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A Photo EssayA Photo EssayMy Summative

By : Sze ChingMy Summative

By : Sze Ching

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Actions can support or deny access to rights and


Central Idea

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Deconstructing the Central Idea

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The Central Idea in my own words

Actions we do can increase or decrease rights and opportunities that we have.

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You have the right to have a good quality education.

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Good Quality Education

This image show the right of getting a good quality education

This image shows the opportunities that people don’t have in other countries (Such as the people in Tanzania don’t have a good education)

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You have the right to play

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Playing & RestingThis image show the right of children getting to play and rest

In this image these children have the opportunity of playing and resting

This image also can represent how children in other countries are in child labour (such as Iqbal in Pakistan)


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You have the right to be respected no matter what your skin color is.

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In this image it shows the right of being appreciate no matter what your skin color is

This image also show that people in different countries have been criticized by their skin color

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You have the right to have a shelter

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This image show the right that children should have a shelter

This image shows that people around the world don’t have the right to have a shelter.

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Proving the Central Idea

Examples :

Beijing government rolling over studentsStudent in Beijing decided to speak out to the government what conditions the government are giving to Beijing. Because of this, the government got really mad and used tanks to crush the students, killing them. In this situation the student’s action denied their right of being alive. Continue

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St. Jude (In Tanzania, Africa)In Tanzania lots of children don’t have the right to have a good quality education, Kim has noticed this case and decided to build a school with good quality education in Tanzania, Africa. This school is just like our school, it has libraries, science labs, sporting areas, music rooms, and access to learning different languages, plus it is FREE ! The people in this school have now the opportunity of getting a good job when they grow up, this also gives them back the right of having good quality education. In this situation, Kim’s action has supported the rights and the opportunities of children in Tanzania, Africa.

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Erick and the chocolate factory The organization ILO has noticed people working in the chocolate factory for several years. The organization has chosen to free Erick, this is because it is not that easy to make chocolate child labour free (check my blog for further info). Now Erick is back at school and living with the human basic needs. In this situation, organization ILO’s action has supported Erick’s opportunities and rights, his opportunity is that he can get a good job when he is older, the ILO also gave back the right of getting education.

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Care in NeedWhen Annie Wignall was a little girl, she was told that countries around the world have children without the basic needs, Annie didn’t forget this, so when she was a grown up she decided to take action and create a organization called ‘Care in Need’. In this situation Annie’s action has supported children around the world with opportunities.

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Iqbal Iqbal Masih from Pakistan works in child labour, he works in a carpet factory. One day Iqbal got help from a organization, because of Iqbal’s action the children who worked in carpet factory are now all free and have a opportunity to get a education. The kids also get lots of there rights back. In this situation Iqbal’s action supported the children’s rights and opportunities. Because of this action, Iqbal got murdered, the action that Iqbal took denied his right to be alive.

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According to the examples seen, I come to a conclusion that I agree with the central idea for our STP unit ‘ Actions can support

or deny access to rights and opportunities’ because the examples seen follows the central idea. The person’s action either supported or denied someone’s right or


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Racism image by Megan Lee

Alisa, Virginia, Patricia, and me in images of rights

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