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PortfolioGrace Lovelady

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Final Major Project

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Concept Development . Design . Photography . Writing

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The Norm MagazineThe norm is a monthly publication focussing on the lifestyles of different people within society. It contains photography, interviews and articles highlighting the uniqueness around each person. The main content of the magazine focuses on fashion, lifestyle, travel and hobbies.

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Styling . Photography . Interview

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meet hannaThe hippy at heart with a love of vintage fashion

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G: Hi Hanna, Thank you for inviting us into your lovely home. Tell us a little bit about yourself?H: Erm, I’m 21 and I work in the catering industry, erm I live at home with my parents as well as my brother, sister and little pup. I love collecting clothes such as vintage items and charity shop bargains. I love being creative with art and photography. I love listening to music and reading.....Oh and travelling.

G: So would you say that travelling is pretty important to you?H: Yeah!

G: Whereabouts in the world have you travelled to?H: I’ve been to Europe, the Caribbean, Cuba, Australia, China, America, India....

G: Wow you’re certainly well travelled, is there anywhere that you are still dying to journey to?H: I would love to see South America, California and South East Asia.

G: So, you mentioned that you love collecting vintage clothing and rummaging through charity shops. What is it about clothes that you find so attractive and engaging? H: Erm, I hate looking like anybody else. I’ve never been in a situation where I’ve been wearing something the same as anyone else EVER! I just don’t have anything the same as other people and I think that’s what is most important. My worst nightmare would be to turn up at a party wearing the same dress as some girl.

G: Is there something special about vintage items that entice you in?H: I love that every piece of vintage clothing has a story. I feel kind of strange putting on something new. I mean I love H&M and I love their quirky stuff but the fact that it’s manufactured and new makes it feel a bit strange. Erm, I’m also passionate about where the clothes have come from. I love fair-trade fashion and all the eco fashion stuff but generally it’s charity shops and vintage. The fact that it’s had a life before is fascinating to me.

G: Have you got any favourite designers?H: Well, erm I don’t own anything designer I can’t afford stuff like that but I love Missoni, they’re all about seventies crochet and as a family they are incredible, they all design together.

G: What blogs are you the loyalist to?H: Oh, every day I would check Oracle Fox erm Fashion Toast, Where Did You Get That? And Knight Cat.I love a bit of Swedish fashion as well because the Swedes dress really, not at all like me, sort of very monochrome, black and white, very straight, cut and lacy style. I love Angelica Blick, she’s amazing.

G: Okay so have you got a specific piece from your wardrobe that you adore? Be it vintage or found in the bottom of a bin in a charity shop? H: I can’t name just one but I defiantly have some main pieces found in charity shops that were the biggest bargains. I have a tasselled, black, real suede waistcoat that is probably worth a fortune but I got it for a fiver.

G: That’s incredible. You have such an amazing wardrobe yet it hasn’t burnt a hole in your purse.H: (Smiles) Thank you. I also have a seventies collared dress which has flared sleeves, erm, that was probably not so much of a bargain (giggles) but it was special.

G: If you could describe your own fashion style in one word, what would it be? H: Unpredictable.

G: If you could suggest four songs for us. What would they be?H: My favourite song in the world is probably Dobie Gray –‘Drift away’ because it has some amazing memories with it. And then probably Ben Howard – ‘The Wolves’ that was the first song that got me into him. He’s incredible. Ed Sheeren – ‘The A Team’ because he was born up here in Halifax and erm Manchester Orchestra, any song by them because they are immense.

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G: So you seem to like quite chilled out, acoustic vibes throughout music?H: Yeah I love to just put music on and chill out. I love listening to reggae. Bob Marley obviously.

G: Is there anything that inspires you to be creative?H: The end product. That would always keep me going. I’m a very visual person.

G: Name three things that you cannot live without.H: My Levi cut-offs I live in them, can’t be without them. I couldn’t live without my teddy bears and my doggy. Doggy, teddy bears and my Levi cut-offs how sad is that?

G: Not at all! I couldn’t live without some embarrassing stuff too...that I won’t mention (laughs). So Hanna, have you enjoyed modelling your extraordinary and expanding wardrobe for us today?H: It’s been fabulous, great to show it off. I’m very proud of it. It’s a collection I know I’ll keep forever.

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Journalism . Interview . Writing . Editing

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alice goddardMost girls spend their teenage years not caring about the future and just being completely naive to what’s to come. Weekends are spent chasing boys, drinking, smoking and putting on stilettos that are about 4 inches too big for them. As the teenage years fly by the shock of life giving them a hard kick in the backside finally brings them down to earth and makes them want to grow up. The panics of “where will I be in ten years time?” and “will I succeed within my career?” hit them hard and the nostalgic wishes of “What if ” and “I wish” run briskly throughout their heads as they work hard to find a career path and succeed or to flourish within their University degrees and higher education.

One young woman, Alice Goddard also has these fears (and of course, she is only 19) however the girl already has quite a lot of experience strapped under her belt. Alice is the personality behind the blog ‘Cool and Beauty’ which she updates regularly on what stylish garments she has picked up around the London markets, vintage shops and charity shops as well as places she has travelled to and fashion shows she has attended. There seems to be a trend recurring within the younger generation. Blogging has hit the fashion world with a bang yet the writers and photographers seem to all be under the age of 20. One most obvious example is how the world fell in love with Tavi, the now famous blogger who began her blog, ‘Style Rookie’ at the mere age of twelve. Thousands view her site for style advice and Tavi is seen at all the highest fashion events in New York and London. Tavi is now fifteen and has her whole life ahead of her, yet she has a fol-lowing larger than most celebrities have after their career is finished.

Alice has a grand fan base with over 2,000 following her blog which is featured on POP magazines website. The blog started off as a side project of Alice’s since her style choices and outfits were getting her noticed around the London streets and people were photographing for their own street style blogs. Her little blog became huge after POP magazine stumbled onto it and scouted her for their own website. She is now notorious around the London markets for having the coolest style, effortlessly of course and keeping everyone updated through the blog.

Words by Grace Lovelady

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From her love of fashion, photography and following other blogs herself, Alice is now the editor of the fresh, innovative magazine ‘Hot & Cool’ which is now in its third issue. The magazine stands out massively from the crowd with its ‘no ads’ style, blog inspired photography and writing manner throughout it. Goddard’s personal style and influence is reflected throughout the magazine from page to page. The magazine includes features on fashion stylists, photographers and other bloggers. The blog, ‘Turned Out’ is a huge feature within the third is-sue of the magazine. Alice, being the editor really gets involved by contributing towards it by doing the inter-view, styling and photography within the attribute about the writer of the blog. Oh no, this isn’t just it for Alice Charity Goddard; she also has experience in the model-ling world. The photography shoot ‘Love from Alice’ that she modelled for was a stunning collaboration between photographer Clare Shilland and stylist Beth Fenton.

After speaking with Alice I found that she still isn’t com-pletely sure on where her life is going but she definitely seems happy with where she is at and what she is doing right now. The enjoyment she gets that comes from her work is such a great thing to see and the passion she has is such an important attitude to have when trying to suc-ceed within the fashion industry. She is not one to gloat about her already busy career, as she knows herself she has so much more to achieve but expresses how flattered she is from my asking. Her future path is still in question, “I would love Hot & Cool to grow and become my job, but that’s so much of a dream I try not to think about it” she says as we discuss career choices. “I’m also studying print at Saint Martin’s so I’ll see where that takes me. I don’t want to think too hard about the future”. Fashion is an obvious necessity in the Goddard family as Alice ex-plains, “My Mum used to be a stylist and my sister stud-ies fashion at Central Saint Martins so I’ve grown up in a

The shoot is a beautiful and natural photographic story regarding Al-ice’s character and individuality. Alice has a close relationship with her older sister, Molly. A lot of in-fluence is passed down from her since she is studying knitwear at Central Saint Martins and has a blog of her own. The sisters are the faces behind their new and upcom-ing fashion label, ’Lovetits’ which they design and produce them-selves over the internet through yes, you’ve guessed it, another blog!After googling Alice a hundred times once I had read her blog and magazine, I was intrigued and wanted to know more about the girl that was such a blogging princess.

up in a house that is very aware of fashion”. The influ-ence is fashionably passed on down through the family which is beautifully portrayed in the both Alice’s blog and photography as well as the ironic fashion label she has with her sister ‘Lovetits’. “I sewed some felt hearts onto a jumper and then Molly made me the sheer ver-sion for my birthday” Alice tells me. “Our friends really liked them so we started taking orders and when it got a bit more popular we came up with more designs and colours and started the ‘Lovetits’ blog”. The designs of the sheer tops and blouses are unusual as the felt hearts cover the ‘tits’ area as Alice explains, “The name was kind of an obvious one.” The Goddard girls work together as sisters and business partners whom many would agree could cause some controversial clashes. “We say exactly what we think to each other, which can be a really good thing...or really bad” Alice says as she explains her work-ing relationship with Molly.

However, the beginning of the ‘Lovetits’ label was down to their sisterly love so the pair make a per-fect team. Alice is quite the quirky character, “My Mum told me to al-ways wear a jumper to the super-market because the fridge makes it cold in there” she tells me when I ask her on some good advice. The 19 year old model describes her fashion style as “cool” and it most definitely is especially as she bags all the best bargains down at Por-tobello market every week. She de-scribes her most treasured market find as “a pair of black velvet 1970’s shoes with a really thick high heel. They’re the only heels I can walk in and they cost me two quid!”

I can’t help but envy Alice. From an outsider’s perspec-tive, she’s successful since she blogs for POP magazine that is becoming very popular within the new blogging sub culture, which is rapidly growing. Alice’s advice to anyone creating his or her own blog is “just be honest and personal“. She advises to upload your own photogra-phy and artwork instead of re-posting work already out there. “Personally when I look at other blogs I’m much more interested in the ones that use first hand imagery as opposed to the ones that just re-post images off The only thing I would say is that readership goes up if you update regularly, but don’t get too obsessed!” Being a model herself previously, Alice has got to know the camera lens pretty well being in front of it most of the time. However, since starting to blog and photograph the world surrounding her Alice explains that being behind the camera lens and trying out her own eye for style is her preferred technique. “I prefer styling other people.

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I like modelling and it can be a really fun way to make some money but I definitely prefer being in control and being creative.” Although Alice prefers to take the pho-tography herself although she has worked shoots which any model would jump at the chance to take part in. The lucky jet setter was swept away to Sweden to model for a photo shoot. “Last summer I went to Sweden to shoot a project called ‘Love from Alice’. It was collaboration be-tween photographer Clare Shilland, stylist Beth Fenton and art director Wood McGrath.” ‘Love from Alice’ is a stunning photo story following the model around an island in the Swedish Arcipellico. We see her jumping into the freezing cold lakes and baking yummy cakes. “It was so amazing there and I strongly recommend a visit”. The 19 year old has such drive and a huge thirst for fashion that is intimidating and admirable. The re-laxed and laid back manner she portrays is communi-cated in her modelling style, in her own photography and throughout her blog and magazine. The whole age aspect of these young ‘fashionistas’ baffles me slightly since I was so different during my teenage years.

The fact that we are looking for opinions from a younger generation opposed to looking up to our elders is incred-ible. Being taken seriously in the fashion industry when being so young almost seems unbelievable. It seems that kids are now rushing to grow up and flying through their youthful years rather than savouring them and enjoying the fact that they can run around a super market and pre-tend that they are on a unicorn without being thrown in the loony bin. Why rush I say? However, the times are most definitely changing and maybe I should stop living in my own dream world and take the big leap that these kids are doing, to come off my unicorn and step into the real world. Check out Alice’s blog ‘Cool & Beauty’ at and her fashion label ‘Lovetits’ at

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Final Major Project

Concept . Design . Photography . Branding

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Mat.ique is a fashion boutique branched off from the Matalan brand. Exclusive fashion collections at affordable prices. An excellent shopping experience for women in their teens to their thirties.

Fashion . Affordable . Fabulous.

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Here are the Photoshop mock ups of each section

to the Mat.ique store. The previous pages show the shop front as well as the till area and the

interactive boutique rail area. On these two pages are the garments area, the shoes and accessories area and a view point of the changing rooms.

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The Mat.ique Website

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Here are photographs of the Press Pack I made for the Mat.ique store. It includes a press release about the store launch along with two

invitations to the launch night event. There are business cards inside with my details on along with two look books which show off the new collection. The photography in the look books were done by myself and the photographs on these next few pages are taken from the look

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Grace Lovelady

+ 44 7769200979

[email protected]

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