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Fear This!• In the 1200s, the

time of the Crusades, a great and much feared empire was born in Asia.

• In great part it was created by one of the most powerful and ruthless men in history.

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• Like Rome they started out with very little. • The Mongols were not united. • They lived in many different tribes• Had constant blood feuds. • Nomadic. Great horsemen.

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• Lived north of the Great Wall of China.

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• One man will unite them…

– Temujin: son of a chieftain. His father was murdered. He was forced into hiding.

– Survived on mice for a time.

– Conquered the tribe that forced him out. Every male taller than a cart axle was executed.

– Enemy chiefs were boiled alive.

– Had his own brother crushed with rocks.

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I’m a uniter not a divider!• United all Mongol tribes by force

then changed his name to…– Genghis Khan: (1167-1227 A.D.)

“Universal ruler” Ruler of all things under the stars.

• Under Khan the Mongols are turned into a war machine!– All males in army until 60.– Promotion by merit and skill only– Incredibly skilled archers and

horsemen. – Bows easily pierced armor.

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The Mongol War Bow: Fear this!

Average draw weight: 160 lbs.Fire a distance of 300 yardsComposite made from yak bone, sinew, wood and glue made from fish bladdersNot until the mid-1800’s that firearms outranged the war bow

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Always practicing…Great Hunt: Mongol method

of practicing warfare. • Encircle hundreds of miles. • Spend days closing the

circle. • Once closed use their bows

to eliminate all wildlife within.

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Conquests of Khan

Don’t mess with Genghis’ camels!

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Genghis invades Muslim Khwarizm

• Khwarizm – powerful Muslim state in area of Afghanistan.

• Mongols capture civilians.

• Drive them before their armies as human shields.

• Use civilians to fill moats and build ramps over city walls.

• Irrigation networks destroyed, orchards burned, salt sown in fields.

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Allah save us all!• Otrar: town whose governer seized

Genghis’ caravan.– City fell after five months– Population massacred– Molten silver poured into governor’s ears and


• Urgench: capital of Khwarizm. City falls after 7 days of fierce resistance by the cities’ population.– All within killed - 1.2 million– Zoo animals slaughtered– Graves are emptied, bodies mangled

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Khwarizm is destroyed

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Muslims are terrified…• Muslims ask Christians to end

crusades and unite against Mongols.

• Christians laugh!

• Crusaders ask Mongols for help against Muslims. Genghis replies…

• “Acknowledge me as overlord or die.”

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Death of Genghis Khan• Thrown from his horse

while invading China. • Buried secretly with gold,

horses and 40 women. • Horses trample the site

for three days. 2,000 that attended the funeral are killed by 800 soldiers. The 800 soldiers are then later killed.

• Tomb has never been found!

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Mongol Conquests Continue!• Ogodei Khan: drunken son of Genghis

becomes ruler. – Promises only to drink two cups day. – Has bigger and bigger cups. – Fermented mare’s milk.

• Batu Khan: Genghis’ grandson and general under Ogodei. Invades Europe. – Sends message “Surrender or be

destroyed.” European kingdoms laugh.

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Maybe we can call the Muslims for help?• 150,000 Mongol horsemen

invade Poland on three fronts!

• Battle of Leignitz: Polish army composed of 100,000 men face 40,000 Mongol horsemen. – Includes many thousands of

church knights -Teutonic Knights

– One of the finest armies ever assembled in Europe!

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Deathmatch at Leignitz100,000 European soldiers 40,000 Mongol horsemen

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Knights charge! Go knights!

Mongol Invasion: The Battle of LeignitzMongol Invasion: The Battle of Leignitz

Foot soldiers

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Knights charge! Go knights!

Mongol Invasion: The Battle of LeignitzMongol Invasion: The Battle of Leignitz

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Mongol Invasion: The Battle of LeignitzMongol Invasion: The Battle of Leignitz

• Mongols retreat (feigned)

• Knights think they’ve won and chase.

• Foot soldiers can’t keep up.

• Huge gap opens up in Eur. army.

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Mongol Invasion: The Battle of LeignitzMongol Invasion: The Battle of Leignitz• Suddenly the Mongols stop and turn forming a half-circle.

• They load their bows and fire.

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Mongol Invasion: The Battle of LeignitzMongol Invasion: The Battle of Leignitz• The arrows go completely over the knights into the gap!

• What lousy shots.

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Mongol Invasion: The Battle of LeignitzMongol Invasion: The Battle of Leignitz• Smoke arrows! The gap fills with smoke.

• Now the Mongols turn their bows on the knights.

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Mongol Invasion: The Battle of LeignitzMongol Invasion: The Battle of Leignitz• The arrows shred the knight’s armor. Aaaaaggghhh!

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Mongol Invasion: The Battle of LeignitzMongol Invasion: The Battle of Leignitz• With the knights dead, the Mongols charge into the smoke and run

down the infantry!

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Mongol Invasion: The Battle of LeignitzMongol Invasion: The Battle of Leignitz

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•To prove his great victory to Ogodei, Batu orders his men to collect nine sacks of

Mongol Invasion: The Battle of LeignitzMongol Invasion: The Battle of Leignitz


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OH GOODDDDDD!• In Hungary another

Mongol army destroys a 100,000 strong Hungarian force.

• Europe PANICS!• Pope issues crusade

to save all Christendom.

• Then Mongols disappear.

• We scared them off!• Ogodei drank himself

to death and Batu had to return to elect a new Khan. Never returns.

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Europe saved from a new Dark Age.

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Marco…Polo…• Marco Polo: Venetian trader serves Kublai Khan for 17 years. – Returns to Venice and

his story is written in a book “Description of the World.”

– Story is a sensation in Europe telling of the wonders and riches of China.

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Genghis Khan…the George Washington of Mongolia

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Medieval Japan• Land of feudal kingdoms

and samurai knights• Shogun: “general” feudal

leaders and commanders of the military. (Lords)

• Samurai: “one who serves” armored warrior. Bamboo plated armor. Carried a longbow and the katana.

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I call mine pointy stick!• Katana: “big sword”

incredibly sharp curved sword. Cut leaves in a stream. Took years to make.

• Wakizashi: “little sword” smaller curved sword at the belt. Use it to take the head of your honored opponent.

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All samurai lived by a code of honor like chivalry• Bushido: “The way”

– All loyalty to your shogun– Death rather than dishonor– Vengeance

• “Death is lighter than a feather, but duty is weightier than a mountain.”

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• Seppuku! – Hari-kari:

kneel and with your short sword disembowel yourself.

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