
Machine Learning in a Twitter ETL using ELK


MELVYN [email protected]

What is an ETL?

• ETL: Extract Load Transform

Source TransformationData

warehouse/Data store

Raw dataProcessed


Extract Transform Load

Our use case: An ETL for Twitter


• Simplify a recurrent task for several members of the lab•Normalize the data collection (Have a “universal” format)•Have tweets analyzed the way we want (Emoji, punctuation)• Include some machine learning model in our ETL

Our tools: ELK

•E : ElasticsearchElasticsearch is a distributed, RESTful search and analytics engine

• L : LogstashLogstash is an open source, server-side data processing pipeline that simultaneously ingests data from multiple sources transforms it, and then sends it to your favorite “stash”.

•K: Kibana Kibana lets you visualize your Elasticsearch data and navigate the Elastic Stack

Source: Elastic website

Our model

Twitter Logstash Elasticsearch Kibana

Sentiment API

Extract Transform Load


Logstash allows you to ingest data from multiple sources, transform the data and then store your processed data.

Notions you need to know:


• Input

• Filter


Petrol Pipeline





Petrol Chemical

Logstash Pipeline



Twitter API

Twitter Input

Elasticsearch outputData


Logstash: Event

An event can be described as one raw data traveling across the pipeline:

•A Log•A Line•A JSON•…

Logstash: Input

The input plugins consume data from a source.

• File•Elasticsearch•Twitter API•Github API•…

Logstash: Filter

A filter plugin performs intermediary processing on an event. Filters are often applied conditionally depending on the characteristics of the event.





Logstash: Output

An output plugin sends event data to a particular destination.



• File


Logstash: Flow

Input Filters Output



Example: tutorial_input.txt




"age": 25,



"comment": "A guy from somewhere"



"name":"John Doe",

"age": 25,

"comment": "A guy from somewhere",

"created_at" : 2017-09-04T08:39:54.847Z



"school": "Stanford",

"degree": "Master",

"created_at" : 2017-09-04T08:39:54.877Z


What we have: What we want:

Example: Building the configuration file

input {

file {

path => "/usr/local/Cellar/logstash/5.5.2/tutorial_input.txt"

start_position => beginning

sincedb_path => "/dev/null"

codec => "json"

} # the input will be a file containing JSON (takes only absolute path)


filter {} # Empty for the moment (We will only fill this)

output { stdout {codec => rubydebug}} # Print the result to the console

Example: Output{

"path" => "/usr/local/Cellar/logstash/5.5.2/tutorial_input.txt",

"@timestamp" => 2017-09-04T07:03:26.388Z,

"degree" => "Master",

"@version" => "1",

"host" => "Melvyns-MacBook-Pro.local",

"last_name" => "Doe",

"school" => "Stanford",

"comment" => "A guy from somewhere",

"first_name" => "John",

"age" => 25


Example: Building “name” key

ruby { # Allows you to insert ruby code

code =>

‘ event.set("name", event.get("[first_name]") + " " +

event.get("[last_name]")) ’

} #event.get() allows retrieving a value given a key, event.set() to create


mutate {

remove_field => ["first_name", "last_name", "host", "path"]

} # mutate allows basic transformation on events; here we are removing 4 keys

The order used to modify the document matters! Here “Ruby” will be applied first then “Mutate”.

1. Merging “first_name” and “last_name” into ”name”2. Removing “first_name” and “last_name”

Example: Output{

"@timestamp" => 2017-09-04T08:33:26.599Z,

"school" => "Stanford",

"degree" => "Master",

"@version" => "1",

"name" => "John Doe",

"comment" => "A guy from somewhere",

"age" => 25


Example: Building two events out of oneclone {

clones => ["education"]

} # we are duplicating our event and add in the replica a key "type" with "education" as a value.

if ([type] == "education") {

mutate {

remove_field => ["name", "age", "comment", "type"]



else {

mutate {

remove_field => ["school", "degree"]



Example: Output{

"@timestamp" => 2017-09-04T08:39:54.847Z,

"name" => "John Doe",

"comment" => "A guy from somewhere",

"@version" => "1",

"age" => 25



"@timestamp" => 2017-09-04T08:39:54.897Z,

"school" => "Stanford",

"@version" => "1",

"degree" => "Master"


Example: Changing the name of a field

mutate {

remove_field => ["@version"] # @version, @timestamp are created

for every events

rename => { "@timestamp" => "created_at" } # change the name of a



The order inside mutate may vary. You cannot know if “remove_field” will be applied before or after “rename”

Example: Output{

"created_at" => 2017-09-04T08:39:54.847Z,

"name" => "John Doe",

"comment" => "A guy from somewhere",

"age" => 25



"created_at" => 2017-09-04T08:39:54.897Z,

"school" => "Stanford",

"degree" => "Master"


Logstash: Twitter input

input {

twitter {

consumer_key => "<YOUR-KEY>"

consumer_secret => "<YOUR-KEY>"

oauth_token => "<YOUR-KEY>"

oauth_token_secret => "<YOUR-KEY>"

keywords => [ "random", "word"]

full_tweet => true

type => "tweet"



Only one input:

Logstash: Our filters

There are many filters, but the overall goals of the filters are to:

•Remove depreciated fields•Divide the tweet into two or three events (users and tweet)•Remove the nesting of the JSON•Remove the fields not used

Our model

Twitter Logstash Elasticsearch Kibana

Sentiment API

Building the API

•Python• Flask•Building your model based on labeled data•Design an endpoint that will receive the data you want to predict

Logstash REST filter


•Allows RESTful resources inside Logstash•Will call your Machine learning API•Will add information to your events

Logstash REST filter: Example

rest {

request => {

url => http://localhost:5000/predict

method = "post"

params => {

"submit" => "%{tweet_content}"


headers => {

"Content-Type" => "application/json"



target => 'rest_result'


Time to do it yourself



Thank you!


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