Page 1: Maximizing Your Prayer L Ife Through Fasting From Negative Thinking

 Presented by Rev. Alicia Tyson-Sherwood

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Sisters At the Well Maximizing your Prayer Life through Guided Prayer and

Fasting from Negative Thinking

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Who are you in Christ?

Separate your Who from your Do!

You are:






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Are you going through something? Do you want to develop a stronger prayer

life? When I think about it some of my best

prayers happens because of my test/trial/ affliction.

Is your prayer life effective?

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What is a good praise to sing before and after prayer? Why?

Creating an atmosphere of praise in your car, home, and office.

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Page 6: Maximizing Your Prayer L Ife Through Fasting From Negative Thinking

When you pray, what do you do in most cases?

A.You say what you need to sayB.Pray until you know you have broken

through his throneC.Don’t know what to say, so I don’t pray or

let someone pray for meD.CryE.None of the above

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This is the key to knowing how to pray. Pray without Ceasing.

Never compare yourself to others

Romans 12:1-2

Therefore, I urge you, sisters, in view of God’s Mercy, to offer your bodies as living sacrifices, holy and pleasing to God—this is your spiritual act of worship. Do not conform any longer to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is ---His good, pleasing and perfect will

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What do I need for God to do or What do I need to do for God?

How come in these days of economic uncertainty, we do not believe God?

Why am I always behind the eight ball? Why don’t I bring people to church with me?

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How much power do we give the men in our life? We are talking about our sons, our husbands, our boyfriends, our fathers, and all men.

Have you ever tried to fast from the men in your life?

Food for Thought

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The intimacy that I long for in my physical relationships should be the same way I feel about God

Closer than close God should be the first person that you turn

to in crisis Trust in the Lord with all thine heart; and

lean not unto Psalms thine own understanding. In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths. Proverbs 3:5

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God’s Chosen Fast Holy Conversation Fasting is a Spiritual Practice Fasting Goes Hand in Hand with Prayer Speak the Word of God Whenever You think

Negative Avoid Negativity at all Cost, Leave the Room Let this mind be in thee as in Christ Think of what is Lovely, Pure, Excellent Gratitude List

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Fasting from Negative Thinking

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Soul Cry is indicative of our ancestral roots

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Learn How to Cry

It’s the best release

Find a Safe Place

Try telling God your personal stuff and not your best friend

Be Still and Know That I AM GOD

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Allow the Holy Spirit to Speak to you in that Quiet Voice that sounds just like You

Speak everything in faith When you hear from God… the following will

happen: It will go against the rationale of the world Requires faith and courage Peace will rule Make sure the voice aligns with the Word of


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Guided Prayer

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Expect God to say Something to you Maintain a Spiritual Expectancy Pray in the Spirit (Ephesians 6: Full Armor of

God Prayer is asking whatever you desire in

Jesus Name Prayer Partners Pray often for your family and friends by

Name Do not worry!

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Spirit of Expectancy

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Choose Trust over Doubt Choose gratitude over grumping. Take out

your gratitude list . Choose to speak life instead of death Apologize immediately after hurting

someone Slow to anger, Quick to forgive, Walk in

Love I can not say AMEN unless I honestly say “

Cost what it may, This is my prayer.”

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The Wonderful Possibilities of Life lived for God’s Glory

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Prayer Circle of Purpose Prayer Circle of Praying Until Something

Happens It’s Important to Pray Whenever the Spirit

Leads You Respect People’s Privacy Not to be Prayed

on, pray silently Pray for each New Sister that Comes to your

gatherings Pray that Sisters at the Well is not a Clique

Intentional Prayer Stop Praying Amiss

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Pray the Promises Sisters and remember Phillipians 1:1-11 that is what Pastor prays for us… How much more could we pray for each other

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