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Research Strategies 18 (2001) 283–301

Internet inspirations

Library instruction with a virtual touch

David J. Duncan*

University Libraries, Wichita State University, Wichita, KS 67260-0068, USA


This piece examines the use of websites prepared for specific library instructional sessions. This

discussion has two main parts. First, the web page’s construction process receives a detailed analysis

in terms of various library resources, differing patron learning styles, the preinstructional interview,

and the proper balance between traditional and virtual resources within this activity. Then, the

section entitled ‘‘Combinations for the Instructional Website’’ discusses several different page types

and their advantages for individual classes. The ‘‘Conclusion’’ reprises the earlier discussions, asks

questions about the future of library instruction, and places the pages within that future context.

D 2003 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction

Different students have distinct preferences for learning aides. Some patrons use com-

puters. Others still embrace the traditional book-related materials. Finally, another group

prefers a combination of techniques. Until recently, most students still used paper sources.

However, with society’s ongoing transition towards an ever-greater virtual world, many

people believe in what might be called the ‘‘Ali Baba’’ effect. In other words, instead of three

rubs on the proverbial magic lamp, they expect that two clicks of the mouse will produce the

desired result (Oberman, 1996). Accordingly, this user behavior presents perplexing issues for

librarians on all educational levels.

How does one come to grips with this situation? While discussed widely in the library

literature, this topic has remained largely a case-by-case scenario depending upon each library

0734-3310/01/$ – see front matter D 2003 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


* Tel.: +1-316-978-5077; fax: +1-316-978-3048.

E-mail address: [email protected] (D.J. Duncan).

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and its unique patron population. In such cases, it is safe to say that no two groups learn

exactly the same way. However, since we are in a society in transition, should our

instructional tools reflect every constituency? In my professional experiences, I have

discovered that a specialized class website maintains a balance between the traditional and

the innovative means detailed above. In these sessions, the Internet features links both to in-

house and outside links and serves as a virtual OPAC projector. In this way, the sources still

suit the traditional patron, yet the presentation’s Internet backdrop holds the computer-

oriented user’s attention.

How does one put together such a virtual presentation? What goes into it? How is the

preinstructional interview affected? How much do the pages differ from each other? These

questions will be answered in the following sections. As with any instructional presentation,

there is a step-by-step procedure that should be followed to generate successful results.

2. Three basic principles for student interest

The librarian’s assertive training, experience, and observation remain crucial in

maintaining an advantage on the instructional cutting edge. As noted above, many factors

loom large in this endeavor. New technologies can prove bewildering (Arp, 1995).

Students might not utilize the same research techniques. Keeping up with new acquis-

itions around the library can prove a daunting task as well. In the face of such factors,

replacing traditional research sources and abandoning the old established instructional

techniques seems plausible. However, despite such issues, the profession’s three traditional

principles still apply: ‘‘Know Your Resources,’’ ‘‘Know Your Patrons,’’ and ‘‘Know Your

Methods.’’ Through the past two millennia and several changes in communicative media

formats, librarians have maintained the flow of information between teacher, student and

the literate public audience (Duncan, 1998). In the case of the virtual library instruction

session, the librarian must understand these elements and how they collaborate to create

the learning environment.

The librarian must know the resources at his or her disposal. These materials can be either

in the library itself or available from another institution. In terms of internal instructional

aides, each library professional should have a general grasp of the print, computerized,

virtual, and specialized collections in their own facility. This specific knowledge might not

extend beyond that person’s specific subject fields; however, one should have an idea where

information on a subject resides within the library. Finally, one should also consult with his

or her colleagues if the answer remains a mystery. For outside resources, a general grasp of

the Internet, online union catalogs such as OCLC’s FirstSearch and CARL UnCover and

even colleagues at other universities can lend valuable assistance. In the end, whether

through a single or a team effort, the librarian must maintain a knowledge of available

library resources.

The librarian must also understand different patron groups’ distinct learning styles (Prorak,

Gottschalk, & Pollastro, 1984). Throughout the history of education, society has never

learned in one fashion. Rather, in the face of each new communicative innovation, society

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splintered off into intellectual factions. These groups differed from each other in their

informational needs, individual usages for the new technology, biases against the new

technology, and timetable for change (Bennett, 1952; Clanchy, 1993; Duncan, 1995;

Eisenstein, 1992; Wattenbach, 1958). Once again, society’s rush towards the computer has

created a splintering effect among its constituencies. Three distinct groups dominate the

learning landscape. First, the teenagers and younger adults have grown up with computers

and know little else. Then, our society’s older citizens wish to continue their use of traditional

sources. Finally, certain users remain at various stages of transition between these two

informational extremes.

The university’s drive to expand its resources has created still more fragmentation in

the library’s patron groups. Educational experience levels differ between resident (on-

campus) students, distance students, and the general public. Each group’s needs and access

differs from its counterparts. Onsite exposure shapes the resident students’ experience.

This group has direct access to campus facilities, professors, and library resources. The

general public, while not officially enrolled, has access to library resources, especially at

state universities. The distance student presents an enigma for educators. How does an

educational program meet the needs of this group when it is not on campus? If the

distance student is within an accessible distance, then he or she also has access to campus

facilities. However, what if the student is across the country from the institution? Which

blend of services and resources should be used in these classes? As demonstrated in

various locations, email and the web can bridge the distance between the faculty member

and the distance student when utilized in satellite courses (Katz & Becker, 1999; Vachris,

1999). However, how do educators structure their instruction to meet these competing

interests when a class session pertains to both groups (McHenry & Bozik, 1995; Spooner,

Jordan, Algozzia & Spooner, 1999)? As Freitas, Meyers, and Avtgis (1998) reported,

educators reconcile these two groups’ learning environments only with great difficulty.

The fluid nature of the college classroom presents many issues for librarians and other

educators to solve (Burton, 1998; Long, Rangecroft, &Gilroy, 1999; PBS adult learning,

1999; Vachris, 1999; Wilson, 1998).

The librarian should also maintain a variety of instructional techniques in his or her

repertoire. Because the various social groups outlined above have different expectations and

intellectual capacities, different approaches remain a necessity in the instructional classroom.

Perhaps for the traditional student, a gradual nudge towards the computer might be needed.

For the computer group, utilizing a traditional work in an interesting subject field might help

in striking a balance. In the last case, the ‘‘in-between’’ student group’s comfort with both

types of sources holds equal importance in this endeavor. How does one accomplish this task?

Various means offer themselves including help guides, online Cybrarian services, librarians’

office hours, and more extensive class materials. Accordingly, each patron’s individual needs

challenge the librarian’s creativity at all times.

Once the librarian has grasped these factors, then the process towards the innovative

instructional sessions has begun in earnest. However, before the project can occur, the

instructional interview with the faculty member must occur. This item receives attention in

Section 3.

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3. The preinstructional interview

The instructional interview between the librarian and faculty member remains a key part in

the formulation of a successful presentation (Arp, 1994). This process involves three steps.

First, the librarian must understand the research patterns of the class’s discipline. Then, the

class level should be taken into account. Finally, the instructional interview should reveal

the faculty member’s goal for the session. Through this process, the two parties discover the

purposes, biases, and tools involved with a respective session.

In many cases, the library instructional session encompasses the student’s initial research

experience. These sessions can include print, CD-ROM, Internet, and special collections

resources. However, which materials should be included in the presentation? While the

librarian would like to introduce everything to the student, time limitations, and the audience’s

ability to absorb information remain key issues in these sessions’ success or failure (Cannon,

1994). As Oberman (1991) has surmised, bibliographic instruction should serve as ‘‘the lens

through which every function of the library needs to look through.’’ In planning the class

session, one should consider the subject area and the class level. In terms of the former, some

subject areas have their own source materials. In the Humanities, for example, one might

emphasize books and primary sources (Tibbo, 1993; Watson-Boone, 1994). The Social

Sciences, on the other hand, require materials from all of the sources cited above. As

Whittington (1996) stated, ‘‘research in the social sciences takes various forms depending

on the nature of the problem to be explored, the level of sophistication of the researcher, and the

resources within the person’s reach’’ (p. 5). The Physical Sciences andMathematics draw upon

conference proceedings and electronic journals as well (Hurt, 1998). In addition, the class level

affects the presentation. One usually does not overwhelm the entry-level student with advanced

material, nor should entry-level material find its way into an advanced class’s session (Seffert &

Bruce, 1997). These basic principles provide a criterion for the basis of the presentation itself.

The respective faculty member’s feelings have to be considered as well. How does he or

she feel about the library instructional session and its components? The instructional

interview presents the opportunity to discern any concerns that the faculty member may

have with the potential presentation. One should remember that, while the librarian teaches an

instructional session, the overall class still belongs to the professor. Accordingly, the librarian

should ask certain questions including the following:

� What type of presentation are you looking for?� Do you want Internet sources included in the presentation? If so, then would you want

internal sources? External sources?� How in-depth would you like me to go?� Which other types of sources (print, CD-ROM, microforms, special collections, and/or

reference works) would you like included in the presentation?� What format would you like the presentation to use?� Would you like an accompanying handout?

The answers to these questions will go a long way towards shaping the instructional site.

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Once the interviewing process is complete, then the librarian can proceed onward and

begin formulating a page to suit the class’s needs.

4. What should I put into it?

As Arp (1995) has commented, ‘‘good system design does not replace instruction.’’

Therefore, good instructional presentations should endeavor to strike a balance with the

materials. In addition, Chizmar and Walbert (1999) utilized various articles, Excel

worksheets, and other learning tools in their online class materials. Other online learning

aides have also had success (Agarwal & Day, 1998; Daniel, 1999; Dumont, 1996; Pear &

Crone-Todd, 1999; Stone, 1999; Tang & Johnson, 1999); however, with the library

instruction session, how does one strike the proper balance? The answer is that one

should strive to have examples from six or seven broad categories. Yet, in realizing

that the session may or may not cover every point, the instructional site’s points

should be open to exploration by the student at a later time. Proper materials can include

these items:

4.1. In-house library computerized resources

These materials include the online library catalog, any networked CD-ROM databases

(such as ERIC, Medline, CINAHL), a direct link to the library’s homepage, directed links to

specific areas on the site, and any password-protected Internet sites (such as EBSCOhost,

InfoTrac, Britannica Online). In addition, a link to the institution’s ‘‘Ask a Reference

Librarian’’ site always provides students with a means of contact for the inevitable last

second paper project.

4.2. In-house library paper resources

Depending upon the topic involved and the faculty member’s preferences, various items

including books, periodical indices, bibliographies, atlases, and microforms.

4.3. Internet resources I (search engines)

This area includes links to various Internet search engines, which include the directory

site (Yahoo), a specific-searching site (Hotbot) and two meta-search engines (Metafind

and Dogpile).

4.4. Internet resources II (virtual subject pages)

Each subject area has its own expert guide sites. If included, place a link to the

main page. In addition, directed links can be included to resources including tables,

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maps, charts, chronologies, texts (where appropriate) among other sources, and their

respective sites.

4.5. Tracking software

Many Internet providers offer tracking software for their websites. This JavaScript allows

the designer to track the traffic on his or her site. Accordingly, this tool provides valuable

insight into the site’s usefulness.

4.6. Virtual handout

If the instructor would like a handout included with the presentation, then one might use

both print and .pdf (Acrobat) versions.

Just as with an artist’s palate, the librarian has many options for the prospective presentation.

As Section 5 illustrates, the combinations can differ significantly from site to site.

Fig. 1. Outline for Islamic Civilization Lecture for Economics 3320 (Global Environment).

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5. Combinations for the instructional website

Once the interview and the options are known, the librarian can construct the instructional

site. However, depending upon these ingredients, the resulting presentation will differ in its

format. Some formats include the simple outline, a single-page combination outline (with a

few links), a single-page complex presentation and the multipage collage. Each style has its

own distinct advantage. However, as Chizmar and Williams (1997) concluded, ‘‘the

pedagogy must drive the choices of instructional technology, not the other way around.’’

Accordingly, the faculty member’s desires from the instructional interview, the session’s time

limitations, and the class level will all lend themselves to this process and lead to very distinct

virtual presentations.

The simple outline emphasizes the Internet’s usefulness without links to distract the

students. This style is most useful for a straight lecture where one wants to go through

material in a short period. Accordingly, just as with a handout outline, the site’s organization

is based upon Roman numerals, capital letters, numbers, and bullet pointers for differing

levels of emphasis. The ‘‘Outline for Islamic Civilization Lecture’’ site (Fig. 1) utilizes this

Fig. 2. ‘‘So, Is it an Authoritative Site?’’— tips for determining the value of an Internet site.

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Fig. 3. English 101/102 resources.

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Fig. 3. (continued )

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simplicity very well. In the preinstructional interview, the faculty member wanted me to

present a guest lecture on Islamic civilization for two International Finance courses for an

hour each. Therefore, the instructional site only needed to provide a general backdrop for my

talk. The lecture followed most of the points and its free-formed nature allowed for

student questions in the permitted time. In this sense, the site only provided a loose boundary

for the lecture.

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Fig. 4. History 200: Introduction to Historical Research.

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Fig. 4. (continued )

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The single-page combination outline offers more support for an instructional session with

more inherent visual aides and examples. Unlike the simple outline above, the very nature of

this presentation gives more color to a presentation. This page’s links can be organized in

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Fig. 5. Internet resources for World History 1 course.

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Fig. 5. (continued )

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several different fashions. For instance, in the ‘‘So, Is It an Authoritative Site?’’ page (Fig. 2),

these added features come to the fore. The professor in this case desired that his students

could discern scholarly Holocaust sites from popular ones. Accordingly, the presentation

focused on the single theme of ‘‘How to Use the Internet’’ and the organization still provided

a prompting mechanism for the students. However, the links added another dimension

through illustrative examples. This site included a section of the WSU Libraries’ ‘‘Searching

the Internet’’ workshop’s page, various Internet guides, a virtual quiz, some Nazi propaganda

sites, a link to WSU Libraries’ History page, and several starting points for Holocaust

research on the Internet.

Through its design, the page offered illustrations yet still allowed for a loose lecture format.

The complex single-page organization offers the greatest benefit for the typical library

instruction class through its flexibility. This presentation incorporates the outline and the links

of its predecessors thereby allowing for a lecture guide. Yet, it allows one to bring other

(nonvirtual) library materials into the discussion. In this format, depending upon one’s

network capabilities, one can introduce Internet resources, link to the online catalog, provide

a direct link to the library’s page, highlight that site’s most important links and bring in the

traditional sources for the students’ edification. For instance, the ‘‘English 101/102’’ page

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Fig. 6. Selected Internet resources for HCS 4301 (Health Education in Medical Care Settings).

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Fig. 6. (continued )

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(Fig. 3) provides such a balance through the following components: Internet Search Engines,

Library tools, CD-ROM databases, Microforms Resources, Government Documents, and

Internet Style Manuals. However, the ‘‘History 200: Introduction to Historical Research’’

page (Fig. 4) differed slightly due to its purpose. In addition to the other resources,

bibliographies and primary sources appear on this page. For the ‘‘Internet Resources for

World History I Course’’ site (Fig. 5), links to various online reference works and atlases

serve to supplement the lecture and grant students additional resources for use. The ‘‘Selected

Internet Resources for HCS 4301 (Health Education in Medical Settings)’’ Page (Fig. 6)

includes links to MEDLINE, CINAHL, the Hardin Meta-Directory from the University of

Iowa, and other medical resources. Through a clear collaboration between professor and

librarian in the instructional interview, many distinct ideas can come to the student in a

succinct yet organized manner.

The multipage collage offers the most complex mix of simplicity and detail for a

presentation. This format, usually best for upper-level undergraduate and graduate courses,

allows the presenter to use more examples in his or her lecture. In addition, the ‘‘Power Point-

esque’’ appearance allows the audience to follow bigger text and only a few points on a page.

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For instance, in the ‘‘History of the Crusades’’ presentation, several different types of

information came together to form a story h

htmli. Each facet received its own page; therefore, the students saw a chronology and a page

devoted to each stage of this historical trend ranging from the initial conflicts between the

Byzantines and Muslims up to the conflicts between the Ottoman Empire and the West. Each

page included maps and relevant sources so as to make the textbook come alive for the

audience. The ‘‘Spanish History Resources’’ presentation devoted a page to maps, chronicles

and letters, respectively h For a

complex presentation, this design provides the greatest flexibility and use of examples for

the class.

The presentation format provides many distinct derivations for the instructional presenta-

tion. Depending upon the materials presented, format utilized and the central theme, one can

create different classroom experiences ranging from a straight lecture, to an audience-driven

discussion, to a topic-based storyline. Again, the emphasis depends upon the agreement

reached between the professor and librarian during the instructional interview and the

resources prevalent in the host library. Through innovation and creativity, one can produce

a work to present many different sources in a way that a variety of students will understand

and use frequently throughout their academic experience.

6. Conclusion

The library learning environment changes everyday. New technological innovations occur

on a daily basis. Traditional students want to use computers and the Internet in many cases.

On the other hand, returning adult students want to keep the traditional research sources.

Then, the distance programs at many universities exert still more pressure on the curriculum.

Given all of these issues, what are the library’s options? To toss aside the print sources will

certainly deny informational access to many older students. On the other hand, how does one

defray access costs for distance sites whose students deserve equal attention to their on-

campus counterparts? Certainly, as universities continue to expand their coverage areas, these

issues will surface again and again.

The best compromise comes through a blending of resources and materials through a fairly

accessible format, the Internet. With only a few fiber optic cables, educators and librarians

can assist patrons with their informational needs. In the case of the resident student, one can

attend several instructional sessions in the same semester and always learn something new.

The dichotomy between traditional and innovative resources adapt to every learning style

(Oberman, 1996). For the outreach programs, while these resources do not provide access to

CD-ROM materials, key subscription Internet databases are organized and presented to the

students. In addition, the instructional sites organize key research resources in a coherent and

clear fashion. Oftentimes, distance students must make trips into the main campus or rely

heavily on document delivery services. These aids provide organizational frameworks for

further research in the distance sites. Finally, public patrons can also utilize these sites with

reduced levels of access for their own enrichment as well.

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Most importantly, the professor–librarian partnership in this activity enriches the student’s

learning experience. As Cannon (1994) has stated, ‘‘to have such a BI program, teaching

faculty and librarians must communicate and cooperate’’ (p. 524). Most faculty members, for

various reasons, do not bring their classes to the library for instruction. In many cases, this

situation comes down to control issues. If a professor has input into the instructional session,

then he or she might be more willing to utilize this valuable service (Stahl & Baker, 1997). This

discourse happens on two levels. First, the professor and librarian share in the site’s

construction. The former suggests favorable sites and the latter might add either general or

other resources specific to the library’s unique strengths. Then, through continued discussion,

the two parties agree upon a common theme, other content, and a format for the presentation.

With this combined effort, they create the instructional site. This activity reduces the

competition for control on both sides and leads to a noticeable trust between colleagues.

Trentin (1999) concluded that, ‘‘here the underlying idea is to establish a bilateral commun-

ication channel between teacher and expert in a given subject’’ (p. 147). In light of this

cooperation, students may be more inclined to ask a librarian for assistance whether at the

Reference desk, through an office consultation, or on the online Cybrarian service. The so-

called ‘‘triangle of trust’’ between student, professor, and librarian drives the educational

experience and ultimately determines its success or failure (Schloman, Lilly, & Hu, 1989;

Trentin, 1999).

As the educational experience continues to advance, the learning environment continues to

mutate. Different learning groups splinter apart. Only with cooperation, collaboration, and the

blending of resources can libraries provide access to their patrons. These sites are one step

along this pathway. Understandably, they present many questions and complicated issues for

universities. For instance, the issues of copyright, intellectual property, and resource access

remain ongoing arguments; however, as educators and librarians continue to utilize new

technologies and present them to their constituent audience groups, the details will iron

themselves out. Just as with the printing press’ initial boom in the fifteenth through

seventeenth centuries, this adjustment period will pass as well. However, the subsequent

era of learning will provide still greater challenges for everyone. Keefer (1993) has likened

this process to fishing. Just as the fisherman works the pond with differing casting lengths and

lures, so too should the librarian use different techniques to attract the widest variety of users.

Only through everyone’s collaboration, suggestions and innovations will we meet the

intellectual challenges for the twenty-first century and beyond.


This paper was originally presented to the library faculty and staff at Wichita State

University in August 1999. The author would like to express his appreciation for the many

critiques and comments from both library and teaching faculty members, most notably Drs.

George Schuyler, Ernst Pijning, Keith Pickus, Ariel Loftus, Melissa Shock, Will Klunder, and

Ruth Jackson, in addition to Amanda Moore, Sha-Li Zhang, Art Lichtenstein, D.J. Hoek,

Suzanne Drago, Philip Howze, Dorothy Moore, Janet Brown, and Connie Dalrymple.

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