
The Dark Knight

Opening sequence conventions: The film opens with a list of production company credits such as Warner Bros. And Legendary Pictures

The Dark Knight

Genre convention: This scene shows two masked men committing criminal acts in broad daylight. The costumes they are wearing show them as masked clowns which creates tension as well as being a convention of thriller movies.

The Dark Knight

Genre convention: Three more masked men are shown in car with weapons in broad daylight highlighting that they dont care if someone sees them. This creates fear and tension in the audience as they will want to know what the criminals will do, as well as weapons usually lead to violence which is a convention in thriller films

The Dark Knight

Genre /Opening sequence convention: This over the shoulder shot shows one of the masked men shooting his own man, this shows that these criminals may have mental issues or a desperate for money. Mental issues is a common convention in thriller films for villains.

The Dark Knight

Opening sequence/Genre conventions: This close up on a bankers face shows little fear even though a robbery is happening, this may make the audience feel tension knowing a fight could soon occur, it could also make him a flawed protagonist as he may try to save the day with no fear. A flawed protagonist is a common convention of the thriller genre

The Dark Knight

Genre convention: Once again the two criminals are shown going against each other, desperate for the money they stole which could suggest that they are plagued with poverty or mental issues, both of these are a common convention of thriller as it gives reason for the villains action.

Dark Knight Rises

Genre/opening sequence conventions: This mid shot shows three men with their heads covered in a cloth with their handed chained. This instant showing without production credits or titles may suggest that action is going to happen with causes tension within the audience which is a common convention of thrillers.

Dark Knight Rises

Opening sequence/genre convention: This aerial shot of the plain establishes the environment they are in, an isolated mountainside. This terrain is perfect for action and violence to occur which will continue the tension within the audience, building it up even more.

Dark Knight Rises

Genre convention: This close up of the hostage on the edge of the plane with a gun to his head creates tension and curiosity within the audience as they do not know if the hostage will be murdered and thrown off the plane, murder and violence is a common convention of the thriller genre.

Dark Knight Rises

Genre convention: The costumes of these three characters identify them as military personnel meaning this is a military operation as well as the hostages being extremely important. This leads to the audience wondering who is under the mask, creating a tense atmosphere as the action draws near.

Dark Knight Rises

Genre/Opening sequence convention: This close up of the mans face once the mask is taken off the hostage shows fear and shock on his face, leading the audience on the edge of their seats as they wonder who the hostage is. Fear is a common convention of thriller movies.

Dark Knight Rises

Opening sequence/Genre convention: This long shot of a new plane appearing above the military plane leads to the audience knowing action is going to occur now as both planes are in the countryside, an isolated area. Isolation and violence is a convention in the thriller genre.

Dark Knight Rises

Genre convention: This long shot shows the larger plane destroying the military plane, showing the villains as much stronger and prepared than the military as well as releasing the tension built up throughout the opening sequence, as well as showing that the antagonists had this planned all along. This use of camera and building up of tension is commonly used in thriller genres, furthermore the use of colour in this screenshot is ironic. The white plane represents peace yet it is destroying the black coloured plane which represents evil which contrasts with eachother.

Dark Knight Rises

Dark Knight Rises

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