Page 1: Operational Use of the Rapid Update Cycle COMAP Symposium 16 December 1999 Stan Benjamin - NOAA/FSL  - RUC/MAPS

Operational Use of the Rapid Update Cycle

COMAP Symposium

16 December 1999

Stan Benjamin - NOAA/[email protected]://

- RUC/MAPS web page

Page 2: Operational Use of the Rapid Update Cycle COMAP Symposium 16 December 1999 Stan Benjamin - NOAA/FSL  - RUC/MAPS

The 1-h Version of the RUC

Data cutoff - +20 min, 2nd run at +55 min at 0000, 1200 UTC

Page 3: Operational Use of the Rapid Update Cycle COMAP Symposium 16 December 1999 Stan Benjamin - NOAA/FSL  - RUC/MAPS


RUC/MAPS Purpose

• Provide high-frequency mesoscale analyses and short-range numerical forecasts for users including:– aviation– severe weather forecasting– general public forecasting– other transportation– agriculture

Page 4: Operational Use of the Rapid Update Cycle COMAP Symposium 16 December 1999 Stan Benjamin - NOAA/FSL  - RUC/MAPS

What Runs Where

• Rapid Update Cycle (RUC)– Operational Version at NCEP

• Mesoscale Analysis and Prediction System (MAPS)– Experimental Version at NOAA/ERL/FSL

(Essentially the same software.

New capabilities tested first in MAPS at FSL)

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Uses of the RUC• Explicit Use of Short-Range Forecasts• Monitoring Current Conditions with Hourly Analyses• Evaluating Trends of Longer-Range Models

Some places where the RUC is used– Aviation Weather Center - airmets, sigmets– Storm Prediction Center - severe weather watches– FAA – CWSUs, WARP, air traffic management (CTAS), ITWS..– National Weather Service Forecast Offices– Airline Forecasting Offices– NASA Space Flight Centers– Private vendors

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NWS Forecast Discussion Use of RUC - Feb-Nov 1999





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Hourly Data for 40 km MAPS/RUC-2

Yellow items new for RUC-2**not used since 1/99 in RUCor EDAS pending QC issues

Data Type ~Number Freq. Use

Rawinsonde (inc. special obs) 80 /12h NCEP and FSLWPDN/NPN profilers 31 / 1h NCEP and FSL

- 405 MHzBoundary layer profilers 15 / 1h FSL onlyRASS (WPDN and PBL) 15 / 1h FSL onlyVAD winds (WSR-88D) 110-130 / 1h **NCEP & FSLAircraft (ACARS)(V,temp) 700-3000 / 1h NCEP and FSLSurface - land (V,psfc,T,Td) 1500-1700 / 1h NCEP and FSLBuoy 100-200 / 1h NCEP and FSL

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Hourly Data for 40 km MAPS/RUC-2 (cont).

Yellow items new for RUC-2

Data Type ~Number Freq. Use

GOES precipitable water 1000-2500 / 1h NCEP and FSLGOES high-density cloud drift winds (IR, VIS, WV cloud top) 1000-2500 / 3h NCEP and FSLSSM/I precipitable water 1000-4000 /2-6h NCEP onlyShip reports 10s / 3h NCEP onlyReconnaissance

dropwinsonde a few / variable NCEP only

Real-time observation counts at for RUC-2 and 40-km MAPS

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Advantages of Coords for Data Assimilation


- adaptive 3-d correlation structures and analysis increments, esp. nearbaroclinic zones- improved coherence of observations near fronts for QC

Forecast Model

- reduced vertical flux through coordinate surfaces, leading to reduced vertical dispersion -- much of vertical motion implicit in 2-d horiz. advection- conservation of potential vorticity- reduced spin-up problems (Johnson et al. 93 MWR)

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RUC hybrid-b levels - cross-section

Hybrid-b levels- solid

levels (every 6 K)- dashed

No discontinuitiesat transitions

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Effect of vertical coordinateon frontal features

Turbulence diagnosticat FL200 (20,000 ft)

- calculated from native grid from both MesoEta and RUC (matched forecast times)

Sharper frontal resolution with RUC despite coarser horizontal resolution and fewer vertical levels

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Rapid Update Cycle – Present and Next Version1999 Operations 2000-01 Operations

Resolution 40 km, 40levels 2015 km, 40 50-60 levels

Analysis Optimal interpolation on 3-d variational technique on generalized on generalized surfaces surfaces, hydrometeor analysis w/

GOES…, use raw instead of interp. obsAssimilation Intermittent 1-h cycle Intermittent 1-h cycle

Stable clouds Mixed-phase cloud microphysics MM5), Improved microphysics, / precipitation explicit fcst of cloud water, rain water, addition of drizzle

snow, ice, graupel, no. concentration of ice particles

Sub-grid-scale Grell (1993) Modified Grell, scale dependence, precipitation shallow convection, interaction w/

cloud microphysics Turbulence Burk-Thompson explicit TKE scheme Refined Burk-Thompson or e-

Radiation MM5 LW/SW scheme, f(hydrometeors) Refined MM5 scheme

Land-sfc processes 6-level soil/veg model (Smirnova, Add vertical soil type variability, 1997, 1999) w/ frozen soil, 2-layer snow improved cold season processes

Sfc conditions Daily 50km SST/14 km LST, Combine sat Tskin, use 3-d soil type 0.14 monthly NDVI veg frac, cycled soil moisture/temp, snow depth/temp

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RUC-2 Analysis

• Background (1-h fcst usually) subtracted from all obs– Analysis is of forecast error

• QC - buddy check, removal of VADs w/ possible bird contamination problems

• 3-part analysis (all using optimal interpolation)– 1) univariate precipitable water (PW) analysis - using

satellite PW obs - update mixing ratio field– 2) z/u/v 3-d multivariate analysis

• update v based on height/thickness analysis increment• update psfc from height analysis increment at sfc• update u/v at all levels• Partial geostrophic balance – vertically dependent, weakest at surface

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RUC-2 Analysis, cont.

- 3) univariate analyses • condensation pressure at all levelsv at all levels

• update u/v near sfc and psfc (univariate analysis) with smaller correlation lengths

• Pass through soil moisture, cloud mixing ratios, snow cover/temperature (will alter these fields in future, cloud analysis parallel cycle now running)

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RUC-2 Analysis, cont.

• Vertical spreading (correlation of forecast error) based on potential temperature separation (not pressure separation as w/ other models)

• Analysis in generalized vertical coordinate (code applicable to pressure, sigma, or eta analysis) except for adjustment at end to reference potential temperatures and new psfc

• Background is usually previous 1 hr RUC forecast

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Raob sounding RUC2 grid sounding

Close fit to observations in RUC2 analysis

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Raob RUC after fix RUC before fix

7 April 99 significant-level fix in RUC-2

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Use of ‘minimum topography’for 2m T/Td fields from RUC2

RUC2 2m T/Td fields are not valid at model terrain surface

Instead, they are derived from model surface fields and lapse rates in lowest 25 mb to estimate new values using a different topography field that more closely matches actual METAR elevations

“Minimum topography” – minimum 10km value inside each 40km grid box, then updated with high-resolution analysis using actual METAR elevations.

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Minimum topo for 2m T/Td

Model topo

RUC2 topography fields

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RUCS 60 km Hourly Surface Analyses (same as AWIPS MSAS)

• Draws fairly closely to data• Persistence background field (1 hr previous

analysis– QC vulnerable to consistent data problems– no consistency with terrain effects except as reflected

in observations

• MAPS sea-level pressure, (Benjamin & Miller, 1990 MWR)

• Blending to data-void region from NGM

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Surface Analyses/Forecasts in RUC-2

• integrated with 3-d 40 km 1 hr cycle

• dynamic consistency with model forecast => accounts for:– land/water, mtn circulations, sea/lake breezes,

snow cover, vegetation…

• improved quality control - model forecast background prevents runaway bullseyes

• forecasts out to 12 hr in addition to hourly analyses

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RUC2 Surface Analysis Topographical features more evident with model background

RUCS 60km surface analysis Little consistency with nighttime drainage

Divergence - 0900 UTC 20 Jan 98(blue - conv, green/yellow - div)

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Divergence - RUC2 Surface Analysis - 0600Z 19 April 96

Consistency with topographical features in model(land/water roughness length variations in this case)

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Surface Analyses/Forecasts in RUC-2, cont.

• Same fields as in 60 km RUCS, plus all fields available in 3-d system

RUC-2 sfc files (GRIB)

0.3 MB / output time

all variables from RUCS plus


precip type

stability indices

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RUC-2 use of surface dataAll winds, sfc pressure obs usedT/Td used if abs (Pstation - Pmodel) < 70 mb

- about 90% west of 105ºW, 99% east of 105ºW

Eta48 Eta29 RUC40FGZ 0 18 10TUS 60 13 44SLC 59 68 59MFR 109 48 67OAK 18 15 25SAN 12 5 23DRA 42 29 34GJT 98 105 65RIW 104 27 16GEG 4 11 1GTF 26 4 14UIL 14 9 11SLE 50 15 22BOI 55 21 24GGW 29 13 5VBG 5 32 3

** within 5 mb of closest fit

|pmodel - pstn|

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RUC surface temperature forecasts- verification against all METARs in RUC domain

RMS error Bias (obs - forecast)


Validation time Validation time

Excellent analysis fit to surface obs (also wind, Td)3-h forecast better than 3-h persistence






00z 03z 06z 09z 12z 15z 18z 21z

national surface temperature verification99160-99182





S t


















00z 03z 06z 09z 12z 15z 18z 21z

national surface temperature bias verification99160-99182







re b





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Effect of 6 May 1999 Fix to surface temperature diagnosis in RUC2

Improved lapse rates inextrapolation from RUC2model terrain to differentterrain file (“minimum topography”) used forsfc T/Td diagnosis.

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-3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 4 5 g/kg

Analysis increment fields (1h forecast error correction)RUC analysis2200 UTC 29 Oct 1999

Sfc virtual pot temp Sfc water vapor mix ratio

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Windanalysis increment fields (forecast error correction)-RUC analysis2200 UTC 29 Oct 1999

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Vertical cross-section – 2200 UTC 29 Oct 99RUC 3-d analysis

Need for 3-d consistency to initialize model,other diagnostics


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RUC-2 Model

• Prognostic variables– Dynamic - (Bleck and Benjamin, 93 MWR)

v, p between levels, u, v

– Moisture - (MM5 cloud microphysics)• q v, qc, qr, qi, qs, qg, Ni (no. conc. ice particles)

– Turbulence - (Burk-Thompson, US Navy, 89 JAS)– Soil - temperature, moisture - 6 levels (down to 3 m)– Snow - water equivalent depth, temperature

(soil/snow/veg model - Smirnova et al., 1997 MWR)

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RUC-2 Model, cont.

• Numerics– Continuity equation

• flux-corrected transport (positive definite)

– Advection of v, all q (moisture) variables• Smolarkiewicz (1984) positive definite scheme

– Horizontal grid• Arakawa C

– Vertical grid• Non-staggered, generalized vertical coordinate currently set as

isentropic-sigma hybrid

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RUC-2 Model, cont.

• Cumulus parameterization– Grell (Mon.Wea.Rev., 1993)– simplified (1-cloud) version of Arakawa-

Schubert– includes effects of downdrafts

• Digital filter initialization (Lynch and Huang, 93 MWR)– +/- 40 min adiabatic run before each forecast

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RUCDigital FilterInitialization

40 t forward40 t backward- digital filter avgof model values

Produces muchsmoother 1-h fcst

Mean absolute sfc pres tendency each t in successive RUC runs

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Processes in RUC2/MM5 microphysics (Reisner, Rasmusssen, Bruintjes, 1998, QJRMS)

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RUC2 case study - Quebec/New England ice storm - 9 Jan 1998500 mb height/vorticity - 9h RUC2 fcst valid 2100 UTC

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RUC2 9h fcst - Surface temp (image), MSLP (beige isobars)

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N-S cross-section - temperature (isopleths, int = 2 deg C, solid for > 0)RH (image), 9h RUC2 forecast

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Montreal ice storm - 9h RUC2 forecast valid 2100 9 Jan 98.N-S cross sections of RUC2 microphysics

| YUL/Montreal| YUL/Montreal

Water vapor mixing ratio / Cloud water mixing ratio

Graupel mixing ratioRain water mixing ratio

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40 km RUC versus 32 km Eta


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40 km RUC versus 32 km Eta


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RUC vs. Eta 12-h fcsts250mb RMS vector error

From 80km grids for both modelsRUC uses 24h Eta for lateral boundary conditions














98 105 112 119 126 133 140 147 154 161 168 175 182

250 mb wind vector verification


C m










julian day (1999)

Eta better

RUC better

Comparable skill, potential for ensembles

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RUC 1, 3, 6, 12h forecasts valid at same time

Better wind and temperature forecasts with use ofmore recent asynoptic data

(against 0000 and 1200 UTC rawinsonde data)

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(Smirnova et al.1997, MWR;1999, JGR)

Ongoing cycleof soil moisture,soil temp, snowcover/depth/temp)

2-layer snow model

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Addition of high-resolution EOS vegetation-type data to current 40km MAPS

- September 1999

Previous MAPS vegetation New vegetation – BATS classes

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RUC/MAPS cycling of soil/snow fields- soil temperature, soil moisture- snow water equivalent, snow temperature

MAPS snow water equivalent depth (mm) 5 Jan 1999 1800 UTC

NESDIS snow cover field5 Jan 1999 2200 UTC

1” 2” 3” 4” 5”

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RUC2 Output Files, cont.• Significant changes to RUC AWIPS output

Already started after NCEP fire

– AWIPS files produced as each part of RUC is complete (analysis, 3h, 6h, 9h, 12h) rather than all produced after end of RUC forecast run

– Hourly output of analysis and 3h fcst– New variables added - vertical velocity (3-d), lots of 2-d grids– New 2-d variables - cloud top/base, visibility, gust speed, PBL height,

conv cloud top, eq level, pres(max e)

Likely to start within next few months

– 212 grids (236 subset of 212 - 151x113 RUC domain) will be available (not certain of comms yet)

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Examples of new diagnostic fields from RUC

Visibility Sfc wind gust speed

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RUC visibility and ceilingvs.

METAR IFR/MVFR1700 UTC 4 Dec 1999

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Maintenance of operational RUC Operational production at FSL of backup RUC products in real time from 1 Oct thru 15 Nov 1999

Software and scripts developed and implemented on separate SGI Origin for backup. Monitoring, verification, new web sites, web forum Daily coordination with NCEP and NWS/OSO

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1-h fcst w/o GOES cloud assim

1-h fcst w/ hourly GOES cloud assim NESDIS cloud-top (verification)

RUC/MAPS 1-h cloud-top fcsts with and without GOES cloud-top assimilation (clearing and building) (1200 UTC 14 May 1999)

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1-h MAPS cloud-top fcst with previous GOES assimilation -- valid 18z 28 Oct 99

Visible satellite image at 1745z 28 Oct 99

Correspondence between MAPS cloud fcsts and sat images- improved with GOES cloud-top assimilation

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Control - no cloud analysis Parallel - with cloud analysis

September 1999 - fall

Significant improvement in RUC cloud-top forecasts withcloud analysis, esp. for 1-h forecasts, but smaller but consistent improvement even in 12-h forecasts




Cloud-top verification with and without initial cloud analysis - correlation coefficient between RUC forecasts and NESDIS cloud-top pressures

Julian date

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Verification of MAPS cloud-top fcsts against NESDIS product

Frequency scatter plot for each MAPS grid point

Cloud tops validSunday 21 Nov 991800 UTC


9-h fcsts

1-h fcstsParallel runw/ GOES

Control runno GOES

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Impact of GOES cloud-top assimilation in MAPS parallel cycle test- July-August 1999

Improved 3h RH forecasts with GOES cloud assimilation,especially at 300-500 hPa. Less impact at 850-700 hPa.


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Visible satellite image at 1745z 28 Oct 99

NESDISCloud-top product(sounder-based) 1800z 28 Oct 99

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Addition of national radar data to RUC cloud analysis

Access software for national radar (both 4km NEXRAD and 2km NOWRAD) data developed

Initial comparisons between GOES cloud-top pressures andnational radar data – both mapped to RUC 40km grid

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Apr 99 emergency change for RUC2

• Correctly uses raob sig-level temp/dewpoint data now.

• Previously, missed sig-level T/Td data (TTBB) and forced in linearly interpolated structures between mandatory levels.

• Significant improvement in RUC grid sounding structures and in overall RUC performance

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May 99 post-proc fixes for RUC2

• Bug/consistency fixes for diagnosis of sfc T/Td in RUC2. (fix to lapse rate range)– Biases in west US for T/Td reduced, 2 °C 0 – s.d. temps over US from 2.0 1.4 °C (verification against METAR obs)

• CAPE- searches lowest 300 mb, not 180 mb• More smoothing of isobaric winds in lower troposphere,

near tropopause• Use of NESDIS ice field• Much faster running of RUC - 10 procs for all runs

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June 99 fix to veg fraction bug

Vegetation fraction in RUC was erroneously set to zero due to integer/real problem (only a problem w/ NCEP RUC, not in FSL MAPS/RUC)

Responsible for warm bias from 2100-0900 UTC increasing during May. Also resulted in dry bias and too little precip

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July/Sept/Nov/Dec 1999 fixes

26 July - fix to moisture in RUC boundary conditionsfrom Eta- Eliminate erroneous precip near RUC boundariesespecially over warm oceans

28 Sept – start IBM version of RUC – faster post-processing21 Nov – fix canopy water cycling problem that had caused

too moist soil for about 1 weekDec ? – 8 new variables in post-processing – visibility, cloud base/top, sfc wind gust, PBL height, conv. Cld top, equilibrium level, pres of max theta-e

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RUC-2 Weaknesses

• Still some precip spin-up problem, despite cycling of cloud/precip variables, esp. for light precip/overrunning (1-3 hr late)

• Fix: Add cloud analysis - 1999 - 1st version, allow for cloud at RH < 100%

• Too much precip over warm oceans, too little near SE coast in cold season

• Dec 98 fix package helped some - work underway on fixing tendencies input to Grell convective parameterization

• Fix now running in backup RUC – look at web page prods• Daytime convective precip in summer too widespread

• Upcoming fix on tendencies input to Grell scheme• Fix now running in backup RUC

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RUC-2 Weaknesses, cont.• Convective precip forecasts miss many small areas, underforecast peak amounts.

– Lower equitable threat score than Eta– more detailed than Eta

• Too much graupel near 0ºC• Fix: with 20-km RUC (perhaps sooner), collaboration with FSL and NCAR on

microphysics fixes• Diurnal cycle of surface temperature a little too weak

– a little too warm at night• Dec 98 fix package - sfc flux change, radiation fix, GRIB precision to allow proper

soil moisture cycling• May 99 fix - improve diagnosis of sfc temp/Td diagnosis -- significant reduction in

bias• Upcoming fix to SW radiation 0-60 min phase delay

• Detailed (noisy?) output compared to other models, especially vertical velocity– Detail is probably realistic over terrain

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Fixed RUC-2 Weaknesses• Analysis sounding structure

– irregular near ground if only sfc data assimilatedFix: analysis tuning (Dec 98)Fix: sig-level bug fix (Apr 99) *****************

• CAPE/CIN– analysis values previously too high in high CAPE areas– jump between analysis and 1-h forecastsFix: CAPE software (Dec 98)(May 99 - parcel search now in lowest 300 mb, not 180 mb


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RUC-2 Strengths• Surface fields, especially surface winds

– sfc files• analysis and forecast

• small

• standard sfc fields plus precip, stability, precip type

• Topographically induced circulations– sea/lake breezes (scale too large but they’re there)– mtn/valley circulations– differential friction effects

• e.g. – Catalina eddy

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RUC-2 Strengths, cont.• Precipitation fields

– more detailed than Eta (lower FAR but lower POD)

• Snow accumulation– explicit, not diagnosed (from MM5 microphysics)

• Precipitation type– uses explicit hydrometeor mixing ratios/fall rates

• Upper-level features– hybrid / coordinate– winds, PV, temps, fronts, more coherent vorticity

structures on isobaric surfaces

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RUC-2 Strengths, cont.• Lower tropospheric temp/RH

– good fcst sounding structure (esp. after 4/99 fix)– hybrid coordinate

• Soil/hydro fields– soil moisture - cycled in 6-level soil model– surface runoff, canopy water, dew formation, etc.

• Vertical velocity– available in RUC-2– good mtn wave depiction, frontal features

• Hourly analyses– available much sooner than RUC-1 grids

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Mtn wave comparison - MesoEta vs. RUC2



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MesoEta RUC

U - component

Mtn wave comparison - MesoEta vs. RUC

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W - vertical velocity

Mtn wave comparison - MesoEta vs. RUC

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20km RUC/MAPS topography - 2000

Will use • 20km versions of

• EOS veg data • 3-d STATSGO soil data

• improved data assimilation (sat cloud products, 3dVAR, later - radar, sfc cloud data, lightning, GPS IPW)

Subset of full domain

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13km RUC - 12h forecast - start 0000 UTC 27 October 1997

PrecipitationSurface winds

Page 79: Operational Use of the Rapid Update Cycle COMAP Symposium 16 December 1999 Stan Benjamin - NOAA/FSL  - RUC/MAPS

7913km RUC - 6h forecast valid 06Z 27 Oct 97 6-h precipitation (cm), wind speed (m/s) in cross-section



Page 80: Operational Use of the Rapid Update Cycle COMAP Symposium 16 December 1999 Stan Benjamin - NOAA/FSL  - RUC/MAPS

The Future of the RUC

• Transfer of current 40km RUC2 to IBM SP – completed Sept 1999– faster, distributed post-processing

• 20 km 1 hr version on IBM SP– Probably by summer 2000– 3-d variational analysis– Cloud/hydrometeor analysis using satellite combined

with explicit cloud fcsts in RUC-2• Later, assimilation of new data sets: radar, sfc cloud obs, sat.

cloudy/clear radiances (GOES/POES), hourly precipitation analyses, WSR-88D radial winds, lightning, GPS precipitable water, sat water vapor winds

Page 81: Operational Use of the Rapid Update Cycle COMAP Symposium 16 December 1999 Stan Benjamin - NOAA/FSL  - RUC/MAPS

The Future of the RUC, cont.

– Improved physical parameterizations, including cloud microphysics (freezing drizzle), surface physics (frozen soil, high-resolution soil and surface data sets), and turbulence physics

• Higher resolution versions

– 13-15 km/60 level - 2001

• Applications to air quality, coupled air chemistry?

• Extensive NAOS observation sensitivity tests

• WRF version of RUC

Page 82: Operational Use of the Rapid Update Cycle COMAP Symposium 16 December 1999 Stan Benjamin - NOAA/FSL  - RUC/MAPS

The Future of the RUC, cont.• Non-hydrostatic z model under development

– Generalized vertical coordinate– Nudging of coordinate surfaces toward “grid generator”

• can be set as smoothed quasi-isentropic hybrid coordinate – treats sub~20km variations (convective clouds, breaking mountain

waves) w/ quasi-horizontal coordinates

– treats >20km variations w/ z coordinates

– Collaboration between University of Miami (Rainer Bleck, Zuwen He), FSL (John Brown, Stan Benjamin), and NCAR (Bill Skamarock)

– Part of WRF model (Weather Research and Forecast - NCAR/FSL/NCEP/CAPS) effort - a generalized vertical coordinate option.

– WRF-based RUC probably by 2005-6 at 5-8 km scale– 30-min cycle or finer?

Page 83: Operational Use of the Rapid Update Cycle COMAP Symposium 16 December 1999 Stan Benjamin - NOAA/FSL  - RUC/MAPS


Quasi-isentropic option for WRF non-hydrostatic model

Breaking mountain wave simulation - 2 km horizontal resolutionSigma-z version Quasi-isentropic version

Thick -

Thin - coordinate surfaces

Page 84: Operational Use of the Rapid Update Cycle COMAP Symposium 16 December 1999 Stan Benjamin - NOAA/FSL  - RUC/MAPS


Rapid Update Cycle – Present and Next Version1999 Operations 2000-01 Operations

Resolution 40 km, 40levels 2013-15 km, 40 50-60 levels

Analysis Optimal interpolation on 3-d variational technique on generalized on generalized surfaces surfaces, hydrometeor analysis w/

GOES…, use raw instead of interp. obsAssimilation Intermittent 1-h cycle Intermittent 1-h cycle

Stable clouds Mixed-phase cloud microphysics MM5), Improved microphysics, / precipitation explicit fcst of cloud water, rain water, addition of drizzle

snow, ice, graupel, no. concentration of ice particles

Sub-grid-scale Grell (1993) Modified Grell, scale dependence, precipitation shallow convection, interaction w/

cloud microphysics Turbulence Burk-Thompson explicit TKE scheme Refined Burk-Thompson or e-

Radiation MM5 LW/SW scheme, f(hydrometeors) Refined MM5 scheme

Land-sfc processes 6-level soil/veg model (Smirnova, Add vertical soil type variability, 1997, 1999) w/ frozen soil, 2-layer snow improved cold season processes

Sfc conditions Daily 50km SST/14 km LST, Combine sat Tskin, use 3-d soil type 0.14 monthly NDVI veg frac, cycled soil moisture/temp, snow depth/temp

Page 85: Operational Use of the Rapid Update Cycle COMAP Symposium 16 December 1999 Stan Benjamin - NOAA/FSL  - RUC/MAPS


• Send feedback/questions on RUC performance to the RUC discussion forum.

• Invite us to workshops.

[email protected]

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