

Father Gerard Marable, Pastor

Deacon Tom Jennings

Office Staff

Ms. Bonnie Tilghman

Mrs. Debbie Carroll

Mrs. Damariz Cabrera


Mr. Alberto Carmenate



Religious Ed–

Ms. Karen Loveland

Ms. Margarita Nieves

Sick–Fr. Marable

Marriage-Dcn. Tom Jennings

Reconciliation– Sat. 3:15 pm

at St. Joan of Arc Church


Parish Mission


As a sacrifice of

praise the people of

St. Bartholomew and

St. Joan of Arc

welcome people of

every race, language

and way of life

around the table of

our Lord Jesus Christ

in an American


expression of Roman

Catholic worship.

Sharing our time,

talent and

treasure in acts of

justice, we proclaim

the “Gospel of Life”

with and for the

people of Camden.

“Only God” “Those who work,

those who soldier,

those who pray”

Parish Center

St. Bartholomew Church

751 Kaighns Avenue

Camden, NJ 08103

Mass Times:

Sunday: 7:30 am

11:00 am

Office: (856) 365-0573

Fax: (856) 365-0744


St. Joan of Arc Church

3107 Alabama Road

Camden, NJ 08104

Mass Times:

Saturday: 4:00 pm (English)

Sunday: 9:00 am (Spanish)

Rectory: (856) 962-8642

Fax: (856) 962-7123

November 30, 2014

Sick List Please pray for those who are ill and those who care for



Ladies Guild 47th Annual Holiday Fling The Ladies Guild of St. Josephine Bakhita Parish pre-

sent their 47th Annual Holiday Fling, “Joy to the

World”, on Saturday, December 6th from 8:30 pm to

12:30 am Paris Caterers new location, 281 Cross Keys

Road, Berlin, NJ Attire: formal ~ Live Music. Cost:

$55.00 per person. Tickets available at the door.

Advent Wreath Lighting Again this year we are asking families to sign

up to light the advent wreath at each Mass.

If you would like your family to participate,

please sign the sheet located in the vestibule.

December CAP Sessions The Office of Child and Youth Protection is announcing CAP

(Child Assault Prevention) sessions for the month of December,

2014. Attendance is required once every five years for adults who

have regular contact with minors. Adults who are new employees

or volunteers should attend CAP 1 before attending CAP 2 or 3.

After 5 years, adults have the option to attend CAP 1 and 2 again if

they prefer. See schedule on bulletin board in church hall or

vestibule. For more information call (856) 583-6165 or email ddig-

[email protected] to register. In case of inclement weath-

er, please call the location that you are attending directly.

Sun 11/30 7:30 am

11:00 am

Mary Jane Falana & Her Children/

Her St. Bart’s Church Family

Msgr. Thomas H. Sharkey/

The Folks at St. Joan of Arc

Wed 12/03 12 noon Dr. Peyton Calloway/Ann Evans & Family

Sun 12/07 7:30 am

11:00 am

Alphonso Grant/Lois Grant

Mary Jane Falana & Her Children/

Her St. Bart’s Church Family

First Sunday

of Advent

Announced Masses at St. Bartholomew

Sat 11/29 4:00 pm Earl Nash/Pat Murphy

Sun 11/30 9:00 am San Diego de Alcala Patron de

Xochihuehuellan/Guadelupe Ramierz

Thu 12/04 8:00 am For the Souls in Purgatory

Sat 12/06 4:00 pm Linda Udell/Jim,Cookie, Angel & Joyce

Sun 12/07 9:00 am Balsamina Rodriguez (1 mo. Anniv.)/

Rodriguez Family

Announced Masses at St. Joan of Arc

The People’s Tithe

Christ the King: $

Human Development: $

50/50: ~ $

Thank you for your continued generosity! ~ ~ ~

November Second Collections: Sunday, November 30th ~ 5th Sunday Collection

St. Josephine Bakhita Weekly Activities

Monday, 12/01/14:

Ladies Guild Meeting

6:30 pm

St. Bart’s Site

Thursday, 12/04/14:

Gospel Choir Practice

6:00 pm

St. Bart’s Church

Friday, 12/05/14:

Praise Connection Choir

Narcotics Anonymous

7:15 pm

St. Bart’s Church

St. Bart’s Hall

Saturday, 12/06/14:

Ladies Guild Dinner Dance

8:30 pm

Paris Caterers

Sunday, 12/07/14:

Altar/Rosary Meeting


Rel. Ed. Class-English

Rel. Ed. Class-Spanish

9:00 am

9:00 am

9:00 am

10:30 am

St. Bart’s Site

St. Bart’s Rectory

SB Rec. Basement

SJOA School

“Making Up” “Making up” is a phrase used among Catholic people who

support their church by using the parish envelope system.

When someone misses Mass they place their usual offering in

their envelope and set it aside. The next time they attend Mass,

they deposit two or more envelopes into the collection.

“Making up” is really not a burden or additional sacrifice; it

is simply a new habit. By adopting this method of weekly sup-

port, you provide the parish with a stable and reliable income.

As a sacrifice of praise, the people of St. Josephine Bakhita’s parish theme

for our church year is “Every Member a Minister.”

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First Sunday of Advent

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Stewardship Reflection ~ Stewards Revere Time “Be watchful! Be alert! You do not know when the time

will come.” (Mark 13:33)

We all take things for granted. In particular, we take time for

granted. Our lives are so busy, many of us are planning our time -

our days, weeks, months, even years in advance. Remember, our

time on earth is a gift. None of us knows how long we will be here.

Start today and begin thanking God for each and every day.

The Feast of the Immaculate Conception,

Monday, December 8th,

is a Holy Day of Obligation.


8:00 am—St. Joan of Arc Site

12:00 Noon-St. Bart’s Site

6:00 pm—St. Joan of Arc Site

The rectory offices will be closed.

Camden Catholic High School Football Social Friday, December 12th ~ 7 pm to 12 am

Camden Catholic High School

300 Cuthbert Road, Cherry Hill, NJ

Basket Auctions, Raffles, 50/50

Admission: $25.00 ~ at the door ~ must be 21 or older

For more information contact [email protected]

Parish Advent Penance Service

Saturday, December 13th

2:30 pm, St. Joan of Arc Site

Children’s Outreach Christmas

Prayer Service and Party A Children’s Christmas Prayer Service and Party will be held on

Saturday, December 20th from 2 to 4 pm at St. Bart’s site. We

are seeking donations of the following items: candy canes, wrapped

candy, cookies, small bags of chips, pretzels, etc., hot dog rolls and

beef hot dogs. Contact Cheryl Wright at (856) 783-4554.

Save the Date! On Sunday, December 21st, the KPC Junior Daughters will host a

Hoagie and Soup Lunch from 11 am to 1 pm at St. Bart’s hall. Cost:

$8.00 for adults and $5.00 for children. For tickets, please see Con-

nie House or any Junior Daughter.

Faith Sharing Gatherings

As we prepare for Christmas, this year we are encouraging partic-

ipation in small faith sharing communities. We invite you to gather

with a host family in your area to pray, share a basic meal and reflect

on the faith community we become when we are gathered as a fami-

ly. Our Spanish parish members will be participating in Las Posa-

das, which is a re-enactment of the Holy Family’s arrival in Bethle-

hem. During the Novena they will also pray, sing, process in the

streets and share a small meal as a family.

The following host families invite you to RSVP to their faith


November 30th at 3 pm: Pennsauken area hosted by

Deacon Tom & Carol Jennings. Please call (856) 663-8166.

December 5th at 6:30 pm: Pine Hill area hosted by Cheryl

Wright. Please call (609) 605-5199.

December 16th at 3 pm: Camden area hosted by Pat Murphy

and Fr. Gerard. Please call (856) 962-9381.

December 28th at 3 pm: Cherry Hill area hosted by Carolyn

Taylor. Please call (856) 755-1986.

We Need You! Our parish mission and vision will be more effective if we

have representatives from both sites and all our major

communities. The Pastoral Council needs the voice of our

Hispanic and Euro-American Communities. Please see Fr.

Gerard for more information on how you can participate.

Our Lady of Guadalupe Celebration

Sunday, December 7th ~ 9 am Mass

St. Joan of Arc Site.

Rosary, Mass and Mañanitas:

Thursday, December 11th ~ 10:30 pm

St. Joan of Arc Site

Please join us!

Next Sunday’s Readings (12/07/14):

First Reading: Isaiah 40:1-5, 9-11 (5B)

Responsorial Psalm: 85:9-10, 11-12, 13-14

Second Reading: 2 Peter 3:8-14

Gospel: Mark 1:1-8

St. Bart’s Liturgical Ministers Schedule: 12/07/14


7:30 am: Mary Rose

11:00 am: Jeneen Bey ~ Willie Mae Washington

Eucharistic Ministers:

Denise Highsmith ~ Tom Highsmith ~ Marie Loveland

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Christmas Program Sunday, December 21st ~ 2 pm

St. Bart’s Site Please join us for praise and worship

in anticipation of the birth of our Lord.

First Sunday of Advent






Mon. 9am-5pm Wed. 9am-7pm

Tue. 9am-7pm Thur. 9am-5pm

Fri. 9am-7pm Sat. 10am-2pm

Ph: 856-579-7185, F: 856-579-7424

106 North Broad Street, Woodbury, NJ 08096

300 Club Raffle St. Josephine Bakhita Parish’s 300 Club

Raffle tickets are now available for a dona-

tion of $50.00 each. This raffle is one of

the major fundraisers for the parish and

is tax deductible. 1st Prize - $5,000 or

25%, 2nd Prize - $1,500 or 15%, 3rd Prize

- $1,000 or 10%. Prize monies are based on sale of tickets. Win-

ner need not be present to win. We hope to sell all 300 tickets

this year, so your support will be greatly appreciated. Tickets

will be mailed out when payment in full is received. We are now

able to accept payments through credit and/or debit cards. A

payment plan is also available. Contact Wilson Caldwell at

(609) 220-0439 for payment plans. Any tickets purchased be-

fore December 31st can be credited towards your yearly

church tithe. Drawing will take place on February 15, 2015.

For more information or to obtain ticket applications, please con-

tact either Bonnie at St. Bart’s rectory at (856) 365-0573 or Deb-

bie at St. Joan of Arc rectory at (856) 962-8642.

Certified Home Health Aides

wanted. Must have current

certification in New Jersey and

Valid Driver’s license with

proof of car insurance. Great

pay, jobs available, Camden,

Burlington and Gloucester

counties. Very flexible work

schedules -- Daytime, evenings, weekends, positions are -

available. We are looking for Reliable, Dependable and Caring

people. We value our caregivers and we are looking for people

who want to make a difference in someone’s life.

Call 856-874-7800 to schedule an interview.

Bishop Sullivan in Ireland Bishop Sullivan is hosting a tour of Ireland departing

Philadelphia on Saturday, July 18 and returning

Wednesday, July 29, 2015. Visit Dublin, Cavan, Ar-

magh, Knock, Galway, the Cliffs of Mohrer, Limerick

and much more. The land cost of the tour is $2,209 p/p,double with a

$479 single supplement; space is limited. Airfare costs are based on

availability at the time of booking (current estimates are roughly

$1,300/non-stop). For more information or to register, call (856) 583-

2807. You can also email [email protected] or Rob-

[email protected].

5th Anniversary Celebration

Five years as a merged parish! September of 2015 we

will celebrate five years of marriage. If you would like

to be on the planning committee, please speak with Fr.

Gerard or give your contact info to Debbie or Bonnie.

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