  • 7/31/2019 Plagiaristic team from Harvard and MIT is stealing big-timely!


    There are admitted two important plagiarizing methods:1. using synonyms for the words/terms of the copied text and

    rephrasing of its peaces;

    2. application of so-called "logical copying": from the art

    (graphs, tables, and figures) to text, and reversely;

    transforming the ideas/methods to analogous

    elements/devices; and changing/distorting proportion of the

    text's parts for manipulation of the copied percentage.

    For convenience of our analysis the article "Macroporous nanowirenanoelectronic scaffolds for synthetic tissues", further named as "OBJECT", is

    divided in equal parts according to their by content/information (see

    attachment): Introduction/Problem (plum), Method/Technology (sea foam),

  • 7/31/2019 Plagiaristic team from Harvard and MIT is stealing big-timely!



  • 7/31/2019 Plagiaristic team from Harvard and MIT is stealing big-timely!


  • 7/31/2019 Plagiaristic team from Harvard and MIT is stealing big-timely!


  • 7/31/2019 Plagiaristic team from Harvard and MIT is stealing big-timely!


  • 7/31/2019 Plagiaristic team from Harvard and MIT is stealing big-timely!


  • 7/31/2019 Plagiaristic team from Harvard and MIT is stealing big-timely!


  • 7/31/2019 Plagiaristic team from Harvard and MIT is stealing big-timely!


  • 7/31/2019 Plagiaristic team from Harvard and MIT is stealing big-timely!


  • 7/31/2019 Plagiaristic team from Harvard and MIT is stealing big-timely!


    Table I. The similar fragments in two articles: Macroporous nanowire nanoelectronic scaolds for synthetic tissues (Object) and ACNTFET-based nanowired induction two-way transducers with its references (Original).

    bjectOriginal Reference

    N, page fragment

    1, 1 title- Macroporous nanowire nanoelectronic scafoldsor synthetic tissues nanoelectronic "integrating

    nanoelectronics throughout biomaterials and synthetic tissues in threedimensions using macroporous

    nanoelectronic scaffolds. We use silicon nanowire field-effect transistor

    (FET)- based nanoelectronic biomaterials, given their capability for

    recording both extracellular and intracellular signals"

    title- A CNTFET-based nanowiredinduction two-way transducers

    Application of the exible pickup coils in connectionwith OFETs for distribution e-textile sensors in an arrayThe implantable and non-invasive variants of the deviceare dened by the type of contacting pickup coils (PCs)and/or SuFET channel(s) with nerve impulses and/orsynaptic currents (see Table).

    [main], p. 1

    [29], p. 1

    [14], p. 4-5[15], p. 2

    where:macroporous scafolds- array;

    synthetic tissues nanoelectronic-nanoelectronic biomaterials- nanowire eld-efect transistor (FET)- based

    2, 1 Key points that must be addressed to achieve [3D integration ofelectronics with biomaterials and synthetic tissues] include: the

    electronic structures must be macroporous, not planar, to enable 3Dinterpenetration with biomaterials; the electronic network should have

    nanometre to micrometre scale features comparable to biomaterial

    scaffolds; and the electronic network must have 3D interconnectivity and

    mechanical properties similar to biomaterials.

    A further step should be the synthesis of the said twomethods in order to develop the internal (implantable)

    nano-bio-interface arrays. This means wrapping ofmolecular nanowired PCs around the axons of a nervebre or synapses of neurons in order to obtain thenatural biosignals from the nervous system and brain.This leads to sensing access across a vast range ofspatial and temporal scales, including the ability toread neural signals from a select subset of single neuralcells in vivo.

    [main], p. 2

    3, 2 The described SuFETTrs designed on the basis oforganic and nano-SuFETs are suitable for describing thewide range of the biosignals' dynamical parameters (see

    Table 1).

    [main], p. 6, 7
  • 7/31/2019 Plagiaristic team from Harvard and MIT is stealing big-timely!


    The nanoES were designed to mimic ECM structures, and specifically, to

    be 3D, to have nanometre to micrometre features.

    Figure 7In Table 3, the geometrical dimensions from a point tovolume ranges are transformed to the mathematicalterms.

    4, 1 Here we introduce a conceptually new approach that meets thischallenge by integrating nanoelectronics throughout biomaterials and

    synthetic tissues in three dimensions using macroporous nanoelectronic


    An organic eld effect transistor (OFET) characterizedby textile process fully compatible size and geometry.As a result, this yarn is very exible and can beemployed, twisted to a cotton ber, in textile processes.The designed sensors are arranged in a space and timearrays for investigation of the biostructures of thedifferent level of precision. The geometrical dimensionsfrom a point to volume ranges are transformed to themathematical terms. This correspondence is establishedby composing the head sensors into the variousgradiometry schemes, from a simple planar to the 2dvector enclosing [3].

    [29], p. 1

    5, 1 We use silicon nanowire field-effect transistor (FET)-basednanoelectronic biomaterials, given their capability for recording both

    extracellular and intracellular signals with subcellular resolution.

    the advances in nanotechnology are opening the way toachieving direct electrical contact of nanoelectronicstructures with electrically and electrochemically active

    neurocellular structures. The transmission of thesensors signals to a processing unit has beenmaintaining by an EM transistor/memristor (externally)and superconducting transducer of ionic currents(implantable). The arrays of the advanced sensors giveus information about the space anddirection dynamics of the signals spreading.

    [main], p. 6

    6, 1 FET detectors respond to variations in potential at the surface of thetransistor channel region, and they are typically called active detectors.

    Application of the SuFETs modications such asCMOSuFET (low Tc) and coplanar SuFET (high Tc)broadens the range of requirements which are beingsatised by the SuFETTr [the superconducting

    transducers (SuFETTrs) of biosignals (BSs) into differentquantities (electrical and biochemical)]. Moreover, anorganic superconductivity of carbon molecules, knownas bucky balls, which can act as superconductors atrelatively warm temperatures, raises hopes for loss-freeorganic electronics and their practical applications inbiosensors, including organic ones.

    [14], p. 5

    7, 1 carbon nanotube/nanofibre-based passive detectors are not consideredin our work because ... difficult to reduce the size of individual electrodes

    Since the proposed variety of bio-nano-sensors arepassive, they do not affect the functions of the organs

    [main], p. 8
  • 7/31/2019 Plagiaristic team from Harvard and MIT is stealing big-timely!


    to the subcellular level, a size regime necessary to achieve a non-invasive

    3D interface of electronics with cells in tissue.

    and their interaction.

    8, 1 The development of three-dimensional (3D) synthetic biomaterials asstructural and bioactive scaffolds is central to fields ranging from cellular

    biophysics to regenerative medicine.

    f) the combination of biocompatibility and tissueequivalence in both the diamond and protein-based(organic) FETs makes them naturally t forimplantation.b) lost or damaged organs of the senses could besubstituted or complemented by similarly operating

    human, animal, etc. organs. Its output biosignals maybe picked up by the transducer and injected into nervebres of the recipient after reverse changing;c) substitution of inoperative control or motor nervecenters by control biosignals simulation andtransducing them to living organs as discussed above.

    [15], p. 4

    [15], p. 5

    9, 1 Here, we [electrically probe the physicochemical and biologicalmicroenvironments throughout their 3D and macroporous interior] using

    macroporous, flexible and free-standing nanowire nanoelectronic

    scaffolds (nanoES), and their hybrids with synthetic or natural


    the sizes of nanoFETs and nanoPCs are in the sameorder as the transmitting substances of NSs, such asaxons and neurons. Secondly, the crossed-nanowireFET or textile arrays are, in itself, multiinput. Theremaining part of FET devices are applicable for serial

    connection to the said mediums.

    [43], p. 1-2

    10, 1 3D macroporous nanoES mimic the structure of natural tissue scaffolds,and they were formed by self-organization of coplanar reticular networks

    with built-in strain and by manipulation of 2D mesh matrices.

    An organic FET (OFET) is characterized by textileprocess fully compatible size and geometry. Thistransistor has shown very interesting performances,with typical values of the electronic parameters verysimilar to those of planar devices.3D transistor structures such as multiple-gate FETs havebeen proposed and extensively studied as a promisingsolution to overcome the scaling limitations of planarbulk devices.

    [main], p. 3

    11, 1 NanoES exhibited robust electronic properties and have been used aloneor combined with other biomaterials as biocompatible extracellularscaffolds for 3D culture of neurons, cardiomyocytes and smooth muscle


    EC/PC Based on Smart TextilesHence the mechanical stability of the smart textiles issufcient for implantation of the planar structures (Fig.).Since the developed system allow the micro- andnanoscopic of room and tissue temperature samples,such testing will be of practical use for clinicaldiagnostic.

    [42], p. 2

    12, 1 we show the integrated sensory capability of the nanoES by real-timemonitoring of the local electrical activity within 3D

    When SuFET channel(s) of are implanted into the tissueor process we can aquire more precize data about the

    [14], p. 11
  • 7/31/2019 Plagiaristic team from Harvard and MIT is stealing big-timely!


    nanoES/cardiomyocyte constructs, the response of 3D-nanoES-based

    neural and cardiac tissue models to drugs, and distinct pH changes inside

    and outside tubular vascular smooth muscle constructs.

    frequency distribution of NIs, volume distribution ofionized molecules and detecting activity of individualnucleoteds.The implantable and non-invasive variants of the deviceare dened by the type of contacting PCs and/or SuFETchannel(s) with nerve impulses and/or synaptic currents(see Table).Table. The different arrangements of the transduceraccording to the detecting quantity.

    Chemical SuFETTr converts the changes in pH throughQ of the channel also into output signal Vout. In thescale of Q from 10 to 400 nS a pH (2 to 10) istransformed into variations of Vout from 0 to 1V (Fig.26).

    [15], p. 2

    [14], p. 11

    13, 2 The sensor network is flexible, macroporous and 3D. As a result, nanoESare suitable for 3D cell cultures that are known to resemble the

    structure, function or physiology of living tissues.

    Table 1: Dependence of the received BS parameters onthe mode of SuFETTrs functioning.

    The described interfaces designed on the basis ofSuFETTr are suitable for investigating both the structureof organic objects and their comparing analysis:

    [14], p. 11[main],p. 6[19], p. 839etc.

    [main], p. 7

  • 7/31/2019 Plagiaristic team from Harvard and MIT is stealing big-timely!


    14, 5 The potential of the nanoES-based 3D cardiac culture to monitorappropriate pharmacological response was investigated by dosing ... a

    drug that stimulates cardiac contraction... Measurements from the same

    nanowire FET device showed a twofold increase in the contraction

    frequency ...

    Figure 1: Diagnostics of the biomedium with thenecessary drugs delivering.

    [main], p. 3[19], p. 840-841

    15, 5 Simultaneous recordings from four nanowire FETs ... demonstratedmultiplexed sensing ...

    Figure 25. Schem atic of SuFETTr in the parallel


    [14], p. 10[19], p. 838etc.

    16, 6-8 Increases in nanowire FET density, the use of cross-bar circuits andimplementing multiplexing/demultiplexing for addressing could allow the

    nanoES scaffolds to map cardiac and other synthetic tissue electrical

    activities over the entire constructs at high density in three dimensions.

    Primary sensors use ux transformers located in acloseproximity to the scalp or chest surface, where theycouple to the brains or hearts MFs, respectively.The importance of being able to address nanoscaleelements in arrays goes beyond the area ofnanocomputing and will be critical to the realization ofother integrated nanosystems such aschemical/biological sensors. A regular crossed-NW FETarray that consists of n-input Iin and moutput UoutNWs, in which outputs are the active channelsof FETs and the inputs function as gate electrodes thatturn these output lines on and off.

    [main], p. 5[47][19], p. 838etc.

    17, 8 The nanoES concept and implementations described here represent anew direction in merging nanoelectronics with biological systems because

    we have demonstrated a 3D macroporous material/ device platform ...

    Application variety of the novel superconducting,organic, and CNTFETs allows us to design transducersof biosignals (nerve, biochemical, etc.) that transducethem into different quantities, including electricvoltage, density of chemical and biomolecules.The designed sensors are arranged in a space and timearrays for investigation of the biostructures of the

    [main], p. 6[main], p. 7[19], p. 839

  • 7/31/2019 Plagiaristic team from Harvard and MIT is stealing big-timely!


    different level of precision.

    18, 8 Cell interactions with nanoES could be tuned by modification of thenanoES with growth determinants ...

    c) the capability to regulate the proportion of axons thatare being investigated to the untouched ones- either thewhole cross section of the nerve bre or any part of it;d) the possibility to substitute the SuFET device or toadjust its ratings to comply with the conditions of themeasuring process without repeatedly destroying nervebre.

    [15], p. 4

    19, 8 In addition, the elements in the nanoES could be expanded to incorporatenanoscale stimulators and stretchable designs to provide electrical and

    mechanical stimulation to enhance cell culture.

    c) substitution of inoperative control or motor nervecenters by control biosignals simulation andtransducing them to living organs as discussed above.Moreover, this process can be executed in reverse forintroducing the articial control signals with the localneural code into the single cell electrical activity.

    Table 3: Geometrical form of the distributed in spaceand time arrays.

    [15], p. 5[main], p. 2[main], p. 7

    20, 3

    Reticular nanowire FET devices. Figure 7: Location of each EMT on ex former W andrelevant matrix for its further processing.

    [7], p. 3

    21, 3

    The method of transducing the vortical magnetic eldfrom the nerve impulses by the PC wrapped around thenerve bre was advanced long ago. By introducing thesaid superconducting magnetometer with

    [15], p. 2[14], p. 5[43], p. 2etc.
  • 7/31/2019 Plagiaristic team from Harvard and MIT is stealing big-timely!


    3D reconstructed confocal fluorescence micrographs of reticular nanoES

    viewed along theyand xaxes.

    roomtemperature PC (SIM) it is possible to create theimplantable transducer (Fig. 1).A PC with inductance L, self-capacitance C0 and activeresistance R is connected in parallel with the drain of aSuFET cryogenic device. The SuFET is used as a zero-resistance ammeter which converts drain currents (I0>Ic ) into gate voltages.

    22, 3

    Photograph of a mesh device, showing (1) nanowires, (2) metalinterconnects and (3) SU-8 structural elements.

    the PCs, which are necessary for the external sensorwith respect to the transducing medium (nerve bre,ow of ions and DNA spiral), and corresponding low-ohmic wire traces for connecting PCs to the FETschannel are sufciently developed, even atnanodimensions.

    Hence the mechanical stability of the smart textiles issufcient for implantation of the planar structures(Figure 22).Since the developed system allows the micro- andnanoscopic of room and tissue temperature samples,such testing will be of practical use for clinical


    [main], p. 8

    [40], p. 13

    23, 7

    Micro-computed tomograph of a tubular construct segment.

    Fig. 16 The gasiform or friable substances 1 whichionized in consequence of interaction with the internalsolid surface of capillary 2. The formed

    electrogaseodynamical jet 3 induce the vortical MF 4.

    [28], p. 9
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    24, 7

    The inset shows a schematic of the experimental set-up. Outer tubing

    delivered bathing solutions with varying pH (red dashed lines andarrows); inner tubing delivered solutions with fixed pH (blue dashed lines

    and arrows). Figure 12. An organic SuFET device and its electrodes

    [14], p. 6[19], p. 836etc.

    Table II. Estimation the score under identical criteria according to the informational input of thedegned/highlighted text parts.

    Fragment\Part I (plum)- 30% II (sea foam)-50% III (banana)-20% (100%)

    Text (60)30%=20% (10)50%=5% (40)20%=8% 33.00%

    Figures (100)30%=33% (6)50%=3% (10)20%=2% 38.00%

    Total 53.00% 8.00% 10.00% 71.00%

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