Page 1: In what ways does your media product use

In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge

forms and conventions of real media products?

Page 2: In what ways does your media product use

Inspirations used • In my pitch , my group and I decided that we wanted our music video to

appeal to a certain target audience who were the type of people to watch the TV programme skins . Therefore we looked at shots used in a woodland themed episode to give us inspiration of shots and the portrayal of ‘drug use’,

Close ups

Two shot

Page 3: In what ways does your media product use

• My group and I definitely used the conventions of having a shot looking down on a character from above as this is one shot which we thought would look professional and would stand out.

• When we pitched our idea to our media group, many people seemed to like the fact that this television episode and the cinematography style used would suit our genre and song. Furthermore to suit our genre we cut the song to the beat –and therefore used this convention.

• However, as we used some of the cinematography conventions –such as the close ups- to show inspiration and influence it was hard to not copy the whole style and create my own style.

Page 4: In what ways does your media product use

My group and I then pitched a mood board and audience profile to show traits which our music video would include to appeal to our target audience.

Page 5: In what ways does your media product use

• We challenged the redundant convention of being in the woods and not a club . This shows that we have challenged this convention for the dance part of the genre.

• We developed the ideas of the male character having flashbacks by portraying the character s lonely and using close ups to show his thoughts and lead to flashbacks. I think we have done this successfully in our music video.

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• My music video supports Steve Neale’s theory that “audiences take pleasure from genre because of ‘instances of repetition and difference” as the mise-en-scene is inspired by skins so shows some form of repetition.

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