. n n ; cnrloiiilx f. 0. h. rnsli trnck U. S.0 . 1 iwcki'il, Onlifortiin piu-.k ItuNSCtH fA-(.r:i

to » fpw h:>Io» o f H urn ls t o j. lo te . <’ ,iClilc-iiKO — fiiipjilii'-H iiio ilo iiitc ; do- n u d niocliT iitc; m n rk i't f i r m ; m a n y |,ny,.| irn nliowinK fm b o tto m n ; W ihCou- n roum l w liitcn $1.10 to 1 .25 ; m ox tly f y c j t l.l.'i to 1.20; fow fn n cy HliudO' liiKl‘i ''i fop lilk round w h ite s fow Buy" *l.21> to ,.15; liliiho HiimcIh a s k in g *2.1.’> to ,2 .’ ; b rn n d cd s to c k h ig h e r. .fil.lin

ICnnnns C ity — S u i 'p lie s liK h t: d i - j m nd im p ro v iiii;; n m rk o t f i r m ; M inno . u tn Iteil i t lv c r O hins *1.2.'1;.

Fort \Vorth — Supjilifs mo'k’rn tc : d u -1*- \ivnd R«od; mivrkvt bUoiir; MtiUo Uur- ‘Is *2.10 to 2.15; (Colorado w)iiU‘« *2 t> 2.05. l-fi(

Loa AnKolcB — Siiloi. Snturdny; do- m nd nnd trnding hIow; S tockton ntnr- ;ct i)ti‘:idy; Stockton Hurbnnka *2.25 to1.n.l; fow *2..10: Idnho ItusBOtn, m nrkot j tfonk ncfounl lionv.v pasnlngH;, no cn rly i uim; riofiiiij; |iric<‘» I'ridny, fi'w niiU's 1 12.10.

San Franrinco — Hupplios m odernte; ,j [cmund nnd trndinR good; nm rkot itrong; price# Bllghtly h igher; Cnlifor. lit long w hii«n^2 fo 2.25; few higher; jj,p: irandcd bag* ^ k ln ^ high ns *2 ..'»0 ; iVnshlngton nnd Iibiho N etted Oonifl und lUBseta *2 to 2.2.’!; Idnho Ituruls *1.500 1.60- • 0 - n


Karly trad ing rn lh rr slow; m arket firm ; ' “ rccciptB 44 cnrs; to tal U nited p tn te s OiipnK'nlK 277 enrsj Wisconsin snekvd round whitCB *1.15 to 1.25; few *1.10; “ bulk *1.25 to 1.35; ono car ordinnry condition *1.10. f j ' ' '

B utter — Low er; cronm rry . ex tras '® 42c; Btundardd 40 l-2c; ex tra fira ts 40 to 41c; firfltfl 30 1-2 to 38 l-2c; bcc- onds 32 to 34 l-2c.

Kgga — Lower; lecolplB 33G3 casos-, . . f irs ts 50 to 54 l-2c; ordlnnry firBta 38 to 42c; refrigerator cxtrns 41 to 41 l-2c; flrBts 3i) to 40c. „

Poultry—Alive, higher; fowln iO to . 25c; springB 20e; roOBtors lOe': turkoyn 30f; diickB 27r; gecao 22c.

POETLAND LIVEBTOOK. 'rO ItTLA N l), Dec. 30 OP)— Cnlllii nnd , j

calvcs, stendy; reccipU 104; nteers good *8.50 to 8.75; mwUum *6.75 to JBJIO ;.^ common 6 to 0.7.''>; cnflncr, cu ttc r *4 toO; y j, hoifera good 850 pounds up *0.50 to

|7.25; common and medium all woSgbts 1*4.25 to 0.50;.cowa good *5.75 to 0.25; common and medium *4.50 to 3’.75; can- u . nors and cuttcra *2.50 to 3; bulla,-good beef ycnrlinga oxcluded, *4 to 4.50; common to medium canner and bolognn ] *3 to 4; cnives,-medium to choico 100 >-n pounds down *7 to 10.50; cull and com- gu, mon 190 pounda down *5 to 7"; medium to-choico 100 to 200 pounds *0.75 to to 0.50; medium to choico 200 pounds up „n *5.60 to 7.25; cuUii and common 100 pounds up *4.50 to 5.50. w«1 nog»—All driveins; rcceipt* 200; ho benvy 250 to 350 pound* medium, good in, and choico *10.75 to 12; medium w eigh t in, 200 to 300 ponnda common, medium, ne good and choiec *11.50 to J2.C0; lig h t 2 .I lighta 130 to 100 poonda, t i l to 12.25; pncking hoga amooth *9 to 10; rough p<] *8 to 0; slaughter pigs 130 pound* down bi modium, good and choice *10 td 1 1 ; to faedet and stacker plga 70 • to 180 pound*, common, medinm, . good and fa eholco *0 to 6.50; so ft oily h o ^ and fa roasting pig* exalndcft Sn a b a te «pia- tatlona.

Sheep and lamba—^ o m in a liy ' atea-

fa lls DAlLY^NEWS, T)T W I N f a l l s ; ' i d a h o , i w


; fn t lnmbs up to *10; lamb* h t and hundy w oigbt medium to v . - . i . jlco *14 .to Ifl- heavy w eight 02 unda up, medium, to ptlm a *12 to 14; j j j wpighta culla and common *11 to 14; ’

nrling wcthera medium to primo i).SO to 12.50; w ethera tw o yeara old d over medium, to prime *8.50 to 50; cwcs common W choicc *0 to 8.50; nncT nnd cull *3 to 0; nbovo quota- >ns oxcopt lnmbs on ahorn. basis. j


LOB ANGELES, Dec. 30 </P>—C nttio dnslrii llc tc lp ts 200; offeringn moBlly cowa; jon tb< live, ntrong; bulk she alock curly ifour i ,50 to 5.50; small lots upwnrd to 0.25; th e Ub itni'rs nnd eu ltcrn *2 lo 3.25; b iillt jo f one jud.v; best bolognns around *4; ciiIi-b, .shares noiptii 50; nothing sold cnrly; quol. j OcJi' >Iy stendy to *0.50 to 7.5< for gen. itncu la nl run of Boulhwestvrns. nlly hiHogfl— ItcceiptK 1500; active, Btendj' lied n 10c lower; extretne top *11.00; bulk points

Oil nnd choice l.'O to 19.'> pound 'a t 305 Ltchcts *U.5o to 11.00; mixed b«lch- ^of spe K downwnrd to *10.50: packing BowS|Compa Daily; hiilk *8..'>(1 fo i>. ,poaedi?rrcf>—Ueeolpts, none; tineven; ond al oleo hnndy w eight wooled Inmbn icitiihle u{iwiir'l to *17.


0.MAHA , Deo, 30.—Hog*— ; jjio'Jiy] ',000; moslly 10c jowor; apots 15c o ff : |ilk 2»0 frt 2.'i» pound bulchcrn *10 f" ';n„inK t.3.'; I'Xttvmo top *10,50; deniTiibli- ’. m h ,,,)10 to JlO pound weights *9.00 lo H>; lOil 140 lo 100 poiinil avornceB *9.25 to 00; packing bowb mostly *0.75 to 9 0 ; 'bitlk. o f nil Hales *9.00 to 10.30;.■erngtj eo»l Mondny *10.09; weiglit1.Tpoonil..C a ttle—UccclplB 10,500; slow; beef | ' '' eers and "hn ntock inosll.v 15 to 25c jj iw it ; b e tte r grades hIiow minimum de- !ine; vi'alern Mfeadyj ntnckfrH nnd .'cders dull', u t Monday dccUno of 2.'e;Jp *10.25 paid - for yenrlings, mixed loern nnd lu ife rs ; • henvy bulloekM

bulk fed nteers nnd yenilings il.llO to 9: eows *3.n0 'to 4.40; holfern ■) to 0.35; eanunrn nnd cuttcra *2.75 .11 bolognn bulls *3.25 lo 3.50; prnc-

vi'iil top *10; stockcri hnd feedenr.1 to 0. . Ijolin

Rlieei>—iteeeipts 1S»®00; Inmbs 50 to .'e lower: bulk fed westerns *17.25 fo W. .1 7.50;. top *17.05; Bheep stendy; cnrly ales ewes *9J5 lo 9.50; some held ' ' • ‘ ighor; feeders dull. 50 lo 75c lower; nrly snles feeding lnmbs *15.25 to •'■>•50. Distr

--------- PinfrOHZOAOO L rV E S T O O K . f,>r '

CHICAGO, Dcc. 30 C « -H o g s — He nnm. eipls 73.000; closinR fu lly stendy n f '« nlorests buying; top *11; bulk desir- iblO 200 to 300 pound averngo *10.40 lo .0.05; 170 io 190 pound kind mostly ^9.90 1(1 10.35; 140 to 130 pound, kiml fu rn • 9.00 to 0.85; fig s fu lly 25c lower; bulk pcnr itrong w eight slnughtcr pig* *8.75 to the >: moslly pncking bowb *10.10,to 10,35; will .Btlmated holdover 32,000. '

Rhcep— Receipts 10,000; cxtrCtiioly ilull; only smnll pnrl o f run s^d . nl noon; f a t Inniba 75c to *1 Iqwor; bulk p„f eatly »ale« *17.50 to 18;. cnrly' top *18; of .1 full ahorn f l ip p e d ‘*14.50; freah shorn fees fat Bhcep .lo to 75c lower; owo top tion >9,50; feeding Inmbn 50c to *1 lower; choice offering* *10.

wool.BOSTON, Dec. 30.— Although the

wool m arket in quiel, some busincsB in ppc b(.dng transacted n l firm priecs. A lineof 'h a lf-b lo o d scoured clothing, flccco (!wool hns moved, a t *1.35 per pound. Fn ir ^amounts of hn lf blood noils hnvo inoved ^nboul on recent qnotnlions n l *1.18. 1* ** ,Tl\Tcc.c*Rhts have sold n t * l 'w ith fptar-,tcr-blood unarrangcd 82 to 85c. I)

--------- JudGOVEENM ENT BONDS. i»v r

, NEW YORK, Dec. .30 0 ^ —L iberty ""d bonds closed;3 l-2s ................................................„>100,30F irn t 4 l - 4 s ........................................ 101.14 j,,ppecond 4 l-4g ................................. 100.22 trieThird 4 1-4b .................................... 101.32 theFourth 4 1-4B ............. ............ . 101.21 StaU. S. Government 4 l-4n ............ 104.20 •'»n''!

______ lowBUOAE. I

NEW YORK, Dec. 30 OP)— An nd-vnnco o f 1-10 cent occurred in tha raw BUgnr m arket today to lho Lisis of 4.59,duty paid, on sale# c f 5000 bags Cuban jto a local re finer for Jnnunry 8 elear- bci

W hUo not activc, raw sugnr lu tn res b ti were firm on covering and buying by | house* w ith Cubnn connections. Op^sn-'Ing unchanged, prices hardened, clos-.Ing a t tho .best and one lo threq points (.g, ne t bigbor. Jan u a ry eloae 2.82, ^Corch tc i 2.83, M ay 2.04, Ju ly 3.00.

F u rth e r p artia l rcduetions of 25 thi points ’fe re reported in refined nugnr tri b u t list priecs atill ranged from 0.76 to 7.10.for fino grannlated fo r prompt shipm ent, w blla ona tc fln e t lista a t C.25 for Jan u a ry 12 lo 17 shipm ent w ith a fa ir inqdlry reported a t lh a t figure. j j

lie tin cd fu tnrce ww> n oo iaa l.


ClASSinEDN E C E N T P E R WORDI v e r t i s e m e n t s u n d e r t h i s h e a d a r e

f a r d e v i s e d o ( b r in f l ln f l t h e n e e d o<


STOCK M A BK ET iT O R X O E B . p iTwenty Tw enty -g;___

Induatrinla SoU rondi!...................... 117.37 100.05 -

5"d.iy ........;.............. 117.88 101.45* ^ ’AI'•<“>« ngo .....- ............ 114.82 J01.27 *®” * ‘Kh, 1D24 ................... 118.28 1 02.00

........ - ....... 00.27 81.00 * =Total Btock sales 1,730.500 shores. I

NEW YORK. Uec. 30 OPh~Witb only0 trad in g dny remaining ia 1024,)ck prices todny dovcJofKsd consider- — “ le irregu larity in reflection o f thc £ " JJ «al year end lead juatm cnt of s p o c u - . '^ S ^ live acconnt*. Both tho ra il nnd in. | PO! s tr ia l avoragcs afiowod not dc«clincj —— —

th e day nlthough gain* of one t o '» ^ ^ ^ ur po in ts were scattered throughoute Ust. Total snlcs fell alightly Bhort' POR

ono nnd three-qunrters of a m illion '^wo lo ares. O . boiGenernl E lectric wa* the dny 'e spec-! FOB cuiar fenture. I t opened frac tion , a lightl Iy higher a t 300, aold down to 207, rni- north . •d n t 304, slipped baek n ecupie o f AUI linla, moved up to a new penk price m irror

307 1-2, broke to 200 in reflection M oon' speculatlvo disappointm ent o v fr the FOH

m pany'* nnnounccment of lho pro. Jocalct taed aegroation o f its electric bond i« tak id aharo holdings aad closed a t 297. romc,

“ ^ :~^FOIit o m e D a c f c . O n i l .

T liousnnda of <lu<?kB. crippled by motor uniers. Iinvp f<irincd n colony in th e eni^ae (oiinJis o f Vtcfiirin (sinnda, th a S tn to aveaui Ish und (^nmo nasoelntlon hna an- Pboae oijju-ed. 'r iii‘ <-rJj)j>lp.% unnblo ro = Inml lhe puce se t by tliQ nble-bOiJk'd ' Fl ireliK. Imvc imlK-d to obtnin food hy -|,..r:illve .'fTorts. ■ FOf

- ' eloae

C/»e, o f M cd id n c P f 'T b r W tnrnis'4 nT Mu' noUon. nnd.i'u'/,',

ho iilifKif-ri'd.-'- o f fill- pn 'frn f n re niT- —prr; •f-nr.v .•lrni-ii*.-nneeH lo ft,*, operntbm. Sol.i1 tnii-1 'ix 'tb lnx to h^ijbl<> nnd room llsittrl' Hie :-iiniiieli tlm l m uat purge - mil <-iir<- If •-.\lontnl;;ne.


ALIAS SUMMONS. surfn. In_ f lie llin tr iH CoUrt o f the KU-vt-HtU ' udieuiI.niMfrlcf o f tho S tate of Idaho. T n nn<i for the County of Twin Fnll«. - ohn (1. Smilh, P a lin fiff.

V. J . Rcliulr. D efendant

iindnif - ^ named de- E , P You nro hereby notified th a t n ft.m.

dnliit bnnbe«-n f iled ngahi»l you In the _____* s tric t Court of tho Eleventh Judicial

ot thfl Stnf<. v t Mnho, in nnd Smi*• or Tw»n Fnll* County, by tho above ~ w inmed (iLiintiff nnd you nro herein- or, ri Ijrccted to appcnr nnd nnawer said eoni- - ~ jdiiiut w iihu i Iwcivtv dnv* of th e ner- ,■ n e r o f thin *urr,mc.|i*, i f ’sw v c j w ifhin‘Jiid Jud icial D intrict, o r within fo rtvInys i f served el-.owhcre; atvil von are ------tiirllier nnfified fh n t untesB yoii no an-pcnr nnd nnnwcr iwi;i eoinplninl w i t h i n -----the tim e herein Bpeclfied. the p la in tif f . will tnke judgment- rtgninsf vou aa prnv. '*®* ed in Bnid complnint. ' ’ **ry

Thc object o f fh is ncffoa ia fn re- cover from thc dofendnnt the aum of z iJ r *2500.00, together with Interest n t £» tr per cent jk t nnnum from lho 20th dnv J'*xn of .\p ril , 1921, togothi’r w llh nltornev's fees ill the i»un> o f *.'>00,00 ns contribu- ‘‘""n tion on n cortnin note executed bv the (fo i p in in tiff lind rtefemlnnt dnled October ~0, 192(1, fo r (h e principnl sum ' of = *5000.00 nnd mnde p.-iynblo to tho F irst N ational Unnk o f liuhl. Buhl, Idnho,

Wifness m y hnnd nnd tho senl o f the L snid D istrie t Cotirt. th is 30th dny of pun Deerm bcr, J02<. ^ '- i i i

C. 0 . SIO niN S, \ (8KAL) "■flc . L. b o w t : n . Dcputv.T urner K. Hnckmnn, a ttornev f o r lv

j'Ja in tjff , rrwiding n t Twin Fnjla, hli,}ta.OEDEE.

Jn th c D iatrict Coart o f tiic Elovcnffi ,'.>fo Ju d ic ia l D istrict o f the Stnte of M nho.'li.n i nv ana fox T-win P alls, Cansla, M inidf)kn!u-;i nnd Jerom o Counties.

In tho m ntter o f fixing thc term a of — court for lho yea r 1025. I

I t is hereby ordered thn t dales for thc convening of tho terms of lho Dis. t r ic t Court in tho sovernl C oaatlea of the E levenlh Jud icia l D istrict, o f the Statu of Idaho, fo r tho y ea r 1025, b'l- and the same nro heroby fixod ns fob lows: ■J’’’'

Tn-in F«J?« Coanty: Jan u n ry JO- Mnrch 9; Mny 4 ; September 14; No* vem ber 9.

Cawtin County—Jan u a ry 12; M ay 4;i^** November 1(5. ' [

Miniilohfl C ounty; F ebn iary 23, Octo-'Ts-' bcr 12. ^ ‘1

Jeromo Couaty: Mnrcb 23, Senlcm- bCT T.

Said term a of Court In eaeh o f th r s.nld Counties to begla a t tbo hour of • ten o ’clock In thn fo tcnoaa of tb c da tes xri above designated, and to be held an d im , ron tinued ua til th o ba*}oM« o f l a e i term ia disposed of. “

Tho Clerk of sa id Court in eaeb of < tbe aaid several Couatiee of said Dis-

tr ie t is directed to file and en ter thi*, o rder o f reco rj, a o d cao«e th a sam e to-*= . be publlahed two consecutive weeks In : some newspaper publU htd in tho *nij

County.' Done a t Chamber a t Twin Pall*,

Idaho , th is 23ra d a y o f D ecember, 3P24. n W M . A. BABCOCK, ^

Senior D istriet Ju d g e o f the E leventh P . Ju d ic ia l D istrict o f (he Btoto of |d ah o . | *

M ^ N ^ D A Y MORNlNt

I ADVERTISED PER INSERTION — iji r e a h v a y s a l i v e a n d a c t i v e , a n d oc

l o l a d v e r t i s e r s t o t h e a t t e n t i o n o l 1


WANTED—To buy Torn in th e field fanskod; would prefer aroaad Hanson Ninth :i

t w i ,»■ L. M e K IM n . ~ W a S one 430, T w ia Palla. to IV in

n . R. c(r*HTHD-To m an ’ wAn

WANTm^'To'nENT^o~t,' 100 Z ' ' Sr t . on IV ln , r n l l . Bnvo thonlpmom. 8. L ltU n . Bnhl. Idnlio, K. 4. |

~ ’ ~7“---------jlowest IPO E E B H T ~ rn a in 8 H B I> .Palla, \

F()R K E N T - H c a te .r rooms. 210nlh avenue north. Phono 1357W. ' V

quiro 127 E ighth •'venne a a a t : ' "

FOB baxjb<-k i b o b l l a r e o u s

FOR SALE—C hild 'a paah Bioicb erno r 'b Repair Shop. Phone oa8. ■

TOR SALE—*300 f o r *1200 equ ity Tn ' AION Addresa P . Ratca 1

° 3 1 . ____________________ Twin tFOB SALE—Qaod *Ude ttom bano; Jghlly used. C il 443 Seeond avenue arth . Phone 881. ________ to me.

AT3TO windableld* and door g b w . irrora, p la te aad wiadow c lassoon»a P a la t Shop._____________ ^FOR BALB—Two cha ir barber shop, 537J11. sated in Bodaing’* cigar'*lorc. Cheap ' “F iio : takon a t oneo. F . L. Andrciw*, Jo- Idaho 1

g ? ' __________________________ s tree t ^FOR SALE—-Anvils, belllnff, b a ts nmblnff lapplies, plJeya, plnp, ' ‘aoB E. D. K id *ee<»d iu in d . '’ 1 25 fl. P. circ trie Phono 3tor w ith s ta rtin g box- 1 1 H. P. ira* - giae. Idaho J u n i Bomc, 152 Seeooud 'eauo aonth, acro*a f o l. saloa eround joae 040.- FOR

TOO EiafT -•O N T U B N ISIIE D Fnlla^c

FOR IlENT’, almost new 5-ronm lioui>e. farm oae in. Phone 1585-J.i'OIt KE’.'.S'-i’—(iood ii roimi house, ^

0.11-rn, fnriiiice henl. ai-i Seventh nvo-1.' eiiMt, or phone 7H-Ftlcr.i'-(JK K i:N T -lT v o ~ ro o m i I 7 u ~ 'i n

:.ulh Park. Pliono 127J, o r cnll a t .OHI n. Jtiiilf find T ru st building. huuB

PO a BENT—PAEM a---------- -------- combrO Il RK N T-SO neren ,JI in cuUiva-

on, fenced h o g f ig h t; l.'i acrcs altatta,% nillca from Filer, VI milo from bnrd arfnceil ron<l. Fivo room houne, bnrn JT six hornen nnd IS cowb. RiirnI :b o e l *800 cash ront. Sco owner.

j . fn r t in , F iler, Idaho._________ - ^ =

P O E # A l i» ^ U V B » T O a i . " _____!

^TOR* 8 A iil^ 2 -y ea r-o ld ^ 'o o rn seyuU. 3-4 mllo north P i te PolnU alatot . P . PribM a._______________B = s=


M A TEBN ITT auralng, M rtT E . J Imlzer. PboQe 640R4. b =

WANTEU— Poiltlon na“ housckoci»rn raacb ; ngcd 42. R. M.. caro News. ____

WOAlAN wishea bousnkcepiag. Kc- 'ined, capable, ropseclnble. Phone — 540J. HTTA'— - I - - = _____ ' F l


DININO AND~8LEEPTNQ~car c o n - i " ^ ^ luc to rs (w h ite ); experience unneccs , t s s t t r y . ^ o d fo r hook o t raJe* and a p ^ ? 5 pHcatloiL Supt. E allw ay Exchange 1HOKa ta . C. Lo* Angalai._______ __________ iB W I

cj7iTlJKH, JM up. Exceilont salary-.' **' {■'.xnmin.niunu Feb. I fo r government po- isition* in your Ktnte. K iperieuco un n ec-) -----eiwnry. Free pariicularB; W rite R. T erry I (fo rm er Civil Hervice exam iner) Ig?'’- ' - iJiirrii-tj'r llldg., Wnnhington, J). C. i

LOBT !-------— _____________ — ____ .'Welt

LOST—Monday evoning, brown suede M ad purse. B e»ard . Phono P32. BoJJi

LO.ST— Wwlnesdny evening, L idy’* w ris t w ntch, Elgin, on ilrce ts o f T w in '^ , . Fn lls o r bcltrecn Rluo Lakes grade a n d i™ : ' T w in Falls. F inder plcaso leave 'n t ' Newn office. Reward. . I

I.OBT— T,V., ( T T t i l f r s n T n 'J I J T " J O T jbi-tweeii Kknggs nnd Kinnoy grocery.! a , |.\foney is tj.idly need«d by wotn.m w hol tr ] Ilint il, who is rrippled and ill. Please ' = u-iivr III News office f„ r her.

L E G A L A D V E R T IS E M E N T S ™


Dee. 20th, 1'924. 0B( W arm nJ/ o f tbo American r a i ls R es-! C

r-rvolT D istric t Numbcra 405 to 501. bolh 1 Wii . flc lu ilv r and Number* A l to A-39. in-1 A c la s lrc , will be paid on pre*cntollon to lh» tTCMUTpr of Ibe d istrict. In ter- en t e-o-e* Dee. 31st, 1024. =

I W. H. SPENOE,i^ T r tf ts u re t American Falls R estrvo ir __

-111-_____________ - _________TWW AERi.V!r I

Dec. 20th, 1024. EOW arrant* o f ’ odopendcnt School Die- 3

• t r i c t No. 3, lasted d a rin g Ju ly , A ngust 1' .a i,d fieptcmber, will bo paid on Prt*cn- —

ta tio n to tbe t-easu rer of the d istric t., In terc« t caas^t Deeembor 31*t, 1024 __

E. B JOHNSON, Trea*urer, OE/ fnd. School Di*t. No. ] . ]

I C /n c Ic E b e n“Dc wny n fi-w nicmbom of dis -con* » /

' crecn^lon drops o(T to sleep." cald = • U n d e Eben. •'la c inetcr compel yoh

pasto r (o r»!mlnd ‘cm dot hc’a glvln’ ’em a sernion and not n little bedtim e ID ■ { -•tarr." I

NG, DECEMBER 81.1924!

_ ■ ■______________:_____

- ANTI WORTH I’iii - / J a1 o o h s t i t u t e t h e b e s t m e a n t

o l r e s i d e n t s o l S o u t h I d a h *

w A N T B i><-M z0O iaxajurB otm

^ A N ^ :D —To. ren t garage near ith nvencu north . Phone 1357W. kTANTEO-OW h o m a ; J J t ia a Twin Jealla V eterinary Hoapltal. D r.B. O ro o m e ._____________VANTED—tlauso wagon,” w ith « hont equipm ent; no eanvaa w ag o a , ,, itcd . Addrosa W2- cnro Ncwa.VAN'C^To twM irw . ow uat ba-«Vaa m fo r snle; givo particulara aod est price. John J . Black. Chippow*Is, Wisconsin. i

■WANT—Potatoe*, applca and on- m s; a lto bouna. CaTlota. f . D .IcCoy. Tel B«3.


klONET TO LOAN—Farm an d a lt< iperty. C. E. P o tte r, rea l eatata .pno 374.________________ ____________iO N E Y TO LOAN on fa rm p ro p e tty . . tea low. Addresa P . 0 . Box 401,IB Falla, Idaho. ‘_________________}1.X P E R CENT— If you ha o a good UJ nnd w nnt to borrow on it, w rite me. Box B2, T w in Fnlla. Idabo.


’A R T I E s '^ n t iB g * lo igh 'rides, call r J I l . ^

lho VuJcaDixing Worka, 230 Shoahonecot w est. Phone 720._______________?(^{ POTATO BA O S got them f r ^0 . Kcllogff, 804 Second avenue north , ono 050W P . O. Box 754. .

rO E S A U ^ S E A l i rB TA TB

FOB S A L E -T h ir ty acres farm land0 uud th tco-fourth mlU* from Twin lls c ity limit*, n ea r pavod highw ay.,od pb»co for d a iry or small stock rm. >M. J . Swooley. Twin Fall*.


w a n t e d —P o u ltry of all k l n ^ top ices. H. C. H unter. Phone Q03W.ClilCK Er^tt to rIUB. Lnrscn strn in . Phono 75>W.T o i l tJALIi— E x lr r fH io puro single ,mb Rbodo Islnnd « c 4 eockorcls from ^ iBlcrn alock. Phono 050W. P . O. Box^4: _______________ __________l)iA N T '"S T llA lN Mainmolb BronzO irkov toms, 2 y ears old. Phone l2Ri L*. Mrs. C lifford Donny, Tw ia



WANTED—S ev era l good oaed aat*. ohn B. W bita Co. Pboae 147W.

.... t a m - ■ I ■


A T T o w r a r s _____________•

iH A P L. B O P O n J—Boom. 11 a d 11' ' r ' i» t N .tlopn l B m k Btdg. th o n .<

n TraT.t^ over Clo* Book *»torp. lO ttN W . O EA H A M -Law yer^^iionk i '

T rust Building. Phoao C3S-B. fcRHEE B. WHiflON—Lawyer. h o S e e 0 . a a i l i 2 5 ^ v e r c i ty C*J» B W B B lia h - A t t o t ^

It-law . P raetiee ia all court*. Twia F»IU. Tdahft-


b l a o s s m it b

BXtAOKSMTTHlKa.Welding H ardw areM aeblnista HoraaaboareBoUenaaJiiDg W agoa K o k eta B laetom lthlag Bpring W otka

Ec«nK«l M achine Oo.Phoae 1202 glO-220 Beeoad Bonth

a u t o BEEVIOE.

B’T T O E isA asirB P E O IA IilflT — L loa*l A. Dean. Wo correct all S tu d tb ak er - tronble*. 120 gecond Avenca WeaU

; O LA Sa

1 WINDOW OLABS—Wind *hieMs, cabln e tw o rk . Moon** Bhop. Phono S.


OBOZEBE TEA N RTEE CO. P boae 34B,I Crating, Btorage and L iln r ty co a l IW AEBEEQ ~TBjCN8rEE AND 8 T O ^I AOE 0 0 . Conl and wood. P hono l i ^

^ —Garbage bawled daily. P hoae 800.


T W IN P A IX S ^ O E E E PA IE IN O 188W. Sbosbone. P b . 308. BeaJ leather. Oooiiyoar bcela. W ork

Meyera, Prop. 130 Second a tree t 8 ,I Twin Poll*. W e also carry new tho—.

I \ ' V U L O A inH N O

S * ^ B T A T B ~ V U M ^ ™ r o ' " ^ISO Second ave. w ea t Q oodya«*afc M iller tirea. V cleaalalng, rtfraaalag^


M i 5 A 6 i 5 f ~ ~ i B o a . to T ~ H lii« < « :

n o y tn c B H T t t .

i D / S b ^ o i n n i T O i o o , w i sk V 1 rto n .. W rt. n o n . IM W .

I ___________

Page 8: I t o -… · to Juliii Uroo, 18, of Portland, Oro., has 3n- boen nwnrded a *13,000 modol homo ws, |ns first

[ : E . 'E . D e n t l e r , F o r m e r R e s id e

K o f E d e n , S u c c u m b s t o S u

1 d e n H e a r t A t t a c k .

1;. . E. E . Dontlcr,, 025, jiloiicor settL- • o f tho Edon, Idaho, vicin ity , a»dV' yoara vtuit n t««l<lont o f BoIm, d; TuetdAy from offceta of n suddon bo-7 ottnek. Doatlj occurred wlilIi? ]

B ciitirr, w llb h ii son-In>law, Dallas 0 don o f.E d o n , n t whono homo hc t

\ i ln r . Dontlor had vinitod for nbout monlh, wan .Ini(pcctin(; O ordon’ti pla mining claims a t tlio foo t o f T trin fi

; on Snako rivor, nhoiit e ig h t niilot noi. flflflt o f here. Death camp ' with[ warning. M r. D cn tle r’a health np[j onlly had boon good.

Gordon snid hc wns prcccding futhcr-in>law whon ho honrd tlic ol

i xniin groan an d turned lo soo him: to llin knees nnd^Uioii to his side. DcI A]<iuirontly woa tvlmost Instantaucou:I. i’hyslcians, n fto r on oxnminatlonI tlio hody mado Tuesday ovoning. sta, Ihnt death hnd rosullcd from nnur: o f tho aorta, and probably had booa

stnnlanoous.Bem oval S lfflcn lt.

D ifficu lty waa c«porloncod in ron ing tho body from the canyon, P OroMman, coroner, o f Tw in Falla a t nunibor of assistan ts boing ompio fo r about throo bonrs In t^o undor Ing, Tho body was l if to d over 1 rock w alls by means of ropes and carried moro th an a milci along a s and ico and soow coverod tra il to to{> of tho canyon.

The body was brough t to tlio Oi man m ortunry here. No arrangcm fo r funoral services had been mndo ovenlog.

n esides' his wifo, dccodent ia vivod by throo sons, ono, F m n k D Ic^, residing hero; another a t Boise a t th ird a t Bend, Oregon. Bo is

] ' vivcd also by hia daughter, &Cm. 1I don of Edon.


[ Dnring tho two wcokn from Jnn i2fl lo Feb ruary 7, lOS.I, tho nnnual I to r flhort courae vrill bo conducted the U niversity of Tdnho, nccordinf announcomcnt by Kf. R. Lowi», nci

[ head of tho iinivorsity dopartmontL ngrieulturnl engineering. Tho <I tliBTgo mado by lho un ive ts lly forr. courso la fhe ronlly nom inal sum of

Instruction by moans o f illustrn I Iccturcs nnd domonstrntions will

givwi on tho construction, repnir 1 operation o f tho vnrioua trnctora 1

trac to r engines. Sovcrnl o f tho ir L up-todn to trac to rs will bb dismnni

^ nnd cinm incd under lho aupervisionskilled men. Two days of lho coi w ill bo dovotod to tlio gnsoliuo n<

I mobile.I Such work ns soldering, babbitt

b rn»ng . cnno hardening and th e uii tupQ nnd dies will bo takon up. Spe empliMis w ill bo givon lo vnlvo tin ani\ iunlliott synloms.

F urther infonnation m ay bo soci by w riting to th e A gricultaral Fngin ing Departm ent, CoHogo o f Agricult

' Moscow, Idaho.


O fficers of thc hoard of tho 1 Cliristiiin church for tho coming •were clectcii M oo'lay evening a* lowii; Chalrmnn, W. 8. P arish ; c Georgu D. .SiivicrH; trciwuror, F Bi.'iek; financial tk'crctnry, L. L. rii'k ; m issionary secretary, Itay Beauchamp..

i h e | - J o i e l

I JIOOERSON— F. A. ITarroy, 'Fnlls; P ao l E. Nussbaum, Chieago; Mooro, PocJitollo; John L. E bert, ! s u C ity; V. A. Kodney, W ichita I Toxas; E. C urlls W arron, Burley Turner, Twin Falls; A. I . Dontlor, lister.

I P E R R IN > W o h n Brockic. J.‘ Boylo, B ujw rt; Mrs. IL E . Gunde

gcr, H azelton ; 0 . A. Cowman, Lako; W. L. Youmana, Sc.nttlo; V Eboliooda, Lowiston; W. A. Kuhs

• w ife, St. Lonia; Charles W right; Ch Sidweii; WUllam Konsingcr, Jn rb

fc W. W. W ilder, Ogden; J . T. Latand w lf^ Ilngerm nn: W right C A. E. Peterson , Ogden.

To wbom it may concern: N oU ctt'la heroby gWcn o f-iny i

tioa to apply to tho board o f ci oomrolsslonera a t th c ir nex t tc n oc tifig in Jah u a ry , fo r such depat the boiinoss o f my o ffiee m ay T6 SIG N ED ) 8. CLAUD STEW A RI

- —adv.

RoBfro B«i*oty Shoppo. Pbons- * |V .

OHLOBIMB OAS TBEATM EJ r b r colds, brondiltla, Im ti

Itlf, eorys* tn d dmUar »Uinu , . B onn of txMtmont, 0«30 ».

tod 6 p. OL . T W P f T M d S o u m o

t ■ ■ ■ ■ :----

r~ ~NAVAL ABOTjiE'llfTS *

ns Gor- ^ ^IC

north '

i " " ' 1 S S M - . V I l W l / a O i J g l M r G tion o f d e m a n d f o b A form al inves , s ta ted tlon to ascerta in If England inurlam Ja p a n aro engaged ia a Kroat r icon In. oi-mamenti raee in w hich tho 01

Stat«8 Is boing lo f t f o t behln, sabmarlnoB, o lrc ra ft a n d o thot po rtan t auxlUarios, h a s beon 1

rom or- ti«foro tho senato n av a l a ffa irs I, P . J . m ittoo b y Senator K ing o f Uta] B and a =

1 BROK UNr W i m{cmonts ndn last

i> .u r . C o u r t D e c id e s In F a v o rk Dont-

and O a k e s a n d C o m p a n y A g ais aur-

" • Oor. C o u n ty C o m m is s io n e r s .

lU R S E l>iil>u(e bct'vccu Oiikcs itnd coui| wholesalo groccrs, uud Tw in Fnlls <

Fniiuury ty conimissioncrH, involving d iffe ial trac- o f npproxim ately $121.'50 in tho 1020ctcd u t Buiial p roperty tm iisscssniL’n t ngding to the rorporatiun, wjih docidod by J

ac tin g \v . A. Bnbcock in d is tric t courtnont of Tuosday in fnvur of Onlcus andR only pajiy nnd againnt tho commissiofor th is Cortlficulo of tnx delinquency coviI o f $2. tho eomp.'iny’« property hore. tim( s tra te d rodomption o f which would hnvc will bo pirod Jnnuury 5 nost, wns ordorod lir and oollod and lho county treasn ro r wa ra li^id toctcd to accvpl a» fu ll paymcn 0 m ost 1920 tax assessm ent thu am ount tinnllod the company hnd offered and thn t sion of rojcctcd bccause of tho dlspucourso n ,o c o u r t’s dceision susta in s an (

0 auto- niii.lo Jnnuury 20, 1021, by lho con tiioncra tlLHt reduced the assessed v

b ittin g , ti„ „ „ f Oakes nnd compnny proj use of h.Tc' from $10.'5,000 lo *7-i;STi:Bir

Spcclal jiott-crod tax from $8705.85 lo $Ofl lim ing j in j Jt doclart.'o null nnd void 11 so

order mndo March 13, lO Jl, resell secured the order fo r the reduction nnd so ngineer- the valuation aud lax figures ba< cu lture , tlir ir original status.

In tim ida tion B isto d . A M P n Kvidenco wns introducod by . HIVICU Botiiwoll and W. Orr Chnpmnn, .

noys for Oakes and company, to 10 I 'irs t commissioners hnd ad

thc order o f March, lOUl, a f te r do • " c l e ^ th u t tiicy do so hnd been m ade ' , , J* them by tho T axpnycra' league,

L Pat-, . . jcctcd to th rea ts by o ffic ia ls of " ..rgnniiation.

Tho original valuation. Judge co<‘k hold, had bocn m ade a t n tim under condition* when no necurntj

q 1 e mato of tho value cnuld bo ma<l i irh ilra ry figuro boing fixod bj

_______ assessor and Assurance being givecompany th a t error would bo con

r, Tw in by tho commlssioncxs upon prcson: go; J . F. " f Pfoo^-r t K an- Mombors of tho board of county ta F alls, niissioncra a t tho timo wcro \\ rley; 11. Pariah , Yf. F . Breckon and T. E . 1 lor, Hol- Oakos nnd company nppeolod I

d is tric t court from tho coramissii o rder o f M arch IS, th a t rcscindc

J. n . reductions provionsly ordered in indt^lfiti- tion andan, 8 n lt Tho cnso for the commiasionor ); K. M. defended in th t f irs t instan !uha and F rank L. Stophan, form er ^county ; Charles noy, and Ilom cr C. M ills, thon ati nrbidgo; for the T axpayers ' league. Wh( Lnwwcll cnse^was rcopcincd Decombor 22

II Coroy, for prcsentntion of fu rther evidcil>half-of Oakes and company, oi argum ent, the present board o f < com m iulonors was roprcsc^ted by

ay In tcn- Tftyior, county atlorney. f eountyt TCMlar 6 = M = = = B e =iputies as


r : ; .

and afte r Jgerald Motor C fcTTo*- ' r

- V ^ o r h e c

‘i i HI S o m e t i m e P r o m o t e r o f R o g e

f s o n - W e l l s L in e I t e m i z e s h

C l a i m s A g a i n s t 0 . O t t i c i

^ Conrad Wolflo, occording tos ta to m ^ t filed in d is tric t court h Tuesday, to n lT a tt^d oxpondltuTcs In sum. o f >24,205 in conneotion w itB 'i voylng, prom oting and financing Rogerson'W clls ra ilroad project, wh

H H has bocn taken over and ia being pi od lo completion by lho Oregon tib L ine. Wolflo ia suing J . L. Ston for thla aUR), togothor w ith tlQO, clnimod na losa o f profita result

JM from salo o f tho Idaho C entral Rnilr W com pany'a s tock 'nnd nsso.ta by Sicti

to J . A. K eefer o f Twin Falla and E O ray of Contnct, ngonta fo r n rnilr fund raised by citizcna o f south Id and X ovada for purchaso o f thu Id

1 Central holdinga in order lo clear [ flold for building of tho Unc by

ivestiga- -Short Lino. W olflo'a claim ia advai nd and under provision of a contrnct ‘t ^layal B tcw art whereunder he w.ia to HUI

nud financo lho project. I t is dispi iio t im- on tho grounds lh a t WcQ mado him self fnilcd to comply w ith var irs com* provisions of the contract.J tah . j fe e ts Demand.—'------- W olflo 's itemized sta tem unt or ‘

of particu lars o f surveying, promo aud financing tho Idnho Central ro a d ," wns h ied in court hero iii spiinso to demand for such statoi

I ■■■■<• mado by J . R. Bothweli and W. I I Chapman, attornoya for Stowart.I I * .ftntcmcnt wjis filed by T. K. Ilacki U I L n ttorney for W olfle, who rcceivc

frum Spokano following aovcrai d delay during .which W olflo 's wl

. nbonts wcrei unknown tu hia uttorne< 'O r OT W olflo lucludos in Ihc jvtalemeu

nccount of pavrolls nnd cngir I g a i n s t $7702 .2 0 ; on account o f his own

w eeks’ tr ip to W ashington nml , Vork, $2215.1!>, and on account of

own lerv ices fo r nine months, a t per month, $4S00.

ompany,[Is coun- C stllna It 8qu*ro.ffereuco She hnd arrived a t a I lttle statlo 020 per- Verm ont on a cold, sto rm y oight against hired an old m an to drivu hc

J- Judge trl«nd’s farm , up onjong the I Jft Tbo rond,t w ere In bud q>ndltlon 1nd com- Atorm and thu rldo wus nllogc ssioners UHComfortnble one. ' ‘Flow muc coverina * ' urrivln■imo fo r *’®*‘ "W ell, m a’am ,"nvo ex man. "my reg 'la r pricerod can I’u t soeln* as It’s soch a

n igh t nnd tho goln’ so terrib le , I ’ll ncn l o f centa."—Chicago Tribune,

mt thn t lint hndsputo, A tourist nnd his wife, u fle r t in order ^rom nbroad, w ere tellingcommis-d vnlua- *“ Pnrla. Tho huabund m entioned

t cnthualuam a p icture which n-ajy-----jl sen ted Adam und Kvc nnd th e aer

In th e G arden of Edon. In cunnet »ooii.jD forbidden 1I soeonu w axed etithUBltiBttc^scinding jntopjc^.tcu the rem ark : "Yes, 1 se tu n g p icture m ost lo tercatlnsback to f ju s e , you ace. wc knew tho unecd

W ives and QoaU TMOoad.>y J . R. A nclcnt recorda of Yorlc county, n, ulto r- Qrcsen.-ed In th e cou rtho iue a t All to ahow thoiv th a t a t ono tim e gonts nnd v adopted tn w ero not nllowetl on thc lale

• domand Shoala. Oae flshermnn brou.’ ht ido upon tbere , a l tb e AAtne tim o tmpoi ae, and gotta . Lengthy legal bacen sub- waged concerning th e raaof th n l finally 1( w as se ttled tha t

:o a ts m uat go but tho wlfo could i Ige Bab- “tim e and The Sca Oistres* Call,rnto csti- T h e cull S U S, used by ahlps n made nn » • ® distress cull. Is purely nrbli

by the ' grouping of le tte rs nndriven tho chosen because of tho unusual correetod blawtlon of do ts and dasbes v

n a k e It dlstlnctlv* aboro all i sontatlon cooalata of th ree dot*, am lv com dashes, spaco. and throo

<V. VI.s. Muore. ^ . . . tt)d to tho B ehave i n Y o u rse lfis s io n c n ' W hat people moat need ndcd the b e tte r opinion of • tlieiij.'tclvei in vnlua- Pgotlstlcully—bul arising from uo

ost ostlinaiti of the ir own rapabl mors waa Inspire tconlldonctanco bv themsi-lves and direct them to i I ty ntto r- “ '‘‘J’ nccompl

nttornoy-Vhen tho . ---------------^

22, last, N o R e t t fo r S in n ertidcnco oa Ju s tic e 1« a fow Jum ps I , and fo r the most clever hlnner. There of county rest fo r th e wicked, a cu llty cons

by J . W. Is ever on th e burning Hands chnnge.

m t Er Jarjuary 1,1925, The Fitz Co. will be known as th(

;e s M o t o r C o,

p y -i- . U n O ; ^ ^ ’« ^ r ^ t b o t

sHoilov d iteh w ith a b ro k en .rig h t-fr iO 0er« w h e e r aboii.t ■ th rw miles ea s t o t .B e U ie T nesdar foreuo6n w hen th e d ri* n i » Vornon Dobbs, tu rned to th© sldo ot I I a U I collision w ith a F o rd « i lC ta i . d riven w ith O T ident'diffienlty ovor

ioy ro id b y .a woman coming from woat. W eight o f tho lieavy—rat

to h is crushed tbe wheel wken i t slipped, r t hore th'o sido of tbe road, and tho b ig i ) In tho tb a l wM W Oving slowly, como to a ) itB 'aur- w ith o tfR ip p in g ovor. Tho aovon ] n g tho s o n g o d K ^ o tnkon in a tax icab t . which Tw in T l ^ t u Duhl whcro thoy m et g push' casbound stngo thn t r e tu r n ^ f ;j ah o rt ihoro to Boiae. Tho accident occaslo S tow art dolay of only nbout a ha lf hour. >150,000 damoged machine waa repaired Tuea csulting afternoon, tnilrond ■ ” ■

IHOISEfPllfllH mtmt mict w ith > survey

? w o 'tio L a r g e s t P e a c e T im e A p p ro p i

t l o n P a s s e d b y R e p r e s e r

or " b i l l t l v e s ; C a r r i e s $ 7 6 3 , 0 0 0 ,1‘oniotlngml rail- » ---------0 in re- j WASHINOTON, Dcc. 30 (>P>—Sj ta to m cu tjiu g illong a l nlmost nn unprccodc

Orr jo g is la tlvo clip, tho houae today pt art. Tho tho trensury-iKJStoffico aupply Inckman, wliicJi, w ith ita 1703,000,000 to la civcd it the largest poacci timo approprii al dnys monsurc evor conaidcrcd by congre1 whore- Sont to tho sonato practically i 3rney- Q„t amendment a fte r only two <] meut on consideration th e bill provides, at inginoers things, $11,000,000 for prohlb own aix enforcem ent, and $20,000,000 for id Xow const guard service, hnlf o f w hich V it bo availahio during tho coming 1a t $500 -JJ cui\,5ng rum s

gling.Othor items in tho bill includo $2

000 for oporation of tho tranaconl tnlion In ta l a ir mail serviee, $920,373 fo r i Ight nnd ti-uancc of pneum atic m all tub<0 her to N'ow York cily , $10,0.■5(1,200 fo r thc ;hf hllla. turns scrvlce, and $£>,103,101 fo r tho on from n,, hoalth serviee.together Tho fourth o f lho annual aupply much do JJO to the senate which ao fa« iv lng n t Cnlled lo net on any o f them , the in, • su ld j,;,Mago cleared tho w ay fo r conai

“ tiou by the houao later in tho woi* ,® “ tho arm y ajiproprlatlon moaauro,

call gggtlons of the trensury-postob ill dealing w ith m lnta and o ffices and concerning tho upkeep im provem ent o f public buildings

er th e ir nppJoved by lh(,\ houso a s drafto ling tho tho npproprintlona eommlttee.' boforo finn l ac tion oa tholed w ltb H ej,resentativo Busby, dem ocrat,1 repre- „i,,ippi^ moved to re commit tho b ' “'■‘'’1)?° tho npproprintions committoo to on Urn’l l "p l'rop f'^ tion for tho pay of

, m all carriers rnisod from $88,350,' Vo. ZL $«1».2.'.0,000. The motion wns loaX , b 7 ________________Dccdoie.” W IL L OHOOSE WARDEN.

ad. ■ ■WASHINGTON', Dee. 30Dty. Me,. Goneral S toao 'w ill decide witt Alfred. nnmo o f a wardcnd w o w A tlan ta ponitonliary to succcIsles of Sartnin, deposed wnrden nnd

i.^ht hla iiidlctcd by a fcdernl g rand jury, nporllng

battle • . ■

h a t th c 'M , t . , . nt sou

I T Z ‘. < < V O Tual com- A ^!s wblch

" LAVERma THEATER,ree m ore BesorvaUona a t M ajestic 1

91. Season TlckeU $2.60 a

loed la n [ ';lvea—not 1 n an hon-

rrTni T l r r 1

For Ngtronaclenco mds.—Ex-

Another boffalo dim — . ■ ■ Sunday aad for those \ i ^ H Pnt yoor order in by

a limited omotmt to be A six-conrso dinnor

$1.00 por plate.


: : T o m

tb o iu d,|ato ......."it-front' lac-.'Oaaferma Mta. Cum. _ Byan left TnetdAr, evenintf'-on » i '* to CiOItoiiiU.) d r iv e r , . . - m- « . , <I o f the ‘ On BnainMa T. W right>rd car, th e Twin Fblla B an k and T roat «o vor the pany lo ft Tuesday evening bn a bt om tho neaa tr ip to S a lt Lake.

rao tori •ped. o f f n n d e r M edisal rn ^ ta m X —J. >lg caJ^ W illis o f Bogerson, haa, been roceii > a h a lt A p a tien t fo t m od lc^ tre a tn e n l on pas- tho county g eaera l hosp ita l

m o t 'th e ' O ond»J<« V W t—W. A. Hoppeabi d from Tuesday m om iog fo r, h ia homo

, ^ Sacrnmcnto, Cal., a fte r , a v isit vi ir. The " ' “ tives and" friends in Tw in P

rueaday M a ttl ig e Idcenao—A morrij license w na' issued Tuosdny a t

e l county rpcorder'a offiee to Shert ChurcU and E dna U S ta to ^ both

_ _ _

1 Undergoea Oporation > - F ran k I I I I bort o f Twin i 'a lla , a t tho county { I I I oral hospital Tuosday undorwent I I I operation fo r roliof from an affeei I L L of nn nnkle.

1 F&Uont a t Hospital.— Anno Wes bcok, 10, daughtor of Mr, and I

* 0 p r i3 " Qeorge W usleibeok of Ja rb id g e , i p a tie n t for mcdicnl troatm ont nt

!S 6 n t3 ~ county general bospltaf.

30 000 ^ Homo—Mr. and Mrs, J* , D oW itt and fnm ily moved Tuos

in to th c ir now rcsidonco a t : E lovonth ort-onuo north which <

Speed- jjurchnsod rccontly from J . S. K icodonlcd _ ________y poasod E o tu m From Ogden—B ryan Wrl ply bill m anagor c f W. iT. W right aud i to ta l, b company storo horo, and M rs. W r }priation ro turnod .Tuesday from Ogden w ngreas. thoy apent Chriatmaa holidaya lly w ith- d a y a 'i — *------I, among To V isit l a K ansas—K 8. Ca ohlbition who hna bocn tho gueat o f hia

for tho Ooorgo R. C arter of H ighland V ch would le f t Tuesday m orning fo r nn in iig fiscal i"^to v is it w ith h b do^oghter in C t smug- Qto'fc, K an.

a *« flOO ^ V is it .-M r. and Mrs. A^ ^ d o l l J . Allen nnd fam ily arrivod 1 , I dj»v from their horao a t Balt Laktubes in w ’'!'luuea »a f ie n d s hero. Thoy woro ac

pauicd by Mr. and Mrs. 0 . C. i ici pu - returnod from- a v isit to

pply b ill. -------fa r hna [ goo^t E xecutive Talka.—F. Doi

the b ill 's iinH-li’V, d is tric t scout oxccutive onsidera- KiJer Tuesdny nddressed membor week of tho F ile r K iw anis club a t a rcj

iro, m ooting, discussing tho boy 1 )08toffico m ovement in goneral nnd omphasi d assay tho need for tra in ing of adult 1 [cep and leadership, nga were ‘ ------------------------- -“" • a k y j F U N E R A L S

tho b ill, BOREN—Funernl seni’icca for >5 ra t. Mis-1 Boren, daughter o f Mr. nnd ho bill to ft. Boron, wboao denth occi

to bavo,^jon,)„y_ „ je to bo held a t 2 o ’ of ru r a l , th is afternoon a t tho DoW itt c!

,350,00 to horo nnd nre io bo conducted b j 1 lost, 09 Bov. Mr. Ellis o f tho Nnzarono ch

' \ O et Your

1925 calendar Noi•rdon for M tmnco In bnUi iuccced A. I|nd^ lately 1 M o O f l ^ S S k o p

[li Olsen Playersm

U A N D I”SR, PRIDAY, JAN. 2 a t 8:15 P. Btic P b a rm ac r today, 4 p. m. Tickets «1.&0 aj SO aod tL75.

llo Dinneiew Year’s DayUnner for those who enjoyed it la le wbo came too late, by phono. OaU 238 as thore ia on

I be served.,er served from 12 noon till 8 p. ]

n ’s C a f e

a ! i S ^ - T J v ”t Vf T 4 0 p m ta r « t Toe^dajr

' tlBQOUlj above the M e t Uii^ for ......Sv . M .,how i ior, thO ;.flrstitla«.«laeeOuaxUB woveoBOer 4, la s t , ;* p ^ o d o r 58 a trip dajn^ Meorita^, to reeorda. of tbo

igoverament weather observer*! ata- tion hero. Memenry’a low mark

I ^ t of for the 24.hour period ending ®ie«- . It com* d a y ovenlng was 36 above and high a bttsl- ^ 4 , 42 above, tbc weather, obaerver.

reported . P ree lp ita tlon was roeorded _ _ n t one-half inch.

2 , 1 , Weat her conditions Tuesday w et* , ^ , w idely varied including U((ht ra in , neni a i followed b y -a brlo f period o f aun.

sh ine in th« afternoon, w itb anew* Mnbaek ^ eharaeter*lome In b t lo s o f n chlnook except w arm th It w ith afternoon,a Falla 'Ondor tbo influonco o f higher

tem pornturo and rain , thaw ing con- tarrlago tiu u ed throughout the day, b u t was a t tho ha lted abou t 10 0 ’clock T u rd a y

Iberman n ig h t when m oroury fell again be- i)0 th o f low tho frooidng point. Forees of

workmon la tho employ o f the m unlclpol s tree t dopartm ent kopt

A Hal- busy a ll day T uw day and untU lato Ity gen- la th e evening in efforU to main-

“ tn ln as noarly as possible an nnln- ffecUon to rm p ted flow o f stream s o f w ator

released by m olting snow,

Weator- ^ = * s s s ^ = a s s = s a « s = a = ^ ^ = a * d Mra.JO, U a

S C O A Lh thoy

Klmr,.. H i - H e a t , A b e r d e e n a n d

u I 's o M P e a c o c ic R o c ic S p r i n g s■Wrisbt

, whoro Y O U E O H O IO Eya with

NYE BROS.d View,a Indof- PHOIIE 83la Coun-

rs. Won- —

W. 0. W. DancerlTcooT Year’s Eve0 accom- _ _c . Alloa December 31to Snll I , o . 0 , p , j j ,u _ o o n iw i]

_________ In v ited

Dougins ^ = = = ^ = = s ^ = s = a ^ = at

r X w ® a l e

T L u t D E L IC IO U S A P P L E S

■ J. H. SEAVER^ ^ P H O N ^ 3 6 ^ ^

or N ancy

occurrcd I Storage Warehouset t chapel N egotiable Beceipts Z snedll by the

° Cash Advanced“ ■ j on

W arehonso Becelpt*

J. H. SEAVER f _____

^ ^ ^ Q Q S S S iE X S S ^

H o o s i e r F u r n i t u r e C o .


*. M . V

” FLRN^TUREL o w e r P r i c e s

B ogi, StOTM, Llnoloum I V ia it Our Bxchango Z>ep«stauat

A . H . V IN C E N T C O .irSomething Bettei

M alted MUk B read

a t your gtoeor

3 Loaves fo r 2 5 o

1 only First PremiumBakery

p . m . 161 M ain W est


J . H . S E A V E RPHONB 336

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