
Meagan Walton

English 106 A#5

2 May 2011

Portfolio Cover Letter

This is a portfolio of which include two documents that we have done over the

semester. The first assignment is A#2 which is the photo essay. The second assignment is

A#3 which is the ten page paper we wrote on the films of Timothy Treadwell and

Christopher McCandless. In the portfolio I have corrected mistakes that were made and/or

revised the documents to make them a better quality. In reviewing the documents I have

found changes that needed to be made for the better and through this portfolio I intend to

show them.

For A#2 (which will be turned into you tomorrow, since I was given an extra day), I

have decided to change the format of my pictures. Instead of just making the entire picture

part of the page, I have decided to make the top of the page the picture and the bottom where

my story goes. I also decided to change a few of the colors I used, to better keep the same

format throughout the story. As far as the storyline goes, I changed a few things around to

improve the impact on the reader. Since I never got the assignment page back from you, I

never got the full insight from you as to what you thought about it, so I hope it will work.

In A#3, the ten page paper, I have mostly made small grammatical changes and

citation changes. Through your feedback and what I believe was good, I didn’t see much else

that needed to be changed in the way of the storyline. I also edited the works cited from the

mistakes that I made when doing the final draft. In the actually paper I am going to turn in

for the portfolio I highlighted the areas that I fixed. Anything is yellow are the errors that I

saw and fixed and anything in red are the paraphrases and/or quotations that I made in my


Also included in my portfolio is the edited version of A#3 and A#4 works cited. On

the works cited for A#3 I added one period in the 2nd citation and italicized words on the 1st

citation. Both of these are highlighted in yellow on the document. The only thing that your

feedback on A#4 told me about the works cited was that I messed up on the indentions for

the second lines of the citations.

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