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Personnel Manual or Employment Handbook

WELCOME TO ________________________________________ (Name of Company) COMPANY

An interesting and challenging experience awaits you as an employee of

______________________________________ (Name of Company) Company. To answer some of the questions you may have concerning the Company and its policies, we have written this handbook. Please read it thoroughly and retain it for future reference. The policies stated in this handbook are subject to change at the sole discretion of _____________________________________________ (Name of Company). From time to time, you may receive updated information concerning changes in policy. If you have any questions regarding any policies, please ask your supervisor or a member of our human resources department for assistance.

This handbook is not a contract, express or implied, guaranteeing employment for any specific duration. Although we hope that your employment relationship with us will be long term, either you or _________________________ ____________________ (Name of Company) may terminate this relationship at any time, for any reason, with or without cause or notice. Please understand that no supervisor, manager, or representative of _______________________________ _______________ (Name of Company) other than the president, the general counsel, or the vice president of human resources has the authority to enter into any agreement with you for employment for any specified period or to make any promises or commitments contrary to the foregoing. Further, any employment agreement entered into by the president, the general counsel, or the vice president of human resources shall not be enforceable unless it is in writing.

We wish you the best of luck and success in your position and hope that your employment relationship with ______________________________________________ (Name of Company) will be a rewarding experience.


XYZ was founded in 1975 by Dr. John Doe, a pathologist in Pell City, Alabama.

From the time he was a young boy, Dr. Doe dreamed of finding a cure for the world's most deadly diseases. He went to medical school and after he graduated, he received a grant from the Acme Corporation. With the funds from this grant, Dr. Doe started the XYZ Company, a nonprofit research corporation, with a staff of one professional researcher and two volunteers.

Several months later, Dr. Doe hired a staff of fund-raisers, who were able to increase significantly the amount of funds available for XYZ's research. Over the next

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eleven years, XYZ expanded its research staff to over 500 employees. XYZ also purchased several buildings in Pell City for use as corporate and research headquarters and procured some of the world's most sophisticated research equipment.

With funds from additional grants, XYZ was able to acquire ABC, Inc., a small company headquartered in Eden, Alabama, with facilities also in Montana and Nevada and a total professional staff of 500. The XYZ-ABC Research merger was completed in 1990. Since that date, the newly formed XYZ Company has been continually expanding its research activities and is now conducting research into cures for various types of cancer, multiple sclerosis (MS), and AIDS, among other serious illnesses. In fact, in 1987, XYZ received a grant form the federal government of $50 million to further its efforts to find a cure for MS.

In total, XYZ employs over 5,000 professional and technical workers as well as a highly effective support staff, all devoted to finding cures for the world's most complex and troublesome illnesses.

We proudly welcome you to the XYZ team. We are confident that through your efforts and dedication, XYZ will continue to make advances in finding cures for the most dreaded diseases known to humankind. I. EQUAL EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITY

A. ________________________________________ (Name of Company) provides equal employment opportunities to all employees and applicants for employment without regard to race, color, religion, sex, national origin, age, disability, military or veteran status in accordance with applicable federal laws. In addition, _____________________________________ (Name of Company) complies with applicable state and local laws governing nondiscrimination in employment in every location in which _________________________________ ______________ (Name of Company) has facilities. This policy applies to all terms and conditions of employment, including but not limited to, hiring, placement, promotion, termination, layoff, recall, transfer, leaves of absence, compensation, and training.

B. ______________________________________ (Name of Company) expressly prohibits any form of unlawful employee harassment based on race, color, religion, sex, national origin, age, disability, military or veteran status, or status in any group protected by state or local law. Improper interference with the ability of ______________________________________'s (Name of Company) employees to perform their expected job duties is not tolerated.

C. With respect to sexual harassment, ______________________________ ____________________ (Name of Company) prohibits the following:

1. Unwelcome sexual advances; requests for sexual favors; and all

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other verbal or physical conduct of a sexual or otherwise offensive nature, especially where:

a. Submission to such conduct is made either explicitly or implicitly a term or condition of employment;

b. Submission to or rejection of such conduct is used as the basis for decisions affecting an individual's employment; or

c. Such conduct has the purpose or effect of creating an intimidating, hostile, or offensive working environment.

2. Offensive comments, jokes, innuendos, and other sexually oriented statements.

D. Complaint Procedure

1. Each member of management is responsible for creating an atmosphere free of discrimination and harassment, sexual or otherwise. Further, employees are responsible for respecting the rights of their co- workers.

2. If you experience any job-related harassment based on your sex, race, national origin, disability, or another factor, or believe that you have been treated in an unlawful, discriminatory manner, promptly report the incident to your supervisor, who will investigate the matter and take appropriate action, including reporting it to the director of human resources. If you believe it would be inappropriate to discuss the matter with your supervisor, you may bypass your supervisor and report it directly to the head of your department or to the director of human resources, who will undertake an investigation. Your complaint will be kept confidential to the maximum extent possible.

E. If _____________________________________________ (Name of Company) determines that an employee is guilty of harassing another individual, appropriate disciplinary action will be taken against the offending employee, up to and including termination of employment.

F. ______________________________________________ (Name of Company) prohibits any form of retaliation against any employee for filing a bona fide complaint under this policy or for assisting in a complaint investigation. However, if, after investigating any complaint of harassment or unlawful discrimination, _____________________________________________ (Name of Company) determines that the complaint is not bona fide or that an employee has provided false information regarding the complaint, disciplinary action may be taken against the individual who filed the complaint or who gave the false

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II. EMPLOYMENT OF RELATIVES ______________________________________________ (Name of Company)

permits the employment of qualified relatives of employees as long as such employment does not, in the opinion of ______________________________________________ (Name of Company), create actual or perceived conflicts of interest. For purposes of this policy, relative is a spouse, child, parent, sibling, grandparent, grandchild, aunt, uncle, first cousin, or corresponding in-law or step relation. _______________________ ________________________________ (Name of Company) will exercise sound business judgment in the placement of related employees in accordance with the following guidelines:

A. Individuals who are related by blood or marriage are permitted to work in the same ________________________________________________ (Name of Company) facility, provided no direct reporting or supervisory/management relationship exists. That is, no employee is permitted to work within the chain of command of a relative such that one relative's work responsibilities, salary, or career progress could be influenced by the other relative.

B. No relatives are permitted to work in the same department or in any other positions in which ______________________________________________ (Name of Company) believes an inherent conflict of interest may exist.

C. Employees who marry while employed are treated in accordance with these guidelines. That is, if, in the opinion of _____________________________ __________________________ (Name of Company), a conflict or apparent conflict arises as a result of the marriage, one of the employees will be transferred at the earliest practicable time.

D. This policy applies to all categories of employment at ________________ ________________________________ (Name of Company), including regular, temporary, and part-time classifications.

III. ORIENTATION PROGRAM A. During your first few days of employment, you will participate in an orientation program conducted by human resources and various members of your department, including your supervisor. During this program, you will receive important information regarding the performance requirements of your position, basic _____________________________________________ (Name of Company) policies, affirmative action plans, your compensation, and benefits programs, plus other information necessary to acquaint you with your job and ________________________________________________ (Name of Company). You will also be asked to complete all necessary paperwork at this

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time, such as medical benefits plan enrollment forms, beneficiary designation forms, and appropriate federal, state, and local tax forms. At this time, you will be required to present the ___________________________________________ (Name of Company) with information establishing your identity and your eligibility to work in the United States in accordance with applicable federal law.

B. Please use this orientation program to familiarize yourself with _________ ______________________________ (Name of Company) and our policies and benefits. We encourage you to ask any questions you may have during this program so that you will understand all the guidelines that affect and govern your employment relationship with us.


A. ___________________________________________ (Name of Company) believes in promoting employees from within and has established a job-posting program to give all employees an opportunity to apply for positions that they are interested in and qualified for. Vacancies below the senior management level are normally posted on designated bulletin boards at all __________________________ ___________________________ (Name of Company) locations. Postings generally include the title, the salary range, the minimum hiring specifications, the essential functions of the job, and the closing date for filing applications. Positions are normally posted for ten workdays.

B. To be eligible to apply for a posted position, you must meet the minimum hiring specifications for the position, be capable of performing the essential functions of the job, with or without a reasonable accommodation, be an employee in good standing in terms of your overall work record, and generally have been in your current position for a minimum of six months. C. You are responsible for monitoring job vacancy notices and for completing and filing an in-house application form with the human resources department during the posting period for a specific opening. D. You are not required to notify your supervisor when submitting an application for a posted position. However, if you are a finalist for the position, your supervisor will be notified prior to the completion of the application process for, among other things, a recommendation. A member of the human resources department will contact you regarding your application and the status of your candidacy.


A. _______________________________________________ (Name of Company) maintains personnel files on each employee. These files contain documentation regarding all aspects of the employee's tenure with ___________

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_____________________________________ (Name of Company), such as performance appraisals, beneficiary designation forms, disciplinary warning notices, and letters of commendation. You may review your personnel file on an annual basis. If you are interested in reviewing your file, contact the human resources department to schedule an appointment. These files are the property of _____________________________________________ (Name of Company).

B. To ensure that your personnel file is up-to-date at all times, notify your supervisor or the human resources department of any changes in your name, telephone number, home address, marital status, number of dependents, beneficiary designations, scholastic achievements, the individuals to notify in case of an emergency, etc.


WITH DISABILITIES A. ______________________________________________ (Name of Company) complies with the Americans with Disabilities Act and applicable state and local laws providing for nondiscrimination in employment against qualified individuals with disabilities. __________________________________________ (Name of Company) also provides reasonable accommodation for such individuals in accordance with these laws. In this connection, _______________ _________________________________ (Name of Company) evaluates the feasibility of requested accommodations in light of the ADA's guidelines, and determines whether such accommodations will create an undue hardship on __________________________________________ (Name of Company). It is _________________________________________’s (Name of Company) policy to, without limitation:

1. Ensure that qualified individuals with disabilities are treated in a nondiscriminatory manner in the pre-employment process and that employees with disabilities are treated in a nondiscriminatory manner in all terms, conditions, and privileges of employment.

2. Administer medical examinations (a) to applicants only after conditional offers of employment have been extended, and (b) to employees only when justified by business necessity or as part of ____________________________________________'s (Name of Company) voluntary annual physical examination program.

3. Keep all medical-related information confidential in accordance with the requirements of the ADA and retain such information in separate confidential files.

4. Provide applicants and employees with disabilities with reasonable

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accommodation, except where such an accommodation would create an undue hardship on _________________________________________ (Name of Company).

5. Notify individuals with disabilities that ________________________ ________________________________ (Name of Company) provides reasonable accommodation to qualified individuals with disabilities, by including this policy in ________________________________________'s (Name of Company) employee handbook and in its corporate policies and procedures manual and by posting the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission's poster on not discriminating against individuals with disabilities and other protected groups conspicuously throughout _________________________________________'s (Name of Company) facilities.

B. Procedure for Requesting an Accommodation

Qualified individuals with disabilities may make requests for reasonable accommodation to _____________________________________________'s (Name of Company) equal opportunity/affirmative action officer (EEO officer). On receipt of an accommodation request, the EEO officer will meet with the requesting individual to discuss and identify the precise limitations resulting from the disability and the potential accommodation that ________________________ ______________________ (Name of Company) might make to help overcome those limitations.

C. The EEO officer, in conjunction with the vice president of human resources, the medical review officer and, if necessary, appropriate management representatives identified as having a need to know (e.g., the individual's supervisor/department head), will determine the feasibility of the requested accommodation, considering various factors, including, but not limited to, the nature and cost of the accommodation, the availability of tax credits and deductions, outside funding, the facility's overall financial resources and organization, and the accommodation's impact on the operation of the facility, including its impact on the ability of other employees to perform their duties and on the facility's ability to conduct business.

D. The EEO officer will inform the requesting individual of ______________ _______________________________'s (Name of Company) decision on the accommodation request or on how to make the accommodation. If the accommodation request is denied, the individual will be advised of their right to appeal _____________________________________________'s (Name of Company) decision to the President of _______________________________________________ (Name of Company) by submitting a written statement to the EEO officer along with the reasons for the

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request. E. The President will appoint an executive committee to review all such appeals. After reviewing an employee's appeal, the committee will notify the EEO officer of its decision. The EEO officer will, in turn notify the individual making the appeal of the decision, which will be final.

VII. CLASSIFICATIONS OF EMPLOYMENT A. For purposes of salary administration and eligibility for overtime payments and employee benefits, ___________________________________________________ (Name of Company) classifies its employees as follows: B. Full time regular employees.

Employees hired to work _____________________________________ ______________'s (Name of Company) normal, full-time, thirty-five hour workweek on a regular basis. Such employees may be exempt or nonexempt as defined below. C. Part-time regular employees.

Employees hired to work fewer than thirty-five per week on a regular basis. Such employees may be exempt or nonexempt as defined below. D. Temporary employees.

Employees engaged to work full time or part time on ___________________ ___________________________'s (Name of Company) payroll with the understanding that their employment will be terminated no later than on completion of a specific assignment. (Note that a temporary employee may be offered and may accept a new temporary assignment with ___________________________________________________ (Name of Company) and thus still retain temporary status.) Such employees may be exempt or nonexempt as defined below. (Note that employees hired from temporary employment agencies for specific assignments are employees of the respective agency and not of _________________________________________ _____________ (Name of Company).) E. Leased Workers.

Workers assigned to work at ______________________________________ ____________ (Name of Company) through a leasing organization. Leased workers are similar to contract temporary workers assigned to work at ___________ ________________________________ (Name of Company) through temporary employment agencies. Leased workers differ from contract temporaries, however, in that leased workers are normally engaged for extended periods of time as opposed to the brief periods for which temporary agency workers are engaged. Leased workers may be exempt or nonexempt as defined below. Leased workers are

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employees of the leasing organization and not of ___________________________ _______________________ (Name of Company).

F. Nonexempt employees.

Employees who are required to be paid overtime at the rate of time and one half (i.e., one and one-half times) their regular rate of pay for all hours worked beyond forty hours in a workweek, in accordance with applicable federal wage and law hours, or more frequently, such as for all hours worked beyond eight on a given day in accordance with certain state wage and hour laws. G. Exempt employees.

Employees who are not required to be paid overtime, in accordance with applicable federal wage and hour laws, for work performed beyond forty hours in a workweek. Executives, professional employees, outside sales representatives, and certain employees in administrative positions are typically exempt.

H. You will be informed of your initial employment classification as an exempt or nonexempt employee during your orientation session. If you change positions during your employment as a result of a promotion, transfer, or otherwise, you will be informed by the human resources department of any change in your exemption status. I. Please direct any questions regarding your employment classification or exemption status to the human resources department.


A. The regular workweek for all full-time employees is forty hours, divided into five days, Monday Through Friday, with employees regularly scheduled to work eight hours per day.

B. The normal work hours for full-time employees are 8:00 A.M. to 5:00 P.M., with a one-hour unpaid meal period, normally taken between and 12:00 P.M. and 2:00 P.M. The time of your meal period will be designated by your supervisor. If you are a part-time employee, your working hours and schedule will be arranged by your supervisor.

C. Daily and weekly work schedules may be changed from time to time at the discretion of ______________________________________________ (Name of Company) to meet the varying conditions of our business. Changes in work schedules will be announced as far in advance as practicable.


A. It is the policy of _____________________________________________ (Name of Company) to comply with applicable laws that require records to be maintained of the hours worked by our employees. To ensure that accurate

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records are kept of the hours you actually work (including overtime where applicable) and of the accrued leave time you have taken, and to ensure that you are paid in a timely manner, you will be required to record your time worked and your absences on ___________________________________________'s (Name of Company) official time record form. This form should be completed daily and signed and forwarded to your supervisor on a weekly basis. After reviewing the form and resolving any discrepancies, your supervisor will sign the form and forward it to payroll for processing.

B. Please ensure that your actual hours worked and leave time taken are recorded accurately. Falsification of a time record is a breach of company policy and is grounds for disciplinary action, including the possibility of discharge.


A. All __________________________________________ (Name of Company) employees are normally paid by check on a semi-monthly basis, usually on the fifteenth and on the last days of each month. If a scheduled payday falls on a Saturday, Sunday, or company-observed holiday, you will usually be paid on the day preceding the weekend or holiday. All required deductions, such as for federal, state, and local taxes, and all authorized voluntary deductions, such as for health insurance contributions, will be withheld automatically from your paychecks.

B. Please review your paycheck for errors. If you find a mistake, report it to your supervisor immediately. Your supervisor will assist you in taking the steps necessary to correct the error.

C. In the event that your paycheck is lost or stolen, please notify your supervisor immediately. Your supervisor will, in turn, notify our payroll supervisor who will attempt to put a stop-payment notice on your check. If we are unable to do so, you will be issued another check. Unfortunately, however, ________________________ _________________________________ (Name of Company) is unable to take responsibility for lost or stolen paychecks, and if we are unable to stop payment on your check, you alone will be responsible for such loss.


A. If you are classified as a nonexempt employee (see the classifications of employment policy section for the definition of nonexempt employee), you will receive compensation for approved overtime work as follows:

1. You will be paid one and one-half times your regular hourly rate of pay for all hours worked beyond the fortieth hour in any given workweek.

2. You will be paid one and one-half times your regular hourly rate of pay

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for all hours actually worked on Saturdays or Sundays regardless of the number of hours worked during the regular workweek.

3. You will be paid one and one-half times your regular hourly rate of pay for all hours worked on a company-observed holiday in addition to receiving your regular holiday pay.

B. Your supervisor will attempt to provide you with reasonable notice when the need for overtime work arises. Please remember, however, that advance notice may not always be possible.

C. You will normally receive payment for overtime in the pay period following the period in which such overtime is worked, providing that your time record has been properly prepared, approved by your supervisor, and forwarded to payroll for processing in a timely manner.


A. To attract and retain above-average employees, _______________________ _______________________ (Name of Company) endeavors to pay salaries competitive with those paid by other employers in our industry and in the applicable labor markets in which we maintain facilities. In line with this objective, __________ ________________________________ (Name of Company) monitors its wage scales to ensure that they are kept in line with local as well as national economic conditions.

B. Each position at ___________________________________________ (Name of Company) has been studied and assigned a salary grade. Each grade has been assigned a corresponding salary range. Periodically, _________________ _____________________________ (Name of Company) may revise its job descriptions, evaluate individual jobs to ensure that they are rated and paid appropriately, and review job specifications to ensure that they are job related. C. Your salary will be reviewed on an annual basis, and if you are granted a

salary increase, it will normally be effective on your anniversary date. D. Your total compensation at ________________________________________ (Name of Company) consists not only of the salary you are paid but also of the various benefits you are offered, such as group health and life insurance and your retirement plan, as described in a later section of this handbook. E. Questions regarding our salary administration program or your individual salary should be directed to your supervisor or the human resources department.

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A. To ensure that you perform your job to the best of your abilities, it is important that you be recognized for good performance and that you receive appropriate suggestions for improvement when necessary. Consistent with this goal, your performance will be evaluated by your supervisor on an ongoing basis. You will also receive periodic written evaluations of your performance. If you are a nonexempt employee (as defined under classifications of employment earlier in this section of the handbook), such evaluations will normally occur after you have been employed for six months, on your first anniversary date, and annually thereafter. In addition, if you are promoted or transferred to a new position, your performance will normally be evaluated in writing after you have been in your new job for six months. __________________________________________________ (Name of Company) endeavors to conduct written performance reviews of each exempt employee's performance annually.

B. All written performance reviews will be based on your overall performance in relation to your job responsibilities and will also take into account your conduct, demeanor, and record of attendance and tardiness.

C. In addition to the regular performance evaluations described above, special written performance evaluations may be conducted by your supervisor at any time to advise you of the existence of performance or disciplinary problems.


A. ____________________________________________ (Name of Company) will grant a leave of absence to regular full-time and regular part-time employees (who meet the requirements described below) for the care of a child after birth or adoption or placement with the employee for foster care, the care of a family member (spouse, child, or parent) with a serious health condition, or in the event of an employee's own serious health condition. Leaves will be granted for a period of up to twelve weeks in any twelve-month period.

B. An employee must have completed at least one full year of service with __________________________________________ (Name of Company) and have worked a minimum of 1,250 hours in the twelve-month period preceding the leave to be eligible for such leave. In addition, to be eligible for leave, an employee must work at ______ (a/an) _________________________________________________ (Name of Company) facility that employs at least fifty employees at that facility or within seventy-five miles of that facility. C. Child/Family Care Leave

If you request a leave of absence to care for a child after birth, adoption, or

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placement in your home for foster care or to care for a covered family member with a serious health condition, you will be granted unpaid leave under the following conditions:

1. If the leave is planned in advance, you must provide us with at least thirty days' notice prior to the anticipated leave date, using ________________________________________________’s (Name of Company) official Leave-of-Absence Request Form.

2. If the leave is unexpected, you should notify your supervisor and the human resources department by filing the Leave-of-Absence Request Form as far in advance of the anticipated leave date as is practicable. (Normally, this should be within two business days of when you become aware of your need for the leave.)

3. All benefits of _____________________________________________ (Name of Company) that operate on an accrual basis (e.g., vacation, sick, and personal days) will cease to accrue during the leave period. You will be required to use all accrued, unused vacation and personal days during the leave period. Once such benefits are exhausted, the balance of the leave will be without pay.

4. All group health benefits (e.g., major medical, hospitalization, and dental insurance) will continue during the leave provided you continue regular employee contributions to these plans. (Other benefits, such as pension, 401(k), life insurance, and long-term disability will be governed in accordance with the terms of each benefits plan.)

5. Employees requesting a leave to care for a covered family member with a serious health condition may be required to provide medical certification from the family member's physician attesting to the nature of the serious health condition, probable length of time treatment will be required, and the reasons that the employee is required to care for this family member. Employees may also be required to provide additional physician's statements at _______________________________________ ______________’s (Name of Company) request. Further, the family member may be required to submit to medical examination by physicians designated by _______________________________________________ (Name of Company) at its discretion and at _______________________ _____________________________’s (Name of Company) expense.

XV. Leave for Employee's Serious Health Condition

A. If you request a leave of absence for your own serious health condition, you will be granted leave under the following conditions:

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1. If the leave is planned in advance, you must provide us with at least thirty days' notice prior to the anticipated leave date, using ____________ ___________________________________’s (Name of Company) official Leave-of-Absence Form.

2. If the leave is unexpected, you should notify your supervisor and the human resources department by filing the Leave-of-Absence Request Form as in advance of the anticipated leave date as is practicable. (Normally, this should be within two business days of when you become aware of your need for the leave.)

3. Any time that you expect to be or are absent for more than five consecutive work days as a result of your own serious health condition (including pregnancy), you will be required to submit appropriate medical certification from your physician. Such certification must include at a minimum, the date the disability began, a diagnosis, and the probable date of your return to work.

4. All of _____________________________________________’s (Name of Company) benefits that operate on an accrual basis (e.g., vacation, sick, and personal days) will cease to accrue during your leave period.

5. You will be required to use all accrued, unused sick, vacation, and personal days during your leave, prior to being eligible for any benefits under _________________________________________________ (Name of Company) salary continuation plan. Once such accrued benefits are exhausted, the balance of your leave will be without pay, unless you are eligible for short-term disability benefits in accordance with applicable state law or salary continuation in accordance with the terms of ______________________________________________’s (Name of Company) salary continuation plan.

6. All group health benefits will continue during the leave provided you continue regular employee contributions to these plans. (Other benefits, such as pension, 401(k), life insurance, and long-term disability will be governed in accordance with the terms of each benefits plan.)

7. During your leave, you may also be required to provide __________ ___________________________________ (Name of Company) with additional physician's statements on request from ___________________ ___________________________ (Name of Company) or ___________ ____________________________________’s (Name of Company)

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insurance carriers, attesting to your continued disability and inability to work. You may also be required to submit to medical examinations by physicians designated by _______________________________________ __________ (Name of Company) at its discretion and at _____________ _____________________________’s (Name of Company) expense, at the beginning of, during, or at the end of your leave period, and to provide with access to your medical records as required.

8. Before you will be permitted to return from medical leave, you will be required to present ____________________________________________ (Name of Company) with a note from your physician indicating that you are capable of returning to work and performing the essential functions of your position with or without reasonable accommodation. Where required, __________________________________________ (Name of Company) will consider making reasonable accommodation for any disability you may have in accordance with applicable laws.

B. Leave Entitlement

1. Eligible employees are entitled to leave for up to twelve weeks in any twelve-month period (or longer if required by applicable state or local law or, in the case of a leave for an employee's serious health condition, where a leave extension is requested and approved).

2. Leave taken to care for a child after birth, adoption, or placement in your home for foster care must be taken in consecutive workweeks. Leave taken for the employee's or a covered family member's serious health condition may be taken consecutively, intermittently, or on a reduced work/leave schedule based on certified medical necessity. In such instances, _____________________________________________ (Name of Company) will follow applicable federal and state laws in reviewing and approving such leave requests.

C. Reinstatement Rights

Eligible employees are entitled on return from leave to be reinstated to their former position or an equivalent position with equivalent employment benefits, pay, and other terms and conditions of employment. Exceptions to this provision may apply if business circumstances have changed (e.g., if the employee's position is no longer available due to a job elimination). Exceptions may also apply for certain highly compensated employees under certain conditions. In addition, employees on a leave extension are not guaranteed reinstatement.

XVI. Leaves for Employees Who Do Not Meet the Minimum Service Requirements

Full-time regular and part-time regular employees who have less than one year of service and/or who have not worked a minimum of 1,250 hours during the twelve-month

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period prior to their leave or who work at a facility that employs fewer than fifty employees at or within seventy-five miles of the facility may also request leaves of absence for the care of a child after birth or adoption or placement with the employee for foster care, the care of a family member (spouse, child, or parent) with a serious health condition, or in the event of an employee's own serious health condition, subject to the following terms and conditions:

A. Leave requests must be made at least thirty days in advance of the date the employee would like the leave to begin or, in emergency situations, with as much advance notice as is practicable, using ____________________________ _________________________'s (Name of Company) official Leave-of Absence Request Form. (Normally, this should be within two business days of when the need for the leave becomes known to the employee.)

B. The certification requirements and the conditions for required use of accrued time off, benefits accrual, and continuation of group health insurance during leave set forth in XIV and XV apply to all leave requests.

C. Unless applicable state or local law requires otherwise, leaves will be limited to a thirty-day maximum duration, except leaves for the employee's own serious health condition, which may be granted for up to a twelve-week period and which may be taken intermittently.

D. Unless applicable state or local law requires otherwise, reinstatement will not be guaranteed to any employee requesting a leave under this Section XVII. However, _______________________________________ (Name of Company) will endeavor to place employees returning from leave in their former position or a position comparable in status and pay, subject to budgetary restrictions and _______________________________________'s (Name of Company) need to fill vacancies its ability to find qualified temporary replacements.

E. All questions regarding leaves of absence should be directed to ____________________________________________'s (Name of Company) human resources department. Leave-of-Absence Request Forms are also available from the human resources department.


Leaves of absence without pay for military or Reserve duty are granted to full-time regular and part-time regular employees. If you are called to active military duty or to Reserve or National Guard training, or if you volunteer for the same, you should submit copies of your military orders to your supervisor as soon as is practicable. You will be granted a military leave of absence without pay for the period of military service, in accordance with applicable federal and state laws. If you are a reservist or a member of the National Guard, you are granted time off without pay for required military training. Your eligibility for reinstatement after your military duty or training is completed is determined in

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accordance with applicable federal and state laws. XVIII. BEREAVEMENT LEAVE

If you are a full-time regular or part-time regular employee and a death occurs in your family, you will be compensated for time lost from your regular work schedule in accordance with the following guidelines.

A. You will be granted up to five days off from work with pay in the event of the death of your spouse, child, parent, or sibling; up to three days in the event of the death of your grandparents, father-in-law, mother-in-law, son-in-law, or daughter-in-law; and one day in the event of the death of a relative not a member of your immediate family as defined above.

B. Requests for bereavement leave should be made to your immediate supervisor.


A. If you are a full-time regular employee who is summoned to jury duty, _______________________________________________ (Name of Company) continues your salary during your active period of jury duty for up to a maximum of fifteen working days per calendar year. You are also permitted to retain the allowance you receive from the court for such service. If you are not a full-time regular employee, you are given time off without pay while serving jury duty.

B. All employees are allowed unpaid time off if summoned to appear in court as a witness.

C. To qualify for jury or witness duty leave, you must submit to your supervisor a copy of the summons to serve as soon as it is received. In addition, proof of service must be submitted to your supervisor when your period of jury or witness duty is completed.

D. _____________________________________________ (Name of Company) will make no attempt to have your service on a jury postponed except when business actions necessitate such action.


Because we recognize the importance of vacation time in providing the opportunity for rest, recreation, and personal activities, ______________________________________ _____________ (Name of Company) grants annual, paid vacations to its full-time regular and part-time regular employees. The amount of vacation to which you are entitled depends on your status as an exempt or nonexempt employee (as defined earlier in this handbook) and on your length of service as of your anniversary date, as follows:

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A. Full-Time Regular Nonexempt Employees

Years of Service as Annual Vacation Allowance Monthly Accrual Schedule of Anniversary Date 1 through 4 10 days 5/6 day 5 through 9 15 days 1 1/4 days 10 or more 20 days 1 2/3 days

B. Full-Time Regular Exempt Employees Years of Service as Annual Vacation Allowance Monthly Accrual Schedule of Anniversary Date 1 through 4 15 days 1 1/4 days 5 or more 20 days 1 2/3 days

C. Part-time regular employees accrue vacation on schedules proportionate to these but are paid only for the number of hours they would normally be scheduled to work during the vacation period. For example, after completing three years of service, a nonexempt part-time regular employee who is regularly scheduled to work twenty hours per week is entitled to ten days or two weeks of vacation time, and based on the employee's regular schedule of twenty hours per week is paid for twenty hours for each week of vacation.

D. Newly hired full-time regular and part-time regular employees may take one half of their first year's vacation entitlement after completing six months of employment.


Vacation may be taken as time accrues at any point during the year. However, you may not carry over any vacation time beyond your next anniversary date. For example, if you are eligible for ten days of vacation on your first anniversary date of service with _________________________________________ _______________ (Name of Company), you must use this vacation time before your second anniversary dated, and so on. F. PAY IN LIEU OF VACATION

Employees are required to take their earned vacation. No payments will be made in lieu of taking vacation, except for accrued unused vacation at the time of termination.

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In the event that a holiday observed by ______________________________ ____________________ (Name of Company) falls within a scheduled vacation period, you will be granted an alternate day of vacation at a later date.


Vacations may be taken as weekly period or as individual days as long as the periods chosen meet departmental approval. You should submit a vacation request form to your supervisor at least two weeks before the date you wish your vacation to begin.


If you wish to receive vacation pay before a scheduled vacation, you must indicate this in the appropriate section of the vacation request form when you submit this form to your supervisor at least two weeks before the start of your scheduled vacation.


Employees terminating employment for any reason are entitled to payment for all accrued unused vacation time, calculated on a pro rata basis.


A. ______________________________________________ (Name of Company) usually provides paid time off to all full-time regular and part-time regular employees on the following holidays:

New Year's Day Labor Day Martin Luther King's Birthday

Veterans Day Presidents Day Thanksgiving Day

Memorial Day Day after Thanksgiving Day

Independence Day Christmas Day

B. Holidays falling on a Saturday are normally observed on the preceding Friday. Holidays falling on a Sunday are normally observed on the following Monday. You are notified prior to the beginning of each calendar year of the actual dates on which each of these holidays is observed.

C. In order to be eligible to receive holiday pay, you are required to work your regularly scheduled hours the workday preceding and workday following the holiday. In accordance with ______________________________________________ (Name of Company) policy, an approved vacation day or any other excused and pay day off

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is considered a day worked for purposes of holiday pay eligibility. XXII. PERSONAL DAYS

A. In addition to providing paid time off for company-designated holidays, ________________________________________________ (Name of Company) permits full-time regular employees to take up to three paid personal days annually for personal business that cannot be taken care of outside regular business hours and for religious observances, ethnic holidays, and other events of personal significance. Personal days may also be used by employees with disabilities for the purpose of securing necessary treatment. Note that personal days may not be used to extend scheduled vacations. At the discretion of their supervisor, part-time regular and temporary employees may also be granted time off for personal reasons without pay.

B. Full-time regular employees accrue one personal day for every four months actually worked during the calendar year. Newly hired full-time regular employees are eligible for personal days during the calendar year in which they were hired in accordance with the following schedule:

Date Employed Personal Day Entitlement

January 1 -- March 31 3 days April 1 -- June 30 2 days July 1 -- September 30 1 day

C. You must give your immediate supervisor written notice of intent to use a personal day at least one week before taking that day off except in emergency situations. Your supervisor considers workload priorities in determining whether to approve such requests; however, full consideration is given to requests for holidays of religious significance where reasonable accommodation is possible.

D. Personal days may be taken only after they have been accrued, and they must be used during the calendar year. There shall be no carryover of personal days from year to year, and there shall be no payment for unused personal days at the end of any calendar year or in the event of termination.


A. ________________________________________________ (Name of Company) recognizes that inability to work because of illness or injury may cause economic hardship. _________________________________________________ (Name of Company) also recognizes that employees may require time off to secure necessary treatment for disabilities. For these reasons, ______________________ ______________________ (Name of Company) provides paid sick days to full-time regular employees.

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B. Eligible employees accrue sick days at the rate of one-half day per month to a maximum of six days per calendar year.

C. Sick days may not be carried over from one calendar year to the next, and no payments are made for accrued unused sick days at the end of any calendar year or in the event of termination.

D. The procedure to follow when you are absent and other important guidelines are set forth in the discussion of absenteeism and tardiness earlier in this handbook. Please familiarize yourself with these guidelines.

E. In certain states, employees may also be eligible for short-term disability benefits if they are ill or injured and unable to work. In such states, ______________ __________________________________ (Name of Company) maintains short-term disability plans in accordance with applicable state law. Please check with our human resources department to ascertain whether you are eligible for short-term disability benefits.

F. Long-term illnesses are covered under _____________________________ _____________________'s (Name of Company) salary continuation and long-term disability plans. Please consult the appropriate sections of this handbook for further details regarding these plans.


A. __________________________________________ (Name of Company) has established a salary continuation plan to supplement the company's paid sick day policy, short-term disability insurance program (where applicable), and workers' compensation program. Under this plan, full-time regular employees who have completed at least six months of continuous service may be eligible for salary continuation benefits for the period of an absence resulting from illness or injury that extends beyond five consecutive workdays.

B. Accrual of benefits is based on the following schedule:

Length of Employment Weeks of Full Pay in any12-Month Period Less than 6 months 0 6 months to 1 year 2 1 but less than 2 years 4 2 but less than 3 years 8 3 but less than 4 years 12 4 but less than 5 years 18 Over 5 years 26 C. Any payments you may be entitled to receive under this program are offset by

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any amounts received from our short-term disability or workers' compensation insurance programs.

D. To qualify for benefits, you must apply for and be granted a formal medical eave of absence (see ______________________________________________'s (Name of Company) family and medical leave of absence policy for details) and provide your supervisor with a statement from your physician verifying the disability and your expected date of return. In addition, ______________________________ ____________________ (Name of Company) reserves the right to require that you be examined by a company-designated physician at any time at its discretion. To be eligible for continued benefits under this policy, you must provide additional physician's statements once every thirty days, or more frequently if requested, attesting to your continued disability and inability to work.

E. No benefits are payable under this program if your illness or injury is connected to work you do for another employer.

F. The receipt of benefits under this program is not to be construed as a guarantee of employment for any specific duration.

G. The cost to provide salary continuation benefits is currently paid completely by ______________________________________________ (Name of Company).


A. ________________________________________________ (Name of Company) has established a variety of employee benefits programs designed to assist you and your eligible dependents in meeting the financial burdens that can result from illness, disability, and death, and to help you plan for retirement, deal with job-related or personal problems, and enhance your job-related skills.

B. This following sections of the handbook highlights some features of our benefits program. Our group health and life insurance and retirement-related programs are described more fully in summary plan description booklets, with which you are provided once you are eligible to participate in these programs. Complete descriptions of our group health insurance programs are also in ___________________________________________'s (Name of Company) master insurance contracts with insurance carriers, which are maintained in the employee benefits section of the human resources department; complete descriptions of our retirement-related programs are in the appropriate master plan documents, which are likewise maintained in the employee benefits section. If information in this handbook and our summary plan descriptions contradicts information in these master contracts or master plan documents, the master contracts/documents shall govern in all cases.

C. _______________________________________________ (Name of

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Company) reserves the right to amend or terminate any of these programs or to require or increase employee premium contributions toward any benefits with or without advance notice at its discretion. This reserved right may be exercised in the absence of financial necessity. Whenever an amendment is made to any of ___________________________________________'s (Name of Company) benefits programs, the respective plan administrator will draft and submit the amendment to _______________________________________________'s (Name of Company) policy committee for review and approval. The respective plan administrator will notify plan participants of all approved amendments or plan terminations.

D. For more complete information regarding any of our benefits programs, please contact our human resources department.


A. All full-time and part-time regular employees and their eligible dependents are eligible to participate in _____________________________________________'s (Name of Company) group basic surgical and major medical insurance program. Coverage for eligible employees is effective on the first day of employment.

B. After a deductible of (e.g., $100) _________ per individual (e.g., $300) __________ per family per calendar year is satisfied, our plan pays (e.g., 80) _____ percent of reasonable and customary charges for the first (e.g., $2,000) __________ of covered expenses incurred for medical care and treatment, including surgery and prescriptions, and (e.g., 100) _________ percent of reasonable and customary charges for the balance of covered expenses incurred in that calendar year. Expenses incurred in a calendar year for, or in connection with, mental illness on an outpatient basis (e.g., visits to a psychiatrist) are reimbursed at the rate of (e.g., 50) ______ percent of actual expenses incurred to a maximum of (e.g., $40) _______ per visit.

C. The annual benefit maximum payable under our major medical plan for outpatient mental illness coverage is (e.g., $1,000) _________________ per person. The lifetime benefits maximum payable under our major medical plan for all covered services - with the exception of outpatient mental illness benefits - is unlimited.

D. The cost to provide basic surgical and major medical benefits for you and your eligible dependents is currently shared by you and __________________________ ________________ (Name of Company).

E. Benefits under this plan terminate on the date your employment with ______________________________________________ (Name of Company) terminates. (Please review _________________________________________'s

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(Name of Company) policy, set forth in this handbook, regarding continuing group health insurance benefits after termination of employment.)

F. For further details regarding basic surgical and major medical benefits coverage, consult the summary plan description booklet titled "You Basic Surgical and Major Medical Benefits" or contact the human resources department.


A. All full-time regular and part-time regular employees and their eligible dependents are eligible to participate in _________________________________ _____________'s (Name of Company) group dental insurance program. Coverage for eligible employees is effective on the first day of employment.

B. After a deductible of (e.g., $100) ___________ per individual (i.e., $300) _________ per family per calendar year is satisfied, our plan pays (e.g., 80) ______ percent of reasonable and customary charges for covered diagnostic and preventive services, including oral examinations, X rays, and cleaning and scaling of teeth and fillings, and (e.g., 50) ________ percent of reasonable and customary charges for covered major dental services, such as root canal therapy, crowns, bridges, and orthodontics.

C. The annual benefit maximum payable under our dental plan is (e.g., $1,000) ___________ per person.

D. The cost to provide dental benefits for you and your eligible dependents is currently shared by you and ____________________________________________ (Name of Company).

E. Benefits under this plan terminate on the date your employment with ______________________________________________ (Name of Company) terminates. (Please review ____________________________________________'s (Name of Company) policy, set forth in this handbook, regarding continuing group health insurance benefits after termination of employment.)

For further details regarding dental coverage, consult the summary plan description

booklet titled "Your Dental Insurance Benefits" or contact the human resources department. XXVIII. LIFE INSURANCE

A. All full-time regular employees are eligible to participate in ____________ _____________________________'s (Name of Company) life insurance program. Coverage under this program is available for employees only; dependent coverage is not available. Coverage for eligible employees is effective on the first day of employment.

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B. Under this program, you are covered by a life insurance benefit of twice your annual base salary. Additional coverage for the same amount is provided in the event of accidental death or dismemberment.

C. The cost to provide this benefit is currently paid completely by _________________________________________________ (Name of Company).

D. Life insurance benefits terminate on the date your employment with ______________________________________________ (Name of Company) terminates.

E. For further details regarding life insurance benefits, consult the summary plan description booklet titled "Your Life Insurance Benefits" or contact the human resources department.


A. __________________________________________ (Name of Company) provides all full-time regular employees with long-term disability insurance benefits. Coverage for eligible employees is effective in the first day of employment. B. Under this program, employees who are disabled for more than 180 days because of injury or sickness (in accordance with the definition of "disability" specified in our summary plan description booklet on long-term disability benefits and in our master insurance contract) are eligible to receive a benefit equivalent to 60 percent of their basic monthly earnings to a maximum benefit of (e.g., $5,000) _______________ per month (less other income benefits). Benefits continue for as long as your qualifying disability continues in accordance with the maximum benefits periods specified in our summary plan description booklet and in our master insurance contract.

C. The cost to provide long-term disability benefits is currently paid completely by _____________________________________________ (Name of Company).

D. Coverage under this plan normally terminates on the date your employment with _____________________________________________ (Name of Company) terminates. If, however, you are receiving long-term disability benefits at the time of your termination, these benefits continue for as long as your qualifying disability continues, as previously noted.

E. For further details regarding long-term disability coverage, consult the summary plan description booklet titled "You Long-Term Disability Benefits" or contact the human resources department.

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XXX. WORKERS' COMPENSATION INSURANCE A. To provide for payment of your medical expenses and for partial salary continuation in the event of a work-related accident or illness, you are covered by workers' compensation insurance. The amount of benefits payable and the duration of payment depend on the nature of your injury or illness. In general, however, all medical expenses incurred in connection with an injury or illness are paid in full, and partial salary payments are provided beginning with the fourth consecutive day of your absence from work.

B. If you are injured or become ill on the job, you must immediately report such injury or illness to your supervisor, the human resources department, or the medical department. This ensures that __________________________________________ ___________ (Name of Company) can assist you in obtaining appropriate medical treatment. Your failure to follow this procedure may result in the appropriate workers' compensation report not being filed in accordance with the law, which may consequently jeopardize your right to benefits in connection with the injury or illness.

C. Questions regarding workers' compensation should be directed to the human resources department.


COVERAGE A. If you resign or are terminated from ________________________________ _________________'s (Name of Company) employ or if your work hours are reduced, and if this event makes you or your dependents no longer eligible to participate in one of our group health insurance plans, you and your eligible dependents may have the right to continue to participate for up to eighteen months at your (or your dependents') expense. If your are determined to be disabled under the Social Security Act at the time your termination or reduction in hours occurs, you may be entitled to continuation coverage for up to twenty-nine months.

B. Your eligible dependents may also extend coverage, at their expense, for up to thirty-six months in our group health insurance plans in the event of your death, divorce, legal separation, or enrollment for Medicare benefits, or when a child ceases to be eligible for coverage as a dependent under the terms of the plan. The eighteen-month continuation coverage period provided in the event of your termination or reduction in working hours may be extended to thirty-six months for your spouse and dependent children if, within that eighteen-month period, you die or become divorced or legally separated, or if a child ceases to have dependent status. In addition, if you enroll in Medicare during the eighteen-month period, your spouse and dependent children may be entitled to extend their continuation period to thirty-six months, starting on the date that you become eligible for Medicare.

C. If you or your eligible dependents elect to continue as members of

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__________________________________________'s (Name of Company) plans, you will be charged the applicable premium charged _________________________ _____________________ (Name of Company) by our carriers plus an additional 2 percent. Employees with disabilities, however, will be charged an additional 50 percent of the applicable premium during the nineteenth through twenty-nine months of continuation coverage. The premium is subject to change if the rates being charged _______________________________________________ (Name of Company) increase or decrease. If this election for continuation coverage is made, you have the right to convert this coverage to an individual policy with our insurance carriers at the end of the continuation period.

D. Continuation coverage may end, however, if any of the following events occur: (1) failure to make timely payments of all premiums; (2) assumption of coverage under another group health plan, which does not exclude or limit coverage to you on account of a preexisting medical condition; or (3) ___________________________ __________________'s (Name of Company) termination of its group health plans. If you enroll for Medicare, you will no longer be eligible for continued coverage, but, as noted earlier in this statement, your spouse and dependent children may be entitled to extend their continuation coverage.

E. Our plan administrator will contact you concerning these options at the time termination occurs or your work hours are reduced. The plan administrator will contact your qualified beneficiaries in the event of your death or enrollment for Medicare benefits. However, in the event that you become divorced or legally separated, or one of your dependents ceases to be eligible for coverage under our group health insurance plans, you and/or your dependent are responsible for contacting the human resources department and the plan administrator to discuss continuation/conversion rights. You and your qualified beneficiaries are also responsible for notifying the human resources department within sixty days of qualifying for social security disability benefits.

F. For further details regarding continuing or converting your group health insurance benefits, please contact the human resources department.

XXXII. RETIREMENT PLAN A. ___________________________________________________ (Name of Company) has established a retirement program to assist you in your postemployment years. You are encouraged to begin planning for retirement early in your career so that _________________________________________________ (Name of Company) retirement benefits, benefits from the federal government's social security program, and income from your personal investments can grow together to provide future financial security.

B. Our retirement plan, which is funded solely by _________________________ ________________ (Name of Company) contributions, is designed to provide you

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with monthly benefits when you retire. The amount of benefits you receive when you retire depends on, among other things, your years of credited service with ________ __________________________________ (Name of Company) and your income.

C. You are eligible to become a member in our plan after you have completed one year of service and have attained the age of 21. You are fully vested in our plan after completing five years of credited service.

D. Once you are eligible to participate in the plan, you will receive a summary plan description booklet titled "Your Retirement Benefits," describing the plan in more detail.

E. Questions regarding our retirement plan should be directed to the human resources department.


A. __________________________________________________ (Name of Company) has established a 401(k) saving plan that is available to all regular employees who have completed a minimum of six months of employment. The purpose of the plan is to encourage eligible employees to save on a pretax basis and to build a financial reserve for retirement.

B. Under the plan, eligible employees may elect to have ___________________ _____________________________ (Name of Company) withhold between one percent and 15 percent of their gross compensation through payroll deductions (to a maximum of $7,000 per year adjusted by the IRS for inflation) and contribute that amount to the plan as a savings contribution. Employees may suspend their contributions at any time and may also increase or decrease the amount of their contributions as of the first day of any calendar quarter by completing a 401(k) contribution form, available from our human resources department. Withdrawals from the plan are permitted once an employee has attained age 59 1/2 or in the event of financial hardship as defined in the plan.

C. The money contributed by employees is held and invested by the plan's trustees. The value of each employee's account at retirement depends on a number of factors, such as how long an employee has been a member of the plan, how much the employee has contributed, and investment gains.

D. Once you are eligible to participate in the plan, you receive a summary plan description booklet titled "401(k) Savings Plan," describing the plan in more detail. E. Questions regarding our 401(k) plan should be directed to the human resources department.

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XXXIV. EDUCATIONAL ASSISTANCE PROGRAM A. _______________________________________________ (Name of Company) has established an educational program to help eligible employees develop their skills and upgrade their performance. All full-time regular employees who have completed a minimum of one year of service are eligible to participate in the program.

B. Under our program, educational assistance is provided for courses offered by approved institutions of learning, such as accredited colleges, universities, and secretarial and trade schools. Courses must be in the ______________________ ____________________________'s (Name of Company) opinion, directly or reasonably related to your present job or part of a degree program, or in line with a position that _________________________________________________ (Name of Company) believes you can reasonably achieve. Courses must not interfere with your job responsibilities and must be taken on your time.

C. Reimbursement covers actual costs of tuition and registration fees only and is limited to a maximum of six credits per semester for approved courses, based on the following schedule:

Grade Received Amount of Reimbursement

A 100% B 75 P (pass/fail courses) 75 C 50 Lower than C 0

D. Employees eligible for reimbursement from any other source (e.g., a government-sponsored program or scholarship) may seek assistance under our educational assistance program but are reimbursed only for the difference between the amount received from the other funding source and the actual course cost up to the maximum reimbursement allowable under this policy based on the grade received.

E. To be eligible for reimbursement, you must submit a tuition reimbursement form to your supervisor prior to the scheduled commencement of your course(s), receive written approval from your supervisor and the human resources department in advance, be actively employed by ______________________________________ ________________ (Name of Company) at the time of course completion, and receive a qualifying grade.

F. On completion of the course, you must submit to the human resources department an official transcript from the school, indicating the grade received, and a bursar's receipt or other proof of payment.

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G. Tuition reimbursement forms are available in the human resources department.


A. Discretion in style of dress and behavior is essential to the efficient operation of _________________________________________________ (Name of Company). Employees are, therefore, required to dress in appropriate business attire and to behave in a professional, businesslike manner. Please use good judgment in your choice of work clothes and remember to conduct yourself at all times in a way that best represents you and _______________________________ ________________ (Name of Company).

B. Employees are also required to keep their work environment clean and orderly. Before departing at the end of their workday, employees should lock all files and cabinets and clear all work materials from desk surfaces, especially materials of a sensitive or confidential nature.

C. Employees failing to adhere to proper _______________________________ ___________________ (Name of Company) standards with respect to appearance and demeanor are subject to disciplinary action.


A. ____________________________________________ (Name of Company) expects all employees to assume diligent responsibility for their attendance and promptness. Recognizing, however, that illnesses and injuries may occur, ________ ___________________________________ (Name of Company) has established sick leave, salary continuation, and long-term disability benefits plans to compensate full-time regular and part-time regular employees for certain time lost for legitimate medical reasons, including time off to secure necessary treatment for a disability. (Please consult the appropriate sections of this handbook for information regarding these benefits.)

B. If you are unable to work because of illness, you must notify your supervisor or department head by 9:00 A.M. on each day of your absence unless you are granted an authorized medical leave, in which case different notification procedures apply. (See the family and medical leaves of absence policy earlier in this handbook.) Failure to properly notify _____________________________________ ______________ (Name of Company) results in an unexcused absence.

C. If you are absent for more than five consecutive workdays, a statement from your physician is required before you will be permitted to return to work. In such instances, ___________________________________________________ (Name of Company) also reserves the right to require you to submit to an examination by a physician designated by _______________________________________________

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(Name of Company) at its discretion. In addition, ___________________________ ___________________________ (Name of Company) may require you either to submit a statement from your physician or to be examined by a company-designated physician in other instances at its discretion, such as where abuse is suspected (e.g., where an employee's record indicates a pattern of short absences and/or frequent absences before or after holidays and weekends).

D. Absenteeism or tardiness that is unexcused or excessive in the judgment of ____________________________________________________ (Name of Company) is grounds for disciplinary action, up to and including dismissal.


A. As an integral member of the ______________________________________ ______________ (Name of Company) team, you are expected to accept certain responsibilities, adhere to acceptable business principles in matters of personal conduct, and exhibit a high degree of personal integrity at all times. This not only involves sincere respect for the rights and feelings of others but also demands that both in your business and your personal life you refrain from any behavior that might be harmful to you, your coworkers, and/or _________________________________ ________________ (Name of Company), or that might be viewed unfavorably by current or potential customers or by the public at large.

B. Whether you are on or off duty, your conduct reflects on ________________

_____________________________ (Name of Company). You are, consequently, encouraged to observe the highest standards of professionalism at all times.

C. Types of behavior and conduct that _________________________________

____________________ (Name of Company) considers inappropriate include, but are not limited to, the following:

1. Falsifying employment or other _______________________________

___________ (Name of Company) records 2. Violating _______________________________________________’s

(Name of Company) nondiscrimination and/or sexual harassment policy

3. Soliciting or accepting gratuities from customers or clients 4. Establishing a pattern of excessive absenteeism or tardiness 5. Engaging in excessive, unnecessary, or unauthorized use of

________________________________________________'s (Name of Company) supplies, particularly for personal purposes

6. Reporting to work intoxicated or under the influence of non-prescribed drugs.

7. Illegally manufacturing, possessing, using, selling, distributing, or transporting drugs.

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8. Bringing or using alcoholic beverages on _______________________ _______________________ (Name of Company) property or using alcoholic beverages while engaged in __________________________ ____________________ (Name of Company) business off _______ ___________________________________'s (Name of Company) premises, except where authorized

9. Fighting or using obscene, abusive, or threatening language or gestures

10. Stealing property from coworkers, customers, or clients or ______________________________________________________ (Name of Company)

11. Having unauthorized firearms on _____________________________ ______________________________ (Name of Company) premises or while on _______________________________________________ (Name of Company) business

12. Disregarding safety or security regulations 13. Engaging in insubordination 14. Failing to maintain confidentiality of ___________________________

_______________________ (Name of Company), customer, or client information

D. If your performance, work habits, overall attitude, conduct, or demeanor becomes unsatisfactory in the judgment of ______________________________ _______________________ (Name of Company), based on violations either of the above or any other ______________________________________________ (Name of Company) policies, rules, or regulations, you will be subject to disciplinary action, up to and including dismissal.


A. Misunderstandings or conflicts can arise in any organization. To ensure effective working relations, it is important that such matters be resolved before serious problems develop. Most incidents resolve themselves naturally; however, if a situation persists that you believe is detrimental to you or ___________________ ______________________________ (Name of Company), you should follow the procedure described here for bringing your complaint to the management's attention.

Step One Discussing the problem with your immediate supervisor is encouraged as a first step. If however, you do not believe a discussion with your supervisor is appropriate, you may proceed directly to Step Two.

Step Two If your problem is not resolved after discussion with your supervisor or if you feel discussion with your supervisor is inappropriate, you are encouraged to request a

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meeting with your department head. In an effort to resolve the problem, your department head will consider the facts, conduct an investigation, and may also review the matter with a member of our human resources department. You will normally receive a response regarding your problem within five working days of meeting with your department head.

Step Three If you are not satisfied with your department head's decision and wish to pursue the problem or complaint further, you may prepare a written summary of your concerns and request that the matter be reviewed by an ______________________________ ______________________ (Name of Company) problem-solving committee. This committee is composed of the head of the human resources department, the head of your division, and a third member of senior management from outside your division to be selected by the other two committee members.

The committee, after a full examination of the facts (which may include a review of the written summary of your statement, discussions with all individuals concerned, and a further investigation if necessary), will normally advise you of its decision within fifteen working days. The decision of the committee shall be final.

_____________________________________________________ (Name of

Company) does not tolerate any form of retaliation against employees availing themselves of this procedure. The procedure should not be construed, as preventing, limiting, or delaying ________________________________________________ (Name of Company) from taking disciplinary action against any individual, up to and including termination, in circumstances (such those involving problems of overall performance, conduct, attitude, or demeanor) where ____________________________________________________ (Name of Company) deems disciplinary action appropriate. XXXIX. CONFIDENTIALITY OF INFORMATION

A. It is the policy of ________________________________________________ (Name of Company) to ensure that the operations, activities, and affairs of ________________________________________________ (Name of Company) and our clients are kept confidential to the greatest possible extent. If, during their employment, employees acquire confidential or proprietary information about _______________________________________________ (Name of Company) and its clients, such information is to be handled in strict confidence and not to be discussed with outsiders. Employees are also responsible for the internal security of such information.

B. In addition, employees are prohibited from engaging in securities transactions on the basis of information not available to the general public and which, if known to outsiders, might affect their investment decisions. The dissemination of such information to others who might make use of that knowledge to trade in securities is

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also prohibited.

C. Employees will be asked to sign a statement of confidentiality at the time of hire and periodically throughout their term of employment to acknowledge their awareness of, and reaffirm their commitment to, this policy.

D. Employees found to be violating this policy are subject to disciplinary action, up to and including termination, and may also be subject to civil and/or criminal penalties for violations of, among other things, applicable securities laws.


A. To safeguard the property of our employees, our customers, and _____________________________________________ (Name of Company), and to help prevent the possession, sale, and use of illegal drugs on _______________ ____________________________'s (Name of Company) premises, in keeping with the spirit and intent of ________________________________________________'s (Name of Company) drug-free workplace policy, ____________________________ _________________________ (Name of Company) reserves the right to question employees and all other persons entering and leaving our premises, and to inspect any packages, parcels, purses, handbags, briefcases, lunch boxes, or any other possessions or articles carried to and from ________________________________ _______________'s (Name of Company) property. In addition, ________________ _____________________________________ (Name of Company) reserves the right to search any employee's office, desk, files, locker, or any other area or article on our premises. In this connection, it should be noted that all offices, desks, files, lockers, and so forth, are the property of __________________________________ ___________________ (Name of Company), and are issued for the use of employees only during their employment with ______________________________ ________________________ (Name of Company). Inspections may be conducted at any time at the discretion of __________________________________________ ________ (Name of Company).

B. In conjunction with the implementing of this policy, _____________________ ________________________________ (Name of Company) has posted notices in conspicuous places throughout our facilities informing all employees, prospective employees, customers, visitors, and all other persons of _____________________ _______________________'s (Name of Company) policy and right to question individuals and conduct inspections.

C. Persons entering the premises who refuse to cooperate in an inspection conducted pursuant to this policy will not be permitted to enter the premises. Employees working on or entering or leaving the premises who refuse to cooperate in an inspections as well as employees who after the inspection are believed to be in possession of stolen property or illegal drugs, will be sent immediately to the human

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resources department and will be subject to disciplinary action up to and including discharge if on investigation they are found to be in violation of ________________ _____________________________'s (Name of Company) security procedures or any other ____________________________________________________ (Name of Company) rules and regulations.


A. All electronic and telephonic communications systems and all communications and information transmitted by, received from, or stored in these systems are the property of ____________________________________________________ (Name of Company) and as such are to be used solely for job-related purposes. The use of any software and business equipment, including, but not limited to facsimiles, telecopiers, computers, and copy machines for private purposes, is strictly prohibited. B. Employees using this equipment for personal purposes do so at their own risk. Further, employees are not permitted to use a code, access a file or retrieve any stored communication unless authorized to do so or unless they have received prior clearance from an authorized ___________________________________________ ______________ (Name of Company) representative. All pass codes are the property of ________________________________________________ (Name of Company). No employee may use a pass code that has not been issued to that employee or that is unknown to _________________________________________ ______________ (Name of Company). Employees who violate this policy are subject to disciplinary action, up to and including discharge.

C. To ensure that the use of electronic and telephonic communications systems and business equipment is consistent with ________________________________ __________________'s (Name of Company) legitimate business interests, authorized representatives of ___________________________________________ _____________ (Name of Company) may monitor the use of such equipment from time to time.

D. As a condition of employment and continued employment, employees are required to sign an E-mail acknowledgment form. Applicants are required to sign this form on acceptance of an employment offer by _____________________________ ______________________ (Name of Company).


A. In the interest of maintaining a proper business environment and preventing interference with work and inconvenience to others, employees may not distribute literature or printed materials of any kind, sell merchandise, solicit financial contributions, or solicit for any other cause during working time. Employees who are not on working time (e.g., those on lunch hour or breaks) may not solicit employees who are on working time for any cause or distribute literature of any kind to them.

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Furthermore, employees may not distribute literature or printed material of any kind in working areas at any time.

B. Nonemployees are likewise prohibited from distributing material or soliciting employees on ____________________________________________________ (Name of Company) premises at any time.


A. To maintain an effective avenue for communicating with our employees, _______________________________________________ (Name of Company) maintains bulletin boards. Bulletin boards are located throughout our facilities in areas that employees frequently visit in order to ensure that employees have constant access to posted information. __________________________________ ____________________'s (Name of Company) bulletin boards are uniform in size, glass enclosed, and locked for security and cleanliness purposes.

B. ______________________________________________'s (Name of Company) bulletin boards are used to communicate official government information on equal employment opportunity, wage and hour, health and safety, and other issues. They are also used to communicate information about ______________________________________________'s (Name of Company) policy and its business announcements, including, but not limited to, job postings, safety rules, health items benefit programs, and notices announcing special events, such as ____________________________________________'s (Name of Company) annual blood donor drive.

C. Employees may not post, tape, tack, or affix in any way any form of literature, printed or written materials, photographs, or notices of any kind on _____________ ______________________________________'s (Name of Company) bulletin boards or their glass coverings, on the walls, in time clock areas, or anywhere else on ________________________________________________ (Name of Company) property. Violation of this policy shall be grounds for disciplinary action, up to and including discharge.

D. __________________________________________________'s (Name of Company) bulletin boards may not be used by employees or outside parties for the posting of commercial notes and advertisements, announcements and witticisms, sales of personal property, or any other matters, work related or not. Employees and outside parties are also prohibited from distributing literature and soliciting other employees except as stated in _________________________________________ ___________'s (Name of Company) solicitation and distribution of literature policy. (Please see this policy, set forth in this handbook, for details.)

E. The human resources department maintains keys for all bulletin boards. All

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posting are performed by members of the human resources department, who are responsible for keeping _______________________________________________'s (Name of Company) bulletin boards up-to-date and attractive.


A. In an effort to increase employee morale, improve work quality, efficiency, productivity, and quality of work life in general, and to improve and facilitate communications with employees, it is the policy of ___________________________ ___________________________ (Name of Company) to solicit the ideas, suggestions, views, and concerns of employees, by providing employees with the opportunity to speak out at regular employee meetings.

B. All ________________________________________________ (Name of Company) employees are encouraged to present their ideas, suggestions, views, and concerns to management at these meetings. Management will also use these sessions as a forum for communicating information to employees about manufacturing, distribution and sales activities, operational plans, the overall financial status of _________________________________________________ (Name of Company), as so forth.

C. Topics appropriate for discussion at these sessions generally include matters involving workplace efficiency, quality, productivity, operational problems, safety issues, general working conditions, and other managerial issues. These meetings are not a forum for discussing grievances or labor disputes. These issues should be handled through __________________________________________________'s (Name of Company) complaint resolution procedure. In addition, certain topics (e.g., wages and work hours) should not be raised at such sessions. Employees can address these issues in individual discussions with their supervisor with a member of ________________________________________________'s (Name of Company) human resources department.

D. Employees attending a session may ask questions, express their views, and make suggestions in their individual capacities. Employees may not represent other employees at these sessions.

E. To maximize the benefit of each session, attendance will be limited to two employees per department. Attendance is purely voluntary and will be on a rotational basis. No employee will be coerced to attend any of these sessions or retaliated against for refusing to participate. Employees will be compensated at their normal rate of pay for the time spent participating in a session.

F. A summary of the items discussed and issues raised at each session will be prepared by one of the human resources management representatives attending the session. Copies of these summaries will be posted on ______________________

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________________________________'s (Name of Company) bulletin boards and used as a basis for discussions at future meetings. Copies of the summaries will also be forwarded to appropriate divisional and corporate executives for review and comment on the issues raised during the session. Management may take action on the basis of these issues as it deems appropriate.


A. It is the policy of ________________________________________________ (Name of Company) to create a drug-free workplace in keeping with the spirit and intent of the Drug-Free Workplace Act of 1988. The use of controlled substances is inconsistent with the behavior expected of employees, subjects all employees and visitors to our facilities to unacceptable safety risks, and undermines ___________ _________________________________'s (Name of Company) ability to operate effectively and efficiently. In this connection, the unlawful manufacture, distribution, dispensation, possession, sale, or use of a controlled substance in the workplace or while engaged in ______________________________________________ (Name of Company) business off ____________________________________________'s (Name of Company) premises is strictly prohibited. Such conduct is also prohibited during nonworking time to the extent that in the opinion of ____________________ _________________________________, (Name of Company) it impairs an employee's ability to perform on the job or threatens the reputation or integrity of ________________________________________________ (Name of Company).

B. To educate employees on the dangers of drug abuse, ___________________ ____________________________ (Name of Company) has established a drug-free awareness program. Periodically, employees will be required to attend training sessions at which the dangers of drug abuse, _____________________________ ____________________'s (Name of Company) policy regarding drugs, the availability of counseling, and __________________________________________'s (Name of Company) employee assistance program will be discussed. Employees convicted of controlled-substance-related violations in the workplace, including pleas of nolo contendere (i.e., no contest), must inform ____________________________ ___________________ (Name of Company) within five days of such conviction or plea. Employees who violate any aspect of this policy may be subject to disciplinary action up to and including termination. At its discretion, _______________________ _________________________ (Name of Company) may require employees who violate this policy to successfully complete a drug abuse assistance or rehabilitation program as a condition of continued employment.


A. __________________________________________ (Name of Company) Company is concerned about the increased violence in society, which has also filtered into many workplaces throughout the United States, and has taken steps to help prevent incidents of violence from occurring at __________________________

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_____________________ (Name of Company). In this connection, it is the policy of ________________________________________________________ (Name of Company) to expressly prohibit any acts or threats of violence by any ___________ ____________________________________ (Name of Company) employee or former employee against any other employee in or about ____________________ __________________________'s (Name of Company) facilities or elsewhere at any time. _______________________________________________ (Name of Company) also will not condone any acts or threats of violence against _________ ___________________________________'s (Name of Company) employees, customers, or visitors on ______________________________________________'s (Name of Company) premises at any time or while they are engaged in business with or on behalf of ___________________________________________________ (Name of Company), on or off _________________________________________ _________________'s (Name of Company) premises.

B. In keeping with the spirit and intent of this policy, and to ensure __________ ______________________________________'s (Name of Company) objectives in this regard are attained, ________________________________________________ (Name of Company) is committed to the following:

1. To provide a safe and healthful work environment, in accordance with ___________________________________________'s (Name of Company) safety and health policy.

2. To take prompt remedial action up to and including immediate termination, against any employee who engages in any threatening behavior or acts of violence or who uses any obscene, abusive, or threatening language or gestures.

3. To take appropriate action when dealing with customers, former employees, or visitors to _______________________________________'s (Name of Company) facilities who engage in such behavior. Such action may include notifying the police or other law enforcement personnel and prosecuting violators of this policy to the maximum extent of the law.

4. To prohibit employees, former employees, customers, and visitors from bringing unauthorized firearms or other weapons onto _________________ ________________________'s (Name of Company) premises.

5. To establish viable security measures to ensure that _____________ ________________________________'s (Name of Company) facilities are safe and secure to the maximum extent possible and to properly handle access to company facilities by the public, off-duty employees, and former employees.

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C. In furtherance of this policy, employees have a "duty to warn" their supervisors, security personnel, or human resource representatives of any suspicious workplace activity or situations or incidents that they observe or that they are aware of and involve other employees, former employees, customers, or visitors that appear problematic. This includes, for example, threats or acts of violence, aggressive behavior, offensive acts, threatening or offensive comments or remarks, and the like. Employee reports made pursuant to this policy will be held in confidence to the maximum possible extent. _______________________________ ______________ (Name of Company) will not condone any form of retaliation against any employee for making a report under this policy. ___________________ _____________________________ (Name of Company) has also established a telephone "hot line" that employees may use to call in anonymous reports if they desire. The hot line number to call is posted conspicuously in all company facilities.


A. Employees desiring to terminate their employment relationship with ________ ____________________________________ (Name of Company) are urged to notify _______________________________________________ (Name of Company) at least two weeks in advance of their intended termination. Such notice should preferably be given in writing to your supervisor and department head. Proper notice generally allows ___________________________________________ (Name of Company) sufficient time to calculate all accrued overtime (if applicable) as well as other monies to which you may be entitled and to include such monies in your final paycheck. Without proper notice, however, you may have to wait until after the end of the next normal pay period to receive such payments.

B. Employees who plan to retire are urged to provide _____________________ __________________________ (Name of Company) with a minimum of two months' notice. This will allow ample time for the processing of appropriate pension forms to ensure that any retirement benefits to which an employee may be entitled commence in a timely manner.

C. As mentioned elsewhere in this handbook, all employment relationships with ___________________________________________ (Name of Company) are on an at-will basis. Thus, although _________________________________ _____________ (Name of Company) hopes that our relationships with employees are long term and mutually rewarding, _________________________ ___________________________ (Name of Company) reserves the right to terminate the employment relationship at any time. D. Exit interviews with the human resources department are normally scheduled for outgoing employees after a supervisor receives notice of resignation or intent to

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retire and for employees whose termination is initiated by ____________________ _______________________ (Name of Company). The purposes of these interviews are to review eligibility for benefit continuation and conversion, to ensure that all necessary forms are completed, to collect all _________________________ ____________________ (Name of Company) property that may be in the employee's possession (e.g., ___________________________________ (Name of Company) credit cards and keys), and to provide employees with an opportunity to discuss their job-related experiences.

XLVIII. E-Mail Employee Acknowledgment Form

A. I understand that all electronic communication systems and all information transmitted by, received from, or stored in these systems are the property of ___________ ___________________________________ (Name of Company). I also understand that these systems are to be used solely for job-related purposes and not for personal purposes, and that I have no expectation of privacy in connection with the use of this equipment or with the transmission, receipt, or storage of information in this equipment.

B. I agree not to use a code, access a file, or retrieve any stored communication unless authorized. I acknowledge and consent to ________________________________ ____________________ (Name of Company) monitoring my use of this equipment at any time at its discretion. Such monitoring may include printing up and reading all E-mail entering, leaving, or stored in these systems. ___________________________________ ________________________ ___________________________________ Date Employee's Printed Name and Signature


I understand that the information in ___________________________________ _______________'s (Name of Company) handbook represents guidelines only and that the Company reserves the right to modify this handbook or amend or terminate any policies, procedures, or employee benefit programs whether or not described in this handbook at any time, or to require and/or increase contributions toward these benefit programs.

I understand that this handbook is not a contract of employment, express or implied, between me and ___________________________________________ (Name of Company) and that I should not view it as such, or as a guarantee of employment for any specific duration.

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I further understand that no manager or representative of __________________ ____________________________, (Name of Company) other than the (e.g., President), has any authority to enter into any agreement guaranteeing employment for any specified period of time. I also understand that any such agreement, if made, shall not be enforceable unless it is in a formal written agreement signed by both me and the (e.g., President). ___________________________________ ________________________ ___________________________________ Date Employee's Printed Name and Signature

The undersigned _____________________________________________ (name of

office in company) hereby certifies that he delivered this Handbook to ___________

______________________________ (Name of Employee) on this ________________

_______________ (date), and did witness the signature of

____________________________________________ (Name of Employee) in the two

places shown above.

______________________________________ ______________________ ______________________________________ Date Officer’s Printed Name and Signature

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