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Peripheral Perform Care

Mention About Peripheral Problem


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Mendiagnosis permasalahan pengoperasian PC yang tersambung jaringangnosis

Melakukan perbaikan dan/ atau setting ulang koneksi jaringan


Melakukan instalasi sistem operasi jaringan berbasis GUI (Graphical User

Interface) dan Text

Melakukan instalasi perangkat jaringan berbasis luas (Wide Area


Mendiagnosis permasalahan perangkat yang tersambung jaringan berbasis luas

(Wide Area Network)

Membuat desain sistem keamanan jaringan

Mendiagnosis permasalahan pengoperasian PC dan


Melakukan perbaikan dan/ atau setting ulang sistem PC

Melakukan perbaikan periferal

Melakukan instalasi software

Melakukan perawatan PC

Melakukan instalasi sistem operasi berbasis graphical user interface (GUI)

dan command line interface (CLI)

Melakukan instalasi perangkat jaringan lokal (Local Area


Menerapkan teknik elektronika analog dan digital dasar

Menerapkan fungsi peripheral dan instalasi PC

Melakukan perbaikan dan/ atau setting ulang koneksi jaringan berbasis luas

(Wide Area Network)

Mengadministrasi server dalam jaringan

Merancang bangun dan menganalisa Wide Area


Merancang web data base untuk content server


Melakukan instalasi sistem operasi dasar

Menerapkan K 3 LH

Merakit Personal Komputer

Dasar Kejuruan Level I ( Kelas X ) Level II ( Kelas XI ) Level III ( Kelas XII )1

Melakukan perbaikan periferal

Klik Disini


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Module 5 Peripheral Perform Care

Mention About Peripheral Problem

Peripheral Repair

Check The Result of Peripheral Repair


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Because the computer is a tool which can also be damaged as well as the other tools. For that we need to take care of the peripherals, on the PC is using the materials, the appropriate cleaning

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Part peripheral1. Input Device

Input Device functions to enter data or commands into the computer.






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Output Device

LCD (Liquid Crystal Display)

Printer Dot Matrix 9 pin dan 24 pin

Example of Printer Inkjet

Beberapa Laser PrinterPlotter

Speaker “Surround”

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Process Device


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Processor /FAN

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Expansion Card

NIC (Network Interface Card)

Floppy Disk Drive 5,25 Inch

Floppy Disk Drive 3,5 Inch

Hard Disk


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Sound Card

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1. Look for information as much as possible about the input and output devices via the internet, magazines, brochures and other media.

2. Find the manual for each component on the PC (motherboard, HDD, VGA Card, Sound Card, and others)

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Formative test 1

1. Explain and describe the peripherals that are in a PC

3. Please write input and output device ( 5 Min each ) and explain its features and characteristic alongwhit its development.

2. Please and explain what peripheral did ofttenty dirty that causing corrosion and damage

4. Please write and explain what peripheral did oftently dirty that causing corrosion and damage.

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Peripheral Perform Care

Peripheral Repair


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Perform maintenance peripherals

Computer peripherals is a supporting equipment from a PC.

In general peripherals can include a keyboard, mouse, monitor, and printer.

Peripherals, in general experiencing problems caused by dust, water spray, and dirt.

To clean can be used for equipment and materials as simple as:

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• Kain kering atau tisu

• Brush

• Mini vacuum cleaner

Brush is the equipment used to clean the dustor feces left behind in the peripherals.

Mini vacuum cleaner with almost the same brush used to remove dust. But the vacuum cleaner is easier to clean and more. At the end of a vacuum cleaner equipped with a mini brush with a variety of sizes, are intended to adjust the limited wide-angle corner at the peripherals.

Dry tissue or cloth used to clean the dirt that may be due to liquid softdrink, ink or rain water that is still fresh or not dry out.

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Dry tissue or cloth used to clean the dirt that may be due to liquid softdrink, ink or rain water that is still fresh or not dry out.

Tissue or cloth to dry the liquid sewage is very dangerous if not cleaned immediately because this type of dirt can bring cash so that the relationship can lead to short or damage to the peripherals.

Tissue can also be used to expedite the flow of ink in the printer cartridge injek, because that is easy to absorb liquid.

While the cleaning fluid used to clean the stains or dirt that has been kiln such as sprinkling of printer ink. Used in the screen, casing, body

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Dust is one of the types of dirt that are on the computer peripherals.

Dust can enter into the components outside of or arising out of the fan suck air.

Dust-dust, this will be a function of the peripherals, because the dust can impede electrical flow.

Liquid ink or dirt that came from a drink is also very common and cause problems in the computer peripherals.

Following types of issues that arise in the computer peripherals:

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Dust and dirt can enter into the keyboard between the keys on the keyboard.

Dust and dirt will accumulate and solidify into a lot of that will disrupt the comfort in the button pressing the button or the keyboard will be hard.

In addition to compact dust and dirt, the dirt type of liquid is also very common.

Drink is the cause of the spill that occurred that often create traffic jams the keyboard, such as terpencet hold the key, and can also occur Hubung which may cause short-keyboard can not be used again, and the most severe cause port PS / 2 on the motherboard

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Dust on the monitor screen will dim and if the dust patch is already on the screen is cleared and does not scratch the screen can be properly monitored.

In addition to on the screen, dust can also cover fentilasi air on the monitor that will cause excessive heat on the monitor.

For liquid sewage into the monitor can cause damage to a monitor.

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Dust on the fan is very often found if the computer peripherals are located in the open space or a lot of dust, because dust is tersedot by akan fan casing and fan the other peripherals.

This will prevent dust lap fan if you have stick to the axis of the fan.

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PrinterComputer peripherals is a printer that is prone to both liquid is exposed to dirt and dust.

To result in dust will roller paper to be obstructed player this is the case if dust accumulate too many already.

While for the sewage liquid ink caused by the spill. Besides will draggle ink printers can pollute or head cartridge.

Please note that cartridge is a component that is very vulnerable, so that the most serious trouble is dead cartridge is often the case that

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Mouse peripherals are most vulnerable to dust, especially that still use the mouse ball.

Touch directly with the mouse pad (mouse pad) where the base is a source of dust.

If the dust has been attached to the mouse, the ball movement is not normal, it can be seen from the movement of the cursor jump - jump or are very slow, this will make the mouse harder directed.

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Doing Care Peripheral

To make cleaning components peripherals on the way or passing through certain procedures.

Procedures that must be taken disesuakan with the type of peripherals and dirt that is on the peripherals.

Next steps cleaning components peripherals:

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Keyboard must be cleared to open in the first, on the inside on the keyboard must be carefully cleared in the very vulnerable due to the scratches that can cause the path to become dropouts.

To clean the keys penghantar items on the charcoal or penghantarnya.

For the connector cable is also examined, especially because the cable is very small and the keyboard cable is usually very easy to himpit both tables and other objects.

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Procedure to clean the dust from the mouse:

Use a cloth and cleaning fluid or feces of dust attached to the ball and the axis on the mouse.

Cleaning liquids used if dirt or dust attached to the ball bearing or stubborn.

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Monitor cleaning procedure:

Use a small brush or the tip of the vacum cleaner with a small brush to clean the dust.To clean the monitor of the liquid stick to the dirt on the screen, use liquid detergent and then dilap with dry cloth. Especially at the corner of the screen.


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Problems with the printer ink is often caused by the spill and prevent the dust on the paper roller player.

To stick to the ink in the printer body or case with enough clean damp cloth.

Whereas for the ink overflow or spill at the need to be used in tissue y ang soft and easily seep fluid.

On the print head will need to carefully in tissue mengusapkan, never touch the head with the hands because it will create corrosion on the printer head.

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Printer maintenance procedures:

Use a damp cloth to clean the printer. Do not use a flammable liquid such as alcohol, benzene or thinner. When flammable liquids are related to the electrical components in the printer may result in fire or short. Always disconnect the printer from the stop at the time of the contact printer cleaned.

Do not put the printer in a place that is not stable or easily affected by vibration or shock. The printer can be damaged and fall.

Do not put the printer in a humid or dusty, which is exposed to direct sun or near a heat source or fire.

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Corrosion in the computer peripherals

Corrosion on components computer peripherals rarely happens, usually only happens on the printer.

Due to the computer's peripherals are generally made of anti-corrosion material.

So for the type of corrosion in the computer peripherals was: corrosion on the metal, usually located on the mat or plug head caused by left hand sweating.

Corrosion will result in reduced power hantar connector so that it can disrupt the peripherals.

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The Steps treatment peripherals

Habuk form of fine particles of floating in the air

Habuk there are different types of cigarette smoke and including

Particles of smoke can cause short-term life will be less computer types habuk also including the other habuk from the air and habuk from insects that get into our computer

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1. Make sure your PC is Dead not have the electricity connected kepower Supply

2. Lah Cassing with open tools that have been provided.

How care is as follows:

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Do cleaning in the PC peripherals in the (CPU) using a fine brush with a caution on part where there is a dirt-dust which can lead

4. Release Peripherals that many parts to be cleaned outside it when it is not possible to be directly (such as Fan, refrigerator processor, VGA Card, Hard Disk and Card Power supplay sound)

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5. Check the cable bagin-Hard disk, cabel diskd Drive, cabel CD Rom, Memory, dirty when taken one by one and clean with brush or fine vacum cleaner that has been prepared. To avoid corrosion

6. Once completed and cleared in accordance with the re-install each place.

7. Check back and check the peripherals is not going to climb.

8. After all the equipment be cleaned and installed again try turn on the PC if the PC is running normally

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9. Do not perform maintenance on the PC, when PC is on, or are active because it will cause damage to the bagain specific peripherals.

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10.Kalau PC can run normally, turn off the PC and close the back casing CPU is

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Task II

1. Find information on the world of work in the field of computers around you about safety procedures and health care in the computer peripherals in their place.

2. Write the steps in the treatment of complete PC peripherals, including tools and materials needed

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Formative test

21. Write the things that need to be in the treatment of PC peripherals including in the Health and Safety

2. Describe things that can not be done in the treatment peripherals.

3. Write the steps for the conduct of peripherals swap

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Check The Result of Peripheral Repair

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The tool used to check utuk peripherals1) The tool used to check the peripherals

a) Device Manager

Device manager is used to findout the situation thoroughly. T o display it: right click on my computer properties, hardware tab and then select device manager..

Windows provides many tools to check the peripherals installed inthe computer,although many tools are also included from vendornya to check for these peripherals.Here are some tools that are used to check the peripherals :

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From the Device manager can know all the hardware installed on the PC.

This tool can be used to disable / enable hardware that is installed and to uninstall the driver and update driver.

Device manager can also provide information if the peripherals are installed drivernya well or not.

When peripherals are not installed perfectly, so there akan.

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b) information systemInformation system used to determine the hardware information. To call this tool click Start → programs → acessories tools → system → system information. Will look like:

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Equipment information system

is equipped with a search function that works to facilitate the search component in the computer.

In addition, this tool is also equipped with facilities that are able to use to diagnose network, hardware and file system.

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c) Direct X

DirectX is the default Windows tool used to diagnose all hardware-related graphics, and multimedia


DirectX tool can also be called from the system information tool.

This image shows the overall tool of DirectX.

Able to diagnose the DirectX system, display monitor, sound, music, input, and network.

This tool has a feature dangan-acceleration feature to improve the performance of the function peripherals.

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Views DirectX tool consists of three parts, namely Device, driver, and note features.In the device contains the name of the attached peripherals.To include the driver on the driver version that is used includes the author and vendor.While the note is to be the log that describe the condition of peripherals, whether or not there is conflict.With the tool DirextX there can be no trouble on the attached peripherals.This tool is very easy to use to test the ability of monitor resolution, ability to support 3D.

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d) Printer Tool

Tool used for treatment can use the printer software from vendornya.Explained in this module using the printer with the brand Canon MP 145 SeriesHere the tool used to diagnose printer.

prevent the ink from the needle head printer. Differences cleaning and deep cleaning is a measure of its cleanliness. For deepcleaning more and more net maximal in clean needle printer head.

Cleaning and deep cleaning is used to clean the head

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Nozzle check pattern is used to check the printer's head, the wayThis pattern is used when a printer problem.

Print Head alinggment be used to improve the position of head printer if the irregularities. If the position of the head not be addressed in the reviews mencet experience irregularities. Similarly to the print color, if not carried out repairs to its alignment, the quality of color will become ugly.

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Customs used for setting operation mode in the printer

not set the long waiting time until the ink dried.

This is intended to set the speed for each printif its the ink drying time in Speed. But this paper will be gross because the process of drying is not complete then the added time necessary to do the drying with friction slide bar to the right then the waiting timedrying ink will be dry long or more

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I. Preparing Peripheral Repairs

Computer peripherals is a supporting equipment from a PC.Sometimes peripherals are not working or damaged functions, it is necessary to do repairs on these peripherals.

Before improvement, need structured steps of preparation as the following improvements:

- Preparing equipment bantu used to repair,- Diagnose damage-damage that occurs,- Find how to make improvements to the peripherals,- Making improvements to peripherals

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Tools and Materials needed:

Meanwhile, to make improvements to peripherals, it takes some tools or tool-kit as follows:

- Screwdriver- Tang- Brush- Kain or dry cleaning fluids and tissue- Mini vacuum cleaner / vacum cleaner

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a) screwdriverScrewdriver is the most important tool in the improvement of peripherals.Screwdriver is very useful to dismantle and install peripherals to be further improvements.Screwdriver have various forms. Start of a screwdriver (+), screwdriver (-), and a screwdriver stars / flowers.Peripherals to do the repair needs to be a screwdriver from a variety of size

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b) TangTo make improvements to peripherals, use pliers combination pliers and shark. Tang shark used to hold the head skrup or small jumpers.

c) Brush

Brush used to clean the dust components and peripherals from the dirt-dirt that causes damage.Because of the dirt often caused peripherals may not work well anymore.

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d) Vacuum cleanerThe perfect vacuum cleaner used to clean the dirt that are on the keyboard, monitor ventilation in the air and on the fan.

e) Dry cloth or tissue and cleaning fluidDry tissue or cloth used to clean the dirt which is very difficult to be cleaned with a brush or vacum cleaner.Tissue can also be used to expedite the flow of ink in the printer cartridge injek, because that is easy to absorb liquid.Whereas liquid solvents can be used to clean the monitor screen, casing, body monitor, and printer body.

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II. Doing Repairs Peripheral

1) Step - steps to repair peripheralsTo make improvements to peripherals, to be performed on

the early diagnosis of damage in these peripherals.

Then determine the steps with a good repair, and re-check function peripherals to see the results of these improvements.

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a) KeyboardAda beberapa kerusakan yang kemungkinan terjadi pada keyboardyaitu :

(1) Keyboard tidak terdeteksi oleh PC

Kerusakan yang sering terjadi pada keyboard adalah tidak dikenalnya keyboard oleh komputer. Pada saat proses booting, tiba-tiba komputer macet dan muncul pesan kesalahan “Keyboard error or no keyboard present”. Pesan tersebut diartikan bahwa pada saat proses booting, komputer tidak mendeteksi adanya keyboard. Jika terjadi hal seperti tersebut diatas, yang perlu dilakukan adalah :

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Matikan kembali komputer dan cek apakah kabel keyboard telah tertancap dengan benar ke portnya di CPU.

Jika perlu lepas dan tancapkan kembali kabel keyboard tersebut untuk meyakinkan bahwa koneksi sudah tepat

Jika komputer dihidupkan kembali, dan pesan kesalahan masih muncul, kemungkinan pertama adalah keyboardnya yang rusak.

Coba dengan keyboard yang lain untuk memastikan bahwa keyboardnya yang rusak.

Jika dengan mengganti keyboard pesan kesalahan masih tetap muncul, berarti bukan keyboard yang rusak. Tetapi bisa saja port keyboard di motherbord yang rusak.

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(2) Masalah kedua terjadi pada tombol keyboard

Kerusakan lain yang sering terjadi pada keyboard adalah tombol keyboard sering macet untuk ditekan, tertekan terus.

Hal itu mungkin disebabkan oleh debu yang sudah menumpuk di sela-sela tombol keyboard Untuk mengatasinya, perlu dilakukan pembersihan pada keyboard. Keyboard dapat dibersihkan dengan menyedot atau menyemprotnya dengan vacuum cleaner /kuas

Dan juga dapat dibersihkan dengan menggunakan kain lap yang dibasahi dengan cairan pembersih atau alkohol. Ingat bahwa proses pembersihan harus dilakukan pada saat komputer mati dan keyboard dilepas dari portnya.

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b) MouseAda beberapa kerusakan yang sering terjadi pada mouse yaitu :

(1) Mouse tidak terdetek si oleh PC• Masalah yang sering terjadi pada mouse

adalah mouse tidak dikenal oleh komputer. Pada saat proses booting, komputer memunculkan pesan bahwa windows tidak mendeteksi adanya mouse yang terhubung dengan komputer.

• Analisa pertama sehubungan dengan pesan tersebut adalah kabel mouse tidak terhubung dengan baik. Untuk melakukan perbaikan prosedur yang dilakukan:

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Matikan komputer. Cek apakah kabel mouse telah terpasang dengan benar. Jika perlu lepas dan pasangkan kembali mouse tersebut untuk meyakinkan koneksinya.

Pada saat melepas dan memasang mouse komputer dalam keadaan mati agar tidak terjadi konsleting.

Setelah itu hidupkan kembali komputer. Apabila pesan kesalahan masih muncul, lakukan analisa selanjutnya.

Analisa kedua adalah kemungkinan rusaknya driver yang menghubungkan sistem dengan mouse.

Untuk itu perlu melakukan pendeteksian ulang driver secara otomatis dengan windows melalui device manager.

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step :

Right-click My Computer on the desktop Select properties windows>> Hardware>> Device Manager, then a dialog box will appear as below. Click the mouse using the keyboard with the help of mouse tombolTab.hapus the old drive using the Remove button. Then restart the computer back.

If the connection and the mouse driver is correct but the mouse was not detected by windows, the mouse is broken.

Or with the mouse and then try the other, whether the same thing happens.

If it still like that, it means the port PS / 2 is broken.

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(2) The mouse pointer often jump around

In this case, it is likely that most of the components caused by unclean ball mouse. Because many with the mouse pad does not always clean.

Steps to address them are:Open the cover the ball at the bottom of the mouse with the

play 90 degrees, bolanya Remove and clean with warm water or alcohol, and brush with the brush, then dry. . In the mouse can be observed in the three wheels. Two wide and one small. Dirt attached to the components need to be cleaned.

Similarly with the dirt attached to the roller ball and serration. Make cleaning carefully so it does not damage the components inside.

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c) Fan

Some of the problems that often occur: (1) Fan cooling Dead

Problems will arising computer heat faster, often hangs, rebootby itself due to cooling off.Step - step improvements are:Checking the fan casing which is in the computer if

the power cable is connected properly. Clean the dirt-dirt that is inside. Release the cover bearing fan, and given a little lubricant so that there is no fan movement restriction. If the power cable connection is correct and the fan is clean of dirt, but still die, most likely damaged fan.

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(2) the noisy fan Beep

The problem is the other fan is too noisy. When the computer is being used, his voice sounded very noisy so often disturb the concentration of employment.To know the origin of the fan vote, the steps taken:

Turn off the computer and open the computer casing ago on the computer in the casing open.

Check whether there may be related to the cable on the fan. If there is a cable on the fan, rapikanlah not to the fan.

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d) Monitor

Monitor output is a component used to display text or image to a screen that can be enjoyed by the user.Damage that often occurs:

(1) Monitor does not want to work.

At the time of the process of booting the computer, the power button located on the monitor screen is pressed, but still dark and not light.If the problem does not turn on a monitor, then the procedure is performed:

At the time of the process of booting the computer, the power button located on the monitor screen is pressed, but still dark and not light.If the problem does not turn on a monitor, then the procedure is performed:

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If the indicator light on the monitor live and orange color or blinking, check the video cable connecting the monitor with the CPU is installed properly and correctly. Make sure it is installed correctly.If the checks above this problem is still not overcame the problem means that there is a video signal adapter board CRT.

(2) Monitor menjadi gelap saat loading window

If the indicator light on the monitor live and orange color or blinking, check the video cable connecting the monitor with the CPU is installed properly and correctly. Make sure it is installed correctly.

If the checks above this problem is still not overcame the problem means that there is a video signal adapter board CRT.

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Perform booting windows in safe mode by pressing F8 when the computer loading windows.Do reinstall the driver VGA Card. Then select the appropriate type of monitor that will determine the maximum frequency that is displayed by windo

(3) the display size does not fit with the desire

Another problem that can occur in the size of the display monitor is not in accordance with the desire.There are fonts, icons, menus and all the appearance of the monitor that is too big or even too small.The above related to the resolution of the monitor may be too high or too low according to the user's taste.To change it, can be through display properties.

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matter of need you take heed and try [in order] not to touch him is cable of fly-back stick out up at monitor tube ( good of situation of monitor of off more than anything else is on), picture of you can see below/under.

• Fly-Back have 2 of trimpot ( its for like rotation regulator of audio volume) to 15” downwards, and 3 of trimpot to 17” to the above of. Between him; and focus of screen ( applying also to 3 trimpot). Trimpot by the name of diadjust focus ( arranged turned around) to get clear picture, while trimpot by the name of adjust screen to arrange appearance terang-gelap [at] monitor screen, picture can be seen by below.

When conducting focus trimpot adjust and of screen at fly-back, monitor have to in a state of on for the direct vision of change of picture.

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At the time of computer is used active, monitor often wink. First possibility is caused by frequency draw at too low screen

The mentioned might possibly happened caused by problem with rate refresh setting at computer.

Arrangement of correct rate refresh will give freshment at eye using him.

Monitor owning small rate refresh will make monitor like moving and unstable.

To arrange rate refresh, use menu Display Porperties like above picture.

Setting tab, click last Advanced button will emerge as in side this.

And select;choose Monitor tab. the tab will be presented by choice of refresh wanted rate.

Try lah some the rate refresh to get best choices for monitor.

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(6) Rather blue pock at monitor angle;corner.

At one of the or some monitor angle corners, emerge chromatic pock or colour enough not rather blue of appearance bothering.

This problem is often caused by the existence of yielded magnetic field from some electronic apparatuses.

To eliminate to try to wear degaussing fitur which is on monitor control menu.

Or by using drawn near magnet in angle corner monitor so that colour return normally.

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e) Printer

Printer is a component that is used to print the output from the process that made the computer better any posts, images and graphics directly using the paper or other media.

There are three types of printer that is matrik dot printer, Ink jet and Laser jet.

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Problems that often occur on the printer:(1) The printer can not print

At the time of the printing will be done, the printer is ON, and the paper has been inserted properly but the printer does not wantmovement and printing process is declared failed.To overcome this procedure done:Tested the printer using the print test page on the printer driver.To do this can be through the Start>> Settings>> Printers. Then right-click on the printerused and select Properties

In the General tab, click Print Test Page.Jika after the button is pressed, the printer can print means no problem on the printer.

If, after the button is pressed, the printer can print means no problem on the printer.

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Otherwise, meaning there is problem at the him of or at the port koneksi of him.

Try lah at other computer, if success printing process mean damage is not at the him of but at port of printer.

If process printing of failure mean there is problem at his him.

To overcome him try cheque return printer start from cartridge until his cables connection.

Paralel Port

USB PortTo PrinterTo Printer

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USB Port

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(2) second trouble is interesting failure printer of paper.

When inkjet print using the printer, the printer suddenly experienced interference that is not so interesting paper printing process failed.Problems often occur in the type of printer inkjet.Generally due to the drive wheel slippage is due to start within the already long enough.When the case, do yourself Sanding with caution at the wheel him of.Clean the drive wheel of the dirt. Other possibilities that could happen is because the ink is low.Sometimes when the ink is empty, the printer will not print and can be given if the printing akan hear the sound of the beep repeatedly.

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(3) third problem of paper at printer stuck.

Paper jammed in the printer which is called the paper jam can occur because the stack of paper that is too thick to try the printer paper.

Or the type of paper that is easy to stick with one another. And can also be caused by toller on printers that have been worn.

To prevent the occurrence of paper jam, can be done by limiting the thick stack of paper in accordance with the capacity that is supported by the printer.

Before the paper is placed on the try, it's good paper dikibas-kibaskan first paper that does not stick to each other.

And avoid from dust and clean often.

If the paper jam has occurred in the printer, then that should be done is to press a lever to counteract the pinch roller paper, and then slowly pull the paper in the printer.

Then return the lever to the original position. To find the lever to see the printer manual.

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(4) Fourthly problem is result of crummy printing.

Another problem that often appears is the result of printing or a lack of good looks broken.This is due to the ink may have been exhausted, or the cartridge is dirty.To check, loose cartridge carefully to check whether the ink has been exhausted or not.After that do the cleaning head on the mat with its use liquid ink solvents.Do with the wet tissue with a liquid cleaning solvents, and place the mat on the head catridge tissue is.In doing so, circumspection is required which is very high, because if will not result in fatal damage to the cartridge.Then return the lever to the original position. To find the lever to see the printer manual.

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