Page 1: Materiale Educationale Autism (2)

Materiale educationaleCarti in limba romana


"Cum sa educam copiii autisti sau cu alte afectiuni de dezvoltare" - Mary Lynch Barbera si Tracy Rasmussen

“Sa intelegem autismul”-Karen Siff Exkorn, Ed. Aramis

"Psihiatria copilului si adolescentului" - ghid practic dr. Iuliana Dobrescu

"Creierul social. Autism, neurostiinte, terapie" - Dr. Otilia Secara

"Autismul. Teorie si interventie educational" - Theo Peeters

"Autism. Cartea pentru parinti" - Daniela Cucuruz (Martinescu), editura Licentia Publishing, Bucuresti, 2004;

"Autismul Infantil, Structuri Psihopatologice si Terapie Complexa" - lector dr. Cristina Muresan, editura Presa Universitara Clujeana, 2004;

"Aspecte generale ale patologiei autiste" - Oana Muraru, editura Universitatii Suceava, 2005;

"Educatia copilului meu in 25 de tehnici (care nu dau gres)" - Meg F.Schneider, editura Humanitas, Bucuresti, 2006;

"Cum sa devenim parinti mai buni, Ghid practic" - Stanley Shapiro, Karen Skinulis, editura Humanitas, 2005;

"Terapia tulburarilor de limbaj, Interventii logopedice" - Ecaterina Vrasmas si Cornelia Stanica, Editura Didactica si Pedagogica, R.A., Bucuresti,1997;

"O intamplare ciudata cu un caine la miezul noptii" - Mark Haddon, editura Trei, 2005;

"Portretul lui M" - Matei Calinescu, editura Polirom, Iasi, 2003;

"Jocuri pentru copii de la o zi la sase ani" - Anne Bacus, editura Teora, 2005;

"Copilul de la 1 an la 3 ani, cei mai importanti doi ani din viata copilului" - Anne Bacus, editura Teora, 2006;

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"Copilul de la 3 ani la 6 ani, dezvoltarea fizica, psihica, afectiva, intelectuala si sociala" - Anne Bacus, editura Teora, 2006;

"Educatia copiilor si tinerilor cu autism" - Jordan Rita, UNESCO, 1997;

"12 ani şi 11 luni de ucenicie lângă fiul şi maestrul meu M." - Elena Ignat (RazaRa), Noetica, 2007;

Carti in limba engleza

"A Boy Beyond Reach" - Cherie Florance

"Give me 5" - Colette de Bruin

"A Picture's Worth - PECS and Other Visual Communication Strategies in Autism" - Andy Bondy & Lori Frost

"A User Guide to the GF/CF Diet for Autism, Asperger Syndrome and AD/Hd" - Luke Jackson

"Activity Schedules for Children with Autism" - Lynn E McClannahan PhD & Patricia Krantz PhD

"Alternative Treatments for Children within the Autistic Spectrum" - Deborah Golden Alecson, Amalgam Illness, Andrew Hall Cutler

"Asperger Syndrome in the inclusive classroom - advice and strategies for teachers" - Stacey W Betts. Dion E Betts & Lisa N Gerber-Eckard

"Autism, Amalgam and Me - Jodi's journey continues" - Jean Shaw

"Autism and the Myth of the Person Alone" - Douglas Biklen

"Autism as a Metabolic Disorder - Guildlines for a Gluten and Casein-free dietary intervention" - Paul Shattock, Paul Whiteley & Lynda Todd

"Autism: Effective Biomedical Treatments – Individuality in an Epidemic - Have we done all we can for this child?" - Jon Pangborn and Sidney Baker

"Autism - The Search for Coherence" - John Richer & Sheila Coates

"Biological treatments for autism and PDD" - William Shaw

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"Changing the Course of Autism" - Bryan Jepson

"Children and Behavioural Problems - anxiety, aggression,depression and ADHD" - Martine F. Delfos

"Children with Starving Brains - A Medical Treatment Guide to Autism (with 2005 update)" - Jacqueline McCandless

"Communication Issues in Autism and Asperger Syndrome - do we speak the same language?" - Olga Bogdashina

"Developing Play and Drama in Children with Autistic Spectrum Disorders" - Dave Sherratt and Melanie Peter

"Diet Intervention and Autism" - Marilyn Le Breton

"Elijah's Cup - a family's journey into the community and culture of high functioning autism and asperger's syndrome" - Valerie Paradiz

"Enzymes for Autism & Other Neurological Disorders" - Karen de Felice

"Facing Autism" - Lynn Hamilton

"Feast Without Yeast" - Semon and Kornblum

"Healing the New Childhood Epidemics" - Kenneth Bock

"Impossible Cure" - Amy Lansky

"Laughter and Tears - a family's journey to understanding the Autism Spectrum" - Ann Hewetson

"Let Me Hear Your Voice" - Catherine Maurice

"Louder than Words" - Jennie McCarthy

"My Brother has Autism" - Louise Garrod

"My Experience with Autism, Sensory Problems, Visual Thinking and Careers" - Temple Grandin

"My Social Stories Handbook" - Carol Gray

"Natural Medicine Guide to Autism" - Stephanie Mahon

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"New Developments in Autism - the future is today" - Juan Martos Perez, Pedro M Gonzalez, Maria Llorente Comi & Carmen Nieto

"Nourishing Hope" - Julie Matthews

"Playing, Laughing and Learning with Children on the Autism Spectrum" - Julia Moor

"Raising a Child with Autism - A Guide to Applied Behavioural Analysis for Parents" - Shira Richman

"Rediscovering Real Medicine - the new horizons of Homeopathy" - Dr Jean Elmiger

"Reweaving the Autistic Tapestry" - Lisa Blakemore-Brown

"Right from the Start - Behavioural Interventions for Children with Autism" - Sandra Harris PhD & Mary Jane Weiss PhD

"School is not Compulsory - the essential introduction to home-based education - 5th edition" - Education Otherwise

"Silenced Witnesses" - Martin J Walker

"Son Rise the Miracle Continues" - Barry Neil Kaufman

"Sound of Falling Snow - Stories of Recovery ryfrom Autism and Related Conditions" - Annabel Stehli

"Special Diets for Special Kids" - Lisa Lewis

"Tales from the Table - Lovaas/ABA Intervention with Children on the Autistic Spectrum" - Margaret Anderson

"Talking Teenagers - information and inspiration for parents of teenagers with autism or asperger's syndrome" - Ann Boushey

"The AiA Gluten and Dairy Free Cookbook" - Marilyn Le Breton

"The Defiant Child - A Parent's guide to Oppositional Defiant Disorder" - Dr Douglas A Riley

"The Fabric of Autism (HANDLE therapy)" - Judith Bluestone

"The Miller Method - developing the capacities of children on the Autism Spectrum" - Arnold Miller with Kristina Chretien

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"The Puzzle of Autism" - Dr Amy Yasko & Dr Garry Gordon

"The Truth about Vaccines" - Richard Halvorsen

"Treating Autism: Parent stories of Hope & Success" - Steve Edelson

"Unravelling the Mystery of Autism and PDD" - Karen Seroussi

"Vaccination and Immunisation: Dangers, Delusions and Alternatives" - Leon Chaitow

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