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1.1 Recently, a group of Continuing Education Interior Decorating students participating inthe course “Interior Design Studio” was given the challenge to work with HendersonGeneral Hospital and Recreation Therapist, Sue Perrin, to design a space for a wardthat is dedicated to elderly patients. The purpose of this innovative and collaborativeproject was to create a pleasant environment for both the patients and staff to work in. The class, conducted by instructor and Program Manager Wendy Hodgkins, made fourpresentations to the staff. From the four, the design created by Margaret Cottrell andJulie Anne Welsh was voted as the one for implementation. Today, with the help of a$10,000 grant, their design was completed in October 2005. [Submitted by Carolyn Gray, VicePresident, Community Services and Economic Development]

1.2 The Hamilton Beautification Program honoured Continuing Education student, Mr. TedPrzybyl, graduate from the Horticulture Plant Identification Certificate Program and Mrs.Mionne Taylor, graduate from the Landscape Design Certificate Program. Bothrecipients received a monetary bursary award for having the highest overall average,which was presented at the Hamilton Council Meeting in October. [Submitted by Carolyn Gray,Vice President, Community Services and Economic Development]

1.3 International Education is pleased that an international student, Earl Clarke, has beenselected as the recipient of the Mohawk College Alumni of Distinction Award for 2005. Earl graduated from the Chemical Engineering Technology Program with an overallgrade point average of 95%. Earl was the recipient of many awards while he wasstudying at the College including the Winter 2005 Gold Medal Award and the HighestGrade Point Average Award for an International Student. [Submitted by Louise Bockner, ExecutiveDean, International Education]

1.4 David Gonzalez, an international student, recently volunteered at an InternationalSymposium on Supply Chain Management sponsored by McMaster University and thePurchasing Management Association of Canada. David is in the International BusinessManagement Post Diploma Certificate Program. He was asked to make presentationsto a few keynote speakers and has represented Mohawk College well. [Submitted by LouiseBockner, Executive Dean, International Education]

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1.5 The Small Business and Entrepreneurship Program (SBE—formerly the SmallBusiness Management Program) began the 2005-2006 academic year as a fully fundedprogram, having shed its “tuition-short” status in the spring of 2005, which meant asignificant increase in revenues to Mohawk.[Submitted by Dale Schenk, Executive Dean, Faculty of Business]

1.6 A team of Small Business and Entrepreneurship students attended “Bridges to BetterBusiness” on October 5

th at the Hamilton Convention Centre. This annual event is a

unique, one-day learning and networking event packed with great ideas to helpentrepreneurs succeed. The student attendees made valuable contacts and sharedinnovative ideas with entrepreneurs and business owners from the Hamilton areabusiness community. Professor Mike Piczak was one of the presenters at this year’sevent. [Submitted by Dale Schenk, Executive Dean, Faculty of Business]

1.7 Recent guest speakers in the Faculty of Business included Kristin Huigenbos, Managerof the Hamilton Small Business Enterprise Centre, Irene Costie, Membership Directorfor the Hamilton Chamber, Richard Cunningham, President of the Canadian FranchiseAssociation. [Submitted by Dale Schenk, Executive Dean, Faculty of Business]

1.8 Program Coordinator Reid MacWilliam attended the Third Annual Business Awards andTradeshow at the Two Rivers Community Development Centre in Oshweken, SixNations on October 26

th. [Submitted by Dale Schenk, Executive Dean, Faculty of Business]

1.9 Julie Ryan, Coordinator of the Insurance Program, and Mary Martin, part time BusinessFaculty member attended the monthly lunch meeting of the Insurance BrokersAssociation of Hamilton. Four second-year insurance students were also invited asspecial guests. A representative from Markel Insurance was the guest speaker andspoke about their future plans and growth in respect to the long haul trucking industry.[Submitted by Dale Schenk, Executive Dean, Faculty of Business]

1.10 The Insurance Brokers Association of Ontario recently held their annual Convention inToronto. Thirty students from the second year Insurance Program were invited to attendtogether with Julie Ryan, Coordinator of the Insurance Program and Business Facultymember Lloyd Hobbs. As part of the day, the students also visited the InsuranceInstitute of Ontario where Peter Holman, President spoke about careers options forInsurance graduates. Students also heard a presentation from the RegisteredInsurance Brokers of Ontario, which outlines the organization and explained how theyassist meet with various organizations in the insurance industry. The Insurance Brokers

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Association of Hamilton generously provided the student’s transportation to Toronto.[Submitted by Dale Schenk, Executive Dean, Faculty of Business]

1.11 The Marketing Faculty in the Business Management Department recently organized thefirst of our Guest Speaker Series for marketing students. Dawson Marshall, from Benand Jerry's and previously with S.C.Johnson and Canadian Tire spoke to a large groupduring Common Hour. Not only did Dawson deliver an animated talk on his career inmarketing, he took the time to talk individually to students at the end of the presentation.The event was an attempt to improve the KPI's in marketing by showing the students theapplication of content in their courses to real life careers in marketing. [Submitted by DaleSchenk, Executive Dean, Faculty of Business]

1.12 On October 12, nineteen Office Administration students attended the first meeting of theMohawk Student Chapter of the International Association of Administrative Professionals(IAAP). The meeting was coordinated by Kathy Fogal of IAAP Quintus Chapter (Brantford)and Veronica Weir and Diane White of the Business Studies department. [Submitted by DaleSchenk, Executive Dean, Faculty of Business]

1.13 The CHML morning show recently contacted the College seeking some insight into howpoor email habits (grammar, spelling, punctuation) affect business. Margo Karolyi,Coordinator of the Enterprise Business Program was asked to respond on behalf of theCollege. Margo expressed the opinion that email shouldn't be considered 'informal', butrather as corporate correspondence and therefore should be treated as such. (i.e.,proofread carefully, spell check, use appropriate language, etc.). It is also very easy foremails to be forwarded to others (and/or edited) and Margo emphasised the need forcaution in wording and 'tone'. The interview was about 5 or 6 minutes in length. [Submittedby Dale Schenk, Executive Dean, Faculty of Business]

1.14 Long time supporters and donors of Mohawk College's Popsicle Stick BridgeCompetition were recognized at the Fall convocation. The Optimist Club of AncasterPresident Ron Bulmer was awarded an Appreciation Award for sponsoring the HighSchool competition. Hatch Associates Limited alumnus Kevin Rutherford was awardedan Appreciation for sponsoring the College level competition. [Submitted by Cheryl Jensen,Executive Dean, Faculty of Engineering Technology]

1.15 Thanks to the generosity of local engineering and consulting firms, six ArchitecturalTechnology students were guests at the Engineering Luncheon at Liuna Station onMonday, October 17, 2005. This luncheon is the kick-off event for Engineering Week inOntario. The students were accompanied by Chris Blackwood, Chair, Kevin Haluik,

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Professor and Paul Cronkwright, Technologist in the Building and ConstructionSciences department. [Submitted by Cheryl Jensen, Executive Dean, Faculty of Engineering Technology]

1.16 On Friday, October 7 students in the third semester of Architectural Technology weretreated to a presentation from Mr. Gordon Masters and a newly created organizationcalled the Ontario Association for Applied Architectural Sciences (OAAAS). The OAAAS isa joint venture between the Ontario Association of Certified Engineering Techniciansand Technologists (OACETT) and the Ontario Association of Architects, which has beenset up to issue "limited licences to practice" architecture for Technologists. [Submitted byCheryl Jensen, Executive Dean, Faculty of Engineering Technology]

1.17 Counsellors have been kept very busy with students accessing services. [Submitted byCatherine Drea, Vice President, Student and Learning Services]

1.18 Counsellor Basilia Iatomasi facilitated three sessions for the Process AutomationCareer Class, on “Note Taking Strategies”, “Stress Management” and “TimeManagement”. [Submitted by Catherine Drea, Vice President, Student and Learning Services]

1.19 Counsellor Heather Drummond offered two True Colors Personality Workshops for theJournalism & Communications Media and Broadcasting: Radio & CommunicationsMedia programs and facilitated an “Applying to University” session targeted for ECEstudents. [Submitted by Catherine Drea, Vice President, Student and Learning Services]

1.20 The Return to School sessions for Mature Students resumed at both Fennell andBrantford campuses in October and were all well attended. [Submitted by Catherine Drea, VicePresident, Student and Learning Services]

1.21 Counsellor Jack Leon provided Success Strategies Seminars for Public Relations andGraphic Arts students. Jack Leon also provided support and information to a secondyear Graphics Art class because of the sudden loss of one of their classmates. [Submittedby Catherine Drea, Vice President, Student and Learning Services]

1.22 Diane Harrison, mediator, has joined Dispute Resolution Services as of September 6,2005 and has been actively providing skills coaching, mediation and facilitation servicesto students at all campuses. [Submitted by Catherine Drea, Vice President, Student and LearningServices]

1.23 Diane has also presented workshops to a number of classes on respectfulcommunication, conflict resolution and cultural awareness. [Submitted by Catherine Drea, VicePresident, Student and Learning Services]

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1.24 Disability Services reports a high level of student activity for the month of October withstudent contacts at four campuses exceeding 700 up to and including October 21, 2005.This number reflects increased activity compared to October 2004. [Submitted by CatherineDrea, Vice President, Student and Learning Services]

1.25 Health Services nurses saw 1,236 students at the Fennell Campus, and 1,139 studentsat the IAHS campus for the month. [Submitted by Catherine Drea, Vice President, Student and LearningServices]

1.26 Fall Campus Recreation programs have begun and include Coed Volleyball, BallHockey, Basketball, Ice Hockey and Extramural Tournaments. [Submitted by Catherine Drea,Vice President, Student and Learning Services Student]

1.27 The Varsity Men’s Volleyball team won the gold medal in the Fanshawe College Kick-OffTournament on October 1-2, 2005 at Fanshawe College in London. Brent Carter, asecond year Police Foundations student was named a Tournament All-Star. PeterSniuolis, a third year Architectural Technology student was named the Tournament MVP. The Women’s Volleyball team also participated in the tournament and won the silvermedal in the women’s division. [Submitted by Catherine Drea, Vice President, Student and LearningServices Student].

1.28 The Varsity Touch Football team won the silver medal at the Ontario Colleges AthleticsAssociation (OCAA) Championships held at Durham College in Oshawa on October 14-16, 2005. [Submitted by Catherine Drea, Vice President, Student and Learning Services Student].

1.29 Mohawk College hosted the 2005 OCAA Women’s Fastball Championships on October21-22, 2005 at Mohawk Sports Park. Mohawk College won a Bronze Medal defeatingCambrian College 10-0. [Submitted by Catherine Drea, Vice President, Student and Learning ServicesStudent].

1.30 Mohawk College hosted the 2005 OCAA Men’s Rugby Championships on October 29-30, 2005 at Mohawk Sports Park. [Submitted by Catherine Drea, Vice President, Student and LearningServices Student].

1.31 Laurie Cahill, Michelle Harkness and Bernetta Scime attended the Grand Opening of theCanadian Therapeutic College’s Sports Injury Clinic. Students from the College provideMohawk’s Varsity Teams with valuable therapist coverage. [Submitted by Catherine Drea, VicePresident, Student and Learning Services Student].

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1.32 By October 10, 2005 all students living at the Ramada due to the flood had returned toResidence. [Submitted by Catherine Drea, Vice President, Student and Learning Services Student].

1.33 A Brantford Student Life Discount Guide was introduced this fall in conjunction withLaurier University and Creative Alternatives. The free booklet valued at over $1000 worthof discounts was handed out to all Brantford students. [Submitted by Catherine Drea, VicePresident, Student and Learning Services Student].

1.34 Two high school coop students are doing their placement with the Student Life at theStoney Creek Campus. The students are from Delta and Cardinal Newman HighSchools. [Submitted by Catherine Drea, Vice President, Student and Learning Services Student].

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2.1 On Thursday, October 13, 2005, the McMaster-Mohawk-Conestoga BScN Program had“10” Mohawk faculty making research presentations at the Nursing Research Day heldat the Hamilton Convention Centre. [Submitted by Rosemary Knechtel, Executive Dean, Health Sciencesand Human Services.]

2.2 Professor Valerie Neely and level 4 BScN Student Ashleigh Levesque have been invitedto present a conference workshop on November 4th, 2005 through the NursingLeadership Institute at Florida Atlantic University. The title of the conference is “A BridgeOver Troubled Waters: Bridging the Practice Gap - Integrating Nursing Best PracticeGuidelines into Education and Practice.”. The title of their presentation is “IntegratingBest Practice Guidelines into Education and Practice”. [Submitted by Rosemary Knechtel,Executive Dean, Health Sciences and Human Services.]

2.3 Congratulations to Lori Koziol, Professor, Medical Imaging who received a Bachelor ofApplied Science (Medical Imaging) and Leslie Murray, Professor, Medical Imaging whoreceived a Master of Applied Science (Medical Imaging – Radiographic ImageInterpretation), through Charles Sturt University in Australia. Their degrees wereconferred on Saturday, October 2, 2005. [Submitted by Rosemary Knechtel, Executive Dean, HealthSciences and Human Services.]

2.4 Congratulations to Ted Scott, Professor in the Department of Medical Imaging, whoreceived the Ken Gottesfeld award from the Society of diagnostic Medical Sonographersfor his research paper “The Diagnosis of Appendicitis using Diagnostic Ultrasound: ACritical Literature Review”. The award was presented at the SDMS 2005 AnnualConference in Dallas, Texas on October 8, 2005. [Submitted by Rosemary Knechtel, ExecutiveDean, Health Sciences and Human Services.]

2.5 Rosemary Knechtel has been selected as a college representative on the provincialCollege-University Consortium Council Collaborative Nursing Evaluation SteeringCommittee. This committee includes college, university and Ministry of Training,Colleges and Universities representatives. The purpose of the committee is to conductan evaluation of the collaborative nursing degree program to provide the governmentand the post-secondary sector with successes of the programs and any barriers tocollaboration that have been encountered. [Submitted by Rosemary Knechtel, Executive Dean, HealthSciences and Human Services.]

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2.6 The evaluation will provide college and university partners with an opportunity to sharelessons learned, to inform and improve future collaborations regardless of the programarea. [Submitted by Rosemary Knechtel, Executive Dean, Health Sciences and Human Services.]

2.7 Nancy Sinclair, Continuing Education Health Sciences, had a display at the HamiltonHospice Palliative Care Network Education Conference at the Hamilton Art Gallery onSeptember 29-30th, 2005. Agency and community health care workers attended thisconference from Hamilton and the surrounding areas. [Submitted by Carolyn Gray, Vice President,Community Services and Economic Development]

2.8 The Advertising program, offers students many opportunities to hear from dynamic industryprofessionals. These weekly sessions, called Advertising Realities bring real worldexperience to the classroom, and give students a chance to network with professionals.Speakers: since September have included:• Tom Goudie, Partner, Pirate Radio and television Sept. 14• Tough Mothers Tour, Nancy Vonk/Janet Kestin Ogilvy Sept. 21• Jack Bensimon, President Bensimon Byrne Sept. 28• Toronto Agency Tours• Laurel Walzak, Molson Oct. 12• Gerry Frascione, President BBDO Oct. 19[Submitted by Douglas Baker, Executive Dean, Applied Arts & Brantford]

2.9 Technologist Tom McBride of the Communications Media Department organized aspecial demonstration of High Definition Equipment for the Broadcast Televisionstudents. Panasonic Product Manager, David Craig informed students of the latesttrends in HD and brought along High Definition cameras and vtrs. Panasonic hasagreed to loan a High Definition Camera and Vtr for the production of this year’s MohawkMediafest show in April. [Submitted by Douglas Baker, Executive Dean, Applied Arts & Brantford]

2.10 Stoney Creek campus, under the leadership of Piero Cherubini, Chair, Motive Power andStoney Creek programming, hosted an afternoon for a group of 20 Brock UniversityBachelor of Education teachers in training. The objective for the afternoon was toexpose these students to apprenticeship programs at Mohawk College and promoteapprenticeship training as a viable post secondary option for high school students. Feedback from the group was very positive. [Submitted by Cheryl Jensen, Executive Dean, Faculty ofEngineering Technology]

2.11 Dr. Bill Brimley, Chair, Mechanical and Industrial Technology and Chemical,Environmental and Biotechnology department, attended the Canadian Manufacturing

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Technology Show exhibition at the National Trade Centre, Exhibition Place, Toronto onOctober 20. The latest CAD/CAM and Advanced Manufacturing equipment wasdisplayed by major suppliers. [Submitted by Cheryl Jensen, Executive Dean, Faculty of EngineeringTechnology]

2.12 Architectural students, under the direction of Shannon Kyles, Professor, Building andConstruction Sciences, are assisting the Hamilton Architectural Conservancy group byrecording details and producing drawings of historical/heritage buildings in theHamilton area. The first project involves the Mohawk Trails School Museum andportions of the Auchmar Estate. [Submitted by Cheryl Jensen, Executive Dean, Faculty of EngineeringTechnology]

2.13 The sixth semester Architectural Technology students participated in tours of HarrisRebar, Walters Steel Fabricators and Jager Building Systems as part of their StructuralDesign and Jury Project courses. Thanks to Peter Olynyk, Professor, Building andConstruction Sciences and assisting professors for organizing these tours. [Submitted byCheryl Jensen, Executive Dean, Faculty of Engineering Technology]

2.14 On October 21, Dr. Bill Brimley, Chair, Mechanical and Industrial Technology andChemical, Environmental and Biotechnology department attended a meeting to supportthe Ontario Association of Certified Engineering Technicians and Technologistsrepresentation to the Ministry of Environment (MOE) in Toronto. A presentation onEnvironmental Technology at Mohawk College was given. Opportunities may exist forMohawk College to provide certification of MOE employees in water, wastewater, solidwaste, air pollution monitoring and other environmental areas. OACETT is looking to theProfessional Engineers of Ontario and the Ministry of the Environment to allow CertifiedEngineering Technologists professional accountability in these areas.[Submitted by Cheryl Jensen, Executive Dean, Faculty of Engineering Technology]

2.15 Mohawk College has been collaborating with Lambton College on the Ontario HumanResources Chemical Sector Committee Phase II. Mohawk College was the leadinstitution on Phase I and Lambton has the lead role in Phase II. The present work hasa total value of $175,000 with about $55,000 scheduled for Mohawk College. MohawkCollege has developed the Laboratory & Quality Assurance Personnel and MechanicalMaintenance frameworks of Phase II. Lambton College has developed the ChemicalOperators and Instrumentation/Electrical Maintenance training frameworks. [Submitted byCheryl Jensen, Executive Dean, Faculty of Engineering Technology]

2.16 We have found interesting synergy with the Program Mapping activities led by the

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Learning Excellence Team here at Mohawk. Marla Robinson, Program Mapping Teamprovided our first deliverable on October 12 for these training frameworks. Our MohawkCollege contributions have been well received by both Lambton College and theOHRCSC members. We are now addressing their comments. [Submitted by Cheryl Jensen,Executive Dean, Faculty of Engineering Technology]

2.17 Dr. Bill Brimley, Chair, Mechanical and Industrial Technology and Chemical,Environmental and Biotechnology department, Piero Cherubini, Chair, Motive Power andStoney Creek Programming and Jim Vanderveken, Director, Corporate and CommunityTraining Solutions attended the Canadian Steel Trade and Employment CongressRoundtable on Human Resources Study of the Broader Canadian Steel Industry onSeptember 28. [Submitted by Cheryl Jensen, Executive Dean, Faculty of Engineering Technology]

2.18 Dr. Bill Brimley, Chair, Mechanical and Industrial Technology and Chemical,Environmental and Biotechnology department attended the Canadian Process ControlAssociation Canadian Chemical Producers Association breakfast meeting on Sept 13and was informed that the CCPA has awarded a $1000 Scholarship to a deservingProcess Automation Degree student at Mohawk College. [Submitted by Cheryl Jensen, ExecutiveDean, Faculty of Engineering Technology]

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3.1 George Tsallas has been hired as a new Professor in the Pharmacy TechnicianProgram. George started with Mohawk College in August. [Submitted by Rosemary Knechtel,Executive Dean, Health Sciences and Human Services.

3.2 Continuing Education Health Sciences welcomes Nancy Brown as Program Manager forthe Bridging for Internationally Educated Nurses (BIEN) Program. Nancy comes to us fromthe Michener Institute and has extensive experience in health care education. [Submitted byCarolyn Gray, Vice President, Community Services and Economic Development]

3.3 The Faculty of Applied Arts & Brantford welcomes the following new team members:• Kate Miazga – Part time support, Dean’s Office• Catharine Cunningham – Academic Systems Analyst• Daniel MacQueen – Faculty/Coordinator, Comic Design & Scripting• Peter St. Denis – Faculty, Public Safety & Security Dept.[Submitted by Douglas Baker, Executive Dean, Applied Arts & Brantford]

3.4 On October 5, 2005, Dick Raha was pleased to welcome Bob Letourneau, VicePresident, Finance and Administration, Algonquin College on his first visit to learn moreabout Mohawk College and tour our facilities. [Submitted by Dick Raha, Vice President, Finance &Administration]

3.5 Ron Baskin, Director of Facility Management attended the Annual Conference of EasternRegion Association of Higher Education Facilities Officers (ERAPPA) in Atlantic City,New Jersey on October 3-5, 2005 and the Annual Facilities Directors Conference inCambridge, Ontario on October 17-18, 2005. [Submitted by Dick Raha, Vice President, Finance &Administration]

3.6 Dick Raha, Karen Moore, Catherine Peterson, Joanne Lack, Dianna Creamer and TonyDiDomenico attended a three-day Senior Financial Officers conference for OntarioColleges in Sault Ste. Marie on October 16-18, 2005. Various topics of common interestare shared among the Colleges including new government funding formula, insurance,Financial Consolidation initiative, cheque fraud and purchasing alternatives.[Submitted by Dick Raha, Vice President, Finance & Administration]

3.7 Dick Raha, Anthony D'Alessandro and Norm Gill attended the annual Industry EducationCouncil Breakfast on October 19, 2005.

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Dianna Creamer and Lisa Arnold attended the Canadian Banner Users Conference inSaskatchewan to gain knowledge of upcoming software enhancements with the versionupgrade and to share experiences with other Banner clients.[Submitted by Dick Raha, Vice President, Finance & Administration]

3.8 The successful candidate for the Accounts Receivable Clerk position competition #1817is Tracey-Ann Prokipczuk. Tracey has been working in the Accounts Receivable area ofthe Accounting Services department for approximately 2 years. Her experience andexemplary customer service is an asset to the College.[Submitted by Dick Raha, Vice President, Finance & Administration]

3.9 Disabilities Services, facilitated by Liz Koblyk, offered an orientation and training sessionduring the evening of October 5,

2005 for invigilators, educational assistants and

specialized tutors. Feedback from the evening indicated that the material was very wellreceived and attendees appreciated the opportunity to meet Disability Services staff andother support persons. (Submitted by Catherine Drea, Vice President, Student and Learning Services)

3.10 Manager, Health Services Marian Page will be attended a Pandemic InformationMeeting, held by the Hamilton Public Health, October 28, 2005. (Submitted by Catherine Drea, Vice

President, Student and Learning Services)

3.11 Cherish Gibson from Ancillary Services attended the National Canadian University andCollege Conference Organizers Association Annual Conference in Newfoundland onOctober 2 – 5, 2005. [Submitted by Catherine Drea, Vice President, Student and Learning Services Student].

3.12 Two new staff members were hired for the IAHS Student Life. Kim Denarde is the newIAHS Student Life Assistant (formerly worked in the Coop Office) and Lindsay Dymenthas been hired as her assistant. [Submitted by Catherine Drea, Vice President, Student and LearningServices Student].

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4.1 Jim Vanderveken, Director, Corporate and Community Training Solutions, attended thesemi-annual Provincial Contract Training Network meeting on October 19, held atCentennial College. Contract training representatives from all 24 colleges were inattendance and discussed new products, services and partnerships. [Submitted by CarolynGray, Vice President, Community Services and Economic Development]

4.2 Corporate and Community Training Solutions was successful in securing another 52week Employment Assistance Service contract with HRSDC in Brantford to continue toprovide employment services for the 6

th consecutive year. [Submitted by Carolyn Gray, Vice

President, Community Services and Economic Development]

4.3 On September 20, 2005, Mohawk College, together with the Adult Basic EducationAssociation of Hamilton, proudly hosted the official Kick-Off event for Lifelong LearningWeek in Hamilton 2005 with the President's Reception on Thursday, September 22,2005 at the Fennell Campus. Guests gathered information on Mohawk Collegeprograms, upgrading academic skills and qualifications; exploring new careers,hobbies and interests. Complimenting Mohawk exhibits were community boothshighlighting the extensive calendar of events happening at venues throughout the city. Guest speakers included President West-Moynes, His Worship Mayor Larry DiIanni, KenHall from the Ontario Trillium Foundation and Leah Morris from ABEA with greetingsfrom Hon. Minister Tony Valeri. Over 120 participants attended this exciting event. [Submitted by Carolyn Gray, Vice President, Community Services and Economic Development]

4.4 On Wednesday September 19, 2005, Corporate and Community Training Solutions staffjoined by Vice President Carolyn Gray attended the 11th Annual Industry-EducationCouncil Partners in Education Breakfast held at LIUNA Station. More than 700community champions were on hand for the breakfast. Mohawk College providedparticipants information on the newest programs and services being offeredthrough Corporate and Community Training Solutions. This year marks the 25thAnniversary of the Industry-Education Council of Hamilton. [Submitted by Carolyn Gray, VicePresident, Community Services and Economic Development]

4.5 Corporate and Community Training Solutions staff attended the following communityevents to promote and market various training programs and services. October 5: Bridges to Better Business, October 6: State of the City Address at the Hamilton

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Chamber of Commerce, October 19: Mayor's Breakfast - Stoney Creek Chamber andOctober 19: Business After 5 at the Hamilton/Burlington Chambers. [Submitted by CarolynGray, Vice President, Community Services and Economic Development]

4.6 Corporate and Community Training Solutions has secured a contract with the HamiltonInternational Airport for a “Coaching for Excellence” program for their management team. The program consists of leadership assessments, group training and one-on-onecoaching for a 12 month period.

4.7 International Education hosted a delegation from Stanford International College.Stanford is a private Ontario government certified college located in Toronto with aninternational student population of 120. The purpose of the visit was to discusscooperation between both institutions regarding programming. [Submitted by Louise Bockner,Executive Dean, International Education]

4.8 Louise Bockner, Executive Dean, International Education visited two cities in Chinarecently, Beijing and Xi’an to join in a celebration with our two partner universities. ChinaYouth University for Political Sciences and Xi’an Siyuan Vocational University. Theceremonies celebrated the official opening of Mohawk College’s programs at each sitefor our new Chinese Mohawk College students enrolled in our joint co-operativeprograms with deliveries in Business Administration, Industrial Engineering Technology– Management, Computer Systems Technology - Network Engineering and SecurityAnalyst and Computer Systems Technology - Software Engineering. Each university hasenrolled a total of 100 students each for these Mohawk College programs. [Submitted byLouise Bockner, Executive Dean, International Education]

4.9 Ancillary Services held a Halloween themed PA Day Camp on Friday, October 21 forchildren ages 6-9 and 10-13 years old. The first year Recreation & Leisure studentsassisted. [Submitted by Catherine Drea, Vice President, Student and Learning Services Student].

4.10 The Mohawk College Holiday Village and Craft Show will be held on November 11 and12, 2005 in the Fennell Campus Gymnasium. [Submitted by Catherine Drea, Vice President, Studentand Learning Services].

4.11 Ancillary Services sponsorship goal of $8,000.00 has been reached. This year’ssponsors include TD Canada Trust, Toppers Pizza and Rogers Wireless. [Submitted byCatherine Drea, Vice President, Student and Learning Services].

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4.12 In September Ancillary Services organized a 3-day Fetal Alcohol Spectrum DisorderWorkshop on a contract basis. Upcoming conferences include the Canadian CancerSociety and Canada Mortgage and Housing Symposium. Recently the Ontario PropertyStandards Officers confirmed Mohawk as their conference location in May 2006. [Submittedby Catherine Drea, Vice President, Student and Learning Services].

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5.1 The College is in the process of engaging Educational Consulting Services (ECS) todevelop the Campus Master Plan – for Fennell and Stoney Creek Campuses. Allsignificant and long-term space requirements will be coordinated with the CampusMaster Plan exercise and ECS will meet with all stakeholders during the development ofthe Plan.[Submitted by Dick Raha, Vice President, Finance & Administration]

5.2 Flood damage recovery is ongoing in J-Wing lower level. Recovery work is expected tobe complete by mid-November. [Submitted by Dick Raha, Vice President, Finance & Administration]

5.3 The College renewed the lease agreement for space at 38 Darling Street in Brantford foranother one-year period. The lease is funded by HRDC and the College operates anEmployment assessment Centre at this location.[Submitted by Dick Raha, Vice President, Finance & Administration]

5.4 The College has agreed to lease space at our Wentworth Campus for a seven- weekperiod to St. Matthews House for their annual Christmas program. The College hasbeen leasing space to St. Matthews for this purpose since 1998.[Submitted by Dick Raha, Vice President, Finance & Administration]

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6.1 Marilyn Bieksa, Chair, Health Sciences and Human Services, attended the CanadianAssociation of Practical Nurse Educators (CAPNE) Conference 2005 on “Perspectivesand Partnerships for Practical Nurse Education” in Edmonton October 2, 3, and 4, 2005followed by the CAPNE Board meeting, October 5

th. Marilyn is the outgoing Ontario

representative on the CAPNE Board (an affinity group of ACCC) but will remain as thenational CAPNE representative for Aboriginal Nursing Education. [Submitted by RosemaryKnechtel, Executive Dean, Health Sciences and Human Services.]

6.2 Marilyn Bieksa, Chair Health Sciences and Human Services, Andrea Deakin, and MarieStoneman, Coordinators, Practical Nursing attended the Heads of Nursing meeting inToronto on September 29th, 2005. [Submitted by Rosemary Knechtel, Executive Dean, Health Sciencesand Human Services.]

6.3 Sandy Bozak, Acting Chair Health Sciences and Human Services, attended the Heads ofCommunity Service meeting on Tuesday, October 18

th, 2005 in Toronto at ACAATO.

[Submitted by Rosemary Knechtel, Executive Dean, Health Sciences and Human Services.]

6.4 Sue Vattay, Field Placement Coordinator, Recreation and Leisure Services Program hasbeen elected President, Tourism Hamilton and ex-officio Board member of HECFI. [Submitted by Rosemary Knechtel, Executive Dean, Health Sciences and Human Services.]

6.5 On Wednesday, October 5th, Philips medical systems hosted an event at the Mohawk-

McMaster Institute for Applied Health Sciences, “The World of Ultrasound Is Changing”. Mr. Jim Brown, Director of Clinical Marketing for Philips, gave the keynote address, “TheWorld of Ultrasound is Changing”. Ted Scott, Professor, Department of MedicalImaging, gave a presentation on “Xcelera Applied at Mohawk”. Following the closingremarks and questions, all participants were invited to have some “hands-on” time onthe new iU22, iE33, HD11 equipment brought in by Philips, and the Xcelera work stationat Mohawk College. [Submitted by Rosemary Knechtel, Executive Dean, Health Sciences and HumanServices.]

6.6 The Continuing Education Winter 06 complete and was delivered to theprinter on October 31st, for Hamilton Spectator and Brantford Expositor distribution onNovember 21st. The cover features Engineering Technology, specifically the IndustrialLubrication Specialist Program. Four graduates, all Dofasco employees working in thefield, are pictured. Two of the individuals are the first graduates of the program. [Submitted

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Based on the 2004 – 2007 Strategic Planand 6 Cornerstones for Achieving Our Mission


by Ronald Holgerson, Executive Director, Marketing & Communications Division]

6.7 Mohawk on the Move featured the Autism Program, and featured a student in theprogram whose five year old son has autism. [Submitted by Ronald Holgerson, Executive Director,Marketing & Communications Division]

6.8 Analysis of trade publication opportunities is complete and the result is a data base fortrade publication editorial/advertising opportunities for niche program areas. [Submitted byRonald Holgerson, Executive Director, Marketing & Communications Division]

6.9 Mohawk advertised in Job Postings magazine for the November/December specialeducation issue. [Submitted by Ronald Holgerson, Executive Director, Marketing & Communications Division]

6.10 Student Recruitment Officers Kelvin Lee and Trent Jarvis attended the UniversityInformation Fair in Toronto to capture interesting and effective direct marketing ideas. [Submitted by Ronald Holgerson, Executive Director, Marketing & Communications Division]

6.11 Student Recruitment Officers Kelvin Lee, Paula Cavan, Jamie Tadros and Trent Jarvisattended the Metropolitan Toronto Information Fair in Toronto where almost eightthousand student prospects visited. It was a very successful day for Mohawk Collegerecruitment. [Submitted by Ronald Holgerson, Executive Director, Marketing & Communications Division]

6.12 A prototype of the CareerMeter was launched at Red Carpet Day on Monday, October31st. The CareerMeter is a Flash web-based application that allows prospectivestudents to select from five areas of interest to help them determine which of ourprograms they may be best suited to. The student can also get detailed informationabout a program cluster's labour market information, job titles, skills learned in theprogram, and our facilities, as well as see video-taped testimonials from currentstudents, graduates and faculty. Web Communications gathered feedback about theprototype, and the College's main web site at Red Carpet Day. [Submitted by Ronald Holgerson,Executive Director, Marketing & Communications Division]

6.13 Katherine McCurdy, Senior Web Designer in Web Communications has been busyturning the latest niche program brochures into web sites that will be linked to from the"Look Deep" button on the calendar web site. These sites will enhance the calendarpages and the users' experience by providing professional-quality design and up-sellinformation about the programs offered. [Submitted by Ronald Holgerson, Executive Director,Marketing & Communications Division]

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Based on the 2004 – 2007 Strategic Planand 6 Cornerstones for Achieving Our Mission


6.14 Improving internal communications is a key initiative of the President’s Council onQuality Performance. Linda Basso, Internal Communications Coordinator in theMarketing & Communications Division, is currently meeting with members of all staffgroups at all campus locations to gather opinions on internal communications. Theprocess is results focused, meaning all staff are being asked both to identify barriers toeffective communications and to recommend solutions. Responses will be compiledwith a report and recommendations going forward to the President’s Council on QualityPerformance early in 2006. Any staff member wishing to participate in the project isinvited to contact Linda directly at ext. 3775 or [email protected] toarrange a time. [Submitted by Ronald Holgerson, Executive Director, Marketing & Communications Division]

6.15 The month of October saw Mohawk College play host for a number of eventscoordinated by Special Events including:• a round table in honour of the 60

th Anniversary of the United Nations on October 23,

where members of the UN local chapter, guests and Mohawk colleagues discussedMillennium Goals.

• the 6th Annual Gala Concert presented by Steeltown Friends of Mohawk Jazz on

October 24 in the McIntyre Theatre, featuring the Rob McConnell Tentet.• a Citizenship Ceremony to launch the new Active Citizenship course at Mohawk

College where 25 people, including several children, from 18 countries becameCanadian citizens on October 26.

• the Living the Environment Conference hosted by the Hamilton CommunityFoundation which was attended by over 120 Hamilton high school students from 27local schools in the iT Centre at Fennell Campus on October 27.

• a Town Hall on October 27 for the Brantford Active Citizenship course attended byalmost 300 students from 12 course sections. Students presented 10 proposals forinitiatives at Brantford. [Submitted by Ronald Holgerson, Executive Director, Marketing &Communications Division]

6.16 The following special projects were audited by BDO Dunwoody LLP:- Apprenticeship Enhancement – Base- Employment Assessment CentreThe Accounting Services department has been working with Financial Aid to improve theprocess for issuing student bursaries and awards. As a result, two new vouchers werecreated and are available on MoComotion “Financial Aid Awards-Accounts Receivable

Voucher’ and the “Financial Aid Awards – Accounts Payable Voucher”. In addition, ameeting was held and documentation distributed to applicable staff to clarify the use ofeach voucher. [Submitted by Dick Raha, Vice President, Finance & Administration]

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Based on the 2004 – 2007 Strategic Planand 6 Cornerstones for Achieving Our Mission


6.17 On October 12, 2005 Toby Merritt and Carmine Sidhu presented information on DisabilityServices and academic accommodations to parents and their children with LearningDisabilities from the Catholic high schools in the Hamilton area. They were joined bystudent, Elana (Justine) Dennis who gave “real life” examples of her experiences workingwith Disability Services and academic accommodations at Mohawk College. She was atremendous asset to the presentation and won positive reviews from the parents andstudents attending the presentation. [Submitted by Catherine Drea, Vice President, Student and LearningServices]

6.18 On October 26, 2005 Lisa Pegg will be providing material and consultation to parents,potential Mohawk College students and staff from the Lansdowne Children’s Centre inBrantford. [Submitted by Catherine Drea, Vice President, Student and Learning Services]

6.19 Ancillary Services hosted its first Tourism Hamilton client reception on October 12, 2005. Eleven tourism partners had booths promoting the facilities and services the City ofHamilton has to offer for conference and event planners. A total of 74 collegeemployees attended. This event was held to promote Mohawk’s facilities, conferenceplanning services and the Residence to the College community. [Submitted by Catherine Drea,Vice President, Student and Learning Services Student].

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