Page 1: Music magazine case study

Music Magazine Case StudyAS Media StudiesTamaki Flynn

Page 2: Music magazine case study

Overlapping Masthead:Shows the logo is well-enough known to allow the artist to become the main image. Has faith the customers are aware of the magazine

Tribute Cover:This magazine cover is paying homage to an iconic artist

Freebie:An item given away free to customers, often something desirable to the target audience

Barcode, price and date:This is included mainly for retail but also to let the customer know the issues date etc.

Colour scheme:Reminiscent of 70’s rock. Dark monotone suggests mystery and attracts the customer as the famous artist is shown in this way

Bottom Strip:Includes other popular artist the demographic of the magazine will enjoy

Classic Rock Front Cover

Left third:The most important stories are put onto the left side in case the full magazine is not fully shown in shops.

Reviews:Similar artists the target audience will enjoy included on front cover to attract the attention of the consumer

Top strand:Often slogan : “The UK’s fastest growing music magazine!”

Masthead:The White masthead against the black background makes it stand out and is simplistic

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Classic Rock Contents Page

Colour scheme:Similar to Front cover, on-going theme throughout the magazine or issues

Freebies:Iconic posters the demographic will enjoy possibly buy the magazine for, includes artists like Slash, Jimi Hendrix etc.

Featured article:“100 greatest guitarists of all time!” An article that shows the opinions of the magazine or a voted opinions therefore sharing the voice of the readers.

Freebies:Also includes CD relating to the featured article to allow the reader to broaden their mind on the subject.

Contents Title:“High Voltage/Rock’n’Roll” Appealing to demographic. Reference to electricity amps etc.

Barcode:Barcode within the magazine in case one on outside is damaged, also includes publisher: (advertising)

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Target Audience/Sales Figures

Target Audience:The target audience/demographic of “Classic Rock” Magazine is primarily read by white males aged 14-30+. However this does not necessarily mean this is the only audience. Classic Rock is smart in the way it knows how to appeal to their audience as they include musicians that will appeal to the readers, often famous ‘old-school’ rock and roll superstars/legends. E.g. Jimi Hendrix, Led Zeppelin, Kiss etc.

Sales Figures:Genre:The on going genre or theme throughout the magazines are to pay homage to all the rock legends in ways that will also appeal to the demographic. Open a classic Rock magazine and you are almost bound to see


Publisher:Future Publishing

Editor:Editor In Chief: Scott RowleyEditor: Siân LlewellynEditor at Large: Geoff Baton

Categories:Music magazine


Publisher:Future Publishing

Total circulation

(ABC Jan-Dec09):71,242

First issue:1998


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Design/Layout analysis of articles

Main Image:Large main image relating to the article can be ripped out and used as a poster

Smaller relating images:Shots taken from a concert, relating images, smaller yet still just as effective. Shows the rest of the band members

Colour Theme:Use of vintage picture with blue and red themed decorations, reminiscent of 1970’s Western Culture, possibly relating to iconic people like Evel Knievel?

Writing:A day by day review of the tour/gig for the readers to relate to if they went and also for those who didn’t

Type of articlesArticles included within the magazine include reviews as in gigs, tracks, albums

etc., news about the artists including upcoming gigs, released tracks, new albums etc. interviews and often a page with votes/polls i.e. the voice of the reader.

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“Tone” of the magazineInclusive:

A tone used throughout the magazine is an inclusive one. The writers know the demographic very well and are therefore able to create this tone. By including music from the 1970’s rock era is speaks to a certain generation and therefore the reader can easily relate and reminisce. This is done in a way other magazine lack. I.e. NME magazine lacks this as the tone throughout it is more of a immature and humorous one, something Classic Rock Fans would not appreciate as much. Although this is somewhat of a theory I think it can be suggested Classic Rock fans care more about the music and the raw emotion of the talent as apposed to the light-hearted approach NME fans have.

Tyler the creator is shown in a humorous way that the demographic of NME (Teenager-young adults) will find comical and be interested in

Steven Tyler of Aerosmith is shown in a more religious light but not associated with religion in itself but more that he’s seen as a god in the the music world.

There is also a contrast between the musicians on the front cover as Steven Tyler is a world renowned legend in the eyes of many however Tyler the Creator is much less appreciated or respected by many. Many Classic Rock fans may not enjoy the music Tyler produces however NME’s demographic might.

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AdvertisementsThe magazine includes a wide variety of different advertisements and commercials however I have chosen a few that really

represent how Classic Rock are able to relate and appeal to their demographic even through their adverts:

Throughout the magazine many alcoholic beverages are advertised, however the drinks shown are often liquors like vodka, whiskey, gin etc. all of which would appeal to the older demographic of their readers. Classic Rock allows advertisers like these to print their adverts because they are aware of their target audience, this can also be said on the part of the advertiser.

Classic Rock also includes advertisements from companies like HMV as they are company that sell the music shown in the magazine. Also with the rise in technology most music is bought online however with the target audience many of the readers would still support companies like this as they were part of a generation that enjoyed listening to vinyl etc. Therefore appreciate music that is tangible

Lastly this magazine has advertisers like Canon as the target audience is aimed at middle class men who can not only afford the magazine/magazine subscription but perhaps have an appreciation for photography therefore an interest in purchasing their products.

Classic Rock is also a radio station and have produced a number of their own advertisements including bust sculptures of iconic rock musicians in paying homage to their music, this is effective as it is somewhat ironic therefore humorous which a number of their readers would enjoy.

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Iconic image:Jimi Hendrix a musician most people would enjoy even outside the demographic

Adverts:Relates to upcoming holiday, also an alcoholic beverage

Social Networks:Icons that will let the user share and spread information about the magazine, also allows subscription

Masthead:Icon/image in top right corner somewhat similar to the magazine layout

Subscription offer:Subscription offer to save money when subscribing to the magazine, advertisement for the magazine

Current Issue:Main image is current issue that is on the stands, really emphasized on the website page front with bold colours and large image

Login:Allows reader to subscribe online to news about the magazine via email etc.

Relating Topics:More articles that are available to read free about similar artists. Reviews etc.

Relating tabs:Columns separated into different topics: Features, blog etc.

Is it effective?:Personally I think this website is very effective because it still uses themes shown throughout the magazine however they have done it in a way that is still personal towards the readers and has just been brought into the 21st century as apposed to modernising it.

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