Page 1: Let’s Understand the Qur’an  Lesson – 11a

Let’s Understand the


Lesson – 11aDr. Abdulazeez Abdulraheem

Page 2: Let’s Understand the Qur’an  Lesson – 11a

In this lesson…

Qur’an: Surah Al-Falaq

Grammar : فاعل، مفعول، فعل، فعلت، تفعل

Motivational Tip: Virtues of Knowledge

In this lesson you will learn 3 new words which occur in Quran almost 2,289


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By the end of this lesson we will learn

Learned 64 words which occur in quran almost

29,131 times

There are 4,500 words in Qur’an which are repeated almost

78’000 times



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Introduction – Surah Al-Falaq Surah Falaq and Surah Naas, two

excellent supplications to get protection from all evils

How beneficent Allah is, he created us, sent guidance, …. And taught us the ways and supplications to get protection …

Who amongst us does not want to be protected from evil eyes

It would be a folly on our part if we don’t use these supplications

The best way to follow our beloved Prophet SAS, is reciting after every obligatory prayer, and three times after Fajr and Maghrib Prayer.

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قلأ5عوذ ب بر5

ل5 الف5ق

Say , “I seek refuge

In (the) Lord

(of ) thedaybreak,

ر� الفلق ةس�و

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قلأ5عوذ ب بر5

ل5 الف5ق

Say , “I seek refuge

In (the) Lord

(of ) thedaybreak,

ل و ق


SayConvey in the best way…

100’s o

f tim


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قلأ5عوذ ب بر5

ل5 الف5ق

Say , “I seek refuge

In (the) Lord

(of ) thedaybreak,

ذ و ع

هللا باأعوذ I Take Refuge Of


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قلأ5عوذ ب بر5

ل5 الف5ق

Say , “I seek refuge

In (the) Lord

(of ) thedaybreak,

ب ب ر بـ In Lordـرب

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قلأ5عوذ ب بر5

ل5 الف5ق

Say , “I seek refuge

In (the) Lord

(of ) thedaybreak, ق ل ف


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قلأ5عوذ ب بر5

ل5 الف5ق

Say , “I seek refuge

In (the) Lord

(of ) thedaybreak,

Message from:

First realize that we are surrounded by evils, the whisperers, enviers, bad

people, bad company, viruses, diseases …

Request the Lord, acknowledging His greatness, His power, who kept us safe so far, to… 11

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قلأ5عوذ ب بر5

ل5 الف5ق

Say , “I seek refuge

In (the) Lord

(of ) thedaybreak,

Message from:

Lord of daybreak: Just ponder how the

daybreak occurs, the value of the Sun, the light of the Sun, warmth, design of the light, …

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قل أ5عوذPractice with imagination, feelings and


ب بر5 ل5ق الف5

Say ,“I seek refuge

In (the) Lord (of ) the daybreak,

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من ر ش5 م5ا ل5ق5 خ5From (the )

evil (of )that


created ;

ر� الفلق ةس�و

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شرمن From

من ر ش5 م5ا ل5ق5 خ5From (the )

evil (of )that


created ;

(the )evil

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من ر ش5 م5ا ل5ق5 خ5From (the )

evil (of )that


created ;


اهللا س� س�و ر�ر� ر�ان� ي� ر�� ل

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Be Careful!!!

Difference between من and من

The 2 meanings of من

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Who ينرم?

ك ؟ رب

First 2 Questions in the Grave…



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Who are


I am the one who …

The 2 meanings of


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منك؟من رب


م من خيركم تعلمه القرآن وعل Who is your

Lord?The best of you is

the one who learns the Qur’an…

The 2 meanings of


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من ر ش5 م5ا ل5ق5 خ5From (the )

evil (of )that


created ;ر ر ش



(direct or cause)(even if it appears to be


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من ر ش5 م5ا ل5ق5 خ5From (the )

evil (of )that


created ;

what, not

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How Foreigners with little or no Arabic knowledge manage in the

Arab world…

(It is) in (there); meaning Yes! “في”(It is) Not in (there);

ما ”“في

They manage so many things with only two slang ‘words’ !!!

Change the tone and it can be a question or an answer !


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مادينك؟ما What

What is your Deen / religion?

ما !في

Not, no

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What are you


I am doing what you …

ما !في

Not, no


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من ر ش5 م5ا ل5ق5 خ5From (the )

evil (of )that


created ;ق ل خ


created Creator خالق

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من ر ش5 م5ا ل5ق5 خ5From (the )

evil (of )that


created ;

Message from:

Created everything for a purpose. Example; Humans… for worship, but sometimes ‘Sharr’, …

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Practice with imagination, feelings and prayer

من ر ش5From(the )evil

ا م5 ل5ق5 خ5(of )that whichHe created ;

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First 2 verses cover all…

قل أعوذ برب { 1الفلق }

ما خلق من شر {2 }

“What he created” covers every thing…

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من ر ش5 م5ا ل5ق5 خ5From (the )

evil (of )that


created ;

Message from:

Esp. w




& feeli






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3 Important Things are specifically mentioned

ومن شر غاسق

ومن شر نفاثات

ومن شر حاسد

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One common thing in the 3???

We won’t know if harm is on our way: in Darkness غ5اسق by Magicians اث5ات ن5ف by Jealous اسد ح5Only Allah can give protection.

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و5من ر ش5

غ5اسق و5ق5ب5 إذ5ا

And from (the) evil

(of )darkness when it becomes

intense ,

ر� الفلق ةس�و

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و5من ر ش5

غ5اسق و5ق5ب5 إذ5ا

And from (the) evil

(of )darkness when it becomes

intense ,ر ر ش

evil from and 35

شر من و

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و5من ر ش5

غ5اسق و5ق5ب5 إذ5ا

And from (the) evil

(of )darkness when it becomes

intense ,ق س غ


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و5من ر ش5

غ5اسق و5ق5ب5 إذ5ا

And from (the) evil

(of )darkness when it becomes

intense ,when


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it becomes intense it became intense

و5من ر ش5

غ5اسق و5ق5ب5 إذ5ا

And from (the) evil

(of )darkness when it becomes

intense ,ب ق وAfter إذا if Past Tense comes, it…

إذا وقب وقب

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و5من ر ش5

غ5اسق و5ق5ب5 إذ5ا

And from (the) evil

(of )darkness when it becomes

intense ,

Message from:

We experience darkness after every 12 hours

Work hours finish, almost no work, (empty mind is devil’s workshop)

Modern evils in the night (T.V., Movies, Theatres, Clubs, etc …)

Evil attack is easy at night

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و5من ر ش5

غ5اسق و5ق5ب5 إذ5ا

And from (the) evil

(of )darkness when it becomes

intense ,

Practice with imagination, feelings and prayer

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و5من ر ش5

اث5 النفات

في د العق5

And from (the) evil

(of )those who blow in the knots ,

ر� الفلق ةس�و

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و5من ر ش5

اث5 النفات

في د العق5

And from (the) evil

(of )those who blow in the knots , ر ر ش

evil from and

شر من و

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نفاثات نفاثة


و5من ر ش5

اث5 النفات

في د العق5

And from (the) evil

(of )those who blow in the knots , ث ف ن

You have to blow to say it

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و5من ر ش5

اث5 النفات

في د العق5

And from (the) evil

(of )those who blow in the knots , ث ف ن

those who blow

the one who blows

نفاثات نفاثة


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و5من ر ش5

اث5 النفات

في د العق5

And from (the) evil

(of )those who blow in the knots , د ق ع

Nuptial knot


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و5من ر ش5

اث5 النفات

في د العق5

And from (the) evil

(of )those who blow in the knots ,

عقد عقدة+

knots knot

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و5من ر ش5

اث5 النفات

في د العق5

And from (the) evil

(of )those who blow in the knots ,

العقدفي Knots in

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و5من ر ش5

اث5 النفات

في د العق5

And from (the) evil

(of )those who blow in the knots ,

Message from:

Solution to every problem We say… Don’t eat here, don’t drink

there, some thing may happen!! Magic: It may shake the belief of person,

and people may go seek protection in wrong ways…

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ر و5من ش5 اث5ات النفPractice with imagination, feelings and


د في العق5

And from (the) evil(of )those who blow

in the knots ,

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و5من ر ش5 اسد ح5 إذ5ا

س5 ح5د5

And from the evil

(of )the envier when he


ر� الفلق ةس�و

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و5من ر ش5 اسد ح5 إذ5ا

س5 ح5د5

And from the evil

(of )the envier when he

envies.ر ر ش

شر من وevil from and

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If you have or get something good he wants:

that to come to him & gone from you OR

that is at least gone from you.

و5من ر ش5 اسد ح5 إذ5ا

س5 ح5د5

And from the evil

(of )the envier when he

envies.د س ح

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و5من ر ش5 اسد ح5 إذ5ا

س5 ح5د5

And from the evil

(of )the envier when he



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و5من ر ش5 اسد ح5 إذ5ا

س5 ح5د5

And from the evil

(of )the envier when he

envies.د س ح

إذا حسد حسدwhen he envies He envied

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و5من ر ش5 اسد ح5 إذ5ا

س5 ح5د5

And from the evil

(of )the envier when he

envies.د س ح مضارع = إذا+ماضي

When it comes : إذا جاء

When it intensifies : إذا وقب

When he envies :إذا حسد

When Allah is :إذا ذكر اللهremembered

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و5من ر ش5 اسد ح5 إذ5ا

س5 ح5د5

And from the evil

(of )the envier when he


Message from:

The envier will either try to disturb your work or try to distort your name, and he may even try to harm you.

Envying is a bad! Supplicate to Allah to keep you away

from envying and also to keep you safe from the evil of the envier.

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ر و5من ش5 اسد ح5Practice with imagination, feelings and


إذ5ا د5 س5 ح5

And from the evil(of )the envier

whenhe envies.

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و5من ر ش5 اسد ح5 إذ5ا

س5 ح5د5

And from the evil

(of )the envier when he


Message from:

Allah mentions three evils in this Surahاسد اث5ات, ح5 غ5اسق, ن5ف

And suggests to seek refuge in One of his Attributes,

Since all the three above evils are done in the darkness, and Allah is the one who breaks the darkness, that’s why قل أعوذ برب الفلق

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و5من ر ش5 اسد ح5 إذ5ا

س5 ح5د5

And from the evil

(of )the envier when he


Practice with imagination, feelings and prayer

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Bring the Surah into your life

How? Sunnah Every one wants to be safe! And if we don’t apply, the loss is only


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قلأ5عوذ ب بر5

ل5 الف5ق

Say , “I seek refuge

In (the) Lord

(of ) thedaybreak,

من ر ش5 م5ا ل5ق5 خ5From (the )

evil (of )that


created ;

Practice with imagination, feelings and prayer

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و5من ر ش5

غ5اسق و5ق5ب5 إذ5ا

And from (the) evil

(of )darkness when it becomes

intense ,و5من

ر ش5اث5 النفات

في د العق5

And from (the) evil

(of )those who blow in the knots ,

Practice with imagination, feelings and prayer

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و5من ر ش5 اسد ح5 إذ5ا

س5 ح5د5

And from the evil

(of )the envier when he


Practice with imagination, feelings and prayer

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