
In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products?

In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products?

Conventions in Music VideosWhen researching and looking into music videos, I found that the basic conventions in most music videos were; close up of the artists to create a star image that will encourage sales of the song/album. As well as close up most videos are edited so the shots match the beat and pace of the song to make the video flow naturally. Also almost every music video includes the artist lip syncing to the song to create a real representation of them as well as proving it is their song. Then the rest of the music video either is full of (a) storyline(s) to create a clear narrative of the lyrics, or dancing to create an art piece, or them performing to show their talent.

Similar productsConventions that are normally found in indie rock music are: artist performing song, with it broken up to give the audience a narrative to explain what their lyrics mean. Including a narrative increasingly popular as it helps the audience relate to the song, which makes it more popular.Also mise en scene is used to created an indie rock music video by using props that make the artist or surrounds look retro. For example in my music video my artist wore a denim jacket which are an 80s look. The main scenes for the videos tends to be stage, studio, parks, forests, park, etc. This is because it creates a mysterious look, but it is also easily accessibly by low budget video which the genre tends to aim for. One of my settings was in a park with the artist leaning on a tree, which is seen as retro and rugged.There are certain camera angles used in indie rock videos, for example full length shots the show the artists style as well as the scene. This creates a reputation for the artist as an icon and someone for people to look up too. Editing is a huge part of a music videos success. Effects are often added to give the video an old effect.

How my music video includes the conventionsMy music includes close ups of the artist as well as many different shots. This is what brings attention to him and create a particular image of him.

When the change with the verse and the chorus starts, I have used cuts and transitions to make the shots fit together well.

I have included many different angles of my artist lip syncing to the song, to make it seem realistic that they sung and created the song.

I have chose a storyline as it fits m genre the best. I have edited different shots to create a clear narrative.

Conventions in DigipaksThe main conventions on Digipaks that I found are as follows: artists image, artists name, album name, track names.Because of this I included many of these on the front cover and back cover of my digipak.

As shown on my digipak, I have included the artists name and album name on the front cover to let customers know straight away what it is, then if they're interested then they can look on the back to see the song list.

Conventions on Album PostersConventions on a poster are similar to a digipak but with less detail and aimed to get the target audience excited about the out coming album. Some of the conventions are as followed: Artist name, album name, included tracks, release date, images from digipak.

My poster has included the branded artist name as well as the album it is promoting. I have also mentioned when the album will go on sale. This is to let the audience know prior to the release and make them want to buy the album straight away.

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