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 the creature into an effective form of trash disposal. In return, the otyugh leaves its benefactors alone, and does not attack them, possibly even acting asa guardian.

The most horrifying thing to most races about the notorious otyugh is not thenature of its diet or its choice of lairs, but rather that a creature with anotyugh's tastes can be anything other than a mindless scavenger. In fact,otyughs are surprisingly intelligent, and often quite eager to form alliances with those who offer them a steady supply of delicious diversions in the formof offal and waste. Most otyughs understand the fact that other creatures find them unpleasant and hideous, but few really care. Note that an otyugh is aninteresting intelligent NPC and might make a very weird but viable PC!

Otyugh Treasures 

Otyughs place a great amount of value in objects that most other creatures would find worthless. When a group of adventurers explores an otyugh’s lair,use the following chart to randomly determine a few objects that can be foundon display.

d20 Object1 Broken weapon2 Bent shield

3 Rotting barrel 4 Basket full of fish heads5 Sack of rotten apples6 Half-used candle7 Human skull8 Severed arm/leg9 Decaying corpse10 Tarnished silver plate (5 gp)11 Bent golden spoon (2 gp)

12 Half-empty wine bottle13 Soiled tapestry14 Rotting meat15 Collection of broken glass shards16 Cracked stone lid of a sarcophagus17 Length of chain18 Used torches19 Rusted kettle with a hole in it20 Soiled minor magic item

Otyugh Scent 

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Otyughs can communicate through scent, although the messages are veryrudimentary. The following guide shows some common messages, and what they smell like.

Scent 1.  Message

Rotting fish Danger is near

Smoke Come quickly

Flowers Stay away

Sour apples I am hungry, got food?

Rancid meat No food here

 Wet fungus Delicious food here

Rotten potatoes Bad food here

 Ammonia Time for a moot

Overripe fruit Looking for a mate

 Vinegar Intruders

Onion I am lost

Old wine I am injured and need help

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