

Kat mana boleh dibeli?


Siapa pandai buat kek?

Cupcake Coklat ComelBahan-bahan ( 18 20 papercups medium size ) 300g tepung cawan serbuk koko cawan butter 1 cwn susu segar 350g gula 1 sdk soda bikarbonat 2 sudu kecil esen vanilla * 2 biji telur

Cara-cara Panaskan oven 180C. Campurkan ke semua bahan (kecuali *) dalam bekas mixer. Pukul dengan kelajuan rendah hanya untuk bg campuran itu sebati. Kemudian pukul dgn kelajuan tinggi lebih kurang selama 2minit. Lepas itu tambah telur dan pukul lg dgn kelajuan tinggi selama 2minit lagi. Sudukan adunan dalam papercups. Kalau nk cupcakes yang rendah, letak tak sampai tinggi cups. Yang saya buat ada yg tinggi, ada yg rendah. Bakar selama 20min gitu atau hgga masak. Suhu oven terpulang pd oven masing2, saya guna 170C. Bila dah masak boleh diletak topping kalau suka. Topping saya tu: cwn susu pekat + cwn serbuk koko + buku butter. Masukkan smua dlm periuk, panaskn atas api & terus kacau, sekejap aje iaitu bila dah bercampur smua & beku sket trus angkat and sapukan atas cupcake yg telah sejuk. Hias ikut citarasa masing2.

Cupcake Coklat Comel

Cuba reka cipta cupcake lain

Selesaikan Andi mempunyai wang sebanyak RM15.00 . Beliau ingin membeli buku nota. Sebuah buku berharga RM2.00. Berapa buah buku yang dapat dibeli oleh Andy?

Selesaikan Andi pergi ke kedai membeli gula dan tepung. Beliau membawa RM20.00. Berapa kilogram tepung dan gula yang Andi beli jika dia membawa pulang wang baki sebanyak RM1.00?

Harga gula 2

Berat gula kos 2 3 4 6

Harga tepung 3

Berat tepung 5

kos 15

Jumlah kos 19

Handshake Problem Berapa handshake boleh anda lakukan dalam kelas ini jika anda bersalaman dengan setiap rakan anda?

Handshake Problem This is a classic math problem with strong ties to geometry and statistics. Essentially, it asks "How many different handshakes are possible in a room with "n" people?" This can be anaylzed as a pattern beginning with 1 person, 0 handshakes; 2 persons, 1 handshake; and so forth, or, it can be deduced in the following manner: Suppose there are 20 people in a room. Each of those 20 would shake hands with 19 others. Thus, we have 20 * 19. However, this would count the handshakes between each pair twice. Consequently, we must divide by two, giving us the formula: 20*19/2 or, generalized to n(n-1)/2. This is also the formula for combinations of n things taken two at a time and for the maximum number of interescetions possible among "n" lines on a plane.

Penyelesaian Masalah Pendekatan algorithm (mekanikal) terdapat langkah yang telah ditetapkan ada formula tertentu seperti membuat kek. Jika dipatuhi, pasti berjaya Tidak semua masalah ada formula penyelesaian

Pendekatan heuristik (bukan mekanikal) tiada formula tertentu. Perlu cuba selesaikan dengan cara tersendiri berulang-ulang sehingga berjaya. Lambat, tetapi lebih berkesan Contoh? Real problems: Lampu trafik, parking, dll

Penyelesian Masalah: Model Polya1. Kenal pasti, fahami dan tafsir sesuatu masalah 2. Rancang strategi penyelesaian 3. Laksanakan strategi penyelesaian 4. Semak semula penyelesaian

Problem Statement/ Pernyataan Masalah A problem statement is a concise description of the issues that need to be addressed by a problem solving team and should be presented to them (or created by them) before they try to solve the problem. When bringing together a team to achieve a particular purpose provide them with a problem statement. A good problem statement should answer these questions: What is the problem? This should explain why the team is needed. Who has the problem or who is the client/customer? This should explain who needs the solution and who will decide the problem has been solved. What form can the resolution be? What is the scope and limitations (in time, money, resources, technologies) that can be used to solve the problem? Does the client want a white paper? A web-tool? A new feature for a product? A brainstorming on a topic?

STRATEGI PENYELESAIAN MASALAH1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. Permudahkan masalah Melukis gambarajah Memodelkan / Menjalankan simulasi / Melakonkan Cuba kes-kes mudah yg berkaitan dahulu Mengenal pasti pola Mencari hukum umum Menerangkan kenapa Menyenaraikan / Menjadualkan secara sistematik Cuba jaya Kerja ke belakang Menaakul secara mantikMenganalisa semua syarat-syarat dan memecahkan kepada bahagian-bahagian tertentu. Sebahagian daripada masalah itu boleh diselesaikan dengan penyelesaian bahagian-bahagian kecil yang akan digabungkan semula untuk membentuk penyelesaian masalah tersebut

12. Menggunakan kaedah algebra

Tugas anda Dalam kumpulan berdua: Bentuk satu aktiviti penyelesaian masalah untuk kanak-kanak sekolah rendah Senaraikan masalah yg dihadapi oleh murid-murid ketika menyelesaikannya Senaraikan kaedah bukan mekanikal utk menyelesaikannya Bentangkan dalam kelas

Permainan Teka Aksi Buat aksi yang menunjukkan anda seorang posmen Problem statement: Kenalpasti karektor yang cuba dilakonkan oleh rakan anda Strategi: cuba jaya Gayakan tulis surat, lipat, masuk dlm envelop, poskan. Kemudian naik motor, ambik surat, masuk dalam beg, hantar kpd org lain.

Aiming for the Best In this activity the children partner up after they have got enough blindfolds and softballs. Once the kids are in pairs, one of them will be blindfolded. The one who is not, will guide the blindfolded one by the arm. The whole aim of this is to get that blindfolded partner to throw the ball at another blindfolded participant. If a blindfolded player is hit twice, then the pair as a whole is out

Hunting the Solution or Treasure Divide the children into 2 or 3 groups, depending upon the number of the children. For each group, have a small set of things in a basket at different places. Now there can be variations in this problem solving activity. Either you can leave clues in the form of puzzles for them to get to the treasure, or you can create puzzles for the children to guess those things in the basket. Keep a fixed time for the children to solve the problem and get to the treasure

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