  • 1. INSPIRATION IN TEACHING Group Presentation

2. Music: Tibet Project 3. Introduction: Carmel Fenning 4. Life is a succession of lessons which must be lived to be understood Helen Keller 1880-1968 5. Helen Keller was born in Tuscumbia, Alabama, on June 27, 1880, as a healthy baby. Despite her missing senses, Helen was able to communicate with her family using signs she had invented to let them know what she wanted. When Helen was seven years old, her family hired a private teacher named Anne Sullivan. Miss Sullivan was sight-impaired herself. Anne helped by teaching Helen letters, how to behave, and how to talk. Anne showed Helen what letters were and what things were. Anne taught Helen how to talk by placing Helen's hands on the lips and throat so Helen could feel the sounds. Helens accomplishments were going to college, reading and writing in Braille, and writing her own book. She graduated in 1904 and learned five different languages. She was the first deaf- blind person to receive BA degree. 6. I have a dream Martin Luther King 7. Fatima Al-Fihiri 8. Music Frederic Rousseau, la fille de pekin What do you sense? 9. Former poet laureate Andrew Motion 10. Dead Poets Society Youtube clip New view 11. inspiration /insprSHn/ Noun The process of being mentally stimulated to do or feel something, esp. to do something creative: "flashes of inspiration". The quality of having been so stimulated, esp. when evident in something: "a moment of inspiration in an otherwise dull display". 12. teaching /tCHiNG/ Noun The occupation, profession, or work of a teacher. Ideas or principles taught by an authority: "the teachings of the Koran". 13. Remarkable minds Quotable remarks! 'To stimulate life, leaving it then free to develop, to unfold, herein lies the first task of the teacher.' Maria Montessori 'The object of education is to prepare the young to educate themselves throughout their lives. ' Robert Maynard Hutchins 'It is the supreme art of the teacher to awaken joy in creative expression and knowledge.' Albert Einstein 'It is forbidden to walk on the grass. It is not forbidden to fly over the grass.' Augusto Boal Whatever you can do, or dream you can do, begin it. Boldness has genius, power, and magic in it. Begin it now. Goethe

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