
Presented by: Mr Brian O’Reilly

Managing Director: SEA Management Consulting Company (SEA) Director: The Australian Chamber of Commerce: Vietnam (AusCham)

Introduction to Public Speaking

Presentation Outline

1.  Introduction

2.  Foundations of Effective Communication

3.  Developing a Focus

4.  Preparing Content

5.  Organizing the Speech

6.  Presenting the Speech

7.  Conclusion

Contact Details Tel: 0903 – 351 462

Email: [email protected]

1. Introduction

Contact Details Tel: 0903 – 351 462

Email: [email protected]

2. The Foundations of Public Speaking

Contact Details Tel: 0903 – 351 462

Email: [email protected]

The Speech Communication Process

Contact Details Tel: 0903 – 351 462

Email: [email protected]

3. Developing a Focus

•  The Audience-Centred Speaker is one who tries to establish a meaningful connection with listeners.

•  All audience centred speakers should:

1.  Analyse, and

2.  Adapt.

Contact Details Tel: 0903 – 351 462

Email: [email protected]

Selecting a Topic

Contact Details Tel: 0903 – 351 462

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The Purpose

Contact Details Tel: 0903 – 351 462

Email: [email protected]

Overview of Speech Design


General Purpose Specific Purpose Central Idea








Contact Details Tel: 0903 – 351 462

Email: [email protected]

4: Preparing Content

•  Field Research –  Interviews with experts –  Experiences and

investigations –  Surveys

•  Libraries –  Books and articles –  Reference works –  Electronic databases

•  Internet –  Websites –  Discussion

forums –  Blogs and vlogs

Finding Materials Efficiently

Contact Details Tel: 0903 – 351 462

Email: [email protected]

Visual Aids

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Line graph

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Bar graph

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Pie Graph

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Pictorial Graph

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Flow Chart Table

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Contact Details Tel: 0903 – 351 462

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Contact Details Tel: 0903 – 351 462

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Contact Details Tel: 0903 – 351 462

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Favourite Colour

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Earth Jupiter

Contact Details Tel: 0903 – 351 462

Email: [email protected]

Jupiter’s diameter is 11.2 times larger than Earth. You could put 11.2 Earths side-by-side to match the diameter of Jupiter. It would take 1321.3 Earths to fill up the volume of Jupiter. In terms of surface area, Jupiter is 121.9 times bigger than the Earth. Jupiter has 317.8 times the mass of the Earth. Jupiter’s Diameter: 142,800km Earth’s Diameter: 12,753km

Earth Jupiter

Death by PowerPoint

Contact Details Tel: 0903 – 351 462

Email: [email protected]

5: Organization the Speech

1.  A well-organised speech is easier to understand.

2.  A well-organised speech is easier for the audience to remember.

3.  A well-organised speech is more lightly to be believed.

Contact Details Tel: 0903 – 351 462

Email: [email protected]


•  Gain Attention and Interest

•  Orient the Audience

•  Guidelines for Introductions

Contact Details Tel: 0903 – 351 462

Email: [email protected]

Guidelines for Introductions

1.  Don’t prepare your introduction first.

2.  Make your introduction simple and easy to follow.

3.  Make sure that your introduction has a direct and obvious tie-in with the body of the speech.

4.  Never apologise.

Contact Details Tel: 0903 – 351 462

Email: [email protected]

Organising Main Points

•  Chronological Pattern

•  Spatial Pattern

•  Cause – Effect Pattern

•  Problem – Solution Pattern

•  Topical Pattern

•  Statement-of-Reasons Pattern

Contact Details Tel: 0903 – 351 462

Email: [email protected]


•  Signal the End –  Verbal signals –  Nonverbal signals

•  Summarise Key Ideas –  Reinforce the Central Idea with a Clincher –  Cite a Quotation –  Issue an Appeal or a Challenge –  Give an Illustration –  Refer to the Introduction

•  Guidelines for Conclusions Contact Details

Tel: 0903 – 351 462 Email: [email protected]

6: Presenting the Speech

1.  A well-organised speech is easier to understand.

2.  A well-organised speech is easier for the audience to remember.

3.  A well-organised speech is more lightly to be believed.

The Importance of Organization

Contact Details Tel: 0903 – 351 462

Email: [email protected]

Reasons for Nervousness

1.  Fear of being stared at.

2.  Fear of failure or rejection.

3.  Fear of the unknown.

4.  A traumatic experience in the past.

5.  Social anxiety.

Contact Details Tel: 0903 – 351 462

Email: [email protected]

Introduction to Listening

You can become a better listener Contact Details

Tel: 0903 – 351 462 Email: [email protected]

The Problem of Poor Listening Skills

•  Hearing

•  The process by which sound waves are received by the ear.

•  Listening

•  The act of interpreting and evaluating what is being said.

Contact Details Tel: 0903 – 351 462

Email: [email protected]

7: Conclusion

•  Review of Workshop.

•  Questions and Answers.

Contact Details Tel: 0903 – 351 462

Email: [email protected]


Regards Mr Brian O'Reilly, Managing Director: SEA Management Consulting Company (SEA) Director: The Australian Chamber of Commerce: Vietnam (AusCham) T: +84 - 903 - 351 462 E: [email protected] W:

Contact Details Tel: 0903 – 351 462

Email: [email protected]

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