Page 1: Kickstart your day with a fresh encouragement · life and my children’s lives have been full of blessings, day after day. I passed an exam that I had previously failed four times

25 Messages for a Healthy Spiritual LifeEBOOK BY ERIC CÉLÉRIER

Kickstart your day

with a fresh encouragement

Page 2: Kickstart your day with a fresh encouragement · life and my children’s lives have been full of blessings, day after day. I passed an exam that I had previously failed four times


Kickstart your day with a fresh encouragement

25 Messages for a Healthy Spiritual Life

Ebook by Eric Célérier

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A Miracle Every Day3

You are a new creation! 4

Your life has a purpose! 6

The desert will bloom! 8

Have you been labeled? 10

God knows you personally 12

Forgiving again 16

Let the fragrance of your worship rise! 18

Your attitude determines your altitude! 20

All things are possible! 22

Let not your heart be troubled 24

Don’t compare yourself to others any longer… 25

God justifies you! 27

You are a diamond 28

Love is the ultimate measure of success 29

The cloud is coming… 31

Don’t apologize for being alive! 33

God does miracles! 36

You fear nothing! 39

Is God truly tarrying in giving His answer? 40

Listen to the song of heaven 42

Do you sometimes feel too guilty to pray? 44

It’s going to be ok 45

Do you know the benefits of laughing? 47

Continue to dream 49

Yes, you will succeed! 51

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You are a new creation!

My friend, I’m sure you’re familiar with the process that the

caterpillar undergoes to become a butterfly. It’s one of nature’s most

fascinating transformations.

Everything begins with a little larva that becomes a caterpillar... a

caterpillar that forms a temporary home for itself.

Seen from the outside, this home may appear to be a place where

nothing happens. It’s almost a place of death, without movement,

without noise... but not without life…

Several days pass and all of a sudden, life bursts forth and exits the

cocoon! A pair of magnificent wings splits the sky and contributes to the

beauty of creation.

Did you know that if someone artificially opens the cocoon to help the

butterfly escape, it dies?

It’s this process of struggling to leave the chrysalis that allows the

butterfly’s wings to become sturdy and strong so that it can face the

natural elements like the wind and rain and everything else it will

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encounter over the course of its life. This key passage from the chrysalis is

unavoidable and essential to the creature’s preparation.

My friend, your chrysalis is God’s heart, His presence, His love. In the secret

place, the Holy Spirit speaks to you, teaches you, and strengthens you.

The Lord is preparing you for an unlimited life of grace and strength, an

existence marked by the imprint of His steps and the seal of His victory…

• His victory over death! (The Bible, 1 Corinthians 15:55-58)

• His victory over sickness! (The Bible, Isaiah 53:5)

• His victory over your troubles and fears! (The Bible, Psalm 54:7)

• His victory over all that keeps you from living freely and happily!

It’s His victory that defines your future today!

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Your life has a purpose!

You have been created with a particular purpose and placed in this

exact time make history!

I believe that God wants to use you, His child, to touch and lift up this

world from its ashes, to pull it out of the dust. He desires to breathe life

into the “dry bones” of those around you, and He wants to use YOU to

accomplish it!

You are the Father’s arms of love surrounding the co-worker who suffers

in silence. You are the Lord’s words lifting up a friend who does not yet

know Jesus. You are the one God is sending to dry the tears spilled in

secret, to cry with those who cry and encourage them to keep going


I don’t know a single person who doesn’t need encouragement. All of us,

at one moment or another, go through trials, sickness, suffering, betrayal,


Wherever you go, God accompanies you. His presence, His anointing, and

His healing power are with you wherever you are! It’s not about you, your

capacity to “do”... it’s about His Spirit in you.

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You are absolutely unique and your way of testifying of God’s love to this

world is too.

So don’t hold, love, love!

Pray with me: “Father, I thank You that my life has purpose! I pray that it

helps others find purpose in their lives today. Use me to change this world

with Your love. In Jesus’s name, amen!”

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The desert will bloom!

“Therefore, behold, I will allure her, will bring her into the wilderness, and

speak comfort to her.” (The Bible, Hosea 2:14)

The dictionary definition of the word “desert” is a barren place,

ill-suited for life. Seen from this angle, the desert is not very

appealing. And yet, God’s creation is full of beautiful surprises and

rich with teachings.

When the ideal weather conditions come together, like rain, high

temperatures, and humidity, the desert flourishes.

My friend, are you going through the dry, scorching wind of the desert

right now?

If so, what is your desert called? Depression... Divorce… Sickness...

Solitude... Something else…?

Whatever its name, this desert will not be your tomb. It will not bury you.

You will not die in the desert... you will live. Yes, you will live and declare

the works of the Lord! (see The Bible, Psalm 118:17)

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By faith, rise up with strength and declare: “God—oh God of my

deliverance! God, who gives me the victory, You are the One in whom I


Feel the latter rain (see The Bible, Joel 2:23) on your face, receive His

life inside of you.

Rise up and see...the desert is flourishing!

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Have you been labeled?

Sometimes, because you were born in a certain place or into a certain

family, you carry someone’s name, or just because you are different,

people stick labels on you. This can have an enormous influence on

our lives, defining and shaping us. We often hear people say, “I am

useless,” “I’m not good at anything,” etc.

Have you been a victim of others labeling you? I would like to share with

you several thoughts which, if you receive them, can change your life and

“unstick” this label!

1. You are not what others say you are. Your new identity is this: you are

a child of the Most High God, an heir, a friend of Christ!

2. You have inestimable value. When God looks at you, He rejoices

because He sees you like He sees His Son, Jesus. He sets His affection

and all His joy on you!

3. Your past does not determine your future. Your sins have been

forgiven! The condemnation that weighs heavy on you has been

removed. God has a unique plan for your life! You are free to enter into

this plan.

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4. It’s not too late! In the Bible, we see that God blessed Abraham and

Sarah. They couldn’t have children, but they believed in the One who

calls those things that are not as though they were!

Declare this with faith: “I am God’s precious child, I have

inestimable value, my past does not determine my future,

and it’s not too late!”

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God knows you personally

We can only marvel at the heart filled with grace and kindness that

Jesus has for each one of us…

When I started “A Miracle Every Day,” it was in my heart to better know

you and draw near to you, your needs, and also your suffering. As my

daily email arrives in your inboxes, I receive testimonies that call for

great prayer support. Reading your emails allows me to meet you but

also to encourage you with what the Lord puts on my heart. We all have

our journeys, our paths, and they aren’t always simple. Sometimes, we

experience particularly difficult times…

“A Miracle Every Day” comes and says, “Hold on, Jesus is with you!” You

as readers are increasing more and more in numbers and with us all, the

sun never sets on the group we form! The family of “A Miracle Every Day”

extends from Canada to China, Madagascar to India, Haiti to France, and

now to the United States and the English-speaking world! I am amazed

to see the incredible divine connections made and how much they bring

encouragement to people’s lives. I invite you to read several testimonies

to encourage you to “keep going!”

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• “I sent you my prayer request. And it came to pass! When I got home, my

oldest daughter that had so needed work just received a job with a

6-month contract! We are overjoyed!”

• “My wife was pregnant and suffering. Those who saw her didn’t believe

she would survive giving birth. I was in the deepest depression I had

ever experienced, but one morning, I read ‘A Miracle Every Day’ and

found the strength to continue to believe and be confident in God. I

simply repeated these words that King David wrote: “Surely goodness

and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life…” (The Bible, Psalm

23:6) and declared, ‘let this happen in my home!’ God took action, my

wife gave birth to a beautiful little girl, and we named her Joviale. She

and her mother are both in good health!”

• “‘A Miracle Every Day’ saved me from discouragement and suicide.

The first time I received ‘A Miracle Every Day,’ it was 1 a.m. in Quebec

and I was sad and discouraged. I was afraid and I didn’t want to see

another tomorrow. I didn’t stop praying and I got a notification on my

phone with a message from Éric Célérier. The message said, “God is

faithful. He is going to lift you up, dry your tears.” There is one thing I’m

certain about: ‘A Miracle Every Day’ isn’t the work of a man or men but

the work of the Holy Spirit using a man.”

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• “My miracles began with an instantaneous healing. Since then, my

life and my children’s lives have been full of blessings, day after day. I

passed an exam that I had previously failed four times. In faith, I sent

out application letters everywhere. Then, I received a letter from a

company that invited me for a job interview. I prepared with the Lord’s

help and went in confidence. This was not an ordinary interview—they

presented the whole business to me. Then, I received the phone call that

I had been hired! How could I not shout with joy? God is great and His

works are magnificent.”

• “I am a single immigrant mother of two children. Without family or

friends around me, I often fall into despair when faced with the

challenges of life. ‘A Miracle Every Day’ is this tap on the back, this

reminder that I am loved, which is something I need every day!”

• “Discouragement has left. My faith has quadrupled! I have concluded

that what happens or doesn’t happen to me has no power before the

One in whom I believe. No one has recognized my work for thirty years,

but I just received an honorary PhD from an American university that I

didn’t know. It’s a miracle from God!”

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I bless the Lord for these precious testimonies and give Him all the glory.

I pray that He continues to guide me and give me, each day, this word

that saves, encourages, and lifts His children up. You are a magnificent

creation of God, my friend! Your Father in heaven loves you and I love you

as well with the love of the Lord. Don’t hesitate to turn to Him with all

your needs.

“Let us therefore come boldly to the throne of grace, that we may obtain

mercy and find grace to help in time of need.” (The Bible, Hebrews 4:16)

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Forgiving again

Forgiving AGAIN? What is this, a new doctrine?

Actually, it’s not! It’s one of Jesus’s teachings that is really important for

us to understand.

The other day, one of my friends was talking with me about a person who

had really hurt me in the past by publicly slandering me on the Internet.

All of a sudden, even though I had already forgiven this person from the

bottom of my heart and wished the person the very best, feelings from

the past popped right back up. I was annoyed and angry, at the very

least internally. I wanted to take action, get vengeance. But God is clear:

vengeance is His, not ours…

Fortunately, God taught me an important truth. We have to forgive, and

then forgive again. One day, Peter, one of Jesus’s disciples, approached

his Master. He likely wanted to impress Him so he asked, ‘“Lord, how

often shall my brother sin against me, and I forgive him? Up to seven

times?”’ I think Peter tried his best, but Jesus’s response was surprising:

490 times!! (See The Bible, Matthew 18:21-22)

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Is it possible that someone could hurt us 490 times? It’s possible, though

unlikely. Yet, if we think about how someone hurt us dozens, maybe

hundreds of times per day—or even 7 times a day, for 70 days in a row

(490)—unfortunately, this could definitely happen.

I believe that Jesus is teaching us that when these memories come back

to haunt us, we need to forgive… actually, forgive again.

This forgiveness is a choice, and staying in forgiveness is a choice as well.

I made this choice concerning this person who had hurt me. I re-forgave

the same person, not because of some new wrong done to me, but

because the original wrong hurt again.

Take heart! I’m just like you…you’re not alone in needing to forgive again!

Declare with me: “Lord, the memories have come up again, and right now, I

choose to re-forgive that person who hurt me. I release him/her to You, and

I ask You to remove any lingering pain or bitterness from my heart. I choose

Your freedom today! In Jesus’s name, amen.”

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Let the fragrance of your worship rise!My friend, I love to listen to worship and praise songs. I thank God

for all the amazing Christian worship bands and leaders. Many

composers have written incredibly beautiful songs for the glory of

God, and it is good to join in with these songs and worship Him.

Yet, there is nothing like the words you bring to God in your unique and

personal way. Nothing can replace the fragrance of your praise! The

Father’s heart yearns to hear your voice, the song rising from your heart.

Like Cory Asbury, a wonderful worship leader, sings in one of his songs,

“No one else can love you like I love You, Lord. ‘Cuz I was made unique in

Your heart. I was made to bring You joy!”

This morning, heaven lends an ear to your voice. Heaven attentively waits

for a new song, a song straight from your heart. The Bible encourages


“Rejoice in the Lord, O you righteous! For praise from the upright is

beautiful. Praise the Lord with the harp; make melody to Him with an

instrument of ten strings. Sing to Him a new song; play skillfully with a

shout of joy.” (The Bible, Psalm 33:1-3)

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Today, bring a new song, a new melody even here and now! Let it ring

forth! Pour out the fragrance of your worship at the Lord’s feet.

And when you’re not in a place where you can sing aloud, may your heart

continue to sing... let worship remain the “background music” of your life


Let the fragrance of your worship rise!

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Your attitude determines your altitude!Today, we’re going to take a look at verse 6 of Psalm 27, a verse of

faith and action.

“And now my head shall be lifted up above my enemies all around me;

therefore I will offer sacrifices of joy in His tabernacle; I will sing, yes, I will

sing praises to the Lord.” (The Bible, Psalm 27:6)

As Zig Ziglar said, “Your attitude, not your aptitude, will determine your

altitude.” You can sense the extent to which David demonstrates this

exemplary type of attitude in this verse.

• He believes and by faith already visualizes his head being lifted up

above his surrounding enemies. He no longer sees his enemies. He

sees God lifting him up, blessing him, restoring him, rewarding him!

• He puts himself in the future. I will offer... I will sing... I will praise... his

future days are assured. He knows that God is going to raise him up.

• He already begins to thank God for what will be given to him. Already

his heart and mouth are full of praises!

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You cannot choose the circumstances that happen to you, but you can

decide how to respond to them! Choose the attitude that will allow you

to rise above the storm, the clouds, and the turbulence. Remember that

above the clouds, the sky is still blue!

Choose today the right attitude that will determine your altitude!

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All things are possible!

When he signed one of his books for me, Father Pedro, who started

an incredible ministry with the street children of Madagascar and is

considered to be the country’s “Mother Teresa,” wrote, “All things are

possible to him who believes.” (The Bible, Mark 9:23)

Imagine a city with schools, stadiums, enormous venues,

churches...all of this in what used to be the poorest neighborhood

in Madagascar, near one of the largest landfills in the world, where

thousands of children used to sort through trash just to survive.

It is there, by faith, that a man who was very sick (with malaria and 7

parasites) and nearly ready to leave the island and return to his native

country, Argentina, began to take in these children. For 27 years now,

Father Pedro has tirelessly received, provided for, and shown the love of

God to thousands of children and families. He believed that all things are

possible to him who believes and that nothing is impossible for God!

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He believed when everything was telling him it was impossible. He

believed when he was sick and weak. He believed when the politicians

weren’t supporting him. He believed when his church did not come

alongside him.

When we believe, the impossible becomes possible.

My friend, because you believe, you also will see the impossible become possible!

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Let not your heart be troubled

Jesus declares, “‘Peace I leave with you, My peace I give to you; not as the

world gives do I give to you. Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be

afraid.’” (The Bible, John 14:27)

Are your thoughts troubled? Are things twisting and turning in

your head? Perhaps an internal alarm seems to be going off as your

agitated mind searches for a solution.

Jesus says to you today, let not your heart be troubled.

“‘I am with you always, even to the end of the age.’”

(The Bible, Matthew 28:20)

“‘All authority has been given to Me in heaven and on earth.’”

(The Bible, Matthew 28:18)

Let Jesus take care of your struggles. He said, “‘Come to Me, all you who

labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.’”

(The Bible, Matthew 11:28)

This is my prayer for you today.

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Don’t compare yourself to others any longer…Someone once said, “If you have a tendency to compare yourself to

others, it’s time to slam the door on those thoughts!”

I would like to help you to slam that door shut today!

Jesus once told the story of a man who loved to compare himself to

others. He prayed like this: “I thank You that I am not like other men.” He

loved to compare himself because he believed his religiosity made him

superior. What a mistake! Jesus said that this man went back to his house

like he came, unforgiven, unjustified. (See The Bible, Luke 18:11)

Many people struggle by comparing themselves to others, thinking others

are “better” than they are. Men and women alike look at magazines

with photoshopped pictures and then put themselves down. They

see themselves as ugly, too fat, etc. They also look at other people’s

successes and say to themselves, “Why don’t I measure up like they do?”

Comparing yourself to people you don’t know, whose pictures were

retouched—is this really helpful? In all honesty, does this help or harm you?

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Learn instead to see yourself as God sees you! He created you; He desired

your existence. He made you unique, with special gifts. You have infinite

value in His eyes. He loves you passionately. You are a jewel, a precious

pearl, a priceless treasure. He gave everything for you, even His own life

on the cross.

Today, He says to you, “I love you! You are My child. I’m blessing and helping you.”

Comparing yourself to others won’t help you. But realizing that you have

everything in Christ Jesus can change your life forever!

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God justifies you!

“Who shall bring a charge against God’s elect? It is God who justifies.”

(The Bible, Romans 8:33)

I really enjoy watching the sunrise. The sky leaves its nocturnal cloak

behind and dons itself in light... darkness is engulfed by the light.

Today, the sun of justice is rising on your life, my friend. Christ is

liberating you…

• From the shame of your past

• From the words of death that were spoken to you

• From the words of condemnation that haunt your thoughts.

My friend, Christ liberates you and His voice is stronger than the voice of

the accuser of your soul! This means that…

• Shame has no hold on you

• Your past is not the authority

• You are washed clean, white as snow, purified

• God is the One who executes justice!

Don’t let yourself be torn down by accusations, rumors, lies...This

morning, while all creation awakens, the sun of justice is rising on your

life, my friend!

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You are a diamond

The diamond is king among the precious stones. It is the most

researched and the most appreciated of all the gems because of its

rareness and beauty. Yet, this magnificent jewel looks like a coarse,

common rock when it is first extracted.

Time, attention, and the skill of a real expert are needed for the stone to

become this exceptional gem.

My friend, you are this diamond! You are this precious stone, this

exceptional gem called to reflect the glory of its Creator.

God uses time and the circumstances of your life to shape you. He takes

the time to carve you so that you become the person He’s calling you to be.

Thus, what appears to be a trial, an obstacle, or a delay at first glance is

actually a tool in the Lord’s hands!

My friend, you are this diamond ready to shine in dazzling light for the glory of God!

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Love is the ultimate measure of successJesus said it is by your love for each other that the world will know that

you are His disciples. (see The Bible, John 13:35)

The society we live in measures the success of people and situations

by their performance and efficiency…

However, I believe that the Lord offers us different criteria:

• The quality of relationships

• The love we give to others

• The care and attention we bring to our families and friends

Our God is the ultimate God of relationships. Consider this for a

moment... when He created humanity, He created one man and one

woman. Because His power is unlimited, He could have instantaneously

created nations, just by speaking it out!

Why didn’t He? What’s even more astonishing is that God said His

creation was very good, meaning that it was completed and everything

was perfect!

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Jesus loves you in a unique, personal way. He doesn’t see you as lost

in the crowd; on the contrary, His gaze perceives in you everything that

makes you distinct and an individual.

God invites you to make Jesus your model—to love, act, and speak like Him!

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The cloud is coming…

“Then it came to pass the seventh time, that he said, ‘There is a cloud, as

small as a man’s hand, rising out of the sea!’ So he said, ‘Go up, say to Ahab,

‘Prepare your chariot, and go down before the rain stops you.’”

(The Bible, 1 Kings 18:44)

The Bible tells us that God’s answer to one of the worst droughts in

Israel’s history was a cloud not bigger than someone’s palm. A tiny

cloud, but a huge potential…!

Are you facing a drought emotionally, spiritually, physically,

professionally, or relationally right now?

God is sending His cloud. It may not be very big or imposing. Perhaps it

won’t be something that grabs people’s attention.

Today, I invite you to trust Him... to not expect God’s “how” (which may

not be what you have imagined) but rather, to place your expectation in

the Lord Himself.

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And yes, as surprising as it might seem, the Lord uses little things to pull

us out of situations that are beyond us…

• Moses had a staff to save an entire people

(see The Bible, Exodus 4:2-3)

• Goliath was conquered by a shepherd and his smooth stones

(see The Bible, 1 Samuel 17:40-50)

• The widow received what she needed to pay her debts and live thanks

to a bit of oil

(see The Bible, 2 Kings 4:1-7)

• The Savior of the world came... in the form of a little baby

(see The Bible, Luke 2:10-13)

The power of the solution is not in its size, but in the might of the One

who brings it about in your life!

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Don’t apologize for being alive!The other day I heard someone say, “I’m sorry for being alive!” I was

stunned and yet…

• Many people think that their lives are useless. They apologize for

being alive. But God has a plan for their lives. He has plans of peace

and a future for them! (see The Bible, Jeremiah 29:11)

• Many people don’t like themselves. They apologize for being alive.

But Jesus said that you shall love your neighbor as yourself.

(The Bible, Matthew 19:19) Isn’t that incredible? It’s the will of God

that we love ourselves!

• Many were not told they had worth or value when they were children.

Instead, they were shamed with negative comments like, “You’re

good for nothing,” “You can’t do anything,” “You’ll never succeed,”

“You’ll never amount to anything.” They apologize for being alive. But

God says to them, “You are my beloved son/daughter in whom I am

well pleased!” (see The Bible, Matthew 3:17)

• Many are weak, afflicted with sickness or with situations that seem

inextricable. They apologize for being alive. But the Almighty God says

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to them, “‘I will strengthen you, yes, I will help you, I will uphold you

with My righteous right hand.’” (see The Bible, Isaiah 41:10)

• Many don’t fully live their lives in God and are ridden with guilt and

shame. They apologize for being alive. But Jesus came that they may

have abundant life. There is now no condemnation for those who are

in Christ Jesus. (see The Bible, Romans 8:1)

• Many compare themselves to others and feel that they’re less

somehow—less capable, less talented. They apologize for being

alive. But God has made them unique people, people who are able to

do valiantly! The Bible says, “Through God we will do valiantly, for it

is He who shall tread down our enemies.”

(see The Bible, Psalm 60:12)

• Many have been abused physically, morally, spiritually, and

emotionally and lost confidence in themselves, others, and God. They

apologize for being alive. But our Father God is full of affection for

them. He longs to restore them! He will never leave them or forsake

them. (See The Bible, Joshua 1:5)

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Did you see yourself in this list, my friend? If so, don’t apologize for being

alive. God will heal and deliver you—He wants the best for you!

And if you encounter someone who seems to apologize for being alive,

look at that person with love and encourage him/her because God has

not said His final word!

Declare with me today: “Lord, I choose to never again apologize for being

alive. I’m sorry for the times I already have. You created me! You love me

and I believe You have a good plan for my life. No fear or shame can stop

the promises You have made in my life! I choose hope, I choose life, I choose

to forgive myself...and I choose to love myself. In Jesus’s name, amen!”

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God does miracles!

Today, I’d like to share with you a few more of the many testimonies

I’ve received. I pray that they help you believe that nothing is

impossible for God. All things are possible for him who believes!


• “I received a miracle when you wrote the email “Faith—it’s all I have!”

That morning, I prayed for my sister-in-law, Rama, who had Lyell’s

Syndrome. There was nothing that anyone could do to save her because

at that moment in Gabon, where she lives, the hospitals were on strike.

And more, there simply was no remedy to save her. But my God saved

her. Today, she is in good health and has returned to her home. I want to

give all the glory to Jesus!”

• “While reading ‘A Miracle Every Day,’ the Holy Spirit spoke to me about

spiritual victories. So I started to proclaim the Word of God with

authority over the life of my brother, who does not know the Lord and

has been struggling in his business and personal finances for years. He

was at the point where he often spoke of committing suicide because of

the creditors’ harassment and the extent of his legal problems. I

received good news from my brother on the phone—he said that over

the previous two weeks, his business had taken off again and his

customers had returned. I thus was able to testify to him that Jesus had


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• “I was surrounded by atheists who loved to incite arguments and stir

things up. Whenever I tried to testify of Jesus Christ or what God has

done in my life, they would sneer or even roar with laughter. I had had

enough. I started to give them short summaries of ‘A Miracle Every Day’

and little by little, their interest was finally piqued and they began to

listen. It’s through this that the Word of God started speaking to them.

And it’s only getting better and better... glory to God!”

• “I needed money this past Saturday before noon for a loan payment.

I had absolutely nothing and I remembered your testimony about the

parking place. I said to the Lord, ‘Pastor Eric Célérier believed and You

gave him a parking place and I’ve heard many others’ testimonies as

well. I have no one to rely on, no one to help me—my eyes are on You,

Lord, and I know that You are able to give me this money.’ I believed and

counted on God with all my strength and He provided. Hallelujah! He

gave me the money and even more before my deadline.”

• “When I began to receive and read ‘A Miracle Every Day,’ I was single. It

had been years that I had prayed and asked God for a husband with

whom I could serve Him. I can tell you that the Lord is faithful. He turned

my request into a reality—I am now married! What an incredible day. A

thousand thanks to our marvelous, all-powerful God!”

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• “I saw God’s promise become a reality in my profession—the Lord gave

me a new job. And more, He healed me when I was sick and far away

from my family.”

• “At the beginning of ‘A Miracle Every Day,’ I wrote to Eric because I

needed prayer for money to rent my apartment. I felt that I was truly

supported spiritually, and I saw the miracle—I am finally able to rent my

apartment! Thank you for the prayers!”

Isn’t it incredible what God does? The Bible says, “...Marvelous are Your

works, and that my soul knows very well.” (The Bible, Psalm 139:14)

Let’s take a moment together and praise God for His works!

Everything is possible with Him!“I sought the Lord, and He heard me, and delivered me from all my fears.”

(The Bible, Psalm 34:4)

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You fear nothing!

Here’s an extraordinary and perhaps surprising declaration: “I am

delivered from all fear. I fear nothing!”

That’s the promise that God speaks to you today, my friend: you are

liberated from fear. It no longer has any hold on you! And this is why:

• In the face of your doubts, God speaks to your heart and strengthens

you by His power. You do not tremble.

• In the face of your worries, He gives you His peace that surpasses all

understanding. You are unshakeable.

• In the face of your uncertainties, His Spirit guides and counsels you.

You are making good decisions.

Fear flees because you seek God and receive His word every day. It is leaving your life, in the name of Jesus!

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Is God truly tarrying in giving His answer?Have you ever had to wait in a doctor’s, hairdresser’s, or restaurant’s

waiting room? Sometimes the wait is consider it to be

reasonable. Other times it’s too much...too long...too many people!

You don’t want to wait any longer. You want to get out of this waiting


“He has made everything beautiful in its time. Also He has put eternity in

their hearts, except that no one can find out the work that God does from

beginning to end.” (The Bible, Ecclesiastes 3:11)

How much time will there be between the promise and when it comes to

pass? Has God forgotten you? Did He lie? The sure answer to these last

two questions is no, of course not!

God cannot forget you, and He certainly is not making fun of you or

ignoring you. So...what’s happening? The wait is a step that’s an integral

part of the fulfillment of His promise, of the call. The wait and the

promise are inseparable.

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It’s in the waiting room that your character is shaped and formed. It’s in

this room that you gain strength and stability. It’s in the secret place of

His presence that your intimacy with the Lord grows.

You learn to better know Him, to distinguish the sound of His voice

among a thousand others. Thus, when it’s time to move to the next step,

the higher step, you’re ready for what awaits you when God opens the


My friend, wait patiently in peace and trust because God’s divine promise is on its way!

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Listen to the song of heaven

“And one cried to another and said: ‘Holy, holy, holy is the Lord of hosts; the

whole earth is full of His glory!’” (The Bible, Isaiah 6:3)

Today, you’ll probably read the newspaper or watch a news channel

to stay informed about what’s happening in your country and the

world. They will, without fail, talk about catastrophes, deaths, wars,

the economic crisis, and so on and so forth.

Every day, depressing, bleak information and news reach your ears.

Yet, you have been created to hear one sound in particular... heaven’s

sound. One voice in particular...the Holy Spirit’s voice. One heart in

particular... the heart of the Father.

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In the middle of all this noise surrounding you, you can train your ear to

distinguish God’s voice! Here’s how you can go about it! By...

• Reading His Word

• Praying

• Singing His praises

• Worshipping Him

• Resting in Him

• Meditating on the sweet, heavenly inspirations He has placed in your


My friend, because you are attentive to His voice, you’re going to bring a different sound on this earth... the sound of heaven. And our world truly needs it!

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Do you sometimes feel too guilty to pray?My friend, God’s love is greater and stronger than your mistakes. Yet,

sometimes you may think, “I’ve made this mistake too many times”

or “God has given up on me this time” or “I can’t go before His holy

presence like this.”

Do not accept these lies from the enemy. God is not rejecting you—quite

the opposite!!

“Draw near to God and He will draw near to you. Cleanse your hands, you

sinners; and purify your hearts, you double-minded.”

(The Bible, James 4:8)

Go before Him in prayer and share with Him your worries, your pain, your

regrets... If you take the step to seek His forgiveness and His presence, He

will draw near to you. He will let Himself be found by you.

God loves you and it is not His will that you be crushed by the weight

of sin. You are not the sins you have committed. Draw near to Him with

humility and receive His loving mercy and grace!

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It’s going to be ok

Have you ever heard how a mother reacts when her child falls down

and starts to cry?

I love what she often says to comfort her child: “There, there, don’t cry,

it’s going to be ok…”

My friend, hear this morning what your Father is saying to you: “It’s going

to be ok.”

• The children are unmanageable at the moment?

It’s going to be ok.

• There’s a bill that you don’t know how you’re going to pay?

It’s going to be ok.

• You’re afraid for yourself, your children, your loved ones?

It’s going to be ok.

• You don’t know what to do, faced with this difficult decision?

It’s going to be ok.

My friend, everything’s going to be alright because your wonderful

and good Father is watching over you. He is with you and for you. He’s

protecting, equipping, and taking care of you, as Vanessa and Karine

wrote in their testimonies…

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“God gave me the strength to forgive the people who had hurt me. Today,

I’ve turned the page and I’m moving forward with God. Yes, I can do all

things through Christ who strengthens me!”

Vanessa, France

“‘A Miracle Every Day” has helped me understand that I have huge worth in

God’s eyes. No matter how others may see me, no matter my wounds from

the past, I am precious to God and He loves me as I am. I have faith for the

future and I’m letting God work in my life.”

Karine, Guadeloupe

It’s going to be ok, my friend. Everything will be alright. Your God reigns over all the universe, and over your life, even in this day. Receive His peace. This is my prayer for you today.

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Do you know the benefits of laughing?I understand that life is difficult and that sometimes we don’t want to

laugh or even smile. Be reassured...God hears the voice of your tears,

the Bible says (see The Bible, Psalm 6:8).

Yet, God desires to replace tears with laughter, the cloak of heaviness

with a garment of praise and joy! (The Bible, Isaiah 61:3) “To give

them... the garment of praise for the spirit of heaviness.”

Did you know that joy, and more precisely, laughter, has powerful


According to different research, laughter:

• Helps conquer depression

• Reduces pain

• Improves cardiovascular function and dilates the lungs

• Helps us relax

• Improves mood

• Boosts the immune system

• Releases pent-up anger

• Develops our imagination and creativity

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Joy is good for your health!

God created it for our good and pleasure, so don’t hesitate to cultivate it

and increase it in your life!

Its advantages, for us and others, are immense.

Someone once said, “A hearty laugh can help you feel better, longer. And

it can also help others feel well! It’s difficult to not laugh when someone

else is laughing. Whatever it is that makes you laugh, find time for it. It’s

good for you!”

The life that Jesus gives you is worth being fully lived!

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Continue to dream

“For we are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which

God prepared beforehand that we should walk in them.”

(The Bible, Ephesians 2:10)

“What do you want to do when you grow up?” Who hasn’t heard this


If you’ve heard or answered this question, I’m sure that the answer was

never, “Nothing—I’m not going to do anything. I’m going to be the worst

in my class. I want to be the one who fails at everything!”

Of course not! Children have this incredible ability to dream big...very big.

Hope deeply... very deeply. And how about you, my friend? Is the sky still

your limit when you dream? Or with time, disappointment, words spoken

over you by one person or another, have you stopped dreaming big for

your life?

The Spirit of God is in you. His desire is to breathe His creativity, energy,

and joy into your life so that you can accomplish what you were born

to do. The abilities and gifts that you have, whether they be in human

resources, information technology, working with children, medicine,

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the creative arts, managing your home, sales, social services, etc., have

been entrusted to you by God!

He has not “miscast” you. He trusts you, and He’s counting on you. God is

guiding you each step of the way. He dwells so close to you. Don’t listen to

the little voice that tells you you’ll never do anything significant—it’s a lie!

My friend, you have a big God, so let yourself dream big again. Rely on His

Spirit, seek His face, and give Him glory as you accomplish the works that

He prepared beforehand for you!

Pray with me: “Father, I know You have awesome dreams for me and You

haven’t given up on them. But time, hope deferred, people’s words, and

other things have made these dreams fade in my life. Today, I choose to let

myself dream again! I trust You. In Jesus’s name, amen.”

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Yes, you will succeed!

“‘Have I not commanded you? Be strong and of good courage; do not be

afraid, nor be dismayed, for the Lord your God is with you wherever you

go.’” (The Bible, Joshua 1:9)

Maybe right now you find yourself at a crossroads in your life... What

is this challenge, this new adventure, reaching out to you?

• A new job?

• The birth of a baby?

• An upcoming marriage?

• A move?

• Something else?

It is natural and human, when faced with new challenges, to feel

apprehensive or even have a certain fear. Change, even positive change,

always creates its share of discomfort.

Rise up, mighty man of valor! Rise up, mighty woman of valor! The

goodness of the Lord has not reached its end. God is upholding you. He is

your strength and your support, your help in times of storms and trouble!

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You are going to come to the end of this desert, get through this season,

be successful at this project, land that job…

You will succeed because the Lord, the God of the heavenly hosts, is with

you! He is for you. He is on your side.

His Word says it—He is with you WHEREVER you go!

Choose to have confidence in Him. Choose to follow Him. His powerful

hand is taking hold of you and bringing you to another level, toward new


You are called to great things and by the Spirit of God, you will succeed... yes, you will succeed!

Thanks for existing!

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