
How to download and install

Part 1

Finding and downloading Google sketchup

Step 1.

Go to

Step 2.Click on download

Step 3.Select the operating system that you use, then click

Step 4.Click on the yellow bar that appears at the top of the screen and select download file.

Step 6. open the .exe file and follow the instructions to install the program.

Step 5.

Click save

Step7. Select agree after you have read the license agreement and click next to move onto the next part of the installation.

Step 8.This will tell you where the program will install. If you not happy with where the program will install itself click on change and make a place for it to be installed. If you are fine with where it is going to be installed click next.

Step9.Click install

Step 10.When the installation is completed you will find it in the start>programs>Google Sketchup 6>Google Sketchup

Congratulations you have successfully installed Google sketch.

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