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Page 1: Lavie Uitgawe 18

Uit Heb 4 verstaan ons dat daar 'n belofte is om in Sy rus in te gaan. Tog was daar die wat nie in gegaan het nie omdat die prediking hulle nie gebaat het nie, omdat die hoorders dit nie met die geloof verenig het nie. Deur die beloftes van God kan Geestelike Rus ondervind word deur almal wat glo. Aanvanklik geniet hulle wat geglo het die rus van skuld en veroordeling van sonde.So kan die wie se geloof vermeerder in die beloftes van God verdere rus geniet van vleeslike wedywering en wêreldse bevrediging. Toe die kinders van Israel verlos was van Egipte, het hulle rus gehad van die slawerny en bande wat hulle daar gehad het.Maar God het nog baie meer ingedagte wat Hy met ons wil deel as kinders van God. Hy wil die rus gee van die inspanning van die onvrugbaarheid en dorheid van die wildernis wat tussen Egipte en die beloofde land lê, die land wat oorloop van melk en heuning.

Hierdie is 'n beeld van die vleeslike inspanning in twyfel en ongehoorsaamheid. Ons kan van die rykdomme van God neem wat ons sin is in Christus.Die Israeliete het deur die wildernis beweeg met 'n hardheid van hart. Die hele volk behalwe twee, het die rus wat God vir hulle wou laat geniet het, gemis.(Heb 3:10)

Hulle was uit Egipteland maar het nie die Beloofde Land ingegaan nie. Is u besig om die rus wat God vir u in gedagte het te geniet of is u steeds besig met die gisters en die self. Die Beloofde Land is 'n tipe van die oorvloedige geestelike lewe. Jesus belowe aan almal wat Hom glo hierdie ekstra rus.

"I have come that they may have life (eternal life, forgiven of sin), and that they may have it more abundantly (richness of life, growing in practical righteousness)" (Joh_10:10).

Hierdie oorvloedige lewe word geniet deur die geloof in die Woord van God.Efe.1:3 lees ons: Geseënd is die God en Vader van onse Here Jesus Christus wat ons geseën het met alle geestelike seëninge in die hemele in Christus,

Hierdie rus begin nie net met die rus van skuld en veroordeling van sonde nie, maar dit groei ook na die rus van vleeslike wedywering en inspanning, die vrugtelose self bevredigings. 2 Kor.3:5 sê dat ons nie uit onsself bekwaam is om iets uit onsself te bedink nie, maar ons bekwaamheid is uit God,

Die Woord sê mos dat ons met HOM gekruisig is en nie meer langer leef nie, maar Christus leef in ons. Heb.4:11 Laat ons ons dan beywer om in te gaan

in dié rus, sodat niemand in dieselfde voorbeeld van ongehoorsaamheid mag val nie. As ons onwillig is om uit te reik na God met daardie ywer op soek na Sy rus, bevind ons onsself in 'n plek van lusteloosheid waar ons ongevoelig is vir God se wil.

God se rus is so ontwerp om geestelike ywerigheid te ontwikkel en nie luiheid nie. Rom.12:11 wees nie traag in die ywer nie; wees vurig van gees; dien die Here; verbly julle in die hoop; wees geduldig in die verdrukking; volhard in die gebed.Saam met die ywer in die soeke na God se rus wat Hy belowe het, wil God ook in ons ontwikkel die geduld ten opsigte van Sy beloftes.

God wil nie hê dat ons ywer vir Hom moet versleg tot angs en benoudheid wat lei tot ongeduld nie.Hoe kan ons dan groei in ywer en geduld terselfder tyd? Die ywer het te doen met wat God belowe het om te doen, daarom moet ons dit ernstig doen. Die geduld gaan oor die wag op God se tyd om dit te vervul. Ons moet geduldig op Hom vertrou vir Sy perfekte tyd.

Jer.17:7 Geseënd is die man wat op die HERE vertrou, en wie se vertroue die HERE is.8 Want hy sal wees soos 'n boom wat by die water geplant is en sy wortels uitskiet by die stroom en nie vrees as daar hitte kom nie, maar sy blad bly groen; en in 'n jaar van droogte is hy nie besorg nie en hou nie op om vrugte te dra nie.

• Wat is Laminin?

• Artikel-Meer as net ‘n braai

• Maandprogram

• Leer ken. . .Gavin & Crystal

• Algemene Kerkinligting


Augustus 2012Tel: 021 872 3437 • Fax: 086 524 [email protected] • • Vie Mag


Anthony Young

Denmarié Young


Grafiese OorsigGavin Young

Liaison & Bemarking Quintin Venter



Jesus Tweet 20 “I do not ask for these only, but also for those who will believe in me through their word, 21 that they may all be one, just as you, Father, are in me, and I in you, that they also may be in us, so that the world may believe that you have sent me.

John 17:20-21

God se belofte van rusPast. Henry Young

Page 2: Lavie Uitgawe 18

at is Laminin? Dit is seker meeste

mense se vraag. Wel dit is nou as jy Wnog nie “How great is our God” of “Alive” deur

Louie Giglio gekyk het nie. Daarin vertel hy

oor al die asemrowende wonders in ons

heelal maar veral in ons eie liggaam, wat

wys hoe awesome God is. Een van hierdie

wonders is 'n proteien wat Laminin genoem

word. Sy funksie in die liggaam en elke sel is

om alles bymekaar te hou. Dit is die gom wat

ons liggaam aan mekaar hou. Mense kan as

te ware uit mekaar val as dit nie vir hierdie proteien was

nie. Maar wat dit eintlik so verruklik maak is dat die

molekuul in 'n vorm van 'n kruis is. Let wel nie 'n plus

teken nie maar 'n kruis soos die van Jesus Christus.

Laminin is een van die mees belangrikste dele van 'n

mens se liggaam. Wanneer 'n persoon 'n te kort aan

Laminin het, kan hy of sy negatiewe mediese kondisies


Laminin is 'n proteien wat buite die selweefsel van die

mens gevind word. Die weefsel verleen ondersteuning

aan die struktuur van die sel en vorm die basis van die

basaal membraan, 'n laag selle en vesel. Laminin het

vier arms, drie kortes en een lange. Dit beteken dat

Laminin met vier verskillende molekules kan bind. Die

kort arms tree op as bindings materiaal om die laag vesel

te vorm, en die lang een anker die proteien aan

verskillende organe.

Dit is alweer een van daardie goedjies waar God net wys

wie Hy is en dat sy denke werklik ver bokant ons s’n is.

En tog in vandag se lewe vergeet ons hoe groot God is.

Ons sing dit elke Sondag, die predikers preek dit met

alles binne hulle en ons sien dit in alles om ons, maar tog

vergeet ons. In ons toetse, probleme noem dit wat jy wil,

vergeet ons van die grootheid van die Een wat in ons is.

Vat nou jou Bybel en maak oop by Jesaja 40:12-31 en

lees dit voordat jy hierdie artikel verder lees.

My gebed vir almal is dat ons eerste reaksie op

probleme en storms sal wees dat ons weet dat ons weet

dat God, Skepper, in ons is. Hy hou alles aanmekaar.

Ons hoef nie verder as ons eie liggaam te kyk nie.

Een van ons artikels in LaVie word Laminin genoem. Die stuk word opgedeel in vier weke. Elke week het 'n Bybelstudie stuk wat u in u stiltetyd kan gaan lees en daaroor bid. Elke maand gaan ook 'n ander tema hê. Die rede hoekom ons dit Laminin noem is dat ons glo dat sonder Christus en sy Woord ons lewens en alles om ons uitmekaar sal val. Sonder sy Woord val ons as Christene uitmekaar.

Links:’n Mikroskopiese foto van ‘n Laminin molekuul.

Regs:’n Skematiese tekening van ‘n Laminin molekuul

Dankie Skepper Pappa dat U so groot is dat U die sterre en heelal en elke ding wat bestaan geskep het; maar nog steeds U boodskap van verlossing, liefde en vrede in so iets kleins as ‘n proteien molekuul vir ons bekend maak. Help ons om ons liggaam, wat U so wonderbaarlik geskape het, as ‘n lewende offer vir U te gee. Sodat elke asem, elke beweging eer aan U naam sal gee. In Jesus Christus se Naam. Amen

Gaan kyk gerus die DVD's deur Louie Giglio “How great is our God” en “Alive”.

Kolossense 1:15-17

15.Hy is die Beeld van die onsienlike God, die Eersgeborene van die hele skepping; 16.want in

Hom is alle dinge geskape wat in die hemele en op die aarde is, wat sienlik en onsienlik is, trone sowel as heerskappye en owerhede en magte - alle dinge is deur Hom en tot Hom geskape. 17.En Hy is voor

alle dinge, en in Hom hou alle dinge tot stand.

Psalm 139:15-16

15.You watched me as I was being formed in utter seclusion, as I was woven

together in the dark of the womb.16.You saw me before I was born. Every day of

my life was recorded in your book. Every moment was laid out before a single

day had passed.(NLT)

La Vie is nou net so meer as ‘n jaar en ‘n half beskikbaar. In elke uitgawe is daar die gedeelte, Laminin. Die volgende artikel het ons in die eerste uitgawe geplaas. Dit verduidelik so kort weg waaroor Laminin gaan. Ons het vir hierdie uitgawe die artikel wat in uitgawe een verskyn het net so geplaas om die lesers net weer te herinner waaroor dit gaan.

Wat is Laminin?

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NAME: Crystal Lee YoungBORN: East London

22 January 1985MARRIED: Gavin Henry YoungCHILDREN: Jemimah Faith Young

FAVORITE SONG: In Verwondering – Retief Burger, Helmut Meijer, Neil Buchner and Louis Brittz



After matriculating from La Rochelle Girls High School, in 2003 I decided to be adventurous and soon found myself in France, one week before my

th18 birthday. Coming from a very strict CHRISTIAN background I struggled to find my balance in a very secular and dark continent. Due to lack of relationship especially with my father I often felt that I had no moral compass. I soon began to find myself being swaying into the wrong direction, even though I knew my involvements would have profound consequences I continued going down- hill.

A friend of mine who had been working as London Hillsong's sound engineer introduced me to a South African who was currently living in Paris and had been commissioned by the London branch to open a cell which was later infamously known as Paris Hillsong. By the Love and grace of my 'heavenly Father' I once again found my way back into his arms. I rededicated my life to God, this time as a BELIEVER.

2 Years later I returned to South Africa and married the love of my life.

NAME: Gavin Henry Young BORN: 23 May 1978MARRIED: Crystal Lee YoungOCCUPATION: Self Employed - Graphic/Web Designer & Part owner in a Music Store

FAVORITE BAND: Demon Hunter, Red and Planetshakers


Mountain climbing, traveling and seeing new places

and meeting new people. I love being part of projects

and the inner workings thereof.


I grew up in a Christian home but like any other human being, at some stage you have to decide for yourself what is true and relevant in your own life.

Growing up in a pastor's home and being the eldest of 3 sons was never an easy task, life was all but a pleasure. Inclusive of many circumstances working together, trying to bring me down, I soon found myself in places and situations that were anything but holy.

I was searching for something that I did not have. Until one day when I was faced with a decision. I had to choose between being this person I had learnt to hate or to begin changing my attitude towards everyone and everything around me.

Each day is still a battle to overcome pertaining to things which have left their scar, but by God's grace and His love I know for sure that His plan and purpose with my life is worth more than all the trials & tribulations we go through.


Gavin & Crystal Young


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Week 1

Week 2

LamininK E E P I N G U S O G E T H E R___________________________________

My house will be called a house of prayer for all nations. Mark 11:17

God loves variety. If you don't believe me, take a look at a National Geographic magazine. Look at the

variety of people God has made around the world. God doesn't make clones. There will never – ever –

be another you.

Since God loves variety, our churches should too. He wants people from all tribes, all nations, and all

languages to know Him. Heaven will include people from every ethnic group in the world (Revelation

7:9). Our congregations should reflect the diversity of Heaven. Jesus says in Mark 11:17, “My house

will be called a house of prayer for all nations.”

Reaching our community means mirroring its diversity. Not every church is located in a community

that reflects the kind of diversity found , but every church can reflect the diversity of its community.

Does your church reflect the diversity of your community? The thing to know is, it starts with you.

The Bible says, “Show respect for all people; love your brothers and sisters in God's family.” (1 Peter

2:1) There's no place for bigotry among God's family. Racism is a sin. It's that simple.

All of them were filled with the Holy Spirit and began to speak in other tongues as the Spirit enabled

them. (Acts 2:4, NIV)

God performed a great miracle in the early church. The Bible says of the apostles on the Day of

Pentecost that, “All of them were filled with the Holy Spirit and began to speak in other tongues as the

Spirit enabled them.” (Acts 2:4, NIV) God empowered the apostles to speak other languages in order

to advance the gospel.

From the very beginning of the Church, God expected us to share the gospel in many languages and

through many channels. You probably don't realize it but you know many different languages. Even if

you don't have different dictionaries or grammars for them, you still speak these languages on a

regular basis. For instance, if you are a mom of a preschooler, you can talk with other moms of

preschoolers like no one else can. If you're a baseball fan, you can talk to other baseball fans in ways

other people can't. If you're an engineer, you understand other engineers.

The gospel is for everyone. We need to use every communication channel at our disposal to share it

with those who need to hear it. The languages you speak aren't just the ones codified in dictionaries.

Every interest you have can be a vehicle for the gospel. Every commonality you share with a friend can

be an opportunity for you to tell them about Jesus.

You have interests and experiences that you've probably never considered using for sharing the

gospel. On the day of Pentecost, God distributed the gospel among every language in attendance. He

wants to use every language the Church has at its disposal today too.

What languages do you speak that God could use to share the gospel?

Our Congregations Should Reflect Heaven's Diversity

You May Speak More Languages Than You Think


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Week 3

Week 4

God has made us what we are. In Christ Jesus, God made us to do good works, which God planned in advance for us to live our lives doing. (Ephesians 2:10 NCV)

There are three things you can do with your life: You can waste it, you can spend it, or you can invest it. The best use of your life is to invest it in something that will last longer than your time on earth.The worst thing you can do is to live simply for today and to live for yourself. God did not put you on earth to live for yourself. He created you to be like Christ.

We know that Christ came to earth to do two things, according to Mark 10:45: “For even the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many”(Mark 10:45 NIV).

When we begin to follow Jesus, He empowers us for a life of service. The more we become like Jesus, the more we will serve others.Today I want you to take time to meditate on the following verses about God's call to service in our lives. Pray over them and ask God to reveal new ways you can give yourself in service to those around you.

“Give yourselves completely to God – every part of you you want to be tools in the hands of God, to be used for his good purposes.”(Romans 6:13b LB) “My life is worth nothing unless I use it for doing the work assigned me by the Lord Jesus – the work of telling others the good news about God's wonderful kindness and love.” (Acts 20:24 NLT)

“Only those who give away their lives for my sake and for the sake of the good news will ever know what it means to really live.” (Mark 8:35 LB)

Someone else said, “I will follow you, sir; but first let me go and say good-bye to my family.” Jesus said to him, “Anyone who starts to plow and then keeps looking back is of no use for the Kingdom of God.” (Luke 9:61-62 TEV)

Discipleship is not like a career we map out for ourselves: “I'll do this for Jesus after I get the kids through school and build my retirement fund.” We cannot arrange our service to suit ourselves; otherwise, we end up serving Jesus according to what makes sense to us.

Like the disciple in today's verse, we say we will obediently follow Jesus, but then we turn the tables and decide on our own what should take priority in our lives. This still leaves us in control. We may accomplish good things, but that doesn't make us disciples of Jesus. Jesus says, “Anyone who starts to plow and then keeps looking back is of no use for the Kingdom of God” (Luke 9:61-62 TEV).

Looking back is double-mindedness (James 1:8, 4:8). It makes us unstable and uncertain, and that's the exact opposite of the focused following Jesus expects of us. It means there are moments in our relationship with Jesus when we say, “I'll get back to you on that, Jesus, just as soon as I finish with my priorities.”

Are you holding off Jesus until He fits into your schedule? Until you get through this stage of your life? If Jesus brings conviction, that doesn't equate to condemnation. He wants the best for you, and He knows you will find that when you follow him.

Empowered for a Life of Service

Does Jesus Set Your Priorities?

By Rick Warren & Jon Walker


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ellowship: daar is nie ‘n goeie Afrikaanse woord wat die betekenis daarvan so goed saamvat nie. F

Jesus het fellowship uitgeleef en vir ons gewys hoe belangrik dit is in ons wandel op aarde en groei as mens. Hy het daagliks met die dissipels tyd spandeer – saam gelag, gebou aan sy droom, asook ander bedien en vir ander gebid. Let wel: nie Hy alleen nie, maar Jesus binne die drie-enigheid van God, binne Sy dissipelskap kring, saam met die kerk, het Hy die wêreld wat ons ken, verander.

Vanaand was ons by ‘n braai – iets so eie aan ons Suid-Afrikaners en ‘n redelike goedkoop manier om as klomp mense lékker saam te kan eet. Die braai, die gelag (oor hoe baie mans en vrouens verskil), die ooreet aan al die lekker kos, die inspirasie en inspraak lewer in mekaar se lewens tussen al die nonsens praat – dit laat ons tick. Dit gee jou moed na ‘n slegte dag, laat jou besef dat ander mense met dieselfde struikelblokke sukkel en plaas dinge soms net weer in perspektief. Die regte vriende in ‘n mens se lewe is ‘n kosbare geskenk.

Ek het so ‘n besige week wat voorlê. Ek het myself vooraf verbind tot hierdie braai en so sinneloos soos wat dit klink, het ek sterk oorweeg om dit te kanselleer. Mens is moeg, wil net rus, stil word voor God en wil soms net uitgelos word. Dit het alles sy plek, maar in die kar oppad na die kuier, het ek eintlik bietjie angstig geraak oor alles wat ek moet vermag binne die volgende vyf dae. En nou het ek wel vir drie ure niks produktief gedoen behalwe ontspan in fellowship met my mede-christenmaats nie. Maar nou voel ek so verfris.

Moenie fellowship afskeep ter wille van alles anders wat jy moet doen nie. Jy mag dalk lyk of jy 100% in beheer is – maar dis nie hoe God ons gemaak het nie. Maak tyd vir daardie opregte vriende wat Jesus gebruik om jou op te bou, te laat stoom afblaas of net gebruik om jou karakter te

slyp. Hoe meer mens in die lig beweeg, en dit gebeur tussen ander gevestigde christene, hoe meer sien jy die donker dele in jou eie lewe raak wat jy by Jesus se voete wil neerlê. Nie net sal jy nuwe mense ontmoet deur jou huidige vriende se kontakte nie, maar mag jy dalk net die gelukskoot tref van ‘n appeltert vir poeding!So, reël daardie braai – dit is tog immers deel van ons kultuur.

ie wêreld is vol stories. In die koerant lees jy Dvan mense se onderskeie lewenstories. Jy lees storieboeke oor mense wat die outeur self geskep het. Ek wil jou vertel van ’n storie uit die Bybel.

Die Bybel is vol stories, maar een baie spesiale verhaal is dié van Ester. Ek sê “spesiaal” omdat die boek nie eintlik in die Bybel moes gewees het nie. Die ontwikkeling van die uiteindelike Bybel wat ons vandag lees, was ’n lang proses en die samestellers was baie spesifiek oor waaraan die geskrif moes voldoen. Ester het eintlik nie die cut gemaak nie.

Dit is die enigste boek in die Bybel waar God se naam (Adonai, Elohim of Yahweh) nooit voorkom nie. Daar is ook geen verwysing in die Nuwe Testament na die boek nie en ook nie enige verwysing in die Dooie See-rolle wat in die 1960’s by Qumram gevind is nie. God se naam kom dalk nooit fisies in Ester voor nie, maar die boek basuin God se naam uit. Jy hoef nie lank in Ester te lees om te besef dat God werklik intens betrokke by elke gebeurtenis in die storie is nie. Die boek skree byna God se naam uit omdat Ester met sy hulp haar taak kon vervolmaak en die ganse Joodse nasie red.

Kan jy dit van jou lewe sê? Al word God se naam nie een keer genoem in gesprekke waarin jy betrokke is nie, is God se teenwoordigheid só sigbaar dat dit God se naam uitskree? As mense jou vir die eerste keer ontmoet, hoe praat jy en hoe tree jy op? Kan hulle wegstap en dink hulle het ’n ontmoeting met God gehad?Leef vandag só dat jy nie God se Naam hoef te sê nie, maar dat jou dade en lewe dit uitskree.

Meer as net ‘n goeie braaiPaulette Goedhart-Calitz

Skree jou lewe van God?Jacobie M Helena


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CHURCH VOLUNTEER WORKDo you have a heart to serve? Do you want to help in the upkeep and maintenance of the church building and its

surroundings but don't know how to get involved?NOW IS YOUR CHANCE!

We are looking for individuals as well as cell groups who are willing to serve as volunteers. If you don't mind getting your

hands a little dirty and spending a few hours on a Saturday at church, this is for you.

Please contact Pastor Rudi Young for more information.

On behalf of Crossing Borders, I would like to thank each and every individual who was able to contribute towards our project 'Bring a Blanket.' It is bringing much comfort and warmth to those who are less fortunate in this very cold and rainy weather which we have been experiencing this winter.

We experienced such wonderful and positive feedback from the previous project that we would like to implement yet another throughout the month of August; I would like to encourage each one of us to bring a non perishable item to church. This could be anything which you feel could feed a hungry tummy, for example, a packet of 2 minutes or even a can of backed beans. At the end of the month the items will be distributed to our outreach groups and given to the appropriate individuals who are most in need.

Lastly, I would like to welcome back Mark Fowler, who has returned after serving OM (Operation Mobilization) in Mamelodi Gauteng as a missionary in the field. Please feel free to chat to him if you would like to know more about missions and his trips throughout South Africa.


“Pray for our country, for the restoration of stability and peace, without this, there can be no development, and our land cannot move forward,” says Senior General LLD Laro in a low, humble voice. One can almost see the concern in his optimistic facial expressions for the future of his nation. “The Arabs in North Sudan wanted to colonize us and convert us to Islam! Creating disunity amongst our tribes, this is one of the main reasons why we went to war, but now we are free and have celebrated our first day of independence.”

Many of us are unaware of the fact that Sudan has been torn into two separate governed countries. South Sudan does not affiliate themselves with the North, and I can even go as far as to say that if one does not know the difference and accidentally confuses the one with the other they will be insulted to say the least. After all their war was bitter, they were battered and their beloved country was bludgeoned. They have risen from the ashes by the loving grace of the Lord Jesus Christ and proclaim victory in His mighty name.

On 9 July 2011 the country of Sudan officially split in two, the world's youngest nation. This final act of democracy and a 6 year peace agreement brought down decades of civil war. While on the 9 July 2012, a year later, another chapter had been added to this country's history book. The people of South Sudan stood together as a nation celebrating their first year of independence. Their faces could be seen stained with tears, in remembrance of the ones they lost but most of all it was for what they had gained.

Please continue to keep this country in your prayers, even though the war, so to speak is over, they are still picking up the pieces of their shattered country.


Senior General, LLD Laro

Of South Sudan


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JOIN - -

Remember !!

This is an unusual paragraph. I'm curious as to just how quickly you can find out what is so unusual about it. It looks so ordinary and plain that you would think nothing was wrong with it. In fact, nothing is wrong with it! It is highly unusual though. Study it and think about it, but you still may not find anything odd. But if you work at it a bit, you might find out. Try to do so without any coaching.

Riddle AnswerThe letter e is the most common letter in the English language, yet it

never appears in the entire paragraph

RIDDLE Did you know 11% of people are left handedDid you know August has the highest percentage of birthsDid you know unless food is mixed with saliva you can't taste itDid you know the average person falls asleep in 7 minutesDid you know a bear has 42 teethDid you know an ostrich's eye is bigger than it's brainDid you know most lipsticks contain fish scalesDid you know no two corn flakes look the sameDid you know lemons contain more sugar than strawberriesDid you know 8% of people have an extra ribDid you know 85% of plant life is found in the oceanDid you know Ralph Lauren's original name was Ralph LifshitzDid you know rabbits like licoriceDid you know the Hawaiian alphabet has 12 lettersDid you know 'Topolino' is the name for Mickey Mouse ItalyDid you know a lobsters blood is colorless but when exposed to oxygen it turns blueDid you know armadillos have 4 babies at a time and are all the same sexDid you know reindeer like bananasDid you know the longest recorded flight of a chicken was 13 secondsDid you know birds need gravity to swallow


FunniesDid you hear about the guy that lost his left arm and

leg in a car crash? He's all right now.

What do you call Santa's helpers? Subordinate Clauses.

What do you get from a pampered cow? Spoiled milk.

What lies at the bottom of the ocean and twitches? A nervous wreck.

Where do you find a no legged dog? Right where you left him.

Why are there so many Smiths in the phone book? They all have phones.

Why do bagpipers walk when they play? They're trying to get away from the noise.

Why do gorillas have big nostrils? Because they have big fingers.

What do prisoners use to call each other? Cell phones.

Page 9: Lavie Uitgawe 18

Kry ook jou kopie van ons gemeente se eie CD

Luister na uittreksels van die CD op ons

Sounds of Life EP


Page 10: Lavie Uitgawe 18

Past. Henry & Denmarié Young 021 872 4102Past. Rudi & Lee-Ann Young 021 870 1677

Noorder Paarl Hannes Terblanche 076 052 0544Jannie Engelbrecht 082 497 5527Martin Mostert 084 917 4347Ronél Richard 082 952 3271

Blommedal Willie Plaatjies 082 405 0299

Paarl Sentraal Past. H. Young 083 452 6942Quintin Venter(tienersel) 072 297 6144Hester Bredenhand 073 816 8793Erik Marais 074 101 2279

Denneburg John Smith 084 251 7303Rudi Young 083 415 7834

Klein Parys John Solomons 071 189 3834

Wellington Johannes Botes 083 284 7142

Groenheuwel Dawid Jooste 083 317 8328

Paarl Oos Aubrey Cloete 084 531 3656Jeremy Arendse 082 551 1497Triveno Smith 082 484 2416Selvyn Mekeur 073 673 0326Hein Plaatjies 073 323 0807

Jeug Quintin Venter 072 297 6144Kinderkerk Denmarié Young 073 193 2233Crossing Borders Gavin en Crystal Young 083 960 3590True Vine Ministries Erik en Retha Marais 074 101 2279

Geestelike Raad Past. Henry Young 083 452 6942Past. Rudi Young 083 415 7834Erik Marais 074 101 2279Willie Plaatjies 082 405 0299John Smith 084 251 7303Francois v. Schalkwyk 082 577 6799

Kantoor (08:00 - 13:00) 021 872 3437



1 Augustus Peter Carolissen 073 646 04046 Augustus Anthony Young 082 312 61329 Augustus Lorraine Ortell 071 120 347511 Augustus Laurette Carolissen 079 244 627014 Augustus Ferdi Steyl 073 242 600217 Augustus Walter October 072 244 396517 Augustus Faith Cherry 076 698 003618 Augustus Labeeqah Smith 083 865 281622 Augustus Faith Leibrandt 076 514 720823 Augustus Rina Foot 084 675 923924 Augustus Chrischanda Arendse 084 251 560127 Augustus Zeneill Roode 076 909 928627 Augustus André Botes 021 864 166628 Augustus Winnie Jansen 072 285 869528 Augustus Sandra Kemp 079 923 813929 Augustus Daylene Gardner 076 802 358129 Augustus Jean le Roux 082 076 353530 Augustus Willie Plaatjies 082 405 0299

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Die Lig en Lewe Sentrum is deur God geroep om deur opleiding die Lig van

God se Woord teversprei en deur restourasie die Lewe

van Christus te leef sodat ons ‘n verskil kan maak in

die areas waar ons daagliks beweeg. Verder is ons in selle betrokke om

mekaar te bedienen om uit te reik na hulle wat nog buite

die Koninkryk van Jesus Christus staan. Ons strewe

om ‘n intieme verhouding met God te hê deurdat ons ten volle leef en optree

soos ons Hemelse vader van ons verwag.

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