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Question 1:

In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge

forms and conventions of real media products?


This PowerPoint will show how my media product uses,

develops or challenges forms and conventions of real

media products.


• Film Title

• Taglines

• Billing Block

• Main Film Image

• Name of Main Cast

• Release Date

• Reviews

• Production Logo + Name

• Quotes From The Film


• Normally very short, 30-60 seconds long.

• In this time you are shown a basic outline of what the film is about and shows you the main characters and the USP of the film.

• The main purpose of a teaser trailer is to make you aware of the new film and give you a quick insight to what the film is.

• Is is also to make the audience aware of what the film is called and show a short clip of the film so they get enough information to know what is going on but not enough to know what will happen next. This is a useful tactic that film distributors use to grab the audiences attention and make them want to know what is going to happen next.

• Uses a different variety of shots and camera angles and movement.

• Shows the title of the film, main characters, production company and release date and sometimes social media links. E.G. Facebook/twitter.

• Teaser trailers tend to relate back to the genre that film is.


• Magazine title

• Film Tagline

• Film Title

• Main Cast Names

• Main Image From Film

• Other Advertisements

• Barcode, Price, what else is in the magazine, websites.

• Quotes and reviews of film.

When looking at other teaser trailers we wanted some elements to be the same so that our teaser trailer would be successful and give the same impression that the teaser trailer for Warm Bodies did to create tension and create unanswered questions that the audience would want to know the answers to. This would then build up a larger audience to want to go and see the film.In the Warm Bodies trailer on of the last titles used in the trailer is the title of the film which is big and bold and is one of the last things that the audience sees. I felt that this was a good element of the teaser trailer as it is the thing that the audience will remember most abut the trailer and the audience will remember the film and the title of the film because of the dark and vibrant colours and the bold font for the title. This seems to be successful in the Warm Bodies trailer so as a group we decided to use this in our teaser trailer as the last thing the audience would see so they remember it the most and will want to see T.O.D. as it is the name of the film that is constantly in their minds.

When looking for some ideas and inspiration for our poster for our teaser trailer for out film T.O.D. I looked at the poster for the films we looked at for inspiration for our trailer. When looking the posterfor warm bodies as shown on the previous slide it shows consistency in the colour theme of red which works well with the genre of a Zomromcom which is similar to our genre of a zombie horror film. We used the consistence of the colour themes which work well and make the media products for the film more memorable for the audience.

We also used reviews of the film from audiences that had previously seen the film in our poster like in the one for Warm Bodies as this make the audience feel that seeing the film would be with their while as the people who have already seen the film felt that is was very good which is shown in the rating stars.

When looking at other film posters it is clear that the main focal point is the picture taken from the film and the film title. When looking at the poster for warm bodies it shows the picture taken from the film to be in the center of the poster and the title just above the picture. This we felt worked well as it is eye catching as is the first thing you see when you look at the magazine cover and the fact that the picture and the title are together in the middle of the cover automatically keeps drawing your attention to it which makes it more memorable to the people seeing poster.

When getting inspiration for the magazine cover I looked at many different styles of magazines. When trying to see which cover would suit the genre of our film which was zombie horror, I felt that none of them really grabbed my attention in the way in which we felt would make our teaser trailer successful and make people want to go and see our film. When looking at the Empire magazine cover I like the fact that the magazine name ‘Empire’ was right at the top in a big bold font which is the first thing you see as it is a eye level so we used this idea in out magazine cover which is shown on the previous slide.

At the bottom of the magazine cover from the empire cover on the previous slide it shows pictures taken from four other films in four separate boxes. We felt that this could work well in our magazine poster as it is used in the other type of magazine covers we looked at called ‘Fangoria’ the only difference is that the boxes would be on the left hand side going down instead of across so we used this idea in our magazine cover so we could include different elements of different magazine covers and then created our own so we could include certain parts with the ideas taken from other magazine cover styles and include them in our own to make our even better and more appealing when people are looking at the poster. This we felt was useful as it would make more people want to go and see the film if the poster was presented in a way which got people watching the trailer and gaining our film more recognition so it becomes more successful.




• In the pictures in the previous slide the two different settings we used in our trailer are shown.

• The first setting we used was the setting of a science lab where we were examining a body which was played by Emma. We made the lighting of this scene darker which gave of the effect of tension when the audience was watching the trailer. This also suited well with our genre of a horror zombie film. The low key and darker lighting automatically created a negative and scary atmosphere which is what we want the audience to feel to add to the realism of the film. This is typical of a film in this genre like ‘Warm Bodies’ and ;World War Z’ which is where we got the inspiration to add this effect when making our own trailer.

• The second setting we used was a field in Reigate with a pyramid which we used when getting all the actors (zombies) to run after Issy (the human character) Using an outside recreational area added to the realistic effect we wanted to create to make the film seem more realistic to the audience. When researching other films in the same genre that our film was going to be in we noticed that in the film ‘Warm Bodies’ for example used an airport for their setting so we decided to use a recreational place near the college where we were shooting to make it seem more realistic by make it more tension building as it is a common place where many people go, the field we used is to show that it is a place where many people go on a daily basis. In some way this makes the film slightly personal to them as they can now relate the setting to them which makes the film more successful as it seems more realistic and the reaction we will be getting from the audience when they’re watching the film will be what we intended.



• When shooting the setting which was meant to be held in a science lab, we didn't ’t have a

science lab to shoot in so we used props and costume to get this information across by using

science coats and equipment and the face mask used in hospitals.

• When shooting the scene where the zombies were limping across the field we had to uses

costume/hair/make up to make the actors and myself come across to the audience as zombies.

We sis this by using blood stained white T-shirts and used red paint to create this effect. When

applying the make up we used white face paint to make our faces look pale and used dark eye

make up to create the sense that we were dead and used lipstick to create cuts and blue

powder to make bruises on our face and arms. When doing our hair we back combed it to make

it look big and add to the sense that we were zombies and al dead. We got these ideas to make

the film and characters seem more realistic from the films ‘Warm Bodies’ and ‘World War Z’

which were the two films we used when getting ideas as they were in a similar genre to our film.

• To make Emma look like a dead body being examined we used make up to create cuts and

bruises on her legs, arms and hands to add effect. We also had her lay down in a hospital gown

to make the audience think that we were shooting in a hospital or examination science lab.

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